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g ------------------------ :---------------------------------------:------------------------------

Examination Skills

E. M atangaidze, M. Muruvi, E. Mawere

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©Priority Projects Publishing 2009
First published 2009 by Priority Projects Publishing
Reprinted 2009
ISBN 978 0 7974 3789 0
COVER DESIGN: Thabiso Moyo
PRINTING: South Africa
ILLUSTRATIONS: T. Chodeva and S.T. Moyo
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Special thanks are extended to the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (Curriculum
Development Unit) for providing guidance through the Primary General Paper Syllabus.

Paper 1
TEST 1................................................ ......... ...............................6'

TEST 2 ....................................................................................... 12

TEST 3 ....................................................................................... 18

TEST 4 ....................................................................................... 24

TEST 5 ......... ..............................................................................29

TEST 6 ............................................................... ........................33

GENERAL PAPER SPECIMEN 1 ........... .......... ...................36

GENERAL PAPER SPECIMEN 2 ............................ .................43

GENERAL PAPER SPECIMEN 3 ..............................................49

Paper 2
SPECIMEN PAPER 1 ............. ........................................... .......54

SPECIMEN PAPER 2 ............................................................... 66

SPECIMEN PAPER 3 ...............................................................72

SPECIMEN PAPER 4 ........................... ................................... 77

SPECIMEN PAPER 5 ................... ........................................... 82

SPECIMEN PAPER 6 ...............................................................87

SPECIMEN PAPER 7 ............................................................... 93

Pass Your Grade 7 General Paper is a revision practice book written for the purpose of
helping Grade 7 pupils acquire skills that are required to cope with the demands of the Grade
7 General Paper syllabus, covering topics of the Environmental Science, Social Studies,
Moral and Religious Education, Home Economics, Physical Education, Art and Music. This
should enable pupils to pass their ZIMSEC Examination.

The book can be taken as a pre-requisite for both acquisition and understanding of skills in
General Paper. Cognitive domains and assessment objectives in the different syllabuses are
catered for because the items require pupils to solve problems, discover, demonstrate,
evaluate, analyse and recall.

■ Pupils can tackle the exercises individually, with parents, or in class.

■ For effective self-evaluation, pupils should refer to the Pass Your Grade 7 General
Paper Answer Book for all possible answers to the questions.

■ Specimen General Paper Examinations have been provided for pupils to practice
and time themselves, typically for both Papers 1 and 2.

■ Both teachers and pupils should be able to use the book since the questions suit
the Grade 7 target level.

Paper One

Hme: 2 hrs

linstructions to Candidates:

1, Read all instructions carefully.

2, Do not start answering questions until you are told to do so by the invigilator.

3, Answer all questions in this paper within the given time.

4, Choose the best answer from the suggested answers given.

5, Choose one answer only. If you cross out an answer, do so neatly.

8. If you do not understand the instructions, ask the invigilator to explain them
before you start.

v y



1. A river flows from a higher place to a ______.

A. mountain B. hill C. lower place D. deeper place

2. Rivers flow most during the

A. rain season B. dry season C. post rain season D. warm and dry season

3. The diagram below shows rain falling on hills, a river, a valley and a stream. Which letter
A, B, C or D on the diagram shows a stream?

4. Which one of these is the biggest source of water?

A. river B. dam C. lake D. ocean

5. Study the diagram below.

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In the diagram, the crops are being grown under

A. the ground B. irrigation C. pot-holes D. ponds

8. Water exists in _____ states.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

7. Water in a solid state is called

A. steam B. ice C.vapour D. liquid

8. When water condenses, it becomes______.

A. clear ice B. cold air C. hot vapour D. liquid water

S. Water turns into a gas by

A. evaporation B. expiration C. condensation D. freezing

10. Dams are always built on a place where there is __

A. a hill B. sand C. rock-filling D. solid rock

11. Fill in the missing part of the cycle.

A. solid water B. steam C. liquid water D. frozen water

12. Water sinks faster in

A. sandy soil B. clay soil C. loam soil D. hard soil

13. Chemicals are added to water to make it ______.

A. safe to drink B. easy to get C. evaporate quickly D. dry up quickly

14. The diagram below shows a method of purifying dirty water.

The method of purifying dirty water is called____

A. boiling B. distilling C. freezing D. filtering

15. In the diagram for Question 14, what happens during the purification method shown?
A. Undissolved substances remain on the fine cloth.
B. Dissolved substances remain on the fine cloth.
C. All germs remain on the fine cloth.
D. Undissolved substances pass through the fine cloth.

Study the diagram of a cycle below and answer questions 16, 17 and 18.

16. What process is taking place at Y?

A. evaporation B. precipitation C. condensation D. melting

17. What process is taking place at X?

A. melting. B. condensation. C. precipitation. D. evaporation

18. The whole diagram shows the_______ cycle.

A. mosquito B. water C. malaria D. carbon

19. Which diagram A, B, C or D below has the correct level of liquid in the container?

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30. Water is called a liquid because it ____
A. can be heated B. can be poured C. has no colour D. has no smell

21. Wet clothes will dry more quickly when the day is
A. cold, dry and windy
B. cool, dry and windy
C. hot, dry and windy
D. hot, dry and still

22. Water from clouds usually falls to the ground as ___

A. mist B. rain C. hail D. fog

23. Which statement is true?

A. Water is found in four states.
B. The states of water cannot be changed.
C. The states of water can be changed.
D. Water is always found as ice.

M . Which one of these dissolves in water?

A. stone B. soil C. wood D. sweets

35. Dam and river water may not be safe because

A. the water contains germs
B. the water has travelled a long way
C. the water is polluted
D. the water is not covered or put in pipes

26. From which container A, B, C, or D will water evaporate quickly?

Tiie diagram below shows a method used by Makwibha to filter dirty water. Use it to answer
questions 27 - 29.

Muddy water
Plastic bottle

Fine sand

Cotton wool

27. This method of filtering water is called

A. water cleansing. B. sand filtering. C. chemical filtering. D. germ filtering.
28. In the diagram, A represents ______.
A. small stones B. large stones C. coarse sand D. fine sand

29. In the diagram, Z represents ______.

A. fine sand B. small stones C. large stones D. coarse sand

Soil, Grass and Grazing

30. Soil lost through erosion ends up ____

A. in the fields B. on mountains C. in rivers D. underground

31. When soil is washed or blown away, it is ______.

A. conserved B. erased C. restored D. eroded

32. When rocks break down to form soil, it is called ______.

A. breaking B. decaying C. weathering D. eroding

33. How do plant roots prevent soil erosion?

A. by binding the soil
B. by dissolving the soil
C. , by growing in the soil
D. by using soil nutrients

34. A ___is a deep ditch that has been made by water flowing down-hill fast.
A. contour B. gulley C. pedestal D. hill

35. Which type of soil is most suitable for road construction?

A. clay B.sand C. loam D. gravel

36. A member of the grass family is

A. rice B. peas C. potatoes D. sunflower

37. How can we keep soil moist?

A. by digging. B. by planting. C. by ploughing D. by mulching

38. Look at the diagram below.

How do you know that erosion has taken place?

A. Grass growth is poor.
B. The tops of roots can be seen.
C. The soil is bare. Roots
D. The roots are not healthy.

39. Which one of these is a sign of erosion?
A. litter in dams B. big roots C. dry trees D. unhealthy trees

40. Tall grass which is a meter high is usually eaten by ______.

A. rhinos B. pigs C. eland D.

41. During which month of the year do we usually have plenty of grass?
A. October B. January C. August D. December

42. Vegetation is made up mainly o f ______.

A. soil, trees and .grass
B. dams, trees and grass
C. trees, bushes and grass
D. grass, sands and trees

43. Which animal lives both in water and on land?

A. elephant B. beetle C. frog D. scorpion

44. Which one of the following is used mostly when making compost?
A, animal matter B. plant matter C. manure D. soil

45. Plants with several hardy stems are called______.

A. bushes B. trees C. woods D. herbs

48. All grasses have ______.

A. the same colour
B. the same hpight
C. parallel veins
D. deep roots

47. Which type of soil is least washed away during soil erosion?
A. silt B. clay C. loam D. sand

48. Ploughing near rivers and streams is called___.

A. backyard farming
B. contour cultivation
C. streambank cultivation
D. overcultivation

49. Which statement is not. correct?

A. Plant matter helps to control heat in the soil.
B. Fire destroys plants in the veld.
C. Bush fires cannot be prevented.
D. Plant matter helps to keep moisture in the soil.

50. Which soil is most suitable for growing vegetables?

A. sandy B. rocky C. loam D. clay

^Environmental Science


Trees and Forestry

1. Trees and forests provide___for animals.

A. young-ones B. habitats C. diseases D. water

2. Trees original to a country are called

A. indigenous trees B. fire trees C. exotic trees D. timber trees

3. What kind of wood is obtained from fast-growing trees?

A. hard wood B. soft wood C. brush wood D. ply wood

4. Which tree is exotic to Zimbabwe?

A. mukwa B. cabbage tree C. msasa D. mulberry

5. Another name for gumtree is ______.

A. wattle B. blood wood C. eucalyptus D. pine

6. Trees which grow slowly and produce heavy wood are called____
A. hard woods B. indigenous woods C. exotic woods D. expensive woods

7. The age of a tree can be told by

A. counting its leaves
B. the size of its roots
C. the size of the trunk
D. counting its annual rings

8. From which tree do we get tannin?

A. msasa B. gum C. baobab D. pine

9. Trees like oranges and lemons belong to a group of trees called

A. legumes B. coniferous C. citrus D. timbers

10. Gum trees in a woodlot may be ready for felling after___years.

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 7

11. Gum trees originally come from

A. Australia B. Canada C. New Zealand D. Vanuatu

12. Which tree is best suited and most useful in a small garden?
A. gum B. jacaranda C. orange D. pine

13. Which one is a flowering tree?

A. pine B. wattle C. avocado D. flamboyant

j r ----------------------------------------
9 i Look at the diagram below:


The branches of this planted forest tree

A. fell off as it grew.
B. were burnt off in a fire.
C. were cut off as it grew.
D. broke off as children climbed.

W l Which tree is used to make paper in Zimbabwe?

A. mukwa B. baobab C. pine D. mulberry

W l Which statement is correct?

A. Trees can be grown from seeds.
B. All trees grow quickly.
C. Mukwa is a soft wood.
D. Weather doesn’t affect the growth of trees.

H e map below shows areas where indigenous and exotic trees are grown in Zimbabwe.
ISss it to answer questions 17-19.

17. The forest marked X is the

A. Matebelaland forest.
B. Inyanga forest.
C. Chipinge forest.
D. Chirinda forest.

18. The forest North of Bulawayo is a forest of
A. exotic trees.
B. indigenous trees.
C. baobab trees.
D. mango trees.

19. Which two trees are likely to be found in the forest marked P?
A. msasa and teak
B. cabbage and hucky bean
C. mukwa and cape fig
D. pine and jacaranda

20. What is tannin used for?

A. soften animal skins
B. soften paper
C. soften cool drinks
D. make chemicals for spraying

21. Paper-making began in ______.

A. Brazil B. China C. Cuba D. Britain

Crop plants and Animals

22. Green plants are_

A. producers of food
B. consumers of food
C. chains of food
D. destroyers of food

23. Animals that eat all kinds of food are described as

A, carnivorous B. herbivorous C. omnivorous D. insectivorous

24. Insects that are harmful to plants and animals are called
A. pests , B. germs C. herbivorous D. insectivorous
25. Plant food is made in the
A. roots B. flowers C. leaves D. bark

26. The process of making food by plants is called

A. transpiration B. photosynthesis C. respiration D. perspiration

27. It is good to grow plants in a fish pond because ______.

A. fish like small water plants in a pond
B. plants eat some of the fish in the pond
C. oxygen given off by plants is used by the fish
D. the plants help the fish to swim

The diagram below shows essential needs of a plant. " \


In the diagram, X is
A. sunlight B. oxygen C. water D. carbon dioxide

m Study this experiment.

beginning of

The process demonstrated is______.

A. photosynthesis B. respiration C. expiration D. transpiration

30. In the experiment for question 29, the drops of water came from the
A. sun B. glass C. plant D. soil

31. Which of the following are the conditions necessary for seeds to germinate?
A. sunlight and fertiliser
B. warmth and moisture
C. dry soil and heat
D. dry soil and sunlight

32. Crop rotation helps prevent

A. soil conservation
B. plant diseases
C. plant litter
D. siltation

33. Which of these is a legume crop?

A. maize B. beans C. sorghum D. millet

The diagram below shows a crop rotation system for a garden. Study it and answer questions
34 and 35.

Bed 1 Bed 4

34. In this system, what crop would be in Bed 3?

A. onion B. peas C. cabbage D, spinach

35. The diagram shows a crop rotation system for how many years?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.

36. Which one of these is a maize pest?

A. aphids B. armyworm C. beetle D. bollworm

Study the diagram below and answer questions 37 and 38.

37. This diagram shows a ______.

A. food web B. food chain water web D. water chain

In this diagram, which one is the primary consumer?
A. toad B. fish C. eac
eagle D. water plant

W l A food web is made up o f______.

A. several birds only
B. several food chains
C. few animals
D. few plants

«4iL Which is the correct food chain?

A. grass cow sun
B. sun grass cow
C. sun cow grass
D. cow sun grass

4(L An animal that eats other animals is called ______.

