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A Research Paper
Presented to the University Of Rizal System
In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements in Marketing Research (MM II)
Under Mrs. Nora Ramos
Table of Contents

Title Page 1
Table of Contents 2
Abstract 2
Chapter 1: Introduction 4


Background of the Study

The process by which consumers directly purchase goods, services, etc. is known as

online shopping over the internet, interactively and in real time from a seller without

the use of an intermediary service. The act of purchasing goods and services from

online retailers is known as "online shopping. "Merchants have attempted to sell their

goods to Internet users ever since the World Wide Web was created Customers can

shop while seated in front of a computer at online stores from the convenience of their

own homes. Online stores sell a wide range of goods to customers. In point of fact,
virtually any item can be purchased from businesses that sell their goods online. There

are hundreds of items that consumers can purchase from an online store, including

health insurance, books, clothing, household appliances, toys, hardware, and software

because of its ease of use, many people prefer to shop online.

You can browse through an infinite number of options when you shop online, and you

can even find products that aren’t available in stores.

The process by which consumers directly purchase goods, services, etc. is known as

online shopping from a seller in real time and interactively, without the need for a

middleman over the internet. The feeling of satisfaction, which is important to the

measuring process, helps to compare what was received with what was expected, such

as the buying decision and the requirements associated with the purchase. Nowadays,

the internet is constantly gaining importance. The number of people responsible for

the individual’s day-to-day accomplishments also continues to rise. Nowadays, people

perform domestic tasks online. To purchase goods online, customers must be

connected to the internet. These websites of online stores let people buy luxury goods

from the comfort of their own homes. Unsatisfactorily, in the past, most regular

customers went online to reserve hotel rooms, purchase airline, train, or movie tickets,

buy books, and buy electronic gadgets. However, more and more offline goods,

including apparel for all industries, cosmetics, accessories, shoes, and consumer

durables, are now being purchased online.

The environment of online retailing has undergone a metamorphosis as a result of the

growth of internet usage and advancements in information technology; as a result, it is

now the mode of shopping that is most frequently used. In the areas of apparel, arts

and crafts, books, car rentals, computers and electronics, cosmetics and novelty items,
etc., online or internet shopping has become extremely popular. By providing a

portfolio of goods and services, online retailing enables marketers to better serve their

customers in a more timely and cost-effective manner. By providing value to

customers, online retailing is becoming a popular method for both attracting new

customers and keeping current ones.Additionally, the availability of transaction data

enables retailers to analyze and interpret the purchasing habits of their target

customers.It is now the most effective method for providing useful information.

When interacting with a seller’s website, online customers navigate the web pages

and search for relevant product information before they generate a purchase intention

or a commitment to buy (Mortimer et al., 2016; Pandey & Chawla, 2018; Tzeng et al.,

2020). Customers search for fun,enjoyment, recreation, and amusement when

shopping online, including deals and bargains for goods (Alavi et al., 2016), and

comparing prices from different online retailers and choosing the lowest acceptable

competing price (Pandey et al., 2019). In addition to searching for enjoyment and

pleasurable shopping, consumers search for modern products, look for trendy styles,

and seek product diversity (Alavi et al., 2016). Shih (2004) found that consumers

whofulfillme the importance of information quality prefer to purchase physical or

digital products from a website that facilitates online payments. As payments are

processed through a debit or credit card in online shopping, consumers also give

attention to information about the e-retailer as a source of protection (Vasic et al.

2018). Dimensions such as ul fillment, ease of use, reliability, security, and privacy

are important for websites that market products that need physical delivery (Yang et

al., 2005), and customers’ demand for delivery deadlines, se

curity, and reliable e-commerce services is very high (Garcia et al., 2020). Shih

(2004) reports a significant and positive impact of website security on users’

acceptance of taking online delivery. In general, his overall model explained 26.5% of

the variance in customers’ acceptance of online delivery.

It is in this regard, a fundamental understanding of factors causing customer

satisfaction in online shopping has attained greater importance. The present study

examines the satisfaction level of customers using online shopping services in Brgy

Sampaloc Tanay Rizal.


The main purpose of this study is to assist sellers in knowing the level of consumer

satisfaction with sales marketing using online shopping applications such as Shopee,

Tokopedia, Lazada, etc. Because there are still many sellers who don’t know the level

of their own. Consumers and this results in a bad rating given by the consumer to the

seller’s shop.


