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Maximum Marks: 80 CBSE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2022-23 (WITH SOLUTIONS) Time allowed: 3 hours General Instructions: 1. This question Paper contains 34 questions. 2. Marks are indicated against each question. 3. Answer should be brief and to the point. 4. Answers to the questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50 to 75 words. >. Answers t0 the questions carrying 4 marks may be about 150 words. 6. Answers to the questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words. 7. Attempt all parts of the questions together, a 1. Rishabh joined an entertainment company Avtaar, as a creative head. As a manager » looking after the creative unit of the company, one of the functions he has to perform is the process of organizing. Which step of the process will he need to perform after identifying and dividing the work that has to be done in accordance with previously determined plans? 1 (@) Identification and division of work (b) Departmentalisation () Assignment of Duties (@) Establishing Reporting Relationships Which characteristic of the business environment is highlighted when changes are taking place too frequently and it becomes difficult to predict the future? 1 (@) Uncertainty (b) Complexity (c) Inter-relatedness (d) Relativity . Aarohan Ltd. is a company manufacturing automobiles where division of work into key areas includes production, purchase, marketing, accounts and personnel. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the organization structure of Aarohan Ltd.? 1 (a) It may lead to increase in cost () Managers may gain power and assert independence and ignore organization interests. . (c) It ensures that different functions get due attention. (d) Heads do not get training for top management positions. CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 1 ee 7 entity the dimensions of the business environmen” 4 eed by the picture given erat in oe ee Who has joined the workforce recently is w : an accounting software. (a) Technological and social (}) Technological and political (©) Political and economic (a) Social and legal 5. Identify the reason which makes management important in the light of the fact that ” it is generally seen that individuals in an organization resist change, as a change often means moving from a familiar, secure environment into a newer and a more 2 1 challenging one. (a) Management helps in achieving group goals. (b) Management creates a dynamic organization (c) Management increases efficiency (@) Management helps in the development of society. The government of India made an announcement regarding Demonetization of the Indian economy on November 8, 2016 with profound implications for it. The process Which put restrictions on convertibility of domestic money and bank deposits was meant to create a less-cash economy. One argument against the cash-lite economy is that: 1 (2) Internet connectivity is a prerequisite (8) More people will be introduced into the formal economy. (©) Financial saving will increase (@) Tax evasion will be reduced Airlines will be able to offer the benefit of lower pricing to customers on sectors/ ‘utes due to the decision of the civil aviation ministry to remove price caps from (@) It helps in improving performance , (b) It helps in assisting in pI: i planning and policy f a 7 helps in tapping useful ee a (a) Ten eee a in the process of laying off 400. efficien be able to achieve by carrying out this process. Se - (a) Efficiency (6) Social 1) Profit : (@) Survival 2 PERFECT 104-1 Sample Papers in Business Studies 9, Radha started a home cooked food delivery Dabba service. Her mother, who isa great cook, decided to help her. They relied on friends and family for orders = = on word of mouth. As a step in the process of ensuring that activities are perform aly per her plan of supplying healthy, good quality, reasonable food and eaming Pr an she decided to keep both qualitative and quantitative Benchmarks fowards which she would strive to work. A function of management is being discussed above. : important characteristic of this function of management is: (a) Itis the first function of management (b) Itis the Last function of management (©) It is both forward looking and backward looking. (@) Iti required only in business organizations. 1 S Raman and Vasudev were two employees who were embezzling an import-export company in Varanasi where they were working. The finance manager of the company Sampat Singh became suspicious of the two employees when he realized that their activities were not being performed as per the plans. He installed a software esas that could secretly log every single stroke of the suspects’ computer keys and sen: an encrypted e-mail report to the Cyber police. The police were able to catch the two dishonest employees red handed and arrest them. Identify the function of management being discussed above. : (a) Staffing (&) Coordination (©) Controlling (@) Organizing 11, Name the outcome of the function of management which includes designing of roles to be filled by suitably skilled people and defining the inter relationship between roles so that ambiguity in performance of duties can be eliminated. 1 (@) Organization structure (b) Delegation of authority (©) Decentralization (@) controlling 12. Statement-I: Transportation helps in creating time utility and warehousing helps in creating place utility. Statement-II: The process of classification of products into different groups on the basis of their important characteristics is known as standardization. 