A. an omnivore B. a herbivore C. a predator D. a prey

<S2L Which animal is not a grazer?

A. hare B. buffalo C. lion D. wilde beest

jfflL Using something again and again is called______.

A. renewal B. felling C. cutting D. recycling

4ft. All insects have______.

A. four pairs of legs
B. six pairs of legs
C. three pairs of legs
D. two pairs of legs

Grasshoppers cause most damage to vegetables by eating______.

A. fruit B. shoots C. seeds D. leaves

jSL Why do bees collect pollen?

A. to feed their larvae
B. to feed themselves
C. to make nectar
D. to pollinate the flowers

"4SF. Study the diagram below:

In the diagram, the small stones

A. aerate soil
B. anchor roots
C. help drainage
D. save soil

small stones

4%. A duiker marks its territory to
A. advertise for a mate
B. attract other duiker
C. remember where it lives
D. warn other animals away

49. Which habitat has fewer resources for animals?

A. forest B. sea C. desert D. ocean

50. Killing animals to reduce their population is called

A. felling B. culling C. reforestation D. poaching

Environmental Science


Health and Pollution

1. Pollution is about ______.

A. fish in water B. making the environment clean
C. making the environment dirty D. reducing the number of trees

2. Which of these melts when burnt?

A. cotton. B. leather. C. metal. D. water.

3. What should we do with all pesticide containers?

A. clean them B. destroy them C. sell them D. wash them

4. The life cycle of a housefly is egg — >larva — > ?— > adult.

A. animal B. pupa C. worm D. beetle

5. The most common type of toilet in rural areas of Zimbabwe is the ______.
A. pit toilet B. flash toilet C. blair toilet. D. blow toilet

6. Faeces may be harmful if they contaminate drinking water because they______.

A. have a bad smell
B. may contain harmful bacteria
C. look awful
D. are waste matter

7. Which disease is caused by viruses?

A. dysentery B. whooping cough C. Aids D. typhoid

8. Which one is a water-borne disease?

A. cholera B. malaria C. measles D. tetanus

9. Chondi discovers that he passes urine stained with blood. Which disease is the boy
suffering from?
A. dysentery B. cholera C. bilharzia D. diphtheria

V___________________ :____ ;___ )

10. The diagram show triangles put as warning on pesticide containers. Which diagram
shows the most dangerous pesticide?

A. yellow B. purple C. green D. red

11. Which of these will cause tooth decay when present in the mouth?
A. sugar, water and germs
B. sugar, water and salt
C. water and salt
D. germs and water

12. A sure sign of a polluted environment is______.

A. children playing
B. dead leaves on the ground
C. decaying and swelling rubbish
D. muddy water in rivers

13. Air pollution is caused by smoke, dust, and______.

A. exhaust fumes from vehicles
B. germs that live in soil
C. rain falling through dirty air
D. wind blowing

14. In the digestive system, the main work of the mouth is to ______.
A. break up pieces of food
B. mix the food well
C. spit hard pieces out
D. taste the food

15. Common gut worms are

A. earth worms B. larvae
C. pupa D. round worms

The diagram below shows parts of a blair toilet. Use it to answer questions 16 to 18.

16. The part labelled A is the______.

A. vent pipe B. ward pipe C. fly screen D. wind screen

17. The part labelled B is the______.

A. concrete slab B. squatting hole C. pit D. fly screen

18. The part labelled C is the______.

A. roof B. vent pipe C. slab ^ D. ground

19. Mosquitoes lay eggs in^

A. compost heaps
B. flowing water
C. still water
D. wet leaves

20. Which one of the following is a sexually transmitted disease?

A. Aids B. tuberculosis C. whooping cough D. measles

21. Which one of these is NOT supplied in the mother’s womb?

A. air B. blood C. food D. oxygen

22. Why should people keep rubbish bins closed? To prevent______. ■ \
A. adult flies laying eggs .
B. larva from growing
C. pupae from hatching
D. rubbish from rotting

23. The largest blood vessels are th e ______.

A. capillaries B. arteries C. veins D. tubes

24. Arteries carry blood -

A. around the heart
B. to the heart
C. from the heart
D. from the lungs

25. Which one is an example of land pollution?

A. smoke from factories
B. plastics on roads
C. empty tins in the bus
D. pieces of paper in a dam

26. Germs in water can be destroyed b y______.

A. dissolving B. boiling C. freezing D. filtering

27. Which internal blood part pumps blood through our bodies?
A. heart B. arteries C. liver D. valves

28. When do we give someone the salt and sugar solution? When someone has______.
A. chest pain B. diarrhoea C. headache D. trachoma

29. Which is an air-borne disease?

A. tuberculosis B. malaria C. typhoid D. cholera

The diagram below shows the inside of a person’s chest. Study it and answer questions 30
and 31.

30. The organs marked Z are used fo r______.
A. pumping blood
B. sensing smell
C. digesting food
D breathing air

31. The organs marked Z are affected by

A. lung cancer B. heart attack C. polio D. dysentery

Energy and Fuels

32. Solar energy is from the______.

A. air B. earth C. moon D. sun

33. Radio waves travel from the station to the receiver through______.
A. telephone wires B. air C. water D. electric wires

34. The pathway of electricity is called a______.

A. battery B. circuit C. wire D. bulb

35. The moon shines at night because it ______.

A. is a source of light
B. reflects light from the sun
C. absorbs light from the sun
D. reflects heat from the sun


36. How many seasons are there in Zimbabwe?

. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

Study the diagram below and answer questions 37, 38, 39 and 40.

37. The diagram shows a ______.
A. thermometer B. rain gauge C. hygrometer D. wind vane

38. In the diagram, which letter A,B,C or D shows a collecting can?

39. In the diagram, which letter A,B,C or D shows the overflow can?

40. In the diagram, which letter A,B,C or D shows the funnel?

41. Air exerts _

A. wind B. water C. pressure D. temperature

42. The layer of air around the earth is called______.

A. oxygen B. nitrogen C. atmosphere D. carbon dioxide

The diagram below shows latitude and longitude. Study it and answer questions 43 and 44.

43. Latitudes and longitudes are used to

A. show vegetation on earth
B. divide the eartJi into quarters
C. show rotation of the globe
D. locate places on the globe

44. In the diagram, the line of latitude marked X is the__

A. rotation B. revolution C. equator D. Greenwich meridian

45. The movement of the earth on its axis is called_____

A. rounding B. rotation C. revolution D. circulation

Landforms and Maps

46. Every map should have a ______.

A. scale B. barometer C. latitude D. vegetation

47. A large country drawn on a piece of paper is ______.

A. a map B. a scale C. a globe D. an atlas

48. An aerial photograph is ______.

A. that seen on television
B. a picture of a tall building
C. taken from an aeroplane
D. taken from the ground

49. Flooding in Southern Africa commonly occurs on______.

A. low plains B. high plateaus C. rugged terrain D. lake margins

50. In Zimbabwe, a long, steep-sided mountain range is called a ______.

A. plateau B. plain C. ridge D. valley

Religious & Moral Education


1. Who was struck by lightning while on his way to Damascus?

A. Jesus B. Elijah C. Saul D. Peter

2. Which Christian gained martyrdom for his strong beliefs?

A. Paul B. Stephen C. Moses D. Jesus

3. Where do we find the Gospels in the Bible?

A. New Testament B. Old Testament C. The Prophets D. The Epistles

4. Why did Jesus promise one of the thieves crucified next to him a place in heaven?
A. He was a Christian.
B. He scolded him.
C. He was Jesus’ brother.
D. He asked to be remembered in Jesus’ kingdom.

5. Where did a voice say, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased”?
A. on the cross B. by the river Jordan
C. in the temple D. in Bethlehem

6. Why did Samuel the Prophet anoint David as King in place of King Saul?
A. David was the son of Jesse.
B. King Saul failed to keep the laws of God.
C. Samuel liked David very much.
D. Saul was now very old.

7. The book of Genesis in the Bible tells about the creation of all things and the history of
the early ancestors of the Israelites. What do you think the word ‘genesis’ means?
A. origin B. departure C. creation D. the law

fk Which of Jesus’ disciples denied him three times when he was before the High Priests?
A. Matthew B. Paul C. Peter D. Luke

&. Which did Jesus call the greatest of all commandments?

A. love the Lord your God
8. love your neighbour
C, keep the Sabbath
D. do not kill

W l What did Jesus teach us in the parable of the Lost Son (the Prodigal Son)?
A. People should enjoy their father’s wealth.
8. Second sons are more important than first ones.
C. God is like a forgiving father who is ready to forget our wrongs.
D. If we spend our wealth carelessly we can always go back home.

H_ Abraham had a son Isaac at a very old age. This shows us that
A. likes to perform miracles
B. is faithful and keeps his promises
C. only helps very old people
D. does not care very much about children

UL Which of the following people took part in writing the Bible?

A. Jesus B. Elijah C. Moses D. Jacob

S . The parable of the sower teaches that______.

A. all seed bears fruit
B. people accept and understand the word of God differently
C. most people do not hear the word of God
D. the sower is sometimes very careless

4 i- When Joseph was put in prison after Potiphar’s wife had lied about him, this shows
A. many people are punished for things they didn’t do
B. sometimes God allows innocent people to suffer and enjoys it
C. rich people are more important before the law than the poor
D. he should have done what Potiphar’s wife wanted

Jfe. When Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt after leaving Sodom, this shows_
* A. \ God liked Lot more than his wife
P 8. ‘Lot’s wife had more interest in the evil city than in being rescued
C. Abraham did not care about Lot’s wife
D. Lot wanted to become a widower

when he was a baby.

A, Bethlehem B. Egypt C. Iran D. Ethiopia

R f. Which disciple got to Jesus’ tomb first?

A. Peter B. John C. James D. Andrew

Islam and Christianity are different in which of the following?

A. belief in God B. use of a Holy Book
C. belief of Jesus and Mohammed D. talking to God through prayer
f 19. When the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought a woman caught committing ^
adultery to Jesus, he said, ‘Whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the
first stone at her.” They all left. This shows ~
A. all people are sinners and have gone astray
B. some people are blameless
C. we can punish others even if we sin
D. they should have stoned her to death

20. What food did John the Baptist live on?

A. rice and chicken
B. milk and chocolate
C. locusts and wild honey
D. wild fruits and water

21. Saul of Tarsus became blind, and/a Christian called____________placed his hands on
him so that he might see again.
A. Stephen B. Philip C. Ananias D. Cornelius

, 22. In which city was the prison where Paul and Silas were jailed for casting out an evil spirit
from a slave girl?
A. Troas B. Galatia C. Philippi D. Thessalonica

23. The Prophet who accused King David of taking Uriah’s wife was called______.
A. Samuel B. Ezekiel C. Jeremiah D. Nathan

24. Which parable tells people that everyone is our neighbour?

A. the parable of the ten virgins
B. the parable of the Good Samaritan
C. the parable of the rich man
D. the parable of the talents

25. Which of Jesus’ disciples were the sons of Zebedee?

A. James and John
B. Simon Peter and Andrew
C. Levi and Thomas
D. Philip and Bartholomew

26. Joseph was sold by his brothers to passing travellers because______.

A. he had work to do in Egypt
B. they were too many in their family
C. his brothers were jealous of him
D. it was the custom to sell one of the brothers

27. What is the relationship between God and the people of the world?
A. master and servants
B. king and subjects
C. friends
D. father and children

28. People who believe in God and meet to worship him are called______.
A. Catholics B. Adventists C. the Church D. a family

__________________________ J
29. Someone you can rely on and would not let you down is
A. your brother B. a good friend
C. a disciple D. a companion

30. Which two sisters belonged to one special family which Jesus liked so much?
A. Mary and Martha B. Mary and Elizabeth
C. Anna and Emma D. Sapphira and Lydia

3 1. vvnen Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, he wanted them to learn to ______.
A. be leaders of the people
B. serve other people humbly
C. preach and spread the Good News
D. go about washing all people’s feet

32. Elisha’s servant Gehazi lied and demanded gifts from Naaman and he got punished by___ .
A. being killed instantly
B. being asked to return the gifts
C. getting Namaan’s disease
D. having to sell the gifts

33. Jesus taught his disciples to be the salt of the earth. He wanted them to ______.
A. bring bitterness to their society
B. set good examples to society
C. return evil for evil
D. be good to their friends only

34. David killed Goliath in battle because______.

A. he was much stronger
B. he had been a soldier all his life
C. he depended on God to help and protect him
D. he used much better weapons

35 Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector who went to pray in the
temple. The tax collector’s prayer showed______.
A. he was sorry for all the wrong things he had done
. B. he was important because he had done many good things
C. he was much better off than the Pharisee
D. he was begging God to become rich

36 When Jesus was tempted by the devil, each of his answers referred to the scriptures.
This shows______.
A. he wanted to show off his knowledge
B. his life was guided by the word of God
C. he got his power from the Bible
D. the devil did not know the scriptures

37. Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold some property. They lied by claiming to have given
the full amount for their property to the apostles. They were punished b y ______.
A. being put in prison.
B. being whipped.
C. selling more property.
D. death.

