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ECA Question Bank –Units-I,II &III

1. Explain detailed classification of circuit elements withexamples.

2. Describe the voltage current relationship of Passive Elements (R, L andC).
3. Explain the concept of source transformation technique.
4. Differentiate between independent and dependent sources and draw their circuit
5. Derive expression for average and RMS value of a sinusoidal alternating quantity.
6. Describe the terms Apparent Power, real & reactive powers and Power Factor.

7. Define the following i) Average Value ii) RMS Value

8. Define Peakfactor and Form Factor of an alternating quantity.
9. What are the properties of Super mesh and super node?
10. Explain concept of power factor,.
11. State and explain Super position theorem. What are its limitations?
12. State and explain Thevenin’s Theorem.
13. State and explain the procedure for Norton’s theorem.
14. State and prove maximum power transfer theorem/super position theorem.
15. Define Resonance and derive the expression for resonant frequency of a series RLC
16. Define Quality Factor. Derive the resonance condition in a series RLC circuit excited
with a sinusoidal voltage

1. ObtainequivalentresistanceofthegivencircuitacrosstheterminalsAB,withR= 4 Ohms
in all branches.

2. Obtain the current flowing through all the branches in the circuit given below
using super mesh analysis technique.
3. Determine the branch currents in the network given below, when the value of each
branch resistance is 4Ω

4. Determine the RMS value of the following alternatingvoltage

5. Determine Average value of the following alternating quantity

6. For the circuit shown in the following figure, find the Thevinin’s equivalent.

7. Find I0 in the circuit shown in fig using superposition

8. Find current through R3 using thevenin’s theorem R1=1KΩ,R2=900Ω , R3=Ω, R4=1.

Ω, R5=1KΩ and E1=25Volts

Find the current flowing through 20 Ω resistor by finding a Norton’s equivalent circuit to
the left of terminals A and B.
10. Find the current flowing through 20 Ω resistor by finding a Thevenin’s equivalent
circuit to the left of terminals A and B.

11. Calculate the resistances of delta network, which are equivalent to that of star
network as shown in the following figure.

12. Find the current flowing through 20 Ω resistor of the following circuit using Nodal
13. A Series connected circuit has R=4Ω and L=25mH.
i) Calculate the value of C that will produce a quality factor of 50.
ii) Find w1, w2 and bandwidth.
iii) Determine average power dissipated at w=w0. Take Vm=100V.

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