1 Choose the correct option from the options given below: (@) Statement I is true and Il is false (b) Statement Il is true and 1 is false (c) Both the statements are true (@) Both the statements are false CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 3 OS 1 us terms of Financial Markets Column-I with their respectiy © 13. Match the vario statements in Column-I. | ~ Column Il j | @Itis also known as the Stock m: | | Primary market (ii) | It is a market for creation and nee |__| exchange of financial assets. | (iii) | It is also known as New issue market (@) (i), ii), (i) Column I _ [Financial market [Secondary market (©) (ii), (i), KG (a) (ii), (ii), @) (b) (i), (ii), (i) Th ceceeccesseteeseeseseees is a number assigned to each transaction by the stock exchange and is printed on the contract note. i (a) Client code number (b) Unique order code (4) Depository participant number () Permanent account number 15. One of the important decision areas under the marketing function of .. is managing inventory. (a) Branding (b) Pricing (0) Promotion (@ Physical distribution 16. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (a) Providing liquidity to securities is one of the functions of stock exchange (b) Process of holding shares in electronic form is known as Dematerialization (0) Securities Exchange Board of India performs the regulatory function of controlling insider trading and imposing penalties for such practices. (d) Capital market consists of Commercial banks, Development banks and stock exchanges 17. One of the following is considered to be an extension of the marketing concept, which apart from customer satisfaction pays attention to ethical and ecological aspects of marketing. Identify the concept. 1 (a) Selling concept (b) Product concept (d) Societal Marketing concept (0) Production concept 18. While the product costs set the lower limits of the price for a product, the upper 1 limit of price which a buyer would be prepared to pay is decided by: (a) Utility and demand of the product (6) The marketing manager of the firm (c) The Government (d) The competitors of the firm 19. Which of the following statements about Advertising is incorrect? (a) It is a personal form of communication 4 perrect 10+1 Sample Papers in Business Studies 22. 23. 2! - (b) It is a paid form of communication (0 Itis a mass selling technique (d) It is inflexible as the message can’t be adjusted to the needs of the buyer. . Arrange the steps involved in trading procedure at the stock exchange in correct sequence: (i) Settlement of order (ii) Opening of Demat Account (iii) Placing of order (iv) Execution of order (a) (ii); (iv); (iii); () (b) (ii); (0; (iii); (iv) (©) Gif); (i); (ia); () (d) (ii); (iii); (iv), . Top management plans for the entire organization. According to these plans the organizational structure is developed and staffed. In order to ensure that these plans are executed according to plans, directing is required. Any discrepancies between actual and realized activities are then taken care of at the stage of controlling. Name and explain the process highlighted above which started at the planning stage itself and is implicit and inherent in all the functions of management in an organization. 3 Mrs. Ahilya Pasi is the Principal of a prestigious school in New Delhi. The school has a vacancy of a headmistress /headmaster of the junior wing of the school. The senior teachers of the school have the opinion that only internal candidates should be considered for this post. However, Mrs. Pasi and the management would like to invite applications from external sources too. Briefly explain any three justifications the management can provide to convince the staff for inviting applications of external candidates for the vacant post. 2 Explain “Critical point control” with respect to Analyzing deviations, a step in the process of controlling. Give a suitable example. 3 Or Explain “Management by exception” with respect to Analyzing deviations, a step in the process of controlling. Give a suitable example. State any three objectives of the Securities Exchange Board of India. 3 Or State any three functions performed by the stock exchange. . Enumerate any four benefits of the process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased. 4 Or Name the mechanism that attempts to measure certain characteristics of individuals in the process of identifying and choosing the best person out of the number of prospective candidates for the job. Enumerate any three of its types. CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 5 ‘ch are concerned with problems lecoding the message into words Or 4 munication whit ers to coml rncoding and d 26. State any four barri Spatructions in the PFOCESS of ef impressions- Or nication which are related to authority relationshi Ps, jers to comm of the company: 1 to further improve the teel several initiatives have been taker rough designing jobs that include grea, ature income and wor} 27. In Saarthak si levels of employees ork content, roviding certain stability about medical aid, etc., allotment of shares in ling variety of W' it j providing fringe penefits like housings 7 } Pith various incentives identify and briefly explain the incentives being given by izati the employees: y e financial decision that is concerned with raisi funds and borrowed funds. :. facturing and exporting carpets and other ital of & 70 lacs at the face value of & 109 f its production facilities ang e company Mr. Prabhakar has me amount by issuing 7% fter expansion is % 35 ang a justified recommendation? 4 State any four barr rules and regulations factors affecting the we using shareholders siness of manu! wants to raise led that the company can rais share of the company al earning per S) Prabhakar give 4d brand for his daughter from nowner his daughter fell sick purchase. What should be He filed a case W! because of a mistake that he could not i sumer while purchasing, using and consuming goods and i ymmitted by Mayank, in order to enable protection? Enumerate any four services apart from avol him/her to achieve the objective of consumer points. 