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1. Can I park here?

Correct (your answer)
Only for half an hour.

2. What colour will you paint the children's bedroom?

Correct (your answer)
We can't decide.

3. I can't understand this email.

Correct (your answer)
Would you like some help?

4. I'd like two tickets for tomorrow night.

Correct (your answer)
I'll just check for you.

5. Shall we go to the gym now?

Correct (your answer)
I'm too tired.

6. His eyes were ...... bad that he couldn't read the number plate of the car in front.
Correct (your answer)

7. The company needs to decide ...... and for all what its position is on this point.
Correct (your answer)

8. Don't put your cup on the ...... of the table – someone will knock it off.
Correct (your answer)

9. I'm sorry - I didn't ...... to disturb you.

Correct (your answer)

10. The singer ended the concert ...... her most popular song.
Correct (your answer)

11. Would you mind ...... these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard?
Correct (your answer)

12. I was looking forward ...... at the new restaurant, but it was closed.
Incorrect (your answer)
to eat
to eating

13. ...... tired Melissa is when she gets home from work, she always makes time to say goodnight to
the children.
Correct (your answer)
No matter how

14. It was only ten days ago ...... she started her new job.
Incorrect (your answer)

15. The shop didn't have the shoes I wanted, but they've ...... a pair especially for me.
Correct (your answer)

16. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you ...... to leave?
Correct (your answer)

17. She came to live here ...... a month ago.

Correct (your answer)

18. Once the plane is in the air, you can ...... your seat belts if you wish.
Correct (your answer)

19. I left my last job because I had no ...... to travel.

Incorrect (your answer)
20. It wasn't a bad crash and ...... damage was done to my car.

Incorrect (your answer)

21. I'd rather you ...... to her why we can't go.

Correct (your answer)

22. Before making a decision, the leader considered all ...... of the argument.
Incorrect (your answer)

23. This new printer is recommended as being ...... reliable.

Correct (your answer)

24. When I realized I had dropped my gloves, I decided to ...... my steps.

Correct (your answer)

25. Anne's house is somewhere in the ...... of the railway station.

Correct (your answer)

Test your English - Schools

Well done for completing the test!
Your score is 18 out of 25
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Test your English

1 Could you tell me your surname?
Correct (your answer)

Would you like me to spell it?

2 This plant looks dead.

Correct (your answer)

It only needs some water.

3 I hope it doesn't rain.

Correct (your answer)

So do I.

4 Are you going to come inside soon?

Correct (your answer)

In a minute.

5 Who gave you this book, Lucy?


I bought it.
Incorrect (your answer)

My uncle was.

6 Shall we go out for pizza tonight?

Correct (your answer)

I'm too tired.

7 Do you mind if I come too?

Correct (your answer)

That's fine!

8 There's someone at the door.

Correct (your answer)

Well, go and answer it then.

9 How much butter do I need for this cake?

Correct (your answer)

I'm not sure.

10 How long are you here for?

Correct (your answer)

Till tomorrow.

11 Have you guys had enough to eat?

Correct (your answer)

Is there any more rice?

12 That's my coat over there.

Correct (your answer)

Here you are.

13 Let's go by bus.
Incorrect (your answer)

We'll buy a ticket.


It'll take too long.

14 Do you know my brother Charlie?

Correct (your answer)

I don't think I do.

15 Would you like some ice in your drink or not?

Incorrect (your answer)

Yes, I shall.

I don't mind.

16 I hope I haven't ...... you any trouble by changing the arrangements.

Correct (your answer)


17 The floor is wet: don't run or you might ...... !

Correct (your answer)


18 When you come to my house, ...... your camera with you.

Correct (your answer)


19 Paul arrived at the shop ....... as the manager was closing for the day.

Incorrect (your answer)


20 I would ...... to stay at home and relax for a change.

Correct (your answer)


21 Is there ...... of food for everyone?

Incorrect (your answer)



22 Lily says she's happy at school but she's ...... complaining.


Incorrect (your answer)


23 ...... the step when you go in.

Correct (your answer)


24 ...... stay the night if it's too difficult to get home.

Incorrect (your answer)

At all costs

By all means

25 No ...... Hannah is happy when you think how many prizes she has won recently.
Correct (your answer)

Test your English - Business

Well done for completing the test!
Your score is 16 out of 25
Back to results

Test your English

1 Why is the HR department sending this email?

To: All staff
From: HR Department

Please remember that your manager must agree any holiday dates before you complete a form.

