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Weight of Corrugated Roofing Sheet 0.1 kPa

Purlins; Use C9x13 4.784 kPa

Mechanical and Electrical Allowances 0.38 kPa


Rise less than 1-unit vertical in 3-unit
horizontal (33.3% less than 100% slope). 0.75 kPa
Arch and dome with rise less than 1/8 of
span. (for tributary area 20 to 60 m2)

Table 205-3. Minimum Roof Live Loads.

NSCP 2015

Wind load Parameters
1. Occupancy Category IV: Standard Occupancy Structures (Section 103 of NSCP
2. Basic Wind Speed V = 260 kph = 72.22 m/s (Section 207- Figure 207A.5-1A of
NSCP 2015)
3. Directionality Factor, K d = 0.85 (Section 207 - Table 207A.6-1 of NSCP 2015)
4. Exposure Category = B (Section 207: 207A.7 of NSCP 2015)
5. Topographic factor, K zt = 1.0 (Section 207: 207A.8.2 of NSCP 2015)
6. Gust effect factor, G or Gf = 0.85 (Section 207: 207A.9.1 of NSCP 2015)
7. Enclosure Classification: Open Building (Section 207: 207A.10 of NSCP 2015)
8. Internal pressure coefficient, GC pi : (Section 207 - Table 207A.11-1 of NSCP
9. The velocity factor coefficient, K h or K z

For roofs with θ>10 °,

h= ( 2 )(
eave height +ridge height
2 )
=8.2346 m

At 8.235m:
Using interpolation,
From Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients, K h and K z (Section 207 - Table
207E.3-1 of NSCP 2015)
y 1 = 9, y 2 = 12
From Terrain Exposure Constants (Section 207 - Table 207A.9-1 of NSCP
Since Exposure = B
z g =365.76, α =7.0

From (Section 207 - C207B.3-1 of NSCP 2015)

z α
For 4.75m ≤ z ≤ z g ; K z = 2.01 ( )

2 2
12 7.0 9
K z = 2.01 ( ) = 0.757 K z = 2.01 ( ) 7.0 = 0.697
365.76 365.76
x 1 = 0.697, x 2=¿ 0.757

Using the values,

y = 8.235, y 1 = 9, y 2 = 12
x 1 = 0.697, x 2=¿ 0.757
y 2− y 1
y− y1 =( )(x−x 1 )
x 2−x 1

Where x = velocity factor coefficient, y = height above ground level

8.235−9=( )( x−0.679)
x = 0.6817
K z=¿ 0.6817

Velocity Pressure, q z (Section 207: 207E.3-1 C207B.3-1 of NSCP 2015)

q z = 0.613 K z K zt K d V 2
q z = 0.613 (0.6817) (1.0) (0.85) (72.22 m/s)²
q z = 1852.6256 Pa

Determining the pressure coefficient, CN from Figure 207E.8-2 of NSCP 2015

L = 17.97 m Purlin spacing = 0.65m

Mean roof height, h = 8.235m Truss spacing = 5.4m
Roof slope,  = 18°

Solving for a,
10% (L) = 0.10 (17.97m) = 1.797m

4% (L) = 0.04 (17.97m) = 0.7188m

0.4h = 0.4 (8.235m) = 3.294m

Since 0.4h > 10% L > 4%L,

Use a = 1.797m

Effective Area (Section 207 of NSCP 2015)

For purlins,
Solving for the effective area,
1 2
A= ( 5.4 m )( 5.4 m)=9.72 m

Table 1. Pressure Coefficients for Purlins

θ Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1
>a 2 15 ° 0.8 -2.4 0.8 -2.4 0.5 -1.6
≤4a 2 20° 0.8 -2.4 0.8 -2.4 0.5 -1.6
30° 0.8 -1.8 0.8 -1.8 0.5 -1.2

For truss,
Solving for the effective area,
A=( 5.4 m )( 17.97 m )=97.038m2

Table 1. Pressure Coefficients for Truss

θ Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1
15 ° 0.5 -1.6 0.5 -1.6 0.5 -1.6
>4 a2
20° 0.5 -1.6 0.5 -1.6 0.5 -1.6
30° 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2

Computing the design wind load (P) using equation 207E.8-1 of NSCP 2015
p = qz (G Cn) (N/m2)

For Purlins,
At Zone 3,
p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (0.8) p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (-2.4)
p = 1.2598 kPa p = -3.779 kPa
p = 1.2598 kPa (0.65m) p = -3.779 kPa (0.65m)
p = 0.8189 kN/m p = -2.456 kN/m
At Zone 2,
p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (0.8) p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (-2.4)
p = 1.2598 kPa p = -3.779 kPa
p = 1.2598 kPa (0.65m) p = -3.779 kPa (0.65m)
p = -2.456 kN/m
p = 0.8189 kN/m
At Zone 1,
p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (0.5) p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (-1.6)
p = 0.787 kPa p = -2.519kPa
p = 0.787 kPa (0.65m) p = -2.519 kPa (0.65m)
p = 0.5116 kN/m p = -1.637 kN/m

