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Some people say patriotism is the biggest cause of war.

But others believe that when people are

patriotic, they are more likely to take an interest in a country’s day-to-day running and therefore
less likely to allow unscrupulous politicians to drive a country to war. Discuss both views and give
your opinion

Most people believe that issues may occur once people become patriotic, especially in extreme cases,
they can spread hatred and cause many disadvantages for the country. However, others argue that
patriotism is worthy and advantageous to show national loyalty. In my point of view, the benefits
outweight the drawbacks.

To begin with, the greatest support is citizen loyalty which plays a vital role in a country's development
such as enhance tourism and to promote solidarity. Firstly, if one person shows his love for a specific
country by words and action, this can be beneficial for tourism. People usually express their love by
describing their country’s beautiful traditions and scenic landscape. In this way, there might be a
possibility that they will attract many people to visit in that contry. Secondly, patriotism plays a vital role
in uniting people living in the same country. Patriotism can be supposed as a means of protection which
safeguards the country from outside terrorist.

However, despite the benefits. I think that patriotism can cause many problems due to its detrimental
impacts on people and society, especially for immigrants. In many cases, migrants are discriminated
against, some nationalists prefer to hire local residents instead of that person who relocate from
another province and show blind loyalty and love for their nations. This it will lead to a barrier and
eventually become a sense of threat. Moreover, toxic crowds are usually overly expressing their
patriotism by constanly talking about it in a boasting manner. For example, they tend to compare their
state to another country and their judgments are usually biased.

In conclusion, patriotism may cause many problems to global society but it has far more advantages
than disadvantages. It only becomes detrimental when people express it in a negative way.

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