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Blended learning: How does senior high school students from

Philippine College of Criminology coped up with the new normal










Throughout the history, the Education sector is evolving and
using the integration of technology in the learning process of
the students. Most of the teachers and students are using gadgets
and apps to be able to adapt the modern education. Since the
ancient days, the method of learning is constantly evolving with
time and is still going through numerous changes owing to the
advancing technologies (Panigrahi, 2021). It is truly that
education have a big role in terms of human civilization. As the
virus take over the country---not only the whole nation but the
whole world, the adjustment of individuals in learning system has
abruptly changed. From the conventional physical classroom has
been eradicated and shipped into online google classroom. The
traditional learning has been using blackboard, chalk, books, and
pen as a tools in teaching in the school. It embraces the idea of
social exposures of the students to be able to meet new group of
students, exploring different places and encouraging students to
share their knowledge to each other. Traditional education often
conducting extra-curricular activities for the student to stretch
their learning not only inside the classroom but also outside of
the classroom. It also intensify the proper guidance of the
teachers and able to discipline students. Upon the Coronavirus
have been part of daily life of everyone, modern educational
system takes part the education sector. The students and teachers
are using internet as their way of coping up in the current
situation. In able to understand the changes of educational
system, the researchers aim to grasp the coping mechanism of the
students in Philippine College of Criminology. It aims to
identify the flexibility capacity of the students and teachers in
modernized way of learning. What is new normal education? Do you
think it can help to find yourself? And do think that Philippine
College of Criminology Senior high school can help you to know
what is you really want to get in college or that school can help


  One of the most affected segments of our society that has been

shaken by the global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus,

SARS CoV-2, is the education sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has

affected the lives of all learners in the Philippines since

March. There have been many enthralling stories of learners being

distressed by the spread of the deadly virus as schools across

the country were closed.Steed, 2012). This is the first pandemic

to have had a profound impact on education not only in the

Philippines but across the world. The Department of Education

(DepEd) is working hard to transition the modality of teaching

from conventional “face-to-face” learning, or the traditional

"brick-and-mortar schools” to so-called “blended learning.


  The current era is characterized by rapid changes resulting

from scientific and technological advances, including information

technology. Keeping up with these changes is necessary in the

education system to cope with problems that may arise from them,

such as the large volume of information and increase in the

number of learners, coupled with teacher shortages. These changes

in science and technology ushered in many new teaching and

learning methods, such as e-learning and blended learning (BL)

particularly in research and self-development areas, and a

revolution in information technology, which has virtually turned

the world into a global village. (Sharma, 2010).

   The decline in the number of enrollees is 

mainly attributed to financial factors and access to internet.

While the public school system 

struggles for the resources in the  remote learning, the private

educational institutions face 

bigger threats of closure. In the DepEd data, only 866,935

registered in the private schools, a 

decline from 4 million in 2019. There are over 200,000 students

who transferred from private 

to public schools due to economic downturn. Magsambol cites that

the Coordinating 

Council  of Private  Educational Associations  posed  threat of 

closure  of over  400 private 

schools due to lack of enrollees. Most countries all over the

world  are focused on how to start the new school year  within
the ‘new normal’ of teaching and learning without depriving the

students of their right  to quality  education. (Holter,2019) 


   During pandemic, the students have a big adjustment and

struggles about handling online classes, especially Senior high

school students of Philippine College of Criminology, in terms of

dealing with the current situation of the country. The objective

of the study could be as follow: 

1. To analyze the coping mechanism with the new learning system

of the students in Philippine College of Criminology. 

2. To determine the hours that students spent in studying. 

3. To compare the substantial relationship of new learning system

and new normal education.


 This study aims to determine how Senior High School students

of Philippine College of Criminology coped up with the new normal

education and it's significant relationship to the normal way of

learning. This study sought to answer the following question: 

1. What is your technique in learning with the new normal


2. how many hours did you spent in studying?             

3. Is there a significant relationship between normal way

of learning and new normal education? 