Summary of the Design Wind Load for Purlins

ZONE P (kPa) P x 0.65m (kN/m)
3 1.2598 -3.779 0.8189 -2.456
2 1.2598 -3.779 0.8189 -2.456
1 0.787 -2.519 0.5116 -1.637

For Truss,
At Zone 3,
p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (0.5) p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (-1.6)
p = 0.787 kPa p = -2.519kPa
p = 0.787 kPa (0.65m) p = -2.519kPa (0.65m)
p = 0.5116 kN/m p = -1.637 kN/m
At Zone 2,
p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (0.5) p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (-1.6)
p = 0.787 kPa p = -2.519kPa
p = 0.787 kPa (0.65m) p = -2.519kPa (0.65m)
p = 0.5116 kN/m p = -1.637 kN/m
At Zone 1,
p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (0.5) p = 1852.6256 Pa (0.85) (-1.6)
p = 0.787 kPa p = -2.519kPa
p = 0.787 kPa (0.65m) p = -2.519kPa (0.65m)
p = 0.5116 kN/m p = -1.637 kN/m

Summary of the Design Wind Load for Truss

ZONE P (kPa) P x 0.65m (kN/m)
3 0.787 -2.519 0.5116 -1.637
2 0.787 -2.519 0.5116 -1.637
1 0.787 -2.519 0.5116 -1.637

1. Occupancy Category (Section 208 - Table 208-1 of NSCP 2015)
Seismic Importance Factors
Category IV (Standard Occupancy Structures)
Seismic Importance Factor, I=1.00
Seismic Importance Factor, Ip=1.00
2. Site Geology and Soil Characteristics (Section 208: 208.4.3 of NSCP 2015)
Soil Profile Type - SD (Stiff Soil Profile)
3. Site Seismic Hazard Characteristics (Section 208 - Table 208-3 of NSCP 2015)
Seismic Zone Factor Z
Seismic Zone - Zone 4, Z=0.40
4. Seismic Source Type (Section 208 - Table 208-4 of NSCP 2015)
Seismic Source Types 1
A- Faults that are capable of producing large magnitude events and that
have a high rate of seismic activity
5. Seismic Near Source Factor (Section 208 - Table 208-5 and Table 208-6 of NSCP
Near-Source Factor, Na
At distance to known seismic source ≥15km,
Na =1.0
Near-Source Factor, Nv
Closest distance to known seismic source ≥15km,
Nv = 1.0
6. Seismic Responds Coefficients: (Section 208 - Table 208-7 and Table 208-8 of
NSCP 2015)
Seismic Coefficient, Ca and Seismic Coefficient, Cv
At soil type SD and seismic zone 4,
Ca = 0.44Na Cv = 0.64Nv
Ca = 0.44 (1.0) Cv = 0.64 (1.0)
Ca = 0.44 Cv = 0.64
7. Configuration Requirements (Section 208: 208.4.5 of NSCP 2015)
Regular Structure
8. Structural System Coefficient (Section 208 - Table 208-1 IB of NSCP 2015)
Earthquake-Force-Resisting Structural Systems of Steel
Special Truss Moment Frames, R = 6.5

Dead Load Computation for Seismic Analysis

Reinforced Concrete Column = 0.40m x 0.60m
Baseplate = 0.025m x 0.35m x 0.55m

ASEP Steel Table p. 4-66 L100x100x6

Weight of Roof Truss = Weight of L 100x100x6 mm + Weight of L 75x75x6 mm
= [(9.26 kg/m × 9.81m/s2)/1000] (43.211) (12) + [(6.87 ×
9.81)/1000] (62.549) (12)
= (0.091kN/m) (43.211) (12) + (0.067kN/m) (62.549) (12)
= 97.476 kN

ASEP Steel Table p. 4-68 L100x100x6 ; p. 4-68 L75x75x6

Weight of Truss Column = Weight of L 100x100x6 mm + Weight of L 75x75x6
= [(9.26 × 9.81)/1000] (14.038) (24) + [(6.87 × 9.81)/1000]
(13.135) (24)
= (0.091kN/m) (14.038) (24) + (0.067kN/m) (13.135) (24)
= 51.780 kN
ASEP Steel Table p. 4-68 L100x100x6 ; p. 4-68 L75x75x6
Weight of Strut 1 = Weight of L 100x100x6 mm + Weight of L 75x75x6 mm
= [(9.26 × 9.81)/1000] (28) (2) + [(6.87 × 9.81)/1000] (45.240) (2)
= (0.091kN/m) (28) (2) + (0.067kN/m) (45.240) (2)
= 11.158 kN

ASEP Steel Table p. 4-66 L50x50x6

Weight of Strut 2 = Weight of L 50x50x6 mm
= [(4.47 × 9.81)/1000] [28 + 1.214(30)] (4)
= (0.044kN/m) (64.42m) (4)
= 11.338 kN

