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jacky Newbrook NOT JUST TESTING Re aed Ce cn tenant erp nya ett Teppuecnem etic Soups rp ad Pars Act 198. ee mapareetepe fe rey eet Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea SSC er meres eae Eee va Neo ‘puts eis ee SU eeen see ne Geen ‘ula wn tpl, Oly Pepa 2900000 pT Cae Ts Scere Se enon Sea ghgaih aR aera ath ea Rememspagmen acing ata Sagees oats, ‘Sites Plate es bo wets vse ten eee ‘Sy farrap ua 1 cei ble agate Haba fey yr nce ew ikea) 3 ly et Gra ited Sac ong Seo Sng See ema nease ERG eeRe ing umacmnm ponies "Te Gunde Geo Ave, i Coit Soes Scene Seoetere er eee Ee eae emere perme ‘Eptacety pooner a en ed Seionaiereta ceria Ecencersmuaacianiivrs ERS a caemicrenecatalar eat ‘ete hie fom ty Dnt nae Ponce Mp her ‘shoe Ching Fay mee ere, inser Sheen, ‘Spt a i p28 Gee Pi eek De Si unchccnecueetuaeegiee SiiparaintatenlSaenege So, Seen ee ieee ca eee ee Solara reer ea {Esse Eee on pi is cn es eet i este catia ter ee Seastnteardecincte tata metre Fara Starter nen onecrine Eeteeteisie enue trees Sate enemies emer eee earn ee ‘Siu Ease nage 8 ape Se tr Exp Sp worl Ler Fa ore le cee eee * suet alee ee a. tc, Ee eet aie aaa eee, eee ee a ee nee ate ag ea {KasA M07) Late Home acs anc on pape 18 adap om Wind Sa eeeeranigetaey amie ey {You ak the ie Road. inca Tes Mopsine 12h 207 Se Sere ete ace a See eterna Eun mallinitaacrarene cr, ee et irae Comme eee Besant a See ecmeciortion Sig mets Sata ne ieee aes gegen pecker ene ae Fea oe a Bostings: i ‘olsen apc ommses tr wgctct oa ERMA tie long tn ey: om; se He gh) syn ten et ania eet ote Eee eerie tenis Peeeaariar sia ee Se ee ele en {ange Uo 177, itm Gl Nie Mr Debs £34, Wel rpibieoaeicetcioeaeee, ete trea iee Nee ey tora tec mato tus pe me egies ESRSetiy lee naar Wet pel Seat ‘sropan singers ay sega ce la paee Exam Overview 4 Practice Test 6 18 . Reading and Use of Engish 18 Practice Test 1 6 wwitine 0 feading ard Use of Enghsh © tony 132 wating 20 Speaking 137 tsteing 23 speaking 23 ~—-~Praetice Test 7 138 Reading and Use of English 138 Practice Test 2 ion " 150 Reading and Us of Englch 3 tstring 152 wating 25 Speaking 157 Using ° Speaking ss Speaking and Writing File 158 Practice Test 3 se uingne “ fading and Use of Engish 58 Venungite fe wing 70 Usteing 2 Visuals for Speaking 0 Speaking TT Test Spesking 170 Practice Test 4 7 Mas alg 16 Reading and Use of Engish 78 tena speak 179 writing 90 Test 5 Speaking 182 useing 92 Tet Speaking ves ‘Speaking 7 Test? Speaking 188 Practice Test 5 9 Top 20 Questions 191 Reading ar Use of English 8 wating 0 Usteing 12 Speaking "17 ‘The Certificate in Advanced English (Cambridge Advanced san examination at Cambrdes/ALTE lvl, se at Ct level ‘on the Common European Framework of Reference scale Cambridge Aevanced offers 2 highveve qualification to people ‘wanting to us her Engi for profesonal er study aurposes, There are four papers the Reading and Use of Enaih ‘ape cates €0 percent of the marks, and the other thee papers eech cary 20 percent ofthe marks, Reading and Use of English Wting Ustening Speaking 1 hou 30 minutes 1 hur 30 minutes 40 minutes (9pprximately) 1S minutes ‘The examination questions are task based and simulate rea-etsks, Rubrics structions) are important an! shoul be read coeully They sot the canter and give important information about the tsk. There is. separate answer sheet for recorcing ansver forthe Rescing and Use of English and Usening papers. Paper Formats Task focus ‘Reading and_| Part: shor tex with a mulple-cheice Part 1: use of vocabulay,€9. idioms Use of English|cloze task colocation, ed phrases, complementation, ight parts phrasal verbs 58 questions Part 2: sentence svucture and accurate use of Part 3: short text with a wor formation cloze task Part 4: keyword tarstrmations Part :one ong text with sx multiple-choice questions Part ‘questions Part 7: one ong tea with @ gapped paragraphs task chasing which paragraphs ft into gaps in a base tent Part 8: one long text de inte sections, or seriesof shorts witha multiple-matching tase 1 short tes with four multiple matching grammar Part 3: use ofthe crrct fom ofa given word in contet rt A: use of grammatical and lexical structures Part: reading for detailed understanding ofa tex, indudingopiion, attitude toe, purpose, main ides Part 6: comparing and contrasting opinions and attudes across ferent ext Part: reading to understand text stuetue, coherence and cohesion Part : reading to locate relevant dese and information na tet or texts AM OVERVIEW Writing art Te input tex provide he contest and [Part producing an estay based on wo Part tsone | content far an essay of 220-260 wort points given the input text, Candidates have compulsory task to evaluate the points a express their own opinions, ging reasons. art 2:one ask | Part2: instructors ge infrmation about | Part 2: writing fra speci reader using Tram a choice of | conten, text ype, target reader and purpose at | appropiate layout and rege. Possible genes three text of 220-260 wards ‘ae eter, proposal report and review. Listening [Part fs thee shor unrelated earacs with two | Pare 1: undesanding gst, faing,atttuce, faurparts | mulple prolonged B remained Crested ©. persevered 7 A tem B issue © mater D feature 8 A delivered —B awarded proposed ~——D_ offered MEME esr 1: Reaping ano use oF ENGLISH ER Tip Strip uesion Ss even ins ‘Question 11: hich er eomelees the ‘nen preston fer it net pot gor hema {Question 12: Yo ned @ osese pronoun hee Part For questions 9-16, read the text below and think ofthe word which best fis each {93p. Use only one word in each gap, There san example a the begining (0) Inthe exer, wrte your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate ‘answer sheet example: [2] [EIRIETAIE Choosing Binoculars For independent travellers, good pai of binoculars often represents an essential piece oft, Unless you're planning to do 2 (0)... deal of bed-vatching or ther ‘specialist activites, however, there's no need to invest (9)... a fubsize pal. ‘Compact binoculars ae fine when (10)... comes to general altpurpose viewing In. good light, Whats (11)... they are certainly easier to carry round, Everyone has (12)... own idee of what makes a comfortable pai of binoculars When you're considering (13)... f the many brands and models on the market you should choose, don't base your decision on price alone. A beter dea (14) to pop down to your local photographic store and (15)... those that fl within your pice range a test un (16)... you might ike the look of a particular pit, you may notin the handling ‘and viewing poston confortable. Fnaly, make sure the binoculars come with @ ‘decent case and comfortable neck strap. These detals can make all the ference ‘when you're out inthe fel Testy READING AND USE OF eNcLish ED ma Tip Strip Question 17:00 need Bids petite create Te apposte meen of thew 19:00 stot or et ‘Bim sconpourd ‘ord wach complet 2 “amma ealeatin wit) ‘faa. Your nave neds tobe paral ‘Question 23: What foun an you make fam ‘fisweb? mean tne ‘Question 24: Ad 2 ‘Siete mate a noun, ‘ie tr fe the iscropped? Parts For questions 17-1 ‘sad the text below, Use the word given in capitals atthe ond ‘of some of the lines fo form a word that fis in the gap inthe Same line. There is an ‘example at the begining (0) Inthe exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate ‘answer sheet, exam: [0] [[AlE|L/y ‘The Inventor of the Bar Code ‘Alnough you may never have heard of Joe Woodland, you ‘almost certainly use his invention on a (0)... bass For Joe was the man who came up with the idea ofthe bar ‘ode ~ that tle box containing parallel tines of (17) ith and (18)... that you ind on the packaging ‘of most products that ere offered for s at retail (19) ‘world wide. Jos Woodland actualy invented the ber code way back in 1949, when the manager ofa supermarket in Philadephia asked him to design an electronic (20) system which would be both simple and effective. The Purpose ofthe bar code isto store (21)... Information ‘about the product, which (22)... speeds