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Q. No. Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Correct Answer

For a system of particle if external force Fext=0 the

1 Constant 0 1 None Answer 1
linear momentum P will be _____

In central force field motion which of the following Angular

2 Arial Velocity Total Energy All Answer 4
quantity/quantities remains constant? Momentum

3 The orbit of planets are ______ around the Sun. Circular Elliptical Both a and b None Answer 2

When torque acting on the system is zero, which of Linear Angular

4 Linear Impulse Force Answer 4
the following is constant? Momentum Momentum

The motion of planets in the solar system is an Linear Angular

5 Energy Mass Answer 3
example of conservation of ____ Momentum Momentum

A water tank filled upto 2/3 of its height is moving

6 with a uniform speed. On sudden application of the Move backward Move forward Come to the rest No change Answer 2
brake, the water in the tank would ____

A passenger in a moving train tosses a coin which

Along circular
7 falls behind him. Observing this statement what can Retarded Accelerated Uniform Answer 3
you say about the motion of the train?

The unit of measuring the momentum of a moving

8 m/s kg.m/s kg.m/s^2 N m^2/kg^2 Answer 2
body is ____

What do we get by the product of mass and Linear

9 Newton Inertia Force Answer 2
velocity? Momentum

The rate of change of momentum of an object is Velocity of the Net force applied
10 Mass of the body None Answer 3
proportional to _____ body on the body
The nature of the orbit is entirely determined by the
11 Energy Eccentricity Both a and b None Answer 2
value of _______ of the orbit.

Newton's first law Newton's second Newton's third

12 A rocket works on the ________ None Answer 3
of motion law of motion law of motion

13 The SI unit of Force is ________. Calorie Joule Kilometer Newton Answer 4

An ellipse is drawn around two points called
14 Aphelion Perihelion Focus Axis Answer 3

The length of time

The speed/area The shape of the
15 Kepler's second law deals with ________. it takes the planet Time travel Answer 3
the planet travels planets' orbits
to orbit the sun

The law of The law of

16 Kepler's first law is known as ________ The laws of orbits The law of areas Answer 1
gravity periods

The law of The law of

17 Kepler's second law is known as ________ The laws of orbits The law of areas Answer 3
gravity periods

The law of The law of

18 Kepler's third law is known as ________ The laws of orbits The law of areas Answer 4
gravity periods

Kepler's first law states that the orbits of the planets

19 Ellipses Perfect circles Triangles Rectangles Answer 1
are oval in shape or ________

A particle is moving on elliptical path under inverse A function of Independent of

Independent of
20 square law force. The eccentricity of the orbit is angular angular All of these Answer 1
total energy
________ momentum momentum
If value of energy is E>0, value of eccentricity ϵ >1,
21 Hyperbola Parabola Ellipse Circle Answer 1
then nature of orbit will be ______.

If value of energy is E=0, value of eccentricity ϵ =1,

22 Hyperbola Parabola Ellipse Circle Answer 2
then nature of orbit will be ______.

If value of energy is Ve min < E<0, value of

23 eccentricity 0< ϵ <1, then nature of orbit will be Hyperbola Parabola Ellipse Circle Answer 3
If value of energy is E= Ve min, value of
24 eccentricity ϵ =0, then nature of orbit will be Hyperbola Parabola Ellipse Circle Answer 4

If the path is long, after a sufficiently long time (as t

25 → ∞, e-kt → ∞), the veolcity of the body becomes Initial Final Terminal None Answer 3
constant and is g/k. This is called ______ velocity.

26 Torque N can be derived as _____ dP/dt dL/dt dV/dt None Answer 2

A system in which the distance between any two

27 Moving Rigid Normal None Answer 2
particles remains constant is called a ____ body.

The velocity that is sufficient for a body to escape

from a gravitational centre of attraction without
28 Escape velocity Free fall Initial velocity Final velocity Answer 1
undergoing any further acceleration is called
According to Kepler's third law of planetary motion,
Period of
29 (area of the elliptic orbit/ areal velocity) is Foci Radius Vector Semi major axis Answer 4

Position x of any particle moving through a medium

30 is given as x= v0/k (1- e^(-kt)). Here k represents Resistive Applied Both a and b None Answer 1
______ force constant.

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