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Ch. No. Chapter Pages





1(a).1 Introduction
1(a).2. Terms used in probability
1(a)-3. Some basic ideas of probability
Solved Problems
1(a) .4. Probability of non occurance of any event
1(a)-5. losing of n coins
1 (a).6. Probability of Independent events
1(a)-7. Principle of Equal a priori probability
Solved Problems
1(a).8. Mutually Exclusive Events
1(a)-9. Case of box divided into equal sized compartments
Solved Problems
1(a).10. Permutations and Combinations
Solved Problems
1(a).11. Distribution of four distinguishable particles in two
tmpartments of equal size
Microstates, Macrostates and Thermodynamic Probability
of a system of particels
1(a).13. Effect of constraints on the system
1(a).14. Distribution of n particles in two compartments
1(a).15. Stirling's formula
Solved Problems
1(a). 16. Most probable state or state of maximum probability
1(a).17. Taylor's Theorem
1(a).18. Deviation from the state of maximum probability
1(a).19. Equilibrium state of a dynamic system
1(a).20. Distribution of n distinguishable particles in k compartments
of uneual sizes
1{a).21. Division in cells
Solved Problems
Conceptual Questions
Chapter at a Glance
Short Answer Questions
Long Answer Questions
Unsolved Numerical Problems
Multiple Choice Questions

1(b).1 Ensembles
1(b)^ 'Partition Function for Canonical Ensemble
1(b).3. Partition Function for Ideal Monoatomic Gas
1(b).4. Partition Function
1(b).5< Entropy
1(15).G. Statistical Definition of Entropy
1(b).7. Additive Nature of Entropy
1(b).8. Third Law of Thermodynamics
1(b).9, Reversible Process
1(b).10. Irreversible Process
1(b).11. Work done in a Reversible Process
1(b).12. Law of Increase of Entropy
1(b).13. Examples of Increase of Entropy
1(b).14. Entropy and Disorder
Solved Problems
Conceptual Questions
Chapter at a Glance
Short Answer Questions
Long Answer Questions
Unsolved Numerical Problems
Multiple Choice Questions


^(c)/f. Phase Space
1(c)-2. Division of Phase Space into Elementary Cells
1(c).3. >Three Kinds o Statistics
Maxwell Boltzmann DISTRIBUTION
1(c).5. Graphical Representation of Maxwell Boltzmann's Speed Distribution
1(c).6. Expressions For (i) most Probable SPEED
(ii) Average Speed and (iii) r.m.s Speed
1(c).7. Relationship Between Most Probable Speed, Average Speed and
Root Mean Square Speed
1 (0) 8. Experimental Verification of The Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution
of Molecular Speeds
Solved Problems
Conceptual Questions
Chapter at a Glance
Short Answer Questions
Long Answer Questions
Unsolved Numerical Problems
Multiple Choice Questions
Fill in the Blanks


2.1. Thermodynamic potentials

2.2. Importance of Thermodynamic Potentials
2.3. Useful relations for P, V, T and S
2.4. Maxwell's Thermodynamic Relations
2.5. An aid to memorise Maxwell's relationships
2.6. Applications of Maxwell's relations
2.7. Cooling produced by Adiabatic expansion
2.8. Adiabatic compression
2.9. Variation of Cv with volume
2.10. Variation of Cp with pressure
2.11. Change of internal energy with volume
2.12. Expressions for (Cp - Cy) Mayer's formula for an ideal gas
2.13. Stefan Boltzmann's law from Maxwell's relations
2.'U^acl<ur Tetrode Equation
2.15. Gibbs Paradox
2.16. Entropy of a two energy levels system
2.17. Negative Temperature
Solved Problems
Conceptual Questions
Chapter at a Glance
Multiple Choice Questions
Short Answer Questions
Long Answer Questions
Unsolved Numerical Problems
Fill in the Blanks


vS>-^Tdlentical Particles
3.2 Need for Quantum Statistics
^3,3-^Bosons and Fermions
3 4^xBose-Einstein's Statistics
^5 Applications of B - E Statistics to Photon Gas
3.6 Planck's law for the blackbody Radiation
3.7 Planck's Law in terms of Wavelength
3.8 Applications of Planck's Law
(i) Wien's displacement law
(ii) Stefan's law of Radiation
(iii) Deduction of Newton's law of cooling from Stefan's law
Ch. No.
Chapter Pages
3.9 Wien's Displacement Law
- Derivation
- Uses of Wien's displacement Law
3.10 Rayleigh - Jeans' law
- Limitations of Rayleigh - Jeans law
Fermi-Dirac Statistics
3.12 Applications of F-D-Statistics to Free-Electrons in Metals
- Free electron gas model
3.13 Fermi Energy
3.14 S,ome inferences of FD-Distribution law
- Variations of Fermi functions with Energy
- Average kinetic energy at 0 K.
- Average speed at 0 K.
3.15 Comparison of M.B., B.E. and F.D. Statistics
3.16 M-B Statistics is a Special Case of B-E and F-D Statistics
- Variation of occupation index with energy
3.17 Relative Occupation of Energy Levels
3.1^f)ensity of a Gas in the Atmosphere
3.19 BOse-Einstein Condensation
Solved Problems
Conceptual Questions
Chapter at a Glance
Short Answer Questions
Long Answer Questions
Unsolved Numerical Problems
Multiple Choice Questions
Fill in the Blanks

41/Properties of Thermal Radiation
4.2 Black body Radiation
- Fery's blackbody
- Wien's blackbody
4.3 Pure Temperature Dependence
4.4 Kirchhoff's Law
- Proof
- Importance
- Another form
~ Applications
4.5 Stefan's-Boltzmann Law
4.6 Thermodynamic Proof
4.7 Radiation Pressure
- Pressure of diffuse Radiation
4.8 Wien's Displacement Law

- 'ttt. - p'°<"
- Relation between volume and wavelength
4.9 Wien's Distribution Law
- Derivation
Chapter Pages
Ch. No.
4.10 Saha's lonisation Formula
- Assumptions _ Derivation
4.11 The Rayleigh - Jeans Law
4.12 Ultraviolet Catastrophe
4.13 Planck's Law of Blackbody Radiation
- Average energy of Planck's oscillator
- Planck's radiation law
4.14 Experimental Verification
Solved Problems
Conceptual Questions
Chapter at a Glance
Short Answer Questions
Long Answer Questions
Unsolved Numerical Problems
Multiple Choice Questions
Fill in the Blanks


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James Maxwell Ludwig Boitzmann

(1831-1879) ^ (1844-1906)
■Ar_ t_.

Classical Statistics-I


^S2Sam?iS^SS0 ~ ' " I ~ ■ - - -


The branch of science dealing with the collection, classification and interpretation of numerical
facts is known as statistics. The branch of physics which deals with the application of statistical
concepts to physics is called Statistical Physics. Generally statistical physics deals with a collection or
assembly or system of large number of objects or particles. These particles may be atoms, molecules,
electrons, protons, neutrons or photones etc. Let us take the example of certain mass of a gas taken
in a container. This gas consists of molecules. These molecules are in random motion in all the directions
with different velocities and colliding with one another and with the walls of the container. This gas has
certain volume, pressure, temperature and energy etc. but still the velocities of these gas molecules have
certain natural order and obey Maxwell Boltzmann Speed Distribution Law. The aim of statistical physics
is to discover such orders in various system of particles. The system may be a solid or liquid or gas.
In statistical physics we generally deal with a system in equilibrium.
Statistical physics deals with a system consisting of a large number of particles. It does not deal
with actual behaviour of individual particles of the system but discover some most probable or average
properties of the system. The particles constituting a given system determines the kind of statistics
obeyed by the system. In fact, in statistical physics larger the number of particles in the system, the more
accurate are the results. A theoretical bridge is provided by statistical mechanics between the micro
world suggested by Scientists Newton, Schrodinger, Maxwell etc. to macroworld of Camot, Clausius
Kelvin and Helmholtz etc. The main contribution in this bridge was provided by Boltzmann (1844-1906),
Maxwell (1831-1879) Gibbs (1839-1903) and Einstein (1879-1953). The macroscopic properties of an
object are derived from the properties of its microscopic constituent and the interactions amongst them.

The term statistical mechanics was introduced for the first time by Wilard Gibbs in
Statistical Mechanics

Generally the statistics obeyed by a system can be classified into two categories.
(1) Maxwell Boltzmann statistics (M.B.) or Classical statistics.
(2) Quantum statistics
Maxwell. Boltzman and Gibbs applied statistical methods using classical physics called Classical
statistics or Maxwell Boltzmann statistics. But the classical statistics failed to explain black body
radiations or specitic heat at low temperature etc. Quantum theory was used by Bose, Einstein, Fermi
and Dirac to explain these phenomenon which gave rise to a new statistics called Quantum Statistics.
Quantum Statistics can be further divided into two categories.
(i) Bose Einstein Statistics (B.E.) (ii) Fermi Dirac Statistics (F.D.)


