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Office of the Principal The principal’s office is wide Yes, it can influence the
and clean. The documents were learners to be clean and
arranged properly with organize as well. It can motivate
designated organizers and the the learners to be neat in
table is free from cluttered themselves and their respective
papers. Moreover, it has two classrooms to have a good
chairs to cater students, learning space.
teacher, and visitors.
Library The school has no library but Yes, if the school has a library it
each classroom has can provide learning materials
bookshelves where learners can or equipment that can help
read in their respective tables. students in their literacy skills.
Counseling Room The school clinic and counseling Yes, mental health of students
are in one room. It makes the is vital in their learning
room smaller however it has especially when they faces
respective areas with tables and problems. It will encourage
chairs. them to express their problem
and settle it.
Canteen/Cafeteria The school has no permanent Yes, providing nutritious food
canteen - the canteen is located for the learners can be
at the gymnasium. There were beneficial for their learning
no chairs and tables for the since it can give them energy
students to eat. The canteen for the rest of their classes and
provides nutritious food for the it can also give rest after
learners. studying.
Medical Clinic The clinic is small since it shares Yes, because having healthy
with the counseling area It has body is essential for student’s
2 beds, 1 table, and 3 chairs. learning. The clinic can assist
However, the clinic has reading the learners in times of sickness
materials and enough medicine. and accidents.
Audio Visual/Learning Resource X X
Science Laboratory X X
Gymnasium The gymnasium is spacious, an Yes, since programs and
open space for activities, and seminars are held in
has a wide stage. gymnasiums where it can lead
Auditorium X X
Outdoor/Garden The garden is not maintained. Yes, students can appreciate
The school has no proper area the value of life and teach them
for the garden. There are okras the skills needed in growing and
planted but there are grasses maintaining plants. It can also
growing around. help them to have an actual
learning especially in their
various subjects like Science.
Home Economics Room X X
Industrial Workshop Area The area is small and Yes, it will help students to
unorganized. The equipment enhance and demonstrate their
are piled. Also, the appearance skills. It can also help them to
is not pleasing in the eyes. be knowledgeable about certain
tools and equipment.
PTA Office X X
Comfort Room for Boys The school has one common CR Yes, having clean comfort
for boys. The comfort room is rooms can help students to be
not maintained therefore it was comfortable. Near comfort
rarely used and was under rooms can also help them

repair. reduce stress of going to

common comfort rooms that
can be meters away.
Comfort Room for Girls The school has one common CR Yes, having clean comfort
for girls. The comfort room is rooms can help students to be
not maintained therefore it was comfortable. Near comfort
rarely used. rooms can also help them
reduce stress of going to
common comfort rooms that
can be meters away.
Others (Hand washing Area) The school has hand washing Yes, washing of hands
area with working faucets, frequently is important to
clean water, and soap. maintain good health and the
students can be productive in
their studies if they have no

1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found?

Bacongco Elementary School is located at Barangay San Isidro, Koronadal City, South Cotabato. It was
in the remote area where there is few passing vehicles. Houses and small commercial building serve
as neighbors of the school. The surrounding, corn and paddy fields, is peaceful and most of the
students’ houses are walking distances. There are street vendors every afternoon in front of schools
that serves as afternoon snacks of the students. The school has wide space for sports and the area is
abundant with trees. However, there are no computer shops and one printing/photocopier service in
the area.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of the buildings?

The school has lot of trees and flowers. The trees serve as shade for the children and the plants are
pleasing to the eyes. The surrounding feels safe and friendly to the children. I can see colors of green,
yellow, and blue that is refreshing to see. However, upon visitation there are papers and plastics in
the field and tall grasses that need to maintain. On the other hand, building are in good condition but
need to have proper maintenance. There are also new rooms, but not concrete, to accommodate the
growing population of the school.

3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have of these offices?

The offices are in different areas of the school however it is not easy to locate since there were no
tags outside the room. Furthermore, it has a friendly ambiance that can help students to be fear-free
upon entering. The documents are organized and with tables and chairs to accommodate the
students, learners, or visitors. The area is clean, well maintained, and with proper ventilation and

4. Walk through the school library, the cafeteria. Look around and find out the other facilities that
then school has.

As I roam around the school, I observed that it has feeding room for the students. The rooms are
coping with vast technologies as it has television and speakers for students’ learning. The room has
also water dispenser for the students. Moreover, as I included in the checklist the school has hand
washing area good for the sanitation of the students.