38. God spoke to Moses for the first time and told him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He
called him______.
A. from a cloud of fire B. from a burning bush
C. from Mount Sinai D. in a dream

39. What work did the Apostle Paul do to earn his own money?
A. fishing B. tailoring
C. making tents D. teaching and preaching

40. When God had created human beings, he put them in charge of
A. rivers B. skies
C. hills and forests D. fish, birds and all animals

41. The three friends who refused to worship and bow down to a gold statue made by King
Nebuchaduenezzar were______. ' ~
A. Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego B. John, Peter and James
C. Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah D. Jesus, Moses and Elijah

42. One of the followers of Jesus who walked with him on the road to Emmaus was called____.
A. Stephen B. Paul C. Cleopas D. Peter

43. When Jesus was crucified, a notice was written over the cross which read ___________.
A. the Son of God B. the place of the skull
C. Jesus the Christ D. the King of the Jews

44. Which day of rest is observed in African traditional religion?

A. Sunday B. Chisi C. Sabbath D. Ramadan

45. When Jesus promised the coming of the Holy Spirit he said,______
A. “You will be like me and perform miracles.”
B. “You will dream dreams and see visions.”
C. “You will be filled with power and be witnesses for me to the ends of the earth.”
D. “You will talk in other languages.”

46. Jesus taught, “If someone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too.”
He meant______.
A. we should be cowards B. we must not revenge
C. we must become very angry D. we should always fight back

47. Which prophet, whose coming was predicted did John the Baptist represent?
A. Isaiah B. Elijah C. Jeremiah D. Moses

48. The prophet Balaam wanted to go to King Balak, but was stopped on the way and______
A. there was a flash of lightning. B. his donkey spoke to him.
C. darkness fell around him. D. a voice spoke from heaven.

49. When the Israelites had no water to drink in the desert, Moses struck the rock at
A. Mount Moriah B. Mount Sinai
C. Meribah D. Moab

50. “I am the good shepherd who is willing to die for the sheep”. Who said these words?
A. Moses B. David C. Joseph D. Jesus


Living 'Together

1. The Mutapa people lived in ____

A. Harare B. Dande C. Chipinge D. Khami

2. One of the first Portuguese missionaries to come to Africa was______.

A. Gatsi ( ■ B. Da Silveira C. Livingstone D. Mzilikazi

3. Which one of the following is an international organisation?

A. ' Red Cross B. Jairos Jiri C. St. Giles D. Copota

4. The Rudd Concession was signed in the year______.

A. 1890 B. 1945 C. 1888 D. 1903

5. What is the main aim of SADC? It is to assist______

A. in education
B. each other’s social and economic development
C. each other to develop rivers and roads
D. each other to sell crops

6. A concession is a special____
A. country B. right C. mineral D. sport

7. What happens to a country that tries to live in isolation?

A. It makes little progress.
B. Pople do not learn foreign languages.
C. It does not need foreign currency.
D. It does not get diseases.

8. Why do people migrate to urban areas?

A. to find employment
B. to visit friends
C. to live cheaply
D. to buy cars

9. A person who runs away from justice is a ______.

A. refugee B. missionary C. fugitive D. foreigner

10. Too many people for available resources and services is calJed
A. underpopulation
B. overpopulation
C. maximum population
D. minimum population


11. How would you transport fresh vegetables from Zimbabwe for sale to Egypt?
A. by post B. by ship C. by air D. by rail

^ 1 2 . Kwashiokor is a disease caused by lack of
A. fats B. vitamins C. mineral salts D. proteins

13. Which one is the best food for babies?

A. porridge B. tea C. mother’s milk D. cow’s milk

14. Meat from wild animals is called______.

A. wild meat B. forest meat C. game meat , D. hunted meat

15. In the SADC, Zimbabwe is responsible for

A. fisheries B. transport and communications
C. food security D. energy development

Study the map of Zimbabwe below, then answer questions 16, 17 and 18.


16. What food do we get from the area marked 1?

A. maize B. meat C. fish D. rice

17. Area 3 grows______.

A. tea B. rubber C. sugar cane D. tobacco

18. Area 4 produces food that can be cooked or tinned. The food is ______
A. fruits B. beef C. rice D. tea

19- Oranges are rich in vitamin______.

A. C B. D C. B D. A

20. Which two classes of food are essential in a healthy diet?

A. tea and coffee B. meat and fish
C. carbohydrates and proteins D. fats and mineral salts


21. Where do people living in deserts often build their houses?

A. on mountains B. on sand dunes C. around oases D. on dykes

r .
44. The textile industry helps the nation’s employment b y ______.
A. making people pick cotton
B. making pe'ople work at a sewing machine '
C. taking a long time to make clothes
D. employing thousands of workers on cotton farms

45. Camouflaged clothing is worn b y ______.

A. builders B. housemaids C. soldiers D. students

46. Bumhudzo near Harare is a home for -v .

A. blind people B. old people
C. sick people D. street people

47. Where are the Red Cross Headquarters?

A. Harare B. Geneva C. Gaborone D. Johannesburg

48. The Red Cross was started by a man called -

A. Henry Murray B. Henry Dunant C. Mother Theresa D. Matthew Rusike

49. A Voluntary Organisation is free from ______.

A. war victims B. government control
C. drug addicts D. drug trafficking

50. Which statement is true?

A. The government doesn’t provide social services.
B. All people need social services.
C. All people in society are able to run their lives.
D. The government doesn’t help poor people.

Social Studies



1. Which is a staple food for China?

A. maize B. potatoes C. rice D. cassava

2. Lake Kariba is a source of food rich in protein.

in. Which food is it?
A. beans B. beef C. kapenta D. groundnuts

3. In which part of Zimbabwe do we get an abundant supply of citrus fruits?

A. Mazowe B. Mhangura C. Chiredzi D. Mutare

4. Which SADC country is the key producer of cattle?

A. Mozambique B. Malawi C. Botswana
Bots D. Lesotho

5. How would you preserve fresh meat for future use?

/^. frying B. baking C. cooking D. drying


6. Diseases caused by the lack of certain nutrients in the body are called______.
A. contagious diseases B. deficiency diseases
C. infectious diseases D. killer diseases

7. The salt and sugar solution is used to replace lost body fluids during a _______attack.
A. malaria B. measles C. cholera D. headache

8. The best way to control the spread of malaria is to break the_________of the mosquito.
A. life cycle B. eggs C. breeding ground D. food supply

9. What is helps in the spread of bilharzia?

A. careless use of the toilet
B. drinking water from the well
C. bathing in stagnant water in pools and dams
D. allowing snails to move around our homes

10. Which of the following is a referral hospital for infectious diseases?

A. Parirenyatwa Hospital B. Mpilo Hospital
C. Driefontein Hospital D. Kadoma General Hospital

Transport and Communications

11. How would we send loads of sugarcane from Rutenga irrigation scheme to Chiredzi for
A. by road B. by rail C. by air D. by water

12. In the use of cellphones, people often use short messages called
A. telegrams B. text messages C. telex messages D. air messages

13. Satellites have improved access to information on world events that people watch on___
A. videos B. televisions C. telegrams D. cinemas

14. Which groups of people can use water transport in Zimbabwe?

A. ocean liner owners and canoeists
B. holiday makers and fishermen
C. yachting companies and whalers
D. businessmen and exporters

15. The types of power railway engines use in Zimbabwe are______.

A. petrol, ethanol and diesel.
B. diesel, electricity and steam.
C. uranium, solar and diesel.
D. coal, water and oil.

Wealth and Money

16. Which form of money was used in Zimbabwe during the country’s period of hyper-inflation?
A. cash B. postal orders C. bearer cheques D. vouchers

f ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------->
17. What happens to the price of vegetables if they are in plentiful supply and the market is
A. the price rises B. the price falls
C. the price does not change D. it rises and falls

18. Mr. Moyo decided to pay a deposit for his television set and then pay the balance plus
interest through monthly instalments. Which type of sale was this?
A. hire purchase B. cash sale C. credit sale D. lay-bye

19. Which of the following is used in Malawi?

A. pula B. kwacha C. rand D. dollar

20. Which bank takes control of the country’s economic activity?

A. the Standard Chartered Bank
B. the Bank of Credit and Commerce Zimbabwe
C. the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
D. the People’s Own Savings Bank

Work and Leisure

21. When Zimbabwe’s economy declined, which group of workers mostly left to find jobs in
other countries?
A. unskilled B. semi-skilled C. skilled D. self-employed

22. Which organisation negotiates with and helps to protect workers from unfair practices by
A. the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe
B. the Trade Union
C. the Workers’ Compensation Plan
D. the Zimbabwe Council of Churches

23. What term is used to refer to the education and training of workers while they are on the
A. , university training
B. pre-service training
C. apprenticeship
D. study circles

24. In which sport has Zimbabwe performed very well during recent regional and international
, competitions?
A. rugby B. football C. hockey D. swimming

25. When workers are on holiday, they often visit______________

A. their fields B. the sick C. holiday resorts D. their work places


1. In the parable of The Talents, the master was not interested in his own profit but wanted
to test______.
A. whether his servants were greedy
B. whether his servants were lazy
C. the faith, trust and commitment of the servant to duty
D. the amount of money he could make

2. When Jesus teaches us to love our enemies, he ______.

A. just wants us to pretend about it
B. expects us to remove the things that disturb our relationship
C. is asking us to smile at them when we meet them
D. expects us to ignore th^ bad things they do even if we keep the grudge

3. Jesus instructed his disciples to love one another. This was______.

A. the chief sign by which the disciples were to be known
B. the greatest commandment
C. the only teaching they had to remember'
D. the message from the law and the prophets

4. Jesus set an example and showed that he accepted the work God gave him by being
A. tempted B. baptised C. humble ’ D. democratic

5. When Jesus cured people on th e _______________he showed he cared more for .

people than obeying laws.
A. the Lake
B. pool of Bethsaida
C. Sabbath
D. boat

6. Jesus showed that the Word of God was more important than food when he refused to __ .
A. turn a stone to a loaf of bread.
B. bow down and worship the devil.
C. jump from the top of the temple.
D. see his mother and brothers

7. Jesus told his disciples not to worry about food and clothes but to be like _____and______ .
A. soldiers and police
B. hunters and gatherers
C. flowers and birds
D. prophets and priests

8. Rebecca gave birth to twin sons. Their father was______.

A. Abraham B. Isaac C. Laban D. Lot

9. Jesus told some men, “I will make you fishers of men.” Who were they?
A. Pharisees B. soldiers C. tax collectors D. his disciples

10. What work did David do before being anointed as King by Samuel?
A. soldier B. fisherman C. shepherd D. dancer

11. Which is common during African traditional worship?
A. hymns
B. drum music, singing and dancing
C. organ, music and choir singing
D. kneeling, praying and preaching

12. The Holy Book of the Hindus is the______.

A. Holy Bible
B. Koran
C. Old Testament
D. Gittah

13. Why did Pilate set Barabbas free?

A. so that the Scriptures come true
B. > to please the crowd
G .' that’s what Jesus wanted
D. it was Herod’s instruction

14. duaas iscariot betrayed Jesus with a ______.

A. smile B. coin C. kiss D. friend

15. What sort of people are unable to look after themselves?

A. doctors, teachers and nurses
B. soldiers, builders and minders
C. the rich, workers and directors
D. rthe vefy young, the very old and the sick

16. People who run away from their countries because of war are called_____
A. fugitives B. emigrants C. refugees D. immigrants

17. The National Coat of Arms of Zimbabwe represents the______.

A. police B. army C. airforce D. nation

18. Which SADC country is completely surrounded by South Africa?

A. Swaziland B. Botswana C. Lesotho D. Mozambique

19. The most commonly used raw material for clothes in Zimbabwe is ______.
A. cotton B. silk C. nylon D. leather

20. How does a Voluntary Organisation get most of its money?

A. from gifts and fundraising activities
B. mainly from the government
C. from churches
D. from societies of NGOs


21. Look at the diagram of a shelter below.

It is shelter for
A. Gypsies . B. American Indians C. Eskimos D. Bushmen

22. Zimbabwe had how many years of settler rule?

A. 110 B. 100 C. 90 D. 80

23. Which food nutrient repairs worn-out body tissues?

A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. vitamins D. mineral salts

24. Which mosquito spreads malaria?

A. culex mosquito
B. female anopheles mosquito
C. mosquitoes seen during summer
D. mosquitoes that fly at night

25. When sending out messages to the whole nation, the most effective is by
A. letters. B. radio. C. television. - D. phone.

26. The natural resources of a country include______.

A. buildings, vehicles and roads
B. minerals, crops and animals
C. rivers, bridges and railways
D. money, banks and workers

27. May Day is observed by a ll______________in the world.

A. people B. learners C. workers D. miners

28. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) deals with_______and_______ the world
A. students and teachers
B. pastors and congregations
C. workers and trade unions
D. employers and employees

29. Due to shortages of cash, people often resort to _____________in trade.

^ A. bank draft B. barter________ C. foreign exchange D. revenue

30. Registered mail is used for sending
A. printed material B. valuable parcels
C. cheques only D. examination material

31. What shape is the earth?

A. a sphere B. a circle C. a square D. a triangle

32. Which one is the biggest of all continents?

A. Africa B. Asia C. Australia D. America

33. Which of these diseases affects lungs?

A. anthrax B. cancer C. small pox D. yellow fever

34. The major source of air pollution in a city or town is ______.

A. piped water B. smoke from factories
C. cigarette smoke D. gas stoves

35. Rice grows best in

A. cold areas B. hot areas C. dry regions D. flooded fields

36. Study the diagram of a maize plant below:

The pest marked A is likely to be the

A. maize stalk borer B. army worm
C. red ball worm D. earth worm

37. Fuel is the name given to things that produce_____

A. diesel B. energy C. food D. oil

Study the diagram below and answer questions 38 and 39.