Tnal : If an experiment is performed and repeated under identical conditions, then performance
of experiment is called Trial.
Events : The above experiment (or trial) may not give the same result but different outcomes
of the result called Events.
Examples :
(1) If a coin is thrown and say head (H) or tail (T) comes upward. Then throwing of coin is
a trial and its outcome [i.e. (H) or tail (T)l is an event.
(2) If we throw a six faced dice and say face number 6 comes upward, then throwing of dice
is a trial and getting face number 6 upward is an event.
Exclusive events : If a trial is performed then total number of possible outcomes of the trial
are called Exclusive events.
Example :
(1) If a six faced dice is thrown than any of the six faces can come up. Therefore exclusive
events are 6.
(2) If a coin is thrown then either head (H) or tail (T) can come up. Hence exclusive events
are 2.
Equally likely events : Events are said to be equally likely if each event has equal chance
of occurance i.e. no event is prefered over other event.
Example : If a coin is thrown then both head (H) and tail (T) have equal chances of comin^
up. Hence these are equally likely events.
Favourable Events : If the outcomes of a trial leads to particular events than thev are called
favourable events.
Example : If two coins are thrown simultaneously then the number of cases in which head
(H) of one coin and tail (T) of another coin come upward are (HT) and (TH) i.e. 2 favourable events
Random Events : If the outcon es of a trial are chance dependent and can not be detrmild
uniquely then they are called random events.
Dependent Events : Two events are said to be dependent events if the occuranrp of nn.
or one
influence the occurance of another event.
Independent Events : Two events arc said to be independent events if the occurance of
one event does not effect the occurance of another event.
Example : If two coins are thrown simultaneously. Then chance of coming of head (HI
tail (T) up in one coin will not effect the chance of head (H) or tail (T) of another coin com\JZ
g p
in second coin. Hence these events are independent events.
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 5


Let us try to be lamiliar with sonic basic ideas of probability and permutations and combinations,
before starting with statistical physics.


Probability of an event is defined as the ratio of the number of ways lead to the event of interest
to the total number of equally likely ways.
^ , .... ,, Nos. of ways leading to the event of interest
Probabthtv or an event = ——-—
Total Number of equally likely ways
Let an event occurs in m ways and fails to occur in n ways, then total number of equally likely
ways N = m + n
.". Probability of occuring an event is given by
p_ p
or P- —
m+n N


PROBLEM 1. If we throw a coin then what is the prob. that either head (H) or tail (T)
will come up.

SOLUTION. When we throw a coin both head (H) and tail (T) has equal chance of coming up.
Therefore total nos. of equally likely ways in which event can occur N=2.
Number of ways is which head will come up m = 1
Number of way in which tail will came up m = 1
Hence prob. of head (H) coming up
m 1
P(H) = - or P(H) = ^
n ^
Similarly prob. of tail (T) coming up

P(T) = 2

PROBLEM 2. A card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of cards. Calculate the probability
of the card to be

(i) a queen (ii) a king of spade (Hi) either a queen or a king.

(0 Total number of cards in the pack N=52 [i.e., total nos. of equally likely ways]
Total nos, of queens in pack of cards m = 4
[i.e. total nos. of ways lead to event of interest.]
Hence probability of the card to be a queen
^ in 4 1
6 Statistical Mechanics

(") Since there is only one king of spade in the pack of cards i.e. m — 1
Total nos. of cards in the pack of cards N=52

Hence probability that card to be a king of spade

P = 0r P =
N" 52
{Hi) Total nos. of kings and queens in the pack of cards

i.e. m = 4 + 4 = 8

Total nos. of cards in the pack of cards N = 52

Hence probability that a card to be either a king or queen

"s - "h

PROBLEM 3. A bag contains S red and 2 white balls. One ball is drawn at random. What
is the probability that it is a red ball.

SOLUTION. Total Nos. of red balls in th bag m = 8

Total nos. of white balls in the bag n = 2

Total nos. of balls in the bag

N = m + n = 8 + 2 = 10
Hence probability of drawing a red ball from the bag

m 8
= N
—= 0.8

PROBLEM 4. A six faced dice is thrown. What is the prob. that (i) a face with four dotts
appear upward (ii) a face having dotts less than five appear on the top.

SOLUTION. Since a dice has six faces and each face has equal chance of coming up.

(0 Total nos. of equally likely ways i.e. total nos. of faces of dice.
N = 6
Nos. of ways in which face with four dotts appears upward (i.e. nos. of favourable wavs)
m = 1
Prob. of face with four dotts appears upward

N 6
{ii) Nos. of faces having dotts less then five m = 4
i.e. nos. of favourable ways
Total nos. of equally likely ways N = 6
Prob of face having dotts less than five to appear on the top

P = ™ =1
N 6
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 7


Let probability of an event to occur in a trial = p

Prob. of the event does not occur in the same trial = q
Then in a trial either the event occurs or does not occur.
Hence the ptob. of the e\cnt to occur or not to occur is always one
p + <? = 1, q = I - p


PROBLEM 5. A coin is thrown. What is the probability that head (H) will not come up?

SOLUTION. Total nos. of faces of coin (i.e. total nos. of equally likely ways with which coin
can be thrown) i.e. N = 2
When a coin is thrown than either head (H) or tail (T) will come up.

Prob. that head (H) may come up p (H) = ™

Then prob. that head may not come up q (H) = 1-P (H)

i-i = i
2 2


Let us throw n coins simultaneously. It is quivalent to throwing of a coin n times

Let prob. of head (H) (i.e. event to occur) coming up in a coin = P

Then prob. of head (i.e. event to occur) coming up in n coins = nP

Let the event actually occurs N times

Then percentage deviation is given by = ——— X 100


Probability of nos. of independent events occuring simultaneously is equal to the product of the
probabilities of individual events.
Let Pj, P2, P3 P„ are the probability of n independent events.
Then probability of n independent events occuring simultaneously is given by

P = P, X P2 X P3 X x P,,
This is known as Multiplication Law of Probability.


The principle of assuming equal probability for likely events is called principle of equal priori
probability. This probability can be determined prior to conducting experiment and comes to our mind
8 Statistical Mechanics

by understanding or common sense. In this case wc assume (hat all the possible outcomes of „
experiment are mutually exclusive and equally likely.

Priori probability of an event is given by ratio of favourable cases to total number of cases.

p _ Cases favourable to event

Total nos. o( eases

P = n Where m = cases favourable to event

and n = Total no. of cases


PROBLEM 6. A dice is thrown, determine the priori' probability of face with two dots
coming up.

SOLUTION. Since a dice has six faces.

The dice can be thrown with either face with one dot up or a face with two dots up or face
vrith three dots or. or face with six dots up etc.

Hence total nos of cases with which a dice can be thrown n = 6

The face with two dots will come up only once.

Therefore nos. of favourable cases.

i-e- m = 1

YYl 1
Priori Prob P =— =—
n 6

NOte 1
different lyTandX^
different ways in which both the events occur together6" m ^ "n ways

PROBLEM 7. Two coins are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability that

(i) Tails will come up in both the coins

(ii) Heads will come up in both the coins
(Hi) Head will come up in one coin and tail in other coin

SOLUTION. Since 1st coin can be throws in two ways i.e nl = 2

2nd coin can also be thrown in ways n2 = 2

Hence total number of ways in which two coins can be tb™,,, .

n to
m == 2
N o X
v 2
o = 4
a ways gether i.e. N = n.1 X ^1

These total nos. of ways (i.e. cases) are (H, H) (H, T) (T H) (T T) - 4

(0 Total nos. of ways (cases) in which tails will come im in hn,h f

(i.e. nos, of favourable cases) m = 1 f orn the coins is only one
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 9

Hence probability that tails will coinc up in both the coins

n ' " 4
(//) Since heads conic up in both the coins only once

(i.e. Nos. of favourable cases) m = 1

Hence probability that heads will come up in both the coins

^ m 1
=V = 4
(Hi) Since head in one coin and tail in other coin come up in 2 ways.

(i.e. Nos. of favourable cases (ways)) m = 2

Hence probability that head will come up in one coin and tail in other coin

^ m 2
=V = 4

PROBLEM 8. A pair of six faced dice are thrown simultaneously. What is probability that
face 3 comes up in both dices ?

Solution. Prob. of falling of 1st dice with face 3 up P, = ^


Prob. of falling of 2nd dice with face 3 up p-, - ~

* 6
Prob. of both the dices falling simultaneously with face 3 up
P = Pi X P2

P = X
6 "S=—

PROBLEM 9. A pair of six faced dice with faces marked from 1 to 6 each are thrown
simultaneously. What is the prob. that sum of numbers which show up is 8.

Solution. Nos. of ways in which 1st dice can fall U] = 6

Nos. of v/ays in which 2nd dice can fall ^ = 6
Total number of equally likely ways in which two dices can fall simultaneously
N = nj X 112
N = 6 X 6 = 36 ways.
These 36 ways are as given by
(1, 1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)
(2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2^6)
(3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 3) (3, 4) (3^) (3, 6)
(4, 1) (4, 2) (4, 3) (4,4) (4, 5) (4, 6)
(5, 1) (5, 2) (5^3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)
(6, 1) (6^) (6 ,3) (6, 4) (6, 5) (6, 6)
io i |
Statistical Mechanics

to eight are^onlTV0'111 a 0Ve , lal nos

^ ' - 0
' w;|
ys in which two dices can fall with sum of nos. equal

Therefore nos. of favourable ways m = 5

Hence required probabilily

r =—, i) _ 5

dim ' ^ Cai ^ *s drown from a deck of cards, a coin is tossed and a six faced
fj . " dtaneousIy. What is the probability of getting an ace from cards, tail on
me coin ana two on dice.