4 1g techniques of Scientific Management as 6 ain any three of the followin; 31. Briefly expl (b) Functional foremanship given by EW. Taylor (a) Method study (¢) Standardization @ Differential piece wage system Or Briefly explain any th ing princi Det plain any three of the following principles of management given by Henry (a) Unity of command (b) Equity (d) Initiative (c) Remuneration Greer PERFECT 10-+1 Sample Papers in Business Studies 2. ‘The pros and cons of each altemative need to be weighed.’ Name and briefly explain the logical steps in the process of planning which are followed by a manager before performing the step highlighted in the above statement. 0 Or Briefly explain the next three steps in the process of planning which the manager will have to follow after using conjecture about what might happen in the future, 33. Jojo and Jojo is a company known for its consumer business of baby oil and bandages, but many people do not know that the company also runs a medical device and diagnostics business, as well as a pharmaceutical company. With more than 1,80,000 employees worldwide the company has chosen to share decision making authority with lower levels and place it nearest to the point of action. Therefore the response does not take time. This propagates the belief that people are competent, capable and resourceful who can get a chance to prove their abilities. And enables the company in identifying those executives who have the necessary potential to become dynamic leaders, so that the checking required on decisions taken by lower levels of management is the least. This makes it possible to evaluate performance at each level and each department can be individually held accountable for their results. By quoting the lines given above identify and briefly explain the benefits of the concept discussed above. 8 34. Choco Ltd. offers a wide variety of chocolate products. It has an action program of not selling its products by their generic name but under different names like Choco- silk bar, Choco-Munchy and Choco-crunchy etc. for different customer segments. Alll these names have great popularity and acceptability in the markets. As the company policy the products were offered at reasonable and affordable prices for targeting a mass customer base. During the festive season the company launched a massive promotional campaign to increase its revenue and achieve its communication objectives. The company introduced free gifts for the customers. Their on-ground sales team delivers the product not only to the departmental stores but also to small shops, so that all segments of customers can easily get the products. They also provide information and support services to customers to ensure repeat sales. From the viewpoint of the management function, briefly explain any four activities of marketing which the firm will be involved in, apart from the above-mentioned ones it’s already performing. 6 CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 7 SOLUTIONS TO CBSE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2022-23 1. (6) Departmentalization 2 (a) Uncertainty 3. (@) Heads do not get training for top management positions 4. (a) Technological and Social 5. (b) Management creates a dynamic organization 6. (a) Internet connectivity is a prerequisite 7. (c) Ithelps in tapping useful resources 8, (b) Social 4, (¢Itis both forward looking and backward looking 10. (c) Controlling 1, (g) Organization structure 12, (d) Both the statements are false 13. (@) (i, (i, 0 14. (b) Unique order code 15, (d) physical distribution ) Securities Exchange Board of India performs the regulatory function of 16. ( controlling insider trading and imposing penalties for such practices. 17. (@) Societal Marketing concept 18, (a) Utility and demand of the product 1. (a) Itis a personal form of communication 20. (@) (i); (i); (oy () 21. Coordination is the process highlighted above which started at the planning stage itself and is implicit and inherent in all the functions of management in an organization, Coordinating refers to the orderly arrangement of individual and group efforts to provide unity of action in the pursuit of a common goal. Coordination 8 PeRrect 10+1 Sample Papers in Business Studies 2B. is considered to be the essence of mana: nt as it helps in creating a harmony among individual efforts towards the realization of the group goals The three justifications the management can provide to convince the staff for inviting applications of external candidates for the vacant post are outlined below: (any three) () Qualified Personnel: By exploring external sources of recruitment an organisation is able to attract qualified and competent persons for the vacant positions in the organisation (i) Wider Choice: External sources of recruitment offers a wider choice to the organisation unlike internal sources which provide only a limited choice. (iii) Fresh Talent: External sources leads to infusion of fresh blood within the organisation. (io) Competitive Spirit: The use of external sources of recruitment helps to instil a competitive spirit among the existing employees of an organisation as they need to prove themselves against the outsiders. Critical point control is an important aspect in the process of controlling, All the deviations may not be significant. Moreover, it may not be either economical nor easy to monitor each and every activity in the organisation. Therefore, every organisation identifies and states its specific key result areas (KRAs) or critical points which require tight control are likely to have a significant effect on the working of the business. Any deviations on these points are attended to urgently by the management. Like, if the expenditure on refreshment of workers goes up by 10% it can be ignored but if the production cost goes up by 5% it may call for managerial action. Or Management by exception is an important aspect in the process of controlling. Management by exception is the principle of management