Tutorial 3

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ME3613 : Tutorial 3

Tuesday 27 October 2020


 Problem 1:

Find the output response, c(t), for the following system. Also find the time constant,
rise time, and settling time.

 Problem 2:

For the second-order systems that follows, find ζ, ωn, Ts, Tp, Tr , and %OS.

 Problem 3:

Find peak time, settling time, and percent overshoot for only those responses below
that can be approximated as second-order responses.

 Problem 4:

For each of the unit step responses shown in the following figure, find the transfer
function of the system.

 Problem 5 (Homework):
For the system shown in the following figure:
a. Find the transfer function G(s)=X(s)/F(s).
b. Find ζ, ωn, %OS, Ts, Tp, and Tr .

 Problem 6 (Homework):

For the following response functions, determine if pole-zero cancellation can be

approximated. If it can, find percent overshoot, settling time, rise time, and peak time.


Given data

First order systems

Second order systems  


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