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Victorian Transport

Horse and Carriage

At the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign, horse-drawn carriages were the main mode of transportation. The
Brougham was a popular vehicle for everyday use and was available in two- or four-wheel styles. Upper class
families would use a barouche, a fancy four-wheel carriage with a fold-up hood and seats that faced each other.
For those who didn’t own a vehicle, carriages were available for hire.
Country-dwellers relied on open vehicles, such as wagons and drays. These were larger and heavier than
carriages, and thus slower. They were useful for moving goods. For longer trips through the country, one could
purchase a ticket for a seat in a coach.

Bicycles became popular during the Victorian era. By the 1880s and 1890s, bicycles were widely used both for
fun and as a means of transportation. The accessibility of this means of personal transportation contributed to a
social uprising as women shed their corsets in favor of attire more compatible with cycling.

Steam Engines and Railways

With the Industrial Revolution came the widespread use of the steam engine, which, in various forms, was used
to drive trains, ships and buses. Railway networks were constructed, providing an efficient means of traveling
between urban and rural areas as well as transporting goods. Bus and tram routes were created to connect with
the railways, creating an effective and extensive transportation system.

Early Buses and Cars

While railways used steam locomotives, the bus system still primarily used horse power. This was due, in large
part, to the Red Flag Act of 1865 which prohibited buses and other such vehicles from moving faster than a
walking pace of four miles per hour. It also stipulated that a person bearing a red flag must walk in front of the
vehicle. This law remained in effect until 1896, at which time motor cars began establishing their place on
British roadways.
The Underground
The steam engine was also the driving force behind the development of the Underground. In 1863, the first
underground railway opened in England, and by the 1880s, an extensive underground network allowed
passengers to travel between parts of London and beyond.

The use of electricity to power vehicles also grew more sophisticated and useful during the Victorian era. By the
early 1880s, some horse- drawn trams were replaced by trolleys powered by electricity through overhead cables.
Though slower to take hold than steam powered vehicles, by 1927 an extensive network of electric tram cars
laced through British cities.

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