control which is based on the belief that if you try to control everything, you may end up controlling nothing. Therefore, only significant deviations which go beyond the permissible limits should be brought to the notice of the management. Like the output defects upto 2% may be considered acceptable but if goes up by 5% it may call for managerial action. . The objectives of the Securities Exchange Board of India are outlined below: (any three) (a) To protect the rights and interest of investors, and to guide and educate them. (0) To regulate and develop a code of conduct and fair practices by intermediaries like brokers, merchant bankers, etc. with a view to making them competitive and professional. (0) To prevent trading malpractices and create a balance between self regulation by the securities industry and its statutory regulation. Solutions to CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 9 - - (d) To regulate and define a code of conduct and fair practices by intern, like brokers, merchant bankers etc, with an objective to make them com aig and professional. Pet, Or The functions performed by the stock exchange are listed below: (any threo) some of the important functions of a stock exchange are described below (a) Providing Liquidity and Marketability to Existing Securities: The fn markets provides a platform for continuous trading in securities. It facn sy exchange of securities between investors, thereby facilitating the proce disinvestment and reinvestment for the investors. By providing a ready my." for financial assets, it lends both liquidity and easy marketability to the ex securities in the secondary market. (w Pricing of Securities: The prices of securities in the secondary market determined by the market forces of demand and supply. It ensures cong. valuation of securities so as to determine their prices in a fair and justi manner. Moreover, through listing of securities the stock exchanges provig information about market price of the securities. = (6) Safety of Transaction: The working of a stock exchange is well regulated throug ‘The Securities and Exchange Board of India. Asa result the stock exchanges oe a transparent, fair and safe platform for trading in securities to the investors (@ Contributes to Economic Growth: The efficient functioning of the stocy exchanges ensures that the funds are channelized into the most profitable business avenues. Thus, it promotes the process of capital formation indirect through the process of continuous disinvestment and reinvestment of savings and leads to economic growth of a nation. (¢) Spreading of Equity Cult: The stock exchange works as a mechanism to promote the habit of savings among people by educating and offering them lucrative avenues for investment. The existence of a well regulated and efficient system for trading in securities motivates people to take an active part in the process of exchange. There by, it ensures wider share ownership by following the best practices in stock trading. (f) Providing Scope for Speculation: The continuous process of disinvestment and re-investment in securities in the stock exchanges is based on the speculation of the parties involved therein. Thus, by providing the framework for well regulated speculative activities which are carried out within the provisions of law, it ensures liquidity and price continuity in the market. Mey ita ket isting 25. The benefits of training are stated as follows: (any three) (a) Training programs are organised in a systematic manner, rather than. This helps to avoid wastage of resources due to the use of the hit and trial methods. (b) Training leads to an increase in the productivity of an organisation both in qualitative and quantitative terms, leading to higher profitability. 10° erect 1041 ‘Sample Papers in Business Studies (0) Training seeks to prepare the employees take charge of higher positions in case of any emergency. (@) Training enables the managers to deal with the problem of absenteeism and employee tumover. This is because as it fosters the self confidence and boost the morale of the employees. . (¢) Training equips the managers with the required technical and managerial skills, 50 as to facilitate transitions within the organisation in the light of changes in the business environment Or The different types of selection tests are described below: (any three) (i) Intelligence Tests: These includes important psychological tests are useful in measuring the intelligence quotient of an individual. It also reflects the ability of a person to make decisions and judgements. : (i) Aptitude Test: These tests seek to evaluate the potential of a candidate in acquiring new skills and develop. Thus, the future success rate of the candidates can be anticipated through it. : (iii) Personality Tests: These tests seek to provide an insight in to a person's emotions, her reactions, maturity and value system etc. and to bring to light the overall personality of an individual like extrovert, introvert etc. It is not easy to administer such kinds of tests. (io) Trade Test: These tests seek to measure the knowledge, skills and proficiency that a candidate possess with regard to a particular job position. It is different from aptitude test because it primarily focuses on the existing competence of a candidate while an aptitude test shows what is the ability of a person to grasp new techniques and how far can a he/she develop his competence in future. (0) Interest Tests: These tests are used to define the interests of the candidate, activities that appeal him/her the most and determine the inclinations of a person towards certain career choices. 