Cholinergic Modulation of Baker's Yeast Cell Phagocytosis by Rat Astrocytes

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Neuroscience Letters 365 (2004) 19–22

Cholinergic modulation of baker’s yeast cell

phagocytosis by rat astrocytes
Ricardo M. Gómez a , Marı́a I. Berrı́a b , Leonor Sterin-Borda a,∗
a Department of Pharmacology, School of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires, MT Alvear 2146, 4 piso sector B, 1221 Buenos Aires, Argentina
b Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Received 4 December 2003; received in revised form 24 March 2004; accepted 6 April 2004


Cholinergic regulation of baker’s yeast cell phagocytosis in rat cultured astrocytes was studied. Phagocytic activity was reduced by 1×10−5 M
of atropine or pirenzepine, but not by AF-DX116 or 4-DAMP. In addition, carbachol stimulated phagocytosis in a dose-dependent manner.
Furthermore, only 1×10−5 M of atropine, pirenzepine and 4-DAMP significantly reduced enhanced activity induced by 1×10−7 M carbachol.
It was also observed that l-NMMA, staurosporine, or U-73122, reduced phagocytosis activity while TFP failed to do so. Nitrite levels in
astrocyte supernatants increased after baker’s yeast cells were incorporated to astrocyte cultures, correlating with enhanced phagocytosis
induced by carbachol stimulation, and were reduced by 1 × 10−5 M of atropine, pirenzepine or aminopiridine, but not by AF-DX116 or
4-DAMP. Enhanced NO production triggered by astrocyte phagocytosis may have pathological consequences.
© 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Astrocytes; Baker’s yeast cells; Carbachol; Nitric oxide; iNOS

Studies on induced central nervous system (CNS) lesions tical hemispheres were harvested, neural tissues digested
in laboratory animals have clearly shown the capacity of by 0.25% trypsin, and 600,000/800,000 cells/ml of growth
astrocytes to perform phagocytosis [1,5]. This function may medium (d-MEM plus 10% fetal calf serum) seeded in plas-
be particularly relevant in the course of autoimmune inflam- tic flasks. By changing the supernatant within 24 h, neurons
matory response in the rodent or human CNS by helping the were eliminated by means of differential attachment, leav-
microglia to carry out more efficient clearance of apoptotic ing an almost homogenous population of glial cells. After
immune cells and thus protecting the CNS from leakage 3 weeks at 37 ◦ C, the already confluent primary cell culture
of potentially harmful substances from secondary necrotic was shaken for 2 h at 37 ◦ C, and supernatant discarded in
cells [14]. order to detach contaminating oligodendrocytes grown on
Astrocytes display muscarinic receptors both in vivo [18] top of the remaining adherent astroglial cell monolayer,
and in vitro [11] and their specific activation in this cell which in turn was trypsinized. Resulting cells were then
type is known to modulate a number of pathophysiolog- resuspended (300,000 cells/ml of growth medium), and
ical states, including proliferation [10], apolipoprotein E seeded as first subculture in 12 (6 × 105 cells/3.8 cm2 ) or
secretion [8], and calcium responses [7], but their role in 24 (3 × 105 cells/1.88 cm2 ) well plates which included a
phagocytic activity remains unknown. To address this issue, glass coverslip. Immunoperoxidase GFAP labeling showed
we used baker’s yeast cells together with a triple staining a high homogeneous population of astrocytes (> 94%, data
procedure on astrocyte cultures [12] in order to study the not shown).
muscarinic regulation of astrocyte phagocytic activity. When 2 days old, first subcultures of astroglial mono-
Astroglial cell cultures were obtained from newborn rat layers were treated during 1 h at 37 ◦ C with a number
brain, on the basis of previous description [6]. Briefly, cor- of pharmacological agents and exposed to an autoclaved
baker’s yeast suspension at a multiplicity of infection of 1
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +54-11-4964-1276; during 48 h in a d-MEM plus 5% fetal calf serum at 37 ◦ C.
fax: +54-11-4963-2767. Supernatants were harvested, clarified and stored at −70 ◦ C
E-mail address: (L. Sterin-Borda). until used and cells were washed several times and fixed

