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Read the text to answer questions 1 and 2.



1. What does the caution mean?

A. The shop sells special broken articles.
B. You don't have to buy articles that are broken.
C. In this section you will only find broken articles.
D. If you break any of the articles, you should pay for it.
2. Where do you usually find this caution ?
A. Library
B. Bookstore
C. Greengrocer
D. Department store

Read the text to answer questions 3 and 4



3. What does the notice mean?

A. You will have breakfast at 10. 00 am.
B. The breakfast will be served at 10.00 am.
C. You will have breakfast till
D. The breakfast will be served after at 10.00 am.

4. This kind of notice is found in a … .

A. café
B. hotel
C. hospital
D. restaurant

Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6

Dear Kartika

Our sincere Congratulations on your success as The

Best Washington City Journalist Prize 2009.

This will support you to write more articles.

The manager and staff of

5. What does Kartika do? She is a …
A. staffPublisher
B. manager
C. journalist
D. publisher

6. The text is written in order to …

A. congratulate Kartika on her success.
B. inform people about the best journalist.
C. announce people to give praise to Kartika.
D. invite people to come to the Moonlight publisher.

Read the text and answer questions 7 and 8

Bram …. I just got bad news. As you know Nita’s father

had been hospitalized for two months. He passed away
last night. Please forward to other friends.



7. Who just passed away?
A. Jack’s father. C. Nita’s father.
B. Bram’s friend. D. Writer’s father.

8. “As you know Nita’s father had been hospitalized...”

The underlined word refers to … .
A. Jack C. Reader
B. Bram D. Nita’s father

Read the following text to answer questions 9 and 10

All of Students Grade 9

You are invited to:


Day/Date : Saturday, 15th July 2010

Time : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m.

9. Venue
Where will theRoom
: Art graduation
Pramestiparty be held?
A. At Osis room.
Jl. Sudirman
B. On Sudirman street.kav. 9 – 11 Bandung
C. At Nusantara school.
Come and help us celebrate it
D. At Art room Pramesti Hotel.
*Invitation card available at OSIS
10. How long is the graduation party supposed to last?
A. 2 hours. C. 9 hours.
B. 3 hours. D. 11 hours.

Read the following text to answer questions 11 to 13.

To : All Department Managers

A meeting will be held to discuss the customer’s complain

this afternoon Jan , 4th 2010 at 01 p.m. in the meeting
Please bring along the necessary documents.

Thank you

11. What will be discussed at the meeting?

A. The customer’s order.
B. The customer’s needed.
C. The customer’s documents.
D. The customer’s complaining.

12. Who will attend the meeting?

A. Customers.
B. All managers.
C. Director secretary and all managers.
D. Director, secretary and all managers.
13. “… the meeting to discuss the customer’s complain.”
The underlined word means ….
A. to speak C. to talk
B. to say D. to tell

Read the following text to answer questions!


14. We usually find the caution at these places below except at….
A. the zoo C. the safari park
B. home D. the farm
Read the text to answer question!

Wildlife Nature Park

Ticket: Rp12,000 (adult)
Rp6,000 (child)
Opening hours: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Monday –Sunday
• Nature talks
• Jungle trekking
• Nature quiz
• Free bookmarks

15. Who must pay a half for ticket to visit wildlife nature park?
A. Adult C. Teen
B. Child D. Baby

Read the following text and answer the question 3 and 4

I’ve read your poem in Junior Mag this week. The title is ‘The Dead Tree’
Great! It’s really a good poem. The poem inspires me. Our body may be like
the leaves. They will fall down to the ground, but our soul will be still alive.
Our soul may be tired. You say it is waiting in agony. But, it still gives us
beauty. So let’s do our best today and get the beauty of life. It is the
inspiration that I can get. And it’s interesting for me. Well, Juita, I’m waiting
for your poems. See you soon.

16. What does the text tell us about?

A. The beauty of life
B. The soul and body
C. The interesting letter
D. The inspiring poem

17. “But, it still gives us beauty” (line 5)

The word It refers to….
A. the poem C. the agony
B. the soul D. the leaf

This text is for number 18 and 19.


