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The Politics of Muslim Cultural Reform Jadiclism in Central Asia Adeeb Khalid UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS 5 ay Angles London ccuarren The Origins.of Jadidism tao, yoag man vee fe se Tannin Raley Semmes Tame ne, Cayo he omy ast ese pou neo Nato ht ld Eh wh ne so te sua n ‘er encom poly binned ‘cue denopsee it dcton ae Owen ena Epeantew elgg cone’ whan oe Ure ‘ce Songer mone ek ts espn ‘Seatnpepe ean, ued byte Crnean Tacoma tay Gap 5-91 Rte pai ‘Seton he aera et ty “iets gee {F WC) nig sd pve toe emt Phin Hes ported ic hag ere ee iso the new talon y Capon Oe yy he ‘racanunicpal rato earner ree eho shoe std and ued apevagape ed en eg acct pn Hs ang ieee coer Sa ‘ors ops se rl mine ea ia Tears ea Ase pyr when 1S Puli te a) opened Saran Down te pr wen rn pp nt os ooo wake om th sep gn nd que og the new age demanded. i a “Te Orga of idm & Yet for ll his enthusiasm foe ref, Behbud (1874 feom the old clara ele of Tuskestan ifthe was ga inthe i lope of Bakshi Tepe onthe okie of Smargand, nd BeNbud was taugh he standard madras teats ofthe sme at home by his father and ‘tc. Baris athe did when Bebbudl was tent, and he was forced tofind work He worked a mired site foam nclewhoserved sg, before becoming» gi hime! The fal was prosperous enough for lod o travel aad, ad he was atte enough nto squander bs real Lary, he owned houses in beh tbe Rasim and native parte Ut Sumarqed (eb ved inthe Russian part) as wll tn dei ‘Gnas apical land He alo raed rnin adn to keeping ‘spoon ae 2 fia Samargand? Tek experionce war exceptional ony in that he was he most _syominont iparesn the add noementaat roe in Central Asia around ~The frm af the enti entry. He was very mach a gue ois ime, “xpeiccing the wold ia manner thar woul have bon imposible for Tis compusoe a generation eer and mag we of fos of com ‘mansion andoaniation that had nt existed before Hels ca feet embodied ll the seeming paradoxes of Masim cultural reform is {Cetra Aa It moe oc proponent was rooted inthe eration of ‘Maslin earnings et advoqited the adopdon of new curl forms ale though Jin encased debacle of Rin ficildom, its ‘list expresions emeredin the nga of ecildomy and although it trae response Rusan le itumore coetant feature was a cules ‘Flue of Maslin society. These are paradoxes, however, ony fw in Si on vecing Jain merely na 4 “respons” to calontainor “the Challenge ofthe Wes" an expression of atonal, directed solely a thecoloniaer, The challenge was notinherentiobviosoall Rather, [isn tobe located athe intersection of Russian curl policies + fd poceses of sil and economic changeset in motion bythe Res ian conquest which put older patterns of cata prodecton under) compart the rare etme cece don iba oars ame si peawatean Aad Ai, Mane Bod a taint” Gabeisor dabei sora, ‘shee se e Toe Osi fie strain and allowed new vie to emerge Jae ws otha oil and ‘calarl phenomenon. THE FIRST GENERATION ‘Theatocy of compensa frm watt he “rl otro Ren conquer nse he horny Ra sanandnatne reves efor xg coal acts roel mare orn The aon the ded nota on ‘Se eas ries beer er dart cn o See eee eee (encircle prior cn de ‘str eta he mane he repos cme eed ‘lakes tonal wy fe tt fica aver Rosin, Min fom Chita Thelema subnet {sivas sedin-ham whch wasnt haa, frome eco sroundng one, The eas ad (lta Reenene of coma At oberon or ter dict e Nonna ape ian ca hwo ew ctr etry. Sis me cme ae th apo ok Weakly mecha che ‘Sybai owes the new Rasian cies any lms se eer eee ees ‘ante