1. There is a significant relationship between students

technique in learning and ability of student to cope up with

new normal education 

2. There is a significant between hours spent in studying and

learning with new normal.              


3. There is a significant relationship between normal way of

learning and new normal education


GOAL:This research study We the researchers
aims to determine on how RESEARCH DESIGN: are here to share
students of pccr coped up Phenomology with you what we


  This study will be undertaken to find out if the effectiveness

of the new normal education in Philippine College of Criminology

Senior High School and  if the students can handle the new system

of education. 

STUDENTS: The direct receipts of this output because they’re we

need to interview and they are the main reason of this research.
PARENTS: The researchers benefits the parents for their child’s

need. And we need to know if the parents can handle too the new

system of education.


  For me, we have no problem if education changes if you continue

to study your dream. It is not difficult to change the course of

education today but it gives us even more challenges to learn

especially with the pandemic today, there is nothing difficult to

cope with, nothing to gain if you don't make a move to get

success. We are all in the same difficult situation but you are

the noisy one who always have a compliment about what we feel

now. We're all taking the consequence here, we're all affected

about the covid and that's the our weaknesses but if you're

thinking with now, we got all the luck to make it easy in the

best way because we all have the things that we want like

cellphone, computer, laptop, google, book, fast internet

connection to connect with your gadgets and more so then don't be

fool because in the first place you are the one who make your

move. We're all taking the challenges here so we are all in the

difficult situation maybe you getting outburst of your laziness?

Oh come on just think on the positive instead of negative, If you

want there is a way and if you don't that's have a reason


Asynchronous - the day that no have a class. 

Adviser - Manages your class. 
Council - for the meeting of discussion or advice. 
Google classroom - here the activities are done and passed on. 
Google meet - Here they are in class. Strategies - It's a
technique or plan just to get the goal of their things to
Students - The one who will studies.
Teacher - The one who will teach the students. 
Synchronous - the day that have class.


In this chapter present the related literature and studies. This
also present the synthesis to understand this research.  

   According to Garrison and Kanuka (2004), examined the
transformative potential of blended learning and reported an
increase in course completion rates, improved retention and
increased student satisfaction. Comparisons between blended
learning environments have been done to establish the disparity
between academic achievement, grade dispersions and gender
performance differences and no significant differences were found
between the groups. The authors also show that learners need time
budgeting, appropriate technology tools and support from friends
and family in web-based courses. Peer support is required by
learners who have no or little knowledge of technology,
especially computers, to help them overcome fears. 
  As institutions begin to examine BL instruction, there is a
growing research interest in exploring the implications for both
faculty and students. This modality is creating a community of
practice built on a singular and pervasive research question,
“How is blended learning impacting the teaching and learning
environment?” That question continues to gain traction as
investigators study the complexities of how BL interacts with
cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of student
behavior, and examine its transformation potential for the
academy. Those issues are so compelling that several volumes have
been dedicated to assembling the research on how blended learning
can be better understood (Dziuban et al. 2016)