26. The various types of semantic barriers to communication which are concerned with problems and obstructions in the process of encoding and decoding the message into words or impressions are described below: (any four) (i) Badly expressed message: In case the message conveyed by the sender is not interpreted by the receiver in the desired manner due to insufficient vocabulary, choice of wrong words, omission of the needed words etc. It is said to be expressed badly. Due to the occurrence of such barriers, it is quite likely that the message conveyed by the manager may not be perceived appropriately by his subordinates. (ii) Symbols with different meanings: In case, the word used by the sender have different meanings the process of communication is likely to be distorted, unless the receiver perceives the same meaning of the words as intended by the sender. Solutions to CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 11 (iit) Faulty translations: It is a common practice to translate books S, Movies ete. from one language to one or more other languages di requirement. In order to do the justice to the translation, epending upon gk the person concerned is well versed with all the languages involved wet ws will occur in the process of communicating the translated wenalved ese erat (ic) Unclarified assumptions: Sometimes, while communic ating . ating a message 4, ander may have certain assumptions in his mind which are subject : are subject to dif not able to interpret the meses SARE i it will be difficult to communi inicate 4" interpretations. In case the receiver the background of these assumptions, message effectively (v) Technical jargon: The specialists in a particular field become so habitual ual to us, icating technical terms while communicating that they even : with the people who are not the aaah in the —— aa ios area th echiaical cecrds are Beyond (the comprehension (er enero ‘Asa result, it hampers the process of communication. © Teele, (vi) Body language and gesture decoding: We often use our body movem gestures to communicate in our day to day life. However, in the situations wh” our body language and gestures do not match with the verbal commu, vtere it is likely to create confusion in the mind of the receiver. In such cas message will not be perceived in the desired manner by the receiver. me Or The various types of organisational barriers to communication which are related t 0 authority relationships, rules and regulations of the company are described below (any four) () Organisational policy: In certain cases the communication may not flow smoothly within the organisation if the organisational policy does not support it. The interaction among the members of the organisation may be restricted through explicit or implicit policies. For example, if the working of an highly centralised it is quite unlikely that the participation of ‘ddle or lower level is encouraged. In some organisations, the top management may ymmunication within the organisation through rules ult, the process of communication may become organisation is the employees at mi (ii) Rules and regulations: restrict the free flow of co1 and regulations. As a rest cumbersome and also result in delays. be very cautious of his/her position Sometimes a manager may tend to d deliberately. This may lead to creation of a psychological his subordinates. In such situations it is quite (iit) Status: tion between them as subordinates in the organisation an distance between him and unlikely, there will be effective communica’ will not be able to communicate freely with a status cautious manager. (iv) Complexity in organisation structure: It has been observed that the communication gets delayed and sometimes may even be distorted if is it has to be transmitted through a large number of managerial levels. 12 PERFECT 10+1 Sample Papers in Business Studies (0) Organisational facilities: In order to facilitate smooth flow of communication within the organisation it is very important that appropriate and platforms ate provided for it. For example, regular interactions among them members through frequent meetings adoption of suggestion system. encouraging informal in social get togethers, provision for a grievance cell /complaint box and so on go a long way in promoting nucleya and timely communications within an organisation. On the other hand in these facilities are not provided for within an organisation it is likely to create an adverse effect on the process of communication. 27. The various types of Incentives being given by Saarthak Steel to its employees are (a) Job enrichment: Job enrichment means entrusting an employee additional responsibilities so as to add value to their experience by jobs enhancing their skill in performing challenging jobs. Job enrichment is concerned with designing jobs in a manner that it offers greater variety of work content, requires higher level of knowledge and skill, gives the employees more autonomy and responsibility; and provides opportunity for personal growth and a meaningful work experience. (a) Job security: Every employee wants his job to be secure. Job security creates a sense of stability in the employee about future in terms of both work and income. it relieves them from the related stress about continuity of job and inspires them to contribute more enthusiastically towards the realisation of the organisational goals. However, sometimes it has been observed that the feeling of job security tends to make people complacent and as a result they may become lazy or start evading work. (b) Perquisites: Under this incentive, the employees are offered perquisites and fringe benefits like housing facility, car allowance, reimbursement of medical expenses, free education of children etc. The incentives are provided over and above the salary in order to motivate employees in any manner. () Co-partnership/stock option: Under these incentive schemes, the shares of the company are offered at a set price to its employees which is lower than market price. Sometimes, management may allot shares in line of various incentives payable in cash. This incentive is based on the belief that on being allotted the shares of the company, an employee is likely to develop a feeling of ownership in the company. As a result an employee will be motivated to contribute wholeheartedly for the growth of the organisation. 