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Ashes of Her

Pierre Alex Jeanty
Copyright © 2019 by Pierre Alex Jeanty

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise – without the
written permission of the publisher.

Cover Design: Ivy Tran

Editor: Carla DuPont
& Sarah Plamondon

ISBN-13: 978-1-949191-10-3

For more information, please visit:
I wrote this for those burying

love stories that once had so

much life in them, stories that

are hard to let go of; yet, the

funeral must go on.

Ashes of Her Love

Ashes of Her Love

How to turn old love into ashes

Love is taking risks,

and these risks keep taking from her.
But the thing about her is,
you can never put out her flame.
Her flame only knows how to turn old love
into ashes.

Ashes of Her Love

She gave it her best shot

It is not her love coming to an end;

she will always have love tucked underneath
her rib cage.
This is another failed love attempt reaching its
last page,
a relationship fading into the image of a
and a woman understanding that it is not her
job to plant, water, and harvest love in a man
all at once,
especially one who doesn’t want to taste the
goodness of her love.

All that matters now is that she gave it her

best shot,
another bullet wound from someone she
handed the gun to.

Ashes of Her Love

She is taking responsibility

How do you give an angel hell and not see the

sin you’ve committed?
You say it’s her fault that your free will led
you to do unloving things to her.

As you go through the list of things

she did not do to help you be the man you
were supposed to be to her,
she is becoming the woman she should’ve
been to you.
She is taking responsibility for her heart
and leaving your irresponsible self.

Ashes of Her Love

And that’s okay

As his eyes search for something more beyond

your all,
laying at his feet,
my dear, that more his eye is after will only
turn into more reasons that you aren’t enough
for him.

No one ever grows hungry for a dish they do

not crave.
They only grow thirsty for what they want,
and what he wants isn’t you.
And that’s okay.

Ashes of Her Love

Wanting better

She did not just fall out of love,

she was constantly pushed over the edge,
weak from the tireless attempts to save the
very thing you kept killing.

She did not fall out of love,

her heart was deprived of everything good she
brought to the table until her malnourished
soul learned that it’s better to lose a love story
than to end the story of her love.

She did not fall out of love,

she kept tripping over the knives your tongue
1set on the path, and bled too much to find
strength to get up.

She did not fall out of love,

she fell in love
with wanting better.

Ashes of Her Love

You are no longer the trophy

His ego suggests that you eat air for breakfast,

lunch, and dinner to keep away the extra flesh
that you are carrying.
You are no longer the trophy he
competed for,
you are now just a woman in her natural state
with a little more than he hoped for.

What he should know is that you too thirst for

a man with a six pack who is so drunk in love
with you, that his vision is too affected to see
you through shallow lenses.

Ashes of Her Love

That delicious croissant

Love is not meant to float on the surface level,

it is meant to be drowned into.
He was too afraid to swim
and too in tune with shallowness.

Scratching the surface may have been enough

for him,
but for any man looking to taste your
he is only doing himself a disservice by missing
your depth,
leaving out the better part,
the chocolate sitting in the middle of that
delicious croissant.

Ashes of Her Love

Break ourselves more

In trying to fix what’s broken,

we often break more,
and more importantly,
break ourselves more.
Therefore, have a funeral for that lifeless
Celebrate its lessons, instead of putting your
mouth on it and breathing your last breath
into it.
In trying to fix things, we resurrect unfruitful
that is only ripe with disappointments.

Ashes of Her Love

What was the catch

Your fingers held tightly to the wrongs of her

making her feel that she made mistakes by
taking the wrong paths.
You somehow thought it was right to use her
transparency as a weapon
to imprison the secrets that spilled from her
What did you want as a ransom when all that
she could give you became yours?
How does someone give you their soul,
yet you give them a soulless love,
begging for her heart to make it prisoner?
What was the catch in making her feel safe,
only to use your insecurities to terrorize her?
What were you after?

Ashes of Her Love

Perfect recipe of love

Her big heart is a mansion,

a place with many rooms that was meant to be
breathtaking architecture with a pool that you
could’ve washed away your doubts in,
a kitchen where you could’ve put together the
perfect recipe of love,
a bedroom where your naked soul could’ve
found rest,
a home perfect for your heart to stretch out its
legs and run free.
Why did you choose to be homeless?

Ashes of Her Love

Being fed up

Being fed up is a stage he cannot understand.

How can he not see that you’ve gotten sick to
your stomach from eating crumbs of the good
in him
while he thinks giving half effort is enough to
keep your relationship moving on strong legs?