Weight of Baseplate = [(7850 × 9.81)/(1000)] (0.00217m 3) (24)

= (77.0085 kN/m3) (0.00217m3) (24)
= 2.005 kN

Weight of Purlins = (4.784 kN/m2) (1.514 m2) (14)

= 101.402 kN

Weight of Roof Sheet = (0.1 kN/m2) (903.811 m2)

= 90.381 kN

Total weight of the structure = 365.540 kN

Structure Period
Ct = 0.0853
T = Ct (hn)3/4
T = 0.0853 (5.4m)3/4
T = 0.3022 sec; T < 0.7 sec

Base Shear Computation

Design Base Shear
NSCP 2015 Chp 2 p. 214 Design Base Shear (208-8)
V= v W
(1.024 )( 1)
V= (365.540 kN)
(6.5)(0.3022 s)
V = 190.558 kN

Maximum Base Shear

NSCP 2015 Chp 2 p. 214 Design Base Shear (208-9)
2.5C a I
Vmax = W
( 2.5 )( 0.528 )( 1 )
Vmax = (365.540 kN )
Vmax = 74.233 kN
Minimum Base Shear
NSCP 2015 Chp 2 p. 214 Design Base Shear (208-11)
0.8 ZN v I
Vmin = W
( 0.8 ) ( 0.4 ) ( 1 )
Vmin = (365.540 kN )
Vmin = 17.996 kN

NSCP 2015 Chp 2 p. 214 Design Base Shear (208-10)

Vmin = 0.11CaIW
Vmin = 0.11 (0.528) (1) (365.540 kN)
Vmin = 21.231 kN
Since V > Vmax, use V = 74.233 kN

Vertical Distribution Force Computation

Since T < 0.7s,
Ft = 0
(V −F t ) w x hx
Fx =
∑ w i hi
Fx =
3,169.232+ 0
Fx = 74.233 kN

Moment Computation
Mx = 74.233 kN (8.67m) = 643.600 kN-m

Summary of the Design Seismic Load

Level, x hx (m) Wx (kN) Wx hx Fx (kN) Vx (kN) Mx (kN-m)
1 8.67 365.540 3,169.232 74.233 74.233 643.600
Total 365.540 3,169.232 74.233
Inspection of Top Chord of the Critical Roof Truss (2-L75mmx75mmx6mm)

2-L75mmx75mmx6mm Properties:

A = 874.73 mm2 Ix = 455 700 mm4

d = 75 mm Sx = 8 400 mm3
b = 75 mm rx = 22.82 mm
t = 6 mm y = 20.43 mm
Fy = 250 MPa Fu = 400 MPa

Critical Section of the Top Chord

With the aid of the STAAD Pro, accurate values of design axial force are
obtained. The critical member has an axial force of 93.608 kN.

Computing the nominal axial load using Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), ∅
= 0.90
Pu 93.608
Pn= = =104.0089 kN
ø 0.90
Critical P = 104.0089 kN

Computing slenderness ratio using laterally unbraced length of member, L b =

1390.89 mm, effective length factor, K = 1.0, and the governing radius of gyration, r =
22.82 mm.
KLb 1.0(1390.89)
= =60.9505 kN
r 22.82

The flexural buckling stress, Fcr, is determined as:


200 000
250 √

≤ ≥ 4.71
r Fy
60.9505 kN ≤ 133.2189

( )
Since CC is greater than the slenderness ratio, then F = 0.658 F (Fy) wherein Fe
is given with the formula of:
π E π 2( 200 000)
F e= = =¿
( )
KLb ( 60.9505 )2 531.3433 MPa

=( 0.658 )(250) = 205.3120 MPa

F cr

To determine the area required the formula is given as follow:

Critical Axial Force 104.0089 2
Arequired = = =506.5895 mm
F cr 205.3120
Arequired ≤ A used

2 2
506.5895 mm ≤874.73 mm

From the computation above, L75mmx75mmx6mm high strength steel A-36

angle bars were used as the top chord of the truss frame.
Inspection of Bottom Chord of the Critical Roof Truss (2 - L 100mm x 100mm x

Properties of L 100mm x 100mm x 6mm:

A = 1,179.45 mm2 Ix = 1,110.5x103 mm4

d = 100 mm Sx = 15.1 mm3
b = 100 mm rx = 30.69 mm
t = 6 mm y = 26.42 mm
Fy = 250 MPa Fu = 400 MPa

Critical Section of the Bottom Chord

With the aid of the STAAD Pro, accurate values of design axial force are
obtained. The critical member has an axial force of 140.145 kN

Computing the nominal axial load using Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), ∅
= 0.90
Pu 140.145 kN
Pn = = = 155.7167 kN
∅ 0.90
Critical P = 155.7167 kN