This research study aims to determine the Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online

Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc, Tanay, Rizal.

The researcher proceduced online survey form and distributed it randomly to the

selected customer in Brgy sampaloc tanay Rizal.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in termsn of:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 Educational Attainment

1 4. Employment Status

1.5.Monthly income

2.What online platform do you use in shopping?

3.What impressed you must about the product?

4.What types of products did you purchase (from us, online, in our store)?

5. How frequently do you purchase things online?

6. Which one effects your satisfaction most during your previous shopping online


7. What can we do to improve the shopping experience?


•The findings can be used by customers to get knowledge about online shopping and

make it easier for customers to make a purchase.

•The sellers know overall about customer satisfaction and to understand the level of

customer satisfaction and also help retailers to improve their service quality through

feedback or options from customers about what they expect from online shopping

stores. .
•These findings can also be used to help the government expand opportunities in

economic recovery efforts, among others, with initiatives to increase digital business

by the government seen as appropriate to stimulate the business and economy of the



The focus of writing in this qualitative research is the level of customer satisfaction by

shopping online. This is based on the problems encountered starting from how we

find out consumer interest by shopping online, then the features in this online

shopping application can bring benefits to the seller in the future.

•To know their brand loyalty.

•To know about which purchase type people prefer most. To find out the reason for

buying products.

•To find out the price range that people prefer most.

• To know which features they admire in their products.



This chapter defines the research methods used to conduct the study. The instrument

that was used for data collection is also described and the procedures and the

Statistical Treatment that were followed to carry out this study are included. The

researcher also discusses the methods used to analyze the data.


Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to

answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study. A

descriptive study determines and reports the way things are. Descriptive research is

scientific research that describes an event, phenomenon, or fact systematically dealing

with a certain area or population.

Descriptive research allows the researchers to analyze correct and accurate

information that is needed to determine in a natural setting. In addition, it can be

either quantitative or qualitative. It contains a collection of quantitative information

that can be converted into numerical form. In descriptive research, we gather data that

describes the events then organize, tabulated, depict, and describe the data collection

(Glass and Hopkins, 2019)

A Descriptive Research Design of a Quantitative Research Method will be utilized by

the researchers in this study to gather information on the present and existing

practices by level of customer satisfaction on online shopping.

A Descriptive Research Design will be presented in this study to investigate the in-

depth phenomenon that existed within the said about the customer satisfaction.

Descriptive Research involves the collection of quality and specific data that will be

used in the results and discussion of this study in order to provide a comprehensive

conclusion to the users of information. Particularly, it examined the various

determinants that possibly level of customer satisfaction on online shopping.


The study will take place in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay Rizal

Sampaloc is a barangay in the municipality of Tanay, in the province of Rizal. Its

population as determined by the 2020 Census was 31,000. This represented 22.23% of

the total population of Tanay.

Morcover, the researchers decided upon conducting the research in Barangay

Sampaloc Tanay Rizal Philippines to further investigate the Level of Customer

Satisfaction on Online Shopping to the selected customer in Brgy sampaloc tanay


Figure 1 illustrates the map of Barangay Sampaloc Tanay Rizal.


The target participants in this study were the Fifty (50) Customer use online shopping

at Barangay Sampaloc Tanay Rizal Year 2022-2023.The researchers identify the

respondents who can contribute to and benefit from this research.


This study utilizied primary data only. The researcher primary sources of data were

internet and the survey questionnaire which was the key source that was distributed to

answers to the problem of the study.


An online survey questionnaire made by the researcher. The fifty (50) Questionnaires

were given to the selected respondents in barangay sampaloc Tanay Rizal. The

questionnaire was made with the guide from the statement of the problem and

interpreted by the table in collecting data’s.


The gathered data was collated, tallied, and correspondingly summarized by the

researchers. The data, which gathered from the questionnaire, was subjected by the

statistical treatment in order to ensure the reliability of the results.

The data that will be gathered from the respondents will be treated using the following


For Research Problem 1- Frequency Count (f) and Percentage Distribution (P).