  According to Coates (2006)  Drawing on the various bodies of
knowledge and survey methodology relating to student engagement
more generally, investigated how learning technologies, as
particularly prominent through the large-scale implementation of
LMSs throughout higher education, were impacting campus-based
student engagement. Student surveys are structured conversations
between learners and universities. Taking account of the more
general set of dimensions constituting student engagement
developed a set of student engagement constructs for online
learning environments
  According to the author of this research, K-12 Online learning
has the potential to dramatically change the educational
experience of every student in any country, providing access to a
world-class education with the best teachers and the best
resources internationally. The degree to which this potential has
been embraced varies from continent to continent, country to
country, and region to region based on factors including
economics, government support, infrastructure, population, and
local district innovation. What is apparent is that a dwindling
number of countries adhere to strictly traditional approaches to
teaching and learning. To the extent they are able, most
countries are moving to leverage technology in the brick and
mortar classroom, and in the virtual classroom as well.
  He pointed out that a few years ago enthusiastic advocates of
MOOCs still believed that MOOCs might blow up the old model of
education. However, this did not happen so far. High dropout
rates led to disillusionment and the oversized expectations of
the early boosters were shrinking. Nevertheless, high dropout
rates are not necessarily a proof for a failure of MOOCs. Nick
Anderson, responsible for higher education at the Washington
Post, keeps in mind that a lot of people who are signing for a
MOOC are only window-shoppers (Anderson 2014).
  The move towards online learning opportunities is evident
amongst both developed and developing countries. Hence the future
of learning and teaching across the world will require digital
literacy of teaching staff, which at the moment needs to be
improved. The issue of low digital literacy amongst teaching
staff must be addressed if effective online learning is to become
a critical component of a conventional higher education. The
limited use of educational technology in higher education can be
attributed to teaching staff low digital literacy. (Johnson, et
al., 2014).
  According to Ertmer et al.,( 2012) that personal experience,
supported by concrete examples, are needed for knowledge to have
a strong influence on teaching behaviour, and ultimately on one’s
routine practices,. In the case of blended learning, teaching
staff beliefs and attitudes formed from their experience with
educational technology can contribute greatly to its successful
adoption and integration in their own course design. Hence,
providing teaching staff with authentic blended and online
learning experiences, using the same technologies that they could
use in their actual teaching practices, can be an effective
professional development strategy.
  Blended learning is one of the most modern methods of learning
helping in solving the knowledge explosion problem, the growing
demand for education and the problem of overcrowded lectures if
used in distance learning, expanding the acceptance opportunities
in education, being able to train, educate and rehabilitate
workers without leaving their jobs and teaching housewives, which
contributes to raising the literacy  rate and eliminating
illiteracy; blended learning increases the learning effectiveness
to a large degree, decreases the time environment required for
training, decreases the training costs, allows the learner to
study at his favorite time and place, allows for live interviews
and discussions on the network, provides updated information
suiting learners' need, and provides simulations, animations,
practical events and exercises and practical applications  (Al-
Shunnaq and Bani Domi, 2010).
    However, blended learning effectiveness may be
dependent on many other factors and among them student
characteristics, design features and learning outcomes.
Research shows that the failure of learners to continue
their online education in some cases has been due to
family support or increased workload leading to learner
 Apart from the learner variables such as gender, age,
experience, study time as tackled before, this study considers
social and background aspects of the learners such as family and
social support, self-regulation, attitudes towards blended
learning and management of workload to find out their
relationship to blended learning effectiveness. 

   According to (Singh, 2003), The importance of blended learning
came from the fact that traditional and online learning had their
limitations. A physical classroom training program limits the
access to only those who can participate at a fixed time and
location, whereas a virtual classroom event is inclusive of
remote audiences.
   According to Powell et al. (2018) In the Philippines, as one
of the ASEAN members, the use of blended learning is evidently
practiced among graduate courses, blended learning is a
combination of traditional face to  face schooling and online
instruction, but the online component must deliver personalized,
differentiated instruction for a group of learners. While there
are solid academic contentions for a mixed learning approach, the
experimental writing on relative viability were evident on self-
paced or blended approach.
    Despite the fact that the method of reasoning for giving
mixed or blended learning encounters may change generally from
other schools and colleges, from an educating and learning point
of view a basic inquiry is whether such plans are compelling at
conveying course substance, given the move from all the more
emphatically classroom-based conveyance positions, regardless of
whether mixed taking in approaches vary from more customary
classroom conveyance designs as far as the learning results among
graduate students accomplish because of the course. Furthermore,
it is likewise imperative to look at how graduate students
encounter the mixed adapting course and their input on its
adequacy. ( Anton, 2017).
   According to the author of this research,  In the educational
process, students must be given wide learning opportunities
allowing them the freedom to decide which they could choose or
even projects they can experiment to further enhance their level
of understanding. Unfortunately, many of the activities in
schools allow students to acquire various learning in almost the
same way. Students should learn at a very early stage that 
“learning how to learn”  is largely their responsibility. This
will promote the idea of a life-long learning.
   The term “blended learning” is increasingly being popular in
both academic and corporate circles; even so, this term does not
give a universal definition that educators could use. Definitions
were suggested by various authors but still focused on a central
idea – combination of approaches, technologies, and
methodologies. Three definitions of blended learning are
considered relevant: blended learning is the integrated
combination of traditional learning with web based on-line
approaches; blended learning is the combination of media and
tools employed in an e-learning environment; and, blended
learning is the combination of a number of pedagogic approaches.
(Sharma, 2010).
     Combining interactive group learning and direct individual
instructions such as a flipped classroom is a good example of
blended learning. Studies suggest specific advantages of flipping
classrooms. To start with, teachers who use flipped  classrooms
have time to work individually with students (Steed, 2012).