28. The four factors affecting the financial decision that is concerned with raising of finance using shareholders’ funds and borrowed funds are explained below: (i) Cash flow position: The issue of debt capital involves a fixed burden on the company in the form of payment of interest and repayment of capital. Therefore if the cash flow position of a company is good it may issue debt else equity to raise the required amount of capital. Solutions to CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 13 ancial risk refers to a situation when a co, 2} financial charges. Financial risk of the con® higher use of debt. This is because issue of debe Pan f payment of interest and repayment of capi fact that amount of interest paid is a deduct, le (ii) Risk Consideration: Fin: is unable to meet its fixe increases with the fixed commitment in ‘onsidering the t of debt is affect terms o' fed by the tax rate. If for example a firm is bo, ¢ after tax cost of debt is only 7%. Theren™® Tefen’ kes debt relatively cheaper and increase. iy Fro W (iii) Tax rate: Ci expense, cos @ 10% and the tax rate is 30%, th when the tax rate is higher it mal joesn’t affect the control of the equity Rhy attraction vis-a-vis equity: (iv) Control: The issue of debentures di the business as the debenture holders do not have the 5; of the business. shareholders over to participate in the managemen Or {any four factors affecting financing decision) 29. Given Earnings per share = 7 35 EPS = Earning after tax / No. of equity shares 35 = Earning after tax / 70,000 Earning after tax = 70,000 x 35 = % 24,50,000 Interest on a debt of & 50,00,000 @ 7% = %50,00,000 x 7/100 == 3,50,0000 Let the Earning before tax (EBT) be X EBT - Tax = EAT X = 0.30 X = 0.70 X = 0.70 X = 24,50,000 Or X = 24,50,000/0.70 = 35,00,000 Earning before tax = % 35,00,000 EBIT = Earning before tax + Interest = 35,00,000 + 3,50,000 = %38,50,000 ROI = EBIT/Total Capital x 100 % 38,50,000 / 1,20,00,000 x 100 = 32.08% Since, ROI (32.08%) > Rate of interest (7%) use of debt will lead to trading on equity to increase its EPS. Hence, the recommendation of the finance manager was justified. Recommended portfolio _ | Sources | Current portfolio Equity shares @ € 100 each | 70,00,000 70,00,000 7% debentures ‘NIL "| 50,00,000 Total capital __|70,00,000 1,20,00,000 ‘V4 penfect 10.41 Sample Papers in Business Studies EBIT 38,50,000 Less Interest @ 7% 3,50,000 EAIBT 35,00,000, Less Tax @ 30% 10,50,000 FAT 24,50,000 No. of equity shares 70,000 EPs 30. The responsibilities that a consumer should be kept in mind while purchasing, using and consuming goods and services apart from avoiding the mistake committed by Mayank, in order to enable him /her to achieve the objective of consumer protection are outlined below: (i) Be aware about various goods and services available in the market so as to make an intelligent and wise buying decision. (ji) Buy only standardised goods in order to be assured of its quality. The me should, check for related quality marks on the product like, for electrical goods look for ISI mark, food products must bear FPO mark, jewellery should carry hallmark ete. (iii) Learn about the risks associated with products and services and must follow manufacturer’s instructions and use the products safely. | (io) Read labels carefully so as to be aware about prices, net weight, manufacturing and expiry dates, etc. (v) Assert yourself to ensure that you get a fair deal. : (vi) Be honest in your dealings and discourage unscrupulous practices like black- marketing, hoarding etc. A buyer should only choose from goods and services which are legal. (vi) File a complaint in an appropriate consumer forum in case of any inadequacy in the quality of goods bought or services availed, even when the amount of claim involved is small. (viii) Form consumer societies which would play an role in promoting the educating consumers and safeguarding their interests. (ix) Respect the environment and avoid waste, littering and contributing to pollution in any way. 31. The techniques of Scientific Management as given by F.W. Taylor: (any three) (a) Method study: Method study seeks to find out one best way of doing the job. Method study helps to determine one best way of carrying out an activity. It helps in minimising the cost of production and maximizing the quality of output and level of customer satisfaction by deciding the sequence of operations beginning from the procurement of raw materials and continuing till the product is finally delivered to the consumer. Solutions to CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 15 ip: Under this technique, each worker is closely cS WF whom is an expert in a specific task. The teen nip is an extension of the principle of division of Functional foremanship op floor. Taylor believed that it was nop me and specialisation © pecome proficient in every aspect of a job. Theres, for a single pore nique of functional foremanship to increase the cj" suggested ean ee supervision. The work is divided into gr ‘ of workers () Functional foremansh by eight bosses, eacl 8, ly; / . Wines f Instruction Card Clerk, Route () Planning department consists ot . - d Cost Clerk and Disciplinarian, truction Card Clerk, Time ani (ii) acters department consists of Speed Boss, Gang Boss, Repair Bogs Ey if , ater “ ; ’ literally means conto, (©) Standardisation: The oat Sarena fas Aare qualie® re ed requiremen f size, " uality ames ey vital for application of the technique of time ; so that all workers possess standard tools and materials, like same brush: aint, etc, and work under same working conditions. The standards serve 7 the benchmarks and must be adhered to during production. The