Datos Examen 1

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age body_typediet drinks drugs education ethnicity height

29 thin mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 62

26 average socially never working onhispanic / l 64
22 average anything socially never asian 67
22 fit socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 70
29 athletic anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
22 athletic mostly anything rarely never working onasian 65
30 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated indian 61
24 average anything socially never graduated fblack 74
28 fit mostly vegetarian socially graduated fhispanic / l 69
39 fit socially never graduated fasian 70
47 average mostly anything socially never black 72
46 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
22 thin strictly anything socially often working onhispanic / l 70
28 fit socially graduated fasian 68
26 fit strictly anything socially graduated fasian 68
32 average not at all never graduated fasian 67
24 skinny socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
28 average desperatel often asian 70
49 athletic socially never college/uniasian 66
25 curvy mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 63
23 a little extra socially never hispanic / l 69
20 fit mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 66
27 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 67
29 thin mostly vegetarian rarely never working onindian 61
31 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
28 full figured often sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 69
42 fit anything socially never graduated asian 71
28 athletic mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 67
27 never asian 64
20 curvy rarely never college/uniasian 62
28 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 65
29 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
23 fit mostly anything often never graduated fhispanic / l 69
40 average anything never graduated fasian 69
42 thin strictly anything socially never graduated indian 65
30 average mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 70
35 fit socially never graduated fasian 64
51 thin mostly anything socially never two-year cohispanic / l 66
36 average mostly other rarely never graduated fasian 67
29 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 69
46 full figured rarely never graduated fblack 63
39 a little extra socially never hispanic / l 71
34 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 62
31 average anything socially never hispanic / l 62
33 average socially never graduated hispanic / l 72
41 average socially never graduated hispanic / l 62
24 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 62
25 athletic mostly anything socially graduated fasian 70
35 average strictly anything socially graduated asian 67
26 athletic strictly anything rarely never graduated fblack 80
25 curvy socially never black 67
18 athletic desperatel sometimes hispanic / l 69
35 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 63
47 average mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 62
36 a little extra socially graduated hispanic / l 62
33 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
33 average mostly anything socially never graduated black 64
26 fit socially never graduated fasian 69
40 thin anything not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 68
35 fit strictly vegetarian socially never graduated fasian 72
52 average mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 62
27 athletic socially working onhispanic / l 62
48 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 69
24 graduated findian 73
35 average vegan socially never graduated asian 71
30 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 74
40 fit mostly anything socially never graduated black 64
45 rarely never graduated hispanic / l 74
21 average mostly anything socially never working onblack 62
27 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
27 average socially never working onhispanic / l 66
25 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
39 average socially never graduated black 65
23 fit mostly anything socially working onblack 72
43 a little extra socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
26 fit socially never graduated fasian 67
33 fit socially never graduated asian 64
32 fit anything socially never graduated indian 61
38 average socially sometimesdropped out hispanic / l 65
34 athletic mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 70
37 athletic not at all never hispanic / l 70
43 fit socially never graduated fasian 67
32 a little extrmostly anything socially sometimes hispanic / l 67
25 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 70
59 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
26 average socially never working onasian 70
34 athletic socially never graduated fblack 70
28 athletic anything socially never graduated asian 68
29 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 71
35 rather not mostly anything rarely graduated asian 72
36 average anything socially never graduated asian 68
32 average mostly anything often graduated fhispanic / l 76
43 athletic mostly anything socially never dropped outhispanic / l 72
26 curvy mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 64
37 fit mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fblack 75
29 athletic mostly anything socially graduated asian 69
20 average vegetarian never working onhispanic / l 67
23 mostly anything often sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 74
32 skinny socially never college/unihispanic / l 60
20 curvy vegan hispanic / l 60
31 curvy mostly anything rarely sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 83
23 average mostly anything socially sometimesworking onasian 71
45 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 70
49 average socially never hispanic / l 68
51 a little extranything socially never graduated hispanic / l 70
24 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 63
30 athletic rarely graduated black 77
45 average mostly anything socially never college/uniasian 65
27 curvy socially never graduated indian 61
26 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated findian 63
47 average mostly anything rarely never graduated hispanic / l 63
52 average socially never graduated black 63
21 athletic anything socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 74
21 average rarely never working onhispanic / l 73
30 thin anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 74
18 fit mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 75
20 overweightstrictly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 63
31 athletic socially never two-year cohispanic / l 71
18 athletic not at all never working onhispanic / l 70
32 skinny anything socially never graduated fasian 61
24 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
38 athletic anything socially never graduated asian 69
32 graduated fhispanic / l 69
30 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 64
23 mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fasian 67
32 curvy socially never graduated fhispanic / l 63
31 socially never graduated fasian 70
29 athletic anything socially never graduated asian 72
31 average socially never asian 68
24 thin socially never working onasian 72
28 average socially sometimesworking onasian 67
20 a little extra socially never working onblack 65
29 average socially never hispanic / l 73
26 skinny anything rarely never college/uniasian 64
37 athletic mostly vegetarian socially never hispanic / l 62
25 fit socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
31 average mostly anything socially never graduated black 69
22 full figuredmostly anything not at all graduated fblack 70
39 average anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 60
33 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 71
30 fit strictly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 70
32 average anything socially never working onhispanic / l 69
31 thin anything socially never graduated black 65
28 average socially working onhispanic / l 72
27 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated black 74
26 average not at all never graduated fasian 68
36 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 60
31 average socially never hispanic / l 70
26 skinny socially graduated fhispanic / l 74
32 thin mostly anything socially graduated indian 63
26 average rarely never graduated asian 71
20 athletic mostly kosher rarely never working onblack 66
43 fit mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 68
29 a little extranything socially never graduated hispanic / l 72
25 average vegetarian often sometimesworking onindian 70
34 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 68
21 average mostly anything socially sometimesworking onasian 67
27 fit socially graduated hispanic / l 70
27 athletic anything socially working onindian 72
27 anything socially never graduated fasian 70
46 socially never graduated indian 72
40 fit mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 66
28 thin mostly anything socially never asian 64
37 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 61
29 thin strictly vegetarian socially never working onhispanic / l 70
21 skinny anything socially never working onblack 67
26 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 67
26 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 67
26 average strictly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 73
24 fit rarely sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 58
21 average strictly vegan not at all never graduated hispanic / l 64
27 average anything socially college/unihispanic / l 69
25 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated indian 67
25 thin strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
29 average mostly anything socially never working onasian 64
26 thin mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
27 thin strictly anything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 68
22 fit mostly vegetarian socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 66
25 athletic strictly anything socially working onblack 66
31 athletic other socially never graduated fblack 72
21 skinny mostly anything socially sometimesworking onasian 66
30 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
26 jacked strictly anything socially graduated fasian 62
26 average strictly anything often dropped outhispanic / l 69
24 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 67
39 average socially never graduated findian 67
32 rarely never hispanic / l 65
32 fit rarely never graduated asian 64
29 average rarely dropped outhispanic / l 65
32 socially sometimesgraduated fasian 72
40 fit socially graduated asian 62
41 fit other rarely never graduated hispanic / l 74
27 athletic mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 63
33 athletic socially never graduated asian 67
29 average socially never working onasian 68
36 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 66
38 fit mostly anything socially dropped ouhispanic / l 73
44 a little extrmostly anything not at all never graduated fasian 68
30 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 67
23 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
25 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
25 overweightmostly anything not at all never graduated fasian 68
28 average anything socially never graduated indian 74
23 fit mostly vegetarian socially working onhispanic / l 64
23 thin socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 66
29 thin anything rarely never graduated fasian 63
32 fit strictly anything socially sometimesgraduated asian 72
32 average socially never graduated fasian 67
27 average strictly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 71
19 average mostly anything socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 71
46 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 71
27 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 67
24 fit mostly vegetarian socially never graduated indian 70
24 full figuredmostly anything rarely never working onhispanic / l 71
29 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 69
26 socially sometimesgraduated indian 63
26 athletic not at all never graduated findian 70
35 fit socially never asian 71
37 average socially never graduated asian 69
33 average mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
27 fit anything socially never hispanic / l 70
23 athletic socially sometimesgraduated fasian 66
25 average socially graduated fhispanic / l 67
26 athletic socially graduated fasian 70
25 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 71
27 a little extranything socially never graduated fasian 70
31 socially never graduated indian 70
30 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated fblack 65
34 athletic socially never graduated indian 66
30 average socially never graduated fasian 71
17 athletic rarely graduated black 71
31 average rarely never working onasian 63
24 fit mostly anything socially never graduated indian 70
30 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 69
29 fit socially never graduated fasian 66
37 fit socially never graduated asian 63
33 athletic socially never graduated fblack 75
25 a little extranything socially never working onhispanic / l 71
26 jacked strictly other socially never graduated fasian 64
30 fit mostly anything socially graduated hispanic / l 70
32 average mostly vegan rarely hispanic / l 68
36 curvy mostly other not at all graduated hispanic / l 73
22 average mostly anything rarely never college/unihispanic / l 67
29 athletic mostly anything socially never working onindian 74
27 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated indian 68
30 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 69
29 not at all never graduated asian 68
25 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated indian 68
26 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated findian 70
25 fit anything socially working onhispanic / l 59
69 socially never graduated fblack 75
23 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
26 skinny not at all never dropped outblack 70
33 athletic mostly vegetarian socially never graduated hispanic / l 65
35 fit socially never graduated fhispanic / l 60
40 average socially never graduated asian 69
32 fit mostly anything socially never graduated findian 68
40 curvy mostly anything not at all never hispanic / l 68
24 athletic socially never graduated black 70
25 average mostly anything socially graduated asian 64
46 average rarely never graduated asian 66
30 athletic strictly anything often sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 74
33 fit anything socially never graduated asian 68
33 average socially never graduated asian 69
58 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 62
39 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
24 fit mostly anything socially graduated asian 68
29 fit strictly anything socially never graduated asian 65
25 thin strictly vegetarian not at all never dropped outhispanic / l 67
28 thin anything socially never graduated asian 72
33 average socially never asian 68
37 fit socially never working onasian 64
40 full figuredanything very often never hispanic / l 68
24 athletic strictly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 70
26 fit mostly anything rarely never working onasian 67
25 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
23 average anything socially never working onasian 71
64 fit mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
27 thin socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
31 athletic socially never graduated indian 73
41 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fblack 74
24 average anything socially never working onasian 70
23 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
38 fit rarely never graduated indian 70
45 thin anything rarely never graduated asian 64
25 socially never working onasian 71
23 athletic vegetarian socially never working onhispanic / l 68
27 average mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 68
34 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated asian 68
32 fit mostly vegetarian rarely never graduated fasian 65
37 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 74
25 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 72
27 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 65
41 average mostly anything socially never graduated indian 64
27 average socially never graduated fasian 69
22 fit anything socially never college/unihispanic / l 69
23 average strictly anything socially never graduated asian 70
23 thin strictly anything socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 71
42 a little extranything socially never graduated black 67
36 fit strictly anything socially working onasian 68
20 average mostly vegetarian rarely never graduated fasian 64
27 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 69
27 athletic mostly vegetarian socially working onhispanic / l 70
26 a little extrmostly vegetarian not at all never graduated fasian 70
30 athletic socially sometimesgraduated fasian 71
33 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 68
44 athletic mostly vegetarian rarely never working onblack 71
40 average socially never graduated indian 69
24 average strictly vegetarian socially never graduated findian 69
30 athletic socially working onasian 73
24 socially graduated fasian 71
25 socially graduated indian 68
44 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 62
30 athletic mostly vegetarian socially never graduated indian 61
29 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 67
26 average often sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 67
21 average anything socially never graduated findian 69
25 average anything rarely never graduated fasian 62
24 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 66
32 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 74
31 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
26 thin socially never working onblack 62
21 athletic strictly anything often never working onblack 68
27 fit socially never graduated hispanic / l 66
38 socially never graduated hispanic / l 69
39 full figured socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
35 average mostly anything often never graduated fhispanic / l 70
26 athletic socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
30 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 64
25 thin anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 63
28 average rarely never graduated findian 63
34 average socially never graduated fasian 67
26 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated indian 73
33 strictly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
38 average anything socially never dropped ouasian 70
30 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
43 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
27 skinny socially never graduated fasian 70
19 thin mostly anything socially never working onasian 59
56 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 67
27 skinny strictly anything not at all never graduated fasian 70
22 not at all never working onasian 63
29 athletic strictly other socially sometimesworking onasian 65
27 mostly anything socially asian 64
27 average socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 69
30 fit strictly anything rarely never graduated fasian 68
23 average anything socially never working onblack 71
39 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated black 69
31 average mostly anything often never asian 69
21 overweightmostly anything not at all never graduated hispanic / l 66
31 athletic socially never working onasian 66
39 fit socially never graduated fasian 72
28 fit anything socially never graduated indian 68
28 fit mostly anything socially never graduated indian 67
30 jacked strictly anything often sometimesgraduated black 70
24 athletic anything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 69
32 fit socially graduated fasian 68
26 average rarely never working onblack 72
24 mostly anything socially never working onasian 62
30 a little extrmostly anything socially working onhispanic / l 72
30 fit mostly vegetarian socially never graduated asian 70
56 athletic socially never black 62
27 fit mostly anything socially never working onasian 67
33 thin strictly anything rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 64
43 fit socially never black 70
31 mostly anything socially never graduated indian 66
23 mostly anything socially sometimesworking onblack 65
27 average mostly other socially sometimes black 62
35 overweight not at all never graduated fblack 64
33 thin socially graduated indian 64
33 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
22 thin socially never graduated fasian 69
35 average anything rarely never dropped ouasian 69
23 average anything rarely never working onasian 64
26 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
21 average rarely never working onasian 65
21 fit strictly anything socially never working onblack 65
43 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 62
21 skinny mostly anything not at all never working onasian 64
23 skinny mostly anything often sometimesgraduated fasian 63
61 thin mostly vegetarian socially dropped outblack 67
28 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
26 used up strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
33 average anything rarely never graduated fasian 61
23 rarely never working onasian 63
24 socially sometimesgraduated fasian 65
42 average socially sometimesdropped outasian 66
41 not at all never graduated fasian 65
22 average socially never working onasian 72
41 average rarely never asian 64
53 rarely never graduated fblack 62
24 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 62
30 skinny socially never asian 67
25 fit anything socially never graduated black 67
22 fit socially working onasian 67
31 curvy mostly anything socially graduated fblack 63
30 fit socially never working onblack 70
29 thin socially never graduated fasian 71
38 thin rarely never graduated fasian 64
26 thin not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 70
26 skinny socially sometimesworking onasian 70
17 thin strictly vegetarian socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 61
28 average anything socially never graduated indian 69
38 a little extra socially never black 68
43 average mostly anything socially never graduated indian 64
22 average socially never hispanic / l 69
35 average mostly anything socially never graduated findian 66
23 athletic mostly anything not at all never working onhispanic / l 72
27 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
30 curvy mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 61
22 athletic anything socially never working onhispanic / l 73
28 average other often never asian 65
25 athletic socially never graduated fasian 66
22 athletic mostly vegetarian socially never working onindian 69
41 fit anything socially never graduated indian 66
28 average socially never asian 68
30 athletic socially never graduated black 69
43 a little extra socially never graduated fasian 62
31 average socially never working onblack 70
38 average mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 71
30 average mostly anything socially never graduated indian 72
43 average strictly vegetarian socially never graduated asian 70
26 fit anything socially sometimes indian 69
46 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 58
26 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
33 athletic anything socially never graduated asian 62
31 fit mostly anything socially never graduated indian 70
31 average socially never graduated fasian 69
27 curvy socially never working onasian 60
24 athletic socially graduated fasian 70
26 athletic socially graduated findian 72
24 thin mostly anything rarely never working onindian 76
28 average mostly anything socially never asian 67
39 fit strictly anything socially graduated fasian 61
26 athletic socially never working onhispanic / l 71
38 fit socially graduated asian 70
32 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
33 athletic socially graduated fhispanic / l 65
27 average strictly anything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 69
32 curvy mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 64
29 athletic socially never graduated asian 66
30 average socially never graduated asian 68
26 average anything socially never graduated fasian 69
27 fit anything socially sometimes hispanic / l 66
29 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
21 used up mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 72
30 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 69
49 fit rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 67
26 fit socially graduated fhispanic / l 68
30 athletic socially never hispanic / l 69
23 fit mostly anything rarely never working onasian 69
30 fit anything socially never working onasian 72
31 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated asian 69
31 athletic socially never graduated fblack 73
28 fit socially never graduated fasian 67
33 fit mostly anything socially graduated fasian 70
47 jacked socially never graduated black 71
34 average socially never graduated fasian 72
22 thin socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 61
25 full figuredstrictly other socially never working onhispanic / l 68
42 average mostly anything rarely never graduated black 65
18 fit mostly anything socially working onasian 64
38 fit socially never hispanic / l 69
31 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
21 average socially never graduated hispanic / l 66
31 fit socially never hispanic / l 71
31 average socially never hispanic / l 71
20 curvy mostly anything not at all never working onhispanic / l 59
34 fit often graduated hispanic / l 71
29 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
25 average mostly vegan rarely graduated fhispanic / l 71
22 average anything socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 66
27 fit socially never graduated fasian 69
41 average socially never two-year cohispanic / l 72
25 average socially never working onhispanic / l 73
22 average mostly anything socially working onasian 67
44 athletic mostly other socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
18 socially never hispanic / l 72
21 fit mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 63
27 curvy strictly anything very often sometimesworking onblack 65
26 average strictly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 61
18 fit anything not at all never graduated hispanic / l 67
31 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
29 athletic anything socially masters prhispanic / l 70
27 average socially never working onindian 68
26 fit mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 68
27 fit mostly anything often sometimesgraduated fblack 67
25 curvy socially never working onhispanic / l 69
29 fit socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
30 fit mostly anything socially never graduated findian 71
41 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
30 a little extra rarely never graduated fasian 75
32 average rarely never asian 67
22 rather not mostly vegetarian rarely never working onasian 61
24 fit socially never asian 66
22 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 67
33 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
26 thin mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
28 often graduated fhispanic / l 71
24 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 64
24 socially never graduated fasian 66
28 average socially never graduated findian 64
24 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 61
28 athletic mostly anything rarely sometimesworking onhispanic / l 72
34 fit socially never graduated asian 62
30 socially never asian 64
22 average socially never working onhispanic / l 65
44 overweightmostly anything socially never graduated fblack 68
22 athletic mostly anything socially never working onblack 68
25 a little extrmostly anything socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 61
24 fit mostly anything not at all never working onasian 64
22 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 61
38 fit rarely never graduated fblack 64
30 athletic strictly anything socially graduated asian 65
22 a little extra often sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 73
32 socially graduated asian 61
30 thin mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 67
27 athletic mostly other socially never graduated asian 72
40 average vegetarian often never graduated fblack 71
27 fit socially never graduated asian 69
33 athletic anything rarely never two-year coblack 75
26 athletic strictly anything not at all never graduated indian 70
33 athletic socially never graduated fasian 69
46 average mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 66
28 socially graduated fasian 64
30 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 72
50 average mostly anything socially never working onblack 64
31 full figuredmostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 70
25 curvy mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 62
22 thin strictly anything often working onhispanic / l 69
37 fit not at all never working onhispanic / l 74
20 full figuredanything socially never working onhispanic / l 64
25 jacked strictly anything often sometimesgraduated asian 62
29 fit anything socially never masters prasian 67
37 often working onhispanic / l 73
41 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
27 average mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 61
26 athletic often never working onhispanic / l 67
35 socially never graduated black 62
39 average mostly anything rarely never graduated fblack 67
42 average socially never working onhispanic / l 59
37 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 65
45 average mostly anything not at all never asian 60
30 fit strictly anything socially graduated asian 69
23 fit mostly anything socially working onasian 67
25 mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 68
39 athletic mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 67
36 full figuredmostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 69
33 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
39 fit socially never graduated fasian 62
23 athletic anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 68
26 athletic mostly anything often never graduated hispanic / l 72
20 a little extra not at all never working onhispanic / l 71
27 a little extra socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 70
22 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 76
36 average often never dropped outblack 73
44 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 62
40 average mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 76
29 overweightanything often never dropped ouasian 65
31 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 65
27 fit strictly anything socially never graduated indian 74
29 skinny socially never graduated fasian 62
33 average strictly anything socially never graduated asian 66
23 athletic never hispanic / l 68
41 full figuredmostly anything socially never black 70
39 full figuredmostly anything socially graduated fblack 68
27 fit socially never graduated black 62
39 full figured rarely never graduated black 68
23 average socially never black 60
21 a little extrmostly anything socially working onhispanic / l 64
28 average mostly vegetarian socially never graduated asian 60
23 average rarely never working onasian 72
27 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 70
25 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
29 average mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 60
52 average often graduated hispanic / l 68
26 athletic mostly halal not at all never graduated fblack 71
29 athletic socially never graduated findian 70
30 a little extrmostly anything rarely never dropped outhispanic / l 62
29 full figuredstrictly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
29 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
28 skinny anything socially never graduated asian 63
24 average mostly halal socially sometimesworking onblack 63
44 thin strictly anything not at all never dropped oublack 66
44 curvy mostly anything rarely never graduated black 64
19 average anything socially never working onasian 69
24 fit often never graduated fasian 67
27 fit strictly anything often never graduated fasian 72
25 average anything socially never working onhispanic / l 71
32 full figuredstrictly anything socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 63
32 curvy mostly anything socially never hispanic / l 66
31 skinny mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 70
28 athletic mostly anything rarely graduated asian 66
32 thin mostly other socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 63
28 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
29 average socially never graduated fasian 67
21 fit socially working onhispanic / l 69
26 average socially asian 67
31 socially never graduated fasian 66
27 athletic anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
48 thin socially never graduated asian 64
31 fit socially graduated fasian 72
27 socially never graduated fasian 63
33 fit socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
25 curvy mostly anything often never graduated fhispanic / l 65
20 skinny strictly anything not at all never working onasian 61
27 curvy mostly anything not at all never black 73
32 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated indian 68
31 fit strictly anything socially never working onindian 68
23 socially never working onhispanic / l 63
22 thin vegan socially graduated findian 74
19 overweightmostly anything socially graduated black 67
18 other rarely working onhispanic / l 65
27 thin rarely never graduated fblack 65
31 skinny strictly anything rarely never graduated asian 65
41 fit mostly vegetarian rarely sometimesgraduated fasian 68
29 average mostly anything rarely never graduated hispanic / l 62
48 average socially never graduated black 70
32 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 64
30 average socially never graduated asian 70
23 athletic socially never graduated fblack 70
39 average not at all never graduated hispanic / l 69
33 fit anything rarely never dropped outasian 63
24 average mostly anything socially never working onblack 61
36 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 65
33 fit socially never graduated indian 65
28 thin mostly vegetarian socially sometimesgraduated fblack 63
31 socially asian 63
32 average socially never working onhispanic / l 62
44 socially never graduated fasian 64
34 curvy socially graduated hispanic / l 67
37 curvy not at all never hispanic / l 65
23 a little extrmostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 61
39 average mostly vegetarian socially graduated findian 67
24 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
25 skinny anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 62
33 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 67
28 average anything socially never hispanic / l 67
40 average socially never dropped outblack 69
49 fit mostly vegetarian socially never working onhispanic / l 67
30 average anything often sometimesgraduated fasian 68
39 average not at all never graduated fasian 65
27 athletic mostly vegetarian rarely never graduated fblack 69
24 fit socially working onasian 64
42 socially never graduated asian 68
30 fit mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 68
26 curvy socially working onhispanic / l 64
35 full figuredmostly anything rarely never graduated fblack 69
23 athletic socially never dropped outhispanic / l 69
28 average mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fasian 70
35 average mostly anything not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 67
21 a little extrmostly other socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 67
30 athletic anything socially never working onhispanic / l 67
25 average often never graduated fasian 67
25 athletic socially never graduated fasian 67
31 average anything socially never graduated fasian 68
28 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
28 athletic socially never graduated indian 71
30 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
22 anything often never working onblack 65
24 average rarely never graduated fasian 64
19 used up mostly vegetarian often black 63
34 average mostly anything socially never working onasian 66
20 fit anything socially never working onasian 71
44 average mostly anything not at all never graduated asian 71
26 athletic anything socially never graduated fasian 72
30 average mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated asian 64
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36 socially never asian 63
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28 average socially never hispanic / l 68
32 thin socially graduated asian 62
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22 average mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 62
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23 thin socially never working onhispanic / l 60
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27 athletic anything not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 73
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22 average mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 67
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22 curvy socially never working onhispanic / l 60
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41 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 68
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25 never graduated fasian 65
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24 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 73
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28 average mostly vegetarian socially never graduated asian 68
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22 average rarely never working onasian 70
23 average rarely never graduated asian 64
40 a little extra rarely never asian 60
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32 fit mostly anything socially graduated fasian 69
34 fit anything rarely never asian 67
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21 average never asian 62
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25 fit anything socially never asian 68
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42 socially working onasian 69
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27 anything socially never graduated asian 70
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23 curvy mostly anything socially never working onasian 69
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23 average anything socially never hispanic / l 66
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28 socially never graduated black 60
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27 average socially never black 62
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34 fit socially never graduated fblack 72
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39 average often never graduated fasian 69
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51 a little extrmostly anything not at all never dropped ouhispanic / l 75
