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9 Measurement of Absolute Expansivity of a Liquid (By Dulong and

Petit's Experiment)
Dulong and Petit's apparatus to determine the absolute expansivity (real
expansivity) of a liquid consists of U-shaped glass tube. The liquid whose absolute
expansivity is to be measured is poured into arms of the tube, which are initially
at equal height. Now, one arm of tube is surrounded with ice-water jacket and
another arm is surrounded with steam jacket. The temperature of each jacket is
noted with the help of thermometers fitted to them. A wet cotton is put on the
middle of base arm of the tube as shown in Fig. 10.10. The wet cotton does not
allow the heat transfer from hotter arm to cooler arm.
As the two arms are maintained at the different temperatures, the density of
liquid is also different, However, the pressure on the bottom of both arms
remains equal, because they are connected to a common base. To maintain the
equal pressure for the liquid of different densities, the heights of liquid in these
arms must also be different.
For cooler arm (ie. left arm)
h0 = height of liquid and p0 = density of liquid
So, total pressure at the bottom of cooler arm is,
PB = hₒpₒg + patm ...... (10.45)
where, Patm = atmospheric pressure on liquid surface
Also for hotter arm (ie, right arm)
hɵ = height of liquid and pɵ = density of liquid at ɵ°C
Therefore, total pressure at the bottom of hotter arm,
Pc = hɵpɵg+ Patm ....(10.46)
Since pressure remains constant at the common base points, (i.e., Pв = Pc)
hₒpₒg+Patm = hɵpɵg + Patm
or, hₒpₒg = hɵpɵg
or, hₒpₒ= hɵpɵ
Also, pɵ = 1+ γΔɵ
where, y is absolute expansivity of liquid.
So, hₒpₒ = hɵ (1+ γΔɵ)

Or, hₒ = (1+ γΔɵ)
Or, hₒγΔɵ = hɵ - hₒ γ
h ɵ−h ₒ
Or, γ =

This is the expression of determining absolute expansivity of liquid.

Fig. 10.10: Apparatus for absolute expansivity of liquid

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