Faith As A Human Phenomena

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Faith as a Human Phenomena

The terms "religion" and "faith" are often used interchangeably with each other, usually to mean

a practice or system of belief. However, when one breaks things down and analyzes them, each

term, while similar, carries its own meaning. Religion is a system in which one organizes their

devotion towards something. However, when we are talking about faith, it is different; faith is

one's inward belief in a teaching or doctrine, based on their personal conviction and trust in

something or in someone.

If there was a simple way to put it, religion is knowing about Jesus, His miracles, and the

Gospels. Faith, on the other hand, is fully trusting in the words of Jesus, and being willing to

defend it, even if you may lose your life in the end. Faith is not something that is necessarily tied

to religion. It is something that everyone does in their daily life. Faith is concerned with a

devotion and commitment to something. It is not merely an emotional feeling. It is something

that reaches out from the depths of human freedom.

Faith also has an effect on societies and civilizations. They adopt a certain set of truths and

establish them as fundamental. They also include other objects of faith that help serve to unify

and provide order and intelligibility to life. Through faith, people show commitment to those

objects, truths, and values which give meaning to human existence at the fundamental level.

Faith is something central and centering. It is central because it comes from one's free being,

and centering because it unifies, integrates, and holds together all aspects of one's personality.

It takes on different forms depending on the stages of development. It is a form of commitment,

a direction, and a path which the heart has set itself upon.

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