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System, Applications and Products in Data processing

found in 1972, based in Walldorf Germany
Two version
Main frame version SAP R/2
Client/Server Version SAP R/3

R/3 Main features

R/3 employs three tier client/server architecture

Database layer- resides on central servers or mainframe computer
Application layer - processing of data
Presentation layer - UI
SAP has also intergratd intranet and internet technologies into business solutions for its
creating new inernet standards , apps, and business processes that will extend the
usefulness of SAP s/w in entirely new ways
At R/3 core are powerful programs - for accounting, controlling and production
Runs on hardware platform of leading international vendors
Best business practises


Founded in 1978 by Jan and Paul BAAN in Barneveld , Natherlands

Offers complete set of single vendor enterpise businesss applications
The foundation for BAANs products is differentiated through the use of open component
architecture and through the use of BAANDem
BAANDem provides a business view of the enterprise via a graphical model view
rapidy configuration and re-depployment for reflecting latest company structure
multi tiered architecture
supports UNIX,microsoft
Serving vertical industries like Aerospace and Defence


found in 1987
Main features -
Supply chain management
Service Industry Solution
Industry solution peoplesoft
People tools - client server business application and development tools
Self service apps
Web client

JD Edwards

-Found in March 1977 in denver colorado

Idea to action service

Provides Idea to Action with ActiveEra product - product that offfers customer centric
product and customer solution that allows companies to change enterprise software
after implemenetation to adopt changes

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