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1. Enumerate the 8 aspects of Data Quality.

 Accuracy
 Completeness
 Update status
 Relevance
 Consistency
 Reliability
 Appropriate presentation
 Accessibility

2. Discuss the importance of Root Cause Analysis.

 Root Cause Analysis is a set of many techniques wherein the aim is to identify the
underlying causes of the dilemma to develop an effective solution to face that problem.
Root cause analysis is essential in many ways because a problem can have a permanent
solution and may reduce the possible harmful effects in the future. For example, I broke
my finger, so I decided to drink medicine to remove the pain, but it was not cured. So, I
will need proper treatment to fix my finger to avoid future problems like losing my

3. Differentiate the 8 different Root Cause Analysis techniques.

 5 WHYs analysis
o In this technique, we identify the problem then ask why five times to identify the
root cause strategically. It’s like manifesting why the issue has happened and
what can be a solution for that problem.
 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
o This technique is a step-by-step for identifying all possible failures and the
consequences of those failures. This is usually used for assessing new products as
well as the customer feedback on those products.
 Pareto analysis
o Pareto analysis is used when a problem has its multiple causes and operates using
the Pareto principle in which 20% of the work creates 80% of the results.
 Fault tree analysis
o It is a method where there is a deductive process. Fault tree analysis helps
determine the cause of the failure or test the reliability of a system by stepping
through a series of events logically.

 Current reality tree

o The current reality tree is a way of analyzing many systems or organizational
problems at once. It starts with the identification of undesirable effects present in
our reality.
 Fishbone/Ishikawa/Cause and effect diagrams
o This diagram identifies many possible causes for a problem. It is a visual
representation used to find out the grounds of a specific problem; that’s why it is
called a diagram.
 Kepner-Tregoe technique
o This technique is about finding the best possible choice to achieve the outcome
with minimal negative consequences. It is called a rational process because it is
the process of knowing the priority in addressing the concern for a specific issue.
 RPR Problem Diagnosis
o RPR or Rapid Problem Resolution is a problem diagnosis method specifically
designed to determine the root cause of the problems. It has three phases; namely,
Discover, Investigate, and Fix

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