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PERSONAL DETAILS (Detalhu Personal)

First Name : Naran

Last Name : Apelido
Date of Birth : Data Moris
Gender : Sexu
Height : Altura / As
Weight : Todan KG
Marital Status : Status (Klosan/Kaben Nain)
Email : email
Has Passport : iha pasaporte?
Passport number : numeru pasaporte
Passport expired : data emisaun pasaporte
Has driver license : iha SIM / kartaun Kondusaun
Driver license number : Numeru SIM
Driver license class : Klase SIM (A/B/C)
Driver license expired : data emisaun SIM
Full length photo : foto 3x4
Sefope evidence card : Numeru Kartaun evidensia husi SEFOPE
Electoral card number : Numer Kartaun Eleitoral
Chefe suco name : Chefe Suco nia Naran
Chefe suco phone : Chefe Suco nia numeru telemovel

CURRENT LIVING ADDRESS (hela fatin atual/daudaun ne)

Current municipality : Municipiu Atual
Current posto adm : Posto Adm Atual
Current suco : Suco Atual
Current address : aldeia atual

BIRTH PLACES (Fatin Moris)

Origin municipality : Orijinal Municipiu
Original posto adm : Orijinal Posto Adm

WORK EXPERIENCE (Esperensia Servisu)

Employer : fatin servisu / servisu nain
Position : pozisaun
Start date : data hahu servisu
End date : data remata servisu

EDUCATION (edukasaun)
Level : Nivel
Course : Kursu/fakuldade/departamentu
Name of university or institution: naran universitario/instituisaun/eskola
Start date : data hahu
End date : data remata

EMERGENCY CONTACT (kontaktu emerjensia)

Full name : naran kompletu
Relationship : relasaun (familia)
Email : email
Phone : numeru kontaktu
Address : hela fatin
(priense informasaun adisional sobre ita nia skill/matenek/esperensia no oinsa mak ema bele
hakarak hili ita)

WORK SECTORS (area / seitor servisu)

 Aged care / atendementu ba idozu
 Agriculture / agrikultura
 Horticulture / hortikultura
 Hospitality / hospitalidade
 Automotive / mekanika
 Cleaning / hamos
 Construction / konstrusaun
 Tourism / turismu
 Mining / tambang
 Factory experience / esperensia iha industria ou fabrika
 Fishing industries / peskas industria
 Meat works / industria Naán

REFERRES (juri ou sasin)

Referees name : naran ema nebe sasin
Referees contact number : numeru kontaktu ema nebe sasin
Referees email : email ema nebe sasin

DOCUMENT (dokumentu)
Type : tipu (kartau vasina/pasaporte)
Details : detalhu (vasina dala rua/ vasina dala tolu)
File : .jpg / .pdf (upload ba Sistema)
Expired : data emisaun

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