Just in Time

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Name: María Fernanda Vesga García

Group: 2739

Just in time

Just in time system was introduced and used by Taiichi Ohno in auto-assembling factory

Toyota in Japan in the early 1970s. This method has been defined as “preparing all primary

materials and parts, that are supplied exactly when they are needed during the production

process” (Hamid, 2012). It means the main purpose is to avoid or eliminate waste

associated with overproduction, waiting and excess inventory; helping the companies to

reduce costs, increase boosts profitability, have more quality control, and optimize

production processes.

This production system is carried out through four objectives: “attack the fundamental

problems, eliminate waste, seek simplicity and design systems to identify problems”

(Franco, 2017). The input of sustained effort over a long period of time within the

framework of continuous improvement and the endeavor of managers and employees is key

in this method. Just in time strategy is so effective that successful companies use it today,

such as Apple, McDonald's, Dell, etc.

Therefore, how the just in time method can contribute to my international business career?

As a future professional in administration, it’s of vital importance to have competitive

advantages and knowledge about different resources and strategies of management that

allow taking advantage of the raw materials in an efficient way, coordinating the quality of

products, reducing costs and eliminating waste, always looking for the benefit of the

internal and external consumers.


Dr. C. Eugine Franco, & S.Rubha. (2017). An overview about jit (just-in-time) - inventory

management system. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 5(4SE), 14–18.


Pourasiabi, Hamed & Pourasiabi, Hamid. (2012). Just In Time (JIT) Production and Supply
Chain Management.

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