Page 6

1. Each classroom is different but has educational environment. The walls are painted with pastel
colors. There are letters, numbers, vision, mission, cleaners of the day, educational posters, national
heroes, GMRC posters, and some educational posters. In terms of heroes, there are national heroes
posted in the walls like Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, and the like. There are no
religious figures but lot of visual aids used for the discussion and announcement in the blackboard for
their upcoming tests, meetings, or programs.

2. Furniture are placed accordingly. The teacher’s table is on the back of the classroom with organized
documents. However, there is also a mini table in front of the class used for the laptop or teaching
materials of the teacher. The student’s chairs are well arranged and with beautiful pastel colors.
There are good distances of chairs and tables.

3. The school is coping with technology. There are rooms with TV that can be used in watching
educational videos or teaching presentation. The blackboard is wide enough to write or post the
lessons. Even the school has no library, each room has book cabinets for the students. Laptop/tablet
is also provided in teachers for better teaching methods or strategies.

4. Each room has more or less 30 chairs for the students. The distance in each chair is observed for
better learning. Seating arrangements are created by the teacher whether alphabetical and/or
depending on the physical condition of the students. There are rooms that can accommodate large
number of students however there are also classrooms that need expansions to cater the considered
number of students.

5. There are rooms that are well-lit and well-ventilated especially those newly constructed
classrooms. The windows are opened for the good flow of the air. The lights are enough to lit the
entire room and wall fans for good ventilation. On the other hand, there are rooms that has concerns
on the lights and ventilation since it was an old room but all those rooms are under improvement. To
conclude, most of the classrooms offer comfortable place for the students and teachers.

Page 7

1. The walls are painted well with paster colors. There are alphabetical letters, numbers, the GMRC
logo, the vision statement, the mission statement, cleaners of the day, educational posters, national
heroes, and some more educational posters. National heroes like Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio
Aguinaldo, and others are displayed on the walls as heroes. The materials are organized in the walls
and with good conditions.

2. The teacher's desk, which has arranged materials, is located in the back of the classroom. The
teacher's laptop or other teaching materials are kept on a small table in front of the class, though.
Teacher’s table and chair are both in good condition.

3. The chairs for the students are neatly organized and painted in lovely pastel shades. Tables and
chairs are spaced out well. There are 30 number of chairs for the students and they are located in the
center of the classroom with good distances.The children's seats are in good shape.

4. There are no religious figures present, but a lot of visual aids are used for discussion and
announcements of impending exams, meetings, or events on the chalkboard. In front of the teacher
and students is one large blackboard. It is as good as new and wide enough for the teacher's
instructional materials.

5. The instructor engaged the students' attention throughout discussions by using engaging learning
tools. For educational purposes, there are additional visual aids posted on the walls. Each is in good
posting and physical condition.

Page 8

1. 1. The learning of the kids is influenced by the school and the classroom. The pupils may be more
motivated to attend class if the school is clean and well-organized. On the other hand, having a
classroom that is well-ventilated and illuminated might assist students feel at ease while they are in

2. I found that learning is reliant on more than just student and teacher performance; it is also
influenced by things like the state of the school, particularly the classrooms, which can have an impact
on how well students learn. Teachers should place a strong emphasis on comfort for each student in
addition to studying.


1. My alma mater, Bacongco Elementary School, has grown, both in terms of its facilities and
technological advancements. I'd like to work there as a teacher if given the chance. Also, to teach the
children in my community.

Page 9

2. A school must adhere to certain standards in order to be a good place to learn. Some of the crucial
elements include the tools and resources required for the educational process. The pupils ought to
experience mental, bodily, and emotional security as a result.

3. A physical space where students feel more comfortable to study, to interact, and to have healthy
discussions with their fellow classmates. This will include good space for each student, well-
ventilated, well-lit, and with facilities where students can access to their comfort.

4. To design a setting where the students may feel at ease and have fun at the same time. Making the
room's corners more instructive and adding amenities that would allow students to reach their wants
and comfort. Also, to build a physical area that would feel like home.

