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Saving an island from the verge of extinction requires a multifaceted

approach. First and foremost, it is important to address any
environmental issues that are causing the decline of the island's
ecosystems, such as pollution or overdevelopment. This may involve
implementing regulations or policies to limit pollution and control
development, as well as implementing conservation and restoration

efforts to repair any damage that has already been done.

In addition to addressing environmental issues, it is also important to

educate the community on the importance of preserving the island's
ecosystems. This can help to build support for conservation efforts and
encourage individuals to take an active role in protecting the island.

Finally, it may be necessary to involve outside organizations or
governments in order to secure the resources and expertise needed to
successfully save the island. This could include seeking funding from
philanthropic organizations or partnering with other conservation
groups. By working together, it is possible to save an island from the
verge of extinction and restore it to a healthy, thriving ecosystem.

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