To celebrate the School Anniversary, SMP GPS will hold some English contests:
The Spelling Bee Contest (for Class VII)
The Writing Fable Contest (For Class VIII)
The English Speech Contest (for Class IX)
All the contests will be held on Monday, November 17th 2008.
Each class must send at least three participants for the contests. For more
information, contact the committee c.o. Ary Widyawati (the Head of OSIS). The
committee only accepts the names of the participants before November 15 th,

18. “Each class must send at least three participants….”
What does the underlined phrase mean? o
A. maximum C. more thanm
B. minimum D. less than mi
19. The purpose of the text is to …. e
A. contact the committee
B. send at least three participants
C. celebrate the school anniversary
D. inform the students about English contests
This text is for number 7 and 8

20. The notice is suitable for … Except

A. bikers C. trainers
B. drivers D. motor riders

21. From the notice we know that ….

A. If we regret, we will be safe.
B. We will be regretful if we drive safely.
C. We should be safe if we regret tomorrow.
D. If we don’t drive safely, we will be regretful.

text is for number 9 to 12

Text 1. (for number 1 only)

1. What does the caution mean ?

a. We have to cross the street carefully.
b. We shouldn’t stand at the side of the street.
c. We mustn’t cross the street because it is very crowded.
d. We must look at the left and the right sides to cross the street.

Text 2. (for number 2 only)

Welcome to Happy Lake Garden

Open :
Monday to Friday : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday : 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Monday to Friday : Free
Saturday and Sunday : Adults Rp5,000
Children under 12 Rp3,000

2. Shinta is thirteen years old. She goes to the Happy Lake Garden with her father on Sunday.
How much does her father have to pay for the tickets ?
a. Rp 3,000,- c. Rp. 8,000,-
b. Rp 5,000,- d. Rp. 10,000,-

Text 3. (for number 3 and 4)

To Mom and Dad,
Congratulations on your 15th wedding
anniversary. We wish you a happy life together.


Freddy & Irene

3. Freddy and Irene want to …their parents.
a. announce c. inform
b. invite d. congratulate

4. “ We wish you a happy life together “.

The underlined word has similar meaning with … .
a. enjoyablec. pleased
b. comfortable d. nice

Text 4 (for number 5 & 6)

Bryan English Course (BEC), a modern English course in your town
invites you to join a special conversation program. This program will
begin on :
Date : March 19th, 2009
Time : 2 p.m.
Place : The Student Centre of Bryan
English Course
It is free of charge, so join us to improve your English.

Head of BEC

5. The text is written to … .

a. announce people about a new English Course
b. inform the way to join a conversation program
c. describe about Bryan English Course
d. invite people to have a special conversation program

6. “ It is free of charge …. “ ( Line 6 ). The word “ It “ here refers to … .

a. a special conversation program
b. Bryan English Course
c. the student centre of BEC
d. Modern English Course

Text 5. (for number 7)

7. The text above means … .

a. We must keep trees for our good environment
b. We have to keep trees to avoid from disaster
c. We can cut down trees for some advantages
d. We may destroy trees
Date : August 10th, 2009
To : Mr. Johny Lorang
Text 6. (for: Mr.
From number 8)
Phone : 081326967836

The meeting will be held on Monday at09.15
Please contact him this afternoon
8. When will the meeting be held ?
a. Five to ten c. Half past nine
b. A quarter to ten d. A quarter past nine

Read the text and answer question 1.

1. What does the above caution mean?

A. Children are playing games around the place.
B. Children are not allowed to play around the area.
C. It is the place for children to play.
D. You have to be careful because children usually play.

Observe the picture to answer question number 2




2. The notice means that….

A. the parking lot is only meant for visitors
B. only people having permission can park their car at the parking lot
C. the visitors are permitted to leave their vehicle at the parking lot
D. people must take the parking tickets before entering the parking lot

Read this text and answer questions 3 and 4 .

Bandung, January 1st, 2010

Dear Lusi,

This card comes with living wishes especially for you. To wish you
lots of happiness today and all year through.

Happy New Year 2010.



3. The word “wish” in the text nearly means ….

A. see C. hope
B. look D. want
4.The purpose of the text above is….
A. to remind someone about New Year
B. to greet someone for the New Year
C. to inform everyone about New Year
D. to invite someone to a New Year Celebration

Read the text below and answer question 5 and 6.

To: Dona

Please let others know that the scout meeting is

postponed until Mr. Brown is back from Egypt.


5. The scout meeting is postponed because of

Mr. Brown’s….
A. absence
B. meeting
C. coming
D. information

6. ‘’Please let others know…”

The word others refers to …

A. Dona and Riri

B. Riry and Mr Brown
C. Mr. Brown and Dona
D. scout members

Read this text and answer questions 7 and 8.

7. The party will be held …

A. in the morning
B. in the evening
C. in the afternoon
D. at night
8. The purpose of the text above is ….
A. to forbid someone to come to Kelly Madison’s birthday party
B. to invite someone to attend Kelly Madison’s birthday party
C. to inform everyone about a birthday party
D. to remind someone to celebrate a birthday

Read the following text to answer questions 9 and 10.


To: All students of Junior High School 1 Jetis.

To celebrate the National Education Day the Board of Student Association

will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest,
English Story Telling contest and Wall Magazine Competition. The
programs will be held on January, 4th , 2010, 8 am – 1 p.m.

