Analysis of Bandung Teknopolis at Gedebage

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Gandhi Mardiansyah

SMA Negeri 78 Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

Gedebage is an area in the southeast Bandung City, West Java Province. It has an area of 2.809,39 Ha. Gedebage is one
of six sub regions in Bandung City that has five districts. This area lies on the elevation of 660-670 m. Gedebage has
population number of 122.622 people in 2015. Agricultural lands spread in this area, while the others are vacant land.

Bandung Teknopolis is the first technopolis to be built in Indonesia. Silicon Valley in California, USA and La Rambla
in Barcelona, Spain inspire this great project. Many national and multinational IT corporations will be placed in this
district. The Government of Bandung will also move its seat of government in this area and integrate all of the
government public service.

This master plan has to face a big problem called floods. Gedebage is crossed by Cinambo and Pamulihan River. This
area is also situated in a depression. Two artificial lakes are planned to be built in this district. The writer offered other
options. The government has to make some canals and systematic drainage systems that flow water to the two rivers
surrounding this area. Green belt has to be planted on the sides of the rivers and canals. Road and pedestrian
construction should use paving block to increase the rainwater infiltration volume. The government also has to maintain
the remaining open space.

This project has some positive impacts. The number of foreign investors who come will create many new jobs. In
addition, technology transfer will occur considering the city will adopt the high level system and modern technology.

However Bandung Teknopolis can cause many problems such as pollution, traffic congestion, agricultural land
reducing, open space reducing. The writer will explain these problems and solutions against them one by one.

Bandung Teknopolis are planned to be a new commercial area. Air, water, and soil pollution is a major problem in
urban areas. Many private vehicles produce emission gases that pollute the air. Indonesian people usually litter and
pollute the river, canal, and pedestrian area.

Urban areas such as Bandung Teknopolis will experience the same problem as other urban areas, the traffic congestion.
The number of people flow toward Gedebage will increase. MRT system should be set well in this area. City bus, taxi,
angkot, ojek, light train and other kinds of transportation have to be integrated. The government of Bandung should set
a high price for parking ticket. Pedestrian area has to be built in this area.

Gedebage known as its agricultural land. Bandung Teknopolis project will remove them and farmers occupations. The
government has to apply vertical farming to overcome this problem. Farmers should be trained and accompanied by
experts to be familiar with modern agricultural system. In addition to reducing agricultural land, Bandung Teknopolis
will also reduce open house. Vertical farming and indoor park are some solutions to solve the problem.

These are some figures that explain about Bandung Teknopolis at Gedebage
(a) (b)

Figure 1 (a) An image of Gedebage area, (b) The concept of Bandung Teknopolis

This text has pointed out the description of Bandung Teknopolis, problems surrounding it, and solutions against them.
The writer very much agrees with the project because it will trigger the national economic growth of Indonesia.

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