Sylvia and Christof

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sylvia and christof



Today was an average mundane day. Except for the fact that I saw the most beautiful girl I
have ever seen. I don’t even know her name, but all I know is that I want to be hers. Her hair is
like the colour of chestnuts and her eyes the colour of the sea. Although I am terri ed of the
sea, looking into her eyes I felt a sense of peace and excitement, a combination I’ve never felt
before. I don’t even know what classes she’s in, or where I can nd her. It’s driving me crazy. I
need to know more about her, I can’t even stop thinking about her.


I saw her at the library today. She was so beautiful. I went up to her and talked to her. She
started saying she couldn’t be with me. I don’t know why. I’ve never talked to her before. I had
never felt more devastated in my life. Just as I was building up the courage to walk away, she
whispered that if we wanted to hangout we needed to go now. Obviously I went with her. All
I’ve wanted for the past few days is to be with her. We ran to the beach. All I remember is
kissing her and feeling more alive than ever. Then that feeling ended. I don’t even know how,
but a car came zooming down the sand bank and took her away. Everything was a blur. She was
saying ‘it’s not real, it’s not real’, I don’t even know what she was talking about. I shouted back
‘What’s not real?’ Then she was gone.


concept explanation example

abusive parent Christof exploited Trumans privacy. When Truman buys those women
Truman was unaware he was being magazines and secretly rads them,
lmed and therefore never received he thinks he is in private, but in
basic privacy. In todays culture if reality everyone can see what he’s
someone lmed you or put a doing. He is unaware of this
camera in your private space invasion of privacy and this is a
without your consent or knowledge, serious ethical issue.
they could get into serious trouble
for it.

blatant lies On multiple occasions Christof has When Truman was younger
blatantly lied to Truman with his Christof staged a death scene for
own sel sh intent. Although he his father. Obviously everyone else
rarely verbally speaks to him, he knew his Dad didn’t actually die,
keeps Truman from the truth. what Truman experienced was very
real. He grew up terri ed of the
water and without a father all
because Christof wanted to keep
him on Seahaven.
control eak Everything has to go Christofs way When Truman wanted to travel,
and he often sacri ces Trumans Christof scripted and staged many
mental and physical well-being to events that forcefully disabled
ensure the tv-show remains running Truman from leaving Seahaven.
as is. Meryl and Marlon were both told
to dissuade him, many transport
vehicles ‘broke down’ and natural
disasters surrounded him wherever
he went.

a god i am Christof acted like the “god” in When Truman is on the boat,
Trumans life. He was quite literally trying to escape, Christof ignores
the man in the sky, and held his all other employees and causes a
authority and control over Truman, massive storm. By excersising this
controlling everything in Trumans kind of control over Truman he is
life. acting like a god. He is taking his
anger of being out of control on
Truman and tries to manipulate him
into going back home.

manipulator Christof regularly controls Truman. When Truman has “reached the
He never gives Truman the freedom end of the earth” he is making the
to choose, but rather limits his decision wether to stay or to go.
choices by eliminating any option Christof talks down on him, like an
he does not want Truman to intimidating adult talking to a small
choose. Whenever Truman tries to child. He carefully choses his words
leave, he makes it as di cult as to make Truman rethink his reason
possible with the intent of making for leaving, saying that the world he
Truman surrender and give up. has created form is much better
than the world outside.

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