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30 curvy socially never graduated black 62
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33 thin anything rarely sometimesgraduated fasian 64
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32 curvy anything not at all never graduated fasian 66
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25 rather not mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 67
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28 athletic socially graduated asian 67
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29 a little extra socially graduated fblack 73
48 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 66
27 fit mostly anything often working onblack 68
34 average mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 65
51 full figuredanything not at all never graduated black 67
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32 average socially never graduated fasian 66
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30 athletic mostly anything socially never hispanic / l 66
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35 fit mostly vegetarian socially graduated findian 60
28 fit strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 68
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40 a little extrvegetarian rarely never asian 61
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39 full figuredanything socially graduated fasian 62
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54 full figuredmostly other rarely never graduated hispanic / l 62
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60 average mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 63
24 thin mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 65
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30 socially never asian 72
29 socially black 73
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24 rather not say socially never working onblack 73
24 athletic socially never high schoolblack 67
33 a little extrstrictly anything very often never working onhispanic / l 74
28 skinny socially working onblack 67
26 a little extrstrictly other socially never graduated fblack 75
29 a little extra socially never graduated black 72
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28 average mostly vegetarian socially never graduated findian 70
30 socially never asian 66
28 athletic mostly anything socially graduated black 76
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24 fit rarely never graduated fasian 69
29 athletic socially never graduated fasian 68
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24 used up anything socially never graduated fasian 67
20 average mostly anything socially never working onblack 69
29 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 71
23 skinny socially graduated fasian 64
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27 fit socially never graduated asian 65
24 fit mostly anything not at all never graduated fasian 68
26 athletic mostly anything socially graduated asian 66
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32 athletic strictly vegan socially never graduated hispanic / l 72
35 skinny rarely never graduated fasian 68
38 fit socially never graduated asian 62
27 average socially never black 68
25 thin mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 65
25 curvy socially never graduated fasian 65
22 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 67
23 mostly vegan socially never working onhispanic / l 70
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27 athletic mostly anything socially never working onblack 67
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53 athletic socially never graduated black 67
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49 average socially never graduated black 69
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21 average socially never black 72
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44 fit rarely never graduated black 76
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30 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 68
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37 athletic socially never graduated fasian 67
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63 average socially never asian 66
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24 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 66
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49 a little extra socially never black 74
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23 average mostly anything rarely never working onasian 69
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23 graduated fasian 63
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29 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
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23 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
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25 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 72
28 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
27 athletic socially never graduated fasian 72
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46 a little extra rarely never black 64
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21 full figured not at all never working onblack 64
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23 socially never asian 64
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21 socially never working onhispanic / l 67
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30 fit socially never asian 66
42 fit socially working onhispanic / l 62
25 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 66
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30 a little extranything not at all never graduated fasian 67
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31 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
25 thin mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
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31 rather not mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fasian 65
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33 socially graduated fasian 64
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23 average socially never graduated fasian 67
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34 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
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29 rarely never graduated fasian 65
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28 thin socially never graduated fasian 59
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40 often sometimesdropped outhispanic / l 69
36 curvy socially graduated fasian 62
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30 socially asian 71
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42 fit socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
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22 a little extra socially never working onhispanic / l 71
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24 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 72
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23 athletic socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
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53 athletic mostly anything socially graduated fasian 71
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23 athletic mostly anything socially never dropped outblack 70
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32 socially never graduated fasian 65
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42 rarely never graduated fasian 66
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24 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated black 68
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22 average mostly anything not at all never working onblack 72
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39 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 62
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63 fit other socially graduated fhispanic / l 70
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49 average rarely never graduated asian 68
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32 mostly anything socially never graduated asian 62
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29 often never graduated fasian 72
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28 socially never graduated fasian 62
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40 average socially never graduated fasian 70
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54 not at all never graduated black 62
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23 fit anything socially graduated fasian 67
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59 a little extrmostly vegetarian not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 69
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25 athletic socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
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41 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 69
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26 not at all never graduated fasian 67
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68 a little extra socially never college/uniblack 64
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32 thin mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 62
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21 fit mostly vegetarian rarely never working onasian 62
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23 average socially never hispanic / l 59
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26 thin socially never working onhispanic / l 62
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28 athletic mostly anything socially graduated fasian 73
26 athletic anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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26 socially never asian 60
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36 fit socially never graduated asian 64
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27 a little extranything socially never graduated fasian 65
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34 fit socially never graduated fasian 68
21 curvy strictly vegetarian socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 65
29 athletic socially never graduated asian 71
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23 athletic mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 69
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33 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fasian 72
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59 a little extrmostly anything rarely never graduated black 63
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40 a little extra socially never graduated black 61
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34 average socially never indian 67
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25 athletic anything socially never graduated fasian 72
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37 socially never graduated black 63
29 fit anything socially never graduated black 62
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24 a little extra rarely never working onblack 68
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51 athletic mostly vegetarian socially graduated fhispanic / l 71
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33 rather not say socially never working onhispanic / l 62
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27 a little extranything socially never working onhispanic / l 66
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35 fit socially never working onblack 74
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28 average anything socially never working onasian 70
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24 a little extrmostly anything often never graduated fblack 67
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26 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated black 73
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28 athletic mostly anything often graduated fasian 70
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34 athletic mostly anything often never graduated fasian 71
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29 athletic vegetarian socially never graduated indian 72
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29 thin mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 64
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62 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
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29 average anything socially never indian 64
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28 socially graduated fasian 70
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28 socially never graduated fblack 69
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22 mostly vegan not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 66
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68 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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35 socially graduated fasian 61
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26 fit socially never graduated asian 66
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37 a little extra socially graduated fhispanic / l 71
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57 average socially graduated black 71
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22 fit strictly anything socially working onhispanic / l 68
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22 skinny anything socially never working onhispanic / l 71
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23 skinny anything socially never working onasian 67
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28 anything rarely never college/uniasian 64
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32 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated asian 69
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64 average socially never graduated black 69
27 athletic socially graduated black 62
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20 average mostly anything socially black 72
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28 anything socially never graduated fasian 65
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30 fit not at all never graduated fasian 62
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28 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated black 67
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36 fit never graduated asian 63
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23 mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 72
26 socially graduated fasian 66
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28 average socially never graduated fasian 68
39 average anything socially graduated fblack 72
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38 average socially hispanic / l 76
44 fit not at all never graduated black 67
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32 socially never asian 68
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34 socially graduated findian 60
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32 thin mostly anything socially never working onasian 65
34 average strictly anything socially never graduated black 70
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22 fit mostly anything often graduated fasian 74
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44 average anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 76
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48 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
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22 socially never working onasian 61
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43 average socially never graduated findian 65
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26 thin strictly vegan not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 72
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25 fit mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 71
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32 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 71
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32 athletic socially never graduated fasian 71
36 average socially never graduated fasian 65
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25 fit socially never asian 67
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21 average socially never working onhispanic / l 67
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41 a little extra socially never hispanic / l 66
36 athletic socially sometimesgraduated fasian 72
22 fit socially never graduated black 70
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31 athletic socially graduated fasian 67
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25 fit mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 72
32 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 76
56 average never asian 61
21 full figuredother often never graduated fblack 68
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22 a little extra socially never hispanic / l 72
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31 a little extra often sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 73
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63 socially never graduated asian 66
32 athletic socially never asian 69
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22 athletic often never graduated hispanic / l 70
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27 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
24 a little extrmostly anything socially graduated fasian 66
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56 a little extranything socially never dropped outhispanic / l 71
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41 a little extrmostly anything socially sometimes hispanic / l 70
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23 socially graduated fhispanic / l 65
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23 average socially working onasian 68
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28 socially never graduated fasian 62
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28 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 61
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33 socially never graduated fasian 69
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23 mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 72
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24 average mostly anything often graduated fasian 68
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25 socially graduated fasian 68
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32 fit socially never graduated fasian 68
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47 rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 68
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26 a little extra rarely never hispanic / l 65
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28 average socially graduated fhispanic / l 77
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22 anything socially working onhispanic / l 63
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23 socially never graduated fasian 74
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24 socially never graduated asian 66
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26 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
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22 rarely black 66
51 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
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22 thin socially never working onasian 65
33 average strictly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
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59 average mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 61
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36 average mostly anything socially hispanic / l 75
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22 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 64
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31 athletic not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 67
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24 fit strictly other socially never working onhispanic / l 69
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28 mostly anything socially working onasian 65
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38 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
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28 average anything socially graduated fasian 66
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28 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 62
22 athletic socially never working onblack 76
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35 athletic socially never black 74
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27 rarely sometimesworking onhispanic / l 68
41 fit socially never hispanic / l 72
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27 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 70
37 skinny socially never graduated indian 69
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49 average socially never graduated fasian 63
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33 fit mostly other socially never graduated hispanic / l 74
22 skinny strictly anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 72
30 fit strictly anything socially graduated asian 64
44 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 65
47 thin mostly vegetarian rarely never graduated hispanic / l 65
34 fit socially never graduated fasian 68
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32 full figured socially never graduated black 65
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24 average anything socially never graduated black 62
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32 anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 62
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33 average socially never graduated asian 76
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30 socially graduated fasian 75
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26 socially working onhispanic / l 60
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27 rarely never graduated fasian 61
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21 average mostly anything socially graduated fasian 61
24 average socially never graduated asian 65
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29 rarely never graduated fasian 62
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62 a little extra rarely never hispanic / l 65
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25 fit strictly anything socially graduated hispanic / l 68
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28 socially working onindian 70
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55 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 64
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30 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 69
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39 rather not say black 72
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32 full figuredanything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 66
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26 overweight socially never graduated hispanic / l 69
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36 average mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 69
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68 athletic mostly anything socially graduated hispanic / l 70
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43 often working onasian 70
48 a little extrmostly vegetarian not at all sometimesgraduated fasian 70
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32 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
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28 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 70
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46 fit mostly anything not at all never graduated fasian 73
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42 average socially black 76
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25 average rarely never working onhispanic / l 68
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26 full figuredmostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
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26 socially graduated fasian 63
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28 socially never graduated fasian 67
28 a little extra socially sometimesworking onindian 71
42 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 73
51 average socially never graduated fasian 60
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31 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 71
25 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 70
39 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 66
29 full figuredvegetarian socially never graduated black 71
61 full figured socially black 60
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26 rarely never working onasian 65
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49 athletic anything rarely never graduated asian 67
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31 athletic socially graduated indian 72
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37 a little extra socially dropped ouhispanic / l 71
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52 socially never graduated asian 65
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33 strictly anything socially graduated fasian 68
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23 average anything often never working onhispanic / l 72
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49 socially never graduated hispanic / l 69
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56 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 63
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32 strictly anything socially never graduated asian 68
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25 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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41 curvy socially never graduated fhispanic / l 63
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27 anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
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27 thin socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
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36 socially asian 60
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27 socially never graduated asian 64
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29 thin mostly anything socially never graduated asian 68
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32 athletic socially never black 70
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22 socially never graduated fasian 62
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35 average mostly anything rarely never graduated hispanic / l 63
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24 average socially never working onhispanic / l 65
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35 average socially hispanic / l 71
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23 average socially never working onhispanic / l 63
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45 thin mostly vegetarian socially never graduated hispanic / l 59
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21 thin mostly anything socially hispanic / l 62
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41 athletic socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
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23 fit socially never working onhispanic / l 64
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31 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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24 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 60
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55 rarely never hispanic / l 62
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33 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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33 socially never asian 69
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57 athletic not at all never graduated fasian 65
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21 athletic anything socially never working onhispanic / l 83
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42 skinny rarely never graduated asian 66
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36 average anything not at all never working onhispanic / l 67
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25 socially never graduated hispanic / l 66
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33 socially working onasian 61
22 mostly vegan rarely asian 66
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25 average socially never hispanic / l 73
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23 often sometimesworking onhispanic / l 61
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26 socially hispanic / l 61
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38 full figured rarely never graduated black 61
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22 a little extra not at all never working onasian 67
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29 socially never graduated fasian 63
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39 socially never graduated fasian 64
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31 average mostly anything socially black 64
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47 average anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 62
41 average socially never hispanic / l 64
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26 athletic mostly anything socially graduated fasian 69
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36 average socially never graduated black 68
24 average rarely never black 71
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22 average socially never graduated fasian 72
28 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 70
51 fit mostly vegetarian rarely graduated black 74
23 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 70
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30 skinny mostly vegetarian socially sometimesgraduated fasian 69
42 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 67
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30 athletic socially never graduated fasian 65
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29 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
36 average anything socially graduated hispanic / l 65
28 skinny vegetarian never asian 64
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23 anything socially working onasian 59
22 average not at all never working onhispanic / l 69
30 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 69
31 socially graduated fblack 63
26 fit vegetarian socially never graduated indian 69
31 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
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63 average not at all sometimesgraduated fasian 63
20 skinny socially never working onblack 69
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25 athletic socially never working onhispanic / l 68
23 thin socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
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21 thin strictly anything socially working onhispanic / l 67
29 average socially never graduated fasian 66
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34 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 60
34 average mostly vegetarian often never graduated indian 69
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25 average socially never graduated fasian 60
41 anything socially never asian 60
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41 average mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 60
35 average mostly anything not at all never graduated fasian 67
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23 socially never graduated fasian 61
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28 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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27 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
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28 athletic socially graduated asian 67
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35 athletic socially graduated fasian 69
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67 athletic anything socially never graduated indian 69
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41 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 67
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34 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 74
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22 a little extra socially never working onhispanic / l 70
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26 socially never graduated fasian 61
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26 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
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52 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
26 fit mostly anything not at all never graduated fasian 69
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33 athletic mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
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22 socially working onasian 68
28 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 68
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24 curvy socially never graduated hispanic / l 67
42 athletic socially never hispanic / l 72
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42 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
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24 curvy strictly other socially never graduated hispanic / l 67
28 skinny vegetarian socially never graduated indian 65
36 average socially never graduated hispanic / l 71
28 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
27 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 62
36 fit socially never graduated asian 62
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31 average socially never hispanic / l 66
33 average strictly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 76
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37 athletic mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated asian 65
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41 athletic not at all never college/uniblack 71
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39 average socially never graduated fasian 59
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22 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
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32 socially graduated asian 69
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29 average mostly anything often graduated fasian 67
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29 socially graduated fasian 61
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28 thin socially never graduated fasian 60
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28 socially never graduated fasian 67
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34 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 66
48 fit mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 77
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21 socially never asian 62
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24 average mostly anything socially never asian 71
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39 athletic socially never graduated fasian 64
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67 athletic rarely never graduated fblack 71
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24 fit socially never graduated indian 69
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23 fit anything often never working onhispanic / l 65
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29 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
30 average anything often never graduated fasian 73
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28 athletic socially never graduated hispanic / l 63
32 a little extranything socially never hispanic / l 67
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26 athletic strictly other not at all never black 73
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37 average socially graduated asian 70
43 curvy mostly anything often graduated fblack 66
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23 socially graduated fasian 69
39 a little extranything socially never graduated asian 68
32 thin socially working onblack 71
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29 thin mostly vegan rarely never working onhispanic / l 71
36 athletic strictly vegetarian often never graduated indian 63
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28 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
34 average strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 68
38 fit strictly vegetarian rarely never graduated indian 63
32 thin strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
34 average anything socially never college/unihispanic / l 64
30 average socially never graduated fasian 66
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29 anything rarely never asian 65
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25 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
18 skinny not at all never graduated black 64
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38 average socially never graduated fasian 62
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48 a little extra socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
28 fit socially never graduated fhispanic / l 65
28 curvy socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
31 athletic other socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 70
27 average mostly vegetarian socially never graduated indian 64
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19 fit often sometimesworking onhispanic / l 73
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33 curvy mostly vegetarian rarely never hispanic / l 64
20 skinny anything rarely never graduated hispanic / l 64
25 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
27 average never graduated fasian 68
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28 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 69
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32 skinny socially never graduated indian 72
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32 thin socially never graduated asian 62
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30 average anything socially black 64