up the process of recording ales and restocking the shelves. ‘The idea was way ahead ofits time however, and did't find any immediate practical (28) Iwas the (24)... Of laser gun technology decades Iter which ‘lowed Joe's invention to come ino everyday use. HEE rest 1: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH REGULAR LONG Ler cHECK coDED POTENTIAL APPLY | an para Panta ‘Question 25: ounces For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that thas 8 similar mesning {Trott aissioe fp he rt setanc, ung he word Gen. Do not change the word glen. You Pale ‘hunt use botveon tree snd ec wor, incuing the Wor given, He sah Querion 26 hokey #8 (0) Soditeasecne Wek umaly comes Example: Mein Geson2Tg tg, 0. Cloe woul ones plaza she od ave a musroom rpg ee ‘od need tobe oN ee . ‘Chloe a mushroom topping when she ate a pizza. Tage ne fom eDpurseneee sheputtrtnes ©The gap canbe ied wih he words insisted on having 0 you wie Bsebrel a Renton zsctnéine ‘Example: | 0 || INSISTED ONHAVING nee Serene 272. tn exams, we only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate sup newer sheet 25 We were late ariving atthe cinema and so missed the start of the fim By The fm had - We arived atthe cine, 26 Simon found the recipe book very hard to follow. DIFFICULTY Simon In following he recipe book 27 ‘The ie-skater performed faultlessly and received full marks. GAVE ‘The loe-skator . sn 6 received fll marks. 28 | wes ust about to call you to see what ime you were coming POINT ' you fo 608 what time you were coming 29 Homy wae dissnpoinad to hear the news thatthe match had been canceled, CAME News ofthe cancalation ofthe match to Hany. ‘30 Al this time of year, the area is often affected by violent storms. FEELS [At this time of year, the area often sans Walon stomTs esr reaoing ano use or enous IEEE er Part 5 ‘You are going to rea an article about the effec of digital media on people's minds. For questions 31-36, choose the answer (A, B, €or D) which you think fs Best according to the tex In the exam, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. In an ace Scone, Pala Greil a devdopmcnal pochlog wo nuns UCLRS Chidess Dig! Masia Ceter, aene doves of wai tow difeee meiaechosogesndence ut cgative 2s. Some ofthe since ca ean Computer, ike ing veo ges ncese the sped at ich peopl can hit ht cu mong, icon and oer mages on xs, One ue However ou that sich pd hin fc, ven iF pecormet adept oul nes grows and {ote stoma chiking Tnoneesperinent aan Ametican unveiy,hlfa clas faders wn llowed ae ermconneed laptops ring eau whe the ther hl a keep thr compare she Those who broad the eb performed much wore ona subsequent ea ah well ‘hey etanedth rres cote, Eaie experince tev hrs the nub of inksinan one oeumene gos op enling wetness ly ad ag ‘more type infomation ae pace ons een, serene et of what ne (Greenf concludl hat Every medium drops some cna sll he expense oer. Ou gowing Cocof en ed medi he said ae tenon ulspalinlignce, which cn sere the bly todo cat nae ecping rack ofl of ply, hanging ipa ie plonga plac or monitoring {punt ding sug Homers ht has been Seine by ne ween in highend coguive room, Incfading bar ean ‘efscton, nda problem ing cal hain And imagination Were Boming 2 worl hallow Sri of ou avout vp is conclusion. Geman recarcersfund thar web browse sly per than en scons looking a page ren peopledoag academic seach onlin tnd to tone’ apy berwen document ly eating more hans page o evo scaig to 4 Unies Cal Lon sy Such ment lig + ln + tern experiment Sanford Unter rechers {ve varous cognitive ets t049 pope who dot ‘Timea mierkng and 32 people whe male inch le iguent he hery laser performed pool on llth tne They wee moe easy diated, Bad es conta oper acetone were mach Is the internet making us stupid? less able co dings imporant information fom teva, The researchers were surprised bythe sls. They ‘expectd the intensive matiaakers to have grned some rental advantages That was the case, hough, In face, the muliaskers werent even god a molcasking “Brenthing disracs chem, sid Cliford Nas, one of she reearchers Te would be ne thingie il effects went away as soon as we tured ff our computes and miles, bat ‘hey done. Theelllarsraeute of the human bi, scien have discovered, adapts edly to the os we seo find, store and sate information. By changing our habits of nd, each new technology srenghens cei eur pathways and weakens others. The stations Shape ch way we think even when were no sing the technology. The pioneering neuroscientist Michael! “Merzenich believes our beans ae being masvely remodel’ by our ever intensifying use of he web and felted media In 2009, he sald cat he was profounly Wore about the angaiive consequences of the constant sactions ad imertoprons the inteznes bombard swith. The loageteam effect on the qualgy of ur Inula lier, he si, cold be deal otal dsactions are ad. As mos of usknow if we conauanate to iatensvelyon a tough rabem, we can eecstck ine mental rut Howes elt he prom Sicunaueaded for a ne, we ofen rnin oe widh fies pewpecve and burst of eet: Reseach by Durch syhologst Ap Distshuis indicates that sich breakin fur ateeon gv our unconsivs mind tine to grapple with 2 problem, bringing to ea infoemation and cgriive processes unaalable wo conscious deliberation. We usally ‘ake ber decisions, hit experiments feel ie sbi our avetionavay fiom a mental challenge for time ‘Ba Dijlsterisr work alo shows that our unconscious thoughe processes don engage with prablem wn wee clearly and consciously defined what the problem i. fe Aontrhavea pariulr gol mind, he wr, uneonciots ‘thought does nococeu’ The anata dnractednest thatthe Nevencouragessvery diferent from ce kind of temporary purpose version of our mind that refresher our ‘inking. What we sem tobe sciicing in our sari ad searching is ou expat to engage inthe quite, atetive ‘modes of thought that underpin contemplation, reflection tnd ineospeton, TEST 1: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH Tip Strip Question 31: Lot for hat Paes wrk Seny ole ‘Question 35: You ocd oe the whole feagephea oa ‘Question 36: ook, ore ramen the (et tsa ha pot his reexchsuppors 31 What do we learn about Patricie Gs 2 3 36 ooa> IMfocused on problems resulting from use of mecla technologies It cc not produce eansistent pattems in connection wth computer use. Itinvoived collating the results of work done by other people. It highlighted diferences between people whan using computers. Two ofthe experiments mentioned in the second paragraph concemed A 8 c D the amount of attention people pay to what they see on computes. the connection between computer use and memory ‘the use and non-use of computers for studying ‘changes that happen if people's computer use Increases, (One of Greenies conclusions was that a B © D certain claims about the advantages of computer use are false, computer use hes reduced a large number of mental abies, people do not core about the effects of computer use on their minds. 