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Q. No. Question Correct Answer

1 What is the most fundamental property of sound wave? Frequency
2 In which medium sound travels faster? Solid
3 What type of waves are Sound Waves? Longitudinal waves

4 What do we call the distance between two consecutive compressions of a sound wave? Wavelength

5 In which medium, sound cannot travel? Vacuum

What is the time taken by two consecutive compressions or rarefactions to cross a fixed point in a
6 Time Period
sound wave known as?

7 When two sound waves of same frequency colloid with each other, the phenomenon is known as ? Resonance

The property of the mouth of resonator to allow the air to escape less easily is denoted by the term
8 Acoustic conductivity
________ of the mouth.

According to the theory of Resonator, the frequency of the resonator is inversely proportional to
9 Volume
the square root of its _______.

In transverse mode of vibration, if number of loops are 6 then in longitudinal mode of vibration the
10 3
number of loops will be __.

11 Which powder is used in Kundt's tube? Lycopodium

12 Kundt's tube method is used to find the velocity of ________ in medium. Sound
13 What is the frequency of ultrasonic waves? >20,000 Hz

14 What is the audible hearing limit of human? 20 Hz - 20 kHz

15 Write name of any one piezo material.

16 Sound waves of frequency less than 20 Hz is known as ________. Infrasonic

17 Speed exceeding the speed of sound is known as __________. Supersonic

When pressure is applied to two opposite faces of a crystal like quartz, equal and opposite charges
18 Piezoelectric effect
develop on a pair of perpendicular faces. This effect is called as ____

When potential difference is applied to two opposite faces of a crystal like quartz, there is either
Inverse Piezoelectric
19 compression of expansion of the crystal across a Perpendicular axis. This effect is known as

The change of length of a ferromagnetic substance when placed parallel to magnetic field is known
20 Magnetostriction effect
as ______.

21 Which waves are used to find the depth of sea? Ultrasonic

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