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33 athletic mostly vegetarian socially graduated fasian 66
34 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 63
30 average socially never graduated fblack 69
21 athletic often graduated asian 64
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28 athletic often graduated fhispanic / l 68
36 fit socially never graduated indian 65
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25 athletic socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
25 a little extranything socially hispanic / l 65
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23 fit strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 61
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30 rather not say socially never graduated fasian 59
21 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 59
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27 average socially never asian 73
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33 curvy strictly anything socially never hispanic / l 64
21 average socially sometimes hispanic / l 68
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39 average socially never graduated black 67
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51 a little extra socially working onhispanic / l 72
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42 average not at all never black 69
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37 athletic socially never graduated indian 68
26 athletic strictly vegetarian socially never graduated fasian 71
47 athletic not at all never asian 68
23 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
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24 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
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26 average anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 68
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22 never hispanic / l 62
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27 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 68
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57 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 74
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42 socially graduated fblack 67
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30 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 66
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24 athletic socially never working onblack 73
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24 rarely never graduated fasian 62
22 socially never working onasian 66
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48 athletic mostly other socially hispanic / l 69
37 socially never graduated black 68
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45 overweight rarely never asian 67
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26 fit socially never working onasian 71
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35 thin socially never graduated fasian 68
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24 socially never asian 69
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22 curvy strictly anything socially working onasian 67
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32 anything socially never graduated asian 70
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27 fit socially never graduated asian 67
34 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 69
27 fit anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
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30 fit socially never graduated fasian 70
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28 average mostly anything not at all never graduated hispanic / l 73
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29 average socially never hispanic / l 68
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30 strictly anything socially graduated asian 66
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33 never asian 69
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28 thin mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 62
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42 average mostly anything socially sometimesdropped ouhispanic / l 72
29 socially never graduated asian 70
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34 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
30 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 66
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22 not at all never indian 67
27 athletic asian 65
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32 thin mostly anything not at all never graduated asian 63
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32 a little extra socially never hispanic / l 66
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34 often asian 68
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23 athletic mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 72
26 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 62
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30 often never graduated hispanic / l 70
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31 socially graduated fasian 63
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46 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 65
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32 skinny often never graduated fhispanic / l 66
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30 fit socially graduated fasian 65
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21 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 69
27 curvy mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
27 athletic anything socially never graduated asian 71
35 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 63
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25 fit anything socially never graduated asian 65
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28 athletic socially graduated fasian 60
28 socially graduated fasian 65
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31 anything socially asian 65
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28 a little extra socially never asian 71
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27 average often often working onhispanic / l 69
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22 socially hispanic / l 73
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42 a little extranything rarely never hispanic / l 67
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24 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
29 average other socially graduated fasian 62
38 skinny rarely never graduated fasian 62
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26 thin mostly anything socially never working onasian 72
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32 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
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26 a little extra socially never graduated fasian 63
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65 fit not at all never graduated hispanic / l 66
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41 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 73
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42 athletic mostly anything not at all never graduated fblack 65
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43 curvy socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
29 thin socially never graduated fasian 62
35 average socially graduated fasian 67
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20 average mostly anything rarely sometimes hispanic / l 68
28 skinny mostly anything rarely never working onasian 68
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27 average strictly anything socially working onhispanic / l 63
22 average mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 65
24 rarely sometimes hispanic / l 73
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34 average mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 67
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32 average mostly vegetarian socially graduated fhispanic / l 61
27 fit socially graduated black 71
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22 fit anything socially never working onasian 70
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50 not at all never black 60
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39 socially never graduated fblack 62
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35 a little extra socially never black 72
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27 athletic socially never graduated black 67
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27 curvy anything socially never working onhispanic / l 62
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29 average mostly anything rarely never working onhispanic / l 70
24 curvy mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 65
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58 athletic socially never graduated asian 68
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28 average socially never graduated fasian 65
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49 fit anything socially never graduated black 73
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30 average rarely never asian 72
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38 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
32 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 72
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23 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 71
35 a little extra not at all never graduated indian 72
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40 average anything socially never black 72
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27 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 73
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22 athletic socially working onblack 72
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45 average mostly anything not at all never asian 68
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22 a little extra often sometimes hispanic / l 66
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23 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
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25 athletic strictly anything socially graduated fasian 68
32 a little extrmostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 67
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27 average socially never graduated hispanic / l 72
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49 athletic socially hispanic / l 62
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46 athletic anything socially never hispanic / l 64
32 athletic anything socially graduated hispanic / l 61
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25 mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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26 full figuredmostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fblack 70
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23 fit socially never working onhispanic / l 68
24 a little extra socially never hispanic / l 68
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23 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 66
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31 socially never graduated fasian 70
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43 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 73
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30 athletic mostly anything socially graduated hispanic / l 67
55 a little extra socially hispanic / l 70
24 fit socially graduated fasian 66
26 socially never graduated fasian 64
37 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 70
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50 fit not at all never hispanic / l 71
32 socially never graduated asian 69
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33 average socially never black 69
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68 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
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40 average anything socially never hispanic / l 73
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39 socially never asian 72
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34 socially graduated asian 69
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22 thin mostly vegetarian socially never working onhispanic / l 69
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38 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
22 athletic socially never graduated fasian 67
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25 fit strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
34 fit mostly other socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
31 average mostly anything graduated fasian 60
33 full figuredmostly anything socially never graduated fblack 68
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27 athletic socially graduated fblack 74
25 athletic anything socially graduated fblack 66
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21 athletic mostly vegetarian rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 68
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24 average mostly anything socially never working onasian 71
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42 a little extra socially never graduated indian 68
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56 athletic not at all never graduated fblack 70
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20 skinny socially never working onhispanic / l 66
27 athletic graduated fasian 68
34 average rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 66
26 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
18 socially sometimescollege/uniasian 63
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56 a little extra socially never graduated hispanic / l 73
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55 athletic not at all never graduated black 70
40 athletic socially never graduated hispanic / l 72
22 average socially never working onasian 60
22 curvy mostly anything socially never working onblack 72
63 curvy strictly vegetarian not at all never graduated findian 59
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28 athletic mostly anything rarely sometimesgraduated fasian 66
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33 average not at all never graduated fasian 70
25 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
28 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
24 fit mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
34 fit mostly vegetarian rarely never asian 64
26 fit vegetarian socially never graduated indian 73
26 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 75
28 fit anything socially graduated asian 67
26 average mostly anything socially graduated fasian 64
26 curvy mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 70
38 average socially never graduated fasian 66
35 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
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38 average anything socially never working onasian 65
42 socially never indian 65
25 skinny socially graduated fasian 71
17 a little extra not at all never black 70
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57 average mostly anything rarely never graduated fblack 70
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28 average rarely never hispanic / l 62
51 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fblack 66
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22 skinny not at all never college/uniblack 63
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33 athletic socially graduated asian 65
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26 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
34 average mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 65
31 athletic mostly vegetarian rarely never graduated asian 66
38 athletic socially never asian 70
34 athletic anything socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 69
34 average socially never graduated fasian 70
36 thin often sometimes asian 69
27 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
27 athletic anything not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 74
37 socially graduated fasian 70
33 average anything socially never graduated asian 70
20 rather not mostly anything socially never working onasian 62
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36 socially never graduated fblack 71
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43 average socially never asian 60
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28 average socially working onhispanic / l 61
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24 athletic socially never graduated fasian 68
44 socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 72
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21 average rarely never working onhispanic / l 74
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33 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 67
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35 socially never graduated fasian 69
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30 a little extrmostly anything often sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 70
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29 socially graduated fblack 72
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28 a little extra not at all never graduated fasian 64
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28 thin socially never graduated fasian 69
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27 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
23 thin socially never graduated hispanic / l 73
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33 a little extra rarely graduated hispanic / l 66
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33 anything socially never graduated fasian 62
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21 rarely never asian 61
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26 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 66
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44 full figured socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
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37 socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 71
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24 never graduated fasian 72
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26 socially never graduated fasian 63
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25 a little extrmostly anything often never working onhispanic / l 66
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63 athletic not at all never graduated black 72
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20 fit anything socially never working onasian 62
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33 athletic socially never working onhispanic / l 64
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38 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 74
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21 anything not at all never working onhispanic / l 63
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23 socially never asian 62
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30 full figuredmostly anything rarely never working onhispanic / l 66
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66 average often graduated black 67
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28 thin anything socially never asian 66
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44 athletic rarely never graduated asian 61
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26 athletic socially never graduated hispanic / l 61
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23 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 69
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18 average mostly anything rarely never working onasian 71
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30 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 71
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36 a little extra socially graduated fhispanic / l 70
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27 thin mostly anything socially never graduated asian 65
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29 thin mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 62
37 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
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22 curvy anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 65
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24 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 71
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19 average mostly anything not at all never working onasian 62
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27 socially never graduated fasian 73
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26 thin anything very often graduated fhispanic / l 68
27 socially never graduated fasian 63
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42 thin anything socially never graduated fasian 64
23 curvy socially never graduated fasian 60
32 curvy mostly anything rarely never hispanic / l 63
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23 average never black 65
52 full figured socially never graduated fhispanic / l 65
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28 fit socially never graduated fasian 70
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28 fit socially never graduated fasian 60
28 thin socially graduated fhispanic / l 63
28 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
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37 average not at all never graduated fasian 64
36 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 66
32 fit mostly vegetarian socially never graduated indian 75
23 athletic strictly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 71
32 average socially asian 67
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25 athletic rarely graduated fasian 63
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62 average rarely never college/uniblack 67
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27 fit mostly anything socially never college/uniasian 63
30 fit mostly vegetarian rarely never graduated hispanic / l 70
28 average rarely never black 74
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35 socially never graduated fasian 59
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34 average socially never graduated fasian 67
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25 average socially never working onasian 67
23 athletic mostly anything often never working onhispanic / l 73
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40 fit strictly anything socially never graduated asian 62
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33 jacked mostly anything rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 65
21 skinny mostly anything very often sometimesworking onhispanic / l 69
29 skinny strictly vegetarian socially never working onindian 70
26 thin mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 62
27 average socially never working onasian 63
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31 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
30 fit socially never graduated fasian 70
22 average often sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 68
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22 skinny strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 72
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21 athletic strictly anything socially never working onasian 66
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27 average anything socially graduated fasian 62
48 a little extrstrictly vegetarian not at all never graduated black 60
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33 a little extra socially never graduated fasian 61
26 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 70
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39 athletic socially never hispanic / l 72
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30 curvy anything socially never graduated fasian 63
26 skinny mostly vegan rarely sometimes hispanic / l 62
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19 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 69
52 curvy mostly anything socially graduated black 73
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26 fit socially never graduated fasian 66
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31 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fasian 63
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34 athletic socially never graduated asian 68
26 average strictly anything graduated asian 71
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56 athletic mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 72
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24 fit rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 65
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43 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 65
26 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
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19 curvy socially never working onhispanic / l 60
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34 socially never graduated fasian 67
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26 curvy socially never working onhispanic / l 62
32 average rarely two-year coasian 69
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39 full figured socially never graduated black 66
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29 fit strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
27 anything socially never graduated fasian 70
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30 never graduated fasian 69
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37 not at all never working onblack 66
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28 athletic anything rarely never working onblack 73
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30 average strictly anything rarely never graduated asian 71
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28 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 67
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47 average socially never graduated fasian 69
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23 a little extra rarely never working onhispanic / l 65
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23 anything socially never asian 65
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21 average strictly anything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 70
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47 socially never hispanic / l 62
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21 average socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 65
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21 socially never graduated fasian 66
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26 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 65
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49 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
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32 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
20 average mostly anything socially never working onblack 67
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26 socially never graduated asian 60
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24 fit anything rarely never working onblack 71
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33 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
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28 fit mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fasian 64
34 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
27 average anything socially never working onblack 71
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28 athletic socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
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37 a little extra socially graduated fhispanic / l 67
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27 a little extrmostly anything socially never hispanic / l 72
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30 a little extrmostly other socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
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34 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 71
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23 a little extranything socially sometimesgraduated fasian 71
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21 socially never college/unihispanic / l 67
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24 a little extra socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
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29 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
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36 average socially never graduated fasian 68
21 fit mostly anything socially graduated fasian 66
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35 curvy often graduated black 67
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34 average anything socially never graduated asian 67
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25 fit strictly anything rarely never working onhispanic / l 73
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28 socially graduated fasian 69
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23 anything socially never graduated fasian 61
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25 socially never graduated fasian 70
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32 socially never graduated fasian 69
26 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 68
48 thin socially never graduated fasian 62
29 thin socially never graduated fasian 64
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23 full figuredmostly anything socially working onblack 66
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30 fit socially never graduated asian 62
39 average rarely never graduated asian 69
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26 athletic socially never asian 62
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37 average mostly anything socially never asian 66
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31 average socially never graduated asian 68
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35 fit socially never graduated fasian 66
33 mostly other socially sometimesgraduated hispanic / l 71
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24 average mostly other rarely never graduated fasian 64
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30 average mostly anything often never graduated fhispanic / l 71
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64 average socially never graduated black 70
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56 a little extra rarely never graduated hispanic / l 60
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24 athletic socially never black 67
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42 thin not at all never graduated asian 65
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29 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 72
27 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 67
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26 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 69
25 socially sometimesgraduated asian 58
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29 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 67
22 fit socially never graduated fblack 69
29 fit often graduated fasian 63
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22 full figuredmostly anything not at all never working onasian 68
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28 a little extra socially never working onhispanic / l 70
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62 socially never graduated fblack 67
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33 athletic anything rarely never graduated fasian 63
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31 average socially graduated fhispanic / l 67
25 curvy mostly vegetarian not at all never working onindian 72
23 average socially never working onasian 64
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28 athletic mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 65
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43 a little extra socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
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21 average strictly anything socially never working onasian 61
26 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
22 average anything socially never working onasian 69
40 average mostly anything socially graduated fasian 65
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22 thin mostly anything socially never working onasian 65
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25 thin socially never asian 62
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22 athletic socially never working onblack 72
26 athletic rarely never graduated fasian 73
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35 socially never graduated asian 70
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52 a little extrmostly anything rarely never two-year cohispanic / l 70
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25 athletic mostly other not at all never graduated fasian 70
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24 athletic socially never working onhispanic / l 66
21 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 71
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42 fit socially graduated asian 70
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29 fit socially graduated fasian 66
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37 socially never graduated black 70
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23 average anything rarely graduated fasian 68
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45 full figured very often never graduated fblack 68
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27 fit socially working onblack 64
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39 thin often never space cam black 72
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29 curvy mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 64
24 used up strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
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46 fit other socially never graduated fblack 74
39 curvy mostly anything socially graduated fblack 66
32 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 64
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50 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 63
34 curvy socially graduated black 67
29 a little extrmostly anything socially sometimesworking onasian 67
28 socially never asian 62
34 average anything socially never asian 64
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22 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
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40 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 63
34 mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 62
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34 average mostly other not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 62
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21 a little extranything rarely sometimesdropped outasian 72
33 average anything often never graduated hispanic / l 58
28 athletic mostly anything often never working onhispanic / l 74
37 thin mostly vegetarian socially never graduated asian 65
32 average socially graduated fhispanic / l 64
45 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated hispanic / l 69
31 skinny socially never graduated fasian 64
34 fit socially never graduated black 62
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31 average often sometimesgraduated fasian 61
22 athletic socially sometimesworking onblack 74
23 fit anything socially graduated fblack 71
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24 athletic mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fblack 76
19 a little extrmostly anything rarely never graduated black 71
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24 a little extra often never hispanic / l 67
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35 fit rarely never graduated fasian 70
40 average socially never graduated asian 66
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24 athletic socially graduated fasian 69
32 curvy mostly anything often graduated indian 64
22 average mostly anything socially never working onasian 64
50 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 69
41 athletic anything socially graduated asian 71
37 average mostly vegetarian socially graduated asian 68
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32 thin mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
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39 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
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31 socially graduated fasian 62
21 average socially never graduated fasian 66
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24 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 63
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42 athletic socially graduated black 71
40 socially never graduated fblack 78
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27 fit anything socially never graduated fasian 67
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24 fit socially graduated fasian 69
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39 athletic mostly vegetarian rarely never graduated fasian 72
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34 curvy mostly anything socially never hispanic / l 63
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26 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
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25 average anything socially never working onasian 69
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26 mostly anything socially graduated fasian 64
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36 athletic mostly vegetarian socially never graduated hispanic / l 64
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23 mostly anything socially graduated fasian 65
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32 average mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 83
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17 never indian 61
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42 fit mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 74
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25 fit strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
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28 fit mostly anything rarely working onhispanic / l 75
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58 a little extra socially never graduated hispanic / l 71
