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Gender Detection and Classification from

Fingerprints Using Pixel Count

M. Tech Scholar Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Government College of Engineering Kannur Government College of Engineering Kannur

Abstract—In this modern world of technology, gender matching for fingerprint recognition system which consists
classification have immense value. Gender detection from the of both verification and identification. In this work minutiae
fingerprint helps to catalogue the data and to analyze it easily. points are used to differentiate the users. A system for gender
Now a days gender detection based on fingerprint can be seen
in industrial, commercial and unique id of nation as AADHAR detection based on finger ridge count within a distinct region
card. Today, world’s judicial system accepted Fingerprint of Southern India proposed by Nithin et al. [5]. By using
based recognition of an individual and it is the most adopted total of 550 fingerprint images from both female and male
technique. So in this work we tried to implement a system to class, the results proved that female have greater ridge count
detect the gender of the particular fingerprint. In this proposed than male fingerprint. A system for gender detection within
system, time domain approach is used to find out the gender
of a particular fingerprint obtained using systematic pixel a distinct region of Southern India based on ridge count of
counting. The results showed that the gender identification using the fingerprint proposed by Nithin et al. [5]. By using total
systematic pixel counting have 90.2% classification accuracy for of 550 fingerprint images from both female and male class,
females and 96.4% for males. The algorithm can be developed the results proved that females posses larger ridge count than
using Python framework 3.6. male fingerprint. In their work they proved that, a fingerprint
keywords: Human Fingerprints, ridge count, valley area, having ridge density less than 13 ridges per 25mm2 is more
threshold, gender Classification similar to that of male fingerprint and a fingerprint having
a ridge count greater than 14 ridges per 25mm2 is more
I. INTRODUCTION similar to that of female fingerprint. Another work proposed
The word bio metrics means life measurement. There are by S. F. Abdullah et al. [9], described the use of ridge density
different biometric technologies are there, which reveals the of human fingerprint for the classification of gender among
identity of the particular individual. Fingerprint, iris, facial the human beings from northern part of Malaysia. The study
and voice based recognition etc are some of them. Among which consists of 50 fingerprint subjects, which are from 25
the different technologies, fingerprints are considered as one females and 25 males and fingerprints are collected by plain
of the most important, mature bio metric technologies [1]. technique. From the results they showed that, if fingerprint
Human finger tip possess some alignments called ridges and ridges are less than 12 ridges/ 25mm2 , then it will more
valleys which together form a unique pattern.The black pixels likely belong to a male subject and if more than 14 ridges
in fingerprint image are ridges and valleys are the white / 25mm2 , then it will more likely belong to female subject.
pixels. Fingerprints are fully developed at nine months of fetus By systematic pixel counting method proposed by Md. Sazzad
development and fingerprint patterns are unique in nature, Hossain et al. [11] it is found that there is a considerable
do not vary during the entire course of life time of human difference in pixel ratio for male and female subjects. Suchita
beings. Some times, because of some accidents or burns on Tarare et al. [12] used frequency domain approach method
the human fingertips which lead to reduction in quality index for gender classification using fingerprint. In this method,
of fingerprint image. But after recovering from all these, Discrete wavelet transform (dwt) is used to perform fingerprint
fingerprint patterns will be restored. The unique behaviour of classification. The classifier used to test the male and female
a fingerprint is due to the overall alignment of ridges and fingerprints is K nearest neighbor (knn) classifier.
valleys [3]. Different Studies are carried out for checking the In this present work, all fingerprint images are collected
effectiveness of fingerprint based age and gender detection from publicly available SOCOFing data set. After acquiring,
based on the parameters such as ridge count, ridge density, we used time domain approach for gender detection from
ridge thickness to valley thickness ratio, ridge width and the particular fingerprint. Additionally, we collected some
patterns of the fingerprint. latent fingerprints from male and female subjects in order to
From other state of arts, it is found that fingerprint have check the effectiveness of this approach in the case of latent
some properties which reveal the gender of paricular individ- fingerprints.
ual. Anil K. Jain et al. [4] proposed an approach for fingerprint The contributions of this study: Introduced histogram equal-

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isation as one of the preprocessing step, Threshold calculation real fingerprint images from 600 African subjects. Out of real
is done using histogram of pixel ratio obtained for male and 6000 fingerprint images 4770 fingerprint images coming under
female fingerprint data set, created a latent fingerprint data set male subjects and 1230 belongs to female subjects along with
using ink and paper method. the own created data set for checking the efficiency of the
The paper is organised as follows: Section II describes the system.
methodology used for the experimentation. Section III discuses We created a data set of 200 fingerprint images which are
results and the paper is concluded in section IV. collected by ink and paper method. Out of 200 fingerprint
Most of the existing models suffer from some limitations, images, 100 belongs to male and 100 belongs to female
mainly related to the different feature extraction approaches. subjects.
For example, some of the existing methods do not perform
well on low-quality images [3].Other than that, most of the
algorithms relies on parameters that cannot be set as standard
values and may change while considering different databases.
In our work, fingerprints are acquired from publicly avail-
able SOCOFing dataset. After acquisition, we used a system-
atic pixel counting approach for gender detection.

II. METHODOLOGY Fig. 2. Fingerprint images from collected data set

Block diagram for the proposed method is shown in Fig.2.