He cannot see how you are vomiting all of

your hope because there’s nothing left to
swallow but the truth.
The truth is, he is used to women who settle
for anything on their plates; they are okay
being a side-piece, while being the main
course is all you can accept.

You are not a woman to drive through the late

hours when his lust is hungry. Your heart isn’t
made to accept fast love with no substance.

Being fed up is a stage only you will

understand, and when he gets a clue,
you’ll be long gone.

Ashes of Her Love

Watered-down version of love

Loving hard was an easy thing for her.

She pulled every piece of herself to perfect
your puzzle, even the pieces that would not fit
she carefully carved out of herself to make
sure they would become perfect.

Love this strong should not be overlooked,

a fire burning this bright should not be left to
turn into ashes.
But you were blind,
and a watered-down version of love was
all you had to offer, only being able to put out
something that good.

Ashes of Her Love

Straddle the fence

That emptiness you feel is from giving every

fiber of yourself away to someone who only
knows how to take.
They took your smile,
stole your laugh,
colonized your happiness,
and oppressed your peace just enough,
but not all the way.

They wanted you to be sane enough to fight

the depression that your relationship
cultivated with a weak fist,
just enough to awaken confusion so you’d
straddle the fence, rather than jump
over their silly boundaries and run.
Empty “I love yous” will never be worth your

Ashes of Her Love

The excuses

The excuses have become like the

sunglasses she wears to keep the sunlight from
her eyes.
She is reducing herself every time she gives
birth to another reason as to why she is
dancing with false hope,
holding on to nothing, yet hoping something
will come out of this.

The excuses have become the sunglasses he

uses to keep her from seeing the light, from
seeing that he is a compilation of
manipulation dipped in honey and the perfect
recipe for broken hearts.

The excuses, she is making no more for a

lover who has no idea what love looks like
under this sun.

Ashes of Her Love

She was not crazy

She was not crazy,

she was a victim of your narcissism,
finally free from being a puppet to your
She was not crazy,
she was awakened to the reality of who you
are, growing aware of the deceit your mouth
had fed her ears.

When did she go crazy?

When she realized her worth and came to the
conclusion that she should not be in
competition to feel important to a so-called
When she stopped begging for consistency or
demanding it, but found her way out of this
love circus instead of carrying your promises
in the center of her heart, waiting for the day
that you would fulfill them?
Was it when she started to doubt your secrecy,
refusing to title it privacy when for you, it was
nothing but a way to do your dirt in silence?

Ashes of Her Love

Was it when your empty “I love yous” started

to feel like bullet wounds to her?

She grew bolder, but you created this mind

game to make her feel foolish for coming to
her senses.
You convinced yourself that you were playing
chess, trying to out-think her moves instead of
joining hands with her and making your play
about protecting your queen.

Crazy is the woman who loves blindly with

itching ears, accepting of everything.
Crazy is the woman who sees how her heart is
being tortured and decides to stay to take care
of yours.
Crazy is the woman who does anything for
love even when that love does nothing good
for her.

She is many things, but a crazy woman is not

one whose blood boils with frustration for
being fooled. It is not a woman whose eyes
carry anger after being punished for loving too
hard, and it is definitely not a woman who is
smart enough to recognize your game and
demand an audible out, or she will quit.

Ashes of Her Love

The problem is not that she’s as crazy as you

claim. It is just that she wasn’t crazy enough to
leave you long before.

Ashes of Her Love


She was a love language spoken in a foreign

land, discovered by a pirate whose
idea of treasure was finding some booty.

Ashes of Her Love

The smell of disappointment

There is a closet overfilled with your

Every time you whispered one to her, she
waited for days and weeks until you
did her dirty again to throw it in like
unwashed laundry.

There is a mountain of promises, made of

scoops of dirt from each promise that went
It grew in the backyard of her mind as she
watched weeds develop strong roots in a place
where she thought love would grow.

Now, the smell of disappointment is too

strong for her to be here with you anymore.
The apologies have also occupied too much
space in the relationship, and they need to be

Ashes of Her Love

Life’s a beach

You’re a beautiful island,

despite the waves of lovers coming and
strong enough to come to shore, but unwilling
to stay.
Eventually, you will be discovered by a king,
traveling to find something he has never
known before.
He will stay because this island will offer a
home to him. Fruitful love will be at his reach,
the most beautiful sunsets will meet his eyes,
and you will be bathed by the glory of the sun.
Life’s a beach, and loving you will be much
more than life has to offer him.