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42 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
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32 average rarely never graduated fasian 63
25 fit socially never graduated fasian 64
33 average socially never graduated fasian 62
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20 athletic mostly anything socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 75
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27 anything often never working onhispanic / l 71
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30 socially never working onasian 26
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27 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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23 rarely never asian 63
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23 average mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
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34 thin rarely never working onasian 63
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30 average socially never graduated asian 60
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27 socially never working onasian 73
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31 average socially graduated fasian 72
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34 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 60
28 average rarely never graduated fasian 61
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34 fit socially never graduated fasian 63
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37 athletic socially never graduated asian 67
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31 average socially never graduated asian 72
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23 rather not mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
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31 fit socially never graduated fasian 70
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26 average socially never graduated asian 68
24 anything socially never asian 63
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33 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 61
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29 socially never graduated hispanic / l 74
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22 average socially never working onhispanic / l 66
48 fit socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
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23 a little extrstrictly anything socially never graduated fasian 67
58 fit vegetarian not at all never graduated asian 61
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32 rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 69
30 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fasian 68
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49 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fblack 78
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25 athletic mostly anything socially never working onblack 72
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24 thin anything socially never working onhispanic / l 66
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66 average mostly anything not at all never graduated asian 63
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25 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 70
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47 fit mostly vegetarian not at all never dropped oublack 73
33 socially never graduated fasian 63
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23 athletic rarely never working onasian 68
50 full figuredstrictly anything not at all never asian 69
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40 socially never graduated fasian 68
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31 overweightstrictly anything not at all never graduated fasian 63
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27 a little extrmostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 71
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56 socially never graduated black 67
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30 socially never working onblack 66
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33 fit mostly other socially never graduated findian 67
28 socially never graduated asian 65
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22 socially never working onasian 67
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39 thin strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 75
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25 socially never working onasian 61
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35 socially never graduated fasian 62
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31 average socially never graduated fasian 60
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47 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fasian 59
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29 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
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26 socially graduated fasian 73
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32 fit mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 64
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34 socially never graduated fasian 65
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58 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 63
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22 average mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 66
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34 fit rarely never asian 68
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39 a little extra socially never working onhispanic / l 64
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37 fit mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
31 socially hispanic / l 70
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23 anything often never working onhispanic / l 66
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68 average socially never graduated asian 68
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32 average socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
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40 socially graduated fblack 63
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30 mostly anything often never graduated fasian 67
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33 a little extra socially graduated fasian 67
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30 average anything socially never graduated fasian 67
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27 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 65
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68 thin mostly anything not at all never hispanic / l 60
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44 a little extrmostly anything socially never working onblack 68
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30 athletic rarely sometimesworking onblack 70
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63 fit mostly anything socially never graduated black 70
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29 average mostly anything socially never working onasian 67
33 skinny socially working onhispanic / l 61
47 athletic anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
26 a little extrmostly anything socially graduated fasian 70
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44 a little extra not at all never graduated black 75
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26 rather not mostly anything not at all never graduated asian 68
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41 fit socially never black 71
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34 socially working onhispanic / l 61
25 thin socially never graduated hispanic / l 66
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40 athletic socially never working onblack 69
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24 curvy vegetarian socially working onhispanic / l 67
21 curvy anything socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 65
28 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated indian 62
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31 a little extrmostly anything socially never working onasian 70
21 fit mostly anything not at all never working onblack 70
22 curvy socially never working onhispanic / l 63
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24 average anything often sometimesgraduated asian 62
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35 fit socially never graduated hispanic / l 63
33 skinny mostly vegetarian socially never graduated asian 67
41 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 69
26 fit mostly anything socially sometimesgraduated fblack 63
30 fit vegetarian rarely never working onblack 62
28 fit anything socially working onasian 61
35 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated fblack 64
34 average socially never college/uniindian 70
26 curvy never black 66
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28 average socially never graduated hispanic / l 66
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27 socially graduated fhispanic / l 68
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23 average socially never graduated fasian 70
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33 average mostly anything socially graduated asian 74
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22 athletic socially never hispanic / l 68
38 fit rarely graduated fhispanic / l 70
35 fit mostly anything desperatel never working onasian 73
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18 average mostly anything rarely never working onhispanic / l 66
39 average socially never working onasian 65
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23 mostly vegetarian socially never working onhispanic / l 67
25 fit strictly anything socially graduated fasian 71
23 thin mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 68
47 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
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27 socially never working onhispanic / l 69
23 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 65
28 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 67
37 curvy mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 66
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24 a little extra socially never graduated asian 64
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61 fit not at all never graduated black 72
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39 fit rarely black 74
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44 thin not at all never graduated fhispanic / l 62
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43 a little extra socially never graduated fhispanic / l 72
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25 fit socially never graduated fasian 63
33 curvy socially never graduated asian 61
25 average mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 63
33 fit mostly anything socially never graduated asian 62
49 curvy socially never graduated fhispanic / l 60
32 average socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
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29 athletic socially graduated fasian 71
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45 fit socially never graduated fblack 73
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31 socially never graduated fasian 71
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28 a little extra socially never graduated fhispanic / l 69
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34 socially graduated findian 66
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36 socially never graduated fasian 68
49 socially never graduated fasian 60
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30 socially never graduated asian 68
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27 socially never graduated fasian 62
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32 athletic socially graduated asian 70
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33 a little extra rarely sometimesworking onblack 64
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38 average socially never graduated black 74
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27 fit anything rarely never graduated asian 66
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31 average anything socially never graduated asian 67
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25 socially never graduated fasian 65
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28 socially never asian 63
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33 socially never graduated fasian 65
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63 fit mostly anything rarely never graduated fblack 64
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28 socially never working onhispanic / l 67
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33 a little extra socially sometimes black 66
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27 curvy socially never graduated hispanic / l 64
29 a little extrmostly anything socially graduated hispanic / l 68
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36 full figuredvegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 64
29 average anything socially never two-year cohispanic / l 64
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33 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated fblack 67
38 curvy rarely never black 63
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20 mostly anything socially often hispanic / l 63
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28 average strictly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 68
33 full figuredstrictly anything not at all never graduated fblack 65
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31 average mostly anything often never graduated fhispanic / l 66
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29 socially graduated fasian 69
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30 socially never graduated fasian 67
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27 average strictly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 69
30 athletic socially sometimes black 75
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32 used up socially graduated fhispanic / l 73
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27 a little extranything rarely never graduated fasian 70
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23 a little extra often never working onhispanic / l 74
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32 often graduated fhispanic / l 70
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32 skinny never black 73
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56 thin mostly vegetarian socially never graduated hispanic / l 66
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29 mostly anything socially never hispanic / l 70
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32 fit rarely never graduated fasian 67
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20 average rarely never working onhispanic / l 60
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26 fit mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 70
28 average mostly anything socially never graduated asian 68
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27 anything socially never graduated fasian 69
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59 curvy rarely never graduated asian 62
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43 athletic mostly vegetarian socially never graduated hispanic / l 64
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32 average mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 71
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27 rarely never hispanic / l 75
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35 athletic never graduated asian 67
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24 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 62
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29 never asian 61
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56 a little extra socially graduated fhispanic / l 67
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21 socially asian 64
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22 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 63
31 average mostly vegetarian socially never working onhispanic / l 69
35 fit mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 68
43 curvy anything socially graduated black 61
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37 fit mostly vegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
29 a little extrmostly vegetarian socially never graduated hispanic / l 61
24 a little extra socially sometimesdropped outhispanic / l 69
24 full figuredanything rarely never working onhispanic / l 61
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37 average anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 71
40 never graduated fblack 67
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22 curvy mostly anything socially working onasian 62
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50 mostly anything not at all never hispanic / l 67
32 curvy strictly other socially never graduated hispanic / l 61
58 average mostly anything socially never hispanic / l 60
28 thin socially never asian 66
29 average rarely never graduated hispanic / l 62
34 a little extra socially hispanic / l 68
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37 athletic socially never graduated fasian 62
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32 socially never graduated fasian 65
23 fit socially never graduated fasian 64
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27 average rarely never graduated fasian 69
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25 average socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 61
27 average rarely never working onhispanic / l 70
54 curvy rarely never graduated fhispanic / l 63
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31 never graduated fasian 64
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19 fit never black 67
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26 socially never working onhispanic / l 62
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23 full figuredanything socially never graduated asian 63
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26 rarely never working onasian 63
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28 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 63
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28 average mostly anything rarely never asian 70
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27 average socially hispanic / l 66
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24 socially graduated fasian 64
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36 socially never graduated fasian 65
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30 average socially never graduated fasian 66
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32 socially never graduated fasian 67
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22 a little extra socially never working onblack 73
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38 average socially graduated fasian 70
30 fit socially never graduated fasian 62
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35 never asian 60
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34 average other never graduated asian 68
32 curvy mostly anything socially never graduated asian 60
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29 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 64
23 average socially never graduated fasian 61
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25 average mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 69
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31 average anything often never graduated fhispanic / l 62
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31 athletic often sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 67
21 fit mostly vegetarian socially sometimesworking onhispanic / l 65
43 average strictly anything socially never hispanic / l 65
66 average socially never hispanic / l 62
23 overweightmostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 64
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27 rarely never hispanic / l 63
32 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 65
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44 socially never graduated asian 61
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37 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 67
37 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 67
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26 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
32 a little extra often never graduated fhispanic / l 73
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25 athletic socially never black 72
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38 average socially sometimesgraduated fhispanic / l 72
27 athletic mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 73
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27 a little extra socially sometimesgraduated asian 66
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43 socially never graduated fhispanic / l 61
26 anything socially graduated findian 69
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31 average socially never graduated fasian 62
45 a little extrmostly anything not at all never graduated fblack 69
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44 often never black 75
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27 average socially never graduated fasian 64
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33 athletic mostly anything socially graduated fhispanic / l 68
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36 athletic strictly anything not at all never graduated black 70
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22 average strictly anything socially never graduated fasian 69
21 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 66
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24 curvy strictly vegetarian socially never graduated fblack 61
31 average rarely never asian 68
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21 athletic strictly anything rarely never working onasian 65
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32 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 78
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22 skinny anything graduated fasian 69
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21 socially never working onasian 62
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41 athletic mostly anything rarely never graduated fasian 65
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26 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
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41 average socially never black 69
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22 average socially never working onhispanic / l 68
27 socially never graduated fasian 66
25 average socially never graduated fhispanic / l 67
24 athletic mostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 62
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33 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 70
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33 average rarely never graduated fasian 65
32 socially never graduated fasian 62
32 fit strictly vegetarian socially never graduated fhispanic / l 70
37 athletic strictly anything socially never graduated hispanic / l 73
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33 socially never graduated hispanic / l 61
49 average not at all never graduated black 69
36 athletic rarely never dropped oublack 72
36 curvy socially never working onblack 65
38 a little extrmostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 66
35 full figuredanything not at all never graduated black 68
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29 socially sometimesgraduated fasian 64
30 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated asian 65
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23 curvy mostly anything often never working onhispanic / l 67
25 average strictly vegetarian socially never working onhispanic / l 65
30 a little extranything not at all never graduated hispanic / l 70
30 fit socially never graduated fasian 64
29 a little extra socially never graduated asian 65
31 curvy socially never graduated fasian 61
37 socially never graduated fasian 68
31 fit socially never graduated fasian 66
23 average anything socially never graduated asian 69
29 average rarely sometimesgraduated fasian 67
35 athletic mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 74
23 skinny mostly anything socially never asian 65
26 skinny mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 65
25 socially never graduated asian 64
20 thin strictly anything socially sometimesgraduated asian 60
32 mostly anything rarely never graduated asian 69
24 a little extrmostly anything not at all never working onblack 65
26 athletic socially working onhispanic / l 69
37 average mostly anything socially graduated fasian 67
33 average anything socially never black 67
24 a little extranything often never working onhispanic / l 70
26 thin socially never working onhispanic / l 67
20 full figuredmostly anything socially never working onhispanic / l 67
20 athletic mostly anything socially never working onasian 66
23 thin socially never working onhispanic / l 70
31 athletic mostly anything often sometimesworking onblack 74
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25 average socially never working onindian 68
24 average anything socially never graduated fasian 70
32 curvy socially never graduated hispanic / l 65
35 thin mostly anything socially working onhispanic / l 65
24 skinny socially never working onblack 66
29 full figuredmostly anything socially never graduated fblack 64
28 average mostly anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 75
42 curvy anything socially never graduated fhispanic / l 76
25 fit strictly vegetarian rarely never graduated findian 72
25 average mostly anything socially never graduated fasian 61
41 average mostly anything not at all never graduated asian 71
Income job offspring orientationpets religion sex sign smokes
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf taurus no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f aries and i no
100-2000 other straight has dogs anagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anagnosticis m pisces sometimes
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight m virgo but i no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight buddhism am virgo but i no
50000-60000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu f libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m cancer yes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m leo no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight christianitym taurus no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf aries but i no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m sagittarius sometimes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m cancer no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism m sagittarius yes
60000-100000 constructiohas kids straight likes dogs and dislikesm no
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 other straight has dogs another m aries when drink
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and no
2000-30000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs catholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo and i sometimes
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m aquarius trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicis f no
100-2000 straight has dogs f leo no
60000-100000 medicine / health bisexual catholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm gemini butno
100-2000 other gay likes dogs catholicismf pisces but no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m capricorn no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight likes dogs hinduism bu f virgo and i no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight likes dogs christianityf leo no
30000-40000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m scorpio andno
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and itno
100-2000 computer /has kids straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight catholicismm taurus no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 other has a kid straight has dogs christianityf gemini no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight m aries no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has cats catholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 straight likes dogs atheism f gemini no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 other straight dislikes dogother and vm taurus but no
100-2000 has a kid straight likes dogs christianityf pisces and no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 other straight has dogs f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis f taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and has catf scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm leo but it no
40000-50000 education has a kid straight christianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has cats buddhism m leo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal has kids straight catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f pisces no
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m gemini butno
40000-50000 education / academiastraight likes cats m libra and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism butm taurus and no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats other and vm gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m aquarius sometimes
100-2000 other straight catholicismf aries sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu f scorpio andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu f no
100-2000 gay m when drink
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit f leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism and m aquarius anyes
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight buddhism am aries but i no
60000-100000 education has a kid, straight dislikes dogother but nm scorpio butno
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries no
100-2000 straight christianitym virgo no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm aquarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 other straight other and lm cancer but no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs christianityf taurus but no
50000-60000 transportation straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 other has a kid, straight other and lf aries and i sometimes
100-2000 straight christianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs atheism m aries no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 straight has dogs f leo no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m aries and i when drink
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm sagittarius yes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother m aquarius buno
100-2000 has a kid straight m cancer no
60000-100000 other has kids straight christianitym pisces but no
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces but trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs christianit m cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 science / t has a kid straight christianitym scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs hinduism bu f cancer but no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight other and f sagittarius no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight m sometimes
100-2000 straight m no
2000-30000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m aries but i when drink
100-2000 student straight has dogs and likes catm gemini butno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius anno
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight catholicismm gemini no
100-2000 straight m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has cats f aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm virgo no
60000-100000 banking / fihas a kid straight m libra no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay other m taurus no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and dislikesf no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nf no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 hospitality has a kid straight likes dogs buddhism m pisces but no
60000-100000 student straight other m libra but i no
100-2000 unemployed straight agnosticis m aries but i yes
100-2000 straight f libra but i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs m when drink
100-2000 student straight buddhism f scorpio when drink
30000-40000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m pisces no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs f sagittarius no
40000-50000 transportathas kids, straight likes dogs aother and lm libra and i trying to qu
2000-30000 other has kids, bisexual likes dogs achristianit f taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf gemini no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and m capricorn bno
100-2000 straight m gemini no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f taurus no
100-2000 other bisexual christianit m sometimes
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm pisces and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism anm taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight dislikes dogagnosticismf leo but it no
100-2000 transportation straight has dogs catholicismm libra no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight m leo and it&sometimes
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight dislikes cats f pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m libra no
40000-50000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aries but i sometimes
100-2000 rather not say straight christianit m no
50000-60000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs and has catm leo and it&no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and m sagittarius trying to qu
60000-100000 straight m no
100-2000 other straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes cats f taurus and no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m scorpio no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf libra and i no
100-2000 other straight likes cats agnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs aagnosticis f aries and i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ajudaism and f aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay has dogs anatheism and f leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay m cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismf leo but it when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs atheism f gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 student straight has dogs and likes catf taurus and no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism and f capricorn asometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism f taurus no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m sagittarius yes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight christianityf gemini no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m leo no
2000-30000 gay other m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight other and lf leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m gemini butno
100-2000 straight f aquarius anno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight has cats christianitym no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
100-2000 other has a kid straight other m no
100-2000 student straight likes cats other m aries no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius no
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism butm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi gay has dogs anagnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes caf aquarius antrying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aquarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism and m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs and likes catm capricorn asometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m gemini butno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it when drink
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs anatheism m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs hinduism bu m no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs aother but nm aries but i no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight atheism m sagittarius no
40000-50000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs hinduism an m aries but i no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m aquarius no
2000-30000 rather not say straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight agnosticis m cancer but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs and likes catm virgo no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism butm libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm leo but it no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m aquarius no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight catholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f aries and i no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs abuddhism bum cancer andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m gemini no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight atheism m cancer but no
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs buddhism bu m aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m aries and i no
100-2000 unemployed bisexual buddhism buf no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and dislikesm pisces no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight other and lm capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 retired doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and vf libra and itno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m leo sometimes
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay m leo and it&no
100-2000 straight hinduism bum pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bum aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism am libra no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight other f aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m aquarius buno
2000-30000 other straight catholicismm aries no