To prevent yielding the required gross area is computed as

Critical Axial Force 155.7167 kN
Required Ag =
0.90 Fy
= 0.90(250)
= 692.0742 mm2
Required Ag ≤ Area used

692.0742 mm2 ≤ 1,179.45 mm2

To avoid fracture the required effective net area is computed as
Critical Axial Force 155.7167 kN
Required Ae =
0.75 Fu
= 0.75 (400) = 519.0557 mm2
Required Ag ≤ Area used

519.0557 mm2 ≤ 1,179.45 mm2

From the computation above, L100x100x6 mm high strength steel A-36 angle
bars were used as the bottom chord of the truss frame.
Inspection of Web Members of the Critical Roof Truss (2 - L 75mm x 75mm x

2 - L 75mm x 75mm x 6mm Properties

A = 875 mm² Ix = 128, 000 mm⁴

d = 75 mm Sx = 8, 400 mm⁴
b = 75 mm rx = 22.82 mm
t = 6 mm y = 20.43 mm
Fy = 250 MPa Fu = 400 MPa

Critical Member of Roof Truss

With the aid of the STAAD Pro, accurate values of design axial force are
obtained. The critical member has an axial force of 138.822 kN.

Computing the nominal axial loading using Ø = 0.90 (LFRD)

P 138.822
Pn=¿ u = = 154.2467kN
∅ 0.90
Critical P = 154.2467 kN

Design Compression Members

Computing slenderness ratio using laterally unbraced length of member, Lb =

1627.08 mm, effective length factor, K = 1.0, and the governing radius of gyration, r =
22.82 mm
KLb (1.0)(1627.08)
= = 71.3006 kN
r 22.82

The flexural buckling stress, F cr, is determined as:

Cc = 4.71
√ E
= 4.71
√200000 133.2189
= kN

≤ 4.71
r Fy

71.3006 ≤ 133.2189

Since Cc is greater than the slenderness ratio, F cr = (0.658 ¿ ¿ )Fy ¿ wherein F e
is given the formula of:
π2 E 2
π ( 200000)
F e = KLb = 2
2 = 388.2785 MPa
( ) 71.3006
F 250
F cr = (0.658 ¿ ¿ y ) Fy ¿ = (0.658 ¿ ¿ )¿(250) = 190.9420 MPa
Fe 388.2785

To determine the area required the formula is given as follow:

critical axial load 154.2467
Arequired = = = 807.8197 mm²
F cr 190.9420
Arequired ≤ A used

807.8197 mm ² ≤ 875 mm ²

Design of Tension Members

To prevent yielding the required gross area is computed as:

critical axial force 154.2467
Required A g =
0.9 F y = = 685.5409 mm²
Required A g ≤ Aused

685.5409 ≤ 875 mm ²

To avoid fracture the required effective net area is computed as:

critical axial force 154.2467
Required A e = = = 514.1557 mm²
0.75 F u 0.75(400)
Required A e ≤ A used

514.1557 mm ² ≤ 875 mm ²
From the computation above, L 75mm x 75mm x 6mm high strength steel A-36
angle bars were used as the web members of the truss frame.
Inspection of Critical Section of Vertical Truss Column (2 - L 100mm x 100mm x

Properties of L 100mm x 100mm x 6mm:

A = 1,179.45 mm2
d = 100 mm Ix = 1,110.5x103 mm4
b = 100 mm Sx = 15.1 mm3
t = 6 mm rx = 30.69 mm
Fy = 250 MPa y = 26.42 mm
Fu = 400 MPa

Critical Member of the Column

With the aid of the STAAD Pro, accurate values of design axial force are
obtained. The critical member has an axial force of 175.174 kN.

Computing the nominal axial load using Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), ∅
= 0.90

Pu 175.174 kN
Pn = = = 194.6378 kN
∅ 0.90
Critical P = 194.6378 kN

Computing slenderness ratio using: laterally unbraced length of member, L b =

1548.84 mm; effective length factor, K = 1.0 and the governing radius of gyration, r =
30.69 mm
KLb 1.00 ( 1548.84 )
= = 50.4673 kN
r (30.69)

The flexural buckling stress, Fcr, is determined as

Cc = 4.71
√ E
= 4.71
√200 000
= 133.2189

≤ 4.71
r Fy

50.4673 ≤ 133.2189
Since Cc is greater than the slenderness ratio, then F cr = (0.658 Fe )(Fy) wherein
Fe is given with the formula of
π2 E
π 2( 200000)
Fe = KLb 2 = = 775.0141 MPa
( ) (50.4673)2
Fy 250
Fcr = (0.658 Fe ) Fy = (0.658 775.0141 ) (250) = 218.4260 MPa

To determine the area required the formula is given as follow

Critical Axial Force 194.6378
Arequired =
F cr
= 218.4260 = 891.0926 mm2
Arequired ≤ Area used

891.0926 mm2 ≤ 1,179.45 mm2

From the computation above, L100x100x6 mm high strength steel A-36 angle
bars were used on the column.
Inspection of Critical Section of Vertical Column Truss (2 - L 75mm x 75mm x

Properties of L 75mm x 75mm x 6mm:

ASEP Steel Handbook Rolled Shapes page 4-68, 4-69

A = 874.73 mm2 Ix = 455.7x103 mm4
d = 75 mm Sx = 8.4 mm3
b = 75 mm rx = 22.82 mm
t = 6 mm y = 20.43 mm
Fy = 250 MPa Fu = 400 MPa

Critical Web Member of the Column

With the aid of the STAAD Pro, accurate values of design axial force are
obtained. The critical member has an axial force of 47.830 kN.