  However, if teachers rely too much in e-learning and disregard

face-to-face instruction, students might not experience the full
extent of benefits learning in communities could offer. In
blended learning, the combination of two approaches could
complement the limitations of the other. The value of this
approach could be attributed to six benefits it could bring.


    In the study Garrison and Kanuka (2004),if the
process of the blended learning didn’t upgrade, it will
decrease the  potential of the learners to learn  because
of the low performance of the University. However the
University needed to increase the  courses and the
student satisfication. 

 Dziuban et al. 2016, conducted a study “How is blended learning

impacting the teaching and learning environment?” in that
question I know that you will ask yourself too, the new
environment new process of teaching and new process of learning.
As of now we can say  that it’s a difficult first oof all not
everyone have a gadgets to enter this new world of teaching. 

  According to study of Coates (2006), how can students engage

this new process of learning or being called a BLENDED LEARNIING.
How they can manage it by themselves because this new environment
you or we need to self study  just to keep up with the flow of
new learning processes. 

  (Ertmer, 2012) conducted a study both technologies that they

can use in their true skills and expand their minds because of
online, and students' opportunity online because there are many
opportunities to learn how to use a gadget, and wherever you go
you can go online, and reduce training costs, and allow the
student, to study at his or her favorite time and place, and even
when you are at work you can go online.

  According to the author, it is said that k-12 online learning

has the potential and dramatically that the education system will
change because it is said to be enternational and world-class and
every student in every place or province will be able to access
it because k-12 makes learning easier because it is world-class
and supported by the government and their families

  According to Singh(2004),conducted the study that blended
learning is expanded to five dimensions. The first is the
simplest level - a blended learning experience that combines
offline and online forms of learning where the online learning
usually means “over the internet or intranet” and offline
learning that happens in a more traditional classroom setting. 
Second is the blending of a self-paced and live, collaborative
learning. study analyzing how can you do the self study and how
the other students can scope in this new normal education. 
In the study of (Powell et, al. 2018) That the Philippines is the
one who uses this kind of study, they said that the blended
learning is for graduating coarses just to continue their studies
while we're in this pandemic and I think it's the uses of it.
Just to make it easy their just need to combine the online and
face to face schooling so that the students are not too in
difficult situation. Just to clarified this, research said that
the blended learning is different from to our culture face to
face schooling, because this one have a differents approach on
their students despite what we are used to doing every year. But
the blended learning is not a completely online course or a
lecture course that is broadcast online. It also does not include
course changes that simply swap analog tools for digital ones.

  According to (Anton,2017),This research study requires a broad

understanding of the students, which will keep them deciding
which projects they can choose which they can experiment with to
further enhance their level of understanding. And students at an
early stage need to be more aware of the responsibility of this
study. And Students are suggested specific advantages in flipping
classrooms, To begin with, teachers who use mud classrooms have
time to work individually with students.

   According to the author of this study, in today's educational

process, it is a great opportunity for students because at a
young age they know how to use other methods about learning and
they will learn a lot because of the new education system today,
and will expand their your mind. And In today's education system,
young students can learn fast today, because of technology many
young people are striving to study and finish to study and they
can learn a lot from our country's technology.