0304-3940/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
20 R.M. Gómez et al. / Neuroscience Letters 365 (2004) 19–22

Fig. 1. (A–C) Phagocytic activity in cultured astrocytes after different pharmacological treatments. (A) Basal (without carbachol); (B) dose–response
phagocytic curve with carbachol; (C) action of muscarinic cholinergic antagonists upon carbachol effect.

with chilled acid methanol for 10 min. For cell staining, we y/f) (n = 5). As depicted in Figs. 1B and 2A, B, carbachol
used a previously described procedure [12]. stimulated phagocytic activity in a dose-dependent manner
Nitrite/nitrate levels were measured with a commercial when used at concentrations ranging from 1 × 10−9 M to
kit (Calbiochem). Briefly, nitrate was converted to nitrite 1 × 10−6 M (% of basal: 1 × 10−11 M, 105 ± 9; 1 × 10−10 M,
by incubation with nitrate reductase in the presence of 110 ± 10; 1 × 10−9 M, 161 ± 11; 1 × 10−8 M, 187 ± 8;
NADPH. Lactate dehydrogenase was then used to destroy 1 × 10−7 M, 196 ± 7; 1 × 10−6 M, 194 ± 8) (n = 5). In order
excess NADPH. Equal volumes of sample and Griess to confirm these results, the antagonists mentioned above
reagent were incubated at room temperature. After 10 min, were used in astrocytes treated with 1 × 10−7 M carbachol
absorbance was read at 550 nm. Nitrite concentration was (Fig. 1C). Again, atropine and pirenzepine reduced (22 ± 2
determined by using sodium nitrate as a standard. y/f and 26.2 ± 1.5 y/f) the enhanced activity induced by car-
The muscarinic agonist carbachol, the muscarinic blocker bachol (49 ± 4 y/f) (P < 0.01). No significant changes were
atropine, specific M1 blocker pirenzepine, the inducible observed when the same concentration of AF-DX116 (46±3
nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor 2-amino-4-methyl- y/f) was used, and, interestingly, the use of 4-DAMP signif-
pyridine (AP), and the generic nitric oxide synthase (NOS) icantly reduced phagocytic activity to 38.1 ± 3 y/f (n = 5).
inhibitor l-NMMA were purchased from Sigma (MO, We observed similar values (450 ± 55) hematoxylin stained
USA). Specific M2 blocker AF-DX116 is from Boehringer nucleous/field in treated and untreated monolayers (data not
Ingelheim (CT, USA). Specific M3 blocker 4-DAMP is from showed).
RBI (MA, USA). Staurosporine, specific inhibitor of PKC, In order to determine whether an endogenous nitric ox-
is from Tocris (MO, USA). U-73122, specific inhibitor of ide signaling system is triggered in carbachol stimulation
phospholipase C (PLC), is from ICN (OH, USA). Stock so- of phagocytic activity, a number of additional drugs that in-
lutions were freshly prepared in the corresponding buffers. hibited enzymatic pathways in NO production were used.
We used one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed As shown in Fig. 3A, the inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase
by a Newman–Keuls multiple comparison procedure to an- l-NMMA (1×10−4 M), the inhibitor of PKC (staurosporine,
alyze data. Values of P lower than 0.05 were considered sta- 1 × 10−9 M), or the inhibitor of PLC (U-73122, 5 × 10−6 M)
tistically significant. Data was expressed as means ± S.E.M. significantly reduced the phagocytosis of baker’s yeast cells
Phagocytic activity was measured by counting yeast cells
in a field (y/f) using a grid in the 40× objective in order to
quantify in a blind manner. Fig. 1A shows that basal phago-
cytic activity (28 ± 2 y/f) is reduced when 1 × 10−6 M of at-
ropine (16.4±2.2 y/f) or pirenzepine (20.8±1.6 y/f) blockers
were used. No changes were observed with the same concen-
tration of AF-DX116 (26.2 ± 1.4 y/f) or 4-DAMP (25 ± 1.6