Correct (your answer)

to explain how something is done

2 Fine foods requires an agent to:

Job opportunity: FINEFOODS

Agent required for nationwide distribution. Some experience in food retail an advantage.
Refrigerated van provided.

Incorrect (your answer)

own a suitable vehicle for delivery.


deliver goods all over the country.

3 Staff should tell Jane Fellows

To: All staff
Subject: Accounts Course

Staff wishing to enroll for the Accounts course should contact Jane Fellows, who needs to know

Correct (your answer)

if they are interested in doing the course.

4Contact Neil Smith if you want to

Phone Neil Smith at our showroom for a free quotation, or to arrange a visit from our
Correct (your answer)

obtain information about the company's prices.

Crash Course in satisfying your customers

You suspect that your customers aren’t as happy as they once were. First, existing customers
seem to be departing abandoning you for the competition almost as fast as you can get new

ones. Second, your company has started to become the butt of bad jokes at conferences and in

the press. So how do you set about measuring, and improving, your customers' satisfaction?
It's important to see things through their eyes. You can experiment try your service for yourself, or

watch your customers using it. A further option is to carry out some qualitative research with your
customers. Whichever way you choose, the objective is to identify the issues on which customers

will form their judgment of your service, so you can frame your questions accordingly. It would be

foolish to think you could know all of those questions, let alone their answers, at
the foundation outset.

But your reputation is at risk if you fail to deliver. Don't embark on a customer-satisfaction exercise

unless you are prepared to act on the results. If you ask people what they are unhappy about and

then do nothing about it, you will leave them more disillusioned with you than ever. And remember
that it’s a moving target: today’s satisfied customer is tomorrow’s bored one. A service level

that hits the button today may be considered downright sloppy in six months’ time; such is the

pace of change.

So keep saying to yourself, 'Let's find out where our performance falls below expectations, and

then see what we can do about it.'

Reid Joinery – experts in wood

Reid Joinery was established by Gordon Reid 15 years ago as a small company specializing in

wooden structures, from floors to staircases. Since then, we have evolved significantly.

We attribute our success to the dedication and expertise of our workforce, which ranges from six

apprentices to permanent employees who are highly qualified and experienced. Reid
actively encourages employees to progress through the company, and many of the current

surveyors and site managers launched their careers on the Reid workshop floor.

Quality is at the forefront of Reid’s philosophy and each new project, whatever its size,
is handled with the same dedication and completed to the highest quality standards. This

enthusiasm is reflected in the numerous industry awards the company has received.
At present, Reid is involved in the refurbishment of a major concert hall in London, with particular

responsibility for the stage and acoustic panels. This is our largest project to date, and is expected
to be completed within budget and on schedule.

Reid’s varied project portfolio includes numerous blue chip companies, such as the BBC and

Shell. Perhaps one of our most prestigious projects was restoration work we carried on out at

Windsor Castle. However, our focus is not upon corporate clients alone: many private residences,

too, have been refurbished for clients.

Business case study: OFC Co-operative

This week we take a look at the Scottish company, OFC Co-operative.

OFC Co-operative is a supplier of industrial chemicals and, in terms of job applications, it is

currently one of the most popular employers in Aveburn. Unlike a number of its competitors, which
are currently conducting running at a loss, OFC has reported its most successful year ever,

mainly due to a major new contract early in the year. The company has plans to expand its core

business in the coming year. A key factor in the company’s success has been its wish to create a
highly skilled and motivated workforce, as highlighted in its mission announcement statement.

One of Stewart Green’s first actions on becoming the new Managing Director last year was
to figure assess his employees’ training needs. He then established a training program to enable

all staff to work towards nationally recognized qualifications. The cost of this ambitious scheme

was partially met by local enterprise agencies. Stewart said that motivating his staff was very
important for him, adding, ‘As well as making sure employees have availability access to training

and good working conditions, I’ve tried to ensure that staff at all levels of the company are fully

informed about the activities of the co-operative and are made to feel part of a unique
organization.’ The future of the company is looking good. Having invested in both training and

new facilities, this co-operative is now a major supplier of premium products, not just in the UK, but

throughout Europe.

7. 8.

9. 10.