SOLUTION. Nos. of cards in a deck n = 52

Nos. of kings in the deck of cards m = 4

Prob. of drawing a king from deck of cards

d 4
n 1
^ ' ^ ~ 52
Similarly prob. of getting tail up in coin

Since each face of dice has equal prob. of coming up

Hence prob. of getting number 2 up in dice P3 = -

Total prob. in this case

P = Pj X P2 x P3

■p. 4
11 1
52 2 6 156

PROBLEM 11. If a student can solve 80% problems of a eiven hnnh

can solve 60 % of them. Find the probability that both of them will solve a f Mem self Td
at random. seiecrea

SOLUTION. Prob. that first student can solve the problem

1 p,-^
100 '"10
Prob. that second student can solve the problem

p0-i<L p _ 6
100' ~"10
Prob. that both of them will solve the problem
P = Pi x P2

p x = 48%
= 17)
10 TO
10 =—
Classical Statistlcs-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability H

PROBLEM 12. A bag contains 15 red, 5 green and 10 white balls. Three balls are drawn
one after the other without replacement. Find the probability that the balls are red, green
and white.

SOLUTION. Total nos. of balls N, = 15 + 5 + 10 = 30 (i.e. equally likely ways)

Nos. of red balls nij = 15 (nos. of favourable ways)

Prob. of drawing a red ball in first attempt

n 1
i ' 30

After first attempt total nos. of balls left in the bag N2 = 30-1 = 29

(i.e. equally likely ways)

Nos. of green balls m2 = 5

Prob. of drawing a green ball in second attempt

P -p. 5
2 P2
n2 ' - 29

After second attempt total nos. of balls in the bag N3 = N2 -1

N3 = 29-1 = 28

Nos. of white balls in the bags 1113 = 10

Prob. of drawing a white ball in the third attempt


Hence prob. that three balls drawn are red, green and white
15 5 10_ 25
x X
P = Pi X P2 X P3 - 30 29 28 812

PROBLEM 13. A random walker takes a step of unit length in the positive direction with

probability - and a step of unit length in the negative direction with probability What
is the mean displacement of the walker after n steps
SOLUTION. Here, probability in the positive direction [P (+ 1)] = ^

2 _ l_
Probability in negative direction [P (- 1)1 = 1 - 3 3

2 f _ f
The displacement of walker for one step, = +lx 3~3 "3

Hence, for n steps,

The displacement of walker =
22 Statistical Mechanics


Events are said to be mutually exclusive if oecurencc of one prevents the occurence of other.
These events do not occur simultaneously.
If A and B are two mutually exclusive events, then probability of occurence of A and B is given
= P(A) + P(B)

PROBLEM 14. Two cards are drawn simultaneously from a well shuffled pack of cards.
Find the prob. that at least one of them is king of heart.

SOLUTION. Total nos. of cards in the pack (i.e. nos. of equally likely ways) N = 52

Since there is only one king of heart in the pack of cards.

Two cards are drawn from the pack.

Nos. of favourable ways that first card is king of heart. m\ = 1

Prob. that first card is king of heart

p -Z!i-J_
N 52
Similarly nos. of favourable ways that second card is king of heart m2=l.
Prob. that second card to be king of heart
P - ^2 p _
2 N ' 52'
Since these two cards are drawn from the same pack of cards and there is only one king of
heart in pack, therefore the two cards can not be king of heart. Hence these events one mutuallv
exclusive events.
Required prob. P = Pj + P2

?= — + — = —= —
52 52 52 26


Consider an open box. Let the box is divided into two equal sized
compartments with the help of a partition. A particle is thrown into the
box and it has equal probability of going to either of two compartments.
The particle can go either to compartment 1 or compartment 2. This
is the principle of equal priori probability.

Probability of the particle going to any of two compartments = ~

Similarly if a box is divided into n equal sized compartments. A particle thrown into th h
equal probability going to any one of the compartments. Prob. of particle going to an f rT
any the
P = -
PROBLEM 15. A box is divided into 30 equal sized compartments. A ball is thrown into
the box is eqully likely to go to any one of the compartment. If 10 balls are thrown calculate
the probability for a particular compartment to contain.
(i) only one ball (U) all the 10 balls and
(Hi) no ball at all


(/) Since when a ball is thrown into box it has equal probability of going to any one of

Prob. of first ball going to a compartment =

1 =
30-1 29
Prob. of second ball not going to same compartment ~ ^ ~ 3Q -^q -

f 29 A9
Prob. of 9 balls not going to the same compartment = I

f 1 ^ ^ 29
Hence prob. of a ball going to a particular compartment = ^30 J ,30,

(ii) Prob. of 1st ball going to a compartment =

Prob. of 2nd ball going to same compartment = ^

Prob. of 10th ball going to same compartment = ^

r 1 V0
Hence prob. of all the ten balls going to same compartment = ,30,

1 29
{Hi) Prob. of 1st ball not going to 9 compartment = 1
" 39 = 30

Prob. of 2nd ball not going to same compartment = ^q

Prob. of 3rd ball not going to same compartment - 30 y

Prob. of 10th ball not going to same compartment = UoJ

Hence the prob. that all the balls to miss a particular compartment
14 Statistical Mechanics



■' Permutations are called arrangements and combinations are called groups.
Let us consider there different objects a, b and c, then nos. of pemutations i.e. arrangements,
by taking two objects at a time are ah, ac, ba, be, ca and cb. Hence there are six permutations or
arrangements in this case.
In permutations we take into account the order of placing the objects.

Number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time are given by

11 '
"P,. =
(n-r) !
where n\ = n (n-l) (n-2) ...3.2.1

The number of permutations of n objects taken all at a time is given by

"p = "! = -i- = = „ i

" (n-n) ! 0 ! 1


PROBLEM 15. Find the number of permutations of 4 different objects by taking 3 at a


SOLUTION. We know that nos. of permutations of n objects taking r at a time is given by

Nos. of permutations of 4 different objects taking 3 objects at a time is given by

4 41
P, =
(4-3) !
_ 4! 4X3X2X1
= 24
IT ~ T

Combinations of three different objects a, b md c by taking two at a ti™ ,

me 316
rpu o U- • ,i . be anc ac.
There are 3 combinations in this case.

In combinations the order of placing the objects are not taken into account

The number of combinations of n different objects by taking r nhWtc ^ .•

5 uojects at a time is given bv
/ J
n ! 'Pr
"Cr =
r ! (n-r) ! r !
or "Pr = "Cr x r !
The number of combinations of n different objects by taking all at
G 1016 1S
n ! _ n\ n I „ i
C = = 1
" " " n ! {n-n) ! ~ n ! 0 ! ~ ^TxT ^TT
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability ^5


PROBLEM 16. Find the combinations of 4 different objects by taking 3 objects at a time.

SOLUTION. Nos. of combinations of 4 different objects by taking 3 objects at a time are

4 ! 4 !
C, -
3 ! (4-3) ! 3 ! 1 !
= 4



Consider four distinguishable particles a, b, c and d. Let a box is divided into two compartments
of equal size with the help of a partition. These two compartments are exactly alike and are marked
as compartment 1 and compartment 2. Let these four particles are to be distributed in two compartments.
Particles have equal probability of going to either of the compartments {i.e. obey the law of equal

priori prob.). Hence probability of a particle going to a compartment is ^ • The total number of

particles in two compartments must be equal to four.

The distribution of four particles in two compartments are

(0, 4) (1, 3) (2, 2) (3, 1) (4, 0)

These are known as macrostates of distribution of particles of system.

Hence specification of number of particles in each compartment of a system is called macrostate.

Similarly macrostates of distribution of n particles in two compartments of a system are

(0, n) (1, n-l) (2, n-2) (n-l, 1) (n, 0)

These are (n + 1) macrostates

Hence total number of macrostates of a system having n number of particles to be distributed

in two compartments are always one more than the number of particles of the system [i.e. (n + 1)


The number of different arrangements of particles in a macrostate are called its microstates.

Each distinct arrangement of particles is known as microstate of the system.

In a given macrostate there can be number of microstates called thermo- dynamic probability
frequency of macrostate and generally denoted by W.

