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Meba Makine Ltd. ti. Kk Sanayi Sitesi 22. Blok No:4-5-6 Nilfer Bursa Tel : 0 224 441 78 15 Fax : 0 224 441 78 14 E-Mail :


Electro magnetc brakes have a wde used area, makes stable and accurate brakng at The electrc engnes. Electrcal brake used generally ndustral areas also nstallaton and approprate sze allows the users to use n wde areas.

CAUTION: Electro magnetc brake stops tself when electrc power faled. The tracks of brake stays under hgh bow pressure. Dont remove the tracks f you do any process except wrtten n gude book you can damage vehcle and yourself. 2 General securty informatons

It doesnt conssts all of securty nformatons f brake has any problem please contact wth seller. Electro magnetc brake should be nstalled by the operator. Only qualfed staff should work wth brake. Dont operate not sutable envronments. Electro magnetc brake desgned to work properly f ts nstalled normally doesnt consst any danger. To change the tracks and to put not sutable tracks are forbdden. If you need any modfcaton please contact wth your saler representator. Avod the ol, drt and abrasve partcles,to contact wth frcton surfaces. Otherwse the brake capacty can be low. Dont operate n envronment contanng explosve or flammable. If operates mnus temperatures save the brake accordng to freze. Put the electrcal parts fts not to make short- crcut. 3 Installaton of brake 3.1 Get the out from box and check for damege durng transportaton. 3.2 Electro magnetc brake gven to you wth all tracks you dont need any extra pece. 3.3 remove the rear fan cover then remove the propeller, mount the hub gear to the motor shaft, Mddle hole of the gear s smaller than the motor shaft dameter, brng the same extent mddle hole of the gear wth motor shaft dameters make a dagger nstallaton place, than hub gear nstalls on the center of brake shoe lnng. 3.4 The mddle hub gear whch mounted to motor shaft put to brake shoe gear mounts to connecton flange. 3.5 Electro magnetc brake s ready for workng. f voltage s turned off the brake stops motor. And when approprate voltage s gven t contnues to turn.

4 Workng system Electro magnetc brakes have 2 frcton surfaces and between that surfaces placed brake shoe lnng. When DC voltage ddnt be on col, pressure springs compress shoe lnngs so after that brake torque conssts. By the help of feedng brake col a magnetc feld created n the body of the brake, and pulls brake pressure plate to electro magnet. In ths case shoe lnng releases whch s ftted on the rotor shaft. When voltage broken the magnetc feld s dsappears and by the sprngs power pressure brakes engne. If voltage doesnt apply to brake t stays off. When voltage appled brake swtces on tself.

4 Voltage test Cauton: when electro magnetc brake stays normally the engne should not turn. Cauton: never touch the electrc connecton ponts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.1 Connect the electrcal connecton as shown on the table. Swtch on electrc. measure the DC voltage. Compare the voltage wth electro magnetc barakes voltage. % 10 can change. Whle engne turnng ar space shouldnt be. Swtch off electrc. Workng Controls

Control the brake whle workng and and followng ponts should be consdered. - Dfferent voce and temperature. - Lax connecton - Status of the cable. If you face wth any problem please look at the part 7 n the gude book. Or please contact wth sales represantatve. 6 Mantenance and repair 6.1 Interm audt Accordng to workng condtons the surface of peces erodes. Brake workng tme s connected Wth engne speed anf frctons. Interm audts should be adapted to operatng condtons. In ths Way brake work a long tme wth mnmal eroson. 6.2 Voltage controls Cauton: dont touch electrc connectons. 1. Open engne cover. 2. whle brake workng measure DC voltage and that voltage should be same wth gven voltage but % 10 percent can change. 3. apply gven voltage on brake - control the frcton voces of brake - f there s any beatn and frcton voce open brake and clean the dust.