Grammar and Vocabulary

Tips Menguasai 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris

grammarbelajar grammartenses

Apakah kamu pernah merasa bingung saat belajar Grammar / Tata Bahasa Bahasa Inggris (English
Grammar), terutama dengan Tenses Bahasa Inggris (English Tenses)? Tenses sendiri adalah sebuah
konsep yang menerangkan waktu kejadian dari sebuah pernyataan.
Bagi kita yang bukan penutur asli bahasa Inggris, memang ke-16 tenses bahasa Inggris dapat menjadi hal
yang sulit untuk dipahami. Ada banyak peraturan dan juga pengecualian dalam tenses bahasa Inggris. Nah,
cara utama untuk menguasai tenses adalah dengan memahami rumusnya, dan kapan kondisinya harus

Terdapat 16 Tenses utama yang bisa kamu pelajari.Berikut adalah rangkuman dari ke-16 Tenses Bahasa
Inggris dan tips belajar bahasa Inggris untuk menguasainya, serta contoh latihan yang bisa kamu kerjakan.

Simple Present Tense
Simple present tense adalah bentuk tense yang paling umum digunakan. Bentuk ini biasanya digunakan
untuk menunjukan fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini.

Subject + Verb 1 (present form)
Kata Sinyal
always, every, never, normally, often, sometimes, usually, seldom
Kalimat Positif
He always works very hard in the company.
Kalimat Negatif
He does not work very hard in the company.
Kalimat Tanya
Does he work very hard in the company?
Yes, he does. / No, he does not.
Contoh soal Simple Present Tense:

1. Positive: Tifa has a very good record at boxing.

Negative: Tifa ..... a very good record at boxing.

Which one is the correct answer?

a. doesn't has
b. hasn't
c. haven't
d. doesn't have
2. Interrogative: Do you think he can do it all alone?

Which one is the correct answer?

a. He don't think you can do it all alone.

b. He doesn't think you can do it all alone.
c. I don't think he can do it all alone.
d. Don't you think he can do it all alone.

Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous tense biasanya digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung saat
pembicaraan sedang berlangsung atau bisa juga digunakan untuk rencana di masa depan.
Subject + am/is/are + Verb -ing (continuous form)
Kata Sinyal
at the moment, just now, now, right now, Listen!, Look!
Kalimat Positif
Look! He is talking with his classmates.
Kalimat Negatif
He is not playing computer games now.
Kalimat Tanya

Is he playing computer games at the moment?

Yes, he is. / No, he is not.
Contoh soal Present Continuous Tense:

1. Positive: Mom is chopping vegetables in the kitchen.


Which one is the correct answer?

a. Is Mom chopping vegetables in the kitchen?

b. Are Mom chopping vegetables in the kitchen?
c. Does Mom chopping vegetables in the kitchen?
d. Do Mom chopping vegetables in the kitchen?
2. Negative: I'm not angry with him.

Which one is the correct answer?

a. Do I angry with him?

b. Are you angry with him?
c. Do you angry with him?
d. Have you angry with him?

Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense menekankan pada hasil. Tense ini menunjukkan aksi yang masih sedang
berlangsung atau baru saja selesai.
Subject + has/have+ Verb III (past participle form)
Kata Sinyal
already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now
Kalimat Positif
He has already finished his homework.
Kalimat Negatif
He has not been to Australia so far.
Kalimat Tanya
Has he completed the arrangement for the coming event up to now?
Yes, he has. / No, he has not.
Contoh soal Present Perfect Tense:

1. Positive: I have worked on this task for the last 3 hours.


Which one is the correct answer?

a. Have you working on this task for the last 3 hours?

b. Are you working on this task for the last 3 hours?
c. Have you been worked this task for the last 3 hours?
d. Have you worked on this task for the last 3 hours?

2. Negative: She hasn't visited her mother this month.


Which one is the correct answer?

a. Does she have visited her mother this month?

b. Has she visited her mother this month?
c. Have she visited her mother this month?
d. Is she visiting her mother this month?

Baca juga : Kamus Bahasa Inggris

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik
dimasa lampau atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Biasanya
aksi tersebut ada durasi waktu tertentu dan ada relevansinya dengan kondisi sekarang.
Subject + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + Verb -ing (continuous form)
Kata Sinyal
for the past 5 years, how long …?, the whole week, since xxxx
Kalimat Positif
He has been working here since 1996.
Kalimat Negatif
He has not been speaking for the last 3 hours.
Kalimat Tanya
Has he been playing the computer game all day?
Yes, he has. / No, he has not.
Contoh soal Present Perfect Continuous Tense:

1. Interrogative: Have you been doing the same business for 3 years?

Which one is the correct answer?

a. I have been doing the same business for 3 years.

b. I had been done the same business for 3 years.
c. I am doing the same business for 3 years.
d. I have doing the same business for 3 years.