In the first research problem, the researchers will use Frequency Count and

Percentage Distribution because it is used to describe the profile of the participants

(respondents) such as age, gender, and etc. It is the most applicable consideration

when calculating the socio –demographic profile of the respondents.


P = Percentage

f = Frequency

N = Number of the respondents who become the sample

For Research Problem 2 and 3- Mean (M) and Standard Deviation (SD).

For the second and research problem, the researchers will use the Mean (M)

and Standard Deviation (SD); these tools will be used to determine which among the

determinants are affecting and influencing the wet market owners more in terms of

personal borrowing. According to Badhari P. (2020), the sum of all values in the data

set is divided by the total number of values. It is typically referred to as the “average”

because it is the most often used to measure the central tendency.


M = Mean

Σfx =Sum of the product frequency

N = Total number of the respondents

Weighted Mean. This was used to determine and consider the importance of some

data values to other values. Data elements with a highweight contributes more to the

understanding of the research study.

The scale of statistical values used in this study is as follows:

Weight/Scale Mean Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.51- 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.51- 4.50 Agree

3 2.51- 3.50 Moderately Agree

2 1.51- 2.50 Slightly Agree

1 1.00 -1.50 Disagree



The data is presented and analyzed in form of a table. The numerical data were

used to interpret the result for the statistical computations. The presentation was

organized according to the order of the questions in the statement of the problem


The Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The distribution of respondents as to demographics profile in terms of age sex,

education attainment, Employment status and monthly income.

Table 1.1

Result in the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age.


18 years old below 5 10% 4th

19-21 25 50% 1th

22-24 9 18% 2nd

25-27 2 4% 5th

28-30 1 2% 6th

31 above 8 16% 3rd

TOTAL 50 100

Table 1.1 present distribution of respondents according to Age. The data reveal that

out of 50 respondents,25 with( 50%) were ages 19-21; 9 with (18%) were ages 22-24;

8 with (16%) were ages 31 above;5 with (10%) were ages 18 below; 2 with (4%) were

ages 25-27 and 1 with (2%) were ages 28-30.

It was observed that the majority of the respondents are group of 25 respondents were

19-21 Years old.

Table 1.2

Result in the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender.

Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 19 38% 2nd

Female 31 62% 1st

TOTAL 50 100

Table 1.2 present distribution of respondents according to Gender. The data reveal

that out of 50 respondents 19 with (38%) were male and 31 with (62%) were female.

It was observed that the majority of the respondents are group of 31 respondents were


Table 1.3

Result in the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Educational


Employment Frequency Percentage Rank


High School 7 14%

Senior High School 7 14%

College 36 72% 1ST

TOTAL 50 100

Table 1.3 present distribution of respondents according to Education attainment. The

data reveal that out of 50 respondents 7 with (14%) were high school and also 7 with

(14%) were Senior high school and 36 with (72%) were College.
It was observed that the majority of the respondents are group of 36 respondents were


Table 1.4

Result in the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Employment status.

Employment Frequency Percentage Rank


Full-time 5 10% 4th


Part-time 6 12% 3rd


Unemployed 3 6% 5th

Self employed 7 14% 2nd

Student 29 58% 1st

Table 1.4 present distribution of respondents according to Employment status. The

data reveal that out of 50 respondents 3 with (6%) Unemployed and 5 with (10%)

were Full-time employment and 6 with (12%) were Part time Employment and 7 with

(14%) were Self-employed and also 29 with (58%) were Student.

It was observed that the majority of the respondents are group of 29 respondents were


Table 1.5

Result in the Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Monthly Income.

Monthly Income Frequency Percentage Rank

5 thousand below 30 60 1st

6-10 thousand 10 16.6 2nd

16-20 thousand 7 14 3rd

21-25 thousand 3 6 4th

26- 30 thousand 0 0 5th


Table 1.5 present distribution of respondents according to Monthly Income. The data

reveal that out of 50 respondents 3 with (6%) were 21-25 thousand; 7 with (14%)

were 16 20 Thousand; 10 with (16.6%)) were 6-10 thousand; 30 with (60%) were 5

thousand below.

It was observed that the majority of the respondents are group of 30 respondents were

5 thousand below.