The various arrangements in which four particles may be distributed in two compartme
§i en in table as below.
& Statistical Mechanics

Macrostate Compartment compartment Frequency Probability
1 2 W
(4, 0) abed - 1

abc d
(3, I) abd c 4
acd b
bed a
ab cd
(2, 2) ac bd

ad be 6
be ad
bd ac
cd ab .
a bed

(1,4) b 4
acd 4
c abd
d abc

(0, 4) — abed 1

Let us calculate probability of a microstate {abed, -)

According to the principle of equal priori probability, the probability of a particle going to any

compartment is =

Prob. of particle a going to compartment 1 = ~

Prob. of particle b going to compartment 1 = ^

Prob. of particle c going to compartment 1 = y

Prob. of particle d going to compartment I = ~

Probability of all four particles b. c and d going to compartment 1 (or prob of i "
{abed, -)

12, 16-
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Tliermodynamica> Prooabil.ty

Similarly prob. of microstate {bed, a) = 2 16
2 \2 I
'n f]
Prob. of microstate {ab, cd) = X
u 16"
f 3
'n n 1
Prob, microstate {a, bed) = X
~ 16
\ 2J
A 1
/ r
Prob. of microstate (-, abcef) = 16

Hence prob. of each microstate of the system =

Nos. of microstates in it (i.e. in a given macrostate)

Prob. of a macrostae = Total nos. of microstates (of the system)

Total nos. of microstates

Frequency (W) _ W _ 1
Prob. of macrostate (0, 4) - nos 0f microstates N 16'

W 4 W _ 6
Prob. of macrostate (3, 1) = ^ of macrostate (2, 2) - ^ •
4 W 1
Prob. of macrostate (1, 3) = ~ • Prob. of maciostate (4, Oj - ^5 •




Specification of number of particles in each compartment of a system is caUed macrostate.

The distribution of four particles in two compartments of a system are (0, 4),
(1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 0) called macrostates of the distribution of particles. When the four
particles are distinguishable i.e. a, b, c and d.

Similarly distribution of n particles in two compartments of a system are (0, n), (1, n - 1).
(2, n - 2) .... (n - 1, 1), (n, 0).

There are (/i + 1) macrostates.


The different arrangements of particles in a macrostate are called microstates.

Each distinct arrangement of particles is known as microstate of the system.

For example in the macrostate (3, 1) of distribution of four distinguishable particles i

compartment, the possible microstates are {abc, d), {abd, c), {acd, b) and {bed, a)
microstates in macrostate (3.1).
18 Statistical Mechanics

Thermodynamic Probability or Frequency

It a given macrostatc (here can be number of microstates called thermodynamic probability or
frequency of macrostate and generally denoted by W.

Thermodynamic probability of different macroslates of distribution of four distinguishable particles

in two compartments are given in the table of previous Art 1.11.


Certain conditions that must be obeyed by the system are called constraints. For example, sum
of number of particles in two compartments must be equal to four.
If 721 and 722 number of particles in two compartments respectively, then
r n
72 1 + 722 = 4 O 2/ i ~ 4-
In this case macrostates (3, 0) (2, 1) (3, 2) 4, 2). etc. are not allowed or forbidden. These
macrostates are called inaccessible macrostates.
Whereas macrostates (0, 4) (3, 1) (2, 2) (1, 3) and (4, 0) are allowed or accessible macrostates.
Similarly other constraints can be that no compartment should remain empty, then macrostates
(0. 4) and (4, 0) are also not allowed.
Another constraints that particles are indistinguishable then each macrostates (1, 3), (2, 2),
(3, 1) will have only one microstate each.
Hence number of accessible macrostates (or microstates) is determined by the constraints of the
system. More are the constraints lesser are the number of accessible macrostates (or microstates)
of the system.


Let a box is divided into two compartments of equal size. Suppose n distinguishable particles are
to be distributed in these two compartments and there is no restriction on the number of particles
entering to either of two compartments.
The possible macrostates of the system are (0, n), (1, n-\), (2, 72-2) (/; _ 2 9*
(22 -1 ; 1), (72, 0).
Let us throw first particle into the box. It can enter either compartmentl or compartment 2
Hence first particle can be arranged in 2 ways. Similarly second particle can be arranged in 2 ways.
Third particle can be arranged in 2 ways.

72th particle can be arranged in 2 ways.

Hence all the 72 particles can be arranged in these two compartments in

2 X 2 X 2 X 72 times = 2" arrangements

Hence total number of microstates or meaningful arrangements of the system = 2" (1 1)

Classical Statrstics-I Microslate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 19

Let us consider macrostate „2) of the system in wl.ich there are n, particles in compartment
1 and «2 pai'dcles in compartment 2.
Then n, + //2 = 7/ ^ ^

Since u particles can arrange themselves in n\ ways (or arrangements)
These n. an an^cments include both the meaningful and meaningless arrangements.

n\ = meaningful arrangements X meaningless arrangements ...(1.4)

Meaningful arrangements are the number of microstates in the given macrostate {nh nn). This
is known as themodynamic probability of macrostate {nh n^).
.. Nos. of mamngful an-angements = Thermodynamic prob. of macrostate {nh ni)

- W {rix, nj).
Let us now calculate number of meaningless arrangements.
Since nj particles in compartment 1 can arrange themselves in nj! meaningless ways and n2
particles in compartment 2 can arrange themselves in 112 ! meaningless ways.
Hence total number of meaningless arrangements = ni! X n?!
Putting these values in eq (1.4)
nl = W (nh n-i) X nj! x n2!

n !
W {nh n2) =
n\\ X 122! ...(1.5)

n !
w (
"" " 2)
= using eq. (1.5)

W (nh n2) = "Cni "P7! = 72 !

"C =
"1 721! (^-^i) !
AlSO, 72 j = 72—722
.'. Eq. (1.5) becomes
72 !
W (//1, 722) (72-722) ! "2!

W (72!, 722) = "C„2

From eqs. (1.6) and (1.7)
W (72,, 722) = = «C;|2
Hence probability of macrostate (72], 722) is given by

Thermodynamic prob. of macrostate (72j, 7r,)

P ("i> "2) =
Total nos. of microstates of the system
W (721, 722)
P (72!, 722) =

or 72 ! 72 ! 72 !
P (72!, 722) = .(l.'S
72, ! (72 -72,) ! 2" (72-722) ' 2 ' 2" 721 ! 722 ' 2'

20 Statistical Mechanics

11(a).15. STIRLING'S FORMULA flHHHP ■amk

When nis a very large number then calculation on n ! becomes quite difficult
Stirling formula gives a suitable approximation for In n !.
For large u the Stirling's formula is In nl = n In n — n


PROBLEM 17. Calculate the percentage error made in using Stirling's formula
loge u! = n loge n-n when n = 7 (P.U. 2005)

SOLUTION. Since ;i = 7
7! = 6x5x4x3x2x1 = 5040

loge 7! = loge 5040

= 2.3026 x log10 5040
= 2.3026 x 3.7024
= 8.5251
According to Stirling's formula
loge 7! = 7 loge 7-7 = 7 x 2.3026 logjo 7-7
= 7 x 2.3026 x 0.8451-7
= 13.6215-7 = 6.6215
Error in using Stirling's formula = 8.5251-6.6215 = 1.9036
1.9036 ^
Percentage Error in using Stirlings's formula = X 100= 22.3 %
1/^ t - - , »'

We know that when n particles are to be distributed in two compartments there are (n + 1)
There are microstates in each macrostate. The number of microstates in a macrostate is called
frequency or thermodynamic probability W of the macrostate. More is the thermodvnamic nrobability
more is probability of macrostate (P)
The prob. of a macrostate is maximum if its thermodynamic probability is maximum.
The probability of macrostate {rii, 02)

P( 1
" ' "2) :=
, "Lf (using eq- 1-7) j + n
"l! n^- 2 [orn2=n-nlj
n !
or ?("!' 2) = ~7: ~
nyl (n-nj) 2
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 21

Let us consider macrostate (/j, N-/i)

The prob. of macrostate (n, N-n)
P(/r, N-n) = (using eq. 1.7)
n ! (N-n) ! 2

or P = ...(1.8)
n ! (N—/i) ! 2
Takins loc both sides

In P = In N
n ! (N-n) ! 2

In P = In N ! - In n ! - In (N-n) ! - In 2N
Using Stirling's formula

In P = N In N-N - (n In n - n) - [(N-n) In (N-n) - (N-n)] - N In 2

In P = N In N-N-n In n + n - (N-n) In (N-n) + (N-n) - N In 2
= N In N-N - n In n + n - (N-n) In (N-n) + N-n - N In 2
In P = N In N-n In n - (N-n) In (n-n) - N In 2 ...(1.9)
For most probable macrostate (or max. prob.)

using eq. ...(1.10)

— [NlnN-nlnn- (N-n) In (N-n) - N In 2] = 0

1 , , (N-n) (-1)
0-n x - - 1. In n (N_\ - (-1) In (N-n) -0 = 0

(v N = Const. & 2 Const.)

or -1 - In n + 1 + In (N-n) = 0
or In (N-n) - In n =0

or In = 0
V y
Taking antilog - e
= 1
N _ n _ ]
n n ~
— =1 + 1 =2

N = 2n N
or n =
Statistical Mechanic

Hence prob. of macrostate is max. when n = N


Putting this value is eq. (1.2)

N !
P f— N-—1
2' 2
N NN N !
2' 2
2 ' 2

(N N^j N!
2 ' 2
'v z ^J 2


According to Taylor's Theorem for I .c I < 1

In (I + x) = x - ~ + ....


Let n particles of a system are to be distributed in 2 compartments.