All classes must take part in the programs and should report their
participation to their home teachers.

For detailed information, please contact Mrs. Erika, the coordinator of this

9. Who is in charge of the program?

A. The students.
B. The teacher.
C. Mrs. Erika.
D. Board of Students Association.

10. The text is about ….

A. Programs to celebrate the National Education Day

B. explaining special programs in January
C. inviting students to come to school in January
D. informing some programs on Jan 4th, 2010

Read the following announcement and answer questions 11 to 12.

FRIDAY January 25TH, 2010

The girls’ basketball meeting is held after school

today in the school library. The meeting is expected
to last around 45 minutes and finish by 5. Every
member must be present in this important meeting.
Should anyone be unable to attend the meeting, find
Mr. Elder for permission and further details about the

Looking forward to seeing you all in the meeting.

11. When will the meeting start?

A. Around 4.05 p.m. C. At 4.50 p.m
B. At about 4.15 p.m D. At 5.00 p.m

12. What should a student do if she is not able to attend the meeting?

A. Go home.
B. Go to the library.
C. Ask for permission from Mr. Elder.
D. Let the class teacher know about her absence.

Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.




1. What is the purpose of the above text?

a. To inform visitors about breathing and heart problems.
b. To remind people about the danger of the area.
c. To avoid people from approaching hazardous women.
d. To ask people to visit the area to make the body healthy.

2. Where can you find such caution?

a. At the volcanic area.
b. On the smoky mountains.
c. At the amusement places.
d. Inside the dangerous fumes.
Read the text and answer questions 3 to 5.

Dina, Mom’s training in Bogor will

be over tomorrow at 2 p.m. Mom
called Mr. Doddy several times this ………..
afternoon, but he did not answer. ………..
Please tell Mr. Dody to fetch Mom ………
before 1 p.m. if you meet him. Tell

him that traffic jams often happen
in this area in the afternoon. Oh
yes, Mom plans to go to souvenirs
shops with friends tonight. What
do U want me to buy for you,

3. From the text we know that Mr. Doddy is the writer’s ….

a. husband c. teacher
b. driver d. friend

4. What is the writer’s plan tonight?

a. Meeting friends.
b. Calling her daughter
c. Going shopping.
d. Fetching Mr. Dody.

5. Mr. Dody should fetch Dina’s mother before 1 p.m. because ….

a. she does not want to call Mr. Dody many times
b. she has already finished all her jobs in the training
c. she is going to the souvenirs shop to buy something
d. she is afraid that Mr. Dody will get a traffic jam

Read the text and answer questions 6 to 8.

On behalf of the teachers of SMP Jaya, we would like

to welcome and congratulate

Mr. Willy Utomo M.Pd

on your promotion to be the new principal of SMP Jaya
for the period of 2009-2013
With your knowledge, skills, and experience in
managing a school together with your dedication,
perseverance, and winning attitude we know you will
also excel in your new position. We do hope this
school will be the best school in our sub district in the

6. The text is meant … on his success to get a new job.

a. to inform someone’s position
b. to dedicate one’s devotion
c. to congratulate someone
d. to support one’s opinion

7. Mr. Willy Utomo M.Pd. will be the principal for … years.

a. 5 c. 3
b. 4 d. 2

8. The text shows that there is another school which is … SMP Jaya in the sub district.
a. as good as c. as high as
b. bigger than d. better than

9. “We know you will also excel in your new position.”

The word “excel” means … the previous personal achievement.

a. do better than
b. to be successful as
c. earn more money than
d. really get higher rank

Read the text and answer questions 10 to 12.


SMP Cendikia Negara will celebrate its 10th anniversary

Day/ Date : Saturday 25, June 2009
Place : Sport Hall
Time : 10.00 am – 14.00 pm
To enliven the event, we will hold a music show
featuring the Indonesian idol Anggela and a school
bazaar. All the teachers, students and their parents are
supposed to attend this celebration. For this reason, there
will be no school extracurricular activities during the
event at school.

Ardono Tahita

10. What is the announcement about?

a. The school bazaar.
b. The school anniversary.
c. The Indonesian Idols.
d. The music show.

11. The celebration will last … hours.

a. 6 c. 4
b. 5 d. 3

12. The text shows that the school was established … years ago.
a. 7 c. 9
b. 8 d. 10

Read the text and answer questions 13 to 15.

13. What is the text about?

a. Goods up for grabs.
b. 10th floor GMT Building.
d. Prestigious trade.

14. The prizes giving to the customers will last for … days.
a. 13
b. 12
c. 10
d. 9

15. “Goods up for grabs.”

The phrase “up for grabs” means … .
a. available
b. reasonable
c. agreeable
d. capable

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