Computing the nominal axial load using Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), ∅
= 0.90
Pu 47.830 kN
Pn = = 0.90 = 53.1444 kN

Critical P = 53.1444 kN

Computing slenderness ratio using: laterally unbraced length of member, L b =

1575.55 mm; effective length factor, K = 1.0 and the governing radius of gyration, r =
22.82 mm
KLb 1.00 ( 1575.55 )
= = 69.0425 kN
r (22.82)

The flexural buckling stress, Fcr, is determined as

Cc = 4.71
√ E
= 4.71
√200 000
= 133.2189

≤ 4.71
r Fy
69.0425 ≤ 133.2189
Since Cc is greater than the slenderness ratio, then F cr = (0.658 Fe )(Fy) wherein
Fe is given with the formula of
π2 E
π 2( 200000)
Fe = KLb 2 = = 414.0919 MPa
( ) (69.0425)2
Fy 250
Fcr = (0.658 Fe ) Fy = (0.658 414.0919 ) (250) = 194.1768 MPa

To determine the area required the formula is given as follow

Critical Axial Force 53.1444
Arequired =
F cr
= 194.1768 = 273.6908 mm2
Arequired ≤ Area used

273.6908 mm2 ≤ 874.73 mm2

From the computation above, L75x75x6 mm high strength steel A-36 angle bars
were used on the web members of column.
Inspection of Critical Section of Strut Chord (2- L100mm x 100mm x 6mm)
2-L100mmx100mmx6mm Properties:

A = 1 179.45 mm2 Ix = 1 110 500 mm4

d = 100 mm Sx = 15 100 mm3
b = 100 mm rx = 30.69 mm
t = 6 mm y = 26.42 mm
Fy = 250 MPa Fu = 400 MPa

With the aid of the STAAD Pro, accurate values of design axial force are
obtained. The critical member has an axial force of 2.592 kN.
Computing the nominal axial load using ∅ = 0.90 (LRFD)
P 2.592
P n= u = =2.88 kN
ø 0.90
Critical P = 2.88 kN

Computing slenderness ratio using laterally unbraced length of member, L b =

1867mm, effective length factor, K = 1.0, and the governing radius of gyration, r = 30.69
KLb 1.0(1 867)
= =60.8341 kN
r 30.69

The flexural buckling stress, Fcr, is determined as:


200 000
250 √

≤ ≥ 4.71
r Fy
60.8341 kN ≤133.2189

( )
Since CC is greater than the slenderness ratio, then F = 0.658 F (Fy) wherein Fe
is given with the formula of:
π E π 2( 200 000)
F e= = =¿
( )
KLb ( 60.8341 )2 533.3786 MPa

=( 0.658 )(250) = 205.4663 MPa

F cr

To determine the area required the formula is given as follow:

Critical Axial Force 2.88 2
Arequired = = =14.0169 mm
F cr 205.4663
Arequired ≤ A used
2 2
14.0169 mm ≤ 1 179.45 mm

From the computation above, L100mm x 100mm x 6mm high strength steel A-36
angle bars were used on strut.
Inspection of Critical Section of Strut Web Members (2 - L 75mm x 75mm x 6mm)

Properties of L 75mm x75mm x 6mm:

Ix = 455.7x103 mm4
A = 874.73 mm2
Sx = 8.4 mm3
d = 75 mm
rx = 22.82 mm
b = 75 mm
y = 20.43 mm
t = 6 mm
Fu = 400 MPa
Fy = 250 MPa

With the aid of the STAAD Pro, accurate values of design axial force are
obtained. The critical member has an axial force of 3.775 kN.