Ashes of Her Love


Love will ask you to sacrifice yourself,

it will ask you to lose yourself,
it will not ask you to sacrifice yourself in a way
that demands you sacrifice all that you are,
letting pain pierce your flesh as the beauty of
life leaves you.
It will not ask you to lose yourself in a maze
with a GPS programmed by confusion,
taking you to all the places that keep you from
finding more of yourself.

Ashes of Her Love

A mason jar

There’s sweetness inside of her.

She is a jar of honey that must be opened
before you feel the sweet spots.

There’s sweetness inside of a her,

in a mason jar that was once loose for you
to dive your hands deep inside to explore.
But to you it was too messy,
too many sticky situations that stung like bees,
and now,
although there’s still sweetness inside of her,
the jar has become sealed,
unavailable to hands that did not want to hold
her when she was as sweet as could be.

Ashes of Her Love

Hard to handle

You are a handful, he says,

as he fumbles his excuses in his small hands.
Your heart is hard to handle, he says, as he
dribbles through his insecurities, crossing over
all of the boundaries you brought to the court.
Yet he doesn’t want you to juggle his
to take risks with his heart, punt away his
demand, and run from this battlefield.
His words are bullets, but you’re a
not one to cherish, but one who is meant to
absorb them and spit them out, asking him for

What he doesn’t know is that your hand is full,

every piece of your heart gathered as you find
the key to your happiness that also opens the
exit door to this loveless affair.

Ashes of Her Love

Before she left

She was gone before she left.

Her heart started walking away long before
she physically made her way out.
She started leaving when you began to put her
in the shadows,
when you found more important things to
invest your time in than being in her presence,
when the things that made her smile became a
burden you once carried for the sake of
winning her heart,
when her ears became a well that you
dropped your promises in with no intention of
picking them up and fulfilling them.
She was gone mentally and emotionally.
Her physically leaving was just a delayed

Ashes of Her Love


The only difference is that you kept listening

to your ego, and she just started listening to
her intuition.

Ashes of Her Love

The lover in her is gone

And now she is your best interest, when she is

bankrupt of your investments for this dying

And now she’s your queen, after she gave you

a throne to conquer from the pedestal.

Now you love her, when the lover in her is

gone from this relationship.

Ashes of Her Love

You couldn’t see

You couldn’t see how she pulled another

chance out of her bones and laid it at your
hoping you would see the sacrifice it was
wrapped in and treat it as an act of bravery
and honor it.
You couldn’t see how she found hope in the
back of her mind and let its voice join with
your promises.
You couldn’t see how she caged her fear of
being swept off her feet by another Aladdin
who would only honor three of her wishes in
the beginning, then fade into becoming
another person’s treasure.
You couldn’t see all she did to be with you
after seeing all the reasons she shouldn’t be.

Ashes of Her Love

She was tripping

She was tripping,

falling in love with you while you still slid into
DMs that weren’t open to men like you.

She was tripping,

falling for bittersweet lies, but her fear of being
bitter kept her searching for the sweet love
that was supposed to come after you’d
overcome enough together.

She was tripping,

sliding in and out of her emotions, while you
told her she was drowning in her invalid
feelings as you swam your way into different
oceans to find other fish.

Now she’s still tripping,

because she no longer wants to be beneath the
weight of lies and mistreatment, choosing to
stand on her own and walk away!

Ashes of Her Love

The opposite

How easy it is for his lips to find strength to

ask you to stay, while every other part of him
begs for the opposite.

Ashes of Her Love

An illusion

How unfortunate.
You saw the relationship as good soil and
refused to believe that nothing bad could grow
from it.
How optimistic you were, yet how wrong you
You were a rose with thorns and thought the
same of him, yet he was a cactus decorated
with colorful weeds.
Every time you reached for his heart, you only
hurt yourself.
You kept digging deep in the relationship in
hopes that this was an illusion. “He can't be
this bad,” you thought, but he is, and has
proven it over and over again.
Closing your eyes and hoping the truth isn’t
that bad will never make the bad disappear.

Ashes of Her Love


You were pretending to be in love

and she was pretending to leave.

And now, neither of you has to pretend.

Ashes of Her Love

Wall with guards

There is no more revolving door here.

You will not pick the lock with another empty,
“I miss you,” a shallow text, or another
meaningless apology.
There is no more swinging from side-to-side,
no coming in and leaving as you wish.
She has removed the revolving door and built
a wall with guards, making sure there’s
surveillance to catch thieves like you as they
try to sneak their way in.