00 much emphaeie has been placed on the benofis of computer use. feds research Inthe fest paragraph? Cone ofthe pieces of research mentioned inthe fourth paragraph indicated thet A B c D some peuple ate bear at multtasking than others. ‘mental juggling’ inceaces the mental alts of ony 8 few peopl. beliefs about the effectvenoss of multitasking ar fase people read online material less carefully than other material ‘What isthe writer's purpose in the fith paragraph? A B c > to advise on how to avoid the ba effects of now media technology te present opposing views on the consequences of use of new media technlogy ‘jo wam about the damage done by use of new media technology to summarige the findings ofthe previousy-mentioned research “The writer mentions Ap Dikstertuls's research inorder to make the point that com> rot al research supports beliefs about the dangers ef computer use, ‘ha mind functions in ways that computers cannot problem-solving can involve very complex mental processes. ‘ninterupted concentration on something I not aways a good thing TEST 1; READING AND USE OF ENGLISH —_— — Part 6 Tip Strip ‘quesion37:\o9k You are going to read four extracts about s new high-'se buiding For questions Ieivorirm Etats 3740, choose from the extracts A-D, The extracts may be chosen more than once. oriesonton ot thee i the den feed the, The Pinnacle arte wor Four writers give ther opinions about the citys newest igh-rive builds ero ter give their op nur the citys newest bigh ing coppermine Aq Sheen eet Inkabicansof ou aia city ly get exited about modem architecture on ISrauigeto ia sbout™ sting up and aking notice when new steucrures reach vealy above the neighbouring ow the buingiecks? roofline and pierce the hovzan. So itis wich dhe Pinnacle ~ the county lest new Question 38: lookat_ oir block which is nearing completion. Ic seems tha, in the werld of high-rise Erma 0 ord wating |. architecture, no sooner has dizzying new height hen achieved than work tarts on (hae tar says about “eto the Rod the next contender for chat particular crowa. By allaccounts, however, the height and iotheomerdree scale of te Pinnacle will lke some beating, andthe same canbe sald for i aetthetc ‘eer about ost. impact. Shaped like ell legane pyramid, che building seems set wo become a mainstay Mivarore presse on the itinerary of visor tothe ey, who will be unable wo cess is phocographie ‘ne des arEaract OT ‘pporeinitien Located in the unfashionable eat ofthe cry, ce building wil also being Qucstion 40: Undetine ork and development to an azea that has long been in need of. tot tat abot he prof theciy whee he B buidings.eecfthe | Though not yer finished, the Pinnacle’ intrusion into our horizon ensures that most otarees eit b ieEAongiod chet ac Zayuechren inna og bbc ans kia eee ee ‘bout ell uilling thar at, wine bythe gucue of ay cpp eagely tating thelr chance ro devo the wp ofthe cos crete: bullion the ‘there ofthe see Some hve geen he Poms loeton in an cherie Undwlpet quarter darting doe che eghtenth-ennny houses iow Bat Twould dng The grace sca Blends rermarably wel with mediate enviroment sn loa people have benefited from the improved publ anspor inks Chat have been pu in place ar a sl ofthe projec. e ‘Wondesflly designed ie nay be, bur the Pinnacle is hardly a thing of beauy. More Imporant, however, isthe widee significance ofthe projec Ifa fool who argues thas a ity should not grow, shouldbe preserved a 4 histore monument forthe benef ofthe tourist industy, butt look upon che Pinnacle ito see x monumental reminder that most citizens have no sake inthe way ther environment is changing. There’ no doubt itstands to regenerate a rather ran down par ofthe city, but how keen are the local ‘eden on ving tt mons ace ring lal ont doom? The ceneral business district, already the sie of other highvisestuceaes, could surly have stcommodated the intrusion moe cil, D ‘Despite our fascination with the rather brutal visual impact the new struct has om is surtoundings, eis the wider impact of the Pinnacle that may prove robe its greatest egy. ‘And th legacy cha may endure beyond the building’ inewitably shorlived reign as the cy tallest struc. So many people wll woek Inthe building thatthe citys public ‘ranspoce network as had wo he radically rethought a order to accommodate ita move ‘hich wil benefic commuters and locas alle for yeat to came, even if they never go up the tower isl. This is why dhe decision ro bul the structure in a forgoten corner of the cg orginally perceived as eather unvis, has proved asuoke of genive. There can be line doube tha vistors eo he city will be deawn co the est bak by the building, noe only for the experience of ing init high-spocd lif, bu forthe ine view of the cys other skyscrapers that can be gained from the viewing trace on the oof TEST I: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH Which weiter ‘supports the opinion put fonward in Extract A about the appearance of the building? a7 ‘expresses the same view as Extract D regarding the probable role ofthe builsing #8 ‘a tourist attraction? ae disagrees with Extract D about how iong the building is likely to hold a particular record? a8 pus forward a diferent view rom others about the choice of site forthe buleing? [aa] EST y READING AND USE OF encUSH REE Pant You are going to read @ magazine ale about a taining session with a stuntman — eameone who performs ‘he dangerous and excting ectons in flms. Sk paragraphs have been removed from the arid. Choose from the paragrephs AG the ane which fis each gap (4. rot need to use. Inthe exam, mark your answers on the separate answer 1=46). There is one extra paragraph which you do sheet. ‘Alex Benady has aleson in nes from afl stuntman. “Now sei you can touch your os’ sy See Tg ‘As former Army pal tala Instore as ‘dealing with es han sharp eines But how hand cn that be Hltce conde of Hind confsion enue before Fray locate my fe. Thee i can each tach pst sny pers and the efor of doing even that secs 0 be ‘upuurig my Bney “These days, Steve is one of Bessa: top swntmen, You might hae seen him in varios wllenowa action movies. Although I have ne real dese eo enter rooms through the celing or drive ito yalls at high speed like him, T ‘wouldst mind looking a bit more like an action het, 0 Seve i showing me etsy how he stays stunt St Ts a yey particular, very exeme Kind of fines he exp, ‘Consning of tamina, xb, engi and cre stabi, balance and coordination, Right now, weare working on spatial awareness subset of. ‘coordination which hes is key to being nema. i’ ‘easy wo get dsrineated when you ate upside down, But if yyouhave high fll and you dont know exacey where your Body i you wort beable o land safely If you are hacky, oiled wp with ne ous nun! om wha hanging tha sounds ike a ve outcome. Yet ithadalsarediowell He usually does his athe end of he season, On et, you ‘an guaranie that i you haves big dangerous stant, ys. wos do tune he end ofthe day, when youarecomplealy Learning to be an action hero thn SoI dig my ining ne reflc tat ‘eb this pat ofthe eeion consis cf andard seg balding are die pushing youl op and dow on the arnt af sigh es br ctr an he some beh preacs pi for hac ler bck cen and ato Wri Bep: Then See inode mete ching Bax, ch iver movements for bling seg orc ond ume Lr ‘We move on to balance and coordination, starting by vrlking along threeinchwide bars, Noe easy but do-able ‘Now turn ound ays Steve. Not easy and not do-able Lal off Now he shows me how to jump on to the ba, ‘Guess what’ Tea do that eer Then fe pnts 0 90 ‘nchwide ba at abou wis hight Now ies ouside for some clementary falls. He shows me how eo slap the ground when you land, to earth your Tinesic energy. He throws me oer his shoulder and Tate _gracefilly through the at, landing paley. Bur wien its ‘ny cu, dni so much ehrow him a tip him up and he smashes ino he round a ny fect, well shor ofthe rath sat Sony, Sev. a Alea Tl never suffer fom an anatomical anomaly which Is what happens when your thighs are so masive, the utet pars of your anatomy Took rater snal by comparison, Tip Strip Question 41: Lok fra word inthe options that means ‘wes ‘Question 43: Th tot bere the ga ns Wet it had al ated 0 Shepton hat ls about the begng Of omen. wel ook or ‘Question 45: Thebase ot i tang about a ot ad this word nthe options. TEST 1: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH A. “Well jos wanna up Bist say Seve a6 wwe enver the Misleworks Gym in East Loddon. Five minaer on the recumbent ‘jt and Ti shining i sean lack Dlseofcake Then westartsomesteng Ivor, vil for hanging ff helicopters, leaping of walls ete B. gs clear that I have some work to befoe 1 am rady to-amaze the would sich my dripping physique and daredevil hunts, But rhave taken one comforting, Powe of knowledge from my experience © Insead, we work on wat he cals our ‘corer. ‘All power movements originate fiom the centre of the body out, and rover fom the limbs alone, be sys So well be bulding up she deep sabllsing Iuscles in our eras, che part of the body fom the wast the nek D-H reckons anyone can get therewith 2 couple of gym sesione aad couple of rune a week “The key is