100-2000 other bisexual likes cats atheism and m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight christianityf gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m aquarius no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m virgo and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes cats buddhism m scorpio no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aother and lm leo when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs buddhism m aries no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism m aries no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs aother and f libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs buddhism bu f gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butf no
2000-30000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym pisces but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m sometimes
100-2000 military straight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other gay m aries no
100-2000 student straight m aries but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs f no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aatheism m aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight catholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismm capricorn ano
60000-100000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 executive has kids straight catholicis m virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs buddhism bu m virgo and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism m cancer no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight christianityf no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f taurus but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm aries but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight christianit m leo but it no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butm no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer but no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight has cats catholicis f scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism f scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / health gay m libra no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m scorpio when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aquarius anno
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries but i when drink
60000-100000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianit m leo but it no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm leo and it&when drink
100-2000 entertainment / medigay f virgo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism and m sagittarius no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio butno
40000-50000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogother and vm taurus but yes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism am gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs catholicis m gemini andno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism an m libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight dislikes dogchristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight dislikes do islam but nf pisces and when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism anf capricorn bwhen drink
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m leo but it no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism anf gemini butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis m sagittarius no
60000-100000 executive has kids straight has dogs catholicismm aquarius no
100-2000 other straight atheism f virgo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf libra and i no
100-2000 other straight has dogs and likes catm no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anchristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym taurus no
50000-60000 other straight likes dogs m libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs catholicis f scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and dislikesf virgo no
30000-40000 education doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anatheism anf aquarius busometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 straight hinduism am scorpio no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight has dogs catholicismf leo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 constructiohas kids straight has dogs christianitym aquarius no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism butm virgo but i no
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs abuddhism am cancer but when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismf no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m cancer andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother and lm capricorn bno
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianit m gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay atheism and m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m sometimes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn ano
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight m leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother but nm aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and f taurus but when drink
100-2000 student gay likes dogs agnosticismm taurus and when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 retired straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m leo no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius anno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight buddhism am libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs hinduism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i when drink
100-2000 executive has a kid straight christianit m gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 political / has a kid, straight has dogs and likes catm taurus but no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism af leo and it&no
50000-60000 military doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 student gay buddhism bu f cancer andno
100-2000 military straight christianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf gemini no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs other f taurus and when drink
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs aother and lf taurus and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm libra and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aries no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismf leo no
100-2000 student gay f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism af virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogagnosticismf no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
40000-50000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight agnosticismf no
100-2000 straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 student straight agnosticismm aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight christianit f virgo when drink
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs m pisces but no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother and m aquarius buno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism m trying to qu
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism f cancer but sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats m libra and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs m gemini no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianityf leo no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi gay m aries trying to qu
100-2000 executive / managemstraight other but nm gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs another m taurus but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another f cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 other straight catholicismm no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay other and lf cancer andyes
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianitym pisces no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight other m leo and it&no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight other m cancer but no
100-2000 other straight catholicismm aquarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother but nm leo but it no
50000-60000 medicine / health straight has cats agnosticismf gemini butno
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m taurus and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism am aquarius buyes
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism m when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has cats other f gemini andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight m scorpio when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio butno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces but no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs m leo but it no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andno
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother and m taurus and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism m gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and dislikesm no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aquarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m cancer no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes cats other m aquarius buno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 student gay m cancer but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticis m capricorn bno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m taurus and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight islam m aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m libra but i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aother and lm aquarius busometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight other and lm virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs ancatholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius sometimes
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight christianit f aries no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs f cancer sometimes
60000-100000 rather not say straight catholicismm gemini no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight dislikes cats m aries but i no
100-2000 has a kid straight f gemini trying to qu
100-2000 straight catholicismm pisces when drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces when drink
2000-30000 student has a kid straight likes dogs catholicis f libra and i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight catholicismm taurus no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m libra but i no
100-2000 gay m cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 student straight catholicismm aries but i sometimes
30000-40000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianit m leo but it no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis m leo and it&no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis m pisces but no
100-2000 straight atheism m aquarius no
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight has dogs ancatholicis m gemini andno
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f no
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs agnosticismf aries and i yes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicis f leo but it no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m gemini andno
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 student straight atheism m aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism am no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism am aries and i trying to qu
2000-30000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs other and lf capricorn ano
50000-60000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other gay m sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m virgo but i yes
60000-100000 science / t has a kid straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs anagnosticis f capricorn ano
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism anm virgo but i no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight has dogs agnosticis f taurus and no
100-2000 gay has dogs anchristianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m leo but it no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 student has kids bisexual likes dogs other f virgo sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f taurus but no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f libra no
100-2000 computer /has kids, straight m gemini butno
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs achristianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight christianit f sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs acatholicis f gemini andno
100-2000 law / legal services gay has dogs agnosticismf no
100-2000 straight m aries but i yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini butno
100-2000 straight agnosticismm no
50000-60000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm cancer but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 straight m cancer sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m aquarius anno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismf cancer andno
60000-100000 construction / crafts straight other and lm pisces and no
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu gay other and vf scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs christianit f gemini butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel bisexual f taurus and yes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f libra but i no
40000-50000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs aother but nm cancer andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism butf libra and i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / health gay christianitym gemini no
60000-100000 student straight likes dogs aatheism m when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fiwants kids straight has dogs christianit f taurus and no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs acatholicismf taurus no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs catholicismf libra but i no
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f aquarius anno
100-2000 education / academiastraight f taurus sometimes
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius anno
100-2000 straight other and f sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini butno
60000-100000 straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m cancer but when drink
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism butf taurus no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf gemini no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aquarius anno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam libra but i when drink
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm sagittarius no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs achristianit m capricorn no
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs and dislikesm pisces but yes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but no
30000-40000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm libra but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other f no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight other but nm pisces but no
100-2000 other straight buddhism bu m libra but i yes
40000-50000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 straight agnosticismf no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf leo and it&no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another f taurus when drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid, straight christianit f leo and it&yes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianityf leo no
100-2000 has a kid straight has dogs m virgo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs acatholicismf cancer but sometimes
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m capricorn no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs and dislikes m gemini andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight likes dogs aother and lm gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogislam and vm sagittarius no
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight hinduism am capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs other f aries sometimes
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f gemini when drink
100-2000 straight agnosticis f virgo no
100-2000 student straight dislikes dogislam and lf aries when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf aries but i sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 construction / crafts gay has dogs and dislikes m scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight has dogs anatheism anf taurus no
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs and likes caf aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f leo no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight agnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 other straight christianit m capricorn no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has dogs agnosticis f pisces no
100-2000 other straight catholicismm sagittarius no
2000-30000 political / governmentstraight f taurus no
100-2000 other gay has dogs another m pisces no
100-2000 other straight has dogs buddhism m leo when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f pisces and no
40000-50000 construction / crafts straight has dogs ancatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight buddhism f pisces no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight agnosticismf no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight other and lf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus no
2000-30000 medicine / health bisexual f no
2000-30000 medicine / health gay likes dogs achristianit m capricorn yes
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm virgo and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight f scorpio butno
100-2000 gay m pisces no
100-2000 other straight has dogs m leo and it&yes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes f leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes cats christianityf capricorn no
60000-100000 education / academiagay buddhism bu m pisces but no
30000-40000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs abuddhism am sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight likes dogs aother m libra no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo but i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism m leo but it no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs f gemini butno
2000-30000 student straight christianitym no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight f libra no
100-2000 student straight christianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / health straight f scorpio no
100-2000 straight hinduism f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother and lf gemini andsometimes
100-2000 other straight catholicismf capricorn asometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicismf libra no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianityf pisces no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f leo no
50000-60000 clerical / administrati straight has dogs ancatholicismf cancer no
100-2000 unemployehas a kid straight f taurus and no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis f leo and it&no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight catholicismf pisces no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 transportation straight m sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and m virgo no
100-2000 education has a kid straight likes dogs aatheism and f scorpio andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianityf virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and has catm no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight has dogs ancatholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 other straight dislikes catother and vf gemini butno
2000-30000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs other and lm pisces and when drink
50000-60000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm yes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight atheism butm leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m no
100-2000 other straight dislikes dogatheism m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs agnosticismf cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
2000-30000 student straight agnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogbuddhism an m cancer andno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm when drink
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight other m sagittarius no
100-2000 gay f no
100-2000 straight f scorpio butno
2000-30000 entertainment / medibisexual atheism m aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticis m no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf leo no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit m taurus but yes
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and yes
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianityf leo no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf taurus and yes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs other f taurus and no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 unemployed straight has dogs ancatholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 straight m libra sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f pisces no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticis f scorpio no
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butf scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianityf pisces but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf cancer no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay other and f leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other but nf scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism anf no
100-2000 transportation straight other but nf libra yes
100-2000 straight has dogs m aquarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m aries and i no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight has dogs anagnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight atheism butm leo but it no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm libra and i no
100-2000 other straight atheism and f pisces but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay other f taurus when drink
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs other and m no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lf aries and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight has cats christianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism m scorpio no
2000-30000 banking / fihas kids, bisexual likes dogs aother but nf libra and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs catholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf taurus and no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight f cancer andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianityf libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit f pisces and no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal has a kid straight has dogs catholicismf gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f leo but it no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aagnosticis f cancer andsometimes
100-2000 straight f virgo no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 other has a kid, straight f libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianityf aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight christianityf gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay has dogs agnosticis m taurus but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs another and vf gemini butno
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs buddhism f scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticismm pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight atheism and m aries but i sometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aatheism anm capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and has catm gemini sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
2000-30000 medicine / health straight has dogs christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight catholicis m cancer andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 gay has dogs and likes catm cancer sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m aquarius anno
100-2000 straight m cancer but no
50000-60000 education has a kid, straight agnosticis m aquarius anno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 clerical / administrati bisexual other but nf gemini andsometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 gay m aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs other but nm libra and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianitym virgo no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs anagnosticismm gemini andwhen drink
40000-50000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf pisces and no
50000-60000 entertainmhas a kid, straight likes dogs aother and vm sagittarius no
60000-100000 computer /has a kid straight agnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs atheism and m scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm cancer when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism af leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs ajudaism anm capricorn ano
50000-60000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m aries and i when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism m scorpio butno
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay m scorpio when drink
100-2000 medicine / wants kids straight m cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 gay likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m no
40000-50000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight other but nf libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m capricorn no
100-2000 has a kid straight has dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism anm aquarius anno
30000-40000 education / academiagay christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 other straight f capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay f cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogcatholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal services gay christianit m leo when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay m cancer no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs m pisces and no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m cancer but no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm libra but i no
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs aother but nm no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight christianit f taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay hinduism bu m aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m taurus and no
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm cancer but sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m gemini butsometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs f scorpio no
100-2000 straight f when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes cats atheism butf leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm aries sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf libra no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs catholicismm capricorn trying to qu
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
100-2000 other straight f aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism m aquarius no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs ahinduism an m leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lf no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight m taurus and trying to qu
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has cats f libra no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism af pisces but no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight has dogs f gemini no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
60000-100000 military gay has dogs ancatholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight m virgo but i sometimes
30000-40000 other straight has dogs anchristianit m leo and it&when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianitym when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs catholicismf aries but i when drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf libra no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight hinduism an m taurus and sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m aries and i when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight buddhism an f cancer andno
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs other but nm pisces no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m capricorn no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius yes
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer trying to qu
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight m pisces and no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism af leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay has dogs anatheism and m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight dislikes catagnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 education / academiastraight f aquarius anno
100-2000 education has a kid, straight christianityf libra no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs atheism butf cancer andno
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm libra and i when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay christianitym cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual f taurus and no
100-2000 rather not say straight m taurus yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight has dogs agnosticis m aquarius busometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m leo and it&no
30000-40000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight has dogs catholicis f aquarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes cats m no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid bisexual likes dogs agnosticismf leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces and no
60000-100000 artistic / mhas a kid straight likes dogs agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids, straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m pisces but no
100-2000 student straight f aquarius buno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m virgo but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight hinduism bu m cancer but no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and dislikesf libra and i no
100-2000 straight m taurus no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit f no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism and f scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f capricorn ano
100-2000 straight christianit f virgo and i no
2000-30000 other gay has dogs m taurus and no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianityf virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes cats m virgo no
60000-100000 hospitality has a kid straight catholicismf capricorn no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf taurus but yes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay has dogs catholicismm cancer no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer no
100-2000 gay likes dogs m pisces but no
100-2000 student straight f leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs and dislikes f cancer but no
100-2000 student straight f aries no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m cancer andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and m taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 gay m no
40000-50000 sales / marketing / bi gay m aries no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m taurus and no
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f leo no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism f scorpio andno
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight christianit f gemini andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight likes dogs other and lm no
100-2000 other has a kid straight other but nf virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight christianityf sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight f scorpio no
60000-100000 other straight christianitym no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality has kids, straight likes dogs aother f aries no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism butm scorpio andno
100-2000 gay likes dogs aagnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs other but nf cancer andno
100-2000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra and itno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs atheism and m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 straight m cancer sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs m no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius when drink
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs m gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and dislikesm aquarius buno
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs acatholicis m leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogs and disli f capricorn ano
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight atheism m aquarius no
100-2000 other straight catholicismf aquarius busometimes
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother m pisces no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight f scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m aries but i no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight dislikes catother but nm taurus and no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces but no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs m aquarius anno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs aother but nf pisces and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism and m capricorn bno
30000-40000 entertainment / medistraight likes cats other and lm pisces and sometimes
100-2000 other straight has dogs judaism and m aquarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m gemini butsometimes
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs anagnosticismm gemini butsometimes
100-2000 other bisexual m pisces when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes cats agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs anbuddhism bu m scorpio andsometimes
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 political / governmentstraight hinduism f virgo no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight hinduism m no
40000-50000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and has catf pisces but no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs atheism anm pisces and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs anatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 straight f taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f leo but it no
100-2000 student straight m cancer but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianityf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight other but nf aquarius anno
60000-100000 entertainmmight wantstraight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism anm scorpio butsometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m pisces but sometimes
100-2000 gay agnosticismm gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism an m aries no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo and it mno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 other straight m capricorn asometimes
100-2000 student straight m aquarius no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight has dogs and has catsm aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 straight buddhism f leo when drink
100-2000 other straight has dogs other and m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f virgo and i no
100-2000 straight f gemini no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight christianit f aries no
2000-30000 entertainment / medibisexual has dogs catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicis f gemini butno
100-2000 straight m aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m cancer andno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight m no
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs other f aquarius ansometimes
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu gay dislikes dogother and lm yes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f aries no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs catholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs ancatholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 unemployehas a kid straight christianit m libra but i no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m scorpio andno
30000-40000 science / tech / engin straight m taurus and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticismf sagittarius no
2000-30000 student straight agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 student gay m capricorn no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m aquarius anwhen drink
30000-40000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay has dogs m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight has dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer andno
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay buddhism am scorpio butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 straight f aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs christianitym scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight m aquarius buno
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs achristianit m libra and i when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 other straight m aries no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and likes catm cancer andno
60000-100000 medicine / health straight has dogs agnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 straight has dogs and has catsf virgo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another f capricorn ano
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and dislikesf cancer andno
60000-100000 education / academiastraight has dogs another but nm scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butf aries and i no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight atheism butm no
60000-100000 banking / fiwants kids straight likes dogs christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismf aries no
100-2000 other straight m cancer but no
40000-50000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 straight other and lm aquarius buno
30000-40000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 has a kid straight m capricorn yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay buddhism am sagittarius no
60000-100000 transportathas kids straight catholicis m aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs buddhism bu f libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym no
2000-30000 might wantstraight christianit f pisces and sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes cats agnosticismf scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight atheism f sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight atheism m pisces yes