A ' -





38. What is coming out of the kettle?

A. ice B. steam C. water D. smoke

39. What process is taking place at X?

A. freezing B. evaporation C. condensation D. melting

40.- The six child killer diseases can be prevented by______.

A. killing children B. isolating children
C. infecting children D. immunizing children

41. Veins carry blood______.

A. away from the heart B. to the heart
C. outside the body D. around the head

The diagram below shows an experiment with electricity. Study it and answer questions 42
and 43.

42. The diagram shows an electric______.

A. circuit B. map C. sound D. wave

43. What will happen if X is connected to Y?

A. The copper wire will break.
B. The bulb will light.
C. The bulb will not light.
D. The copper wire will melt.

44. Which of these hears best?

A. dog B. owl C. person D. snake

45. Thermometers measure______.

A. rainfall.
B. humidity.
C. temperature.
D. wind speed.

46. The value of machines is that they

A. are heavy.
B. make work easier.
C. are expensive.
D. have engines.

f t Study the pie chart which shows animals found in a habitat and answer questions 47 and

47. Which is the most dominant animal?

A. locust B. mice C. snake D. ant

48. Which is the least dominant animal?

A. mice B. locust C. snake D. ant

49. A change which cannot go back is

A. front B. behind C. changeable D. irreversible

50. Friction can be reduced b y _____

A. rubbing B. heating C. melting D. oiling

r ■\

1. The first Passover was celebrated in

A. Israel B. Bethlehem C. Canaan D. Egypt

2. When we play a game of soccer,______.

A. we must win the game at all costs
B. it is not good to lose
C'. it is better to lose than to win
D. it does not matter whether we win or lose

3 Jesus entered the city o f__ ____________ on a donkey with crowds praising him.
A. Jerusalem B. Bethlehem C. Samaria D. Galilee

4. The parable of the Ten Girls teaches u s______.

A. selflessness B. preparedness C. faithfulness D. forgiveness

5. Jacob and his family went to Egypt to live in Goshen because

A. there was a famine.
B. there were plagues in Canaan.
C. he wanted to live close to Joseph.
D. they wanted to become slaves.

6. What was Mother Theresa well known for?

A. healing the sick
B. caring for the poor and homeless
C. living a rich and carefree life
D. being a popular politician

7. Which of the following were Noah’s sons?

A. Shadrach, Mishack and Abednego
B. Judah, Dan and Benjamin
C. Shem, Ham and Japheth
D. Simon Peter, John and James

8. The first recorded murder in the Bible was o f____________.

A. Abel B. Benjamin C. Cain D. Joseph

9. One of the strongest men in the Bible was Samson. His father was_______.
A. Jacob B. Abraham C. Manoah D. Noah

10. What happened to the prophet Jonah when he disobeyed the Lord?
A. He was taken to heaven in a chariot.
B. He was swallowed by a large fish.
C. He was nailed to the cross.
D. He lost his power.

11. On which day was Jesus resurrected?

A. Sabbath B. Sunday C. Friday D. Wednesday

12. How many years were the Israelites in the desert on their way to Canaan?
A. 10 years B. 20 years C. 30 years D. 40 years

13. Who took over the leadership of the Israelites after Moses had died?
A. Aaron B. Joshua C. Caleb D. Samson

14. Which is a responsibility we should have in our community?

A. amassing a lot of wealth
B. despising and isolating the poor
C. caring for the sick, the elderly and the poor
D. demanding gifts from relatives

15. Which of the following foods is rich in fats?

A. peas B. maize C. nuts D. oranges

16. People are counted during a

A. rally. B. congregation. C. census. D. vote.

17. Birds which mostly reduce wheat harvests are the______.

A. ducks B. doves C. eagles D. quiella

18. The black colour on the Zimbabwe flag signifies what?

A. agriculture B. majority rule C. minority ruleD. mining

19. One of the rights of a citizen is to______.

A. kill animals
B. live a good life
C. kill oneself
D. steal from others

20. The basic need for people to wear clothes is for them to feel______.
A. attractive B. different C. rich D. protected

21. When money loses value, we call that______.

A. loss B. devaluation C. inflation D. deflation

22. Team games encourage______.

A. fighting B. hatred
C. good relations D. stealing

23. Which country used to irrigate its fields using shadufs?

A. Israel B. Ethiopia C. Egypt D. Mesopotamia

24. Which pest requires the use of grain protectants during grain storage?
A. maize stalk borer B. bacteria C. leaf eaters D. weevils

25. Rabies is a disease most commonly spread by canines like________.

A. cattle and horses
B. dogs and jackals
C. chickens and ducks
D. donkeys and goats

26. Which facility helped to improve public health in the rural areas?
A. improved road network B. the Blair latrine
C. chlorinated water supply D. rural electrification

/ : n
27. Landlocked countries do not have access to the use of_____ .
A. airports B. satellites C. sea transport D. railway trains

28. Increasing the production of goods and controlling price levels reduces______.
A. poverty B. inflation C. the black market D. foreign exchange

29. High levels of crime and drug abuse often result from ______.
A. unskilled workers B. hired labour
C. unemploymen D. labour organisations

30. Prizes like gold medals, silver medals and bronze medals are won at the______.
A. Premier Soccer League B. Inter Schools competitions
C. Olympic Games D. Inter-house Atheletics

31. Which one of these animals is a grazer?

A. cow B. dog C. owl D. snake

32. A member of the legume family is

A. potatoes B. peas C. maize D. rapoko

33. Solar energy comes from th e ___

A. sun B. moon C. battery D. earth

34. Power from falling water is called

A. hydro power B. thermal power C. solar power D. atomic power

35. Wind speed is measured by a

A. thermometer B. wind vane
C. rain gauge D. cup anemometer

36. The diagram below shows a plant

Where at A, B, C or D is most of the plant food made?


Below is a weather instrument. Study it and answer questions 37 and 38.

37. What is the weather instrument called?

A. thermometer B. wind vane C. rain gauge D. barometer

38. The part labelled A is the ______.

A. funnel B. collecting can C. overflow can D. stand

39. What name is given to the process when water turns into a gas?
A. melting B. condensation C. evaporation D. transpiration

40. The diagram below shows a rock and its fragments.

What caused the break-down of the rock?

A. heat only B. cold only C. heat and cold D. wind and cold

41. Which feature on maize leaf shows that it is a grass crop?
A. branching veins B. yellow colouring C. long hairs D. parallel veins

42. Study the diagram below showing lines drawn on a globe.

The diagram is showing lines o f ______.

A. latitude B. longitude C. greenwich D. parallel

43. Study the landform below.

Which landform is labelled A?

A. valley B. lake C. river D. mountain

44. Which tree is exotic to Zimbabwe?

A. mukwa B. mupani C. baobab D. gum

45. The keeping of too many goats in an area is called ______.

^ A. drought B. overgrazing C. deforestation D. flooding

46. People are afraid of Aids because it
A. has no cure at the moment B. cannot be easily cured
C. is foreign to Zimbabwe D. kills only young people

47. Which part of the food chain below is missing?

sun <--------- ? <--------- rat <--------------- eagle

A. air B. carnivore C. plant D. soil

48. Study the diagram below.

Which of the arrows A, B, C or D shows the direction the wind will blow to?

49. Through which of these can electricity easily pass along?

A. wood B. copper C. plastic D. string

50. Look at the following diagrams.


Which lines A, B, C or D correctly show light waves?

■J J 'l ---------- !--------- \
1. 4 written at the beginning
4 of a song is the______.
A. time line of the song B, time frame of the song
C. time signature of the song D. time table of the song

2. The above musical instrument belongs to a group of instruments called

A. chordophones B. aerophones
C. membranophones D. xylophones

3. Who of the following is a popular Zimbabwean musician?

A. Lucky Dube B. Tracy Chapman
C. Alick Macheso D. Moses Chunga

The number of chrotchet beats in a semi-breve is

A. 2. B. 4. C. 6. D. 8.


The above notes make up the staff

A. list B. keys modulation D. moderator

Percussion instruments produce sound when

A. we blow into them B. certain keys are pressed
C. they are hit or shaken D. they are tuned to a certain pitch

7. How many quarter beats do the following notes represent?

A. 1 B. C. D.

8. Which is a traditional Zimbabwean musical instrument?

A. guitar B. mbira C. piano D. cymbal

9. What does the addition of a dot to the right of a note do e.g. , ?

A. It doubles the note. B. It increases its value by 4 notes.
C. It increases its value by half. D. It reduces the value of the note by 1.

10. Which Zimbabwean musician has received recognition for playing Chimurenga music?
A. Leonard Zhakata B. Tongai Moyo
C. Thomas Mackion D. Thomas Mapfumo.

11. Which one of the following is a primary colour?

A. blue B. purple C. orange D. grey

12. Red mixed with blue make______.

A. red B. purple green D. black

13. A picture of a wide view of country scenery is a ______.

A. mural B. mobile C. landscape D. landline

14. Great Zimbabwe is a

A. mud building B. brick building
C. pole building D. stone building

15. The sky and the earth seem to meet at the______.

A. horizon B. horizontal C. landscape D. rainbow

16. During a relay competition, athletes exchange a ______.

A. lane B. baton C. race D. round

17. When we carryout symmetrical balances, body shapes are _

A. the same B. different C. opposite D varied

18. Whose decision is final in the control of a football game?

• A. the umpire B. the coach C. the referee D. the captain

19. In which ball game do we practice an over-arm throw?

A. soccer B. netball C. tennis D. volleyball

20. Which method is used to give first aid to a drowning victim?

A. cold compress B. elevating the lower limbs
C. artificial respiration D. immobilizing the injured part

21. What causes food to go bad?
A. high temperatures
B. micro-organisms such as bacteria, yeast and mould
C. poor methods of covering up food
D. leaving off fresh food overnight

22. Which of the following trees is not indigenous to Zimbabwe?

A. mopane B. mukwa C. oak D. mahogany

23. Why are household pests not good in our homes?

A. They can spread diseases.
B. They scare visitors away.
C. They make noise when we go to sleep.
D. They bring dirt into the house.

24. Which household pest may spread cholera?

A. housefly B. mosquito C. cockroach D. lice

25. What is the edge on the knitted sleeve called?

A. purl B. garter C. ribbing D. tension

26. When two pieces of cloth are joined together, they form a _______
A. stitch B. overcasting C. blanket stitch D. seam

27. Which device is used for weaving cloth?

A. sewing machine B. loom
C. shuttle D. needle

28. What causes hardness in water?

A. lather B. soaps
C. salts of calcium D. detergents


What instruction does the garment care label shown above give?
A. do not bleach B. use a hot iron
C. dry cleaning only D. tumble dry

30. Teeth should be brushed daily to remove

A. paste B. dirt C. plaque D. germs

31. Which place is safe to cross the road?

A. at an intersection , B. at a sharp turn
C. at a junction D. at a pedestrian crossing.

32. When changes take place in our bodies as we grow up, this is called______.
A. hygiene B. puberty C. adulthood D. growth

33. Why should the toilet be cleaned everyday?

A. so that germs cannot multiply B. so that it does not smell
C. to enjoy using it D. because it is our duty

34. Keeping our bodies and surroundings clean helps us to stay

A. longer B. healthy C. fresh D. smart

35. Which is the oldest and cheapest method of preserving food?

A. refrigeration B. boiling C. canning D. drying

36. Which nutrients are needed by the body in large amounts?

A. diets B. macronutrients
C. mierobiotics D. micronutrients

37. Lack of vitamin B1 causes______.

A. kwashiorkor B. rickets C. beriberi D. goiter

38. Which of the following foods are baked?

A. scones B. meat C. porridge D. rice

39. A fracture is ___________.

A. a swollen foot B. a sealed leg C. a broken bone D. torn flesh.

40 A consumer is a person who______.

A. builds houses
B. sells goods
C. sells vegetables
D. uses products and services provided by markets

41. A good consumer w ill______.

A. disobey the law B. exercise consumer rights wisely
C. advertise his or her goods. D. be fooled by sellers of goods

42. is a useful method of mending a hole in a garment needly.

A. Patching B. Hemming C. Slipping D. Pinning

43. Which material can be used in basketry?

A. rods B. cement reeds D. stones

44. A dirty mark on clothing is called a ________________.

A. patch B. garment C. stain D. mineral

45. Which one of these can dissolve stains?

A. paraffin B. milk C. soil D. glue

46. We starch clothes to _________________.

A. attract them B. soften them
C. stiffen them D. wash them

47. Which statement is correct?
A. Drug abuse causes many dangers.
B. Drug abuse doesn’t threaten people’s health.
C. No child is affected by drug abuse.
D. Drug abuse causes no serious handicaps.

48. Which of these is a beverage?

A. bread B. fish C. mazoe D. jam

49. Food that you eat at one sitting is called a

A. diet B. meal C. breakfast D. lunch


In the sewing of clothes, this diagram shows a ______.

A. touch line B. seam line C. pattern line D. symbol line


Religious & Moral Education

Answer all the questions in full.