odeioellanioes Ss Kae Ablgacoi ate {sorheainin Chile fin of he Rann congas hey ‘Sop the waco many ch nda Inte con florng he Reston congue ote own eat Khost hs Son He made he sensory howecy os Min ori he Raion army, cera eer, fom whom eared Rasa. ‘SeRhuo hae contd el or ral As orn Ras Sis forte yar, een ara ye ug Ras in schol ceblshedin ne ater s,m eas where waked sen reson gore per ren inn he etn Tene elias Ro Sinpuretov i ow farted te rope ne ad so Bswonto the rman: Moi Khoj sont ey aaa “uh we Scored wehbe one’ Sent ed Aaa He sa Ome ey eons ch oe Tie Orkin of iin rensinc a ial is ile, bu be lard Russian ad consorced with Ranian acl, Although iialy opposed oi he aught Rosin 0 hrsons on f whom atended th ina Bot Muhiein also caught thats the ual ndash xs home and arsed him off athe ge | fsneen “The colonial ein ad ete practice ot Mes iw steals lowed forthe survival ofthe maktab and he madeas. Kaufman col furl poles semmed rom his general ouiok on Iam. Propel i, towed and deprived of tae support, makabs and madrasas woud aa) tomatic Joe thee aretion for the popalation, The at was tobe i Concerned with ateatng the cal popsation o Rusia schools, whee | ! mete edcaonal cn the crenonof eh ates of Resa" Sa getaeas Sra tate ta) see) SS eters aa Sa ae 4 Dibatt min ech ow Konan rel Taksonhogs Ke A (ie et at ro ren» Hteunon ' nts SRST San ep neti mob 4 ERIE Rec men 0 il The Orin of ai, ante 4 seustiMs 18 RUSSIAN EDUCATIONAL nsterdrrons (seuscreD vEA8S) Ginnasivand opis = M1060 eae =e a igh inary hols Ms 1a ee Thomgicesimmeser scan Ra AER SL ing properties loadin Bakara were confiscated whl the miro Bo har tas llow mali (ruses fom adatom res asl lca speed, and may claims were ee , sted on echnicalties Despite such dictie,hooghy the cuca fuchocty of masta and the knowlege to be seguizd in then se men conte to consider spending several aie intact and 4. NA. May Dik Samarkand” Matra dasa Tehri, -e mt a et ee eee ot iR apconge tamnneinee or ae pra 5) Slay eal ome a ri ae ee tere ered oan ok he Tae oa bed The Ox fin us Kokand were expecially densely populated and aracted students even fom Bakara, New madraras were founded afer the conquest: Ofte ‘sight mndcaa in essen Sapargand oblate years 1892— 1895, 0 fowee than fo had been founded snc the conquest and ‘thi i nthe second cera “The earcstcommenaie om the changed fortanes of Central Asia ‘ume in radionl ones Te fing ofa world rune upside down “xpress nes by Zakir Farge (2858-1909) the popular and poe, ns widely shaved in he ierary ie fh es pene Sion fe the conquest: ‘Ait Th common ate hard he eased wretched “Teen hl thread god the wie oe maple under ‘an theca ave bea ol a thaw eae ‘Chronicles by diated cour fil ach as Ahmad Makhdum Di ‘ish and Abdul Sain Bakara continued to cast the maratve of the detne of Matin foreues in Caneel Aa i hese featework tral afer therm ofthe entry. Many pow, omer, went beyond Sich lament and wed eae o esrb, with pea o sate, many of the new penamena they wtneed. Mach of his poety appeared inthe TW, which slong wih longune tor N.P- Onur, played & ental if secoingyparadoicl role in he atialation of ew wes. Hatorian have tended eo dns te TWG alto hay. Inthe inion of Alexandre Benign and Chantal emer ‘asad eat ee eet Seca et tte Se Ui nab See ee al ek ee inst chm yoda fm 94h THEARU 955811 206 ‘RSet ae Brew oe ane JE ae hee Re ee ieee iit ae erences Sa eeatemmen thst ce peter Ze ee fe ‘Teoria adm role wat far more ambivalent began Mein #870 a8 a weely spp nen vt Sar” and Quzagedins alternating every