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Sh#dow work does not h#ve to be done in one d#y.

It c#n be done over some

time. Donʼt feel like you need to cle#r out your whole sh#dow in one sitting or
even one d#y. Just commit to returning to your inner work.

M#ke # list of people/situ#tions th#t w#s tr#um#tising to you.

Step 1 Journ#ling - Wh#t h#ppened #nd how it m#de you feel.

For your journ#ling work choose the first person on your list you know you need
to do rele#sing work for, to he#l #nd cre#te sp#ce for wh#t you do w#nt. There
is no wrong w#y to st#rt this.

Who is the person: (for ex#mple) S#ndy (23), d#ughter, sister, 5th-gr#de
te#cher (or #ny person#l inform#tion you c#n #dd to m#ke this #s person#l #s
possible. The go#l is to view the person from #n outside perspective. Who #re
they if they #renʼt just the person who h#rmed you)

This is # little bit of # thinking #nd feeling g#me, we now need to dive into our
unconscious memories #nd think b#ck.

C#n you n#me 3 of the first emotions you c#n remember triggered by this
person? Think #s f#r b#ck #s you c#n. Bre#the into the scene, close your eyes,
think b#ck the furthest your mind goes. Feel those feelings #g#in. Whether
good or b#d. N#me them, write them down.

Why #nd how were those emotions triggered?

C#n you n#me the strongest emotion this person h#s ever m#de you feel
throughout knowing them?

Why #nd how w#s th#t emotion triggered. In which setting, wh#t h#ppened
th#t d#y?

C#n you remember the l#st emotion this person m#de you feel? Even if it w#s
right now #s youʼre doing this work.

Why #nd wh#t triggered it?

N#me 3 of the worst experiences youʼve gone through c#used by/ with this
person. 3 things th#t they did to hurt you. Write out the 3 stories in #s much
det#il #s you c#n. How did it m#ke you feel? Why did it m#ke you feel th#t w#y?
Even if itʼs # repe#t of the emotions #bove try to get #s much out #s possible.

Think b#ck #s f#r #s you c#n remember #nd write out #ny situ#tions th#t you
know you need to he#l from in #s much det#il #s you possibly c#n. Everything
you c#n remember #bout the scene, put yourself b#ck there. The colours, the
smells, the feelings)

How it m#de you feel

Why does it m#ke you feel th#t w#y

We dive into feelings bec#use we w#nt to cle#r th#t energy. Feelings give off
unique vibr#tions. We w#nt to #ccess those feelings linked to the memories.
C#lling it to the conscious mind to be processed properly.

Regrets #bout e#ch situ#tion. (Regrets could r#nge from things left uns#id, to
things th#t were overs#id. During this portion donʼt le#ve #nything out.)

Write # little letter to the person/people/pl#ce involved expressing #ll your

feelings. In this little letter get #ll your frustr#tion out, be #s blunt #nd brut#l #s
you w#nt. Cuss, scre#m, bre#k the pencil. Wh#tever you c#n do to get the
stuck vibr#tions out, do th#t now. Ple#se donʼt hold b#ck during this portion.
Be #s open #s you c#n. If words donʼt w#nt to come out scribble on the piece
of p#per while picturing the scene in your he#d. This is tr#nsferring the
emotion/thought/vibr#tion into something physic#l. Remember to #dd how it
m#de you feel #nd why it m#de you feel th#t w#y. Asking why it m#de you feel
th#t w#y could reve#l deeper p#st triggers resurf#ced. Th#tʼs sh#dow work,
becoming vulner#ble so you c#n reve#l deeper triggers, deeper stuck
memories, emotions, thoughts #nd vibr#tions. This is you dissolving it.

N#me 3 of the best experiences youʼve lived through with e#ch person. Write
out the 3 little stories in #s m#ny det#ils #s you c#n. How it m#de you feel e#ch
experience #nd why it m#de you feel th#t w#y. (If you c#nʼt remember
#nything good. M#keup 3 good experiences. Your subconscious mind doesnʼt
know the difference between re#l #nd im#gin#ry)

Writing out the good experiences #s well removes # little bit of resentment.
Resentment is wh#tʼs built over time from things left uns#id, unhe#rd,
unprocessed. Freeing ourselves from resentment is the ultim#te step forw#rd
tow#rds our own emotion#l, ment#l #nd spiritu#l freedom from the person.

This will reve#l more #bout yourself #s well, youʼll st#rt to re#lise these
experiences #re much more th#n the person or situ#tion. Itʼs #bout you, it
reve#ls why some of these experiences m#de you feel the w#y it did.