1. One day Bola had a quarrel with Collen. Without warning, Bola threw a handful of sand
into Collen’s mouth. Angrily Collen slapped him hard on his face and he fell down. Bola
cried loudly that Collen’s mother heard him.The boy ran away to his home. Mother forced
Collen to go and apologise for what he had done even though Bola was also wrong.Bola’s
parents accepted the apology and the boy was forgiven. Bola and Collen were friends

a) Who was the first to make a mistake in the story? (1)

b) Mother asked Collen to ______. (1)
c) What wrong did Collen do? (1)
d) What lesson is being drawn from the story? (1) (4)

2. A Grade Four class was writing a Mathematics test on a Friday. Orpha was sitting
besidesTawanda Shumbanhete.They were friends.Orpha was not good at Mathematics
so she was worried.Her friend was busy working the mathematical problems.Orpha asked
her friend the answers not knowing that their teacher, Mr. Mvembe, was standing behind
them.Tawanda told his friend that he hated cheating. Mr. Mvembe asked Orpha to get
out of the classroom. She was punished after school by the headmaster, Mr. Maranda.

a) Why was Orpha worried? (1)

b) Who was busy working the problems? (1)
c) Tawanda Shumbanhete did not tell his friend because he______ (1)
d) What was done to Orpha? (1) (4)

3. When I was comTftg from school yesterday, I met an old woman carrying a heavy bag.I
asked if I could help her. The woman gave me th,e bag and I carried it with the help of my
friend Naboth. We had a little food in our lunch boxes that we shared with the lady. She
was very thankful when we left her at the house she was visiting.

a) Whom did the writer meet on the way? (1)

b) The writer and Naboth were______. (1)
c) Write two good things the writer and Naboth did to the old women. They
i) (1)
") (1) (4)

4. Susan lives with her parents in the countryside.Her family home is found in Makore
Village.The Chakafa family has proved to be good to all their neighbours.They belong to
the Methodist church under Bishop or Pastor Gazimbi. Each time a visitor or stranger
arrives at their home, they give him or her some water to drink first, then they prepare
food for the visitor. Susan has also learnt to receive visitors in this way. Her mother, Mrs.
Chakafa, has often remarked, “muenzihaapedzidura,” a saying which encourages them
to give.

a) What is Susan’s family name called?______. (1)

b) Name two things that Susan’s family gives to visitors and strangers. " \
ii) _________________________________ (1)
c) Welcoming visitors and giving them something to eat is called .(1 )
d) To which world religion does the Chakafa family belong? (1) (4)

5. People in the world today belong to any one of the world religions. African traditional
religion has a lot of followers in Africa. Zachariah’s family members belong to this religion.
They worship their God whom they call Mwari, through their ancestral spirits. In African
traditional religion, young people like Zachariah are taught to obey and respect elders as
well as showing love to others.

a) In which continent is African traditional religion found? (1)

b) Give any other name for Mwari in Shona. (1)
c) How do people in African traditional religion talk to Mwari? (1)
d) Besides obedience, what else should young people show to their elders?(1) (4)

6. Observe Sibanda came from a poor family. He went to school hungry everyday. He was
always dirty and wore torn clothes. Some children would laugh at his torn clothes. One
of those who would laugh at him was Partson Chiororo.This made Observe cry and feel
bad about himself. Rosemary Mashiri would then comfort him and give him some food
to eat.

a) What should we always do to the poor and needy? (1)

b) If you were Observe’s friend, what would you do for him? (1)
c) What two important things did Rosemary Mashiri do for Observe? (1)
d) Name one place where the needy are taken care of in your country. (1) (4)

7. Debhango, a young boy at Batsirai Primary School, was sent by his teacher Mr. Mushandu
to go and buy a pen at the shops. On his way, Debhango met a friend who told him to
accompany him to the dip tank. Debhango agreed to go and they went together. Debhango
forgot what he had been sent to buy and came back empty-handed.The teacher asked
him what had happened and he replied that he had forgotten what he was sent to do.
The teacher told Debhango not to do it again.

a) In the story, Debhango showed that he was______. (1)

b) What can you say about Debhango’s friend? He is a ______. (1)
c) What did the teacher show to Debhango? (1)
d) If you do what you are told to do, you are______. (1) (4)

8. Black people in Zimbabwe were always looked down upon by whites. It was believed
that they could not do anything great. Jairos Jiri proved them wrong. He started a centre
for the disabled in the second largest city of Zimbabwe called Bulawayo. This man showed
love and care for his fellow ordinary Zimbabweans.This decision made him so famous.

a) In which city was the Jairos Jiri centre started? (1)

b) One who helps others can be described as______. (1)
c) Who had love and care for his own people? (1)
d) Give one example of disability. (1) (4)

9. a) Who was promised by God to be the father of the Jewish nation? (1)
b) Who was offered to God as a sacrificial lamb by Abraham? (1)
c) What does this show us about the man Abraham? . (1)

d) Which animal was meant for sacrifice instead of a person?
e) To whom was Abraham married? (5)

10. a) Name one parable Jesus taught his followers.

b) What name was given to Jesus’ twelve followers?
c) What did Jesus’ followers receive at Pentecost?
d) Who was the man raised from the dead by Jesus?
e) How did Jesus raise this man? (5)

11. a) Who baptised Jesus?

b) Where was Jesus baptised?
c) In what form was the Holy Spirit sent to Jesus?
d) Who sent the Holy Spirit to Jesus?
e) What other name was given to Jesus Christ? (5)

12. a) Who taught people in parables?

b) State any one parable you have learnt about.
c) A centurion was a commander of how many soldiers?
d) People who were non-Jewish believers were called______
e) What did Jesus receive on the day of his baptism? (5)

13. Study the table below and complete it

Religion People Founder

a) Christianity Christians (1)

b) Moslems (2)

c) Africans No single founder (1)

d) Hinduism No single founder (1)
14. a) Name two people (couple) who were punished by death for lying.
i) O') _______________________ (2)
b) The name Barnabas m e a n s _________________ (1)
c) Name the holy book for the Moslem people. (1)
d) In which special garden did Adam and Eve live? (1) (5)

15. a) Who denied Jesus three times before the cock crowed? (1)
b) On which special occasion did the disciples receive the Holy Spirit? (1)
• c) Among the disciples of Jesus, who were the two sons of Zebedee?
0 ______________________ :_______
ii) ___ ______.______________ :______ (2)
d) Jesus’ disciples were later called the_ (1)(5)

16. a) In which country did the people of Israel become slaves? (1)
b) Who among the sons of Jacob was known as the dreamer? (1)
c) Which country was the promised land? (1)
d) Who was sent by God to deliver and set free the people of Israel from
Pharaoh? (1)
e) In which continent do we find Egypt? (1) (5)

17. a) What does the story about the ten virgins teach us? (1)
b) Tax collectors were also called___________________.__________ (1)
c) Name the tax collector who climbed up the tree to see Jesus. (1)
d) In the story about the lepers, how many lepers did Jesus heal? (1)
e) What was asked from the apostles by the lame man? (1) (5)

18. a) Goliath was killed b y______ ._______________________________ (1)

b) David used a _________________to kill Goliath. (1)
c) David was a ___________________._________________________(1)
d) The story of David and Goliath teaches us that God gives u s_____. (1)
e) This story is found in th e _______________Testament. (1) (5)

19. a) When did Jesus first celebrate the Passover? (1)

b) Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because______________._(1)
c) On which occasion did Moses and Elijah appear to talk to Jesus? (1)
d) “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased, listen to him.”
Write two occasions when these words were said.
i)________________________ :______________________
••)___________________________________ ,___________ ______(2) (5)
20. a) Which word describes Jesus’ rising from the dead? (1)
b) Who was the mother of John the Baptist? (1)
c) Jesus started his ministry at the age of________________ ______ (1)
d) What did the baptism of Jesus mark? (1)
e) Name the poor begger who suffered on earth but was happy in heaven.(1) (5)


Answer all the questions in full.

1. a) Name the first Portuguese priest to visit Munhumutapa. (1)

b) The Portuguese established their trading centres at
i) and___________________ .
")_________________________________ •___________________ (2)
c) Which son of Gatsi Rusere was a puppet chief? (1)
d) Mutapa_______________killed father Gonzalo da Silveira. (1) (5)

2. a) The Land Apportionment Act of 1930 divided the country into______and

_____________areas. (2)
b) Name the Ndebele king who signed the Rudd Concession. (1)
c) The spirit mediums____________and_______________were hanged
by the British in 1898. (2) (5)

3. a) What is the full name for SADC? (1)

b) When was this organisation formed? (1)
c) How many original members did it have? (1)
d) Which country joined later in 1992? (1)
e) Which country was known as the bread basket of Southern Africa? (1) (5)

4. a) What does AU stand for? (1)

b) What does UN stand for? (1)
c) What does WHO stand for? (1)

d) Which organisation looks into the welfare of children? (1)
e) The leader of UN is ___________________. (1) (5)

5. a) What two activities did the Bushmen do to get food?

i)________________________________ ___________
ii)_________________________________________ (2)
b) What form of shelter did the Bushmen use? (1)
c) State any two weapons made by the Bushmen. (2) (5)

6. a) Which people used the igloo as their shelter? (1)

b) Complete the table below about clothes.

Raw material Source

Sheep (1)

ii) silk ( ) 1
iii) Cattle (1)

iv) bark (1) (5)

7. a) State two food nutrients. (2 )

b) Malnutrition is lack o f__ ____________ ■ 0)
c) and are diseases we can get if we do not
have balanced diet. (2) (5)

8. a) Study the table on food below and answer the questions by completing it

Staple Food Source (Plant) Country

i) sadza Zimbabwe

ii) . . . _ wheat Britain

iii) rice China (3)

b) What is the best food for babies? (

c) Which food nutrient do we get from bread? ( (5)

9. a) One who belongs to a particular country is called a_____________. (

b) How many colours do we find on the national flag of Zimbabwe? (
c) What does each of the following colours on the national flag represent?
i) green____ _____________ (
ii) red ___________________ (
d) What does the Zimbabwe bird symbol stand for? ( (5)

10. a) What is the staple food for the people of Zimbabwe? (1

b) State two long-term methods of preserving food. (2
c) Give two examples of body-building foods. (2 (5)

11. Study the map below and answer the questions which follow.

a) i) River marked A is ___________________. (1)

ii) River marked B is ___________________. (1)
b) What is the name of the country marked Z? (1)
c) Name the crop grown at X. (2) (5)

12. a) Which areas remained the least developed during the colonial period?(1)
b) Give two of the reasons why people move from rural areas to towns. (2)
c) People who build shelter on places not allowed are called_________ (2) (5)

13. a) The functions of a building means ______ . (2)

b) Two of the materials used for building tall buildings are________and___(2)
c) What sort of buildings would you expect to find in a residential area? (1) (5)

14. a) What important battle marked the beginning of the second war of liberation? (1)
b) Where was Mzilikazi’s capital? (1)
c) Cecil John Rhodes had a company called BSAC. Write BSAC in full. (2)
d) What was the name of the British flag? (1) (5)

15. a) What determines the staple food in a country?

")_____ 1______________ (1)
b) Name two food crops mainly grown in Zimbabwe. (2)
c) What causes kwashiorkor in babies? (1) (5)

16. a) Why do buildings like houses, shops and churches differ

- in size and shape? (2)

b) is a temporary form of shelter. (1)
c) State two diseases that are spread to people by animals. (2)

17. a) What makes the people in a country live and work peacefully and happily? (1)
b) Who chooses the government in Zimbabwe? (1)
c) Complete the table of government below using the words: democratic,
monarch and dictatorship.

Government Description

does the wishes of people

only one person’s wishes, the president’s,

are considered
is led by the queen or king (3) (5)

18. a) What are the two things that make food decay? (2)
b) Give one reason why it is bad to play in water in a dam. (1)
c) Why does a country need to buy goods from another country? (1)
d) What can the government of a country do to reduce the rate of inflation?(1) (5)

19. a) Who was the first President of Zimbabwe? (1)

b) When was the MOU signed? (1)
c) Who was the Prime Minister of the inclusive government of Zimbabwe?(1)
d) When was the Prime Minister, in the inclusive government sworn in? (1)
e) Name two deputy Prime Ministers who served in the inclusive
government. (1) (5)

20. a) Name two national holidays of Zimbabwe. (2)

b) What do the people of Zimbabwe celebrate on Unity Day? (1)
c) What is balanced diet? 1
( ) .
d) Name two diseases caused by malnutrition. (1) (5)

21. a) cancer, polio, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria

From the list above, which one is not one of the six killer diseases? (1)
b) What is the best means of transporting fresh flowers from Zimbabwe to
Britain? Explain your answer. (2)
c) Give any two examples of perishable foods. (2) (5)


Answer all the questions in full.

1. a) Name the three states of water.

0 ____________________ (1)
•i) _______________ (1)
iii) (1)

b) Below is a diagram of the life cycle of a house fly.


Name the labelled letters.

i) C___________ (1)
ii) D___________ (1) (5)
2. a) Give two types of gut worms.
i) (1)
ii) (1)

b) What is meant by the abbreviation STI? (1)

c) Why is it important to boil water from an unprotected source before
drinking it? (2) (5)

3. a) The diagram below is of a torch cell.


