EDTLE1 - Quiz 1 - Midterm

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Mary the Queen College of Pampanga, Inc.

QUIZ 1 – Midterm

NAME: Janella Marie S. Romero Year/Section: BEED II-St.Lorenzo Date: March 13, 2023

I. Answer the following intelligently.(20pts.)

a. Give 5 importance of Housekeeping and explain each in 3 sentences

•Avoid dangers- In order to avoid the dangers, you have to be careful in what you do
and in your actions. look and be focused on what is being done to avoid the danger
that can happen. when acting, it must be done properly to avoid danger.
•Keeping families safe and clean- To keep it clean you must have to he clean in
yourself first and do not throw a trash anywhere. Also you must have to clean well
and organized all after you used any kind of things. Keep all work areas and clear of
clutter and obstructions.
•Increase organizational image- This is to keeping family’s house a safe and clean.
Also this organizational can be able to find, exchange, and evaluate items quickly.
•Increase productivity- It is importance to do an housekeeping because it helps to
increase your movements and to make you an productive when it comes to the things
you do. This helps to be more productive in everyday you do in life.

b. Compare in 5 sentences the woman then and the woman of today in doing the
laundry, ironing and cooking. What influences that we get from the woman of the
early civilization?

•There is a big difference between what women do then and now. Back then women
did their laundry and cooking by hand now in our time women use electricity when it
comes to washing and cooking. There is a huge difference between then and now,
because back then it was difficult for them to do laundry and cooking, now it's easier
for them to do. The use of technology can influences us.

c. What is the reason why during Monday then those women do the laundry? And why is
it during Tuesday they do the ironing? Explain in 5-7 sentences.

d. Explain in 5 sentences the literal meaning of sad iron and explain also the deeper
meaning of sad iron to those women then.

•A sad iron is a antique iron, household iron, that made of piece of cast iron. It named
it sad iron because of his weight and it made in solid metal also the handle.

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