Ashes of Her Love

For her to plant

It is too late to admire how hard she loved.

She is a gardener, all she needed was soil to
make empty grounds fruitful,
but you never made the ground of your heart
soft enough for her to plant anything.

Ashes of Her Love

How could it be

It’s not your fault that beautiful and

convincing words squeezed their way through
the gaps between their teeth into your ears.
It’s not your fault that your ears swallowed
words with hope, simply because your eyes
saw something promising.
It’s not your fault for believing in someone so
How could it be your fault when they had
their best poker face on, luring you to lay all of
your cards down because it was just a game to
them and not a journey?
How could it be your fault when you did
not fall foolishly into the same old, but were
blindsided by something different from an
angle you didn’t expect fake love to take?
How could it be your fault for loving how you
were supposed to love?
How easy it is for us to blame our hearts for
falling into the wrong arms, but quickly forget
how strong and safe those arms appeared to
It is not your fault for falling for a good liar

Ashes of Her Love

when they had every appearance of love...

Please stop blaming yourself, and learn to get
up after you’ve been fooled.

Ashes of Her Love

“What’s love without risk?”

With hands trembling, she handed you her

trust, fearful that this was another mistake on
“But what’s love without risk?” she asks.
You weren’t a risk, you were another mistake
waiting to happen, a lesson she has yet to stop

Ashes of Her Love

This is a loss

She will scrub your touch off her skin,

wipe your kisses off her lips, and
spit your promises out when she brushes away
the lies that hid themselves between her teeth.

She will eventually shed all she was with you,

to reclaim all she is meant to be without you.

This is a loss you must accept.

Ashes of Her Love

All she ever needed

All she ever needed was your attemp to

understand her, you belief that she was worth
studying and learning as lessons on love
continued to find their way in.

But all you ever wanted to learn were ways to

get the best of her while giving the least of
you. All you did was beg her to give you
chances you wouldn’t give her, and be to you
what you wouldn’t dare be to her.

All she ever needed was to feel understood,

while you were still learning how to
understand her.

Ashes of Her Love

Her voice never left

Her voice never left.

She did not suddenly stop complaining about
the less-than you kept offering.
Her silence eventually became her voice.
Her desire to argue about the things
suffocating the relationship had no longer
remained a priority.
Convincing you of what you ought to be doing
has become a thing of the past and deserves
no attention.

Her voice never left,

it became empty of concerns;
it became a warning that the end was near.

Ashes of Her Love

Ashes of Her Love


Ashes of Her Love

Ashes of Her Love

When he comes back

He will come back for you, dear,

women like you aren’t easily forgotten.
Your love will tape itself into his memory,
and your strength will always remind him how
weak he once was to a woman like you.
Your passion and gentleness left a mark on his
soul and is resting at the bottom of his heart.
He will not let go of what you once had easily.
He will come back.
Unfortunately, it won’t be in your timing.
When he comes back, it will be a season
too late.
It will be when the feelings start to fall, and
your heart is experiencing winter.
When he comes to knock, the door of your
heart will be far more secure and guarded
than before.
By then, your vision will be clear, and his
empty words that were once soothing to your
ears will sound like jibberish,
the ugliness of his intentions that once masked
themselves as something good will become

Ashes of Her Love

The name of her new man is reciprocity.

Ashes of Her Love

Another man like me

“You will never find another man like

me,” you promise her as anger fills your
blood for not getting what you want.
The thing is, a man like you is exactly what
she is NOT looking for.
Her heart will repel men like you,
her love can no longer be enticed by what you
have to offer.
If she ever finds another man like you, she will
quickly get rid of that bad apple, knowing the
sin it will commit against her.
You’re right, she will never find another boy
like you.

Ashes of Her Love

Do not bite

“I miss you,” is bait. Stop biting.

As he looks for other fish in the ocean, he will
throw those words to reel you back in by his
Do not bite.
Do not let those words swim from your ears to
your heart.
Random texts are meant to keep you flipping
the same page back and forth.
They are hooks with the same promises,
replaying the same story as he promises a
different one this time around.
As long as the line of communication remains
open, you’ll be having conversations with him.
You’ll be getting new chapters, but finding
yourself trapped in the same book, continuing
the same story.
Close the book.

Ashes of Her Love

Stand your ground

The way he begs will soften your guard.

His unexpected surprises will hide in your
memory the times he was everything but good
to you.
The way he looks with someone else on your
phone screen will strike a jealousy in you that
will make you want to protect what’s yours.