Name the sides

A___________ (1)
B (1)

d) Study the diagram of a wheelburrow below and name the parts labelled
using scientific terms.

i) wheel__ (1)
ii) sand__ (1)
iii) handles (1) (7)
6. a) What are tiny living things that cause diseases called? (1)
b) The following are used to prepare salt-sugar solution. State
the correct measurement of each.

i) salt teaspoons (1)

ii) sugar teaspoons (1)
ii) water millilitres (1)

c) Sugar-salt solution is used to treat patients suffering from which disease? (1)
d) What other name do we give to this solution? (1)
e) Name one substance that pollutes the air we breathe. (1) (7)

7. a) Study the diagram on the female reproductive system below.

Name the parts labelled
i) (1)
ii) (1)
iii) (1)
b) The male reproductive organs produce__________. (1)
c) When the female’s egg and sperm join during mating, this is called. ,(1)
d) What does HIV stand for? (1)
e) A mature baby is born after how many months? (1) (7)

8. a) What is a mixture of rock particles and decayed organic matter called? (1)
b) Rocks and stones break into small particles by the process called____ (1)
c) What causes rocks to break? (1)
Which is the common rock found in Zimbabwe? (1)
uw d)
W \ e)f The diagram shows a heap of soil.

£'; v;-

The soil has particles that are closely packed together and
its texture is smooth. The soil type is______. (1)

f) Which soil is a mixture of clay and sand? (1)

g) What does decayed organic matter make in soil? (1) (7)

9. a) Which insects spread malaria? (1)

b) Where do these insects lay their eggs? (1)
c) An insect that lives in and feeds on another animal is a (1)
d) Small living things that cause sickness or diseases are called___ ■(1)
. e) Gutworms are found inside the.human body. What name is given the
human body in which gutworms live? (1)
f) What solution is given to a diarrhoea patient? (1) (7)

10. a) Two grass crops are i). (1)

ii). (1)
b) Two legume crops are i)_ (1)
ii). (1)
c) Animals which eat meat are called_ (1)
d) Animals which eat grass are called (1)
e) A place where animals live is a ___ (1) (7)

11. a) Label the parts of this seedling.

0 A __________________________________________(1)
") B _________________________________________ (1)
iii) C __________________________________________(1)

b) Name any three types of trees that grow from seeds.

') ______________________ ________________________ (1)
") ______________________ ________________________ (1)
iii) ________________________ (1)
c) Most trees lose their leaves in the________season. (1) (7)

12. Match the following animals with diseases they can spread.
Animals Diseases
i) snail cholera (1)
ii) dog anthrax (1)
iii) cattle bilharzia (1)
iv) mosquito rabies (1)
v) housefly malaria (1)

b) List two ways of preventing germs from spreading. (2) (7)

13. a) Name two exotic trees found in Zimbabwe. (2)
b) How can you make something dissolve faster? (1)
c) Why are leaves green? (2)
d) What is the difference between a natural forest and a forest plantation? (1)
e) What gas do we need from air for breathing? (1) (7)

14. a) Which parts of the human body need food? (1)

b) What do plants need to make food? (3)
c) What are lines of longitude and latitude? (2)
d) When does lightning strike earth? (1) (7)





Answer Question 1 and any two other questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided
on the question paper.


Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question


There are four questions in this section

Answer Question 1 and any other two questions in the spaces provided on the question

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions which follow.

Mrs Chinhema is a widow, childless and lonely. All her children had died at birth and
lastly, she lost her husband. She has no one to share her problems with because people
in the village do not want to associate with her. They accuse her of being a witch who is
causing death in the village. They claim that she ate her children by herself and also her
husband. Mrs Chinhema always prays and assures herself that there is only one person
who loves and cares for her, God. This idea gives peace and comfort in her heart. She
also wishes that one day people in her village will come to understand and know the truth
about her.

a) Give two problems faced by Mrs Chinhema___________________ _ (2)

b) Why is it important to have a friend?____________________________ (1)
c) What is Mrs Chinhema’s wish?_________________________________ (1)
d) Whom do we turn to when people desert us?_____________________ (1)(5)

2. a) Who was given the Ten Commandments by God?

b) Which of the Ten Commandments has a reward?

c) Of the Ten Commandments, which one encourages people to stick to

their partners?

d) Write any other commandment you know.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------— ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

e) Where were the Ten Commandments given by God?

_____________________________________________________________ (1) (5)

3. a) Which religion recognises Jesus as the important figure?


b) What are the followers of Christianity called?


c) Draw a symbol of Christianity.


d) Write any Christian festival you know.


e) Write any other religion besides Christianity.

_(1) (5)

4. a) In the parable of the Prodigal Son, how many sons are involved?

b) Which of the sons demanded his share?


c) Why was the elder brother angry when their father held a feast for the
younger son?

d) What was killed to celebrate the return of the younger son?


e) Whiat does the story teach us?

(1) (5)


There are five questions in this section.

Answer any three questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.

5. a) Give two reasons why people need shelter.



b) The above diagram shows bins in which the GMB store maize grain.
What are they called?
c) A person who plans and designs buildings is an
d) We get flour from
(1 (5)

6. a) What is food?
b) What is the function of carbohydrates in our bodies?
c) A goitre develops when a person lacks
d) Two groups of food that provide our bodies with vitamins are
(2 (5)

7. a) Which part of the government makes laws?

b) The________________ _help to enforce law and order
in a country. (1
c) The judiciary consists of and , (2

d) When a government is ruled by one man who has complete power, it

is called . i,{1 (5)
8. a) Land locked countries can never depend on_ ________transport. (1

b) Name two forms of land transport.

i)_ (ii) _______________ (2

c) Give two reasons why we should use air transport to export beef to

___________________________ __ __________________ _____ ____ (2) (5)

9. a) Goods bought from other countries are called

________._____________ .______ — _______ — ________ ■
_____- 0)
b) When going to another country, one should carry money in the form of
_______________________ _____ _____________ ______ _____ ___ • (1)

c) Name two forms of money.

-------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------— ______ _____ __ (2)

d) List any one currency used in Zimbabwe as a legal tender.

----- -------- :-------------- ........................... -______ - ________________(1) (5)


There are four questions in this section.

Answer any three questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.


a) Name the process that is being explained in the diagram.

b) What name is given to blood without oxygen?

c) Where does blood exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen?

d) What happens to body cells if they don’t get oxygen?

e) How many chambers does the heart have?

f) Which two things does blood transport to the rest of the body?
and ___________ ^ (7)

11. a) What is the common food for scrub hare shown below?

b) Which animal feeds at the tops of tall trees?

c) What do herbivores feed on?

d) Which height do animals use in order to reach food which is above

their actual height?

e) What do we call animals which feed on meat?

f) What will happen to the environment if too many elephants are

kept in an area?

_ (1 )
b) What parts of the baobab tree is used to make mats?
_ ( 1)
c) Which part of the tree stores food during the dry season?
_ (1 )
d) Name three parts of a tree that can be used to make medicine.
_ (3 )

e) What do you understand by the term ‘photosynthesis’?

_ (1 ) (7)

13. a) Why is lightning dangerous?

_ (1 )
b) Which comes first, lightning or thunder?
c) What can be used to protect houses against lightning?
_ (1 )

d) Which objects are most likely to be struck by lightning?

_ (1 )
e) Name two things which should be done during a lightning storm.
_ (2 )

f) Why is it dangerous to touch metal objects or wet surfaces during

a lightning storm?
_(1) (7)





Answer Question 1 and other two questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on
the question paper.


Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question


Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question


Answer Question 1 and any other two questions in the spaces provided on the question

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions which follow.

Two boys, Fortune and Farai Mvuri asked Arkson to join them in their school orchard.
Their mission was to steal some juicy oranges. Arkson refused to join them. Instead, he
went and told the Headmaster Mr. Mtizwa that the two boys were planning to steal some

a) What did the two boys intend to do?


b) To whom did Arkson report?


c) Why did Arkson report the issue?


d) Do you think stealing is good? Explain why.

(2) (5)

2. a) Which miracle did Jesus perform at Cana?


b) Why do you think Jesus performed this miracle?


c) Where was Moses born?
d) Why did he run away from Pharaoh?
(1) (5)

3. a) In African traditional religion, the ceremony performed at least one

year after the death of an adult is called
b) What is the importance of this ceremony?

c) In African traditional religion, what do we call the rainmaking

d) Who leads the rainmaking ceremony?
(1) (5)

4. a) In Islam, the period of fasting is called

_■ (1)
b) The festival to mark the end of the fasting period is
c) What do Moslems call their place of worship?
d) How many times a day do Moslems pray?
(2) (5)


There are five questions in this section.

Answer any three questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.

5. a) Which two parties fought for the liberation of Zimbabwe?


b) What do we celebrate on the 25th of May?


c) How many liberation war heroes died at the battle of Chinhoyi?


d) Who is the leader of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC - T)?
_____________________________________________________________ (1) (5)

6. a) Why are rules and laws important in our lives?
. (2)
b) The lowest court in Zimbabwe is
. (1)

c) Who is the head of the judiciary system in Zimbabwe?

. (1)

d) Who makes by-laws?

. (1) (5)

7. a) Name two types of fibre used to make clothes.

. (2)

b) Silk comes from

-■ (1)

c) Why are clothes worn in Canada different from clothes worn in Africa?
(2) (5)

8. a) Name any two skilled jobs.

________________________________________________ ___ (2)

b) One past time activity is


c) Name one activity that is work and leisure at the same time.

d) What social problem can unemployment lead to?

(1) (5)

9. a) Name one organisation that helps people in times of war.


b) What must we do to disabled people?


c) What disease affects a person who lacks iodine in his diet?

___________________ _________ ______________________________ (1)

d) What do we call a diet that contains all nutrients needed by our bodies?
_______________ ;___________________________________________ (1) (5)

f .. —" •>

There are four questions in this section. Answer any three questions in the spaces provided
on the question paper.

10. a) What causes soil erosion?

_ (1)
b) Name two methods that can be used to stop soil erosion.
_ (2)

c) What do we call animals that feed on grass?

_ (1)
d) Name any two cereal crop plants.
_ (2)

e) A crop grown under irrigation in the lowveld of Zimbabwe is

, (1) (7)

11. a) Mr Taguta bought the following food for his family; mangoes, potatoes,
beans, rice, spinach, fish and milk.
i) Which food would be recommended for Mr. Taguta’s child
suffering from kwashiorkor?
_____________________________________________________ (2)

ii) Give a reason for your answer.

!______________________ (1)

b) Which disease has no cure?


c) Suggest two methods of preventing the spread of the disease.

:____________________________________ (2)

d) What does a distance of 4cm on a map represent if 1cm on the map

represents 50m on the ground?
(1) (7)

12. a) Where can electrical energy be stored?


b) Write two other forms of energy.

__________________________ a n d _________________________ (2)

c) Where in Zimbabwe is the major source of electricity from coal?


d) What turns the turbines in a thermal plant?


e) A thermal power station uses_
to produce electricity. (1) (7)

13. a) A grazer feeds on grass. An omnivore feeds on

_______________________________________________________ (1)

b) Give two examples of animals that are omnivores.


c) What time of the day are nocturnal animals active?


d) Give one example of an animal that is protected in Zimbabwe.


e) Write down two ways of controlling pests that destroy our crops.
(2) (7)



pggailO il A

Answer questions 1 and any two other questions.

Answer any three questions write your answers in the spaces provided on the question

Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question

Answer question 1 and any other two questions in the spaces provided on the question

1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Tinashe was one of the most intelligent pupils at Chinyenyetu Primary School. Despite
his intelligence, he came from a very poor family and he was an albino. He had sores all
over his body and his eyesight was very poor. His class teacher, Mr Madziva always
brought some food for him. One day, Tinashe did not get food from Mr Madziva. This
made him steal some mangoes from Tinotenda’s lunch box. Tinotenda started beating
Tinashe until Tinashe’s clothes were stained with blood from his bleeding sores.

a) What was Tinashe’s health problem?

:____ (1)
b) How did Tinashe’s class teacher help him?
. (1)
c) What bad thing did Tinashe do despite his problem?
:___________________ (1)

d) What was Tinotenda supposed to do instead of beating Tinashe?

(2) (5)

2. a) Name any two people who were friends for life during the Early Church.
____________________________________________________ (2)

b) What is an atheist?
________________ :___________________________________ (1)

c) Name any two disciples of Jesus.

____________________________________________________ (2) (5)
V______________________________ J
3. a) What is a parable?
-__________________ ;_________________________ (1)

What two lessons do we learn from the parable of the prodical son?
____________________________________________________ (2)

c) Name any two incidences where Jesus showed his humility.

(2) (5)

4. a) Name any two world religions.


b) Which religion regards a cow as a sacred animal?


c) What is Mbuya Nehanda remembered for?


d) Give any one quality of a good friend.

(1) (5)


There are five questions in this section. Answer any three questions.

5 a) Give any two causes of the First Chimurenga.


b) Name any two leading spirit mediums during the First Chimurenga.
. (2)

c) When was the cease fire agreement signed?

____________ _ _ _ _ _ (1) (5)

6. a) Name any two food deficiencies.

___________________________:________________ : (2)

b) Give any two examples of water-borne diseases.

. ____________ :______________________________ (2)

c) Give one cause of rural-urban migration.

________ __________________ ________________________ (1) (5)

7. a) State any two building materials commonly used in rural areas.

- _________________________________ (2)

b) In which town in Zimbabwe were the building brigades first formed?

