Hospital Information System

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1. Discuss the importance of Hospital Information System.

 Like any other information system, Hospital Information System is essential because
it helps the medical workers in their jobs when it comes to the data and records of
patients. It makes their work less hassle and convenient. Like in the department of
Nursing Information System, this helps the nurses have organized information about
their tasks and schedules and render service care to their patients efficiently.

2. Enumerate and discuss the things needed to be considered in selecting a Hospital Information

 Total cost of package~ first to consider in selecting HIS is the total cost of package
wherein you need to talk through the most needed and applicable things in your
hospital. The factors to know what kind of package you're going to buy are the
hospital's level (primary, secondary, or tertiary) and the budget you can only afford
for your hospital.
 Web-based system~ from the word itself, web-based, you must select a Hospital
Information System that has access to the internet. In this way, authorized employees
can acquire the information they need anywhere and anytime. This is an essential
factor because we all know that nowadays, technology is a must to have a convenient
and secure work.
 Implementation and support~ when choosing a HIS, it is also essential to know that
the merchant you're buying from has a support system and performance and requests
staff training. This means that they must be available any time of the day and night,
and they can provide service to your hospital whenever there's a problem or you need
a training session for your newly hired employees.

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