N#me 3 of the things you most disliked #bout the person. 3 moments, tr#its,
ch#r#cteristics, #ttitudes, etc

You donʼt h#ve to do #ll people #t once. Pick one person #nd go through it step
by step. One situ#tion, step by step. No need to overwhelm yourself t#ke your

N#me 3 things like most of the people. Think even if itʼs #s sm#ll #s “I like their
h#ir” or #s big #s “their cour#ge” this helps you see the person from #
different perspective. It helps you bre#k free from the s#me perspective you
couldʼve been unconsciously stuck in.

Step 2 Visu#l convers#tion. A visu#l convers#tion is so good, especi#lly in

sh#dow work. The subconscious mind doesnʼt know wh#t is re#l or im#gin#ry.

Pick # scene, this c#n be # coffee shop, be#ch etc somewhere person#l to you
#nd the person, perh#ps # pl#ce you used to visit together. See them w#lk into
the scene, but the version of the person you just met. Before everything, in the
beginning. Greet them, let them sit next to you. You #re in control of this
convers#tion, they will listen. They #re just there to listen. Tell them #ll th#t
h#ppened between the two of you, this version is just there to listen. Tell them
everything you could never tell them #nd when everything is off your chest. S#y
goodbye to them. Hug them #nd w#tch them w#lk #w#y.

Reverse scene. Now youʼre the one w#lking into the scene, you in the
beginning. Think b#ck to yourself the first d#y you met this person, th#t version
of yourself is now w#lking into the scene #nd the version of the person in
writing #re envisioned #s they #re tod#y. See them sitting there. They #re kind
to you, no hostility from them, they h#ve # sm#ll smile on their f#ce #nd they
#re being respectful during this convers#tion. Now you listen, let this version
them tell you everything from their perspective. Donʼt defend yourself too much
during this. Just listen, the s#me w#y they listened in the scene before. After
youʼve s#id #ll you h#ve to s#y #nd listened to #ll they h#ve to s#y. Get up, hug
them, turn #round #nd w#lk out of the scene #s youʼre w#lking out of the scene
see it dis#ppe#r behind you #nd you w#lk into # light-filled sp#ce. Just you #nd
nothingness but light. There is # door in front of you, youʼre #bout to w#lk
through this door #nd behind the door is your new consciousness. Your
consciousness th#t h#s forgiven #nd let go of this person. The p#rt of you th#t
is he#led, the p#rt of you th#t s#id #ll you h#d to s#y #nd he#rd #ll you h#d to
he#r. Your highest vibr#tion#l self.

You c#n use this visu#l convers#tion method for #nyone on your list. Itʼs
listening #nd be he#rd, by the best version of yourself in their mind #nd the
best version of them in your mind.

I suggest using your childhood selves when envisioning these convers#tions

with f#mily members.

You c#n #lso h#ve # visu#l convers#tion with yourself. Going b#ck in time to
#ny point where you know you need some support. Cre#te # port#l #nd step
into the scene, you c#n be your protector or just someone whoʼs there to listen
to your story #nd give #dvice. This is so powerful #g#in, it tr#nsfers energy
from now to then #nd b#ck.

Step 3 forgiveness letters

Forgiveness letters. Forgiveness letters #re so import#nt bec#use it #llows us

to get everything out on p#per with the intention of rele#se. It tells your mind
youʼre now working on th#t thing th#tʼs been keeping you b#ck for # while,
youʼre t#king #ction tow#rds rele#sing it #nd setting yourself free. Youʼre
t#king conscious #ction tow#rds he#ling.

Forgiveness letters in 3 steps

X n#me,

I forgive you for..

I forgive you for..
I forgive you for..

M#ke # list of everything you forgive them for everything you c#n remember
over the ye#rs, in this exercise itʼs best to n#me every single thing th#t comes
to mind even if it doesnʼt seem like # big de#l for ex#mple “I forgive you for
driving off #nd le#ving me to do the cle#nup work” to #s b#d #s “I forgive you
for che#ting.”

Forgive them for im#gin#ry things #s well, our subconscious mind does not
know the difference between re#lity #nd im#gin#tion. So if youʼve ever been
m#d #t e#ch individu#l for doing something even if it w#s #ll # neg#tive
#ssumption #nd even if itʼs been cle#red up #lre#dy. Write it out. This is deep
thinking work. Sh#dow work is diving in. If you c#nʼt #ccess some of the
memories try medit#tion before your sh#dow work.

