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Rationale of the Study

5 paragraphs

Theoretical Background

3-4 pages


Statement of the Problem

This study determines the perceptions on the information quality, information

usefulness, and information adoption of YouTube as a learning support tool for

academic achievement among the accountancy students of Mater Dei College,

Tubigon, Bohol for Academic Year, 2023 – 2024. It further evaluates the

significant relationships between information quality and information usefulness,

information usefulness and information adoption, and information adoption and

academic achievement.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following guide questions:

1. What is the profile of the participants in terms of:

1.1 Sex;

1.2 Program enrolled; and

1.3 Year Level?

2. What are the students’ perceptions on their experience of using

YouTube as a learning support tool in the dimensions of:

2.1 Information quality;

2.2 Information adoption; and

2.3 Information usefulness?

3. What is the level of academic achievement in using YouTube among

the accountancy students?

4. Are there significant differences of the students’ perception on their

experience of using YouTube when grouped according to profile?

5. Does information quality relate positively to information usefulness in

using YouTube?

6. Does information usefulness relate positively to information adoption in

using YouTube?

7. Does information adoption in using YouTube relate positively to

academic achievement among the accountancy students?

Research Hypotheses

The researchers in this study come up the following proposed hypotheses:

1. There significant differences of the students’ perception on their

experience of using YouTube when grouped according to:

H1: Sex.

H2: Program enrolled.

H3: Year level.

2. H4: Information quality relate positively to information usefulness in

using YouTube.

3. H5: Information usefulness relate positively to information adoption in

using YouTube.

4. H6: Information adoption in using YouTube relate positively to

academic achievement among the accountancy students.

Significance of the Study

It is hoped that the result of this study will benefit the following:

The residents of Tubigon, Bohol. The study will give them awareness of the

types of houses in their area and give them ideas on the factors affecting their

choice of building materials.

The future house-owners. The study will help them determine what building

materials are ideal to be used for their house and the considerations they will

take in building their houses.

The future researchers. The study will serve as a guide and reference for the

future researchers. This will give them the knowledge and foundation to be

applied in conducting future related studies.


Research Design

This is a quantitative study that utilizes non-experimental research

specifically descriptive research. This aims to determine the different types of

houses in Tubigon, Bohol according to the building materials. The researchers

aim to obtain accurate data regarding the types of houses in the community and

determine the factors considered in choosing the building materials of the


Sampling Design

The researchers will use the probability sampling specifically the

systematic random sampling design. The researchers will start gathering data

from the commercial center of Tubigon, and narrowing down to the houses

farther by skipping 1 house after another.

Research Environment
The locale of the study is at the municipality of Tubigon, Bohol. The

houses in the different areas around Tubigon are the focus of this study.

Research Respondents

The target population of this study consisted of all students that use

YouTube as a learning support tool in Mater Dei College. This study focuses on

exploring the perceptions of BSA and BSMA students. A random sample of ---


The respondents of this study are people owning a house at the random areas in

Tubigon. The researchers will randomly select 100 house-owners in the different

areas to be the respondents of the study in order to come up with a valid and

reliable data.

Research instruments

A survey form was utilized to gather data. The purpose was to validate the

conceptual model of the research and examine the research hypotheses. The

content of the questionnaire was developed and adopted from prior pertinent

studies of Abu-Taieh, AlHadid, Alkhawaldeh, Alrowwad, Masa’deh, and

Khwaldeh (2022) using a five-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree

(1) to strongly agree (5).

The questionnaire was based on two main parts. The first part included

the instructions along with respondents’ demographical features; the second part
was designed to gather responses related to the perceptions in information

quality, usefulness, and adoption.

This research study will use a researchers’ made questionnaire as the

main tool for collecting the desired data to be used in the study. The researchers

have agreed that it is best to have a questionnaire so that the respondent will be

guided and will provide accurate data.

Research Procedures

Data Gathering Method

The construct information quality (IQ) was measured by 3 items, clarity,

high quality, and understandability. The mediating variable information adoption

(IA) was measured using the 5 items ease of understanding, effectiveness of

explaining, motivation towards the topic, following their method, and contributed

knowledge. The mediating variable information usefulness (IU) was measured

using the 3 items volubility, informativeness, and helpfulness as recommended

by Abu-Taieh, et al (2022).

The type of technique in collecting or gathering the data that the

researchers will use is the survey. They will use questionnaire in order to get the

accurate data from the respondents in the areas around Tubigon, Bohol.
Treatment of the data

The data is statistically analyzed through

The researchers will use the data that they will be collecting to do their final data

analysis. They will be using the measures of central tendency as the tool for the

study in order to extract the main ideas in their data for their study. Finally, the

researchers will have reliable information to formulate the conclusion of the study

and make a good output.

Ethical Consideration

The research was approved by ---. In addition, participants were

completely voluntary to join and withdraw from the research anytime without any

consequence. It is assured that the participants will not be put to harm and the

responses will be given with utmost care and respect.

Types of Houses according to building materials
Type of Community


Correlational Study
Data Collection
Presentation of Data
Analysis of Data
PROCESS Interpretation of Data

Proposed Recommendation




For better understanding, the following term is defined operationally:

Housing - refers to the construction and assigned usage of houses or buildings

collectively, for the purpose of sheltering people.

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