_________________________________ __ _______________ (1)

^ c) Give two reasons why the Tonga people build their huts on raised platforms.
____________________________________________________ (2) (5)

8 a) Name any two forms of money


b) Give any two causes of inflation.


c) What do we call the exchange of goods for goods?

(1) (5)

9. a) Give one reason why people wear clothes.


b) State any two man-made materials used for making clothes.

:___________ (2)

c) State any two natural materials used to make clothes.

(2) (5)


There are four questions in this section. Answer any three questions.

10. a) To which state of water does ice change when heated?

____________________________________________________ (2)

b) Give any two ways of making water clean and safe for drinking.

c) Air is a mixture of gases. Name the gas which plants

(i) release during photosynthesis__________________.
(ii) take in during respiration_______________________. (2)
d) Name the gas fixed into the soil by legume crops
(1) (7)

11. The diagram below shows a food chain.

a) Which is the producer in the food chain?

b) What is the source of energy that the grass uses to make food?.

c) Give any two examples of herbivores.

___________________________________________________ _ (2)
d) Give any two examples of carnivores.

e) Give one example of omnivores.

(1) (7)

The diagram below shows a grass plant.

a) What is the function of the part labeled X?


b) Give any two characteristics of grass plants.


c) How many weeks does a grass plant need to grow to maturity?

:__________________ (1)

d) State any two advantages of crop rotation.

e) Give one example of a cereal crop.___________________ (1) (7)

13. Study the diagram below.

cultivated land

a) What is the name of the process marked X whereby soil is deposited into the
____________________________________________________ (1)

b) Give any two types of soil erosion.


c) Name any two pests that attack maize.


d) State any two advantages of choosing gum trees for a woodlot.

(2) (7)

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Answer questions 1 and any two other questions.


Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question u


Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question


Answer question 1 and any other two questions in the spaces provided on the question

1. Read the following passage and answer questions.

One hot afternoon, Machinda was lying under a shade of a big tree listening to the local
radio station. He was feeling very comfortable and rested. Suddenly he heard his mother’s
voice, “Machinda, please go down to Mrs Chiororo’s place and collect the mufushwa she
promised me.”

“I can’t, I am listening to my favourite program and besides I’m very tired,” replied
Machinda. Mai Lilian, his mother didn’t appear to hear what he said, probably because
the radio was playing so loudly.

A little later, Machinda thought to himself, “I suppose I’d better do as I am told and fetch
that mufushwa. I can even take my radio with me.”

Sometime later, Mai Lilian called Shuvai who was reading a newspaper cutting in her
room, “Please go and call Mai Makopa.”

“Of course mother,” replied Shuvai, continued reading and didn’t bother to go.

a) How many people are mentioned in the story?


b) Which child was a truly obedient child?


c) Which commandment in the Bible talks about the behaviour of the children?

d) What sort of children does God like?
_______________________ — ___ - . -......................... :____ (1) (5)

2. a) What name is given to the first four books of the New Testament?
___________ ___ _____ ..................-........ ........................ (1)

b) What do the four books teach about?


c) Name any two writers of the books.

(2) (5)

3. a) Why was Jesus telling people parables?


b) In the parable of The Sower, the sower represents

c) What happened to the seeds that fell on the path?

d) What happened to the seeds that fell on good soil?

(1) (5)

4. a) Who was known as a man of faith and father of nations?

b) Who was Joseph’s youngest brother?

c) Name three things that happened after Jesus’ baptism.

(ii) .___.____ __________________________
(iii) .___________________________________ (3) (5)


Answer any three questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.

5. a) Who was Lobengula’s father?

____________________________________________________ (1)

b) Name two vice Presidents in the inclusive government.

_______ ______________________________ ___ __________ (2)

c) What important battle marked the beginning of the second war of liberation?
(1 )

d) Why were the blacks not happy with the white man’s rule?
_______________ /________________ ___ _______________ 1) (5)

6. a) What is a staple diet?


b) Why do staple diets differ? Give two reasons.


c) What were food crops developed from?


d) What is the main cause of undernourishment?

(1) (5)

7. Write the currencies used in the following countries.

Country Currency

(i) Namibia ______ _____ _ _ (1)

(ii) Malawi ______________ ___________ (1)
(iii) Zambia " (1)
(iv) Botswana __________ _______________(1)
(v) South Africa ______________ ___________ (1) (5)

a) What is the name of the shelter shown above?


b) Who uses it?


c) Name two things that can influence our choice of site for settlement.

d) Give one disadvantage of a storey building.

(1) (5)


There are four questions in this section. Answer any three questions in the spaces provided
on the question paper.

9. Here are seven stages in tobacco farming. Arrange them in their correct order.
Tying and baling, reaping and tying, grading, curing, seeds and seedlings, selling, planting.

10. a) What is weathering?

____________________________ :_______________________ (1)
b) Name three agents of weathering.
____________________________________________________ (3)

c) Why do some trees grow well in kopjes?


d) Name one tree which can be grown from shoots.


e) Why should gumtrees be planted away from water sources?

(1) (7)

11. (a) Label the parts 1-5 in the diagram below.


b) Which part of the body pumps the blood?
d) What is the use of blood in our bodies?
____________________________________________________ (1) (7)

12. Are these animals grazers, browsers or both?

Put a tick in the correct box

Animal Grazer Browser Both

1. giraffe 0)
2. kudu (1)
3. sable (1)
4. elephant (1)
5. rhinoceros (1)
6. hare (1)
7. daissie (1) (7)

13. a) At night, plants breath in a gas called and breath

out a gas called________________ ______-(1)

b) Why is a banana a safe fruit to eat when there is no water?


c) What disease is caused by lack of iodine?


d) Which type of soil has larger particles and feel more gritty?

e) What name is given to all things that burn?


f) Name any two materials that burn.


g) Change in temperatures causes the rocks to





Answer questions 1 and any two other questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided 7
on the question paper.

Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question

Answer any three questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question

Answer question 1 and any other two questions in the spaces provided on the question

1. Tapiwa was an orphan who lived with her grandmother. Her grandmother was very old
and almost blind. She had no one to help her except Tapiwa. Tapiwa worked hard, she
collected firewood, did the washing and cooking. Her grandmother was so poor that she
could not send Tapiwa to school or buy her clothes. Tapiwa continued to work hard and
never complained.

One day, Mrs Mahari a business woman came to Tapiwa’s home. Tapiwa was there
when the woman talked to her grandmother, “I see Tapiwa as a clever girl, smart and
hardworking. I would like to send her to school. If she works in my store after school, she
will earn herself pocket money.”

Tapiwa was not sure whether to be happy or not. If she went, what would happen to her
grandmother, alone and helpless? She did not know what to do and began to cry. Her
grandmother took her in her arms and said, “Do not worry about me Tapiwa, although I
need you here, I will let you go.” Finally Mrs Mahari the businesswoman took both
Tapiwa and her grandmother and stayed with them.

a) How did the businesswoman show love for Tapiwa?


b) What shows that grandmother loved Tapiwa?

c) Which among the ten commandments did Tapiwa obey?

d) What can we learn from this story?

(2) (5)

/ 2 What was the name of the Pharisee who invited Jesus to his house to have a
meal with him?
b) As the crowd gathered at the Pharisee’s house, who also came in?
! 1, . r _ (1)

c) What did the woman do to Jesus which the Pharisee did not do?

d) How did Jesus’ respond to the woman’s behaviour?

(1) (5)

3. a) Which parable in the Bible tells us about a man who went to sow seeds?

b) Name the four places that the seeds fell on.


c) What lesson do we learn from that parable?

(2) (5)

4. a) There were two men who went to the temple to prav. One was a and the
other a

b) Of the two, who sometimes cheated people?


c) Whose sins were finally forgiven?


d) What does Jesus say about praying?

(1) (5)


There are five questions in this section. Answer any three questions, in the spaces provided
on the question paper.

5. a) When did Ian Smith become the Prime Minister of Rhodesia?

b) During the Second Chimurenga, the struggle was dominated by two wings of the
Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe. What do the abbreviations ZANLA and ZIPRA stand
__________ :______________________________________________ (2)

c) The following were the first and second liberation war heroes. Put a tick on those
for the first Chimurenga and a cross for those of the second Chimurenga.

Name of hero First Second

(i) Chief Lobengula (1)
(ii) Herbert Chitepo (1)
(iii) George Silundika (1)
(iv) Chief Mapondera (1) (7)


South Africa

a) What are migrant workers?

_______________________ :________________________ :___ (1)

b) To which two countries did the migrant workers from Mozambique go?
:_________ (1)

c) From which countries did the migrant workers in South Africa come?
( )1
d) From which countries did the migrant workers in Zimbabwe come?
___________________________________________ __ ____ ___ (1)
e) Why did so many migrant workers go to South Africa?
:_____ (1) (5)

7. a) In which country is the United Nations headquarters?

b) Which place would you go to borrow money to buy a house?


c) What is the name of the process of separating cotton fibre from the seed?
___________________ (1)

d) Name two things that are made from jute.

(2) (5)

8. a) What is a submarine used for ?


b) What colour of the robot comes after amber?


c) Name two types of power that train engines for the NRZ use.

d) What is the advantage that a newspaper story has over a radio or television story?
___________________________________ (1) (5)



b) Area B is well known for a food that can be eaten raw or can be bottled. What is
the family name for that food?
________________ :_______________ _ _ _ ______________ (1)

c) Which crop is grown in Area C? Name the central town of this area.
_________________________________________ (2)

d) The area around Mutare grows crops that make two popular beverages in
Zimbabwe. Name the two crops.
________________________ _______ ............................ (2) (6)


There are four questions in this section. Answer any three questions in the spaces provided
on the question paper.

10. a) Which disease can be prevented by abstinence from sex?

b) Which disease besides Aids cannot be treated?
d) What causes typhoid?

e) Give any two examples of STIs.

(2 )
f) What diseases are children now being immunized against on top of the six killer
_________________________________ :_______________ :___ (1) (6)

11 .

copper wire

copper wire


a) What would you expect to see on the completed circuit above?


^ b) There is something wrong with this circuit if the bulb does not light. List two possible^
__________________________________________________________ (2 )

c) State two uses of electricity in the home.

___________________________________________________________ ' (2 )

d) Suggest one material which is a non-conductor of electricity.

( 1) ( 6 )

12. a) What do plants need to grow?

_________________________________________________________ (1)

b) Name three conditions that can affect the growth of crop plants.
___________________ :_______ (3)

c) What are nematodes?

_____________ ■ __________ :__________________: 0)

d) Which plant is usually attacked by nematodes?

____________________________________________ __ 0)
e) Which part of the plant do nematodes normally attack?
___ (1) (7)

13. A pupil set an experiment as shown below.

watery droplets


plastic bay

a) The experiment tests the process o f_________ (2)

b) The conclusion from this experiment is that trees (2)
c) The small holes on leaves are called_________ (1)
d) Which soil type has fine particles?____________ (1)
e) soil is the best as garden soil. (1) (7)

1. What are perishables?

2. Give two advantages of preserving food.

(i) (1)
(ii) (1)

3. What are household pests?


4. What is a seam?

This label above is found on cotton articles. What is the meaning of this label?
__________________________________________________________ (2)

6. What is laundry?

7. List any one method used to remove hardness in water.


8. List two reasons why one should wash hands after cleaning the toilet.
(i) ____________ (1)
(ii) ____________ _ (1)

9. What is personal hygiene?

(2 )

^ 1 0 . List ten steps followed in laundering plain white cottons.
(0 __________________________________________________ ___ (1)
(ii) ____ ___ 0 )
(iii) _________ (1)
(iv) ___ (1)
(v) _____ (D
(vi) ___ (1)
(vii) ________________________ ___ (1)
(viii) _____________________________________________ ___ (1)
(ix) ___ (1)
(x) ___ (1)

11. How many players are needed by each netball team?


12. What is the purpose of a referee in a soccer game?


13. Which activity is done before the start of any athletic activity?

14. List the three primary colours used in painting.

0) ________________________________________________ ___ (1)
(") _______________________________________________ ___ (1)
(iii) ___ (1)

15. What colour is produced when red and blue are mixed?

16. Slab and pinch methods are used when____________________. (1)

17. What is monoprinting?

__________________________________________________ _________________________________ ( 1)

18.' Which method is used when making or constructing mats?


For question 19 and 20 use the following:

d r m f s I t d’

19. The above are letters of the alphabet. In music, they have a special
name. What is the name?
( )

^ 2 0 . Which of the above notes is a high note?
__________________________________________________________ (1)

21. A minim ( ) lasts as long as tw o__________________________. (1)

22. What do we call a group of people singing together?

:________________ (1)

23. A singing voice is different from a speaking voice. Which of the two voices reaches
further than the other?
_________________________________________ _____:___________ (1)

24. The height or depth of a note is called its___________________ (1)


What am I like?

God created human beings, making them to be like himself. Male and female he created
them and gave them power over all creation.
Genesis 1:27

What is God like?

God is seen as creator and sustainer. In his mind the plan of creation was formed ending in
man, in whom is the breath of God.

Me and My Family

Families are a very important part of society as everyone of us belongs to a family. God
himself identifies himself with a special family, the church; ‘I will make my home with my
people and live among them. I will be their God, and they shall be my people. I will be your
father and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.’
2 Corinthians 6:16,18

Me and my Friends

Everyone needs a friend with whom to share intimate thoughts and feelings.

