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TACATA, Sean Daryl C.

12 – STEM Pythagoras

Table 1.
Success Rate in Research
r-value p-value
English for Academic and
Professional Purposes .655 .002

Inferential statistics using the Pearson Product Moment of Correlation were used to test
the null hypothesis that the Academic and Professional Purposes Performance of respondents is
significantly related to their Success Rate in Research at a 0.05 level of significance.
The table presents the results of the correlation analysis. The table shows that the
respondents' English for Academic and Professional Purposes Performance (r-value=.655, p-
value.002) are significantly related to their Success Rate in Research as the p-value is less than
the level of significance in the study.
The results indicated that the null hypothesis was rejected. This means that their English
for Academic and Professional Purposes Performance has a very high correlation with their
Success Rate in Research. The results suggest that a higher level of attitude towards English for
Academic and Professional Purposes The performance of respondents results in a higher success
rate in research. Conversely, a low degree of attitude towards English for Academic and
Professional Purposes Performance tends to have a lower success rate in research.
The results suggest that teachers should continuously device schemes that would
encourage students love English to increase their English for Academic and Professional
Purposes Performance, wherein it could result to a higher Success Rate in Research.
The results of this study are consistent with the findings of Joel Meniado (2019) who
shows that the respondents to this study have an intermediate level of English proficiency lower
than expected from adult language learners working in a higher education institution. The
findings further reveal that there are significant differences in the level of competence of the
respondents in the identified macrolinguistic skills. Lastly, the results show that demographic
variables such as age, educational attainment and length of service are positively correlated with
English proficiency, while gender, civil status, specialization and designation are negatively
correlated with English proficiency.
Meniado, J. (2018). Demographic Variables and English Proficiency of Adult Language
Learners: A Correlational Study. Education Quarterly Reviews, 2(1), 1–66.
TACATA, Sean Daryl C. 12 – STEM Pythagoras

Tabel 2.

Crop Yields
r-value p-value
Amount of Fertilizer .222 .051

Inferential statistics using the Pearson Product Moment of Correlation were used to test
the null hypothesis that the amount of Fertilizer respondents is significantly related to their Crop
Yields at a 0.05 level of significance.
The table presents the results of correlational analysis. It shows that the Amount of
Fertilizer towards their Crop Yields (r-value=.222, p-value=.051) are significantly related to the
amount of Fertilizers, since the p-value are less than the level of significance in the study.
The results indicated that the null hypothesis was rejected. This means that the amount of
Fertilizers has a very high has a very high correlation with the crop yields.
The results suggest that farmers should invest more fertilizer so that more crops are
grown and food sources improved.
The results of this study are consistent with the findings of T.L. Roberts (2009) who
shows that global demand for fertilizers remains strong. A growing population with the desire
and means to improve their diet will ensure that the consumption of fertilizers continues and
increases. Without fertilizers, meeting the increasing food needs of the world cannot be achieved.
Without fertilizer, the world would produce only about half as much stable food and more
forested land would have to be put into production.
Roberts, T. L. (2009). The role of fertilizer in growing the world’s food. Better crops, 93(2), 12-
TACATA, Sean Daryl C. 12 – STEM Pythagoras

The glass coaster made out of Bangus scales and styrofoam during the study conducted
appeared light brown with red and white colors seemingly due to the fried fish scales and formed
the shape of a coaster. It was also noted that the texture of the three-mixture varied. The first
mixture is quite smooth, the second is rough, and the third is the smoothest, but a little bit rough.
In terms of odor Mixture 3 is definitely better than Mixture 1 and Mixture 2 basing from the
gathered data by the researchers.

The table presented below shows the statistical tools to interpret and analyze the gathered
data and determine the coaster’s durability, texture, and odor.

