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The Impact of Hustle Culture and Silent Quitting on student

Letter to the Respondents

Dear Respondents,
Greetings of peace!
We are Grade 10 students of University of Rizal System who are currently
undertaking a Research entitled "The Impact of Hustle Culture and Silent Quitting on
student" in partial fulfillment of requirements for Research Subject
In line with this, we wish to ask your valuable assistance with our research The
data you can provide us through the attached Survey Question are necessary for the
completion of the study.
Please rest assured that your answers will be treated with must confidentiality and will
not be used for the purpose of the study.

Thank you very much May the Lord God bless you more!


The Impact of Hustle Culture and Silent Quitting on student

This survey research was aimed to comprehend The impact of Hustle

Culture and Silent Quitting On student. I would appreciate it if you could

contribute any fact and useful information truthfully by filling out the

questionnaire. The information provided will be treated highly confidential

and will be used solely for the purpose of academic resources.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.

Screening Question:
Have you ever ordered or bought products or services online or via the website?
● Yes
● No (End of question, thank you for your time)

Explanation: Please mark ✓ into that matches your information the most


l. Profile of respondents


( ) Female

( ) Male

2.. AGE

( ) 18 years old below

( ) 19-21 years old

( ) 22-24 years old

( ) 25-27 years old

( ) 28-30 years old

( ) 31 above


( ) High School

( ) K-12
( ) College


( ) Full-time employment

( ) Part-time employment

( ) Unemployed

( ) Self-employed

( ) Homemaker

( ) Student

( ) Retired


( ) 5 thousand below

( ) 6-10 thousand

( ) 11-15 thousand

( ) 16-20 thousand

( ) 21-25 thousand

( ) 26- 30 thousand below

6.Do you feel confident and relaxed when studying?

( ) Yes ( ) No

7.Do you have problems with any of these subjects?

( ) Yes ( ) No

8.Do you feel that you get all the help that you need?
( ) Yes ( ) No

9.How pleased are you with your own work?

( ) Yes ( ) No

10.Most of the students in my class are kind and helpful?

( ) Yes ( ) No

11.Other students accept me as I am?

( ) Yes ( ) No

12.How often do you feel safe at school?

( ) Yes ( ) No

13.Do your teachers help you learn in ways that work?

( ) Yes ( ) No

14. Lessons make me want to learn more?

( ) Yes ( ) No

15.The teachers are good at supporting and helping me at school when I need it?

( ) Yes ( ) No

Set B

1. Do you and your classmates have a say in what the class works on?

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

2. The teachers ensure that the students' ideas are used in class.

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

3. Are the lessons exciting?

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

4. I like the surroundings outside my school?

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

5.I like the classrooms at my school?

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

6.What do your teachers think of your progress in school?

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

7.If there is noise in the classroom, teachers can quickly establish quietness

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

8.Do your teachers show up for classes on time?

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

9.Is it easy to hear what the teachers say during lessons?

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

10.Is it easy to hear what the other students say during lessons?
( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

11.Explains the objectives of the lesson clearly at the start of each period.

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

12.Has mastery of the subject matter

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

13.Is organized in presenting subject matters by systematically following course outline.

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

14.I refrain from doing something I like in order to not be rejected by or disapproved of

by others.

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

15.I would like to be a socially powerful person.

( ) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree() Neither ( ) Agree ( )Strongly Agree

Set C

1.Why Hustle Culture Can Do More Harm Than Good to Your Mental Health?
2. when we ask students about life as a student, we often hear about the fatigue and

stress caused by school. Students tell us about the pressure they feel to perform

academically while keeping up with extracurricular activities, volunteer commitments

and other obligations while also cultivating meaningful experiences, fostering

friendships and managing to get enough sleep in the process.Does any of that resonate

with you? Do you think the need to “hustle harder” is real, or is it being perpetuated by

those who see hard work as a lifestyle choice?

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