week) tothe Tar estab edomtprined at the newly sabed piting pres 0 ‘he miy headgoarers in Tale In 188, the Que eon wat sandoned altogether and the Sart version trned-nto a west new ‘sper ints own right Became biweekly in 1908, The TWG was one that Ter arene precast Ran cpt od apt foto biel periods in r906-1908 and 1915-1915, when avernaclar commercial pres exited in Turkestan, emaned the oly oa nee ‘sper a Cental Ala ithe esi pid “The newspape was esablshed by Kaufman's deice i oxder 10 “inform the popalace of all manner of dere eed bythe governor. geneal"The rs sue ofthe newspaper promised that ie wl so lade allinds of zee about rade sndhappeningn Tashkent and other ies.” ts fisttor ma Shahinanda habia Tata fam Oc: ‘burg wi worked as taastor nthe onerorgeneral chancel In iso years the newspaper was aimed at mate enctonans, wham t sought erp abreast ofthat elton nd ese aleo served {opeotiea second of Kaufman’ comings and goings, sed hisconqus “Thee ofthese eeary report fen writen in convoluted pose that ge every ination of ison in Raia burenacatere) was ight xed by the publication of te rom the Thowand and One Nights ad dm nei ts from the Resin pes By the mi-r705, however, the newspaper began pulsing piece yi reader ax wel as “wef Information” abou the moders worl. Uf infomation ange from smaccount ofthe words geography andthe names of important sates, {through deszipsons of hoeae balloons, rasp, and telephones (at cal as 1881) to inseuctions about the cation of couon and ike ‘woes. In 2879, when Ibeehimow wen to Europe on vaction e set ‘bck deceptions of hs ual for reader ofthe newspaper, ths po ving he fst descripon of Bei in Cel Asian Turkic Readers Contato sally recounted local aur and sandal bt hy alo ‘began fai opinions abou the shortcomings of Central Asan sci seh 8-170 Pome Co A ew Renin op oe emery cee ae ee ice Ct Roney we rd Ore, Se ete eee che ‘The Orga faim, “The arial a es ela of Nikolai Petrovich Oseoumoy in 1883 changed oemspaper A tadent @f Nikola mini tthe Kazan Spi Situ Seminary, where he pecialized in Arabic Tsk nguages, and Islam, Qnoumon (846950) aie Tsken in xr asehe ca city of inspector ofchool for Turkestan." Over tang, be was osere [diet ofthe newly funded Taken Teaches Colle and then ‘he dietr ofthe Taskent men’ pinmania. Heaton was sb msonry, but in Tues where Keafoan bad prohibited prowl “tion bythe Church, Osouioy sa himself san upholer of “Ortho ‘Sox monarchs” og hoi leaning to casuethe sat best inertia the eon Hi onealst eredatal aneaced the aenion ‘the authorises, and he son had easy aces o Kannan and Che isey, who, daring his Brie snare a gotemor general between 2812 1884, appointed hiedincoCTWG. inwhich pion seves.un- flagi7. Over the years, Onroumor became the resident xpert one thing connected with cl ls andthe abort oui sbcted is ‘opinions on sbjets ranging rom Islamic dogma to poi concering towered school ls served acoso for books published lo- {aly In addition, he maintained» copious corespondence with mis- Slomais and oils Rana a well as abroad and produced an Sonshng amount of wring ina namber of repitets-His missionary fnvereste ate elected in bitraaation ofthe Bent “Chagas,” a+ tel sin the pblicaton of asses of ebooks of amie vad Bot Sach wosk wat puted othe background by hs copious ouput onthe Ercheology, thaography and history of Catal Ata, which appeared in # ead sccession of arte and monographs. Asthepigraph tone of Ihe hooks astered “lee aeessary to sty the moral consti, te tebe and she way of feof the Sarin order