He isn’t yours.
Those surprises cannot buy you the time he
couldn’t afford, yet you still wasted on him.
Your guard isn’t there to keep love out, it’s
there to keep repeated offenders away.

Stand your ground, sis.

Ashes of Her Love

Your failed love

Please do not forget the early stage of your

failed love,
of this love story we are reading.
They are snippets of what’s to come,
the intro of a long song that will be all about
The string of your heart will create the perfect
melody, while the sound of happiness will
dance its way into your soul.

The difference between these intros and

what’s to come, is that the intro will skip, but it
will not stop. It will not be better than the

Ashes of Her Love

To settle down

She is no longer settling for potential;

that is no longer the appetizer she gets full
The potential to have her heart cared for and
her soul loved by someone who wants to
settle down and build a love story is what
she is hungry for.

Ashes of Her Love

I beg you to hold on

I promise you, it is not wrong to desire a love

that will make you wonder every second if it’s
a love that will keep fire burning in your soul,
joy flowing through your bones, and smiles
constantly on your face.
It exists somewhere out there, and it will find
its way to your heart as long as your heart
doesn’t grow empty of hope.
This love will come and it will make you love
you like you never thought you’d love you.
It will make you see yourself in a light like
you’ve never seen yourself before.
I am not saying it will be all about you, but
that it will improve you.
It will slowly bury disappointments in the past
and erase the doubts rooted in you.
It’s out there, let it find you.
When your failed experiences whisper to you
what reality is, that you’ll never find love,
remind it that miracles still exist, and God
doesn’t sleep.
Remind it that those who believe

Ashes of Her Love

eventually receive, not in their own timing,

but when the timing is right.
Love isn’t supposed to be mediocre and
ordinary, therefore do not have ordinary
expectations and believe love to be something
I beg you to hold on. The love that is full of
fire that will turn your world upside down and
shake every fear out of you is out
He made you feel and believe that you were
the center of his universe, but ended up being
a self-centered boy who only cared about his

You can still be the center of someone’s

Focus on selflessly being yours, and harvesting
more of your own love to yourself.

Ashes of Her Love

Love will come

Love isn't meant for those in a hurry,

those who like their food rushed and
those who do not wait for the timer to ever hit

Love will come to the patient, and students

who study their mistakes.
Those are usually the people who are living
beyond their experiences, and good things fall
into their lap.

Ashes of Her Love

Let it echo

Remember the ways he put a rope on the

neck of your self-esteem,
choked out your confidence,
strangled your insecurities?
Why hold on to the bad, you may ask?
Don’t hold onto it.
Let it echo in your mind, over and over, so
you remember why you must move on.
Then, forgive and forget.

Ashes of Her Love

Let it

Let everything burn down the way he burned

your trust.
Let it all drown the way he drowned your
Let it all die the way he let everything die.

Ashes of Her Love

You owe no one an apology

You owe no one an apology;

not to the ones who saw the perfection of the
glass house but couldn’t see cracks in the
not to the ones who only saw the good in him
the way you saw it in the beginning until you
met the other side of him behind closed doors,
not to the ones who tell you to fight for
not to the ones who cannot see your scars,
your pain, but see the smile and the strength
you finally found.
You owe no one who isn’t you an apology.

Ashes of Her Love

Let the ashes settle

Let those wounds breathe,

let the taste of that terrible relationship be
rinsed out of your mouth,
let those memories fly away as the experience
becomes something left in the hands of the
let him ask you a thousand times for an
opportunity to come back,
let his empty speeches echo their way in a
cloud somewhere far away from you,
let him stay blocked,
let the ashes settle.

Ashes of Her Love


Maybe she isn’t done chasing shiny objects,

but she is done chasing you.
You are no longer shiny,
no longer gold to her pure heart.

Ashes of Her Love

This is not another fight

This is not another fight.

The warrior in her knows how to choose her
She has lost enough to know the focus is on
the war,
the war between choosing herself and
choosing someone who eats away her joy, only
knowing how to conquer her heart with
everything but love.

This is not another fight,

this is her wiping the dust off her feet,
letting everything burn into ashes instead of
letting herself get burned trying to keep the
fire alive.

This is not another fight,

this is her lungs growing tired of the smoke.
This is however another fight for you, a fight
you will not win with beautiful lies and a
basket of promises.
The roses, the chocolate, the gifts, they are no
longer spells.

Ashes of Her Love

She is too far gone for you to think your tricks

will become the treats that bring her back to
your feet.