There will be (n + 1) macrostates
Consider macrostate (/; n-r) of the system
Theraodynamic probability (or frequency) of macrostate (r, n-r)

W(r, n-r) = . " '

r\ {n-r) !
Total number of microstates of the system = 2n
Probability of macrostate {r, n-r)

W {r,n - r)
Pir, n- r) = 2,?

n !
or n
- r) = ~r, 777^
r I (n - r) ! 2 •(1.12) (Using eq (1.11)

The state will be the most probable macrostate when r=~

. . r
Hence probability of most probable macrostate

P n n n !
fnm = P
P 2- J
— I n (Using eq. 1.12)
n ho"
2 ' 2
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 23

Pma.\ = D " —11 n !
P —.
2' 2
— 1 — 12"
2 " 2
n i
/ \2
x ll 2"
Let n is a very laige number.

n n
Let us consider a macrostate +x x at a very small deviation jc from most probable
2 ' 2
n \
macrostate. Probability of macrostate

n n
Pv = p hy + ^, x - x

n !
. =7 Using eq. (1.12)
IH! 2-xr

i n
Multiply and dividing by ^ ■

r.. \2
n _
P. =

— +x i ! 2"


P. =

- ! 2" +x — -X

r.. \2

Pv = P \ ...(1.14) Using eq. (1.13)
fn ^ fn
X +X - -X
U J u /
Taking logarithm both sides

n n
In Pj,. — In Pmaj; + 2 In - In + A* - In X
Apply Stirhng's formula \n n\ = n In n - n

Eq. (1.15) becomes

Statistical Mechan

^ fn \ (n ^
n - n n n
In Pv = In P„m. + 2 + x In — + x +X
2 2~ 2 y vz / v2
/n n n ^
In x - r* x
X 2
\ 2~ , v
\ fn ^
n n
mi 2+-* +
In Pv = In P,„av + n In 2 .2
/ v2
r "N
n 'n (n \
— X \n - X + r) X
(2 ) vz ]
n (n \ n
In Pv = In P,„m. + n In 2 " " -^ + x In — + X +
[2 j 2+X
I2 J
n n ] n
- jc In X +
2~ ] 2~X
/ n
n n (11
In Px — m P,?iaj; + n In 2 In ...(1.16)
L +X +x
\2 ,
y 2 y
n f, 2x n 2xv
= In P/nar + n In T " I ^ X l-xlin 1 -
1ln 2 1+
T 2 n
1 2J:
In = to P,^, + n ta2 - 2 +;e In ^ + In 1 + —
v n
/ 2x
In ^ + In (1.17)
vz y n

We know that according to Taylor's Theorem

2 3
..... JC X
In (1 + x) = x _ . for I x I < 1.

f 2x _2x_l fix]2 1 f2x]3 2x 1 4x2 1 8x3

Then In 1 +
v n n n 3 ^ n n 2 +
3 ^ ■
f 2x^ 2x 2x 8 x
In 1 + — = 2 +
3 3
n ) n n n

Since - < < 1, hence neglecting square and higher powers of - can be neglected
n n
f 2x^ 2x
In 1] +
n n (1.18)
fl 2x 2x
ln 1 -
Similarly n n (1.19)

Putting the values from eqs. (1.18) and (1.19) in eq. (1.17)
n n . n 2x n \
+ x In - + — . n 2x
+ n In o ~ \ o y -x In-
In Pv = In P/nax 2 n 2 n
vz y
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability

1In —
" 7/, 7/ 77 2A' n 2x
2 ~ 2 n2 2" 77 2 ' n
n , n n2x , n 2x
In — + tt . + XlTl yr — n
2 2 2 n 2
, 77 f 77 . 77 77 , n Ax_
wax x + x - x In-^ + x In
2 ~ v2 2 +
2 n

1 'I 1 n 4v2
^max ln
2 -
2 ■ 77

In Pv — In P/uax

In Px In P7?(cw:
PA Ax 4x2n
In (Multiplying and dividing n)
^ P;;!o.r n

x2n f \2
riA x
n n
v y V2y

x ^
\n = -f n where y \N = / called fractional deviation
^max y ' n

x -fzn v2y
or, — = e J (1.20) from most probable state
-h .... (1.21)
Px = P max

Let us discuss the result for a macrostate for which percentage deviation from the state of
maximum probability is 0.1% i.e., /- Jqq- ^ 3

Case 1st. Let total number of particles of the system n - 106

Putting these values in eq. (120)

Px -lo^xio6
= e = e'10 = e-1
1 1 Pv i ....(1.22)
2.718 max 2.718
Case Ilnd. Let total number of particles of the system n = 109
Then eq. (1.20) becomes

Px -io^xio9
= e = e-10' = e-l(«> =
Px 1 .... (1.23)
^max ,1000
TBp 6
Statistical Mechanics

Case Illrd. Let total number of particles of the system n = lO1-

Then eq. (1.20) becomes

Pv _ ,-10'6 X |()l?- 1000000

-10 6_

Pv = j
Pmav e 1000000

From eqs. (1.22), (1.23) and (1.24) it is

clear that the probability of 0.1 percent deviation
t max
from most probable state decreases rapidly with
increase of n.

The curve between versus / for
n-\ > n2> 713
different values of n is shown below. This curve 773
is called probability distribution curve. 772
It shows that as n increases the curve
becomes narrower. It means the probability of
deviation from most probable state decreases.
Therefore as the number of particles of the -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3
system becomes large the system stays very
close to the most probable state or approximately
Fig. 1.1
in most probable state. Hence properties of the ■■■■■
system will be same as those of most probable
state of the system.


Generally there are two types of systems (1) Static system and (2) Dynamic system.
In static system the particles are at rest. In distribution of n particles of a static system in two
identical compartments. Let us consider macrostate (nh 112), in which there are n1 particles in 1st
compartment and nj particles in 2nd compartments. The particles in these two compartments are at
rest. They cannot move from one compartment to another compartment.
But in case of a dynamic system the particles of the system are in motion. In nature most the
systems are dynamic system. For example consider a gas in enclosed in a box which is divided into two
compartments of equal size. The molecules of the gas are in random motion and moving with different
velocities. They are colliding with one another and with the walls of the compartments. Because of these
collisions the molecules are moving from one compartment to another compartment. Hence number of
molecules in these two compartments are continuously changing.

We know that 1 cm3 of a gas at N.T.P. undergo 6.6 X1028 collisions in 1 sec Therefore each
collision will take place in every 1.5X10-29 Sec. Thus system goes from one macrostate to another
macrostates billions of time in 1 sec. Even if we take the observation of the system in very small tin16
(i.e. in one millionth of a sec), the system moves from one macrostate to another macrostates billion5
of time during this time interval.
C/assical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 27

Let time of observations = To/;v

Since dining this obseivation time the system passes through very large number of
macrostates. Hence the observation time (Tw/„) determine the average behaviour of the system
over very large number of macrostates. Because the system is changing very rapidly from one
accessible microstate to another accessible microstates. According to the theorem of probability
all the microstates of the system are equally probable. Hence the system will spend equal time
in all the accessible microstates.
Hence during observations time, the average time spend (r) by the system in each microstate.

observation time
r =
total nos. of microstates
- N -• (1.25)
Therefore aveiage time spend by the system in macrostate (nj,
T(/q, ^2) rXNos. of microstates in macrostate {n\,
Using eq. (1)

T(ni» n
2) =
~j^LxW(n1,112) _ (1.26)

(where W{nh ni) is thermodynamic prob. of macrostate {nh m))

WCnj, n2)
T(ni, 112) = T obs

T(ni, 112) - Tofe ?(«!, «2) or P(7i1, 112) = ...(1.27)

This is the probability of dynamic system to exist in macrostate {nh n2). It is equal to time it
spend in macrostate (nj, 112).

Since a dynamic system goes from one macrostate to other macrostates millions of billions of
hme in 1 sec. Because some macrostates of the system are more probable than other macrostates
depending upon their thermodynamic probabilities. More is the thermodynamic probability more is the
probability of macrostate. As mentioned in Article that probability becomes very small for a macrostate
close to most probable macrostate. Hence for most of the time or nearly all the time a system exists
ln most
Prot>able macrostate or in a macrostate very close to most probable macrostate. This most
probable macrostate is called equilibrium state of a dynamic system having very number of particles.
^ us a dynamic system tends to move from other macrostates to equilibrium state due to collisions
Particles. Once the system comes in equilibrium state it tends to remain in this state. Even if the
system is disturbed from equilibrium state it quickly comes back to equilibrium state. Hence we can

the UCe t^e ^roPert^es t e

b system only from the most probable macrostate or equilbrium state of
^ Remaining macrostates can be neglected because of having very small probability without
Th ^nce ^is is possible only for a dynamic system having very large number of particles.
an^6 0re n
* Statistical Physics we considers only those systems having very large number of particles
'y ^tudy their equilibrium state.
Statistical Mechatiic.


Consider a large box of area A is divided into k compartments of unequal sizes.

Let n distinguishable particles are to be distributed in these k compartments.

Consider the macrostate (/q, 112, 7/3 Jik) in which there are nj particles in 1st compartment
"2 particles in 2nd compartment, 773 particles in 3rd compartment.... particles in Ath compartment
Total nos. of particles 7?], + 112, + 77.3, + nk = 11

These 11 particles can be arranged among themselves in

_ "p _ ^ m •
~ ~ (77 - 77)! - 01="! wa s
These 11 ! arrangements include both meaningful and meaningless arrangements.
.-. u ! = Total nos. of meaningful arrangements

x Total nos. of meaningfe&arrangements (1.28)

Since iii particles in 1st compartment can arrange themselves in //j ! meaningless arrangements

712 particles in 2nd compartment can arrange themselves in 112 ! meaningless arrangements

773 particles in 3rd compartment can arrange themselves in 773 ! meaningless arrangements

nk particles in k^ compartment can arrange themselves in nk ! meaningless arrangements.

