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European Multidisciplinary Journal of

Modern Science
CMS ISSN 2750-6274 Volume: 12 | Nov-2022

Method of Developing the Quality of Agility in Schoolchildren
through the Sport of Handball

Safarova Shahlo Abdurasul qizi

Master of the Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute

Abstract: The article examines the features of the formation of agility skills in students of high
school age. The conducted studies show that modern students of this age have an average level of
development of agility skills. The authors prove that active games such as handball are a necessary
condition for the development of a person's agility.

Keywords: physical education of secondary school students, agility, pedagogical test, handball.

Enter. Handball for middle school students is a good time to develop agility skills in sports
circles. Together with the development of this physical quality, it stimulates mental
processes, braking, and mobility and balance abilities. Agility skills are one of the conditions
for successful management of movement skills of varying complexity, which requires
development as a priority task of physical education in middle school students. It requires
looking for tools to develop agility skills in handball circles with students [1,3].
Agility and quickness skills "is the ability to quickly and dexterously get out of any difficult
situation, that is, the ability to overcome any movement difficulty that arises:
a) correct (adequate and clear);
b) fast (quick and quick);
c) Rational (purposeful and frugal) and resourceful (interesting and proactive)" [1,4,5].
Agility abilities, as researchers have noted, depend on the following factors, the speed and
plasticity of mental processes, because agility is an indicator of the speed of reaction of the
nervous system to an external stimulus. In agility, the ability to accurately evaluate and
perform movement is manifested taking into account its spatial, time and force
characteristics. One of the manifestations of agility skills is the ability to move and quickly
get out of difficult situations [5,7]. The classification of agility skills includes the distribution
of certain types of agility [6,8]:
Agility in actions - abilities of agility and agility, which depend on the plasticity of thinking
and are manifested in the speed and accuracy of decision-making during lessons;
Agility in games and exercises with objects;
Variable agility - manifests itself in the interaction of several students during exercises;
Collective agility - it manifests itself in the student when performing actions together with
other students, which means that there are already preliminary tactical decisions.
Literature analysis. V.I., Lyakh who made a great contribution to the study of agility skills.
[4] distinguished general and special agility skills. to the special motor-coordination abilities
of V.I. Lyakh [4] classifies groups of integrated purposeful motor actions that are
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homogeneous in terms of psychophysiological mechanisms.

At the middle school age, when teaching movements, students should be able to see step by
step, feel the individual parts of the muscles, the qualities of the movements (direction,
amplitude, pace, rhythm, etc.) and the ability to express them verbally. should be formed.
According to the researchers, when organizing activities for the development of agility skills,
first of all, students should complicate the primary situation that activates their mental
processes to process incoming information. It can be an unusual starting position at the
beginning of the exercise and a sudden change of movement and a change in the way the
exercise is performed and joint movements, together with the rapid change and variety of
movements. Researchers point to the ideal number of drills to develop agility and ball skills.
Middle school students learn different games, but the most difficult among them is handball,
which requires good team dynamics, different movements and skills with the ball. requires,
they are random in nature and change during the game.
The purpose of the research is to develop methods of developing agility skills through the
game of handball.
Learning methods and organization. In accordance with the chosen goal, a study was
conducted at the school to determine the agility skills of 12-14-year-old students. In the
experimental part of the study, in the 20121/2022 academic year, 15 students in the
experimental group (TG) and 15 students in the general physical training group formed a
control group (NG).
The indicators of physical development of the participants of the experiment are presented in
Table 1. The indicators correspond to the age standards of physical development of students
of the specified age.
Table 1. Indicators of physical development of students.
Indicators Control group Experimental group
Height length 14,1 ± 0,6 123,2 ± 1,8
Body weight 37,4 ± 0,8 36,7 ± 0,8
Comparing the indicators, no significant differences were found in the indicators of physical
development of students from NG and TG.
To assess the level of development of agility skills, a pedagogical test was conducted, which
included the following test tasks:
Test 1 "Throwing the handball at the target". D.x. - straight in the direction of the throw, left
foot (when throwing with the right hand) in front, right back on the toe, right hand in front,
ball at head level ; then the same test is performed, but with a different hand. The target is
placed at a distance of 5-6 m. Each student is given 5 attempts with the right hand and 5 with
the left hand - a total of 10 attempts. All shots are counted: boys: out of 10 attempts - 6-5-4
times, girls - 5-4-3 times, which corresponds to the marks 5, 4, 3.
Test 2 "Throwing and catching a handball ball with a 360 ° turn of the student." D.x. - basic
stance, hands with the ball are lowered (shoulder level). The student throws a ball at his head,
jumps, rotates around his axis while jumping and catches the falling ball. Each student is
given 5 attempts. A fully completed exercise is considered: boys and girls - after 5 attempts
corresponding to the marks 5, 4, 3, it is necessary to successfully catch the ball 5-4-3 times.
At the end of the academic year, in order to determine the effect of playing handball on the
development of agility, repeated tests were conducted according to the control methods
described in the control and experimental groups. The Wilcoxon test was used to assess the
significance of differences.