5. A nice learning environment for the children can have a significant impact on their learning.
Students should feel secure in their minds, bodies, and emotions while learning in the four corners of
the classroom. As the student's second home, the school, especially the classroom, should be clean
and well-kept.


Preschooler (3-4) Elementary (5-7) High School (11-15)

Physical Preschoolers are quite Elementary students High school students
active. They are still active and improve their agility,
consistently run, walk, enjoy participating in which makes it simpler
or leap around the outdoor activities. They for them to perform
corner. Also, they also exhibit an interest tasks like playing
enjoy playing with their in sketching or sports. Also, their
stuff and are often doodling. Last but not writing is more legible
distracted. They least, they can perform and they are capable of
frequently turn to the less dependent tasks independence.
elderly for assistance like caring for
when they are having themselves.
Social Preschoolers are more For elementary High school students,
willing to approach students, making I've noticed, are more
their teachers and ask friends is simpler. reluctant to express
for assistance. They are Students  frequently problems to their
friendly by nature and classify themselves instructors, but they

have little trouble according to gender. get along well with

making friends. They They connect with them outside of the
engage in activities like their teachers more classroom. Also, they
messy dress-up and casually and frequently maintain their social
outdoor play. ask questions without circle. Also, they favor
hesitation. After practicing sports with
school, they'll be other people.
interested in talking
and having fun with
their friends.
Emotional Preschoolers Students in elementary Students in high school
frequently have short school might talk about are able to control
temper and are easily their frustrations or their emotions. They
irritated. If they are explain why they are are aware of how they
disappointed, they cry upset as a way to will respond in certain
easily. They appear to express their emotions. circumstances. They
be more playful, But when they are are more emotionally
though. They may cry extremely frustrated, self-sufficient and have
as a way to vent their they cry easily. learned how to
anger. They frequently manage their
turn to their parents emotions.
for comfort when they
are stressed.
Cognitive Preschoolers Elementary school The communication
frequently imitate pupils may be able to abilities of high school
what they see and communicate more students are excellent,
hear. They can find it effectively and make yet they are frequently
challenging to independent decisions. hesitant to express
communicate. Also, They are also capable themselves to others.
they can always rely on of finding solutions to Also, they can rely on
their parents in their own problems. one other and take
stressful times. care of themselves.


Preschool Preschoolers frequently have Therefore, the teacher should

short temper and are easily have activities which can help
irritated. On this subject, preschoolers to be occupied.
boredom is also a factor. Therefore, the teacher
shouldn't expect a smooth class
with the preschoolers..
Elementary Elementary students are more Therefore, the teacher should
interested in creative activities not be only creative in ARTS but
like drawing or doodling. in all subject areas.
Therefore, the teacher must be
creative and knowledgeable.

High School High School students are more Therefore, the teacher can help
interested in playing sports or students develop their skills to
activities outside. be an athlete.
Therefore, the teacher should
help promoting the value of


1. Since I was in preschool till I graduated, my personality hasn't changed. As a preschooler, I was
always the quiet, perceptive child. I don't wander the room, but I do enjoy doing some creative things
like drawing in my notebook. I recall how much I enjoyed playing games with my classmates after
class in elementary school. I can go alone to school and handle my issues there since I am more
independent. Also, when I was in high school, I enjoyed reading books and ebooks more than playing
sports or playing games. There are changes in my interests and hobbies at every stage of learning.

2. For a memorable positive experience, I can think of Sir Aliawan, my grade four teacher. We had Sir
Aliawan as a father figure. He always takes us on walks around the building so we can explore all of it.
He encouraged us to do better in school and gave us advise for the future. We also consider Sir
Aliawan to be a friend because he frequently cracks jokes and stories, which let us get to know him.
On the other hand, when I had this teacher in fifth grade, it had a significant impact on both my
emotional and cognitive development. One day when I recited, I didn't give the correct response, and
he humiliated me in front of the entire class; as a result, I lost confidence and stopped reciting.

3. I came to the conclusion that all students should be guided by teachers in all ages and grade levels.
Learners' needs, interests, and characteristics change as they get older, thus teachers need observe
the students, guide them, and be involved in the teaching-learning process. By introducing suitable
learning activities and assessment, teachers may assist students.


Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development suggests that intelligence changes as children grow.

A child’s cognitive development is not just about acquiring knowledge, the child has to develop or
construct a mental model of the world.

