02 Lean Exercise (Wastes)

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Exercise 2- Indicate what wastes correspond to each statement (more than one is applicable)

Waiting Errors Motion Transportation Overproduction Rework Overprocessing Underutilisation of

people talent

I need the authorization of the finance department before passing it through the
1 general director and operations to release this budget. I don't know who makes
decisions in Finance, it's confusing. I have already sent to several people and for
25 days I have not had any response.

The customer has returned the product to us because the packaging is broken.
He is not confident that the product may be in good condition.

I am a commercial manager and every time I propose to make changes in the

3 commercial strategy, nobody listens to me. I believe that we can overcome this
economic downturn and Management should listen to people with concerns and
experience, like me.

I have to prepare a shipment to the ABC client and I cannot find the last proposal
4 approved by it. I have searched the mail, I have spoken with the salesperson and
it seems that it is misplaced. So I can't move forward

A decision has to be made regarding customer ABC complaints and I have

5 consulted Finance, Legal, Marketing and no one makes the decision. That mail
has already circulated through all hands and nobody does anything.

Again I find flaws in the packaging process. I have already carried out 3
6 verifications, one package is missing the plastic that covers the product, another
the part separators and another the paper with the latest offers. This implies
repeating the process again. When are we going to learn?

I have already finished the three reports that I must send to the Senior
7 Leadeership Team and I have created two more just in case they ask for it. This is
how I explain the details better.

Wow, now we have to go to the 2nd floor to collect what we have printed. This
8 implies having to leave a client waiting for me for a few minutes. These new
savings and optimization measures don't make much sense. Nobody has thought
of us, specially this team that is in charge of customer service.

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