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs achristianit m cancer andno
2000-30000 retired doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight likes dogs catholicismf taurus and sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m sagittarius no
60000-100000 computer /has kids, straight dislikes dogchristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay has cats catholicismm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs aatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother m gemini andno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight catholicis m aries sometimes
100-2000 education has a kid straight likes dogs aother f capricorn no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and has catf gemini no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 straight catholicismf libra no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 political / has a kid straight has cats catholicismf taurus no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit m sagittarius no
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m scorpio andyes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismf libra but i yes
50000-60000 medicine / health straight agnosticis f no
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 straight other m trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m libra but i no
100-2000 political / has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m scorpio no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 medicine / health bisexual buddhism m leo no
40000-50000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym libra but i no
100-2000 gay f aquarius no
50000-60000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm libra and i when drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismm capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs hinduism m taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight buddhism m cancer when drink
100-2000 gay m pisces no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aatheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismf no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf pisces and no
60000-100000 has a kid straight m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis m cancer but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs anchristianitym trying to qu
100-2000 straight has dogs catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight christianit f taurus and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 other gay catholicismf leo no
100-2000 other straight m aries no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f scorpio no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid, straight likes dogs achristianityf pisces and yes
100-2000 straight m sometimes
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticis m pisces but no
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid, straight catholicismm gemini andno
30000-40000 computer /has kids straight has dogs anchristianit m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m virgo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicis f capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m pisces and no
60000-100000 has kids straight christianitym aries sometimes
100-2000 gay m aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs anchristianitym libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs abuddhism m aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight christianitym libra no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianitym no
100-2000 student straight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs other but nm capricorn no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f capricorn ano
100-2000 straight m aquarius yes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym gemini butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight hinduism m cancer but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight buddhism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs m pisces and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay f sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm libra but i no
100-2000 wants kids straight m virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f virgo and i no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anchristianit f cancer andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight other f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight buddhism bu m aquarius buno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m pisces no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm libra but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
40000-50000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym taurus and sometimes
100-2000 straight christianityf pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs anagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym aquarius no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu f pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight atheism and m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m taurus no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anchristianit m aquarius buno
60000-100000 medicine / has kids, straight has cats catholicismf no
60000-100000 transportation straight likes dogs other m taurus but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs christianityf virgo no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight f scorpio andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f aries but i no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight has dogs f virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f gemini andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and has catf virgo yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 straight has cats f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f capricorn ano
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianit f gemini andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs another and f capricorn asometimes
100-2000 student straight has dogs agnosticis f aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother f gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit f pisces and no
100-2000 student gay has dogs agnosticismf capricorn bno
100-2000 other has a kid straight f no
100-2000 education has a kid, straight has dogs anchristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 has kids straight christianit f capricorn no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 has a kid, straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogatheism butf scorpio andno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf libra but i sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and when drink
100-2000 education has a kid straight has dogs agnosticis f aries no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 political / has a kid, straight catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight dislikes doghinduism an m cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs atheism anm no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 straight m capricorn no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism and m scorpio butsometimes
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes cam taurus no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m gemini no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism and m aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini no
100-2000 straight f gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes cats m aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay m aquarius anno
30000-40000 student has kids gay has dogs anchristianitym capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight other and f aquarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 education has kids straight has dogs anchristianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 science / t has kids straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo and i when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay atheism m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m sometimes
100-2000 gay other m virgo and i yes
2000-30000 student straight has dogs anagnosticis m cancer but when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight has dogs atheism and m gemini andno
2000-30000 rather not has a kid straight likes dogs christianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs christianityf capricorn ano
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer trying to qu
100-2000 other has kids straight christianityf gemini no
100-2000 straight catholicismf aquarius sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 straight has dogs anagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs buddhism bu m capricorn ano
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m pisces and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and has catm pisces but when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight other f cancer andno
60000-100000 medicine / has a kid straight has dogs anhinduism bu f scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs hinduism af sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight catholicis m aries and i no
100-2000 straight f no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf pisces but no
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight dislikes dogatheism and f libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f taurus and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 gay likes dogs and has catm aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticis m cancer but no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs abuddhism am aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs judaism butm taurus but no
100-2000 rather not say straight m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 unemployed straight christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf aquarius anno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym scorpio andno
30000-40000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs other and vm virgo but i yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio butno
40000-50000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f virgo and i no
60000-100000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs achristianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m leo no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs agnosticismm leo and it&no
40000-50000 political / has kids straight likes dogs aother and m aries but i no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other and lm scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother m cancer but no
100-2000 student straight christianitym gemini butyes
2000-30000 other straight has dogs christianit m libra and itno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has cats m cancer when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism m sagittarius sometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother but nm taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m taurus but no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism f cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m taurus but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs catholicis m no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs aother and vm libra no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianit m leo but it no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm pisces no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 science / t has kids straight christianitym gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aatheism m libra no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer andno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism m virgo no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight hinduism bu m taurus no
100-2000 straight hinduism f no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicis m leo and it mno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 other straight christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f scorpio no
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight other f cancer sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and lf aries and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and dislikesf no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs catholicismf pisces no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis f taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 straight christianitym sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismf leo no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs other and vm leo but it sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other m sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware gay f no
50000-60000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianitym leo but it no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight islam m virgo no
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight likes dogs other and m scorpio andyes
100-2000 education / academiagay other m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs m leo but it no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism anm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight atheism and f aquarius anno
100-2000 straight atheism and m virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym pisces and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has cats atheism and f virgo but i no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm cancer andsometimes
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and lm scorpio andyes
2000-30000 transportation straight catholicismm taurus trying to qu
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes cats buddhism am aries no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 other has kids, straight likes dogs m libra and i no
30000-40000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m aries but i yes
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs other f scorpio butno
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 student bisexual atheism and f pisces and no
100-2000 constructiohas kids straight christianitym no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianityf no
2000-30000 straight has cats atheism butm no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight dislikes dogs f no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs agnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 education has a kid straight likes dogs atheism anf taurus but no
100-2000 other gay atheism butm capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo but i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another but nf aquarius anno
100-2000 other has a kid gay other but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aother f scorpio andno
100-2000 has a kid straight has dogs other f aries but i no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another but nf cancer andno
2000-30000 medicine / has a kid, straight likes dogs other and m sagittarius no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight other m pisces but when drink
100-2000 political / governmentstraight christianit f gemini andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo and i no
100-2000 retired straight christianit m leo but it no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism af capricorn bno
100-2000 straight christianityf no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismm capricorn bno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs abuddhism bu m cancer but no
100-2000 bisexual hinduism an f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f pisces no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
2000-30000 medicine / has kids gay likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 straight m sometimes
100-2000 gay m virgo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother f libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs other and lf gemini andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight f sagittarius no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight other f taurus and no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs buddhism m scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight has dogs m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f libra no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m leo sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis m capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism af aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f cancer no
100-2000 student straight f scorpio andno
50000-60000 science / tech / engin straight atheism butm aquarius anno
100-2000 straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other m libra no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes caf libra and i yes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m pisces but no
100-2000 straight m scorpio no
100-2000 student gay agnosticis f leo and it&when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf libra no
100-2000 straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianityf scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit m taurus and sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism and f sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anchristianityf libra sometimes
40000-50000 other straight likes dogs acatholicis m libra and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m capricorn ano
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes m cancer but no
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit m capricorn bno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf leo and it&yes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticismm gemini butno
50000-60000 constructiohas kids, straight catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
60000-100000 constructiohas a kid straight has dogs catholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 gay atheism m no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs christianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 straight agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight catholicis f taurus but no
60000-100000 transportathas kids straight christianitym leo no
100-2000 gay likes dogs buddhism bu m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism f virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight has dogs anchristianit f libra and i no
100-2000 straight atheism and m capricorn ayes
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and likes cam aries no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f taurus but no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another but nf libra and i trying to qu
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm when drink
100-2000 straight buddhism f aries yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs christianit m gemini butsometimes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
60000-100000 education / academiastraight has cats f cancer no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs hinduism bu f sagittarius when drink
100-2000 other straight likes cats atheism and f aries but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight other m aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs hinduism m pisces no
60000-100000 other straight m pisces but no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m virgo but i no
40000-50000 other has a kid straight likes dogs m virgo but i sometimes
2000-30000 student straight atheism anm capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight f pisces no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs buddhism af sagittarius when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and m aquarius buno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and has catm scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
50000-60000 student straight atheism m capricorn no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs agnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight atheism anm aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight has dogs christianitym gemini butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism m libra but i when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay f aries no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight buddhism af gemini butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butyes
100-2000 artistic / mmight wantgay m aquarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight catholicis f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism butm virgo but i no
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs agnosticis f taurus sometimes
100-2000 student straight m virgo and i sometimes
2000-30000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay agnosticis m cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother m no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight has dogs catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 student straight f libra but i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 gay catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs m taurus no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but yes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs buddhism am gemini butno
30000-40000 other straight likes dogs buddhism bu m cancer andsometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianitym aries no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianitym aries but i no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianit m libra when drink
2000-30000 medicine / health straight has dogs anchristianit f leo but it no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 political / governmentgay atheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m capricorn no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicis m gemini butno
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs agnosticis m capricorn bno
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m gemini andsometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay other and vm gemini yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 straight catholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 rather not say straight dislikes dogcatholicis f virgo and i no
100-2000 other gay has dogs m gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn bno
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m sometimes
60000-100000 other gay has dogs anbuddhism f capricorn no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm taurus no
100-2000 straight f virgo no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butsometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight christianit f aries but i no
100-2000 student straight other m taurus no
100-2000 student straight has dogs judaism f virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm leo and it&no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs buddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 gay f no
60000-100000 construction / crafts straight likes cats m leo no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism f libra but i no
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis m sagittarius no
100-2000 has a kid straight has dogs and dislikes f scorpio no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has cats other f virgo no
100-2000 student straight hinduism bu m leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 law / legal services straight m cancer andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay has dogs m cancer andno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf cancer but no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f virgo but i when drink
30000-40000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight islam but nm leo and it&when drink
100-2000 other gay has dogs m libra but i no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiagay has dogs anagnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay m virgo but i no
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has cats f capricorn no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aquarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay buddhism bu m virgo and i when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism m capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
60000-100000 science / t has kids straight likes dogs christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight catholicismf gemini andsometimes
100-2000 construction / crafts straight christianitym no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianit f scorpio butno
40000-50000 transportathas kids straight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i yes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianityf libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 student wants kids straight likes dogs agnosticismf capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf taurus no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs m libra but i no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / health gay has dogs anhinduism bu m gemini andno
60000-100000 law / legal services straight likes dogs other but nm taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other m capricorn no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs other f scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianit m libra but i yes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other m leo sometimes
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid straight catholicismm no
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticis f leo no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay buddhism bu m taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal might wantstraight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius buno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm capricorn asometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight other m capricorn no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm capricorn bno
40000-50000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay atheism anm virgo and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticis m taurus and no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight f pisces no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother but nm scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health bisexual christianityf sagittarius no
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m virgo and i when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aquarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs f libra no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother f capricorn ano
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight christianit m capricorn ano
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lm aquarius no
100-2000 straight m gemini no
100-2000 straight m when drink
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs other f scorpio no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother m aquarius no
30000-40000 other has a kid straight likes cats christianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health bisexual f taurus and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym taurus but no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 student straight dislikes dogatheism m cancer but trying to qu
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay likes dogs m leo and it&no
40000-50000 sales / marhas a kid straight christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight atheism f taurus but no
50000-60000 education / academiastraight f cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and f when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes caf taurus but when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs catholicismf leo and it&no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother and lm libra but i no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m cancer no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsf aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticis m leo but it no
2000-30000 law / legal services straight likes dogs christianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m no
60000-100000 sales / marhas kids straight likes dogs aother but nm leo but it no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism butm sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs aagnosticis m pisces and when drink
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids, straight has dogs atheism m aquarius no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight other and lm cancer but when drink
60000-100000 straight m pisces no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianityf scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism af cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini butno
60000-100000 science / t has kids straight m pisces no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight has dogs and likes catf gemini butno
100-2000 straight atheism f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticis m virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medigay m cancer no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m libra no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight likes dogs achristianitym leo and it&no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism butf aries and i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs and likes caf cancer andsometimes
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight likes dogs aother and vf aries and itno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm cancer andno
100-2000 student straight has dogs anatheism butm capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / health straight other but nm no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 gay has dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm aries when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight hinduism f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f sometimes
100-2000 education has a kid straight christianityf leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus but no
40000-50000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs catholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 construction / crafts straight catholicismm aries no
100-2000 other straight f no
100-2000 student straight christianit f no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs aother and lm capricorn bno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius buno
50000-60000 executive / managemstraight atheism butm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 straight agnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and has catf virgo and i when drink
100-2000 rather not has kids, straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer but sometimes
40000-50000 artistic / mhas kids straight judaism anm virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marwants kids straight has dogs christianitym no
100-2000 straight m aries no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 education has a kid straight f no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m cancer no
100-2000 straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 hospitality has kids straight likes dogs christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 other straight christianit m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu f aquarius anno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism and m no
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight likes dogs m scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight atheism butm no
100-2000 education / academiagay catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf pisces but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism m no
100-2000 student gay has dogs judaism and m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f aries and i no
30000-40000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs ancatholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs hinduism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism bu f pisces but no
50000-60000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer but yes
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f leo but it no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight christianit f leo but it no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 has kids, straight m leo no
100-2000 straight hinduism bu f leo no
30000-40000 education has kids, straight likes dogs agnosticis m virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes cats atheism butm pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight atheism butm gemini andsometimes
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicis m leo but it no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay other but nm gemini butno
100-2000 other gay christianitym virgo no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianitym virgo no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m pisces no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f virgo no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aatheism and m libra but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay f capricorn ano
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m cancer but when drink
40000-50000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butf gemini butno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight christianityf no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m gemini trying to qu
100-2000 student straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i no
100-2000 education / academiagay christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight dislikes dogother and f libra and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anchristianit m taurus but no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m libra sometimes
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 gay catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu m pisces and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight hinduism f aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf taurus no
100-2000 law / legal services straight catholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has cats m aries and i sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f virgo but i yes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf aquarius anno
100-2000 gay has dogs anbuddhism f aquarius yes
100-2000 rather not say straight atheism m capricorn no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 rather not say straight other but nm sagittarius no
60000-100000 student bisexual likes dogs christianit f sometimes
40000-50000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andtrying to qu
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aother and m cancer andno
100-2000 straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam taurus and no
100-2000 student straight f capricorn ano
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m taurus and no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
100-2000 computer / hardware bisexual likes dogs f leo but it sometimes
60000-100000 banking / fihas a kid, straight likes dogs christianit m taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight has dogs ancatholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f gemini andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus and trying to qu
100-2000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs agnosticis f scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m taurus but no
100-2000 law / legal services gay m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m taurus but no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs ajudaism anf no
100-2000 other has a kid straight has dogs another f pisces no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogchristianit f scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m aquarius buno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries no
100-2000 other straight catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight agnosticismf gemini andno
2000-30000 education / academiastraight atheism f scorpio andno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs acatholicismf libra no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs m taurus but no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m pisces no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight likes dogs christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism f aries sometimes
30000-40000 artistic / musical / wristraight dislikes do atheism and m libra and i when drink
100-2000 straight m pisces no
50000-60000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism and m libra but i when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogatheism f scorpio andno
100-2000 straight christianitym aries and i no
100-2000 unemployed gay likes dogs agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight agnosticis f leo no
100-2000 student straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 constructiohas kids, straight m aquarius yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs f virgo no
100-2000 rather not has a kid straight has dogs ancatholicismf libra and itno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs abuddhism m aquarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf aries no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m aries no
100-2000 law / legal services straight agnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 straight f no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra and i when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f leo but it when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs atheism and f pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay buddhism m taurus but no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aother and lm capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes caf taurus no
100-2000 straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight dislikes dogagnosticis m virgo but i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm gemini trying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianityf capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight m libra but i when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius no
100-2000 other straight christianitym capricorn no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m pisces but no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianityf leo and it&no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs and has catf leo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight f scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs catholicismf virgo no
100-2000 student straight buddhism f gemini no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay m scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and dislikesm aquarius buno
100-2000 straight m cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit f leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs acatholicismm pisces but sometimes
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn bno
