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Biology (XI)
PRE BOARD 2(2022-23)
Section A


) He would have loaded the samples near end A; in the wells. 1+1
he DNA ragments separate (resolve) according to their size through the sieving effec
provided by the agarose gel. Hence, the smaller the fragment size, the tarther i1 moves.

T'aq Polymerase

Heat stableenzyme used for elongation of DNA chain
Anti-snake venom is an example ot Passive immunisation.
It is prefomed/readymade Abs which act
Small amount of curd act as a starter/inoculum which contain lactobacillus. It
multiplies in milk and coagulate milk protein n the tom ot curd.
Any one: ltis
easily digestible, check the growth of harmful microorganism, enriched in 1
Vitamin B12 etc.
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Placenta. 1+1

x i n (towards
eaxin tne end
(towards the end ot pregnancy) Ovary(Any 2)

In apple only the thalamus (along with ovary) porüon contributes to fruit formation. Therefore,
it is a false fruit. Mlango develops oniy trom tme Ovary, tneretore t 15 a uue u t

22 An individual organism passes on the vuriations, mutations and adaptations from one 1+1+1
generation to another.
(i) Darwin explained it as ihe process of evoluion ot different species in a given
geographical area starting from a point and fiterally radiating to other arcas ot
geography (habitats), called adaptive radiation.
(ii) According to Darwin, "itness ol an individual" 1s the ability of an organism to survive
andpass on its genes to tfuture generations
2 1/2-
only once
a week (111)4 1/2-
Multiload 375
23 CuT, Cu7, It is non-steroidal (1i) It is taken
of Saheli: (1)
value (1V) lt has less side ettecEs 141+1
t has high contraceptive is a
24 Correct d1agram as per nce of antibiotic
resistant genes
on the basis
of recombinants
the presence or
25 Selection production in
the basis of colour can also De
Cumbersome process.On and
recombinants or
substrate, the within the coding sequence
chromogenic DNA is inserted
a recombinant and
difterentiated. Here, the inactivation
of the enzyme
which results into
chzyme p-galactosidase, Hence, the bacterial colonies
to products.
no conversion of substrate inserted
nehce there 1s shows no colouration
while those without

having transtormed plasmid,

lastmid torm blue colour colonies I+2
that allelic frequencies in a population
are and remainstable
26 nus prnciple
number of genes and
i.e., gene pool (total
costant trom generation generation,
to or
a population) is constant. This
is called genetic equilibrium
tncir alicles in
Hardy-Weinberg cquilibrium. therefore the number of heteroZygous
Hcterozygotes are represented by 2pq, or 31%(
to 2x0.19x0.81=0.31
tndividuals (Aa) equal 2pqwhich equals
is to

properiy solved) land on the T

27 (a) Cleistogamous flowers do not open. Therefore, the pollens
have to
stigma ot the same tlower. This ensures autogamy.
(b) Advantage: Self-pollination is assured, thus ensuring seed formation
Disadvantage: Least variationsobservedthatand it leads
are defined as been
toinbreeding depression. 1+1+1

Exotic species species have introduced from anotner

geographie region to an area outside its natural range. For example, () Parthenium,
antana and Eichhornia are the exotic species of plants that have invaded the

native species of India and caused environmental damage. (1) Introduction

African catfish Clarias gariepinus for aquaculture purpose is posing threat to many

indigenous catfish. (ii) Nile perch introduced into lake Victoria in East Afnca led
to the extinction of cichlid fish.

) They predators act as conduits for energy transfer across trophic levels. (1)
They keep prey populations under control. (ii) They help in maintaining species
liversity in a community by reducing the intensity of competition among prey
a. 1-alpha diversity ((genetic)
li-beta diversity (Species)
lii. Gamma diversity (landscape)
O. a


d. b

31 Correct diagram or flow chart as per ncert 2+2+1
(a) Female partner is often blamed due to tollowing reasons: () Social mind set (i) Inequality
of sexes ( i ) Lack of awareness/male dominated soclety. (av) Awareness is to be created that
abnormality can occur in both male and females and infertility issues with suitable examples
(v) Mutual respect towards both the partners in case of the problem and to find the remedy
from medical experts (vi) Educate them to find the reason and not believe in superstitions.

(Any twop)
(b) infertility is caused due to physical abnormality in reproductive system, congenital,
immunological or psychological problems. (Any two0)
(C) (©) Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICS), artificial insemination (AI), Intra uterine
insemination (1U) can help couples where the problem is with male partner.
2 Correct explanation as per diagram in ncert.

Cancer is an uncontrolled cell division due to failure of checkpoint or proper cell signalling in
Three stages
Surgery + description in one or two sentences
Radiotherapy+ description
Chemotherapy+ descnption
33 Three steps of transcription- initiation, elongation and terminationand
its description with
direction of transcription and enzymes.
Any two ditferences.
to Basic Concepts Point 6.
(a) The three different allelic forms are: I A, I B ,10i. Refer
b)0 Yes; when both the parent are homozygous.
(6) 1.yes when both the parents are homozygous. ( explanation with
11.Yes when woman is heterozygous( explanation with cross)

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