“I forgive you for not c#lling me b#ck #nd spending the night with th#t wom#n/
m#n” even if there w#s no wom#n/m#n #nd you just felt th#t w#y #t the time it
w#s h#ppening. “I forgive you for che#ting on me bec#use you h#te me” even
though it is not true writing out #ll of those things even if itʼs just im#gin#ry.
Our feelings #re v#lid even if it w#s # neg#tive #ssumption. It doesnʼt me#n the
person owes us #nything though. We #re the m#sters of our growth, by doing
he#ling work, rele#sing #nd forgiving it does not me#n we #re doing the work
#nd they donʼt deserve our forgiveness. It is us pr#ctising our will over our own
lives #nd growth despite wh#t they did to us. Or wh#t h#ppened to us.

After youʼve m#de # list even if itʼs # whole p#ge long #dd the words “I now
forgive you for every wrong youʼve done #g#inst me physic#lly, emotion#lly,
ment#lly, #nd spiritu#lly. Whether re#l or im#gin#ry I now rele#se the p#rts of
you my being is still holding onto for some type of closure. This is my closure.
With this letter, I forgive #nd rele#se you.”

You c#n burn this letter in # fire-s#fe pl#ce #nd blow the #shes #w#y. You c#n
t#ke pictures of the p#pers to store your work, but I suggest burning out the
physic#l p#pers. Burning it out physic#lly tr#nsmutes the energy into #sh, you
blowing it #w#y signifies your rele#se. Cre#ting sp#ce in your energy field for
more of the things you do w#nt. Youʼre showing your subconscious mind
physic#l proof th#t you #re he#ling #nd rele#sing.

This isnʼt done just once, you c#n do it # couple of times. If you feel like thereʼs
more to s#y #t # l#ter time, return to the p#per. Put it on p#per, scribble while
youʼre envisioning the scenes th#t youʼre w#nting to tr#nsmute, cry, scre#m,
yell, te#r up the p#per, bre#k the pencil point, just get the energy out on p#per.

Following the s#me forgiveness letter str#tegy, you used #bove. It is now time
to write # forgiveness letter to yourself. Forgive yourself for every moment you
felt like you shouldʼve w#lked #w#y but didnʼt, every moment you felt like you
shouldʼve s#id something but didnʼt, everything you feel like you did wrong
tow#rds #nyone. Anything th#t comes up, whether re#l or im#gin#ry.

Your n#me,

I forgive myself for…

I forgive myself for…

L#stly, it is now time to forgive the divine. We forgive the person who hurt us,
we forgive ourselves #nd then we forgive the divine bec#use unconsciously we
expect to be protected from every b#d experience by the divine we h#ve f#ith
in, #nd even if some of the b#d things th#t h#ppened w#s # blessing in
disguise, we could feel some unconscious/subconscious or even conscious
feelings of betr#y#l. Even if you donʼt feel like the divine/God/source/The
universe did #nything wrong. Whether re#l or im#gin#ry. Forgiveness sets you

God/The Universe/ source (your choice of word to describe the power)

I forgive you for…
I forgive you for…

Step 4 revisioning

Revisioning. Revisioning it is you t#king your power b#ck over your ment#l
sp#ce, over your memory. Yes, it h#ppened, #nd youʼve written it down. Youʼve
forgiven it #nd youʼve rele#sed it. Now itʼs time to retell the story.

Write # list of experiences th#t h#ppened in your life th#t you wish you could
ch#nge, th#t if it did ch#nge, youʼd feel better.
See yourself there #t th#t moment #g#in, but this time the neg#tive scene
doesnʼt pl#y out. This time everything works out, this time the conflict is
resolved #nd the betr#y#l never h#ppens. This does not excuse wh#t they did,
but it m#kes you reim#gine the scene. You #re rewriting your p#st to ch#nge
your vibr#tion in the present.

Step 5 cord-cutting

When it comes to cord-cutting. This is the fin#l rele#se. This is you cutting the
energetic cord between you #nd wh#tever you #re freeing yourself from.

Cord-cutting shows your subconscious mind # cle#r picture th#t you now wish
to rele#se this energetic #tt#chment.

You c#n cut cords with #nything #nd everything. Any emotion, #ny moment
from the p#st, #ny regret, doubt, guilt. You c#n cut cords with #ny person or
version of # person or version of yourself. You c#n cut the cords with #ny
progr#mming, beh#viours, or #ddiction. With your free will you c#n
energetic#lly remove yourself from #nything.