The Level of Acceptability of Bangus (Chanos chanos) scales as Glass Coaster in terms
of Durability, Texture and Odor

Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3

Evaluator Durabilit Textur Odo Durabilit Textur Odo Durabilit Textur Odo
s y e r y e r y e r
1 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 4 5
2 3 3 2 4 3 4 5 4 4
3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 4 4
5 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4
Total 18 17 18 18 15 19 21 19 20
Table 1. Gathered Data

It is shown in table 1 that based on the evaluation conducted by five knowledgeable

individuals, mixture 3 obtained an excellent level of acceptability in terms of durability, texture,
and odor. The result can be attributed to the characteristics of fish scales. That is, fish scales
primarily consist of 97% calcium phosphate to 98% collagen. When exposed to heat, the calcium
is released from the collagen causing it to turn into a sticky substance, converting the fish scales
into a gelatinous glue (Braley, n.d.). defining the main component of the fish glue as collagen
(Gode, 2010).

Statistical Criteria Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3

M= M= M=
Durability ∑ of the terms ∑ of the terms ∑ of the terms
number of terms number of terms number of terms
= 18 / 5 = 18 / 5 = 21 / 5
= 3.6 =3.6 = 4.2
M= M= M=
Texture ∑ of the terms ∑ of the terms ∑ of the terms
number of terms number of terms number of terms
TACATA, Sean Daryl C. 12 – STEM Pythagoras

= 17 / 5 = 15 / 5 = 19 / 5
=3.4 =3 = 3.8
M= M= M=
Odor ∑ of the terms ∑ of the terms ∑ of the terms
number of terms number of terms number of terms
= 18 / 5 = 19 / 5 = 20 / 5
= 3.6 = 3.8 =4
Table 2. Mean result

ANOVA Result on Significant Differences Between and Among the Three

Mixtures of Bangus (Chanos chanos) scales as a glass coaster
CRITERIA f-value p-value Decision
Durability 1.385 .288 Do not reject Ho
Texture 5.600* .019 Reject Ho
Odor .636 .546 Do not reject Ho
Overall 2.643 .112 Do not reject Ho
*Level of significance at 0.05
Table 3. ANOVA result

Since, the ANOVA result revealed a significant difference on Texture, scheffe test was
utilized to determine where the significant lies. When subjected to ANOVA, results show that
the computed F-value of 5.600 on Texture is significant at 0.05 level of significance. This is
proven by the p-value of 0.019 which is less than @=0.05. This result indicates that there is a
significant difference between and among the three mixtures of Bangus (Chanos chanos) scales
as a glass coaster in terms of their Texture.

However, there are no significant differences among the mixtures in terms of durability
(F=1.385, p=0.288) and Odor (F=0.636, p=0.546).
Overall, there are no significant differences between and among the mixtures as attested
by F=2.643 with p=0.112.

To determine the difference of the texture among the three mixtures of of Bangus
(Chanos chanos) scales as a glass coaster lies, the Scheffe Test was utilized.

Scheffe Test Result on Significant Differences on Texture Among the three Mixtures of
Bangus (Chanos chanos) scales as a glass coaster
MIXTURES Mean Difference p- value Decision
Mixture A. vs. Mixture B .400 .564 Do not Reject Ho
Mixture A vs. Mixture C -.800 .133 Do not reject Ho
Mixture C vs. Mixture B 1.200* .021 Reject Ho
* The mean difference is significant at the level 0.05 level
Table 4. Scheffe Test result
TACATA, Sean Daryl C. 12 – STEM Pythagoras

The mean difference of 1.200 between Mixture C and Mixture B is significant at 0.05
level. This reveals that Mixture C has better texture compared to Mixture B. This finding
indicates that the mean difference difference of 1.200 between Mixture C and Mixture B is
significant at 0.05 level. This reveals that Mixture C has better texture compared to Mixture B.
This finding indicates that mixture C is more convenient to use in terms of texture rather than
mixture B and mixture A.

Overall, there is a significant difference between and among mixture C and mixture B of
Bangus (Chanos chanos) scales as glass coaster.

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