ro beneficial influence theives” ‘Once derstood however, Sr hao Be lightened and that ask ‘oscounior made his own. Oszoumovs appointment a editor was par of broader silt away fr Kaufman polis, as his sucestors be ‘ame cnr with the lol populations coined disincination co {earn Rosian The TWG was (ote anierament ofthe new policy of ‘hatin ealghenmes anditwasto be used mach more cfeciey han 2s Omri cat uk uty pd ali pm es Reread " ‘The Orgs of ion In r89r,Osroumor made the acquaintance ofthe poet Fuga. At Os ‘roumor® ination, Forgat sted the gins andthe tea inthe ‘Russian part of Tashent and wre por describing them ha Os08- mov publabedin TW. Ontroumor ensured that Fargt ese aod ‘st honoe for his foe" In 8, when Fargat ef Taskenetotravel ‘rough anbul, Gress, Bulgari, Fey, Arabian Indi he even ‘ual seed in Yarknd in Chinese Terkesan, he mains bi eo. ‘espondence with Oxtoumoy, who cotaaad publish hi poetry and correspondence in TWG."" At the same time, Osroamov eo ‘ontelbutions rom thecal population, and TW often bomedinely ‘hat among te contrbutors: For Ortoamos i was mich Deter eo hve the ottnes debate mate andr his watchfl eye than on thei own. Hence his suspicion ofthose— Tatas, Jails, eve oer Rassan sp article sn the very fee ee of Taran 1996, lm ADs (Gab {or} its Tar editor, binely denounced "this newspaper whose pub linker and eitr i he famods missionary Nikolai Onounoy, while ‘Malls li [its "ate" sabedioe and conebator 2 wter wh for several yeas as Ben sling his Boar or hyo hit Sve rable 2 ‘ninth. ”® For Osroumos the rason for thitade war simple: "Not having great succes among the native, prope Tatars do noe ide thee die ofthe Editor of the aie newspaper [TW], calling hi a ‘mbslonay inthe cil seme, «Ras, sce he defended sd de sethantes 1 Ri Sotho ey 4-20: BS Taam s ee nF le Toe Orn of ain & Tech stems end pied set nacatoes at ont “key and cecal an wl ing no good. Ret cen jus cht Sos the ee fo al hy Oona ion fore coreppondenct with asp who are pub inh Truman he ae yet ae Onoumoy bese ete of "TVG. The oro wor changed subsp an inal mat {ned high eel of city both in rian in orespondn: JADIDISMS Athowghitvinponste rode ging sin Cn Asa ‘ek any peony the eo ery porn pase thee Tran gnarl gave may fo expres of pefound dition Sih eet ate of Catal alan ey alpine pple rca tn wie scp on cn ei (Cost sigue wine by sal cates of opinion mont “eeu ces in etc Main en the Rasa pie Fae ee 2k a Ms Modern Ran yh See ta Wg yt and eer “ual iy oo {Gone Sst deuce Eda wary Serre Cima: Toe Srl for Serial Data, NC, 398 » ‘The Orns ain, mon pop ist Ara diet ging he sew thd bc wiped ang Tae pope Ct Sisk aad nas fete mids the sleuth oa can ban ere Sls among tc Vl nary who ing nthe lh epte sedi eae yh Cesta ono hanes Ean es Tela lft of eld gins et an lon pa thing cv among Vl a mds icing ss oe ier and oe res eae} pron ere Sk pe Soca Groen Mi er “Th lamsn somes Conn gush manele sur acon tan sng te pup eo ‘ty, Tojo had sc eikonal uns pe testy we ceed gps ef cy ponte Col a Je Cag hea shade Kihei by Come ‘is Jad, many of whom were sous! wit hi peer Seay od xa an emer et a to etn seal se ge the Tua ros seeds th mrs Cn aa cmp fn tome aims rom oe urs ef he Rene pce Cul Ae {pm in moc wl, Howey tsar at i FcrentAnecoe ny sero ifn eee \apleeerton of et od onnennEropean Resi \ The view of Tatars as the prime movers of Jadid reform in Central Asia cones fom te mr snap rr One seh i ‘eon nthe a and ups of Ren ilo oped isan faa Tike wee bay maps fais itr ma Cp Ra ek aaa |r” in 8, Pay. Csr Ass Moms ean, 