Cognitive development occurs through the interaction of innate capacities (nature) and
environmental events (nurture), and children pass through a series of stages.

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development proposes 4 stages of development.

 Sensorimotor stage: birth to 2 years

 Preoperational stage: 2 to 7 years
 Concrete operational stage: 7 to 11 years
 Formal operational stage: ages 12 and up

The sequence of the stages is universal across cultures and follows the same invariant (unchanging)

All children go through the same stages in the same order (but not all at the same rate).


Mcleod, S (2023). Jean Piaget’s Theory And Stages Of Cognitive Development. Retrieved from

My favorite theory of development is that of Jean Piaget and the stages of cognitive development. I
can quickly ascertain the needs and characteristics of each student in preschool, elementary school,
high school, senior high school, and college using his theory. As a result, I am able to conduct activities
and assessments that are suitable for each student's current stage. I can readily assist the kids in their
learning progress if I have the right strategies and materials.



These are the Grade 4 students of Bacongco Elementary School. During the discussion, there are
students who grouped themselves based on their races, beliefs, and IQ. However, there are also
students who are mixed match in their groups. But during the discussion, the group of students who
interact with the teacher are students who grouped themselves with the same IQ. They are
competitive to each other and raising points from recitation. On the other hand, as I observed their
seating arrangements. Students who are seated in the front part are more active in class, while on the
back part of the classroom are the ones who are less interested in class. But, there are also students
who participated even they are in the back part and students who are participate less on the front
part of the class. Moreover, students are having harmonious relationship with one another, helping
each other in times of need especially when one of their classmates cannot answer the question of
the teacher. They are students having competition especially on recitations but all in all they have
good relationship with each other even on their differences.

Outside the classroom, especially during recess, students grouped themselves based on age and
interests, races or ethnic groups. But there are also students who have mixed social gathering. There
are students who didn’t based race or ethnic groups to belong in one group. Therefore, as I observed
there are students who based their group in interests, ages, race or group but there are also didn’t
care about races and ethnicity. Moreover, we have this one student who will prefer to be alone. The
sad thing is he feels to outside the group or not belong. They will not socialize to other students or
sometime even they are in a group but they feel invisible. Therefore, the teacher will try to consult
the student and ask for possible problems for having trouble in socializing.


1. Every students has different personalities. It can be same or different at their household but this
personality embody the students in every classroom. There are students who shows leadership by
taking the roles in a class activity, also, there are students who is the center of attention because of
cracking jokes and by being cheerful. Lastly, there are students who is an attention seeker, it
sometimes lead to trouble as he will do anything just to have everyone’s attention. Furthermore, the
teacher and the students play the vital role in the classroom interactions.

As I observed, these roles or behaviors came from their households as I mentioned. Students who
have lack of freedom in their home might tend to be the attention seeker in the class. Students who
are the elder must be also a leader in class. Also, these might be the factors that might affect their

2. In every classroom, there is that one student who will be left out. Especially with physical problems.
There is one student who have different physical aspects and this might me the reason why she seems
to withdraw from her classmates. She has no consistent friends and most of the times, alone. She’s
not accepted nor rejected among her classmates.

The teacher makes sure to address her social problems by having consultations. The teachers talk to
the students to be friends with her and explain her condition. As they need special treatment for this
kind of condition.

3. The teacher should be aware of the students differences and respect their races and differences.
Everyone in the class must be hear out during recitations and respect one’s opinions. The teacher
should make sure that students must not feel alone. On the other hand, the teacher must consider
the religions terms especially to those religions who have fasting.

4. Diversity of students must also include in the strategies of the teacher. The strategy that teachers
can use is to group them not on races/ethnics, interests, socioeconomic status. But to mixed them in

groups so that they can respect and accept each other and will understand everyone’s differences.
With this, they can discover everyone and therefore respect and be comfortable to each other.


As I observed the students, there are oneness in their group and they attentively participate in the
teacher’s discussions. If I am the student I feel like I am part of the group, I have seen their
attentiveness to their teacher and how they help each other. Even they group themselves but still I
can see the unity of the group.

On the other hand, If I am the teacher I can feel the connection among the students. They attentively
participated in the class discussions. Class participation might not be a 100% but most of the students
are participating. They actively answer the questions of the teacher’’

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