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m libra when drink
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and vm taurus and no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi gay has dogs christianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 has a kid gay other and vf aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nf taurus but no
100-2000 straight christianityf when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs catholicismf virgo yes
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight m aquarius anno
60000-100000 executive has kids straight has dogs other but nm aries no
100-2000 straight f no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus but sometimes
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs acatholicis m sagittarius sometimes
60000-100000 hospitality has kids straight likes dogs m cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware bisexual likes dogs buddhism am aquarius anno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aries but i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 straight has dogs christianit f no
50000-60000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism af gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm sagittarius no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit f libra and i yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual other f aries but i no
100-2000 other straight has dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay m virgo and i no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
30000-40000 artistic / mhas a kid, straight likes dogs other but nf scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i sometimes
100-2000 other gay m sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight christianit m aries no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aother but nf aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismf scorpio no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats atheism anm virgo but i when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 straight catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other bisexual f pisces and no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam libra but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianitym capricorn bno
100-2000 student gay m no
2000-30000 other has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f libra but i when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f virgo no
50000-60000 transportation straight likes dogs aother f scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f libra but i when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes cats atheism anm sagittarius no
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs christianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 unemployed straight m trying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m libra but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianitym pisces but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianit f no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs aother and vm leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismm aries no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m scorpio no
100-2000 other has a kid straight dislikes dogchristianit m aries but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f pisces when drink
100-2000 medicine / health gay catholicismm leo no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f cancer but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism butm scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs christianitym gemini no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lm libra but i sometimes
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianitym pisces no
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs other f taurus but no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 clerical / a wants kids gay has dogs atheism m aries no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m aquarius busometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism and f aquarius anno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticis f aquarius buno
2000-30000 medicine / health straight likes dogs acatholicismf leo no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay m virgo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aries but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anm scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f capricorn ano
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf aquarius buwhen drink
60000-100000 education / academiastraight christianit m sagittarius sometimes
30000-40000 executive has a kid, straight likes dogs catholicismm aries no
100-2000 straight has dogs m virgo and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf cancer andno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs aother and lm capricorn bno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes cam aries and i when drink
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs and likes catm aries no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism m aquarius buno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m leo and it&no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight has dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs anchristianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs catholicismf leo no
100-2000 straight m aries but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f cancer andno
100-2000 gay likes dogs aatheism and m aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 straight f capricorn no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs abuddhism af pisces and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism an f taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and has catf sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m cancer andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism f scorpio no
100-2000 straight dislikes dogatheism butf gemini andsometimes
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m aries but i no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs aagnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight other f aquarius anno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight catholicis m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 student straight atheism f gemini andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs f virgo no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 medicine / health gay dislikes dogother m cancer andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aother and lf aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay agnosticis f cancer andsometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f no
100-2000 executive / managemgay has dogs other m aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m capricorn asometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother f scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 student has a kid, straight has dogs and likes catf aries and itno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm scorpio no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm aries but i no
100-2000 straight m gemini butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has cats catholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 other straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs christianit m leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm gemini andno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aother and f aries and i no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs m libra no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight christianitym taurus but no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer andno
40000-50000 other has a kid straight other f aries but i no
100-2000 student straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid straight christianityf gemini no
2000-30000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs aother f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs m pisces no
100-2000 student gay has dogs and likes catm pisces and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids, straight christianityf scorpio no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and likes catm no
30000-40000 other has kids straight has dogs catholicismm aquarius trying to qu
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit m gemini butsometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and has catf leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m capricorn no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism f virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs and dislikesm aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and likes catm pisces and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i no
40000-50000 other has a kid straight likes dogs catholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight atheism m no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 straight has dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay other and lm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 student straight f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butf gemini andno
100-2000 bisexual atheism and f no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f leo but it no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismf taurus no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f libra no
30000-40000 medicine / health straight buddhism am sagittarius no
100-2000 student has kids straight m leo yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and likes catm sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f libra and i no
2000-30000 student straight christianit f virgo but i no
60000-100000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces no
2000-30000 student straight christianitym scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 other straight other but nm libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay christianit m no
100-2000 rather not has kids, straight likes dogs aother and vm capricorn atrying to qu
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m libra and i yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother m virgo and i no
2000-30000 sales / marhas kids, straight christianit f aries sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m leo but it no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight christianitym capricorn trying to qu
2000-30000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis m taurus and no
100-2000 gay buddhism bu m cancer trying to qu
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m no
100-2000 straight m aquarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces but no
2000-30000 other straight has cats christianit m leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay other and f libra and itsometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 straight has dogs m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and dislikesm capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight buddhism bu m aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism m virgo no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticis m pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs catholicismm scorpio butwhen drink
2000-30000 student straight has dogs ancatholicismm virgo no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer but no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm pisces trying to qu
100-2000 has kids, straight christianit f no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has cats f cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs other and m pisces and no
100-2000 gay has dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism m cancer andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight other f scorpio no
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus but sometimes
100-2000 law / legal has a kid, straight has dogs anchristianityf aquarius anno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight other m sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight buddhism f aries no
100-2000 other straight f capricorn bno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 straight has dogs m scorpio sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries and i no
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs achristianitym scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m gemini andsometimes
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 has a kid bisexual christianityf scorpio andyes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf gemini andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis f leo no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismf aquarius buno
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs agnosticis m aquarius anno
40000-50000 executive / managemgay other but nm libra when drink
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight likes dogs achristianityf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs achristianitym capricorn bno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini butno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismf libra no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f leo no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother f libra and ityes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf leo but it no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticis f pisces no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight hinduism bu f aquarius anno
50000-60000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianit m pisces but no
100-2000 bisexual likes cats other and lf libra and i sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m pisces but no
100-2000 other has kids, straight likes dogs aother but nm scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini yes
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism butm leo and it&no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but when drink
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini andsometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats agnosticismm pisces but trying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight m capricorn no
40000-50000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianit m cancer but no
40000-50000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 straight has dogs another but nm aquarius buno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and dislikesm cancer but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf capricorn bno
60000-100000 political / might wantstraight christianitym libra no
100-2000 straight has dogs agnosticis f scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m leo but it no
100-2000 straight agnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and f libra and i when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini andsometimes
2000-30000 construction / crafts straight has dogs another m pisces no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has cats f taurus and when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother but nm leo but it no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other f taurus and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticismm aries and i when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f aries but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf cancer but no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 straight f taurus but no
30000-40000 clerical / a has a kid straight christianitym sagittarius when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism m virgo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs agnosticismf libra no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay atheism m no
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism am cancer no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 transportathas a kid straight likes dogs f capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m no
100-2000 retired straight buddhism m aquarius anno
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs acatholicismm cancer no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes cats other and m aquarius anno
40000-50000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother but nm leo but it no
60000-100000 other straight other and lm aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and dislikesm no
100-2000 other straight atheism m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianityf libra no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight buddhism an m aries and i no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio butno
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m gemini andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym no
30000-40000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f taurus and when drink
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs f libra but i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight other m virgo no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs and likes cam taurus no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs and likes caf taurus and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism butf aries but i no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf taurus and sometimes
100-2000 straight hinduism m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces and no
100-2000 straight has dogs anagnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f cancer no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f capricorn ano
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m taurus and no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f virgo and i no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism m capricorn bno
50000-60000 other has kids straight buddhism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight has dogs another but nf cancer andno
100-2000 entertainmhas kids straight christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 other has kids straight christianit m scorpio no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight atheism m leo but it no
50000-60000 military straight likes dogs catholicis m virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs and likes catf aquarius no
100-2000 straight m yes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes cats atheism f sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and trying to qu
60000-100000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs aother m gemini no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs achristianityf libra and i sometimes
100-2000 student straight f capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs christianit m taurus but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f virgo and i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 gay m taurus and no
40000-50000 hospitality / travel straight other m leo trying to qu
30000-40000 artistic / musical / wristraight m capricorn when drink
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism anm no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs and has catf cancer but no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m virgo but i no
100-2000 executive has a kid, straight christianit f aquarius anno
60000-100000 education / academiastraight has dogs atheism butm leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m aquarius buno
50000-60000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other m virgo yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight atheism and m gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm pisces but no
40000-50000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anchristianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs abuddhism f leo no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m gemini no
100-2000 medicine / health straight other f no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs buddhism am cancer andno
100-2000 clerical / a has kids, straight christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 other bisexual f aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight m pisces no
100-2000 straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 student straight atheism m scorpio butwhen drink
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay m scorpio andno
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs christianit m aries but i sometimes
40000-50000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit f cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f sagittarius when drink
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes cats atheism and f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs f scorpio andno
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs ahinduism m pisces no
100-2000 straight f leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight atheism m virgo no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs aatheism and m aquarius anno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay f cancer no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight f pisces but no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs catholicismm cancer no
60000-100000 other straight has dogs m virgo no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes cats m pisces and no
100-2000 straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f pisces but no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and lf libra no
100-2000 education wants kids straight likes dogs other f libra and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 student straight agnosticismm no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces and no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs buddhism bu m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and has catf no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 straight m no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism bu m scorpio sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs achristianityf virgo trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs agnosticismf scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m aries no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs m yes
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aother and lm taurus but sometimes
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs acatholicismf taurus but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianityf scorpio andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other f scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f cancer but when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs another f libra and i no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogbuddhism bu m pisces and when drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight christianityf libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogcatholicismf aries yes
2000-30000 retired straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu bisexual atheism f no
100-2000 straight christianityf pisces no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight catholicismm no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight f libra and i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m no
30000-40000 clerical / administrati gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight catholicismm no
2000-30000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismm libra and i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism f cancer no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and dislikesf virgo but i no
100-2000 gay likes cats atheism and m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismf libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m taurus and sometimes
100-2000 straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs buddhism f gemini andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and likes catm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight christianit f pisces and no
50000-60000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs agnosticis m libra and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
30000-40000 straight hinduism bu m sagittarius yes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm cancer but no
40000-50000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aother and lm gemini no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight atheism m libra no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs christianitym taurus no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticis m no
100-2000 has a kid straight agnosticis m no
60000-100000 military has kids straight has dogs catholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism anf leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf aquarius no
100-2000 gay likes dogs and has catf pisces and sometimes
60000-100000 executive / managembisexual christianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm taurus sometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs buddhism am scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butm pisces but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs judaism butm gemini no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism butf virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight atheism butf aries and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianityf scorpio no
2000-30000 other straight has dogs another but nm aries but i yes
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus sometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 straight has cats f leo and it&no
60000-100000 education has kids straight has dogs and has catsm gemini no
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismm virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 gay m scorpio no
100-2000 straight has dogs atheism and m libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 has kids straight f no
100-2000 education has a kid straight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism m aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu f cancer no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 unemployehas a kid straight has dogs ancatholicismf taurus and no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticis m cancer but no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m gemini andno
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism af pisces but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 entertainment / medigay catholicismm no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticis m taurus and no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
40000-50000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismf pisces but no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm gemini butno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andyes
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 law / legal services straight m scorpio no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight f sagittarius no
60000-100000 transportation straight likes dogs m libra and i when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini butno
100-2000 straight catholicismf no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and vf libra and i no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight likes dogs and has catf sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs christianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf libra and i no
100-2000 other straight christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
60000-100000 computer /has a kid, straight has dogs catholicismm libra when drink
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
100-2000 straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism m aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism bu m no
30000-40000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m leo but it yes
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsm aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces but no
2000-30000 student bisexual likes dogs buddhism am scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight m cancer when drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianityf gemini no
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs achristianitym when drink
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs ajudaism butm gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other m gemini andyes
100-2000 education has kids straight likes cats buddhism af aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight other but nm aries and itsometimes
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs christianit m capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 political / governmentgay has dogs agnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight atheism f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight buddhism af sagittarius no
30000-40000 education / academiastraight has dogs anatheism anm leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit m taurus but no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight other f cancer no
100-2000 student gay other and lm capricorn asometimes
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio andno
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs aother m leo but it no
2000-30000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but sometimes
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 law / legal services straight other and lm capricorn btrying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs judaism anm taurus and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus and sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anm aquarius buno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm leo but it no
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius buyes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianityf aries and i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm leo no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight catholicismf gemini butno
100-2000 straight f no
50000-60000 education / academiagay likes dogs atheism and f taurus but no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight f leo and it&no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs other f gemini yes
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs anagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight f aries but i sometimes
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs and has catm cancer andno
40000-50000 executive / managemstraight has dogs anagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 straight m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight dislikes dogislam and vm cancer andyes
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anbuddhism af virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m capricorn no
60000-100000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismm gemini andsometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f capricorn ayes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs achristianityf pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes f libra and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs christianityf cancer no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn bno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs m scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m taurus but sometimes
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqugay has dogs anagnosticismm cancer but sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight m taurus but no
30000-40000 executive doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm gemini no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 straight f taurus no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism bu m aquarius no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs ancatholicismm aquarius busometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and has catm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight has cats buddhism bu f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs hinduism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs f gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and lm cancer andno
100-2000 military has a kid straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer sometimes
100-2000 straight f taurus and no
100-2000 straight catholicismf capricorn no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m gemini andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs and likes catf aries but i no
50000-60000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm aries but i when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianit m taurus but no
50000-60000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight other m no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight atheism m no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it no
40000-50000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit m leo but it when drink
100-2000 straight f sometimes
100-2000 student straight atheism and m leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianit m no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs acatholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother f cancer sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and has catf gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs and has catsm aquarius ansometimes
60000-100000 other might wantstraight has dogs catholicismm scorpio butyes
100-2000 unemployed straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs m sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual agnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 other straight agnosticismm no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism m scorpio andno
100-2000 other gay christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm scorpio butno
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m libra but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs buddhism f libra no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anchristianityf capricorn no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
30000-40000 clerical / a has kids straight likes dogs achristianit f libra and i sometimes
40000-50000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo yes
30000-40000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer but no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight atheism m leo and it&no
100-2000 other has a kid straight buddhism an m capricorn ano
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 gay m scorpio no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay hinduism bu m leo but it no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs and has catf scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs hinduism bu m aquarius buno
100-2000 law / legal services straight m no
30000-40000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism m leo when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticis f leo no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam when drink
100-2000 medicine / health gay m libra no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs f virgo and i no
100-2000 straight m scorpio no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticis f pisces but sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butm cancer andno
100-2000 straight buddhism af libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m cancer andsometimes
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs abuddhism m leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay f gemini yes
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f gemini andno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianityf no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight christianitym virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs m cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health gay christianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs agnosticismm pisces but no
60000-100000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs anbuddhism am pisces and sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm virgo sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has cats buddhism an f virgo and i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m leo no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianitym no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f capricorn ano
30000-40000 other has a kid, straight catholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight christianit f aquarius anno
100-2000 education / academiagay has dogs f aries and i when drink
100-2000 education / academiagay has dogs anchristianit m taurus but no
40000-50000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f sagittarius when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m aquarius anno
2000-30000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism af capricorn ano
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs agnosticis m aries no
100-2000 straight christianityf aquarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m pisces no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs agnosticismm virgo and itno
40000-50000 military straight m pisces and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianityf libra but i no
100-2000 gay f virgo and itsometimes
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm virgo and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m taurus no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticismf no
100-2000 computer / hardware bisexual likes dogs aatheism and f gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m cancer andno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam yes
100-2000 other gay m libra but i no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and f capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs m gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other but nm virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer no
50000-60000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm capricorn ano
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m scorpio andyes
50000-60000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius buno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aatheism m gemini butno
100-2000 other straight dislikes do other m gemini no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight atheism anf leo but it no
100-2000 straight has dogs and likes catf cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticis m cancer but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs anatheism butf sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianit f pisces but no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs anbuddhism f leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f gemini andno
100-2000 student straight has dogs ancatholicismf leo but it when drink
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis f leo but it no
100-2000 construction / crafts bisexual has dogs m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismf leo no
40000-50000 science / t has kids straight likes dogs m scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m pisces but no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight m virgo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m scorpio andno