  (Sharma, 2010), said that mixed learning "it is up to my

students how they approach technology using technology and how
when they combine their learning and this is because the kumba
tradition is called pedagogic they should know how to use not
they have difficulty using media and tools that work in an e-
learning environment. 


  the summarization of this study is about how students handle
the situation in the new normal education. How the students face
the struggle in the new normal education. In the other country
they are already have a face to face class but still under of the
protocol to follow, not like here at the Philippines because we
have a big cases all over here. However in the other country I
could say that they’re can handle the blended learning very well
first of all because the of the good internet connection, the
gadgets they used not like in the Philippines we have  a poor
internet connection, not all students have a gadgets to us for
online class. 


   The summarization that we made on this study we could say that

blended learning here in the Philippinnes is not applicable
because of some process at the universities or school is not
that  good and because of the poor internet connection we can’t
study very well nor the teachers too, they can’t teach us that
good because of the poor internet connection. Not like in the
other country they’re advance for everything and they can handle
the blended learning or the new normal education very well. 



This chapter discusses the design, respondents, data

collection procedures, and data analysis in this study.

Research design

This study has a purpose of knowing how does the senior high
school students from Philippine College of Criminology coped up
with the new normal education. This study is a quantitative
research. A quantitative research is a systematic investigation
of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing
statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. The
researchers used survey method. A Survey method is
the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who
are thought to have desired information. A formal list of
questionnaire is prepared. Generally a non-disguised approach is
used. The respondents are asked questions on their demographic
interest opinion. This is the most accurate research design to
the study because it focuses on how does how does the senior high
school students from Philippine College of Criminology coped up
with the new normal education. The study will use the survey
questionnaire involving twenty five to fifty respondents that
will be subjected to answer the questions provided by the
researchers. Survey is defined as a research method used for
collecting data from a pre-defined group of respondents to gain
information and insights on various topics of interest.

Sample and Sampling Techniques

How does senior high school students from Philippine College

of Criminology coped up with the new normal education. The
researchers used simple random sampling technique. A Simple
random sampling is a type of probability sampling in which the
researcher randomly selects a subset of participants from a
population. Each member of the population has an equal chance of
being selected. This research used simple random sampling because
it selects the respondents from the population and specifies the
respondents. An example of a simple random sample would be the
names of 25 senior high school students being chosen out of a hat
from Philippine College of Criminology of 50 senior high school.
In this case, the population is all 50 senior high school
students, and the sample is random because each senior high
school students has an equal chance of being chosen.

Data Gathering

The following are the procedure in gathering data:

Step 1: The researchers undergone discussions and preparing for

the validation questionnaire. Letter (If needed) will also be
signed in approval to conduct the study.

Research Instrument
The instrument used for data collection in this research
study is survey questionnaire. A Survey method is
the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who
are thought to have desired information. All item in the
questionnaire are designed by the researchers. Correspondingly,
observation, and documentary analysis will be done to widen the
range of discussion. The researchers used simple and clear
language to enable the respondents to understand and answer the
questionnaire easily and without confussion.

Research Locale

How does senior high school students from Philippine College

of Criminology coped up with the new normal education. One of the
most affected segments of our society that has been shaken by the
global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS CoV-2, is
the education sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the
lives of all learners in the Philippines since March. There have
been many enthralling stories of learners being distressed by the
spread of the deadly virus as schools across the country were
closed. This is the first pandemic to have had a profound impact
on education not only in the Philippines but across the world.
The Department of Education (DepEd) is working hard to transition
the modality of teaching from conventional “face-to-face”
learning, or the traditional "brick-and-mortar schools” to so-
called “blended learning”. The researchers will do a survey in
Philippine College of Criminology because it is the place wherein
the research were formally centralize and where the respondents
are located but because of the pandemic instead of the
researchers will go to school to conduct the survey, We will just
do the virtual survey by sending them the links of survey from
where they could answer the questions.

















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