Computing the nominal axial loading using Ø = 0.90 (LFRD)

P 3.775
Pn=¿ u = = 4.1944 kN
∅ 0.90
Critical P = 4.1944 kN

Computing slenderness ratio using laterally unbraced length of member, Lb =

1520 mm, effective length factor, K = 1.0, and the governing radius of gyration, r =
22.82 mm
KLb (1.0)(1520)
= = 66.6082 kN
r 22.82

The flexural buckling stress, F cr, is determined as:

Cc = 4.71
√ E
= 4.71

= 133.2189 kN

≤ 4.71
r Fy

66.6082 133.2189
Since Cc is greater than the slenderness ratio, F cr = (0.658 ¿ ¿ )Fy ¿ wherein F e
is given the formula of:
π2 E
π 2( 200000)
F e = KLb 2 = = 444.9122 MPa
( ) (66.6082)2
F 250
F cr = (0.658 ¿ ¿ y ) Fy ¿ = (0.658 ¿ ¿ )¿(250) = 197.6057 MPa
Fe 444.9122
To determine the area required the formula is given as follow:
critical axial load 4.1944
Arequired = = = 21.2261 mm²
F cr 197.6057
Arequired ≤ A used

21.2261 mm ² ≤874.73 mm ²
From the computation above, L 75mm x 75mm x 6mm high strength steel A-36
angle bars were on the strut.
Inspection of Critical Section of Strut Chord (2 - L 50mm x 50mm x 6mm)

2 - L 50mm x 50mm x 6mm Properties:

A = 569 mm² Ix = 456, 000 mm⁴

d = 50 mm Sx = 3, 610 mm⁴
b = 50 mm rx = 15.02 mm
t = 6 mm y = 14.45 mm
Fy = 250 MPa Fu = 400 MPa

With the aid of the STAAD Pro, accurate values of design axial force are
obtained. The critical member has an axial force of 6.396 kN.
Computing the nominal axial loading using Ø = 0.90 (LFRD)
P 6.396
Pn=¿ u = = 7.1067 kN
∅ 0.90
Critical P = 7.1067 kN

Computing slenderness ratio using laterally unbraced length of member, Lb =

933.3333 mm, effective length factor, K = 1.0, and the governing radius of gyration, r =
15.02 mm
KLb (1.0)(933.3333)
= = 62.1394 kN
r 15.02

The flexural buckling stress, F cr, is determined as:

Cc = 4.71
√ E
= 4.71
√ 200000
= 133.2189

≤ 4.71
r Fy
62.1394 ≤ 133.2189
Since Cc is greater than the slenderness ratio, F cr = (0.658 ¿ ¿ ) Fy ¿ wherein F e
is given the formula of:
π E
π 2 200000
F e = KLb 2 = = 511.2056 MPa
( ) 62.1394 2
F 250
F cr = (0.658 ¿ ¿ y ) Fy ¿ = (0.658 ¿ ¿ )¿(250) = 203.7254 MPa
Fe 511.2056

To determine the area required the formula is given as follow:

critical axial load 7.1067
Arequired = = = 34.8837 mm²
F cr 203.7254
Arequired ≤ A used

34.8837 mm ² ≤ 569 mm ²
From the computation above, L 50mm x 50mm x 6mm high strength steel A-36
angle bars were used on the strut.
Inspection of Critical Section of Strut Web Members (2 - L 50mm x 50mm x 6mm)

2 - L 50mm x 50mm x 6mm Properties:

A = 569 mm² Ix = 456, 000 mm⁴

d = 50 mm Sx = 3, 610 mm⁴
b = 50 mm rx = 15.02 mm
t = 6 mm y = 14.45 mm
Fy = 250 MPa Fu = 400 MPa

The flexural buckling stress, F cr,

With the aid of the STAAD Pro,
accurate values of design axial force are is determined as:
obtained. The critical member has an
axial force of 3.997 kN.
Computing the nominal axial
Cc = 4.71
√ E
= 4.71
√ 200000

loading using Ø = 0.90 (LFRD) KLb E
P 3.997 ≤ 4.71
Pn=¿ u = = 4.4411 kN r Fy
∅ 0.90 64.2250 ≤ 133.2189
Critical P = 4.4411 kN Since Cc is greater than the
Computing slenderness ratio slenderness ratio, F cr = (0.658 ¿ ¿ )Fy ¿
using laterally unbraced length of
wherein F e is given the formula of:
member, Lb = 964.6599 mm, effective
length factor, K = 1.0, and the governing π2 E
π 2 200000
radius of gyration, r = 15.02 mm Fe = KLb 2 = =
( ) 64.2250 2
KLb (1.0)(964.6599) r
= = 64.2250
r 15.02 478.5436 MPa
Fy From the computation above, L
F cr = (0.658 ¿ ¿ ) Fy ¿ =
Fe 50mm x 50mm x 6mm high strength
250 steel A-36 angle bars were used on the
(0.658 ¿ ¿ )¿ (250) = 200.8990 strut.