1992) a isi ase en Bano 8c aH in, one ns tol ey Sere macnn moe aa "iar ate, eit Ta Secor, Rei Aerie ofan The BRC ihe derbi Trks oval ey dar or eb 98, tte nel ittaemeis “The Orn of iin ” ici by dfn, oes new ware Kein had xy a Spd iin ince pig Ba Ta pied {cal om Joni ck sean ach emp ol Stee Sele npiion: Onsruny companad 0 Capra i T07—F Sto ef cour, ermine he ore ofits, ut alwys est etic ans al conus Tass tne ein! slo! om the Rania ands palon rslaton 0 eer rr fhe Nin 1° Siar osmens eon lal ooo {te om the psn Slr, bth Soviet and Wes ve ded set ew sv acute efectos ey ats ftemor compen Th pc or fee aos wal wth he ‘Sig any Tatar ow heer oh nt ede of Jeeta common ithe Rosen pew th sion © ‘aten Cen ote ce mys many 0 for aad ‘Sey would bate voices wenig Uity, wee Tra wow fora snc wick Cn Sano ‘ped mga pn ond epee, Cental san {ele alae oti ce™ Titeios by iret hovn of» common ond gs he atts nel wore fom sew the soc of Tate oon {how Cal Au On thee and herepon ese aston {eeaoy Tar mcs when hove alo Tebi cic ‘Evan inte ja ere th evlton Novas Ysera 285 tp wel wo Cea! Aor scl parses $2 fore fam he srig oN ope Ed LESS eee a sony ms ten co terion mem ance ‘stp end pl erg ah set Soe ee aaa eeeteeed AEEIUREGY as rao apse) Toe he cy ary i setter samme been SEER Sutera ris pelea i aspect eke nd Chine Tate oe RISEN Secale tsar neem 1 ene Sng em lis erin a The Osa oii ‘Contin half he empire's Muslim population, Ceiel Asa aso be: ‘came importa to Tatar pois who foanded the Al-Rusian Me lamoremensin 904 Footer te dae tospeea themesage neatly Ceincided withthe neces of geting job. Ter (and Tsnscacaa ‘Masi held a competi advantage inthe Bld of pew method ed ‘tion a Cental Asa. Neveteles, Tatars formed dsc cocu tiesin Cenc Asa ites, th thei ow school and organizations, and those visting fom European Rania found Central Asa quite ale, “raven in 1893, Mehmed Zaki Bigier found himelsuerounde by ‘ekwardnes. The mtodents inthe fated madras of Bara and Se smargend surprised hi by “their complete jgnoranceof the woe is sides coald not answer his questions; merous ctomary peas, "holder fom pagaiem,” contravened expt omar th at andthe postion of women wat “extremely pale” Al of this Bi fev comasted the stanton inoue Rosa [it Raye.” Aco Ingo a Tatar employe ofthe poize department who taeled incognito in Fexghanin 1909 gauge the "mood ofthe population” (common serene) Tatars had stopped interctng with the local population, hich they refered ro sek kha (dead people) fe reasons of thet polical inertia" This inpatenc with Cental Asi iodo constant ttcism inthe Tatar pes. The Maslin ees in Teanenscsia wae no Kinder to Ceeral Asta. The illite srs! migeine Mala reddin of couse pared obody, bt the Baks newspaper Igbo ran ‘numerous artes hay crcl of Centr Aa, Acetaia Muhanad Said from Transaucasia visited newemetbod school n Takes i 913 and 914 and was no mpresed by what ie sy Fstelectared the chootechas of Takata nthe loal preston the shortsomings liber achoos and their methods of reaching std then he went home tnd declared in Iqbal that "there i no's sngle gene and sees teacher in Trkestan.