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Universidad De Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Ermita, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines


Submitted by:


Submitted to:

Mr. Michael Caber

In commemorating the 1986 People Power Revolution, let's look back at the spirit that inspired
the world back then. Regardless of color and surname, the world followed the courage of a
united people. The Philippines became a beacon for others to begin their historic liberation

A distinctively Filipino personality has emerged for People Power. Filipinos showed the rest of
the world that it is possible to overthrow a government without using violence or shedding any
blood by banding together and showing solidarity. As millions of Filipinos voted six new
Presidents to each serve a single six-year term, the People Power exercise moved away from
protest marches and toward the polling places.

While the emergence of social media has given rise to misinformation, a free press has also
reemerged. Enhancements to the right to privacy have been made, and the internet and digital
transformation have removed geographically distant and underdeveloped areas' physical hurdles
to connecting with the nation's major cities.

In Proclamation No. 167, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. noted that a special non-working day
will be declared on Friday (February 24, 2023) "to enable our countrymen to avail of the benefits
of a longer weekend pursuant to the principle of holiday economics… provided that the historical
significance of EDSA People Power Revolution Anniversary is maintained." According to what I
understand, this means that the said holiday will be observed beginning on February 24 in order
to enjoy the long weekend since February 25 is actually a weekend. However, the real People
Power Revolution spirit will continue to be observed on February 25 in order to show pride,
honor, and respect to all those who sacrificed for the freedom we now enjoy and contributed to
one of the historical events of the Philippines
Universidad De Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Ermita, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines


Submitted by:



Submitted to:

Mr. Michael Caber


As a mass communication student, i’m still questioning this new law about edsa day. Why does
it have to move? What’s the reason? Is it because it’s favor for them? Did they think of others
who would be affected by sudden declarations like this? For me no, they didn’t. Because if they
thought of the possible consequences, they would not be late to declare such things. They moved
edsa day to be a long weekend? What kind of reason is that? Many people were pending on their
appointments because of that sudden declaration. It may be favorable to others, especially other
students, but many are still affected because of it.

In my thoughts, this is why the edsa day is being set back this year, maybe the president sitting
today is the son of the former president who was overthrown by the mother of democracy. A
history that is forced to be changed now, because it is a shame for them. A history that will never
be changed. This is already stamped on our filipinos, how democracy was fighted before. With
what is happening today, we know who is behind it. With the laws in the philippines gradually
changing as it is known, we are further sinking, the philippines is furnishing further, because of
the inconvinients that are enacted. The philippines are facing many issues today, issues that they
are adding. How can we progress if simply early announcement can't be done? Many are affected
by decisions that are not pleasant. They said the philippines will rise again... But why can't we
seem to get up? My just is, before those in the government make a decision, they think first of
the filipinos who will be affected by their plans, the laws they will make in the philippines.

But.... In the end of the day, we know ourselves right and wrong, even if there are some changes
and additions to the laws of the philippines now, we will keep order, peace and fight what we
know is wrong. Obeying the law is not a reduction, as long as we know we can improve it. Even
if they are celebrating today, the day will come when we will rise again to celebrate the change
again. As long as we know that we are right in what we fight for. Many are now regretting the
leader they choose, we cannot return nkaraam, but we can change the future. Even if we are
affected now by the laws that they enact, we can use them to fight the following wars. We will
get the rich philippines again, not now, but it will happen in the years to come.
Universidad De Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Ermita, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines


Submitted by:

NATURA, Kathlene D.

Submitted to:

Mr. Michael Caber

Proclamation No. 167, s. 2023: An ordinary proclamation or a form of history revision?

Confused and puzzled. These are the emotional responses that Filipino felt when Proclamation
No. 167 , s. 2023 implemented without warning. We cannot deny the certainty that numerous
work-related plans and agendas on Friday, February 24, 2023 were canceled due to the
unexpected Proclamation of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. upon moving the celebration of
EDSA People Power Revolution Anniversary. The said proclamation states that its objective is to
prolong the holidays for the Economy's sake, while still preserving the essence of the
anniversary of EDSA Revolution.

The Philippines has so much to deal with; high inflation rate, jeepney phase out implementation,
illegal mining, and other society conflicts rooted in the economy. As a matter of fact, these
problems affect the daily living of every Filipino, especially those who are part of marginalized
sectors. The Philippines had so much on plate to the point it crashes that results in another
problem; it does not solve but rather multiplies.

This sounds like throwing a joke amidst the serious conversation. But jokes tend to minimize the
impact or tone of one conversation. The way the proclamation writes and its reason feels empty.
It is lacking on the point and the way it elaborates the intention feels insincere. Not to mention
the clash and grudge between the family of the President and the Aquinos.

Some people say that President Marcos and his allies are doing everything to remove all the
negative points connected to their family, specifically to his late father who happened to be a
dictator. Other critics emphasize the word "jobless" for doing nothing and concluded that
President Marcos does not know the feeling of working hard and earning minimum wage that is
why it is easy for him to prolong the holidays.

Because of this proclamation, the opinions clashed above the atmosphere. Considering the
Filipinos are much more attentive to what is happening than before. They are much concerned
unlike before that Filipinos are docile and affirmative and never complains. And my stance here
is, I like the fact that Filipino learn and are already criticizing and not just affirming what the
higher leaders told us what to do.

I like the thought and it is certain that Filipino exercising their freedom to express themselves
without having fear about their lives. Although the oppression never stops, the elite's domination
is inevitable, we managed to speak out and stand for our rights

As a communication student who studied history and its significance, this is a crucial part of
preserving history. When we say history in the simplest words, the study of past events. And
events cannot be called "events" without its exact date and year established. In order to preserve
history, we have to embody its authenticity, no changes, no revision, no denial, no falsification,
and other negative things that will debunk its preservation.

The question here is, do we have to worry about our history? One capability to change a very
significant part of history is very alarming. One action will lead to another one. The mind-setting
of uppermost people is dangerous. To summarize this, is this an ordinary proclamation?

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