vanes: do Ss many. diferent types of exerelse as pose, Byer 20 mintsee day wll do Much to my surprise, Tan acrually doa few. Then he says innocendy Just aise your lege so dey are at 90 degrees to your body” Pin, pun, pan. “Now open ln clove your leg in 4 seisor motion’ Tinanage ro do thar once, You may thnk that this sounds 2 Be fable Bu Twas dangling wpe Jown ae the dine, upended fem a bar by 4 faite gary boo Wah Kes fly ogee, he ep on, ‘ince hime eprom off or god neaurchecronetke am leaping fom one co another ung bs hgh © sever the poner toes andthe poet {2 cop hime! om fling when he ltnde Depa his hey uae fecof baleinn TEST 1: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH eee Tip Strip Question 8: oko Qegeasind date nthe ‘het Wich ones ined {Sra gnfeantevert? ‘Question 5: Lok for Soopers a hee Eee cingocy | ‘hyn Mh to Selinger? ‘Question 83: Look at there ofa the tos. wend of hich text you ft informston ‘sbautthe ype of poole farsi ‘Question $6: The fueston le about rae Loa ora elrance 0 scevhae Parts ‘You are going to read a magazine article about jobs in Bian that used to be ‘common but are uncommon now. For questions 47-56, choose from the sections of the article (=D), The sections may be chosen mare than ance. Inthe exar, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. In-connection wth which ofthe jobs are the following mentioned? how hard itcan be to find someone who does thi job « signcant event involving people doing this ob the kind of people who need this kind of exporisa 2 comment on how ite inlet there now in his kind of work Improvements that were made for people doing tis job 2 prediction that proved to be aoourate the kindof poop il doing th ob «2 postive result of not many people doing this job anymore somathing that people doing tho job now tnd surprising ‘he raason why this job is no longer common in Bitsin butexiss elsewhere HER esr neaninc ano use oF encuisn 2a RRR aAAe THE WAY WE WORKED Britains disappearing jobs, and the people keeping them alive PAAdvertising signweltor IC Matcha ad |A.couple of years ilo his career, Wayne Tanswell There's light thal never goes out, even iit burns fold hie father he was in a dying trade. Having let less brightly than t once di. Femate match-makers Shoo 1980, to trainin sigr-pating, he then have long been a celebrated par of Brifsh labour watched as high teats moved to plastic shop-ront history. In 1688, thousands of metchais at the lettering. ‘But my dad said: -Walt and sek att, these Bryant and May factor in London famously went on things wll ome back. The more technology comes st'ke to protest over conditions, Over subsequent Intoit the more youl be seen 88 a specialist" He decades, the long hours, ny pay packets and had lot of foresight ‘exposure to lode chemicals were addressed before | me beatae ean cae sere entero telscanmenes = fumioe whore ebourwascheepoc {far from his home, with work ranging from period | ‘Today, there are stil female match-makers in Irena ane weer fo pts erate, fronts in villages with strict planning restrictions. ‘Octavius Hunt. The company long ago diversified feito tee sta Teo mmPeaatecucteenenive oie oun ‘oaneL eas a kes mas fem tober cua mrtg aria togers, Saari cece, Ky Henly aye a te ‘Signs, painted onto brickwork, once kept sign- ‘Small pot of our business. bul an important one. painters in domand, Their work remains, faded Depending onthe sizeof orders, we have between but unmistakable, inmany cites. Mention them to yo and 12 people working in the department, of ‘people and they! look quizzical’ Roberts says, ‘which two are men ~s0 ts stil mainly female” ‘butnext time they see you, Iheyt nave start to saben” TAA A ee ee ct Srvad Sit Canara ay Thou af Rowand new deci model ast) Eopesn canon av tampa reese he Tice sca ponent, fue fase sts trncnsnng css eeeouos Seuctlce ts Cenceniraatie Buty to fate, conc soni aban Leeper sinc Samope toeracene pose poh! Uateigcenttog cope) tan Sear Spy, sanan sd ping nos aes Ot Youhghaseetraopuareepsmunandyar um Since sates arate msc Ty re ry a nd oral Shorr alo pewter nsrte Paa Can Fges O UN, Teles cty dines SoutRetsnp Loca Stn hn en be aps cera tee soae alaeaten seas ge gn aunts cq wan pees Srhabrces fn See somos wast mais eva Sea, naw haan PCs), but are also approached by people weaned on ‘Most paints are just plastic and dye’, he's called in sees eeeaa eerste ceca” onde nasa cara con anos eee isnue for be Secure enon Ss gn nr ge iene Goer oom re eran eaaereraand Se aise a ere eee Soomerefae Sep Fetal one saan! Stone ots ‘mochnes an Bleckrans employees stl rd. frend once iting me lobo earl wt My repos TTomselves woringon those Beastfil fom6by Su comaone mgit teal and wea them ne rca hoawy old machines "tamezes us te pice he “My enawer was even show them how odo 8, Cidrenual machines sa for one temet'one qoone wants a ‘explains, and their new buyers went them spruces ‘Up wnen they've splashed out. They get the ol ‘machines glaring and operational by racing the ‘ast collecton of spare parts they've accumulated ‘over the years (and you can’ buy them any mor). TEST AEADING aND USE OF ENGUSH EB Guidance perma “Thera two parts othe papa neh prtyou have to {mpc one oe You hove hoe 30 meso comple the ‘hol pape a ach ave ares aul mas Pact rt iscompalony You hve to cheese two om te points (n= gin oc end dacs ther nan ey Nou should vie 3220-260 words In your esy you may hve te expan which ok {he wo pity dake mom mp, You vl aa he {0 ge esos fey oprons Thefecs of szamentis tw wl ou schleve te ask ich 'gdacarve. au mus cove both pots requrewithenaugh fia tu te ak The age ede mest eae Undesand yours aed apres, rd ou esos forthe. De careful wie 2 coherent ad oils Doin ‘hinge tha ee reeant 5th may mean that au don? ae therequtea poms adequate, The wl hoe» Sega eect nthe target eer art 2 Par has hee aestions orn wich you must heat ty ‘eto aon You old veto 220-260 word ‘ou maybe ke ores te 3 propel a port or Int partyou ate en 3dr cote on nation of what 18 ndude and a reranforwnting, but ou fans your Iapration andbe nvenie General points Spend a east 10 minutes thinking bout and planing your ‘ro, Your ase shuld be ws. organed wth car Inking of dom betwen sentences and ararap nthe ‘2am ou won’ how enough me te ough arse ‘and fa, eat cop but you plan propery sal ot be essay + Make sure your iting i ogi tec eve 3 ne [tes parasaphs so that dea whee ane pragtoh frac and hens hos + xerthing you mre should have a aging, mile pd an ld fami to wean eproprate sean out, Do Torte ype of toe ad the psn you sr wring To + Usa ange of rguage indi bth acaba and ‘yaranatlsoyetures A ts let yo langage shold Fat be oo singe + Nake sure your aver nether to ong nto hot Jouve to mach you may cde ean memsign, ‘which could be aniuing on haves nage eat an the {raster your aaner ta shot ou may wok cone alte reused pos + Lane enough tine to ead trough your never. You shoud heck that you have ned al tebe neesny Stover the quston ard tht you hve gen enough dea ‘Seach pnt Make sure you have siuded ol the ngage fine’ eed nthe ws, a that you hee use rage Ct aprprateanguage, You should ako che for mikes, In gfammar na pling ou anus rh of Ameren $palig but ty to mi er op). Perens * Read theinsructons afl to cy wht te topic and \ahatyouToreto wre abou. + Make sure ou understand the stuaon, the cont an al ‘he pants you have been gen. Poca al the nlaraton bore you chose which wo ole ap esha on at yr ‘anon wl be Mats sre ou Rave eng Wes rte abou the pol you chaos ar that yu a nk ot reson for our eons + an your arse catty Make sire our conhson flows Fenlay fom yeurarcuren emer yu co oe he ‘ons ene asa want a, but you dnt ne. + Dan’ opy word or phate fom the input materal- jst ‘hehe ae Part? “+ Read dough the quesons in Pu 2 Before you choose ‘ach oreo atsie, ne about what ach akin Sothatyeu ae content that ou understand evening Yuna to do Avys check he conte eof nd tha target dar ach ad ae 9 gen age ager Sd purpose these wil Getermne wht ee a nd of lenauages appropiate foryour aoouec 1 Think about what kindof tng you are ber you a ‘ood