Fig. 3. (A and B) Phagocytic activity in cultured astrocytes with different

pharmacological treatments. (A) Open bars: basal (without carbachol);
black bars: action of several enzymatic antagonists upon carbachol ef-
fect. (B) Nitrite levels in supernatants of cultured astrocytes. Open bars:
Fig. 2. (A and B) Triple staining procedure in untreated (A) and treated without baker cells; black bars: undergoing phagocytosis after different
carbachol (1 × 10−7 M) astrocytes (B) 250×. pharmacological treatments.
R.M. Gómez et al. / Neuroscience Letters 365 (2004) 19–22 21

(basal, 25±3 and 49±2; l-NMMA, 17±2 and 30±1; stau- pathophysiology, which range from intercellular signaling,
rosporine, 18 ± 1.5 and 29 ± 2; U-73122, 17 ± 5 and 32 ± 2; through necrosis of cells and invading pathogens, to the in-
n = 5). In contrast, the inhibitor of calcium/calmodulin TFP volvement of NO in apoptosis and tissue remodeling [15].
(5 × 10−6 M) had no effect (26 ± 2 and 47 ± 3; untreated Raised NO levels agree with previous studies suggesting
and carbachol treated, respectively). Since l-NMMA ex- that NO synthesis occurring in astrocyte phagocytosis is
erted a significant effect, it was of interest to study nitric the result of iNOS induction [13]. However, at least in
oxide (NO) production measured as nitrate/nitrite in the su- macrophages, it has been shown that phagocytosis per se
pernatant. As Fig. 3B shows, NO (2.2 ± 0.5 ␮M) increased is not sufficient to induce NOS activity [9]. This could be
dramatically after baker’s yeast cells were incorporated to explained because astrocyte phagocytosis may be associ-
astrocyte cultures (9 ± 1 ␮M). In addition, NO production ated with the secretion of certain cytokines, including tu-
closely followed phagocytosis activity, increasing after car- mor necrosis factor-alpha [4], which in turn induces iNOS
bachol stimulation (18 ± 2 ␮M) was blocked with atropine expression [2]. Interestingly, the production of NO subse-
(4.5 ± 0.5 ␮M); pirenzepine (3 ± 0.7 ␮M) and 4-DAMP quent to phagocytosis seems essential not only for astrocytes
(7 ± 0.7 ␮M), but not with AF-DX116 (15 ± 1 ␮M). Lastly, but also for microglia since astrocyte co-cultures as well as
we used the specific inhibitor of the inducible nitric oxide astrocyte-conditioned medium increased microglial phago-
synthase (iNOS) AP (5 × 10−5 M) and observed significant cytic activity by poorly understood mechanisms [16]. On the
inhibition (2.5 ± 0.4 ␮M), suggesting the involvement of other hand, it has recently been shown that carbachol can
iNOS during the phagocytic process. As expected, l-NMMA stimulate iNOS activity and gene expression via M1 mAchR
reduced NO levels as when AP was used and yeast alone activation in cerebral frontal cortex [17].
showed undetectable levels after treatment with the respec- Be as it may, present results help to clarify the mecha-
tive drugs (data not shown). nisms involved in the phagocytic process of astrocytes, thus
The finding that atropine and pirenzepine reduced basal interpreting their underlying regulatory and signaling roles.
phagocytic activity of astrocytes suggests firstly that this
function is modulated by the cholinergic system, and sec-
ondly that such function is preferentially exerted by the M1 Acknowledgements
receptor. To further study this function, we performed a
dose–response curve with carbachol and, as expected, car- This work was partly supported by grants from the Na-
bachol increased phagocytic uptake of baker’s yeast cells tional Research Council (CONICET), and the University of
by rat astrocytes in a concentration dependent manner. The Buenos Aires, Argentina.
specificity of this result was strengthened when the enhanced
phagocytic activity induced by carbachol was significantly
reduced using atropine and pirenzepine, less with 4-DAMP
but not with AF-DX116. These findings suggest that in basal
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