Hence total number of meaningless arrangements

= 77] ! 772 ■ "3 !

nk ! . ...(1.29)

Total number of meaningful arrangements of

distributing n particles in k compartments in macrostate
n n
(77], 772, 3' k) are equal to number of microstates
in macrostates (77], 112, 773, 77^) which is equal to
thermodynamic probability W (771, 772, 773, nk) of this

Hence total number of meaningful arrangements

= W (77], 772, 773 nk) ...(1.30)

Putting eqs. (1.29) and (1.30) in eq. (1.28)

— n
^ • ^ ('0' '^2> 2» '7^) '7] !, 772 •' ^3 !, fij, j

n !
W (77], 772, 713, nk) =
n\ ■' 772 ! 773 ! nk !

n n 77 1 K
W (77], 772, l' k) = k 4
n 77/!
Fig. 1.2.
Classical Statistics-I MicrostateA Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 29


Consider a box of large area A is divided into k compartments of unequal sizes. Let these
compartments are further divided into large number of elementary cells of equal size.
Let there are g| number of cells in Isl compartment, £2 'ls in 2nd compartment, £3 cells in
3rd compartment £/ cells in k compartment.
Assuming that size of a cell is very small as compared to size of a compartment.

Total number of cells

£1 + £2 + £3 + + gk - G . .... (1.32)

Let 11 distinguishable particles are to be distributed into these k compartments and G cells.

Consider the macrostate (/q, 7/2, 713, n^). In this macrostate there are 71/ particles in 1st
compartment, no particles in 2nd compartment, 773 particles in 3rd compartment particles in

Assuming that number of cells in a given compartment are very large. These cells have equal
priori probabihty.

A particle can go to any of the cells within the same compartment.

We know that thermodynamic probability (or number of arrangements) of distribution of n

particles in k compartments in macrotstate (771, "3, n^)
n !
W(7i1, 772, «3 k) = ~T (Using eq. (1.31) of article 1.19)

1= 1
Since the compartments are further divided into cells. Hence arrangement of particles into these
cells are also meaningful arrangements. Therefore calculating number of arrangements of n particles
in k compartment and G cells in macrostate (77!, 772, 773, nk) we should multiply equation (1.31)
on RHS with number of meaningful arrangements of particles into cells.

Consider 1st compartment which is divided into £} cells. Throw the 1st particle into this
compartment. It can go to any one of £1 cells.

Hence 1st particle can be arranged in £! cells in £1 meaningful arrangements.

Similarly 2nd particle can be arranged in £! cells in £] meaningful arrangements.

3rd particle can be arranged in £[ cells in £! meaningful arrangements.

77!th particle can be arranged in gi cells in £! meaningful arrangements.

Hence 77] particles can be arranged in £) cells of 1st compartment in

^iXgiX^i Xg! (77, times)

= £i'!l meaningful arrangements

Hence total number of meaningful arrangements for n particles of k compartments in G
will be

11 Statistical Mechanics

N = Si"'XS2"2Xs,"3 xs/2

n = n ft .... (1.33)

Hence total number o( (equally likely ways or) thcrmodynamic prob. of macrostate
(/q, it2, /q) in which n particles arc distributed in k compartments and G cells
W x
("i- "2. "3 nk) = fl 8?
n"/! ' -1

("1. "2. "3> "r) = " ! FI .... (1.34)
i=l i
(Using eqs. (1.31) & (1.33))
These are the numbei of microstates of macrostate (/q, ^3. nk)- Since each microstate
is equally probable.
Let prob. of each microstate is p(say)
Hence probability of macrostate (nh 112, n3, nk)

P 0ih 112, n3, nk) = W (ni, nz "3. nk) X p

Since P « W
Hence thermodynaic prob. W is the measure of prob. of system in that macrostate.


PROBLEM 18. In a system of 8 distinguishable particles distributed in two equal sized

compartments, calculate the probability of macrostates (2, 6), (4, 4), (3> S) [PU 1978]

SOLUTION. We know that prob. of macrostate (nh n2)

n !
(i) P(nj, 112) =
n\ ! n2 ! 2"

In this case n = 8, n\ = 2, 112 = 6

Prob. of macrostate (2, 6)

p /o _ =
2 ! 6 ! 2
28 28 7
2 ~ 26 64
(ii) In this case n = 8, n1 = 4, 112 = 4
8 !
P (4, 4) = 8
4 ! 4 ! 2 4 ! 4 t 2s
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 31 35x2 _ 35x2 _ 35 35 ~ 28 ' 2.27 f ^ 128

(Hi) In this case n = 8, ;;i =3, /h = 5

P (3, 5) = ST -
3 ! 5 ! 2 3.2.1X5.4.3.2. IX28

56 _ 56 7 7

28 ~ 25 ~ 32

PROBLEM 19. 5 Distinguishable particles are to be arranged in 3 compartments of a box

(i) Calculate the total number of ways in which this can be done assuming that there is no
restriction on the number of particles that can go into any compartment (ii) Also calculate
the probability of macrostate (2, 1, 2). (P.U. 2005)


(/) In this case n = 5

Nos. of compartments = 3

Total nos. of ways arranging 5 particles in 3 compartments

(or total number of macrostates of system)

= 3" = 35 = = 243

(ii) In this case n = 5, /ij = 2, 712 = 1, n3 = 2

n !
P (nu
v 1 n-r, nf) = I i TTT
^ ^ 71 ! 772 ' «3 ' 3

Prob. of macrostate (2, 1, 2)

5 ! _
P (2, 1, 2) = 2 t 1 1 2 !x3

5.3.2. = 10 _ jQ
5 4
~ 3 ~ 3.3 34 81

PROBLEM 20. 4 distinguishable particles are to be distributed in two compartments. The

first compartment is divided into 3 cells and second compartment into 2 cells. All the cells
have equal priori probability and there is no on the number of particles that can go to any
cell. Calculate the values of thermodynamic probabilities.

W (4, 0), W (3, 1), W (2, 2), W (1, 3) and W (0, 4)


W (Til, 772) • |^ ni ! 71! ! X 772 !

(0 In this case n = 4, g] = 3, g2 = 2
nl =4, 772 =
32 3ldli:sc
- s 'cai Mechanics

4!X 34 x 20
W(4,0) = =jliii
4 ! x 0 ! I
= 3x3x3x3 = 81

(») In this case n = 4, = 3, ^ = 2, /ij = 3, 712 = 1

W (3, 1) ^ 1 v ^ x 2' - 4 3
- -2-l x 33X2
3 ! 1 ! 3.2.1X1

4x33X2 = 8X33 = 8X27

= 216
m In this case 77 = 4, gj = 3, g2 = 2, ^ = 2, n2 = 2

32 x 22
W (2, 2) = 4 1 x = x 32x4
2 12! 2.1x2.1

= 24 X32 = 24x9 = 216

(iv) In this case n = 4, g, = 3, g2 = 3,

771 = 1, ^ = 3

3 ><
(v) (1, 3) = 4 1 x = x 3 x 8
! 3 ! 1x3.2.1
= 4x3x8 = 96
(vO In this case n = 4, g, = 3, g2 = 2, n, = 0, n2 = 4

30 x 24 4321
W (0, 4) = 4 ! x = X 1 x 16
! 1X 4321
= 16

rsift izz ::t:'in a c"bk ^ ^ ^ ^

the times spent by the system in most probable state "sOsZand"' Ca,C"''"e ratio
W-M) and macrostate (45, 55).

cnniTTnM t
SOLUTION. Total, number of particles of the system /, = 100 W92, Pbi. U. 2005)

Nos. of compartments = 2
Total nos. of microstate of the system = N
Let time spent by the system in most probable macrostate (50.50) = T (50 50i
Time spent by the system in macrostate (45, 55) = t (45 55) ^
We know that probability of the sytem to exist in macros'tate . •
Tl/i,,^) ("b «2) is given by
= P( Where
\bs "l' "2)
T (50, 50) ^obs = Time of observatio
Tofa = P (50, 50) T («i, 712) = Time the syste
spent in macrostate {n\,n
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 33

Similaily nr - P (45,55)
Uv - ' - (2)

Dividing eq. (I) by cq. (2)

T (50,50)
X>bs _ P (50, 50)
T(45,55) P(45,55)
T (50, 50) _ P (50, 50)
n !
V P <n| n2)
1(45,55) P (45, 55) ' % ! „2 !

100! 4
v50 ! 50 ! J 45 155! 45 155x54x53x52x51x50!

( 1Q0! ^ 50 ! 50 ! 50X49X48X47X46X45 ! 50 !
U5 ! 55 !,

55x54x53x52x51 3478761
= 1.63
50X49X48X47X46 1888760

PRO ILEM 22. Calculate the probability of drawing three queens in succession for the
pack of cards.