™™ Although 1954 and 1915, Iba hep up a batage of crs of Genel Aa that was harsh even by prevaing standard If he Jade could come in fo oc eaten eet of 9 ‘ay cou expect ine me. Inthe end, diferent ele states dened he various pe of ade lnm inthe Rasian empire. These vious Jas shated several en Mercier genres ure SEAT Sache tanta at elated bya prop occapvinga difsea os “The Orga ai, a tures the new method school an emphasis on education, readership of ‘common newspaper), ut thir proponents faced markedly diferent ‘eugles in society Vola Tatar dim was dened by the concer of 1 aacent mercantile mide la Jacing the consequences of economic ‘hangs inte cere fe empire slong with intense restr rom the Chor, which threatened to obliterate the very existence ofthe Tatar ‘comm, which had already been earned no a demographic minor ip Among the Crean Tas and the Qazags,teform asst cham oe by asitctatc elites who ad Ben cooped ino the Raman 20 ‘al eratchy many of whonshad RosianedestionslnTransaucass, Jism arose na situation of confit with neighboring non-Mim ‘communities tha hestened to marginalize the Mash population i sanisaed indi ecomomy ln Cental Asian these social en fain ha energe inthe fit generation of Rasa, cefrm wa ison nei Althoogh “Canal Avan eformers appropriated the rhetoric and methods ofthe Jedd of Baropean Rasa te ae the was defined by imperative, “onsteins, and posibies pela ro Central Asia ‘Once loested in oc, Jad does at appear as an ude snviatedinleetaal movement emanatiag ror a wel-defned ene 0 tn pesphery ned tee were oeny [addin inthe Retin et pirecach with own conceros rooted aoa oil rope. This ac, ‘Count fr de rears of repented arpa cooperation a al Rossen ee avila bythe lack af sucess of tempts to create ‘common Tar iterar langage a favorite projec of Garis) or to create fly eprsnetve policl movent. ‘THE JADIDS OF CENTRAL ASIA Inealingfor iy fom nth Judo Trkan stem ‘Seep span ilo hat nd eoegdin th pti {eben cones The es mom come ald hemes ileal org perma porate no ‘Renu by tein sosey a phlr e oh) The l a Jnr o adc pment new reo) wa sce {Stegacy edeogh rhs nq sandr ge col tip Temes zieeieeiataas fh tlre os cea cleo gach og eeera seeaaeeee eee ea eesti Fle gin oneal ec eetl eaBet ” ‘Tecate adam, ‘theemphasison the cone ofdeasimpliiin hse labels does aaebalp turin sting he ads on the new social map, ever thowgh hr place tn society wae 0 be andamental importance t thei projet oles and aces Hs cc ncnddAbaghe Shales, Ai, So i i, Saks say fre naan in ad lo over ana males pe cet a te etn ya iSomeyund and agi chee scoring ol etd is tig ehh on thot of hes Then amen com ‘crwth ana pina aad shop and bce dee te now metho He opened one of he fnew eto ‘Shoiakilge sodas pba teak recto ‘hook eco Kaan 1999 a0 anal in 1993 9b ‘Sat i hand he wong od en econ ne son and Aha Sci u8e4nigazh who wt une the po sac Ais" ms bom ina fis ode eae Orphaned ey he ‘Cipwened er wachnale tod worked forsale ab Sakina standard He droppers {Sve te fu and woreda ob ceding 8 2 Yee aan Se Bice ot rea amiga rj a eee ‘The Orga on s scribe forthe gt of Kick all Jaci from Saargand Aj ‘ve pecety lingual in Persian and Thc and at about this ime he Jeered Rain fom personal ind (wo Rasians and 2 Qazag). Ah Ind inbred para of and ro his ahr, which he sld in 90% 29 9 on he aj He eaveled in Toke, Egypt and Arabia (where he ‘rocked ea translator a the Resign contin Joh) foro eas ‘Gn the way bak, be vied Moscow and Se. Peertburg before etar= Jing to Turkestan through the Cascaus. ln Bak, he mae che personal scqonintanee of leading Teascavasan Jd As for Behbodythis ip Sesunnted Aja with contemporary icllecral Ie im other Msi. ounties and pon bis remem he opened a newaetod school in is Wilge Ai wn also active in publshing and seated te Zari Bookstore in Samargind in 94. He wat an accompli poet who onbuted request eo TWG aswel Bead Ayn, ba isi {et conibution to Jd reform was two lng poems in erin (bot Toe eanlted nto Tusk), Ajman