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Name: Mariah Jane N.

Tabiliran Date: November 26,2022

Course & Year: BSED-ENGLISH-III Rating: _________________

Weekly Exam 4 – Applying Learning

A. Instruction: Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the characteristics and distinctions of
assessment, evaluation and measurement.

Assessment Evaluation
the act of gathering information on a daily
basis in order to understand individual
student’s learning needs and to make

B. Instruction: Enumerate and briefly discuss the stages of test construction.

Planning- The first step in constructing a test is to determine the content, the scope of the test, as well as the
manner in which test items should be developed. This process is referred to as “planning a test”. In the planning
stage, one should determine the materials upon which test items are to be based.

Design- A process that describes “how” testing should be done.

Development- A systematic process used to develop tests in order to maximize validity evidence for scores
resulting from those tests.

Instruction: Concisely answer the questions that follows based on your objective insight and critical thinking.
1. Why do you think assessment and evaluation are essential components of the teaching-learning

Assessment and evaluation are essential components of teaching-learning process because this is a basis to
improve student learning. Assessment and evaluations are important tools for designing curriculum and
instructional approaches as per need of students. Student assessment enables instructors to measure the
effectiveness of their teaching by linking student performance to specific learning objectives. As a result,
teachers are able to institutionalize effective teaching choices and revise ineffective ones in their pedagogy.

2. How can we make sure that the assessment tool we are going to use truly measures that knowledge
and skills of the students we want to measure?

Before actually implementing assessments, ensure that the assessment items are valid and reliable. Ensuring
relevance means students can make a connection to their lives. The assessments are interdisciplinary,
contextual, and authentic. To assess effectively, it is important to think about assessments prior to creating
lesson plans. For the summative, end-of-unit assessments, consider what you want your students to know and be
able to do, then plan lessons with this knowledge and these skills in mind. By doing so, you can ensure you are
engaging students in learning activities that lead them to success on the summative assessments. Deconstructing
standards and drafting assessment items facilitates this outcome.
Ave Maria College
HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________

Course & Year: ______________________________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 5 – Constructing Assessment Tools

Instruction: Using your learning from the weekly lesson, construct one assessment tool for written, output-
based assessment and performance-based assessment in grammar. Follow the following consideration:

A. Written Assessment in Grammar (Quarterly Test Paper in Grammar)

1. The content of the grammar test should be based on the grade and quarter pre-assigned by your
course facilitator.
2. State the purpose of assessment.
3. The test should consist of at least 80 items with at least 4 test types.
4. Consider the principles in constructing test items as presented in the weekly lesson.

B. Output-based Assessment in Grammar

1. The type of output-based assessment should be based on the grade and quarter pre-assigned by your
course facilitator.
2. Think of an output that your students can do in order for you to test their grammar skills.
3. State the purpose of assessment.
4. Describe how this should be done by the students.
5. The output-based assessment should be provided with rubrics.

C. Performance-based Assessment in Grammar

1. The type of performance-based assessment should be based on the grade and quarter pre-assigned by
your course facilitator.
2. Think of a performance that your students can do in order for you to test their grammar skills..
3. State the purpose of assessment.
4. Describe how this should be done by the students
5. The performance-based assessment should be provided with rubrics.

Follow this format for your output:

Grade Level:
Assessment type:
Assessment Purpose:

Assessment Description:

(Assessment Tool)

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