7 Faults and elimination

Breakdown THE REASON Brake doesnt work Col can be faled. And brake gap s Not proper. Col may have been shortcrcut REPAIRING Measure col resstance f resstance was so much change brake. Measure col resstance. Compare wt gven value and measured value f resstance was small change brake. . control con contacts and body wth multmeter. . f any short crcut on body change brake. . control brake voltage. Control the connectons and cables. Multimetre ile dorultucunun DC voltajn ln : measure the rectfers DC voltage. If AC voltage s zero: -swtch on voltage - control the fuse -control the connectons If AC voltage s rght: Control the rectfer Change the rectfer. If DC voltage s lower: control rectfer check for short crcut the cols. If rectfer breaksdown agan change the brake because there can be a short crcut between col and body. Check ar gap Change brake Select approprate brake voltage Select approprate voltage and rectfer. Change rectfer Check cable and connecton and ft a new fuse.

Connecton can be Wrong or broken.

Rectfer dode Can be brokendown

Shoe lnng does Not rotate freely

Ar gap s too small

Brake shoe lnng Brake has not changed on the thckness reduced Tme. Voltage s so hgh Voltage s not approprate To brake rectfer.

Voltage s not approprate Voltage s too low. To brake rectfer. Rectfer can be brokendown Man AC feedng Fuse can be bokendown

8. Pece lst and code numbers PIECE NAME

Brake Body and col 24 V Body and col 98 V Pressure adjustment screw Pressng pn Compresson spring Shoe lnng and flange Shoe lnng and flange Top flange Connecton flange Alumnum bush Hub gear Transformer 50 Watt Transformer 100 Watt Full wave dode Half wave dode

0.3 Kg. BRAKE

EMF030 EMF050-110 EMF050-114 EMF050-150 EMF050-200 EMF050-250 EMF050-300 EMF050-355 EMF050-450 EMF050-460 EMF050-500 EMF050-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

0.5 Kg. BRAKE

EMF050 EMF100-110 EMF100-114 EMF100-150 EMF100-200 EMF100-250 EMF100-300 EMF100-355 EMF100-450 EMF100-460 EMF100-500 EMF100-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

EMF100 EMF250-110 EMF250-114 EMF250-150 EMF250-200 EMF250-250 EMF250-300 EMF250-355 EMF250-450 EMF250-460 EMF250-500 EMF000-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

2.5 Kg. BRAKE

EMF250 EMF400-110 EMF400-114 EMF400-150 EMF400-200 EMF400-250 EMF400-300 EMF400-355 EMF400-450 EMF400-460 EMF400-500 EMF000-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

EMF400 EMF500-110 EMF500-114 EMF500-150 EMF500-200 EMF500-250 EMF500-300 EMF500-355 EMF500-450 EMF500-460 EMF500-500 EMF500-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920


Brake Body and coil 24 V Body and coil 98 V Pressure adjustment screw Pressng pn Presssng spring Bottom flange Shoe lnng flange Top flange Connecton flange Alumnum bush Hub gear Transformer 50 Watt Transformer 100 Watt Full wave dode Half wave diode EMF500 EMF1000-110 EMF1000-114 EMF1000-150 EMF1000-200 EMF1000-250 EMF1000-300 EMF1000-355 EMF1000-450 EMF1000-460 EMF1000-500 EMF1000-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

10 Kg. BRAKE
EMF1000 EMF2000-110 EMF2000-114 EMF2000-150 EMF2000-200 EMF2000-250 EMF2000-300 EMF2000-355 EMF2000-450 EMF2000-460 EMF2000-500 EMF2000-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

20 Kg. BRAKE

30 Kg. BRAKE

40 Kg. BRAKE
EMF4000 EMF5000-110 EMF5000-114 EMF5000-150 EMF5000-200 EMF5000-250 EMF5000-300 EMF5000-355 EMF5000-450 EMF5000-460 EMF5000-500 EMF5000-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

50 Kg. BRAKE
EMF500 EMF5000-110 EMF5000-114 EMF5000-150 EMF5000-200 EMF5000-250 EMF5000-300 EMF5000-355 EMF5000-450 EMF5000-460 EMF5000-500 EMF5000-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