anogh (Te Gathering of Soa) ‘and Mirae bat (The Miro of Admonion), which case vo be cht eine Tse aah La etts-nogs) was ora in th fio shopkeeper but pan TEREST tnd honey by radi wom beacon Daried on haji his youth. He exaished a maka in Samaraand, {thc he othe rote new method in 903, Ove the next decade, he Dublthed a rier aod oxy, in ton wo bing a regula contiba- {oe to och the Cental Asian and Tatar pees and wansatingbeten “Turkic and Persian. Afr the aucen of Beh ray in 2984, i Main dead his ne o writilg play forthe tage ad po dace several pices of whic thee were pubihed® ‘many ways Behbus sountepar there. Ao bor a amy of cae furl acomplihnen (hie father and wo ede Brothers were mdse= tie), Manaworar Qi tended the Yorss Khin madras a Tashkent before pening sometime ata madrasa ia Bakara, He retured 29 scl ty a tn a weet Pelee Hehe aac haloes phon 5-67 se el ons “Sie Sees “ “The Oro adam ‘Tashkent in 1901 and opened » new-method school. We know litle boot his personal meteatin, hough on author bas recently aed {tthe skgaicance fis ends with + Crimean Tatar Thi choo ‘reully became thelarges andthe most organaed ew method acho Inallof Turkestan. Muratorar Qiao wrote mameroostetbooks 30 ‘ bookseling and polishing basis, was istrumentaln publishing at Jeasrvo newspapr, and abo became vated wah hese afer r94 ewas atthe center of gop oradscusio clin Tasbkent ha ro= edhe fou for Jaci aetity inthe cy Mawar Qi ind, Alscipls and squsitaces included pacecally everybody nrlved 0 ‘efor in Cental Ai ‘ne of hs seat comades wat Abdullah Aniini(1878—1954e whos father was allegedly weaver but whose Tal was prosperous ‘rough for Awl! own a howe ia Than, which he covert ito | rw:method school fn his out, Avni had ateadd both che mak ‘aband madras Inkisome words around the age of fourteen, "Tegan seading-Lastonand became swe of the word In 1908 be pb Inked the shor ved newspaper Sbubrat and Az, sobieqaen a ‘owed several textbooks and collections of poetry (olen for casroom ‘and orpanied a reading room in Tashkent. He, to, was involved in pblshing and was pater, along with en oer Tashkent Jad in the Mala publishing company Heated ia 1914. After 1914, Awl th wrote tube lay forthe thet, with which be wat vored ‘ko as ator, det, and manages, founding Turkestan’ fs ela theater troupe in 1916" fg ai Morr sheryl pt 1, i Gee tga erect gi lend ecw ue eng A oa ie ely ee Fie Sea ace ee ee re lao Secs iy nl elm ma “p Raci eSestncy aMSe Aca hs eo GMAT reunn, Obs rte} wba ft she, 9854 ‘he Orgs of ion ” tc of efor in the region was Libig Khia Tora Janata og (1862~1037), who began wring ia TW in the 18908. Like Bebo, hecamefrom swell odo famiysdikewise posited maeata xo ‘dg he bc rend madras in Kokand and was qin ienative wl lage of Toes Quephin) Head treed in Arai, ea, Alghanisn, ~xg29) of Samargund wrote copious poetry in ris of che new meshed bu accepted an appointment ae iar at the zr Skah madsaain 1915." His suppor fr reform was more ‘round sopping short, ar wesball ee, ofthe embrace of teater Sdchangein the plac of women in sciy, The Begg and Kolal- ‘Ssh masse in Taslkene were the center of conederabe erry => tig sch poets 25 Taal, Kam, Khilt, nd Sidi (al of whom ap- peared champions of teformi the Jd pres) ved androte there ‘Absulah Qs cat biography aio reminds ws ofthe imgossiley of dring sit houndaries between the ula and the Js Qt {(uto4 1958), who was to become the Set Usb novel ater there ‘olton came frm learsed fay. His maternal grandther was 2 ‘ezrin, and the poet Miskin (r880~1937) was a mitenal cousins? ls father wae iar seventies when Abdallah was ben, sd the aly ‘wat inde fancies, Afr the maktab, Abas eld 2 marker ‘fmenia bein scceion before being ied by a merchant ascribe. "His employer pu in in a Russie school he coal laa Ras Sian He spent four years inthis school, afer which be weat to work for another merchant. He became interested in wing and published is ‘st play ins, Ye afterall this involementin Jd lor, be went back ro mada inthe years 16-1937" 1 Hm Ae ete cat oh et eter? pter Tal, am aan, «. tint tr St iy ion pie ens se 5: asleep ARE ate 9s. 100 “The Orkin ain (ther wlan Taken a well a eewbere, wer involved with erent esions of reform. Adalat Say, for instance, fts the profleofmany fade He rasad extensively, be wat copious author nd was involved io publishing and in 1915 he began publishing te tellectuleuteats in Cel Asa, but i seems key tat the cone toc oa eh formes revival movement that ofthe mod ‘snized aaa a Deb inn, Contact wit main India had ‘vine the Rosen congue, and by the tor othe etary ale pat ‘ers of waved had bee eersed and many ula now went Indi 0 study The moderied madenm at Deoband recived dents fom fae away ithe Rain empie as Kazan. Un 1914, there were enough sedans a Deobnd fren Bahar nd Karan o fem a0 snoiton ‘Although abl remained inimical wo the main crust of addin, sas did se some dscusion of proposal reform madras. Oe set ‘ot proporl sebmied by a madera rom Bula, sagged lee ‘yer curticuar,with ewo subjects eing tah every year. These pro poss woud have gone some way in turning madras into colleges, ‘vith the introduction oa ed coeicaum, grades and examinations Sah eee eee Fetches ef cetetoree ie eee gore See eee Seifenintstemnmananatatieaine Scotia eae aisha sie et Fo coord cto ‘Teun a wr -soryars a between eigenen esa tigi and por teen by cefitiony and upolsovanow ration) ep, ‘whch iin wer ne By png othe orgie nami tel ‘xy ofthe refomismof uch Tatar geo Abana Kurs (0776 ‘r) and Shibabidin Mijn (1838-3889) scolar situated Tate intl hry nts Maio cote. Karan savancAbmad MakhGum Dine (2836-1897) athe “teoct- calprecuror of he adi ndced igre important hat "few men have shaken adonal ateude as deeply as he" Unforeanatl, Dini’ own work scarcely bees this est burden, Much of his work, is marked by a sensbiliy that belongs very much tothe wos whose sing he mourns ater than dhe brave new worl hate Jad cl heated and his teary se aims to reproduce he poden age of ee Sian pose of yore, Furcheanae, Dinsh wrote when dagrac, sod is ‘work remained in manuscript well er bis dest Danii ‘ence was no dob sustain the eecary eles of Bukhara, but is ame never once appeare'in afd publication belore che revoion, His reputation a theft ofthe moder was created alow sage “on 1 —rpi Spine Deion aa rng Gegon Cais “Gi Cane eta ai i ne Ray Rs Sl pie i fos a cde Besa Pom 1, Zadeh dt dv oracle eat gage ted Pee a SEpbaloee ageless ge rm i SB “The Opn fai ‘nade inthe 9203 Saedin Ay, whose view has been acre ch to rely by scholars i shares shat mone fndasnntn problem ihsconsinsty eowen debates over tall an Jain, fr places Jad in he ‘eam of “eign” (rt bemore pei thecogy ther thn in hat of cual eransformation. As 1 wil argue, theoloialapumenstion | was conspicuous by its absence in Jad wrt, eventhough the Jade \ ime eof modern theology being produced elsewhere The sje ory of Jada that hae outlined in he hope place iin the rane foertionsof Cental Asin society wrong the Rasian congue

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