Abrahama was called ‘the friend of God’ because he had trust in God and did what God
asked-hi m i"

The Lord would speak with Moses face to face, just as a man speaks with a friend’. Genesis

This was because the Lord God knew Moses very well and was pleased with him.

Jesus also offered himself as a personal saviour and friend for all Christians, as he taught;
‘As I have loved you, so you must love one another. If you have love for one another, then
everyone will know that you are my disciples.’ John 13: 34-35.

Me and My Community

People can only enjoy friendship freely and fully with others when they feel that they belong
and are accepted. To accept others means to be open to them, to try to understand them
and to respond to their needs. It means people in a community can share fully in life, as
giving and receiving members of the human community.

God showed his love for the human community by sending his only Son into the world.
Jesus Christ loved us all and gave his life for us.

r ,
Me and My Possessions

The human person grows through his contact with others. David the shepherd had a long fesi
of wonderful abilities. He was a good soldier so he was made an officer in the army. He
became king and ruled over all Israel and made sure that his people were treated fairly and

We may have many varied possessions, but God is interested in how we use what we have
in relation to other people.

Me and My Time

Time is a valuable possession whose value becomes noticeable through the way we use it.

The Bible teaches us not to waste our time, but to order it and make the most of our time.

When Jesus was faced with the task of being punished by death for mankind’s sin, he took
time to pray. Many of his days on earth were spent preaching, healing, teaching and setting
the right example for his disciples.

Me and My Standards

A standard is used for measuring things. There are standards that can be used to measure
the quality of one’s character.

Jesus set a standard by which all people are to live.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souls and your neighbour just as
you love yourself.” Matthew 22: 37 -39.

Me and My Future

People are always interested in the future, but Jesus taught us not to worry about it. His
lesson emphasized the need for us to commit our lives to God who cares for flowers and the
birds of the air. Our concern should be to seek the Kingdom of God, then all things would be

Me and My Work

When God had finished all the work he had been doing on the seventh day he rested from all
his work.

Then the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it. Genesis

God did some wonderful work during creation and found pleasure in completing his work
from which he rested. He has given men and women the responsibility to work by caring for
the things that he has made.

When Jesus had completed his work on earth by committing his life on the cross, he declared,
‘It is finished.’(John 20:30). This marked the end of his outstanding work of redeeming
mankind from sin. We can only be truly happy when we have work to do.

God, the father of all good work, wants us to be willing to work hard and think of others before
thinking of ourselves.

Me and My Faith

Faith is being certain of what you do not see.

To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot
see.’ Hebrews 11:1

The Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Hebrews of the great things that Old Testament
heroes did through faith. It was by faith that they won God’s approval, and we learn from
them and from Jesus that we need to have complete confidence in God.

Me anfi My Church

The coming together of believers in fellowship has born the church which the Apostle Paul
refers to as one body in union with Christ. Though the members are many, they are joined to
each other as different parts of one body.

The church co-operates with Christ in building up the Kingdom of God in all the activities of
their daily life. Each man is offered the chance to realize the unity that’s there with God and
with his fellow men in Jesus, who is the centre of all relationships.

Those who respond to God’s call are joined together as his people, who respond to the need
to love God and their neighbour.

African society as well as other religions of the world have strongly indicated belief in one
Supreme Being. Belief in God who is called by varied names shows that He gives ultimate
meaning to life, and is worth having a relationship that is meaningful with.

The meaning of life to the varied belief systems of the world transcends physical life and
includes man’s relationship with the Supreme Being, with other people and with things.

The revelation of the Supreme Being to people of the world is varied and has marked the
differences in patterns of worship, belief and faith.


Water is tasteless and colourless.

Water sinks through the soils and some rock.

Water evaporates under certain conditions.

Water exists in three states i.e. solid, liquid and gas.

Many substances dissolve in water.

Water is wet and takes a container’s shape.

Water is a limited resource and therefore it should be conserved.

— ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the water cycle, water changes but is never lost.

Clear water may contain pollutants which should be destroyed.

Soil, Grass and Grazing

Soil is found in different colours.

Some small animals live in the soil.

Land has covered and bare (uncovered) soil

Soil becomes loosened by the action of people.

Bare soil gets washed away by running water and wind.

There are different types of grass.

Grasses have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds.

Plants and plant matter help control and prevent soil erosion.

Fire is a danger to the veld.

Some grass are crop plants.

A variety of animals can share the same environment.

Erosion is the washing away of soil.

Trees and Forestry

Trees grow in soil and are made up of roots, trunks, branches and leaves.

There are different types of trees.

Trees can be grown from seeds, cuttings, or shoots.

Some trees grow from truncheons (tree branches).

Trees respire i.e. take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide all the time.

Trees transpire.

There are indigenous and exotic trees in Zimbabwe.

Softwood trees grow quickly while hardwood trees grow slowly.

^ C rop , Plants and Animals

Compost contains decayed vegetable and animal matter.

Insects grow in stages or life cycles.

Insects have 3 body parts i.e. head, thorax and abdomen.

Some animals are grazers, browsers, carnivores and omnivores.

Different plants and animals live in the environment.

Crop rotation and mixed cropping help plant growth.

A food web is made up of different food chains.

Health and Pollution

The human body is made up of different parts which have different functions.

People use the sense of touch, sight, hearing and smell to survive in the environment.

Food is used by the body for different purposes.

Bilharzia and malaria are diseases caused by parasites.

Germs are very small living things.

Humans reproduce when the mother’s egg and fathers sperm join in the mother’s womb.

Our bodies have a natural immune system.

There are many sexually transmitted infections.

All pollution is unhealthy.

The heart acts as a pump.

Blood moves through capillaries, arteries and veins.

. Aids destroys the body’s immune system. There is no cure for it yet.

Energy and Fuels

Anything that can be burnt to give energy is a fuel.

Solar energy comes from the sun.

Light and heat can be reflected from shiny surfaces.

The sun gives out light and heat.

The moon reflects the sun’s light.
Objects which block light form shadows.

There are different types of fuels.

Electricity is conducted by special wires to provide energy.

Sound is produced by vibrating objects.

Radio, TV and telephone signals travel through air.

Cold air falls and increases air pressure.

Hot air rises and decreases air pressure.

There are four seasons in Zimbabwe.

The earth is spherical in shape.

The earth’s rotation causes day and night.

The earth revolves round the sun.

The earth’s revolution causes seasons.

Air exerts pressure.

Static electricity causes lightning.

Weather elements can be recorded.

Lightning is likely to strike tall objects.

Materials and Technology

Machines make work easier.

Friction takes place when materials rub against each other.

Friction causes wear in materials and machines.
Materials undergo change which can be reversible or irreversible.

Landforms and Maps

Landforms can be represented on a map.

Altitude is the height of a place above sea level.

Africa has a variety of landforms.

Maps are usually drawn to scale.

Lines of longitude and latitude are used to locate places on a map.

Aerial photographs contain information which map makers use.

Satellites give important information.

Living Together

Migrant workers are people who go to work in other countries.

Population is the total number of people living in a village, town or country.

Overpopulation means that an area does not have enough resources to meet the needs of
the people living there.

International organizations

These organizations have been formed to help people of different nations live peacefully
together. Some of the organizations are the African Union, SADC and the Commonwealth of


Malnutrition is when the body does not receive the correct amount of nutrients.

Causes of malnutrition are:

An unbalanced diet, not enough food, diseases, lack of knowledge, cultural beliefs, eating
habits, superstitions and misleading advertising.

Forms of malnutrition - marasmus, kwashiorkor and obesity

Children and adults suffer from marasmus when they lack the right amount of all nutrients.
This disease is common in time of famine and hunger when people do not have enough food
to eat.

It is a disease caused by eating food that does not contain enough protein. Children suffer
from kwashiorkor.

It is the condition in which the body has too much fat in it. Being overweight is usually a result
of overfeeding. Overfeeding is a form of malnutrition.

Food produced in SADC countries.
Angola - fish
Botswana - maize and livestock, mainly cattle
Lesotho - cattle, sheep, horses
Malawi - maize, tea, rice, cattle, fish
Mozambique - cashew nuts and ground nuts, sugar cane, tea, cattle
Swaziland - cattle, sheep, goats, rice, vegetables, citrus fruits
Tanzania - coffee, cattle, maize, wheat, rice, tea, bananas
South Africa - cattle, sheep, maize, citrus fruits, sugar cane, wheat, fish, vegetables.
Zambia - maize, cattle, wheat, groundnuts, fish
Zimbabwe - maize, groundnuts, wheat, tea, coffee, goats, sheep, beans, citrus fruits,
potatoes, sugar cane, vegetables, fish.

Rules and Laws
Criminal - a person who commits a crime or breaks the law.

Riot - disorderly crowd of people protesting all at once.

Natural resources - things provided by nature like water, rivers and trees.

Colony - a country governed by another.

Colonial period - the years or time when a country is ruled by another. In the Zimbabwean
case, it was from 1890 - 1980.

Taxes - money collected by a government from its citizens.

Infertile soil - poor soil where crops and grass do not grow well.

White settlers - Europeans, mainly from Britain, who colonized Zimbabwe.

Attributes of a Democratic Government

a) The ruler is chosen by the people through an election.

b) The people can remove the ruler from office if he or she is not ruling in line with
what the people want.

c) The people have a say in the way the country is ruled. They are represented by
members of parliament whom they vote for.

d) People are free to form political parties and hold meetings. They may disagree
with some decisions made by the ruler if they think that they are not for the good
of the country.

e) Elections are held regularly for example after every four or five years.

f) Decisions made by the courts are enforced even if the ruler does not like them.

Attributes of a Government ruled by a Dictator

a) All the power is in the hands of one person. He or she may be a president or a
prime minister. ' v

b) Usually a dictator rules the country without asking for any advice from the members
of parliament.

c) Often a dictator bans all other political parties in the country.

d) People who oppose the dictator either get killed secretly or are sent to jail without
being tried in court. Sometimes they are tried in courts by magistrates or judges
who are told what to do by the dictator.

e) No elections to choose a leader are held under a dictator.

Wealth and Money

Inflation is when money loses its value. This makes prices rise continuously.

Exchange - to give money or goods in return for something.

Ways of buying goods:

a) Discount - the customer pays an amount which is less than the full price of the

b) Credit sale - a buyer takes goods without paying the full price for them.

c) Hire purchase - it means a buyer pays money for hiring an item for a fixed period.

Social Services and Voluntary Organisations

Charity - giving help to others.

Handicapped - being crippled, deaf, blind and unable to do'what other people do.

Voluntary - doing something without being forced by someone.

Rehabilitation - the work of helping others to overcome a handicap or disability.

National - something that covers the whole country or nation.

Social - to do with people.

Services - things like roads, bridges, hospitals that people need to use-every day.

22. Why were growth points developed in rural areas?
A. to provide villagers with jobs
B.^ to make villages beautiful
C.' to solve the problem of squatting
D. to create centres for good transport

23. What buildings would you expect to find in a residential area?

A. factories B. offices C. parliament D. houses

24. Huts made from blocks of snow are called _

A. log cabins B. huts or stilts C. igloos D. dooms

25. Which people are still living in open spaces?

A. Eskimos B. Gypsies C. Red Indians D. Iraquis

26. What shelter is shown below?

A. igloo tent C. log cabin D. tree house

27. The function of a building means

A. what it is made of B. what it is used for
C. how big it is D. how much it costs

28. What is the main cause of housing shortages in urban areas?

A. insufficient space B. a shortage of builders
C. increase in population D. increase in buildings

29. Which one is an example of a human-made shelter?

A. Kariba Dam Wall.
B. Birchenough Bridge.
C. Harare Airport runway.
D. Munhumutapa Building.

30. People who build shelter where they are not allowed to do so are called
A. immigrants B. emigrants C. refugees D~ squatters

Rules and Laws

31. Laws made by parliament are enforced by

A. army and police . B. government ministries
C. military police D. police and law courts

32. Which court of law tries the most serious • ■I
A. , primary court B. high court
C. kangaroo court D. magistrate’s court

33. A government chosen by the people for the people is called a

A. dictatorship. B. monarchy. C. judiciary. D. democracy.

34. Why do countries have laws?

A. to force the poor to obey laws
B. to enable citizens to live and work together peacefully
C. to ensure that all people become free
D. to enable people to become rich

35. Who makes laws in Zimbabwe?

A. parliament B. police C. president D. public

36. Mr. Mawere has an accident because he did not observe the traffic lights as he was
driving his car. This is an example of a______.
A. criminal case
B. civil case
C. summons case
D. critical case

37. In Zimbabwe, laws should be obeyed by______.

A. Asians B. Coloureds C. Africans D. all citizens

38. Which one of the following is one of the pillars of government?

A. The national flag.
B. The Zimbabwe bird.
C. The legislature.
D. The municipality.


39. Which one of these is a synthetic material used to make clothes?

A. cotton B. nylon C. silk D. wool

40. Which material is made from crude oil?

A. terylene B. silk C. leather D. plastic

41. What is the main reason for wearing jewellery?

A. to show that you are rich
B. to show that you are a king
C. for protection from evil
D. for beauty and decoration

42. Which kind of sheep has the finest and best quality of wool?
A. Persian B. Angora C. Merino D. Koala

43. What were some of the earliest clothes worn?

A. woollen jerseys B. animal skins C. cotton dresses D. nylon cloth


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