EMF3000-110 EMF4000-110 EMF3000-114 EMF4000-114 EMF3000-150 EMF4000-150 EMF3000-200 EMF4000-200 EMF3000-250 EMF400-250 EMF3000-300 EMF4000-300 EMF3000-355 EMF4000-355 EMF3000-450 EMF4000-450 EMF3000-460 EMF4000-460 EMF3000-500 EMF4000-500 EMF3000-550 EMF4000-550 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920 EMF000-180 EMF000-185 EMF000-910 EMF000-920

9. Connecton schemas 9.1 98 Volt DC swtching 98 V Brake electrc connecton schema

R S T N Blue
AC 220 V Entrance Brdge DODE DC 98 V EXIT

Red Red DC VOLT Brake


NOTE:. Runnng motor contactors connects paralel. And DC entrance of brdge dode swtches.


98 Volt AC SWITCHING SCHEMA 98 V Brake electric connecton schema

R S T N blue
AC 220 V Entrance bridge DODE DC 98 V EXIT


Brake K K


NOTE:. Runnng motor contactors connects paralel. And AC entrance of brdge dode sws.


24 Volt DC SWITCHING 24 V brake electrc connecton schema

AC 24 V entrance bridge DODe DC 22 V EXIT


Red 24 volt transformer black




NOTE:. Runnng motor contactors connects paralel. And DC ext of brdge dod


24 Volt AC swtchng 24 V brake electrc connecton schema

Red DC VOLT black
DC 22 V ext brdge DODE AC 24 V entrance




24 V transformer


NOTE:. Runnng motor contactors connects paralel. And AC ext of brdge dode swtches.


Delayed brakng 98 V Delayed brake electrc connecton schema




DC 98 V ext brdge dode AC 220 V entrance




Beevler K.S.S. 22.Blok No:4-5-6 Nilfer / BURSA Tel: +90 224 441 78 15 Fax: +90 224 441 78 14 Web:

Producton certfcate 98/37/EC machnery safety regulatons 97/23/EEC low voltage regulatons MEBA MACHINE METAL INDUSTRY AND TRADE Kk Sanayi Sitesi 22. Blok No: 4-5-6 Nilfer BURSA Wth ths certfcaton n the followng ls of products are approprate for health and securty condtons f ftted approprate machnes.

EMF 050 EMF 100 EMF 250 EMF 400 EMF 500

model model model model model

EMF 1000 EMF 2000 EMF 3000 EMF 4000 EMF 5000

model model model model model

98/37/EC Makine Emniyeti Ynetmelii 73/23/EEC Dk Voltaj Ynetmelii TS EN 1050 safety and rsk assessment prncples at machnery. TS EN 292 desgn for safety machnery, basc concepts and general prncples Blm 1 man terms- methodology Blm 2 techncal prncples and features Approprate for standarts



Signature Ali BAY Sales Manager


Beevler K.S.S. 22.Blok No:4-5-6 Nilfer / BURSA Tel: +90 224 441 78 15 Fax: +90 224 441 78 14 Web:

DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 98/37/EC machnery safety regulatons 97/23/EEC low voltage regulatons MEBA MACHINE METAL INDUSTRY AND TRADE Kk Sanayi Sitesi 22. Blok No: 4-5-6 Nilfer BURSA As we are about ths statement; EMF 050 EMF 100 EMF 250 EMF 400 EMF 500 model model model model model EMF 1000 EMF 2000 EMF 3000 EMF 4000 EMF 5000 model model model model model

Spring clamped brakes and electro magnetc brakes as followng; 98/37/EC machnery safety regulatons 73/23/EEC low voltage regulatons Wthn the basc health and safety conditions and relevant; TS EN 1050 Machnery safety and rsk assessment principles. TS EN 292 safety of machnery Part 1. Man terms and methodology Part 2 Technical principles and features. Is n conformty wth the standards.



Signature Ali BAY Sales Manager

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