Table 2

The level of Customer Satisfaction On Online Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay



Online Platform Wx R VI
use in shopping

Lazada 4.6 1st 5

Shopee 3.9 2nd A

Tiktok shop 3.8 3rd A

Weighted mean: 4.1(strongly agree)

Table 2 presents the composite table on the Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online

Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay, Rizal in terms of Online platform use in


As shown in the table, according to Online platform use in the shopping table,

“Lazada” ranked 1st with a weighted mean of 4.6 and was verbally interpreted as

often. And last in rank is “TikTok shop” with a weighted mean of 3.08 and verbally

interpreted as Agree

The overall The Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping in Barangay

Sampaloc, Tanay, Rizal is 4.1 or strong agree.

Table 3

The level of Customer Satisfaction On Online Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay



What impressed Wx R Vl

must about the


Quality 3.6 2nd M/A

Price 3.3 4th M/A

Shopping 3.56 1st A


Customer Service 3.3 3rd M/A

Weighted mean: 3.6 (Moderately agree)

Table 3 presents the composite table on the Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online

Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay, Rizal in terms of “What impressed you must

about the product”

As shown in the table, according to Online platform use in the shopping table,

“Shopping Experience” ranked 1st with a weighted mean of 3.56 and was verbally

interpreted as Agree .And last in rank is “Price” with a weighted mean of 3.3 and

verbally interpreted as Moderately Agree.

Table 4

The level of Customer Satisfaction On Online Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay



What types of Wx R VI
product did you

purchase (from

us, online ,in


Clothes 4.12 1st A

Shoes 3.44 2nd M/A

Electronic 3.26 4th M/A

Health and Beauty 3.24 5th M/A

Supplements 3.36 3rd M/A

Weighted mean: 3.48 (agree)

Table 4 presents the composite table on the Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online

Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc, Tanay, Rizal in terms of “types of product did you

purchase (from us, online, in store)?

As shown in the table, according to Online platform use in the shopping table,

“Clothes” ranked 1 st with a weighted mean of 4.12 and was verbally interpreted as

Agree. And last in rank is “Health and beauty” with a weighted mean of 3.24 and

verbally interpreted as Moderately agree.

The overall The types of product did you purchase (from us, online ,in store)?

Is 3.48 or agree

Table 5
The level of Customer Satisfaction On Online Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay


N =50

Which one effect Wx R VI

your satisfaction

must during your

previous shopping

online experience?

Price 4.12 1st A

The way of solving 3.28 2nd M/A

your complaint

Loyalty for online 3.2 3rd M/A


The differences 2.5 4th S/A

between your

expectation and the

real products or

Weighted mean: 3.8(Moderately agree)

Table 5 presents the composite table on the Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online

Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc,Tanay, Rizal in terms of Which one effect your

satisfaction must during your previous shopping online experience?

As shown in the table, according to Online platform use in the shopping table, “Price”

ranked 1st with a weighted mean of 4.12 and was verbally interpreted as Agree. And

last in rank is “The differences between your expectation and the real products or

services” with a weighted mean of 2.5 and verbally interpreted as Slightly agree.

The overall Which one effect your satisfaction must during your previous shopping

online experience is 3.8 or Moderately agree.

Table 6

The level of Customer Satisfaction On Online Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay



How frequently Wx R VI


you purchase


Once in a month 3.62 2nd A

Twice or five times 3.28 3rd M/A


a month

More than 5 times 4.6 1st A


a month

Once in a year 2.5 4th S/A

Weighted mean: 3.58 (Strongly agree)

Table 6 presents the composite table on the Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online

Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc,Tanay, Rizal in terms of How frequently do you

purchase things online?

As shown in the table, according to Online platform use in the shopping table, “More

than 5 times in a month” ranked 1 st with a weighted mean of 4.6 and was verbally

interpreted as . And last in rank is “Once in a year” with a weighted mean of 2.5 and

verbally interpreted as Slightly agree.

The overall Which one effect your satisfaction must during your previous shopping

online experience is 3.58 or Agree.

Table 7

The level of Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc Tanay


What can we do to Wx R VI

improve the



Reviews on items 4.12 1st A

Check the level, 3.6 2nd M/A

description of the

store products

Products imagine 3.3 3rd M/A


Weighted mean: 4.53 (Strongly Agree)

Table 7 presents the composite table on the Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online

Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc,Tanay, Rizal in terms of What can we do to improve

the shopping experience?

