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1. In Indian Polity which of the following is Supreme?

A) The Supreme Court

B) The Cons tu on

C) The Parliament

D) Religion

Ans. B

2. The cons tu on of India is

A) Rigid

B) Flexible

C) Very rigid

D) Partly rigid, partly flexible

Ans. D

3. India’s cons tu on was enacted and adopted by the Cons tuent Assembly __________

A) 27th Nov. 1949

B) 26th Nov. 1949

C) 26th Nov. 1950

D) 26th Nov. 1947

Ans. B

4. There are provisons in the cons tu on to ensure the independence of

A) Parliament

B) Judiciary

C) Ci zens

D) None of these

Ans. B

5. According to ______ any person (both male and female) who has a ained 18 years or more than
that will be given an opportunity to take part in the poli cal affairs of the state

A) Universal Adult Franchisee

B) Single Ci zenship

C) Special Provision

D) Fundamental Right

Ans. A
6. The most essen al feature of a federal government is

A) Division of a Power between the federal and state government

B) Supremacy of parliament

C) Supremacy of Judiciary

D) Single Ci zenship

Ans. A

7. In Indian Polity, the execu ve is subordinate to the

A) Judiciary

B) Legislature

C) Elec on Commission

D) Union Public Service Commission

Ans. B

8. How many Ar cles consists in the Indian Cons tu on?

A) 448 Ar cles

B) 120 Ar cles

C) 280 Ar cles

D) 750 Ar cles

Ans. A

9. The Presiden al government operates on the principle of

A) Division of powers between centre and states

B) Centralisa on of Powers

C) Balance of Powers

D) Separa on of powers

Ans. D

10 . Cons tu onal Remedies is enforced by _______

A) Ar cle 32

B) Ar cle 30

C) Ar cle 22

D) Ar cle 36

Ans. A

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