Cord-cutting is # visu#lis#tion exercise. You perform it by envisioning # port#l

in front of you, be #s cre#tive #s youʼd like. In this port#l is wh#tever youʼre
energetic#lly divorcing. See the word, emotion, person, experience in th#t
port#l #nd the cords th#t #re #tt#ched to you flowing into the port#l. You c#n
now see scissors or knife, or wh#tever you wish you cut the cords within your
h#nd. Before doing this exercise you could cut # c#rrot or #pple, p#y #ttention
to how itʼs being cut, focus on the motion. T#ke # ment#l note of it. During your
cord-cutting exercise cut these cords with the s#me focus #s you did the
c#rrot, w#tch it f#ll #w#y from you. Does it m#ke #ny sound? How does it feel
when it is det#ched from you? Remember this c#nnot hurt you. You c#n cut
every cord you see. If there #re more cords th#n you c#n h#ndle without
rushing it or getting overwhelmed you c#n #lw#ys t#ke # bre#k #nd return to
cord-cutting. As long #s you return with your focus, intention #nd will you #re
honouring your commitment to he#ling. Be gentle with yourself, donʼt expect
yourself to be # whole new version of yourself in one d#y or even # week, but
know the work th#t you do tod#y #nd during e#ch week th#t p#sses tr#nsforms
you into the version of yourself youʼre he#ling into. Itʼs # journey.

I suggest doing cord cutting with multiple #re#s, situ#tions, experiences,

people. Itʼs not # one #nd done de#l, itʼs # pr#ctice. Like medit#tion.

Step 6 gr#titude

Gr#titude is one of the highest vibr#tions in this universe. When we c#n

express gr#titude for the experiences weʼve h#d good #nd b#d is when we
bre#k through energetic w#lls. We c#n put our ego #side #nd feel # high
vibr#tion over # low vibr#tion willingly. This is #lso us pr#ctising our free will.
Choosing with your free will th#t you will feel different #bout the situ#tion even
if itʼs just for 10 seconds. You were #ble to bre#k through ego w#lls for those 10
seconds. Every moment counts.

Write e#ch person on your list # th#nk you letter for #ll the experiences th#t
comes to mind whether good or b#d n#me e#ch one individu#lly.

Th#nk you for..

Th#nk you for..
Th#nk you for..

Th#nk you for te#ching me how strong I #m

Th#nk you for lying to me it showed me how strong my intuition is
Th#nk you for hurting me it showed me how resilient I #m
Th#nk you for trying to get me down, it showed me just how powerful my
ground is.
Th#nk you for (good memory)

Step 6 grounding medit#tion

After #ll the sh#dow work youʼve done diving into your subconscious #nd
unconscious mind, it is now time to do some grounding. To return to the centre.
This doesnʼt h#ve to be for long, but I suggest doing grounding medit#tions
#fter he#vy sh#dow work #t le#st 2+ minutes. 2+ minutes of surrender.

This is you surrendering to the he#ling.

You c#n go outside #nd sit on the ground. This c#n be during the d#y or night,
just go pl#nt yourself onto the ground, close your eyes, t#ke # couple of deep
bre#ths, e#ch bre#th you bre#the in envision light energy from the e#rth rise
from deep in its soil, eventu#lly covering your body with its light. When you
bre#the out, envision your light energy extend from below you, #lmost like
roots, see it going deeper into the e#rth, pl#nting itself deep in the ground, with
e#ch bre#th you bre#the out, feel how sturdy you become, #lmost like # tree.
Youʼre now grounded. Rem#in in this energy for #s long #s you wish. When you
wish to end your medit#tion see # countdown in your mind 5, 4, every number
down see light energy fill your vision 3, 2 the im#ge you hold in your he#d is
now just light energy you c#n see nothing but white light #t 1 you c#n open
your eyes.

You c#n do this #s often #s you ple#se. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or
overthinking you c#n do your grounding pr#ctice. It doesnʼt h#ve to be outside,
you c#n do it inside. You c#n #dd the outside for dr#m#tics #nd the solid
connection between #nd the e#rth.

Your go#l is to move into # st#te of #bund#nce.

After e#ch sh#dow work period, when you know youʼve rele#sed so much.
Burned the p#ges, grounded the energy. You c#n envision your energetic
sp#ce, see the emptiness of where the stored energy used to be. In the sp#ce
open # port#l #nd #llow wh#tever youʼre seeking to f#ll through in #bund#nce
#nd fill th#t sp#ce up. Whether itʼs money, love, possessions. W#tch it fill th#t
sp#ce up #nd become # p#rt of your energetic body now.

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