objectives * standardisation are: (i) To limit a given line or characteristics. (ii) To ensure interchange ability of manufactured Parts ae Products. (iti) To define standards of excellence and quality in materials. (i) To formulate standards of performance of men and machines. (@) Differential piece wage system: Differential piece Wage system is an incentiyg bonus plan suggested by Taylor. Under this plan, the Piece wage rate paid t, efficient workers is higher than the normal Piece wage rate. According to Taylor the wages of efficient and inefficient workers should be distinguished ©N the product in terms of fixed types, sizes ang workers, besides motivating them to maintain the higher level Productivity, Or The principles of management given by Henry Fayol: (any three) @) Unity of command: According to Fayol, there should be one and only one boss for every individual employee. If an employee gets orders from two superiors at the same time the Principle of unity of command ig Violated. Dual subordination should be avoided as a subordinate under such circumstances may get confused as to whose instructions he/she should follow. Besides, it may eps eB oe responsibility {o mistakes. Fayol, felt that if this Principle is rity is undermined, discipline is in j i stability eee ipline is in Jeopardy, order disturbed and 8 vert i044 Sample Papers in Business Studies ee (b) Equity: According to Fayol, “Good sense and experience are needed to ensure fairness to all employees, who should be treated as fairly as possible.” Through this principle Fayol urges the managers to practice kindliness and justice in their behaviour towards the workers. He emphasizes that under no circumstances a manager should distinguish between c ployees on the basis of caste, creed, gender, language, caste, belief or nationality, etc. At the same time Fayol, wants the management to use power wherever needed. Like he stresses upon the fact that the lazy behaviour of workers should not be ignored but instead dealt with strictly. So as to give a message to such workers that everybody is equal in the eyes of management. (c) Remuneration: According to Fayol, the overall pay and compensation should be fair to both employees and the organization. The wages paid to the employees should be fair so that they are able to sustain a reasonable standard of living The remuneration being paid to the Employees should be well within the paying, capacity of the organization i.e. remuneration should be just and equitable. The application of this principle will help to establish congenial atmosphere and foster good relations between workers and management. As a result, the working of the company would be smooth. (4) Initiative: Initiative means taking the first step with self-motivation. According to Fayol, the workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvement. The management should encourage initiatives among their employees, but at the same time they should ensure that in the pursuit of being different the employees do not create an adverse impact on the well being of the organisation. A well administered Suggestion system should be adopted in the organization so that an employee may be suitable awarded for any fruitful suggestion which results in an increase in the output, reduction in cost etc. 32. The three steps in the process of planning to be followed by a manager before performing the step of evaluation of alternatives are detailed below: (@) Setting objectives: Every organisation is set up to realise certain objectives. The first step in the planning process involves laying down clear, specific and measurable objectives for the organization as a whole and also with respect to each department or unit within the organization. Also, the objectives should infuse down to each unit and employees at all levels as it helps to create a conducive environment and working towards the goal becomes easier for everyone. (b) Developing Premises: Planning cannot be done without anticipating future events. As future is uncertain the managers are required to make certain assumptions about the future in terms of customer preferences, competition, interest rates, state of economy, government policy and so on. If the plans are drawn without such forecasting it may not lead to realisation of desired goals. Solutions to CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 17 os The premises so developed set the limits within which the Planning Er out te forecasting is the essence of successful pj," Dn carried out. Thus, acura : (0) Kdemtifying alternative course of actions: The next logical step that fy, veloping premises is identifying all the ti stating the objectives and dev i sarees of action which are available for consideration. The options sg," r 0 ide may either be the routine ones or employee participation may be eno," : rap, generate an innovative outlook. Or The next three steps in the process of planning which the manager wij) , follow after using conjecture about what might happen in the future are 4. below: (a) Stating the objectives and developing premises is identifying all the ate, courses of action which are available for consideration. The options so i, may either be the routine ones or employee participation may be encourag ed generate an innovative outlook. () Evaluating alternative courses: After listing the various possible alternas iy it is important to analyse the relative pros and cons of each alternative jn j, of their viability and significances. This is a very important step in Plann, as accurate analysis of various alternatives is imperative for correct decise® making. '0n (0) Selecting an alternative: A prudent manager will always select an altema, that appears to be most viable, cost-effective and with least negative implication, It’s primarily the competence of the manager to assess the alternatives based je his/her experience, judgment and at times intuition. Many a times a combinato, of plans appears to be most feasible. 