As shown in the table, according to Online platform use in the shopping table,

“Reviews on items” ranked 1st with a weighted mean of 4.12 and was verbally

interpreted as Agree. And last in rank is “Products imagine quality” with a weighted

mean of 3.3 and verbally interpreted as Moderately agree.

The overall What can we do to improve the shopping experience is 4.53 or Strongly




Summary of Findings

● The findings of the study were arranged according to the statement of the


● 1. What online platform do you use in shopping?

● The findings revealed that an average weighted mean of 4.1 revealed that the

respondents has strongly agree used online Platform in online shopping and

also the findings revealed that the majority of the respondents answer "

Lazada" used in online shopping with the average weighted mean of 4.6

● 2.What impressed you must about the product?

● The results showed that an average weighted mean of 3.6 revealed that the

respondents had Moderately agree of what impressed you must about the

product.The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents answered "

Shopping Experience" with the average weighted mean 3.56.

● 3.What types of products did you purchase (from us, online, in our store)?

● The results showed that an average weighted mean of 3.48 revealed that the

respondents had Agree of what types of product did you purchase in online

Platform. The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents answered

"Clothes" with the average weighted mean 4.12.

● 4. How frequently do you purchase things online?

● The findings of the study shed some light on consumers ‘purchase frequency,

where the majority of the respondents representing average weighted mean

3.58 had Strongly agree used the online platform on a regular basis for

purchasing. The findings revealed that the respondents answered "More than 5

times in a month" with the average weighted mean 4.6.

● 5.Which one effects your satisfaction most during your previous

shopping online experience?

● The results showed that an average weighted mean of

● 6. What can we do to improve the shopping experience?

● The results showed that an average weighted mean of 4.53 revealed that the

respondents had Strongly agree of "What can we do to improve the shopping

experience" The Findings revealed that the majority of the respondents

answered the "Reviews on items" with the average weighted mean 4.12.


This study helps to understand that customer satisfaction is one of the essential things

for any organization because it allows the company to beautify their wonderful

recognition withinside the marketplace as nicely because it allows the company to

permit greater monetary advantage withinside the organizational context. From the

following’s sections, it is able to be concluded that client pride essentially refers to the

client's happiness method if a client is glad with the product and the provider quality

then the client suggests wonderful perspectives toward the agency which may be very

essential for any company to develop their commercial enterprise possibility

withinside the marketplace.

From the study, customer satisfaction is the purchaser’s achievement reaction

approach whilst a purchaser satisfied with the provider and the product best then the

purchaser suggests their loyalty closer to the business enterprise and used to purchase

the goods from that business enterprise once more which allow extra economic gain

in the organizational context. From the idea of purchaser delight factor it is able to be

concluded that groups are displaying their motivation for offering first-rate best

provider to their vintage clients in addition to the groups are offering new gives and

reductions on their merchandise because it will help the agency to draw extra new

clients with a purpose to allow extra first-class performance.

Additionally, consumer pleasure will assist the employer to beautify their emblem call

withinside the marketplace as properly because it will effect the performance level of

the organizations. That segment additionally refers that if any employer will fail to

felicitate consumer pleasure then it could negatively effect the enterprise possibility of

the employer which will lead the organization in the direction of absolute loss.

Hasemark and Albinsoon (2004) said that consumer pleasure essentially refers to the

connection among the expectancies of the clients and what the consumer gets, and

consumer pleasure come to be conceptualized through progressing the time,

processing the results, powerful assessment, cognitive assessment and simple

sentiment of fulfilling. When an employer desires to nicely felicitate the consumer

pleasure then the organization wishes to maintain their cognizance on correct

concentrated on and segmentation techniques. Additionally, the authors additionally

clean that segmentation techniques will assist the employer to distinguish their

capability clients right into a exclusive institution and concentrated on assist the

employer to goal their favored consumer base so that you can acquire economic gain

withinside the organizational context. This take a look at allows to recognize the
significance of the net purchasing on improvising the consumer pleasure withinside

the retail organization. The right techniques assist to recognize that how an employer

should put into effect the net purchasing withinside the organizational context and the

important thing elements which the employer have to want to make sure on the time

of imposing techniques for allowing on-line purchasing withinside the organizational

context. Online purchasing is the most effective one key withinside the retail quarter