2. Negative: She has been asking the same questions since 10 minutes ago.

Which one is the correct answer?

a. Has she been asking the same questions since 10 minutes ago?
b. Does she have asked the same questions since 10 minutes ago?
c. Does she ask the same questions since 10 minutes ago?
d. Have she asked the same questions since 10 minutes ago?

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Subject + Verb II (past form)
Kata Sinyal
Yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1996, last Thursday, this morning
Kalimat Positif
Last year, he always worked until night.
Kalimat Negatif
He did not go to school this morning.
Kalimat Tanya
Did he pay the bill yesterday?
Yes, he did. / No, he did not.
Contoh soal Simple Past Tense:

1. Positive: He realized that he had to do better.


Which one is the correct answer?

a. Did he realize that he had to do better?

b. Does he realize that he had to do better?
c. Had he realize that he had to do better?
d. Did he realized that he had to do better?

2. Negative: I didn't know him that well before.


Which one is the correct answer?

a. Did you know him that well before?

b. Do you know him that well before?

c. Are you know him that well before?

d. Did you knew him that well before?

Past Continuous Tense

Past continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu
tertentu di masa lampau. Biasanya ada dua kejadian di masa lampau dan satu kejadian menginterupsi
kejadian yang lain. Kejadian yang sedang diinterupsi tersebut yang menggunakan past continuous tense.

Subject + WAS/WERE + Verb -ing (continuous form)

Kata Sinyal
when, while, as long as, at this time yesterday
Kalimat Positif
He was speaking when I entered in room.
Kalimat Negatif
He was not doing his homework at this time yesterday.
Kalimat Tanya
Was he writing the letter to his parents when I was out last Tuesday?
Yes, he was. / No, he was not.
Contoh soal Past Continuous Tense:

1. Interrogative: Was I listening to the music when Mom came to my room?


Which one is the correct answer?

a. I wasn't listening to the music when Mom came to my room.

b. I didn't listening to the music when Mom comes to my room.
c. I was listening to the music when Mom was coming to my room.
d. I was listened to the music when Mom was coming to my room.

2. Positive: You were playing football at 5 PM the day before.


Which one is the correct answer?

a. Were you played football at 5 PM the day before?

b. Were you playing football at 5 PM the day before?
c. Were you play football at 5 PM the day before?
d. Were you being played football at 5PM the day before?

Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu
di masa lampau dan lebih menekankan pada fakta daripada durasi.

Subject + HAD + Verb III (past participle form)

Kata Sinyal
Before yesterday, till three days ago, already, until that day
Kalimat Positif
He had finished his designs before he went to work yesterday.
Kalimat Negatif
He had not been a high school student until last year.
Kalimat Tanya
Had he entered the company before he achieved his master degree in 1990?
Yes, he had. / No, he had not.
Contoh soal Past Perfect Tense:

1. Positive: We had worked together before one of us got married.


Which one is the correct answer?

a. Had we work together before one of us got married?

b. Had we worked together before one of us got married
c. Did we work together before one of us got married?
d. Did we worked together before one of us got married?

2. Negative: I hadn't finished the homework when you called me the night before.

Which one is the correct answer?

a. I had finish the homework when you called me the night before.
b. I had finished the homework when you called me the night before.
c. I finished the homework when you had called me the night before.
d. I had been finishing the homework when you called me the night before.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense hampir serupa dengan past perfect tense. Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
suatu aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu, tapi
tense ini menekankan pada durasi kejadiannya.

Subject + HAD + BEEN + Verb -ing (continuous form)

Kata Sinyal
For, since, the whole day, all day
Kalimat Positif
He said that he had been working here for ten years.
Kalimat Negatif
He was told that his teacher had been waiting for him since 2 p.m yesterday.
Kalimat Tanya (Interogasi = Interrogative)
Had he been speaking for the whole class before I entered?
Yes, he had. / No, he had not.
Contoh soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

1. Positive: My friend said he had been exploring the country in his twenties.

Which one is the correct answer?

a. Did your friend explore the country in his twenties?

b. Had he exploring the country in his twenties?
c. Had your friend been exploring the country in his twenties?
d. Did your friend explored the country in his twenties?

2. Negative: My coworker was told that he hadn't been doing a great job.

Which one is the correct answer?

a. Did you been doing a great job?

b. Had he been doing a great job?
c. Did your coworker do a great job?
d. Had your coworker do a great job?

Simple Future Tense

Simple Future tense mengindikasikan suatu aksi di masa yang akan datang dan tidak dapat dipengaruhi.
Dapat juga digunakan untuk pembuatan keputusan di masa depan yang spontan atau asumsi yang
berhubungan dengan masa yang akan datang. “Will” dan “be going to” merupakan 2 indikator umum pada
tenses ini.