33, The relative benefits of decentralisation as discussed in the given paragraph are follows: (@) Quick decision making: Decentralization facilitates quick decision making as the managers are provided freedom to take independent decisions and actions This autonomy enables an organisation to take benefits of the situation where quick decision making is required. Moreover it helps to minimise the probability of information being distorted as all the information does not need to be shared through many levels. Quoting the lines: “Response does not take time”. (0) Develops managerial talent for the future: Decentralisation provides relie (b) to top management as the subordinates are allowed to operate independently within their respective area of jurisdiction. Consequently, the need for direct supervision is reduced. At the same time it provides ample scope for formal training so as to develop their competence in handling challenging situations. Thus, over a time a pool of competent staff is created within an organisation i 18 PERFECT 10+1 Sample Papes in Business Studies ee () (a) which can be used effectively to fill up higher level positions through promotions Quoting the lines: “Who can get a chance to prove their abilities” Develops initiative among subordinates: Decentralisation seeks to develop initiative in the subordinates by promoting self-reliance and confidence amongst them. It also helps to identify those executives who have the necessary potential to become dynamic leaders. Quoting the lines: “Identifying those executives who have the necessary potential to become dynamic leaders”. Better control: Decentralization facilitates better control by ensuring continuous evaluation of performance at each level and the contribution of each department towards the achievement of organisational objectives. The decentralized department is expected to provide regular feedback. This further helps to establish their individually accountability for their results. Quoting the lines: Feedback from levels helps to analyze variances and improve operations. 34. The various other four activities of marketing which the firm will be involved in, apart from the above-mentioned ones it’s already performing are described in the given paragraph: (any four) (a) (b) © Gathering and analyzing market information: Market research is the systematic search for and analysis of facts related to marketing problem. Information gathering and analysing market information is considered to be one of the key functions of marketing. The marketing research may be conducted to evaluate any problem in the field of marketing like, likability of a product, consumer preferences etc. It provides an insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation. With the advancements in information technology and growing use of internet online surveys to see the views and opinions of the prospective customers before finalising any important business decisions. Product designing and development: The prerequisite to successful marketing is, the competence of a company to create product of good and innovative designs so as to be able to meet the needs of the prospective customers effectively and at the same time create and competitive edge over its competitors. For example, when we buy a mobile phone we don’t only take into consideration its features like, battery life etc., but also prefer attractive designs in terms of its shape, style ete. Standardization: Standardization refers to the process of manufacturing goods as per certain predetermined standard in terms of Shape size is weight etc. Standardization helps in establishing uniformity and consistency in the product at the same time it provides insurance to the buyers in terms of confirmation to predetermined specifications of quality price and packaging. Thus, it reduces the effort and time involved in making a purchase as the needs to inspect test or evaluate the product is eliminated to a great extent. Solutions to CBSE Sample Question Paper 2022-23 19 (a) Packaging and labelling: Packaging refers to the process of designing package for a product packaging offers in numerable benefits in 1 tt, Providing protection to the product, facilitating ae rt ON Provigne time serves as an effective promotional tool. Attractive Aan ang {he samred to be silent salesman specially in the Self service outlet. coreiting refers to the process of designing a suitable label to be carlage of a product. Depending upon the requirements of the produc 2” th Pay range from a simple tag to complex graphics. Labelling service by ray ant purposes Tike, it helps in identification of a product dee, f content etc. And most importantly the label should h try product in terms of Fe information required by the law. yn: Transportation refers to the physical movement of peop), lace to another it creates place utility. In order to Pe ang every marketer has to decide upon suitable meant to be considered in this regard are nature of : ackapi.% Bin, 8 i (¢) Transportatior goods from one pl it’s products effectively, transportation. The key factors product, cost and location of the target market etc. vchousing: Warehousing creates time utility by providin vis from the time they are produced till the time they ns (f Storage or w: ‘ilitates smooth flow of products in the mark, : storage of goo: or consumed. Warehousing fac the demand and supply. Thus, there is a neg rotect against unavoidable delays a balance between f sufficient stock of goods to p! demand. The various intermediari. by creating ontingencies in the f marketing such as manufacturers, wholesalers ay for storage Oo! delivering out to meet c involved in the process o/ retailers perform this function of marketing. 20 PERFECT 10++1 Sample Papers in Business Studies

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