This is not another fight,

it’s the overdue goodbye.

Ashes of Her Love

This heart of yours

This heart of yours is asking you for time to be

still, my dear.
It’s begging you to move on without moving
into something new,
to patiently be yours for a little while,
to lay and cuddle a little bit longer with the
peace of your own presence,
to see yourself with the eyes you wish the
perfect lover will have for you.

This heart of yours wants you to be yours.

Ashes of Her Love

You will fall again

Starting over isn’t an incurable disease,

it is the first day of school,
the first step of a toddler,
the first time riding a bike.

You will find chemistry somewhere in the

crowd of humans here.
You will fall again, but when it happens,
don’t let the fear of falling keep you from
You will scrape your knees, taste some pain,
and become unchained and wander off your
path onto the wrong road.
Know you can always get back up and keep
pedaling until you arrive.

Ashes of Her Love

Closed book

Be a closed book that slowly

and carefully reveals its pages when it finds
someone who’s learned to read in your
language and loves your story.

Ashes of Her Love

Past lover

The present will never have enough to offer if

we are still trying to find something in the

Your presence will never be enough if they are

trying to find enough in their past lover.

Anyone who can’t keep flirting with their exes

should flirt with your absence.

Ashes of Her Love

Sick of you

You may think of him,

but entertaining the thought of being back
with someone who once made you lovesick
while growing sick of you, is to treat poison
as if it’s water.

Ashes of Her Love

Flirting with lust

You miss his touch,

the way his hands held you,
the way his lips became one with yours,
the way the lust swelled in his eyes when he
looked at you.

But, do you miss the way those lies tasted?

Do you miss the way he kept letting you
The way he treated your heart, like it was a
toy that was no longer needed once the
excitement wore off?

You can’t keep flirting with lust while you

are trying to chase love.

Ashes of Her Love


She is stuck, trying to choose between the

flowing river of false hope that runs from her
heart through her veins,
or the unfolding reality that her brain makes
sure her eyes see but never interpret.

Like the way he says, “I love you,” taking her

to a time when he meant it.
But the brain raises questions.
“Why does he treat you badly?” “Why does he
cheat?” “Why does he spoon-feed you sweet

Like the way he asks her to sacrifice more of

herself for the love story, and her heart agrees
that until she submits all of herself as an
offering to this love, it won’t go anywhere.

But the brain interrupts with reminders.

It reminds her how much she’s invested, but

gotten almost nothing in return except for
more demands.

Ashes of Her Love

Like the way her heart tells her love is fighting,

until there’s no more breath left in her.

But the brain whispers, “There’s no love to

even fight for. You’re just in the ring fighting
for things not to end sooner.”

She was stuck, but just now understanding

that despite the size of our hearts and their
ability to see the beauty to come, love is a
force that cannot be forced.

Ashes of Her Love

Sweet and smooth words

There has never been a better “I’m sorry”

than changed behavior,
a better repentance than turning away
from the sin you’ve committed,
yet he continued to let his mouth redirect your
heart while he continued to head down the
same direction.

This is how manipulation finds roots.

He says things to make you stay, while he
continues to do things to make you leave.
You see clearly through his ways, but there’s a
flame of hope he keeps burning with his
unkept promises.

Open your eyes and look at what he’s done…

what keeps coming out of his mouth,
those sweet and smooth words, a sword
with a perfect little bowtie.

Ashes of Her Love


The end of us was the beginning of me.

Who I was with you died and gave birth to the
person you suggested I become.
I did not turn into everything you wanted, but
I became the better version of me you once
I no longer give the friends you suggested I let
go of the voice to whisper their opinions in my
I no longer entertain the people you once told
me to stay away from simply because you
knew their intentions.
You are gone,
I cannot deny that you were right.
Now they are gone.
I no longer give my time to the activities I
once became devoted to, but you saw no
progress in.
The lack of productivity from those things
eventually left a bad taste in my mouth,
and I swallowed the truth you spoke
concerning them.

Ashes of Her Love

Part of me has died with you, and parts of me

have died because of you.

- Sincerely Her

Ashes of Her Love

To be continued…

Pick up your copy of

“Sparking Her Own Flame”
to continue.

Ashes of Her Love

Free Book
Watering Your Soil
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HER Vol. 2
Unspoken Feelings of a Gentleman
To the Women I Once Loved

Other Books
Unspoken Feelings of a Gentleman II
In Love with You
Apologies That Never Came

Coming soon

All available at


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