SOLUTION. Total nos of cards i.e. total number of equally likely ways = 52

Total nos. of queens in the pack = 4

4 1
Prob. of drawing a queen from pack of cards = — = —

Now nos. of cards left in pack = 51,

Nos. of queens left in pack = 3

3 1
Prob. of drawing second queen - — -—

Now nos. of cards left in pack = 50

Nos of queens left in pack = 2

2 1
= -
Prob. of drawing third queen ^ 25

-Ixlxl-— Ans
•• Prob. of drawing three queens in success on ^ ^ ^5 5525

PROBLEM 23. Calculate the percentage error in using Stirling's formula

u - A (H.P U. I991)
In n ! = n In n - n when n - 4

n ! = 4 ! = 4.3, 2.1 = 24
In 4 ! = In 24 = 2.3026 log^ 24

= 2.3026 X 1.3802 = 3.1781

Statistical Mechanics

n In n ~ n 4 hi 4 - 4 = 4 X 2.3026 log|0 4-4

= 4 x 2.3026 X 0.6021 - 4 = 1.5456

Error in using Stirling's formula

= h, 4! - (4 In 4 - 4) = 3.1781 - 1.5456 = 1.6325

• • Peicentage error in using Stirling formula

^3TX,00 = 5, 2%

wolccules of a gas ore enclosed in a cubical volume. Let this volume

e mded into two halves by weans of an imaginary partition. Calculate the ratio of time
spent by the system in most probable macrostate (40, 40) and macrostate (35, 45).

(P.U. 2007)
SOLUTION. Total number of particles = 80
Total number of compartments = 2
Let time spent by the system in most probable macrostate (40, 40) = T (40, 40)

Time spent of the system in most probable macrostate (35, 45) = T (35, 45)
We know that the prob. of the system to exist in macrostate («,, n2) is given by

= P{11^,112)
7X40, 40)
= />(40, 40)
Tobs ■••(1)
c. .. , 7X35,45)
Similarly = p(35,45)
Tobs •••(2)
Dividing eq. (1) by eq. (2)

7X40, 40)
Tobs />(40, 40)
7X35,40) =
P{35, 45)
7X40, 40) _ 7X40, 40) _
7X35,45) 7X35,45) JlOlJ (- ^ "2)
35 ! 45
= HUH = X 44 x 43 x 42 x 41 x 40'

(40, 40)
401 _ as'
45 X 44 X 43 X 42 x 41
T(35,45) ~ 40 x 39 X 38 >07)06

= 1-86
~ 219336
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 35

PROBLEM 25. Eight distinguishable particles are to be. distributed in two components. The
first cornpartment is divided in 4 cells and the second in 2 cells. Each cell is of equal apriori
probability and there is no restriction on (he number of particles which can be contained in
each cell. Calculate (he (i) thennodynamie probability of most probable state (0, 8)
(ii) probability of state. (G.N.D.U. 2007)

SOLUTION, Wc know thai

/l! x
i'l"1 x 82
VV {nh uf) =
//.! // 2

(0 In this case. /?] = 0, 712 = 8, /; = 8, gi = 4, gi = 2

4° X 28 IX 256
W (0, 8) = 8! x = 256
0! 8! 1

(ii) P (uh 112) =

"1! "2! 2"
8! 1 1
P (0, 8) =
0! 8! 28 28 256
(n n n\ 8 !!
(Hi) 2
2 2 (n ^ ~ (4 !)2 2 4! 4! x 256
—1 2"
v2"J 35
= 0.273 x 256 128


^l^What is the difference between a microstate and a macrostate ?

Ans. The specification of the number of particles in each compartment is known as the

Each macrostate can have, a large number of different arrangements of particles. Each
distinct arrangement is known as the microstate of the system.

2. What is thermodynamic probability or frequency of a given macrostate?

Ans. The number of microstates in a given macrostate is known as its frequency or

thermodynamic probability.
3. Define probability of an event.

Ans. The probability of an event is defined as the ratio of number of cases in wnich
event occurs to the total number of equally likely cases.

Number of" cases in which event occurs

Probability - Total number of equally likely cases

36 Statistical Mechanics

4. What are independent events ? What is the law of multiplication of probability ?

Ans. Two or more events are said to be independent if the occurrence of one event in
no way affects the occurrancc of the other.
If there are number of independent events whose individual probabilities are Pj, p,
P„ respectively, then the probability (P) of all of them will occur simultaneously
is given by

P = ?! X p2 X P3 X P„.
This is called multiplication law of probability.
^S./UTiat is the principle of equal a priori probability ?
Ans. The principle of assuming equal probabilities for the likely events is known as the
"principle of equal a priori probability."
6. What are permutations and combinations ?
Ans. Permutations. The different arrangements that can be made with a given number
of objects taking some or all of them at a time are called permutations.
Permutations of n things taken r at a time is given by
n !
"P r :
(n-r) !
Combinations. The different groups that can be formed out of a given number of
things taking some or all of them at a time are called combinations. Combinations of
n things taken r at a time is given by

n !
nr =
'' r ! (n—r) !
7. What do you mean by most probable macrostate ?
Ans. A macrostate which has maximum probability of occurrence is called most probable
8. What are static and dynamic systems ?
Ans. A static system is that in which the particles are at rest when put in a compartment
or a cell. A dynamic system is that in which particles are in the state of motion.
9. Two cards are taken out one after the other from a deck of well shuffled cards. The
probability of two aces is 2552 ' ^ ?

Ans. Probability that first card drawn is an ace = — = -L

52 13
3 1
Probability that second card drawn is an ace = — = —_
51 17

.-. Probability of getting two aces = — x 1 1

13 17 " 221
Hence this answer ^552 15 wrong.

10. n distinguishable particles can be arranged in m compartments in m X n ways-
is correct or wrong •
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 37

Ans. Since 11 distinguishable particles can be arranged in m compartments in mn ways.

Hence the answer X u ways is wrong.

11. Two six faced dices arc thrown simultaneously. List the various ways in which event
can happen.
Ans. There are 36 likely outcomes of throwing of two dices as given below ;
(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6)

(2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6)
(3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)
(4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6)

(5/ 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (5, 6)
(6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)
12. What is the range of probability of an event ?
Ans. If the event occurs then its probability is 1. If the event does not occur then
probability is zero. Hence range of probability of an event is 0 to 1.
13. When statistical methods give greater accuracy ?
Ans. Statistical methods give greater accuracy when the number of observations is very
14. What are equally likely events ?
Ans. The events which have equal probabilities of occurrence are called equally likely
15. What is an equilibrium state ?
Ans. When the number of particles in a dynamic system are very large then this system
exists practically all the times in the most probable macrostate. This most probable state
in the dynamic system is known as the equilibrium state.


1. A specified volume containing particles form a system.

2. Probability of an event is defined as the ratio of number of cases in which event occurs
to the total number of cases.
3. Sum of the probability of occurrence and probability of non occurrence is equal to one.

p + q =1.
4. Macroscopic behaviour of a system depends on the compartment-wise distribution of
5- Probability of a macrostate is defined as the ratio of number of microstates in that
macrostate to the total number of possible microstates of the system.
6- Thermodynamic Probability. In case of distribution of n distinguishable particles in 2
compartments of equal size the thermodynamic probability is given by
n '
v "2)
a = —rw = "c
nx ! n2\ "1 = "c 2
38 Statistical Mechanics

7. Sterling formula is
In n ! = // In u - n
when u is very large
8. In case of distribution of u distinguishable particles in m compartments of equal size
then total number of microstates = in"
9. If f = fractional deviation from most probable state.

Pmax Probability of most probable state and / -

= e
Then, k
~^ "
10. Since probabilit}' of all the microstates is equal hence probability of a macrostate is
directly proportional to its thermodynamic probability.
11. If n distinguishble particles are to be distributed in k compartments the thermodynamic
probability of macrostates (nl, nl, n3 n4) is given by

n !
woq, ni, n3 Ub) = T^Trrr vi! i
tii ! n2 !.... Hk !
12. If n distinguishable particles are distributed in k compartments which are further
divided in gi, g3, gk cells of equal size the thermodynamic probability of macrostate
{ni, 772/ "3 ■■■ n
k) is given by

W {nh 772, 773 - nk) = ni , nk , (gl)n^g2)n2(g3)n3

= 77; ! 11
i=1 i

13. The fraction of time spent by a dynamic system in a particular compartment is equal
to the probability of the system to exist in that macrostate

P(«i/ ni) = ^ 2


Short Answer Questions

1. What is the meaning and importance of the principle of equal a priori probability in
statistical physics ?

2 Distiniguish between microstates and macrostates of a system.

3. State any two laws of probability.

4. Show that probability of macrostate is proportional to its thermodynamic probability?

5 Explain the concepts of constraints of a system.

6 Define the terms (/) probability (//) accessible and inaccessible states.
Classical Statistics-I M c-ostate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 39

7, What are n-dependent events ? Derive an expression for the probability of occurrence
of two independent events.

8, What is the meaning and importance of the principle of equal a priori probability in
statistical physics ?

9, What is the probability of an impossible event ?

