HARANA ParentalConsent

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I, Emerson A. Saavedra, (Name of Parent/Guardian) do voluntarily give consent for my child Aimie Nicole L.
Saavedra (Name of Student), from 10 Darwin (Grade and Section) to participate in this year’s HARANA: Himig ng
mga Awiting Pag-ibig on March 10, 2023, at the Quezon City Science High School, Football Field.

In consideration of being allowed to participate in this event, I fully and voluntarily accept all the postulates of this

1. Consent to the child taking part in the activities of HARANA: Himig ng Awiting Pag-ibig.
2. Acknowledge that my child and I fully understand the Rules and Guidelines of the said event.
3. Recognize, and fully understand that my child's participation in this event may involve the risk of serious
injury, including economic losses, caused not only by the minor's actions, inactions, or negligence, but also
by the actions, inactions, or negligence of others, the condition of the facilities, or the equipment or areas
where the event or activity is being held.
4. Release, waive, discharge, and relinquish the Quezon City Science High School and the QCSHS SSG,
their officers, and administration from any liability, loss, damage, claim, demand, or cause of action arising
out of or related to their participation in the event or activity.
5. Agree that photographs, pictures, slides, movies, or videos of students may be taken in connection with
their participation in the event or activity, and consent to the use of such photographs, pictures, slides,
movies, or videos for any legal purpose:
6. Warrant that my child is in good health, has no COVID-19 symptoms, and does not have any physical
conditions that would prevent the minor from participating in the event or activity;


Name of Student: Aimie Nicole L. Saavedra

Grade Level & Section: 10 Darwin

Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name:

Date: February 27, 2023

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