wth more ermal anguoge ond ween Your nae once, you might canada wring = eport ors propos Ifyou ae Good a wring nanny way you meat Chose ev Hower seo cones whet! yu ane Sr eas forte top of sac akon i cose 2 {2 bea you tht porta tet ype TEST 1: WRITING Tip Strip Question 1: + foal input and ‘hone wach rors todecs nue ale yout yu bu abon poate Bingen ‘host ach one wth ‘zanples to support ours Bode rch ane hat ad the most elt en people's es Nake Sur that your argument ‘ind eampis spor Soureandsion famember tore 3 Sar oaucion tthe ‘ops and cordon ‘hit atons your fgument cal ote werd or Bass rom the gen jou us he es {ne commant reps “hem your on Unk your ideas early aed coherent using anger ennectos seg range of eee language fnctions, an ‘eramber to elon ‘Se jt the pois. yeuvent‘o make. Part You must answer his question. Wite your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate sy. Inthe exam, write your answer onthe separate answor ‘sheet provided 11 Following a class discussion on how technology has affected the way we lve {eday, you have made the notes below. ‘Which aspect of our daily lives has been affected. ‘most by technology? + communication + relationships + working life ‘Some opinions expressed in the discussion ‘It’s great to be able to communicate with people 24 hours a day.’ It's so hard to make personal relationships ~ ‘everyone's online all the time. People have an easier working life because ‘they can work from home." Wire an essay discussing two ofthe points in your notes. You should explain Which aspect of daily life you think has been most affected by technology, siving reasons in support of your answer. ‘You may f you wish, make use ofthe opinions expressed inthe discussion, but you should Use your own words as far as possible, restswerrins EE eae Tip Strip Pe should be ate oma ial ae = Yam ga he Se hee ite hes ‘abe eppeae + Betas stim ‘sonnet rae temyen saat iuogen nero yaurppea! + Ga a rguge cto Seta Select Sciatewtn Stabs ond ys are veson 3 Deon oor ate Seedaupiane Saincaes irene + fara aoe eaten tin Fanible, fee Batson ines cen, cueton * Sou ay tn eth aos ton Smee usc crete Fatinoret + ioe tn Speers Sit Spat sys ‘tas ed Part2 Write an enswer to one ofthe questions 2~4 jin this part. Wie your ansner in 220-280 words. inthe exam, wite your anewer on the separate answer sheet provided, and put the question number in te box atthe top ofthe page. 2. You are onthe social committes of your collage, You Nave been asked to write & proposal for your college principal on the kindof social and sporting activites the allege should prove for new students, You should assess the curent situation, describe the needs of new students and suggest actives the collage should provide ‘White your proposal. 3. You see the fllaving advertisement ina fim magazine: Reviews wanted: best film ever! We are planning to produce a set of DVDs of the ten best films ofall ime, Send us a review of your favourite flim. What was it about? What made itso good? Why should we include In the set of DVDs? The best reviews will be included with the set of DVDs. (White your review. 4 You have received letter from an Engish frend: Hit remember that you worked in a ski resort ast wine, and Tim thinking ‘of doing the sae thie year Were there any drawbacks? Did you meet Interesting people? What opporcunites were therefor skiing? Would I sain much from doing ie foe just four months? Should T apply fori ‘Thanks for your help Jack Wie your letter in reply. You do not need to include postal addresses. EE tsr-waitine aa fei Guidance Rimes "ee tg pans bs baton its aces rt wha tat of try questions Tre ae es of vaying Fethard ype, 09 ets ra sia broadcasts ard tnmounceers 3s Wel 3 every cones You heat eh voating ce You hove une fo ead the questions Flore you ete art Infa 1, youlsten te dee undated execs of round one Mute ich, Each erect has wo spekars, You have to answer {fw tstopten mutplechoice quests on each eta are? fart 2 mehr one ong monologue of rund a tote Init where the pear bao about» pate sb [Riotofeghtsentens reper the mam poms from the ‘Senng, Award or shor praia eon reed om ch {Estee You hve ote and complete he gos Part 3 Infante isan long interview or dain of round {Gurmiutes You hn tole and newer our option richie guestons Ina 4, you hea a sees of ester mondlogueson theme rund iy seconds each You hae to cmplte {ho tsar outst. ach ast has ght opts cH AS Bali, yma are open tok anon pon (om 2 teach spencer You match he ga what he ‘Suahessy tohe ides te prompts, 29 tha ocapaton, pions, “he te exci et nk nay a, Al hee are daioqucs, bt there wl be avr ffx hype and inteacton ptr, + Before you steno each ext, ook the conte sentence Thnk about ve the spsie's and abut theconten 68.5 Froodent new, on ft chat? + eft you lt, thnk aout whch of he spears you ae Iisenng for eich qetion and undetneajwores the ‘ues te. “Une fest oe the coc ans to the question osedin these + Usen again to match hat arse to the cont apton (AO, art efor ou etn, ed the rubicand tink about the cont. ‘You fae 4 secon to ea though he eens bere {Jou btn. Thnk bout the ype of iomaton sats rsng ead sete, + Most saves ar conate piers of infomation, © hues an proper nen +The sentences onthe page alo the ame ode 25 he ‘Mfwatonn he eterang txt Usa verte 1 lp uke your pce you ten + The mors you need 0 wit are head on the recording ‘Thais need to cnge tearm of thew fd apoophse + reno more than hee word in each gap. Mest ansnes ‘olbe sng words or compound routs + Eek hat your ance rary and mais sersein ‘he completsentence (or arts + Here outer, ea he rubies think about the cont * You tate 70 seconds to reed tough these of sentences eto yu ser + Undeine the Keprdsin he question sts nd options. 1 the questions fll the oer ofthe tx. Lsten out for Ulscoure morro intone s quastens that erode {he toi of each quesion hat you nowt ansn + Use et re the areca the question posed n She qucton sm + Usen again a match het arse to the cnet option (AD +The wordsin the gptons wll tbe these a those you earn the rsa. ert ~ Tt te i reo a he boat eae {pe sour hear al eof than and Tenn ets ‘ot be repeated. + You have 4 secon to ead he 40 ts before you sen Fed he optons fin bot ts so tat you ae re 2 ‘oes ant rom each saforesch speaker you sen 1 Theft time yeu ster ay ation fo te spesk’s man ie Mth epton Gest thse, +The second ie you ste, check your arses. You my eed to ange same of Bem. Remember fat mes sk {he are Bes opens tht you donc esd to use «+ Dor ory if you dn undersand een word ou Te not Stren arses ten ges You fave ebay uno doe tan you ink rest iusreninc EEE foal coed STENING You,wil hear three diferent extracts. For questions 1~8, choose the answer SRE ncaa eT aw ate stip BE eee oe eyey tiewoman YoU Hear two people taking about thelr work as website designers Sonal BREE ecards teva? ce nn dre csi te coun srmaaeiss ao BH would ike to use his academie taining more. © He gets most satisfaction from being part of a team. 2 What do they bot think about the job? [A It dieu career get started BB Itsimportant to be able to work Rexbe hous. Its poorly paleo for he emount of work Invaived. ‘You hear two eyetss talking about the spar. 3 The man thinks his success a a cya s ve to 'A. his complete dedicaton. B the age at which he stared © series of great role models. 4 Whon taking about eelng ine veledrome, the woman reveals her [A fear dangerous sports. Inabity to fotw instructions © wilngness to sccept a challenge. EEE test eustewns a act Three | ‘You hear @ man called Rey talking about ess on a phonevin programme, 5 Why has he phoned the programme? ‘A. to ase issues not previously discussed B to challenge the opinions of other contibutors © tolend his eupport toa view that's been exoressed {6 Wen taking about gardens, he is A. describing what he dos in his own, 8 encouraging people to grow certain things © suggesting that poopie keep boss themselves. yest icusreninc EEE aac Part2 ‘You wil hee a student called Tim Famham giving a cass presentation about a seabid called the albatross. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences with a word or shor phrase, In the exam, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. THE ALBATROSS “Tim thinks thatthe name ‘albatross’ comes originally rom a word in the (7) language. ‘There are currently thought tobe a total of (8) species of albatrss, “The fact that itrlies on (2) explains why the albezoss en found in some areas. By using locking mechanism in ts (10) the albatross can save energy when fying ‘Tim explains thal the albatross has 2 surprisingly good sense of (11) ‘Tim was eurprised to discover thet (12) attack albatross nests, “The sbatross used to be hunted mostly for its (13) sss 88 wel a for fd, “Tm gives the example of 14) 2s plastic objects commonly eaten by albatrossos. Strip ‘Question 7: Be crcl Tree aguas ate manson, but only ane of them fisher ‘Question 8: he words ot ain the sentence you the ou ae tee fr 2 numb ‘Question 9: ter fr the word Youn! when you iste. asin the sntnce ‘Question 11: hat ae the fae ences? Which of thm wou you ro net rd ous? {Question 14: Tim mentions tre psc bcs, but which does he says mx commen? HEE test ustenns Tip Strip ern 5: a a ‘Sang dence asthe al oy ford ‘hat abe long 1? ‘Question 15 nen fo etantene’s uesion SBowanysams Her ‘tomer lowe ptons re wens, (Question 20: intent Sst tr. ite er fhe fst and ashes ee Parts ‘You wit hear an interview witha women called Amy Matis, who works as 2 choreographer, creating dance performances for live shows. Fer questions 15-20, choose the answer (A,B, C or D) which fs best according to what you hear 418 Amy traces her decision to become a choreographer back fo ‘A. tha advice of her frst dance teacher her need to express herself though movement. © the emphasis placed on dance in her primary school Der falure to reach a high level of sporting achievement 16 Amy fees that, above all, a good choreographer is one who ‘remains in touch withthe everyday feetings of dancers. ‘keeps dancers motivates during long tring sessions. thas experience of appearing onstage as a dancer. Is abe to jin in wah the dancing itslf if necessary. oom> 117 When she's croating a new dance, Amy finds it easier to work crectly wih a composer. prefers to be glven lear constrains to work within, keeps an open mind about haw a piece might develop. ‘accopis that some of he ids wil prove to be unpopular. vom> 48 Inter work a a choreographer, Amy aims to ‘A. challange the audience's ideas about what dance is. 1B. foel that she is conveying a message tothe audience. © thi the aucience wih some cutting-edge dance techniques, draw the audience's attention away from her elements inthe show. 419 When asked about choosing dancers to work wih, Amy says she relies on tha expertise top professionals bring to the creative process. ‘accepts the naed to accommodate the feelings of sensitive people. {finds those wih less experience an easier proposton. likes to help those she has previously taught. coor 20 When she's working on # new production of a wel-known piece, Amy ‘A. ties to buld on the work of those who have gone befor. 'B Is aware ofthe need to update the ideas in a pay. Cis annoyed if people maks unfair comparisons. remains fathul to her usual guiing principles. rest rustennc EE vege dey oewge Buea H soupeop mysons TE]_] swreds ed rom Kena: Guteq 9 H]_] s-oreds srpedeosd sate 9} 9 BI] + mveosg MO NELPEMLNED BuO) 4 Ba] pseveots sonbe0j60 INP 4 powenb Any Buea 3 e2erdy0m popmosien® 3 BEL | s101%S sys hey pode Bea) BEL | £195 ood ayn nese BoM z Zuoeods soynpe sayo 01 ge Bulog 9 ze crmreods sinoy zenBas9n 9 BZ]_] vveeds swore fa peroxide Boos a T]__] + eros 222101003001 ss09 uno Au Beg ¥ woneqnou ood y ‘of uesaid 019 snoge 186q sex 0,608 20M sowo dn an 0 eppep ioyeeds Lee eum (py) 38 84 oy es004> ‘DEBE svONSOND 03 check i on an aging parent. Since Neva werent ‘king how many out people wae logging ech work ty thocemployers woadeed, why shuld ack ow sean bla peopl were king cach wok ear? Fair pois management. Ashe company explains ins Reems Gute om nr From © Reponabiy Cale: "We shold focus on what pope gt doe, tt howmany hours or days are work, Js awe dave 25.5 day ply, we dat nee a eatin poly, So the company sapped the formal pln Today, Nex tough G0 alae employees can cation any cme they dete fora long acho want provided tate ‘manage know whee they a and that hei work cover. Ti ule, feedom-ncensive approach Aida dines enc rte company. Launched 11990, Nec sow a fighlyeuce nd growing cope ehape noe imporcndy this amply yes broader leon about the made wpe For aance, Take as much holiday time as you want sore companies ate ling cha uno he ppt ofaecounablty the pay {Bian police snd gliosis are tnnoraon ills Peape do tr box wore when topic unencumbered sy tre Saey, Nes Vix Present for comport communication. Tryeue spending lov of te counting forte ime youl pending ese otic nx innorning” “he ame ges for expenses Employes rpc dont ned o pt appeal a gpend money on caetdamen, tae or pir Intend de gldane snp atn ‘Neier, sounds lil sl And i issn every rea Teape who dot pedo own, the door Adon prranes the ompeny sae fe 2 pneour ean pacage “hedea i tar Gerdom and respons long considered income, acral go ogeticr quite wal. ‘Whats more, Nes hla ply reves lis of sclvingon tine in managing te modem worAfe Inan {ciwhen pape were sews onan ase ne tr proc pape in an of, ce connconberween inpurand ump neigh The more dine you spent oma a the moreyou pric Burin mich whe Col work ods wher oe grod Wen can mean ods cf maguire more akable ana doven doce onc, then beeen the ime you spend and eres ou rodice amuse Rasa wat eae: How You pot Fer or how long took es dean. Sythe Nein dons whe sang premier of worl ranges ca So Behaviour Ia is new bok, Caps Surplr Crtny ‘2 Genero ne Conn Ag New Ve Untesiy Scholar Clay Sy agus dh when we design ses that eure bd fia rom the arin and Whose tala purpose 0 defend gut hat ay beavis, tof ase the very bebavour wee page eee ep wil pasha phe br of to nl a, sexth rrr vale loopholes ok for way faethe em when the delendes ren watching By Snes a ctr of ls that sues god th can ‘Sealy cement boron Tip Strip ‘Question 32: Lookin the second arash forthe anova hs qetion, What des ‘to wh mn? uation 3: Se ens tnen ee Wl eu 2) ‘Question 35: Fin the word “aut nthe ent Look athe et afer thi an he answer othe quest. TEST 2: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH 31 Inthe feat paragraph, the writer emphasises ‘A. how popular Netti’ hotday poiy Is. B how unusual the situation at Netfxis. © how important hokdays are to employees 1D how hard it can be to change a helday policy. 432 Employees at Netix pointed out thatthe company’s hobday policy ‘A. gave them ess time off than they deserved, B_ was ferr for some employees than for others. © was not logical n the circumstances, 1D ddl notretict the way their jobs had changed 33. The menagement of Netix came to the conclusion that A. happy workforce was the key to future success and growth, BB employees would be witing to do some work during ther holidays, they should inteduoe both fexble working hours and flexible hoidays employees’ achievements wore the company’s top pronly. 34 Stove Swasey expressos the view that company policies often prevent employees from being 2 effective as they cous be, recut in employees being given the wrong roles. cause confusion among employees because they are so complex. assume that only certain employees can make decisions for themselves. oom 38 The wer saye that one way in which the situation at Netix is “adult is that ‘A. competition among employees i etc. 8 managers’ expectations of employees are very high © expenses allowed for employees are kept fo a minimum, employees aro given a lot of help to improve ther performance. 