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NGO Registration

NGO Registration in India – The Complete Guide

Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) play an important role in addressing

various social and environmental issues in India. These organisations work towards
improving the lives of people and communities through their various programs and
initiatives. If you are interested in starting an NGO in India, there are certain legal
requirements that you need to fulfil. This article will guide you through the process of
NGO registration in India.

What is an NGO?

An NGO is a non-governmental organisation that is not part of the government and is

usually set up by citizens. NGOs work towards improving the lives of people and
communities through their various programs and initiatives. Some of the areas
where NGOs work include education, health, environment, women empowerment,
and child development.

Why Register an NGO?

NGOs are not required to register under the law, but there are several benefits of
registration. Registered NGOs are recognized by the government and can receive
financial assistance from the government, international organisations, and other
donors. Registered NGOs can also open bank accounts in the name of the
organisation and can receive donations from Indian and foreign donors. Additionally,
registered NGOs are eligible for various tax exemptions and benefits.

Types of NGO Registration in India

There are two types of NGO registration in India – Trust and Society. The third type
of registration is a Section 8 Company registration, which is a hybrid of Trust and

1. Trust Registration – A trust is a legal agreement between the trustees and the
beneficiaries. The trust registration is governed by the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.
The trust is managed by the trustees, who are responsible for managing the
assets of the trust and carrying out the objectives of the trust.
2. Society Registration – A society is a group of people who come together for a
common purpose. The society registration is governed by the Societies
Registration Act, 1860. The society is managed by a governing body, which is
responsible for managing the affairs of the society and carrying out the
objectives of the society.
3. Section 8 Company Registration – A Section 8 Company is a company
registered under the Companies Act, 2013, which is formed for promoting
charitable purposes like education, art, science, or any other purpose that is
beneficial to society. This type of registration requires a minimum of two
directors and two shareholders.

NGO Registration Process in India

The NGO registration process in India is as follows:

1. Decide on the Type of Registration – The first step in NGO registration is to

decide on the type of registration – Trust, Society, or Section 8 Company.
2. Choose a Name – Once the type of registration is decided, the next step is to
choose a name for the NGO. The name should be unique and not already
registered under the same type of registration.
3. Prepare Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association
(AOA) – The MOA and AOA are the legal documents that govern the activities
of the NGO. The MOA specifies the objectives of the NGO, while the AOA
specifies the rules and regulations for the management of the NGO.
4. Obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) – A DSC is required for signing
electronic documents and is issued by a government-approved agency.
5. Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN) – The DIN is a unique number
issued to directors of companies and is required for company registration.
6. Apply for NGO Registration – Once the above steps are completed, the
application for NGO registration can be made to the relevant authority. The
application should include the MOA, AOA, DSC, DIN, and other necessary
7. Obtain PAN and TAN – Once the NGO registration is completed, the
organization needs to apply for a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Tax
Deduction and Collection

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