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KAKA K RSS DIGESTIVE SYSTEM identify the main structures including organs that make up the digestive system, Identify the two groups of digestive system, desoribe the functions of the structures and organs of digestive system. describe the structures of the lower gastrointestinal organs. explain the actions and functions of the lower gastrointestinal organs. describe the structures of the accessory organs of the Digestive system. Explain the functions of the accessory organs of the digestive system. explain the six processes of food breakdown in the digestive system desoribe the phases of the digestive system. explain the implications occurring due to problems of the digestive system. INTRODUCTION The digestive system takes in food (ingests food) breaks it down physically and chemically into nutrient molecules (digests it) and absorbs the nutrients into the bloodstream. Then it rids the body of the indigestible remains (defecates). The organs of the digestive system can be separated into 2 main groups: 4. alimentary canal 2. accessory digestive organs The alimentary canal performs the whole menu of digestive functions; ingests, digests, absorbs and defecates. Organs of the Alimentary Canal The Accessory Organs Also called the gastrointestinal (Gl) tract. A continuous coiled, hollow muscular tul f Gun the ventral body cavity and is open at both ends. Its organs are the & ao = Mouth = Pharynx =@ 3% © Oesophagus = Stomach Small intestine wor —4 Parotid gland = Large intestine eam) Sublingual gland | saivary = anus ang / Symone | onde In a cadaver, the alimentary canal is approximately 9 meters (30 feet) long, but in a living person, it is considerably shorter because of its relatively constant muscle tone The accessory organs are the: © Teeth © Salivary glands © Pancreas = Liver and Gallbladder The accessory organs assist the process of digestive breakdown in various ways. + Sigmold colon ge1]i

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