for accomplishing fulfillment withinside the enterprise and for that reason consumer

pleasure is likewise based on the offerings of on-line purchasing. This take a look at

allows to recognize that the critical factors an employer have to want to make sure on

the time of imposing digital trade enterprise model withinside the organizational

context. Online purchasing web website online allows the organizations to make sure

a healthy courting with the capability clients and it additionally allows the clients to

shop their precious time as they do not have to visit their preferable company’s stores

physically. it will help the organization to connect with wide range of potential

customers and it also helps the organization to increase the brand value as well as

sales of the products. The organizations need to ensure good pricing strategies,

product quality strategies and marketing strategies in order to enable more

sustainability. Kano model of customer satisfaction helps to understand that

customers’ needs, and customer loyalty depend on the customer’s impression

regarding the product and its quality.

Online shopping always helps the customers to save their valuable time and it also

gives the customers a wide range of product list. Additionally, they can choose their

preferable products by comparing those products with other company’s products who

are the seller of the same product. So, the organizations must need to ensure some

good strategies which will help the organization to differentiate their product from the

other companies. The researcher has recommended some points which will help the

companies to enhance their uniqueness in the market.

These recommendations are:

Offers and discounts: The organization must need to ensure good offers and

discounts for their potential customers because it will help the organization to attract

more new customers which will enable more financial benefit in the organizational


Feedback system: The organization must need to understand their customer

expectations and demands as it will help the organizations to make the strategies

accordingly. The organizations also need to provide a feedback option to the

customers because it will help the organization to felicitate that the organization is

giving value to their customer's views which will engage more customers.

Free shipping of the products: Some of Online Platform needs to provide free

shipping for the products because it will help the organization to attract more

customers and the customers can save their money which will enable more customer

loyalty towards the organization.

Social media marketing: The organization must need to invest their resources to

felicitate social media marketing because nowadays most of the customers collect

reviews about a product from the social media platforms. If an organization able to

properly share their products information on social media site, then it will help the
customers to get the product detail more easily.

Felicitating awareness program for the uniqueness of the product: Awareness

program will help the organization to differentiate their products from the other

companies and it will help the customers to identify the uniqueness of the product

which will influence the buying behavior of the potential customers.

Product detail information on e-commerce website: The organizations must need

to provide all the necessary detail of a product on their electronic commerce website

because it will help the customers to get all the products information under one roof

which will


The Level of Customer Satisfaction on Online Shopping in Barangay Sampaloc,

Tanay , Rizal Year 2022-2023

This survey research was aimed to comprehend online purchase decision of

the Barangay Sampaloc consumers. I would appreciate it if you could contribute
any fact and useful information truthfully by filling out the questionnaire. The
information provided will be treated highly confidential and will be used solely for
the purpose of academic resources.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.


Screening Question:

Have you ever ordered or bought products or services online or via the website?

● Yes

● No (End of question, thank you for your time)

Part 1: Consumer Information

Explanation: Please mark into that matches your information the most


l. Profile of respondents



● Male


● 18 years old below

● 19-21 years old

● 22-24 years old

● 25-27 years old

● 28-30 years old

● 31 above


● High School

● K-12

● College


● Full-time employment

● Part-time employment

● Unemployed

● Self-employed
● Homemaker

● Student

● Retired


● 5 thousand below

● 6-10 thousand

● 11-15 thousand

● 16-20 thousand

● 21-25 thousand

● 26- 30 thousand below

What online platform do you use in

shopping? 5 4 3 2 1



Tiktok Shop

2.What impressed you must about the product?



Shopping Experience

Customer service

3.What types of products did you purchase (from us, online, in our store)?



Health and Beauty Products

V.Which one effects your satisfaction most during your previous shopping

online experience?


The way of solving your complaint

Loyalty for online shop

The differences between your expectation and

the real products or services

5.How frequently do you purchase things online?

Once in a month

Twice or five times in a month

More than 5 times in a month

Once in a year


6.What can we do to improve the shopping


Reviews on items
Check the level, discription of the store


Products imagine quality



Purok 6 Hilltop Sampaloc Tanay Rizal.



DATE OF BIRTH: July 21, 2002

PLACE OF BIRTH: Quezon city

GENDER: Female

RELIGION: Catholic


FATHER NAME: Rolando Agot






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