To determine the area required

the formula is given as follow:
critical axial load
Arequired = =
F cr
= 22.1061 mm²
Arequired ≤ A used
22.1061 mm ² ≤569 mm ²

Design of Welded Connections for Roof Truss Web Members

Computing the length of side fillet welds using Pmax = 154.2467 kN

Pmax = 154.2467 kN
tf = 6mm

Therefore, use tweld = tf = 6 mm

q = 103t N/mm (for weld, E-70 electrodes)
q = 103 (6 mm) = 618 N/mm

∑ MP 1=0
(75 mm) P2 = 154.2467 kN (20.43 mm)
P2 = 42.0168 kN

∑ F=0
P = P1 + P 2
P1 = 154.2467 kN – 42.0168 kN
P1 = 112.2299 kN

P1 112.2299(1000)
L1 = = =181.6018 mm ≈182 mm
q 618
P2 42.0168(1000)
L2 = = =67.9883 mm≈ 68 mm
q 618
Design of Welded Connections for Vertical Column Web Members

Computing the length of side fillet welds using Pmax = 53.1444 kN

Pmax = 53.1444 kN
tf = 6mm

Therefore, use tweld = tf = 6 mm

q = 103t N/mm (for weld, E-70 electrodes)
q = 103 (6 mm) = 618 N/mm

∑ MP 1=0
(75 mm) P2 = 53.1444 kN (20.43 mm)
P2 = 14.4765 kN

∑ F=0
P = P1 + P 2
P1 = 53.1444 kN – 14.4765 kN
P1 = 38.6679 kN

P1 38.6679(1000)
L1 = = =62.5694 mm ≈ 63 mm
q 618
P2 14.4765(1000)
L2 = = =23.4248 mm ≈ 24 mm
q 618
Design of Welded Connections for Strut Web Members

Computing the length of side fillet welds using Pmax = 4.1944 kN

Pmax = 4.1944 kN
tf = 6mm

Therefore, use tweld = tf = 6 mm

q = 103t N/mm (for weld, E-70 electrodes)
q = 103 (6 mm) = 618 N/mm

∑ MP 1=0
(75 mm) P2 = 4.1944 kN (20.43 mm)
P2 = 1.1426 kN

∑ F=0
P = P1 + P 2
P1 = 4.1944 kN – 1.1426 kN
P1 = 3.0518 kN

P1 3.0518(1000)
L1 = = =4.9382 mm ≈ 5 mm
q 618
P2 1.1426( 1000)
L2 = = =1.8489 mm ≈ 2 mm
q 618
Design of Welded Connections for Strut Web Members

Computing the length of side fillet welds

using Pmax = 4.4411 kN
Pmax = 4.4411 kN
tf = 6mm

Therefore, use tweld = tf = 6 mm

q = 103t N/mm (for weld, E-70
q = 103 (6 mm) = 618 N/mm

∑ MP 1=0
(50 mm) P2 = 4.4411 kN (14.45
P2 = 1.2835 kN

∑ F=0
P = P1 + P 2
P1 = 4.4411 kN – 1.2835 kN
P1 = 3.1576 kN

P1 3.1576(1000)
L1 = = =5.1094 mm ≈ 6 mm
q 618
P 1.2835(1000)
L2 = 2 = =2.0769 mm ≈ 3 mm
q 618
Design of Base Plate
Base Plate Dimensions: Truss Column Details:
Depth = 350 mm Depth = 200 mm
Width = 310 mm Width = 200 mm
1. Compute the nominal axial load Pu 76.222
Pn= = =84.6911kN
using Ø = 0.90 (LRFD) ∅ 0.90
Critical P = 84.6911 kN
2. Computing the minimum required Using f p=0.35 f 'c ; where f 'c =28 MPa
area of the base plate f p=0.35 ( 28 MPa )
f p=9.8 MPa
3. Computing the minimum required 3 6 2
thickness of the base plate 84.6911 ×10 10 mm
A= ×
6 N
9.8× 10 2 m
A=¿ 8,641.94898 mm²
Assume 350 mm by 310 mm base plate;
A = 108,500 mm²
8,641.94898 mm² < 108,500 mm²
Solving m:
2m + 0.95d = 310 mm
2m + 0.95(200) = 310 mm
m = 60 mm
Solving n:
2n + 0.80b = 350 mm
2n + 0.80(200) = 350 mm
n = 95 mm
F p< 0.35 f c
84.6911× 10 N
F p=
(310 × 350 ) mm 2
0.7806 MPa< 9.8 MPa
Therefore, use F p=0.7806 MPa

t=2 ( n )
Fy √
t=2 ( 95 )

t=10.6597 say 12 mm

Adopt: 350 mm x 310 mm base plate with thickness of 12 mm

Base Plate Details

Design of Bolted Connection for Base Plate
Bolt Details
Bolts (A325 Threaded)
Fy = 248 MPa
Fu = 415 MPa
db = 28 mm
Computing the required number of bolts with P = 84.6911 kN
For shear:
Pv = AvFv
Fv = 0.4Fy = 0.4 (248) = 99.2 MPa

( 28 mm )2 π
84.6911 × 10 = (
) (n) (99.2MPa)
n = 1.3865 say 2 bolts
Bearing of Contact Area:
Pb = AbFb
Fb = 1.2 Fu = 1.2 (415) = 498 MPa
84.6911 × 103 = (28mm) (10mm) (n) (498MPa)
n = 0.6074 say 1 bolt
For the bolted connections, the proponents used four bolts which is the
suggested minimum number for any base plate.
Design of Column