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Results and discussion. The results of the initial test of students' agility skills are presented
in Figure 1.
In the experimental group, only one student hit the target 6 times, three students hit the target
5 times, six members of the group - 4 times, and three - 4 times. In the control group, similar
indicators were distributed slightly differently: one student hit the target 6 times, four
students hit the target 5 times, five students hit the target 4 times, and three students hit the
target 3 times. The percentage distribution of students according to the number of attempts is
shown in the figure.
At the initial stage of the study, it was found that the majority of students in both groups
(73.3%) hit the finish line 3-4 times, which indicates an average level of development of
Accordingly, only one-fifth of the surveyed students can perform this exercise to determine
the level of development of agility, the rest of the students have moderately developed agility
and need to continue to develop it.
The experimental group was engaged in the lesson program of the "Handball" course for 11-
15-year-old students for one year, 1 hour 3 times a week, totaling 108 hours.
Research method. In the theoretical part, issues of technique and tactics of playing handball
are considered. In the practical part, technical and tactical combinations, as well as special
physical training exercises of students are studied. In training with students, it is
recommended to focus on combined exercises and educational games, so more hours are
allocated to these sections of the program. The form of summarizing the results of the
program is students' participation in handball competitions.
The content of the experimental technique was based on the specific principles of sports
training: a gradual increase in the training load, a combination of general and special physical
training, attention to high achievements, deep specialization, continuity of the training
process, load up to "fluctuation and variability, cyclical nature of training of athletes,
interdependence of competition and training activities, etc.
During the experiment, exercises with different balls were introduced in two stages in a
certain sequence. In the first stage, exercises corresponding to the structure of "handball
school" were performed:
first, exercises for throwing balls in the forward direction were mastered (straight up, straight
pass, straight forward, straight back (through the top - double is executed as));
then the exercises for throwing balls in an oblique direction were performed: upward and
forward at an angle with a rebound from the wall, forward and at an angle to the pass with a
rebound from the wall, with the right hand at an angle from the right side, with a rebound
from the wall to the left to the wall, with the left hand at an angle from the left to the wall to
the right to the wall, in all cases the ball must be caught after the return;
the following exercises for throwing balls along an arc trajectory were performed: throwing
the ball up and forward to the wall and catching the ball after bouncing off the wall, throwing
the ball from the floor to the wall and catching the ball, throwing, up and forward with the
right hand to the left and catching the ball after bouncing off the wall, throwing up and
forward with the left hand and catching the ball after bouncing off the wall. All exercises
were performed 6-8 times in each session in order to master the exercise without mistakes.
The use of different balls also had a certain sequence: first they used inflatable balls, then
rubber balls, tennis balls, medium balls (handball, handball, football), worked with stuffed
In the second stage, exercises with handballs (handballs) were performed:

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 exercises to develop quick reaction skills: imitation of serving, attacking, blocking,

passing the ball;
 exercises to develop qualities in receiving and passing the ball: throwing a fitball ball,
passing a basketball ball, passing a handball ball in pairs, over oneself, to a distance
against the wall;
 exercises for the development of the qualities necessary to perform the ball: throw with
maximum deviation from the back of the head, throw the ball over the net for the
accuracy of the zone;

6th time 5th time 4th time 3rd time

- Before the experiment - After the experiment
Figure 3. Comparison of the results of the 1st test for students in TG before and after the
clarifying experiment.
Out of 15 students in the experimental group, four students completed the task 6 times, six
students 5 times, three students 4 times, and two students 3 times completed the task with
excellent marks. received (see Fig. 3). The results did not change in the control group. The
results of
Test 2 are shown in Figure 3-4.

6th time 5th time 4th time 3rd time

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The comparison of movement precision development indicators showed that the students of
the experimental group had higher coordination skills compared to the students of the control
group (p <0.01), which was confirmed by the Wilcoxon test.
- Before the experiment - After the experiment
4- picture Comparison of the results of the 2nd test for students in TG before and after
the experiment.

6th time 5th time 4th time 3rd time

- Before the experiment - Control gr

Figure 5 Number of successful attempts to catch the ball after the turn in test 2 for NG and
TG pupils.
Results and discussion. As it turned out, out of 15 students in the experimental group, six
students caught the ball 5 times, six students 4 times, two students 3 times, and one student
was able to complete the task with excellent marks. caught 'p 2 times (Fig. 5). The results did
not change in the control group. The obtained empirical value of Temp according to
Wilcoxon's criterion was in the zone of significance, so handball lessons have a positive
effect on the development of agility skills (p<0.01).
Thus, we can say that the technique of using handball exercises helps to develop agility skills,
this experience is confirmed by a significant increase in the indicators of agility skills among
students of the group. With the students of the control group, training according to the usual
program remained at the same level and almost did not lead to a change in agility.
1. Agility abilities, as the researchers noted, depend on the speed and plasticity of mental
processes, because agility is an indicator of the reaction of the nervous system to an
external stimulus, and ball games among schoolchildren activate their mental activity.
2. Handball has a positive effect on the development of agility, in particular, hitting the ball
at the target (p < 0.01) after performing additional movements (p < 0.01) in the boys of
the experimental group. The catch rates are improved.
3. In the group of primary school students, additional handball training helps to develop
general agility skills.

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