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Question Correct Answer

1 What is the most fundamental property of sound wave? Frequency

2 In which medium sound travels faster? Solid

3 What type of waves are Sound Waves? Longitudinal waves

4 What do we call the distance between two consecutive compressions of a sound wave? Wavelength

5 In which medium, sound cannot travel? Vacuum

What is the time taken by two consecutive compressions or rarefactions to cross a fixed point in a sound wave known
6 Time Period

7 When two sound waves of same frequency colloid with each other, the phenomenon is known as? Resonance

The property of the mouth of resonator to allow the air to escape less easily is denoted by the term ________ of the
8 Acoustic conductivity

According to the theory of Resonator, the frequency of the resonator is inversely proportional to the square root of its
9 Volume

In transverse mode of vibration, if number of loops are 6 then in longitudinal mode of vibration the number of loops
10 3
will be __.

11 Which powder is used in Kundt's tube? Lycopodium

12 Kundt's tube method is used to find the velocity of ________ in medium. Sound

13 What is the frequency of ultrasonic waves? >20,000 Hz

14 What is the audible hearing limit of human? 20 Hz - 20 kHz

15 Write name of any one piezo material. Quartz/Tourmaline/Rochelle

16 Sound waves of frequency less than 20 Hz is known as ________. Infrasonic

17 Speed exceeding the speed of sound is known as __________. Supersonic

When pressure is applied to two opposite faces of a crystal like quartz, equal and opposite charges develop on a pair
18 Piezoelectric effect
of perpendicular faces. This effect is called as ____

When potential difference is applied to two opposite faces of a crystal like quartz, there is either compression of
19 Inverse Piezoelectric effect
expansion of the crystal across a Perpendicular axis. This effect is known as ________.

20 The change of length of a ferromagnetic substance when placed parallel to magnetic field is known as ______. Magnetostriction effect

21 Which waves are used to find the depth of sea? Ultrasonic

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