Subject + “WILL/ BE GOING TO” + Verb (present form)

Kata Sinyal

in a year, next …, tomorrow, next week, five days later

Kalimat Positif
He is going to be journalist after he graduate next year.
Kalimat Negatif
He will not play computer games anymore because he understand how harmful they are.
Kalimat Tanya
Will he go to the cinema tomorrow with us?
Yes, he will. / No, he will not.

Future Continuous Tense

Future continuous tense menunjukkan aksi yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang
dan aksi yang pasti akan terjadi dalam waktu dekat.

Subject + “WILL/BE GOING TO” + “BE” + Verb (continuous form)

Kata Sinyal
Tomorrow morning, in one year
Kalimat Positif
He will be delivering the speech to undergraduates at 3 p.m tomorrow afternoon.
Kalimat Negatif
He will not be doing the task in the office this afternoon because he is sick.
Kalimat Tanya
Will he be playing football next morning in the playground?
Yes, he will./ No, he will not.

Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense menekankan pada aksi yang sudah berakhir pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan

Subject + “WILL HAVE” + Verb III (past participle form)

Kata Sinyal
By next Monday, in a week
Kalimat Positif
He will have finished the task by next Monday.
Kalimat Negatif
He will not have finished the given task by tomorrow evening.
Kalimat Tanya
Will he have finished the task in a week?
Yes, he will./ No, he will not.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Hampir sama dengan semua jenis perfect continuous tense, future perfect continuous tense
merupakan serangkaian aksi yang terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

Subject + “WILL HAVE BEEN” + Verb-ing (continuous form)

Kata Sinyal
For the last couple of hours, all day long
Kalimat Positif
He will have been taking charge of the team for the next hour.
Kalimat Negatif
He will not have been doing the task for the last couple of hours.
Kalimat Tanya
Will he have been doing the research all day long?
Yes, he will./ No, he will not.

Past Future Tense

Past future tense pada dasarnya digunakan dalam kalimat yang tidak langsung, dimana terdapat perubahan
bentuk untuk menyesuaikan dengan rangkaian peristiwa yang ada.

Subject + WOULD + Verb (present form)

Subject + WAS/WERE + GOING TO + Verb (Present Form)

Kata Sinyal
Kalimat Positif
He said that he would leave in three days.
Kalimat Negatif
He did not promise that he would buy you a new computer.
Kalimat Tanya
Did you tell him when I would arrive?
Yes, I did. / No, I did not.

Past Future Continuous Tense

Past future continuous tense menekankan pada serangkaian atau durasi sebuah aksi terjadi. Sebagai
tambahan, ini juga biasanya digunakan pada kalimat tidak langsung.

Subject + “SHOULD/WOULD BE” + Verb-ing (continuous form)

Kata Sinyal
Kalimat Positif
I made a promise that I would be doing my homework all day long tomorrow.
Kalimat Negatif
I did not tell anyone that I would be giving a speech to undergraduates for the next whole morning.
Kalimat Tanya
Did you say that you would be working hard in the next week?
Yes, I did / No, I did not.

Past Future Perfect Tense

Terdapat 3 waktu dalam past future perfect yang terjadi di masa lalu. Menunjuk pada waktu yang akan
datang, waktu tertentu di masa lalu, tetapi aksi yang terjadi harus sudah selesai sebelum waktu yang
akan datang. Dan biasanya digunakan pada kalimat tidak langsung.

Subject + SHOULD/WOULD HAVE + Verb III (past participle form)

Kata Sinyal
Kalimat Positif
He told the students that they should have finished the homework this morning.
Kalimat Negatif
He said that he would not have made such a mistake if he had taken my advice.
Kalimat Tanya
Did you say that you would have been a doctor in three years?
Yes, I did / No, I did not.

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Past future perfect continuous tense merupakan bentuk tense yang cukup sulit. Namun, kamu dapat
mempelajarinya dari past future perfect tense. Bedanya, past future perfect tense menekankan pada durasi
waktu yang sudah berlalu dan hasil.

Subject + WOULD HAVE BEEN + Verb -ing (continuous form)

Kata Sinyal
Kalimat Positif
I heard that you should have been teaching here for ten years by this July.
Kalimat Negatif
I did not know that he would have been working for the past three hours by that time.

Kalimat Tanya
Would he have been explaining to the workers if he had made the information clear?
Yes, he would / No, he would not.

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