Column Dimensions Thickness = 350mm

Width = 350mm

1. Determine PU from STAAD Analysis Pu=115.245 kN

2. Check if the column dimension Pu=0.8 ∅ [ 0.85 f ' c ( A g− A st ) + Ast F y ]

is above minimum required gross 115.245 x 103=0.8(0.65) ¿
section based on the actual load ( A g−0.01 A g ) +( 400)(0.01 A g )¿
carried by the column. A g(required)=8040.96 mm2
Assume 350mm by 350mm column;
A g(used) =122,500 mm
2 2
8040.96 mm <122,500 mm
Therefore, column dimension is above
minimum required gross section based on
the actual load carried by the column.

3. Compute the required As A s (required ) < A s=ρ A g =0.01 (122,500 )

¿ 1225 mm
Using 16mm bars:
As 1225
N 20= = =6.093 ≈ 7 pieces
A d 201.0619
Use 6-16mm bars

4. Design of ties Use 10∅ mm size of ties

a. 16 d b =16 (16 )=256
b. 48 dt =48 (10 )=480
c. Least lateral column dimension = 300
Therefore, spacing of ties is 256mm.

5. Check Pumax =0.8 ∅ [ 0.85 f ' c ( A g− A st ) + A st F y ]

Pumax =0.8 ( 0.65 ) [ ( 0.85 )( 28 ) ( 122,500−7 ( 201.0619 ) ) + ( ( 400 )( 7 )( 201.0619 ) ) ]

Pumax =1791.3877 kN ; Pumax > Pu
Therefore, column is capable to carry the axial

Adopt: 350mm x 35;0mm

6-16mm ∅ main reinforcement bars
10 mm ∅ ties spaced at 255 mm O.C.
Design of Foundation

Pu = 186.716 kN Depth of concrete, Hconcrete = 400 mm (assumed)

Pservice = 186.716 kN Allowable Bearing Pressure, qa = 133 kPa
concrete cover = 40 mm Depth of soil, Hsoil = 1.5 m
ɣconcrete = 24 kN/m3 Column Dimension = 350 mm x 350 mm
ɣsoil = 18 kN/ m3

Determine the Effective Soil Bearing Capacity

qe = qa – (h × concrete unit weight) – (soil height × soil unit weight)

qe = 133 – (0.8 × 24) – (1.5 × 18)
qe = 86.8 kPa
350 425
Solve for the Dimension of Footing

Arequired =
Arequired =
Arequired = 2.1511 m2
B2 = 2.1511 m2; B = 1.2 m

Determine the Depth Required for Beam Shear

qu = 1
B2 Vc = √ f ' c bd
186.716 1
qu = Vc = √ 28(1200)d N
(1.2)(1.2) 6
qu = 129.6639 kPa = 0.129664 Vc = 1058.3005 d N
MPa Vu = ϕVc
Vu = qu(A1) 155.5968 (425 – d) = (0.75) (1058.3005 d)
Vu = 0.129664 [1200(425 – d)]
Vu = 155.5968 (425 – d) N

Determine the Depth Required for Punching Shear

bo = 4(350+d)
Vu = qu(A2)
Vu = 0.129664 [12002 – (350 + d)2]
Vc = √ f ' c bd
Vc = √ 28[4(350+d)]d
Vc = 7.0553 (350 d + d2)
Vu = ϕVc 350
0.129664 [12002 – (350 + d)2] = 0.75[7.0553(350 d + d2)]
d = 73.0439 mm say 80 mm (governs)

Solve for the Total Depth

Hconcrete = d + 1.5db + 75
Hconcrete = 80 + 24 + 75
Hconcrete =179 mm 350 + d
Hconcrete = approx. 180 mm < 400 mm OK

Determine the Steel Area, As and the Required Number, N, of Bars

d = t – c – 0.5 db = 500 – 40 – 0.5(16) = 452 mm

Mu = (129.6639) (1.2) ( ) = 33.0643 kN-m
Mu (33.0643) ( 106 )
Rn = = = 0.1499 MPa
∅ b d 2 0.9 (1200) (452)2
0.85 fc'
1.4 1.4
√ 2R
1 - 1- n
0.85 fc'
) =
0.85 (28)

1 - 1-
2( 0.1499 )
0.85 (28)
) = 0.00035804
ρmin = = = 0.00333
fy 420
Use 𝜌 = 0.00333
AS = 𝜌bd = (0.00333) (1200) (452) = 1806.192 mm2

Using 16 mm∅ bars; Ad = 201.0619 mm2

As 1806.192
N= = = 8.9833 pcs. say 9 pcs.
Ad 201.0619

Adopt: 1200 mm by 1200 mm footing

9 – 16 mm ∅ bars (bothways)

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