10. What is the probability of a random event ?

11. What is the probability of a certain event ?
12. What is the value of "P„ and 1! ?
13. What is the value of "Cn and 0 ! ?
14. What is the probability of drawing a queen of hearts out of a well shuffled pack of

15. What is meant by most probable state of a system ?

1. What is the meaning and importance of the principle of equal a probability in statistical
physics ?

2. Discuss in detail the distribution of 4 different particles in two identical compartments

and tabulate the result.

3. Taking the case of n particles distributed in 2 compartments with equal a priori probabiHty
discuss the variation of probability of macrostate on account of small deviations from
the state of maximum probability.

4. Discuss the distribution of n distinguishable particles in k compartments which are

further sub divided into g-cells of equal a priori probability.

5. Prove that for a dynamic system the fraction of the total time that the system spends
in any particular macrostate is proportional to the thermodynamical probability for
that macrostate.

6. A large number (n) of particles is distributed in two compartments of equal a priori

probability. Discuss the variation of probability of macrostate on account of small
deviation from the state of maximum probability.
- For n distinguishable particles to be distributed in two compartments, prove that the
thermodynamic probability of macrostate (rq, rq) is

n !
w =
("i/ "2) rq! n2!

^ere n = ni +

Calculate the percentage error made in using the Stirling formula

Inn! = nlnn-n
[Ans 36 35%
where „ . r - - J
Statistical Mechanic
Explain the concepts of (/) microstates anci macrostates (n) thermodynamic probabilv
(W) (m) Constraints on a system. ^

Write down the various microstates and macrostates for a system of 2 distinguishaki
Parbcles distributed in 2 compartments. e

rove that the probability of a microstate corresponding to distribution of N particle

in two identical compartments is ~ N.

^bV^0 ^0U 1116311

most probable macrostate ? Derive an expression for th
State corres
compartme ^ Pon<:^^n8 to
distribution of N particles in two identical

Numerical Problems

n =C5 316
^ Percenta§e erro
r in using Stirling's formula In ! = n In n - n where
2. inn i i r ^P'U" 1990
^ ^Ans' 36 34
- %l

divided ^ntn6? ^ a Sas are enclosed in a cubical volume. Imagine the volume to be
11163118 0f
the time spent bvsv r ^ ima§inary Partition. Calculate the ratio of
^ system in most probable microstate and macrostate (40, 60)
[Hint. Most probable state is (50, 50)
(5^ 50) _ W(50, 50) 40 ! 60 '
= 134 Ans ]
TWbO) W(40, 60) ~ 50llol -

3' equTlXes hv 3 ^ are enCl0Sed 111 a cubiral volume. Let this volume be divided to
memS 311 lma in
the system
t S ary partition.
m most probable macrostate Calculate
(40, 40) and the ratio
macrostate (38, of time scent
42).[Ans bv
1 1041
4. A bag contains 15 white, 10 red and 5 black balls. If we take two balls out at ' 4
what is the probability that both of them are (,) white (ii) reT
[Hints. Find n = ml = ^C^ m2 = ioC2 j

[Ans. (i) ~ (,;) A p, = r!L p, = ((h ,

5. A pair of dice is thrown simultaneously. Calculate the probability of showL up a sum
of {a) 10 and {b) 12 i i
[Ans. (n) — (C) — ]

- upward"8 " thr0Wn Simultane0USl
^ How ma
"y 0' them are likely to face tiith he[dS
7. Two six faced dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the probability tl^oneT

shows the face 6 and other does not. 5

[Ans, ^7]
8. A box is divided into 20 equal sized compartmpnic a tw •
equally likely to go into any of these compartments. U "* 1*1 £
the probability for a particular compartment to contain. ^
(i) all the 10 coins (ii) only one (/,/) no coin at all

A 10 9
[Ans. (/) P = '19 \ 19
,20 J (Hi) P =
Uoj 20
Classical Statistics-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability ^

9. A box is divided into 16 equal sized compartments. A ball thrown into the box is
equally likely to go into any one of these compartments numbered 1 to 16. If 10 coins
are thrown, calculate the probability of a particular compartment to coin (z) one ball
only (//') all the tens balls {in) none of the balls.

/15X9 NlO f
[Ans. (z) x (zz) {in)
v16y v16y
V 16y
10. 8 distinguishable particles are to be distributed in two compartments of equal a priori
probability. Calculate the total number of microstates of the systems. What is the
number of microstates in the most-probable macrostate ?

[Hints (!) N = 2" (ii) wly ^ ] [Ans. (z) 256 (zz) 70]
2 2 •
11. Calculate the number of ways of arranging 20 distiniguishable particles in 15 cells.
There being no restriction on the number of particles than can go into a cell.

[Hints, gi = 15, ni = 20, N = {g^i] [Ans. 3.3 x 1023]

12. Three particles are distributed in 3 compartments of equal size. Find the nos. of microstates
in (z) macrostate (1, 2, 0) and (zz) macrostate (10, 0, 3).

[Hints. (!) W(l, 2, 0) - (ii) W (0, 0, 3) = [Ans. (z) 3 (zz) 1]

13. 16 distinguishable particles are distributed among four compartments of equal

size. Calculate the probability of the (z) macrostate (16, 0, 0, 0) and macrostate
(12, 0, 0, 0, 4).

[Hints. (!) P (16, 0, 0, 01) - 16,0,0'"o,x4.s

16 ! 1 455
(zz) P (12, 0, 0, 4) - ^2 ! 0 ! 0 ! 4 ! x 416 [Ans. (z) {ii) ]

14. 4 distinguishable particles are to be distributed among two compartments. The first
compartment is divided into 3 cells and second into 2 cells. All the cells are of equal a
priori probability and there is no restriction on the number of particles that can go in
any cell. Calculate the value of W(4, 0), W(3, 1), W (2, 2), W(l, 3) and W (0, 4).

2 (g.)"/
[Hints. W (zq, zz2, n3 nk = n \ R n = 4, k = 2, gj = 3, gj = 2

4 X
H) W(4, 0) = ' 4^ f ^ [Ans. (z) 81 (zz) 216 {in) 216 {iv) 96 (v) 16]

15. 8 distinguishable particles are distributed in 2 compartments of unequal sizes. The first
compartment is further divided into 6 cells and second into 2 cells of equal sizes.
Calculate the probability of (z) macrostate (6,2) and (zz) most probable macrostate.

[Ans. (z) 5.23 X 106 {ii) 1.45 X 106]

Statistical Mechanics

Multiple Choice OuEsfid^

1. A coin is thrown, then the probability that head will not come up is

Zer0 1
^ (c) 2 (^) None of these.
2. If p2 and P3 are the probabilities of three independent events, then the probahil^
of simultaneously occuring of these three events is ^

Pl P2
(a) Fl X V2 x P3 (b) Pi + P2 + P3 (C) p M) -—~
J w
P3 ^ X P2 x P3
3. If P^and P2 are two mutually exclusive events then probability of occuring of

^2 (k) Pi X P2 (c) Pi + P2 (d) none of these.

4. Number of permutations of 5 different objects by taking 2 at a time are

^ ^20 WIO (d) 40

• Number of combinations of 6 objects by taking 3 at a time are

. }b)10 (0 15 (d)20

COnStraintS the number of

(ofmitLtatesTof the^yTtem ^ ' accessible macrostates

^ InCreaSeS (b) Decreases

(c) Remains constant
7 t__ j • . • -1 ,. , (") None of these
in 2
ma™ T ^ the probabihty of most ptobable

(„) ("O2 (b) ("!) fl2"

I! 2" (nd 2„(

8. In statistical physics large is the number of particles of the system, the results
W more accurate (6) less accurate (c) remains same (,) none o, the are

9 S
- ^LTame^rthr of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Parties of the system
(a) less probable state. CM i
, . , u U1 ( ^ neither less nor more probable state
(c) most probable state. {d) None o{ ^

10. Thermodynamic probability of macrostate (n, m n \ ■

3 m w cb 11
distributed in k compartments and G cells is ' "" Particles are
(where G = ^i + y2 + ^3 + +gk)k
b •It! k \ ,
I pi"'
W rV n g'
" 1 i - 1 n, !
11. Probability of an event cannot bo
(a) 1 W (c) Negative
('!) None of these
Classical Statistfcs-I Microstate, Macrostate and Thermodynamical Probability 43

12 According to Stirling's formula

{a) In n ! = » In n + n (/?) In n I = n \n n - n

(c) In n ! = —
In n + 11 {d) None of these

13. If ii distinguishable particles are distributed in 2 compartments, then most probable

macrostate is

' !L (n
n] fn
(b) (c) [3' (d) None of these.
r 2 b 2j V
14. If 5 distinguishable particles are distributed in 2 compartments, then total number of
microstates of the system is

(a) 4 {b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 32

15. A six faced dice and a coin are thrown, then probability that dice shows face 2 and coin
shows, head up is


16. A card is drawn from a pack of 52. The probability of its being a king of spade are

(«) (c)
144 W 55
52 221 ^15
17. The probability of any event cannot be
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) - (d) negative

18. Statistical methods given greater accuracy when the number of observations is

(a) very small (b) very large

(c) neither very small nor large (d) none of these

19. Equally likely events have

(fl) equal probabilities (b) unequal probabilities

(c) none of the above


- (c) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (d)
- (c) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (a)

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