236 nthe wikers opinion, Natfx’s approach addresses the modern issue of ‘employees wanting more responsi than inthe past ‘wasted time being more damaging than in the past. ‘good ideas taking longer to produce than mediocre ones. ‘outcomes being more important than methods. com TEST 2: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH ne Tip Strip Question 37: Reviewer Sembee the boot 2S ergogig and ks out "the eestor’ ich rene ae Pee ineece| eau th she of tng? (uestion 38:20 or ‘Meveterenesin rat fothemats fons ofthe ook which rene pre th evar SSopnionabout hat ‘Question 40: Undine resonances nach reve total cout rape lire prof {hemoia Wich ener ‘ec tat len iden ayn pp in sae cote Parte You are going to read four extracts from reviews of # book about the history of food. For questions $749, choose from the exacts A-D. The extracts may be chasen ‘more than ence. The Omnivorous Mind Four revieus of the book by John S Allen A ‘To quote John Allen in his engaging book The Onmivorous Mind, ‘We et with our brains.’ After this enicingasertion, Allen takes us on 2 Gst-paed tour of wold history telluscate his pointe Ata neutoscents, Allen har done extensive escatch ito the relaconship brween the way we think and wha we choose to ea. Indeed, the main ‘eas in the book will tke a chord with people around the lobe, even he detailed cxamples ae ouside their experience. Allen principle poin ith the mind has always been ental in determining people cating habits, an rss point he returns to regula, whether inthe context ofthe tex fads and fashions o deeplyseaed cular tations Another appealing feature ofthe book isthe upbeat cone and feeling of optimism that prevails throughout. Allen covers a lot of ground, and ruses some important questions Buenever ges bogged down n technical. B “The human species has avery complex reatonship with fod. In any human scien, dice isvery much key par of what makes us wo wear. Why isi, Allen aks, hatin every society there ar ean pecfectly palatable foods that people refuse ro ea? Allen goes on tw explore the reasons for this, and other conventions, in way that wil be accesible scrss cultures. The book isa thoughul, authoritative guide to avast and fascinating subject. couching on such issues as how food affects memory an language, and the ways foods ate categorised. Bat ie begins rather slowly, and cher are moment when thecal ‘reader wll wan o skip some ofthe long-winded explanations ro ge tothe point. Allen ‘often strays fr fom his main contention, so anyone looking for 2 cleat focus on food ‘may find thei arention wandering c xing iso mock part of ou daly oie ta few a sp to hin bout ts tue socal signfence. John S Alles new boa ekesclwe lok st how fod forms put ‘foe bloga nd ctrl hers. llen es this cerebral anshp with ood 'sconubucing to our aniqaenen a= peti, and xpans why the works cuts azeso verse toms ofthe elinay radon. Bigg ogee wosko fod iovians achopolgi and neuron, his ne osaire aes ws om the diz of our east sneer il he way Srgh o moder tie. Een people rom Suite dese cll enters wil nd familar sue tesa long te way The renner Mind examines te foods we crave andthe oo we nd wpe tnd our insinence on desatvngl ood abet or treaty. This book erly Glens some of oe prconecpions and steer trad cating D Acconing co Allen, the modeen wodd presents us with complex decisions ro male on ‘ally bass about what eo ea and whatnot ext. Allen loquenty describes the inernal “food mode’, which each of us develops to help us decide what ro eat and wht not ext Alle, however, is clearly writing fr those of ws lving in places where fod abundance is the norm rather than shortage, and hi detacs fom some of his broader claims abou ‘our specie relationship with what we ee Ts hard to know what people in ess Fortunate societies might make of them. What he does do, however, is show us tha alehough we spend alot oftime thinking abou fod, chere is tll great deal we dont know about our ‘tionship wih This book i going to help change tha! MEE tesr 2: neanine ano use oF enust 7. ee “ Which reviewer —— _goosn share Reviewer A's opinion about Allen's style of writing? ial diseorees vith Reviewer B's point about how rlavant some sections ofthe book ‘are to Allen's main argument? cs agrees with Reviewer 0's point about the likely impact the Bock will have on readers? = presents a diferent ergument tothe others cegeing the extent to whic Allen's "yaaa wil be understood in ioent pats ofthe word? ie 7 7 i crest 2 acapine avo use or encuist ERE Part 7 You are going to read a newspaper article about butters. Si paragraphs have been removed from the atl CChoase fom the paragraphs AG the one which fis each gap (41-48). There is one extra paragraph which you ‘donot need fo uss In the exam, mark your answers on the porate answer sheet. ‘As golden lighe filers through the ices, slambesing bhaerflies bogin 19 wks, Amber wings unfold ad lit ‘lca bois inc the warm Mexican a Gene a wood ‘smoke ring battery afer bute lve the alery of ‘oaks and ies, unc the ale ls with millions of ther, RO oarcomenirne aie Soeel ee otek etm SiS aoe ai ene ate [a ‘Our journey here has een less epi. On horseback, ie has taken half an hou or so 0 reach the buterfies At 12,0 fei rooting sie ines «ep re-flled gully ‘We pause by the side of ico ge a loser view Thee ae tutes evryvhere, From unk boron tothe highest branch, the ees are coated in them. Bough bend unser their weight and sway soy in the breeze. The purple peas of wild lupins tam orange as barteri smother them in search of nectar Around pools on the ground, Inuge clusters of thissy Monarchs make a futering carpet cof wings as they drink a “he Anzac once believe shat Monarchs were the oul of warir ancestor migrating throug he freon ct vray ae land of he dex. For entries Tcl people Taveweleomel the arval ofthe burs in early int, Boldig spec elchaions inthe honou. Fluttering down to Mexico Sane Evans enhanted by the milion of bute shas igate tthe “ ‘Sar ee mount rhe a En route, generations of Monarchs mae, hatch and die ‘The ones that rach the US and Canada are fourth generation the great grandchildren of thowe that left Mexea. These lout generation Monarchs then By back ‘Mexico in one go, somchow finding their way bere and tepling chet lifespan ae they do so. How and why this happens remains » mystery. What ie known, though, is thar his unique migration is noc inincble While the ‘Monarch bute itself is nor endangered (populations thrive esewhere round the word), this migeaon route aR Lis is why this pockee of forest was given UNESCO ‘World Hectage Site sata in 2008, Logging i banned Ihre and the buerflis are officialy protected. Comprised of more than 38,000 hectares, the Reserve ~ knan at ‘he Monarch Buertly Biosphere Reserve is divided ino Sve nan seas, fou of which are open co che publi. QC) Serachng ou dir evergreen branches w the millions of bucenies Uae Murer and he, ese eee barcery gens, heping the Mancchy warm and sf ual ey By src on te sar of oe ofthe Ears Ios comple and beaut mig journey cat oatines vo mpl seni and bowich thor of ws fomunate enough vo wines Tip Strip Option A: Wht dows ‘three ton uch of’ athe beyning af thi option? Check he bss et for posse lence ‘Option D: Lock fr what these crete and this mess of ects’ look tora desrpten oa joomey nthe bee TEST 2: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH Ty] A. Mach of thi s down to deforesation ‘Quite simply, ae rer rumble, so. dees the number of Monarchs. Without the trash and. protection of the ees bhureris chat have Bown thousands of _ niles 10 avoid the ravages of nother Winters find chemiees fading cold ‘wing ke ey shrouds, over thei tiny bods, They frre #0 death overnight Bis aho posible co walkor hike up to see the uteri, Paths are well-defined, but the hourlong journey can be arduous tnd ra alte, x a ressonable level of fines i equied, The best cme vise tein Februty, when the huss area their mos active © Fed and watered, they sky dance “Tangerine wight, chy” fy chrough the gully sing the thermal, ing, between branches and sunbeams: Moving hough dappled sunlight in chet millions, the Monarchs cast a nectar fuelled spell shat rune she forest Ino a ‘darling barely Kiagsdom, 1D Moving closer othe sun, dese reat = st skepouange lige bold ace Iarkdnge ~ lok tke are sane gh ‘windows ad block out the ble of he iy. Ar he Buccs dip and sea, the sound of this mass of insets