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Agenda Setting
It describe the ability of the news media to
influence the salience of topics on the public
agenda setting, when we are going to analyzed
there are two basic assumption to be considered.
1. Media and the press, filter and shape reality
than reflect it.
2. When Media focuses on just a few issues and
subject the public tends to perceive those issues
as more important.
Rogers found that the individuals within any society fall
into one of 5 different adopter groups, based on how
early or how quickly they adopt an innovation. The
innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority
and laggards. This theory tells us that if you want to
promote a widespread adoption you need to market to
each adopter group differently using distinct
communication channels and messages
Highlight the role of the audiences involvement level as
it shapes cognitive responses, thought generation, and
central versus peripheral routes to persuasion. The
difference between the central and peripheral routes.
Central routes- focuses on the facts and content of the
message in order to convinced the listener
Peripheral routes- rely on the personality of the speaker.
How they are dressed, looked or how they delivered the
Extend Parallel Process Model
Also known as Threat management or Fear
Management that describe how rational considerations
and emotional reactions combine to determine
behavioral decisions. The EPPM posits that when
audiences perceived threat and efficacy is high they
engage in protective behaviors and act along the
message recommendation. When the perceived threat
is high but the efficacy is low, the fear they feel
motivates them to engage in defensive response and
reject the message.
Health Belief Model
It can be used to guide health promotion and disease
prevention program. It is used to explain and predict
individual changes in behaviors. It is one of the most
widely use models for understanding health behaviors.
Ex. An individuals who do not think they will get flu are
less likely to get yearly flu shots
- Young people who do not think that they at risk to get
lung cancer are less likely to stop smoking.
Instrumental Learning- also known as Operant
Conditioning. This theory assumes that you can
learn human being things by conditioning them by
consequences. The original response will be
influenced by following consequence, which will
change the future probability of that response
Ex of this in in animal training. Training a dog to
shake hands would involved offering a reward
eveytime the desired behavior occurs.
Message Frame
Example of this, people would rather buy hamburger made of
meat labeled 75% fat free, that the meat labeled 25% fat. In
fact, when questioned, these people will tell you that the 75%
fat free is better than the 25% fat burger, even though the
burgers are identical.
This theory, communicators basically used two ways of
presenting information.
1. Message are presented in terms of either the gain or loss
2. Depending on the information providers bias and intention
regarding impact.
Self- Efficacy
is a belief we have in our own abilities specially our
ability to meet the challenges a head of us and complete
the task successfully.
People with the strong sense of self efficacy- develop a
deeper interest in the activity in which they are
participate for a stronger strength of commitment. They
also recover quickly in disappointments. While people
with weak sense of self efficacy- avoid challenging task,
believe the difficult task and situation are beyond their
capabilities. They focuses on negative outcome and they
loose their confidence.
Social Cognitive Theory
It describes the influence of individual experience,
the action of the others and environmental factors
on individual health behavior. It also provides
opportunities for social support through instilling
expectations, self efficacy and using observational
learning and other reinforcement to achieve
behavior change.
Theory of Reasoned Action.
Defines the link between beliefs, attitudes, norms,
intentions and behaviors of individuals. According
to this model, a persons behavior is determined by
its behavioral intentions, this intentions is itself
determined by the persons attitudes and his
subjective norms toward the behavior.
Transtheoretical Model
Is a dynamic of change based on the assumption
processes that can be applied across a broad
range of health behaviors. It also conceptualizes
behavior change as a process involving a series of
6 distinct stage; precontemplation,
contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance
and termination. Each stage brings an individual
closer to making or sustaining behavior change
Uses and Gratification
Is an approach to understand why and how people
actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific
Ex. People choose from their own choices and
moods. The needs of the particular person met
through the media used. Some people might
watch news for information, some for
entertainment and some for self-reassurance.

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