The recommended work has been divided into five sections
• Fingerprint acquisition
• Preprocessing images
• Extracting features
Fig. 3. Fingerprint images from SOCOFing data set
• Threshold calculation
• Comparison based on threshold

B. Image preprocessing
The images of fingerprints which are collected will not
have perfect quality. So some preprocessing techniques have
to perform on the fingerprint images in order to improve the
quality. In our method, we need the count of black pixel
which represent the ridge area and the count of white pixels,
represents the valley area. For obtaining the perfect count
of the pixels, fingerprint image should be enhanced. The
fingerprint enhancement algorithm will increase the clarity of
ridges and valleys.
Histogram equalization was employed in this method. His-
togram equalization is used to increase the perceptional infor-
mation by increasing the value of pixel in an image.

Fig. 4. (a) Original image (b) Histogram equalized image (c) Binarized image

After image enhancement, fingerprint image is transformed

into binary image for calculating the number of black and
Fig. 1. Block diagram for gender detection using systematic pixel counting.
white pixels. The black and white pixels represents the ridges
and valleys respectively. So, to count the number of pixels,
convert the gray level image in to binarized image which
A. Fingerprint acquisition/ Data collection comprise 0’s and 1’s only. Locally adaptive Binarization tech-
Fingerprint images are collected from Sokoto Coventry nique is used for converting the fingerprint image in to binary.
Fingerprint Dataset (SOCOFing), which are labelled database Original image, Histogram equalized image and Binarized
designed for academic research purposes. It consists of 6,000 image are shown in Fig.4.

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C. Gender Detection by Systematic Pixel Counting ratio can be used as a feature. Pixel ratio can be determined by
After acquisition of fingerprint data set, preprocessing steps using these three steps. Initially, we need the count of white
were done for all images in the database, and check their pixels within the valley area and the count of black pixels
perfections manually. We found that some images are not within the same area. Finally calculate the ratio between white
much clear, some get deformed, and some images are not pixels and black pixels. Initially, count the number of white
fully captured by the scanners (only some fingerprint patterns pixels within the valley area. Next, count the number of black
patterns were captured). We eliminated images which are not pixels within the same area. Finally calculate the ratio between
proper. Among the 6000 images only 2000 were taken, which white pixels and black pixels.
consists of 1000 male and 1000 female fingerprint images. We Final step is the decision making. In this step, We plot the
defined 96X96 pixel as valley area for all 2000 images, where histogram for the pixel ratio for all male and female subjects.
the center point of the processed image and center point of the Histogram of pixel ratio for male and female fingerprint is
valley area are same. Centre point is actually centroid , which shown in Fig.5 and Fig.6. We found an overlapping point over
defines the geometric center of the image. Entire database is which male pixel ratio starts to decrease and female pixel ratio
separated in to male and female classes. Finally, we got two starts to increase. This overlapping point is considered as the
classes, one is with male fingerprint images and other one is threshold point, Th. After that we will compare the calculated
with female fingerprint images. ratio R with a standard threshold value, Th. Histogram for
the combined pixel ratio for male and female for threshold
calculation is shown in Fig.7. We consider this value of
threshold, because in our analysis we found that, for any value
of R greater than or equal to Th, is more similar to that of
female subject, otherwise the subject is more similar to that of
a male. Based on ridge and valley count, we can also classify
the gender as male and female. From these we obtained that
males posses high ridge count than females.

Fig. 5. Histogram for male pixel ratio.

Fig. 7. Histogram for threshold calculation


A. Experimental results
TABLE 1 and TABLE 2 show confusion matrix for gender
detection performed on Socofing data set and collected latent
fingerprint data set respectively. From the distribution, we
obtained that the most of the male fingerprint subjects contains
Fig. 6. Histogram for female pixel ratio. black and white pixels ratio R less than 1.17 which is the
threshold point. Contrarily many female fingerprint subjects
Fingerprint feature extraction will be the next step. Finger- posses R greater than or equal to the threshold point. And
prints consists of many different features. In this work, Pixel overall accuracy is found to be 93.3% .

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Actual Gender/Estimated
Female Male Accuracy
Female 902 98 90.2%
Male 36 964 96.4%
TABLE 1. Confusion matrix for gender detection performed on socofing

Actual Gender/Estimated
Female Male Accuracy
Female 69 31 69%
Male 22 78 78%
TABLE 2. Confusion matrix for gender detection performed on collected
fingerprint dataset

Fig. 9. Comparison of valley values for male and female.

After performing gender detection in socofing dataset,
methodology is applied to the collected latent fingerprint data
set. Then accuracy is found to be 73.5%. From the result we
found that this method is not much applicable to the case of
latent fingerprints. From the literature it is observed that a good number of re-
Based on the results we obtained, we found that female searchers have worked on gender classification using different
fingerprints have more ridges and male fingerprints possess approaches and forecasted some promising results with their
more valleys which are shown in Fig.8 and Fig.9 respectively. own data sets. The results showed that the gender identification
using systematic pixel couting have 95.7%classification accu-
racy for females and 96.4% for males. The overall accuracy
is found to be 93.3%. The proposed system used pixel ratio
as the feature to classify the gender from the fingerprint.
From our work we found that histogram plot can be used
to classify the gender using fingerprint. After observing the
performance of this system, we obtained a conclusion there
was an association between distribution of ridges and valleys
in a fingerprint image and gender of a particular person and we
obtained that male fingerprint possess more valleys and female
fingerprint possess more ridges. We also observed that gender
classification based on the fingerprint is depended on finger
print images qualities, So this method is not much suitable
for latent fingerprints obtained from the crime scene due to
Fig. 8. Comparison of ridge values for male and female. its low quality. And we found that for obtaining better results,
maximum number of images should be taken.

B. Comparison with the existing method: Systematic pixel R EFERENCES

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Electronic copy available at:

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