in motion fumbles ikea dane water ET i the newest of these, El Caplin, sohich isthe lasted aad the lent fected by legal ee-cting The forest here cheer Fir tsi ther shonsands stand ell and sold apna a igh ey. F Buc ic was only in the 1970s char scientist dicoered tha i was to this femate mound thatthe Monarche Teaving North Ameria were beaded each ‘mama, Later ecuch lo revealed that fhe Monarchs anving back in Noch ‘Americ, in Match ate not the ones that ‘overwinter bee @ Fluseting, dipping and soaring for ‘over 3,000 miles at around seven and 2 hal mies an bout, the bucerlis yan 4 continent — posing over the Great Takes pris, dese, mouncin ranges ices and motorways 10 ge 10 ths Surviving, sons and. burning Sonshine, ches fall creatures ate che fas of oe ofthe world’s most dang migation spectacles, est 2: READING AND use oF encusH NEE 5 Pane Tip Strip ‘Question 52: Lock tor ‘You are going to read an article about an art exhibition that focuses on the subject sxcuielett Gf wnaherpaining ee autbntc or fake Forquestone 4-86, choose om he ae ‘sections of the article (AF), The sections may be chosen more than once. ueston $5: tok or Fem facies Inthe exam, mark your anawerson the separate answer shoot Sar (oeron 56 ook or Settee Inwhich section ofthe atl are the folowing mentioned? Information that solved a mystery bout painting known tobe authentic a ‘an incorrect idea about the atitude of people responsible for exhibiting pictures {he fundementa ssue surrounding research nto a picture irilartes in an artist's style in more tan one place 2) |e] |e] |e ‘reasons why itis understandable that a certain mistake was made Investigative work that shower that picture was an unusual examele ofan arias work the wilingness of experts to acoopt that their bois ae wrong ‘he diferent categories of people Involved in examining pictures ‘evidence from an expert outside the word of art (3) (a! |e) || |e ‘| accusation that upset the waiter personaly WEEN esr: neavin ano use of ens Seeing through the fakes A. Clee Examination a te Nasional Gallery Tooke at 40 problematic works from the Gallery's «collection ~ including outighe forgeries, tmisatebutons,pastiches, copies, altered or over- restored paintings, and works whose authenticity hae wrongly been doubeed. The curators have taken ona huge subjec~ che range of possibilities ‘museum profesionals take inc consideration when they investigate a plete stats and the vary of| ‘echnical procedures coaservation scientists use to ‘ceablish authorship and date. The ease histories they discuss havea single common denominator. Ia ‘whatever direction and to whatever conclusion the combined disciplines of connoisseurship, science and ft history may lead, che sed of any work of art Iaogins wih a question: isthe work by the artist ro whom iis etetbuced? BA good example ian Ilan psnting on panel that the National Gallery acquired in 1923, 5 the ‘work of an arts inthe cice of the Kalan centh- ‘century punter Melozza da Foo, Today we find ic incredible that anyone was ever fooled bya piccure that looks like ic was painted by a Surrealist fllower lof Salvador Dall But cis ia 2 Forget how litle was Enown abour Melozzo 90 years ago, an how Hele could be done in the conservation lab co determine the date of pigments or wood panel. Even so, fom the moment the picture was acquired, scepic called ins stats into question. Nothing could be proved ‘ene 1960 when a costume historian pointed out the many anachronisms in the clothing. When technological advances enabled the galery to tet the pigments, they wete found o be from che nineteenth century © Scientific evidence canbe invaluable bur thas to be wed with caution and in tandem with historical research, For example, Corot ravishing sketch The Roman Campagna, with the Clendian Aqueduct has akways been dated to shout 1826, soon afer the atist’sarvival in Rome, However, he geen pigment ‘alle vridian that Corot weed throughout the picture anly became available co anists in the 1830s, ‘The landscape wasn fake and for stylistic reasons couldn have been painted late than the id-18205 Al Became clear when art hiscorians did archer research and discovered tha the fir chat sold aris supplies ¢ Corot ia Pacis seared making the nev developed colour available co selected customers in the 1820s, long before i came iao widespread use. D Theipsid of ik, bu capable of dong equal ok an arpa en duthentc work mistakenly bled forgery Ba in 1996, wl omens hw essing tea an ari in mich the former deo othe Mecopalitan Mascum of Art, Thomas loving, dled har Ucsel oveyi cas ofS Geog lind the Dragon was forged. The aly therfore XCtyed the picture and ted pn samples before concn tha fas a ire survival of work By cea dang fom tbe cary 1370s Heving ‘ts inesponsible not base he questioned the Ibution of a uch-ove work, but because he wre public who fe aking the gallery 0 cy oe thorugh semi ali E Anyone can label apiceure a fake or a copy, but thee opinions are worthless unless they can support them wich tangible proof. One picrue thats een smeared in this way is Raphael’s Madonna ofthe ‘Pinks, la this exhibition, we are shown infrared ‘photographs thar reveal the presence both of major corrections which a copyist Would not ned ro make, and alo of under drawing in a hand comparable Raph when he sketched om paper. The pigments and painting technique exactly match chose chat the arst used in other Works of about che same date F Forall is pleasures, the show also has an ‘unspoken agenda. I is poste to the mistaken belit that museums have anything to gain by hiding the true status of che ac they own, Asche downgrading inthis show of Cousbet's Sef Porat othe eau ‘of posthumous copy ofa picure inthe Lowwre shows, che opposite ithe case: museums and galleries ‘onstandly question, revise, tearwibute and re-date the works in their cre. they make a mistake, ehey acknowledge it TEST 2 READING AND USE OF ENGLISH ERT Oe Guidance Part ‘The focus of assent Fat 15 onan ey baad on 0 pais chosen fro thee gern he as Te art reer rst be nfarmed at abet understand you pt iter dou tc two parsyen cous shag tel reasons ov our wes apelin your wal con, Marks $e swarde or appropriate cane. sgiresion caherence chosen ge of rgoge and te co the tet tends: You shoul organise your ey cay ad use a0 Soproprate reste i gaurantee eos nine nee osesame sera mean amestaen anteater, Bap maca curate ithckteaetiaisem ome ‘General points + Pract ring tae inthe gen tne. Tare no poe in ‘Serain longer han 25 ruts when ang apace {SSC inthe eam, each at caries eq mang thers ating og by spending too lng on at and hen nat Fang enoogh ome to complete Pt 2. + aie wean on he eid mumbo werd, se Iso pt in itn ane hat ae to on heyy Inde revo! deta and at oo much te + Wie th a paring Soha au can hl each othe to pot ‘ecurng mites sag each ovate wan gps ‘Sect ol yeu own grammatial an ping mite 0 ‘fatyou kaw what lk ut oe * gett ai ofc nici ce Amey ene queston, and say hack ou rng 2 Inakosure that you hve nce eveything eauted + Male sire you Undastand he apopratefomat and reser or very peo askin he Wing pop + Beane tht yuan an hes apron + ot nl chack for gamma mtaes Aways ead your "one rough at you have wien ft check tae herent and makes see part 1 + Rada she nkrmaton before yu stat ow and think $Eout hn poms to choose your ey Oo you have rough ea foreach ore? +o 3¢ much wor as you can on ting a ange of ange. ‘rking onthe ending Sha Use ogi papel Fat you wth ths + Spend tie inking of sus ois or tlt ops Sorhatyou hives forthe ass. You aul up fe ‘i hse as ae ee fon ou racic og {Ustorrevse forthe earn fps you cess when prepotng {or the Spekg papa ar a use Port 2 + Bled up ideas abot aire topes nthe sae way for at and pacosverng the erent Gees + Consifer what our oun stengts in wtag ave Do wi yan rerotng aoe, ae ral informative ates? Ths vl ep you chose the bet pe brik the ean +The qusionsn th sam may regs you toe diferent Tanguage uncon Werk on ifent way of aking ade, ‘leering, nlaning, and 30 on Test 2: warning

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