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism af sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini andno
100-2000 student straight f leo and it&no
100-2000 gay m cancer no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes m aquarius busometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit m cancer but no
100-2000 gay f no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs f taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m gemini butno
100-2000 other straight f libra no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf gemini butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs other m cancer no
40000-50000 other straight likes dogs other and lm pisces but no
100-2000 gay likes dogs abuddhism bu f taurus and sometimes
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs atheism anm scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay atheism m no
100-2000 student straight catholicismf leo no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes cats catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid gay likes dogs other and vf aquarius anno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m capricorn asometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f leo but it no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight buddhism bu f no
2000-30000 has a kid straight m gemini yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and when drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight christianit m gemini trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm aquarius busometimes
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual catholicismf leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 student gay m gemini no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
50000-60000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius ansometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight catholicismf taurus when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit m scorpio butno
2000-30000 student straight m cancer trying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
2000-30000 student straight christianit m aries but i no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aother and m capricorn ayes
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight agnosticis m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu f no
100-2000 bisexual m cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and f gemini butno
100-2000 other gay likes dogs other m libra no
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f libra but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism af taurus no
100-2000 straight christianitym leo no
100-2000 student straight f no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / fihas kids, straight has dogs agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismf capricorn bno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsf aquarius anno
100-2000 other has kids gay f scorpio no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianit f cancer andno
2000-30000 student has a kid bisexual likes dogs achristianit f leo and it msometimes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis f scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight dislikes do catholicismf scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism af cancer andno
50000-60000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m virgo sometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and vm cancer andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo and i yes
100-2000 straight f no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs buddhism bu f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and has catm aries and i when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf gemini no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight buddhism am cancer but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm leo but it no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight other and lm libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight buddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf cancer andtrying to qu
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf cancer but no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces but no
2000-30000 student straight has cats m gemini no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs catholicis f scorpio butsometimes
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight other f taurus but no
30000-40000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aagnosticismf no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight has dogs and likes catf no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs acatholicismf pisces and sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight christianitym virgo no
30000-40000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm leo but it yes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual catholicismf taurus but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianityf aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight has dogs atheism and m taurus and yes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual dislikes dogagnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes caf aries no
100-2000 other straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight f libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces and no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight buddhism am virgo and i trying to qu
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has cats catholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicis f libra and i yes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight other f aquarius no
100-2000 other straight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf gemini andtrying to qu
40000-50000 political / might wantstraight has dogs ancatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay has cats m virgo and i yes
100-2000 other gay f scorpio no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and dislikesm pisces and yes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m leo but it no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m scorpio andno
2000-30000 student straight has dogs anatheism anf sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm libra but i when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs other but nm pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight has dogs catholicismf leo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs atheism m virgo but i no
100-2000 straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight dislikes dogs and disli f pisces no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism am virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticis f scorpio andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f scorpio andno
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and f scorpio andyes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs other and lf libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 executive has a kid straight likes dogs other but nf virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has cats atheism f sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployehas kids straight catholicis f sagittarius sometimes
30000-40000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f scorpio andno
100-2000 unemployed straight other and lm gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs anbuddhism bu f aries and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf libra no
2000-30000 other bisexual likes dogs other and f aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra no
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 other straight m pisces and no
100-2000 straight christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f no
100-2000 straight catholicismf sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m virgo no
100-2000 student has a kid straight m virgo and i trying to qu
100-2000 straight has dogs anchristianit m aries and i yes
100-2000 student has kids bisexual likes dogs achristianit f cancer but yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs m capricorn atrying to qu
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm aries no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay christianitym virgo no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs catholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay m aries but i no
100-2000 unemployed straight has dogs another but nf virgo and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother but nm pisces but no
100-2000 student straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf sagittarius no
30000-40000 student straight likes dogs atheism f aries no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism anf capricorn bno
100-2000 student gay has dogs m sometimes
50000-60000 other has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra and i trying to qu
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs buddhism bu m gemini no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m no
100-2000 political / has kids straight has dogs f aquarius buno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs f libra sometimes
100-2000 straight m libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal has kids, straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus and no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit m libra but i no
50000-60000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismf leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm cancer but no
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs atheism anm cancer andno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianitym no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs m leo and it&no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / health gay agnosticis m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo no
100-2000 computer / hardware bisexual likes dogs other and lm sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces and no
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs agnosticis m aries no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym aries but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m pisces but no
100-2000 other gay has dogs christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces no
100-2000 student straight catholicismf scorpio no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight f scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m taurus and no
100-2000 gay m pisces and yes
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicis m capricorn btrying to qu
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism butm gemini andno
50000-60000 other gay likes dogs aother and m virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ajudaism butm cancer but no
2000-30000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs other m cancer andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
2000-30000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs another but nm cancer but when drink
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other m virgo and i trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay has dogs another but nm capricorn btrying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf pisces but when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 other straight hinduism f no
50000-60000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight other m scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs buddhism bu m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianit f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m pisces but sometimes
40000-50000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 student gay dislikes dogs and has m scorpio butyes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight dislikes catagnosticismm aquarius anno
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer andyes
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 education has a kid, straight f virgo but i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but when drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogchristianitym taurus and no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs agnosticis f leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m cancer andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight atheism m cancer but no
100-2000 political / governmentgay likes dogs aother m aries and i no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 student bisexual f scorpio andno
50000-60000 medicine / health straight other and lm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism m no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aatheism m gemini butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismf taurus but no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight atheism m no
100-2000 other has a kid straight catholicis m aries and i yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight hinduism an m no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianitym virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs and has catf cancer no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs achristianit f no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has cats f pisces no
2000-30000 other has a kid straight likes dogs achristianitym scorpio andsometimes
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf cancer no
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm virgo but i trying to qu
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs other f capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs anagnosticis f aries but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf gemini butsometimes
2000-30000 other straight has dogs anchristianit m aries but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lm gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes cats m scorpio sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay m cancer andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs christianityf no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and dislikesm cancer but trying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother but nm gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm taurus no
40000-50000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism am gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and m libra and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym no
100-2000 straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight f libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and has catf sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu f no
60000-100000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm cancer andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight f no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces and no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm gemini butno
100-2000 straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 student straight christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 student gay m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianityf taurus no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs achristianit m taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m taurus but no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 other straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f gemini andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m when drink
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
2000-30000 computer / hardware gay m pisces and no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay other m sagittarius when drink
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight dislikes catatheism m no
100-2000 education has kids straight f aries and i yes
100-2000 straight m aries when drink
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and vm aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m no
100-2000 student straight has dogs another f taurus but no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight other m leo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m pisces no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay dislikes dogislam m virgo but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 student gay catholicismm libra and i no
60000-100000 banking / fihas a kid straight christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 student gay catholicis m aquarius buno
100-2000 constructiohas kids straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight other but nm leo but it no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm libra but i no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit m cancer but yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes cam libra but i sometimes
30000-40000 military doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm virgo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and dislikesm libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m gemini butno
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay has dogs ancatholicismm libra and i sometimes
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs christianitym cancer andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buwhen drink
60000-100000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs anagnosticismf taurus but no
100-2000 student gay christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism f virgo trying to qu
100-2000 has a kid straight has dogs christianitym taurus yes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anatheism and f aries and i when drink
30000-40000 executive / managemstraight has dogs anchristianit m cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 gay likes dogs aother but nm aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight has dogs m taurus yes
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m libra no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f cancer andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has cats agnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f leo and it&no
2000-30000 straight likes cats f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other but nf aquarius buno
100-2000 student straight m cancer but sometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight other m virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianitym aquarius buno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism butm taurus and no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight likes dogs atheism m no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio when drink
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs buddhism am scorpio butsometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism anm sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m cancer but no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and vm aries and i sometimes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogs and likesm capricorn byes
100-2000 medicine / health straight buddhism an f aries no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf pisces and no
40000-50000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f virgo no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer no
100-2000 law / legal services straight atheism butm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m gemini andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism butm cancer but no
40000-50000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs anagnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs buddhism bu f no
100-2000 computer /has kids straight m aquarius no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay has dogs catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother f cancer no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism anm aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism butm aquarius buno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes cats m no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight hinduism bu f capricorn bno
100-2000 other has kids straight m taurus but trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / health gay catholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m capricorn bno
60000-100000 education / academiagay has dogs ancatholicismf aries and i sometimes
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs agnosticis m taurus but when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m aquarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m pisces and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight other f aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 straight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f pisces when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight has cats christianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus but no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism anm taurus but no
60000-100000 computer /has kids straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus and no
2000-30000 artistic / mhas a kid straight m scorpio yes
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs judaism butf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and f trying to qu
100-2000 straight has dogs m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f cancer no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight atheism butf aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 student straight f libra no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogislam and vf pisces and yes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs ancatholicismm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / health straight other m pisces no
60000-100000 computer /has a kid straight catholicismm pisces no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs other and lf aquarius anno
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs agnosticis m taurus and when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs f virgo yes
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs hinduism bu f pisces and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism anm taurus but no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs and has catsf no
100-2000 other bisexual has dogs agnosticis f cancer andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight other f gemini andno
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs aatheism butf libra and itno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes caf pisces and yes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism af scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and m cancer andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aother but nm virgo and i no
30000-40000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight christianit m gemini buttrying to qu
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m pisces but no
100-2000 executive has kids straight other but nm aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs aatheism m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf pisces no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym sagittarius no
2000-30000 rather not say bisexual likes dogs judaism and f gemini andyes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay atheism anm pisces sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aother and f virgo and ityes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m cancer no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 has kids, straight likes dogs catholicismf gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 student straight atheism and m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs other but nm virgo and i sometimes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 student straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m libra and i no
100-2000 other has kids straight atheism and m pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m taurus and no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiabisexual atheism and f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianityf virgo sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn bno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m gemini no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogagnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 executive has kids, straight likes dogs christianit f aquarius buno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother but nm capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m aries no
100-2000 other straight hinduism an m aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f scorpio butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m no
60000-100000 executive / managembisexual other and lm leo and it&no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 gay agnosticis m scorpio andwhen drink
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m aries no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticismf capricorn ano
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs christianitym cancer no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and has catm virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight has dogs agnosticis m leo and it&no
50000-60000 other straight m libra but i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m virgo no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another but nf taurus and when drink
100-2000 straight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother and lm no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay buddhism m taurus no
100-2000 student has a kid, straight likes dogs and dislikesm scorpio andwhen drink
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m virgo but i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f cancer no
100-2000 straight christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 student straight christianitym pisces and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f libra but i yes
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs and has catf cancer andno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
30000-40000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i when drink
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs other m libra and i no
100-2000 straight m aries but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf libra and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight buddhism f no
40000-50000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight catholicismf libra but i no
40000-50000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism f taurus but no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other but nm taurus and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has cats agnosticismm no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs achristianitym gemini no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs other f aries and i sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogatheism and m aquarius anno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f pisces and no
100-2000 straight m sometimes
100-2000 straight m no
50000-60000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam no
60000-100000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 entertainmhas kids straight catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf leo and it&when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs atheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm taurus no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism butm libra but i no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs atheism and m virgo but i when drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andsometimes
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m pisces and when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight dislikes catchristianityf pisces and no
100-2000 straight atheism and f capricorn asometimes
100-2000 retired straight christianityf no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight other m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 student straight atheism f capricorn bno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism m leo but it no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs acatholicis f gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anm aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism and m capricorn bno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight buddhism m pisces no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 transportation straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f virgo but i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs abuddhism bu m scorpio when drink
100-2000 other straight has dogs anatheism m leo but it trying to qu
100-2000 straight has dogs m pisces but yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight m gemini no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs christianit m cancer but no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianitym gemini sometimes
100-2000 other straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aatheism anf aries but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and has catsf aries and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight dislikes dogchristianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs atheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianitym aquarius sometimes
40000-50000 transportathas a kid straight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f capricorn no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm leo no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay dislikes cats m leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight dislikes dogatheism butm libra but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces no
100-2000 straight m pisces no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aquarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 transportation bisexual has dogs ancatholicis m aquarius anno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsf taurus and when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini butno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 student straight christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay atheism butm libra and i no
100-2000 other might wantstraight m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer but no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs agnosticis m taurus when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m gemini butno
100-2000 other straight m virgo and itno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m aquarius yes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismm cancer but when drink
100-2000 straight m no
30000-40000 constructiohas kids straight has dogs another and vm libra and i sometimes
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m gemini no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m leo but it no
30000-40000 clerical / a has kids, straight christianityf scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andno
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight other m virgo but i sometimes
40000-50000 hospitality has a kid straight catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight other m pisces but no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f pisces but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother but nm capricorn sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay dislikes dogcatholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f aries yes
30000-40000 hospitality has a kid straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo sometimes
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticis m leo no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf capricorn no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight has cats catholicismf libra no
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs acatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 other has a kid straight dislikes do catholicismf leo but it no
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes cam libra but i no
2000-30000 law / legal services straight catholicismm aries but i when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs ancatholicismf leo and it&sometimes
60000-100000 law / legal has a kid straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m cancer no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m leo no
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs hinduism am leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m aquarius anno
100-2000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs aatheism and f taurus but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight dislikes do christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight buddhism bu f scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m libra no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m aries and i no
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism m virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs agnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 student gay agnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs atheism butm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and has catf taurus but when drink
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs aatheism m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight f libra no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs ahinduism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit f aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism f leo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m capricorn bno
60000-100000 computer /has kids straight christianitym pisces no
100-2000 student gay has dogs f pisces when drink
100-2000 straight other and lm aquarius antrying to qu
100-2000 law / legal services straight catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight likes dogs buddhism f sagittarius no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aatheism butm capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight catholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has cats other and lf scorpio andyes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 student straight m libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini butno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight m scorpio no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m virgo and i trying to qu
2000-30000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f cancer andno
50000-60000 retired has kids straight christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid, straight has dogs anbuddhism af virgo and i no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f gemini andyes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 straight f taurus no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay m capricorn asometimes
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticismm leo and it&no
50000-60000 medicine / health straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo sometimes
50000-60000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother m virgo and i no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs m scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis m virgo and i trying to qu
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother and lm pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs catholicismm scorpio sometimes
2000-30000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism f scorpio andyes
2000-30000 medicine / health straight has dogs anagnosticismf cancer andno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym taurus no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other f libra and i sometimes
100-2000 other straight f aries no
100-2000 executive has a kid straight other f scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs and dislikesm aries but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius when drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and likes caf aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs ajudaism anm no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
30000-40000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism and m libra but i no
100-2000 gay hinduism m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay f cancer andwhen drink
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs and dislikes m sagittarius no
40000-50000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight agnosticismm capricorn atrying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes cats m virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight hinduism f no
60000-100000 transportation straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
30000-40000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius yes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f libra no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f cancer andno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m cancer andsometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and f scorpio andno
60000-100000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf pisces but sometimes
100-2000 student gay buddhism bu f aries and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer but no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and vf aquarius ansometimes
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu f taurus and no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight other m cancer no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs and has catsm cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs m cancer no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m aquarius buno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes caf aries no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aother m pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism bu m aquarius busometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m when drink
2000-30000 rather not has kids straight catholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism m capricorn bno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticismm no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs atheism m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 other straight has dogs anatheism and m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m virgo but i no
2000-30000 entertainment / medistraight m no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus but when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay buddhism bu m libra but i sometimes
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andno
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes cats christianit m aquarius anno
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism bu f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m libra and i no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother and lm pisces and when drink
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs abuddhism bu f gemini butno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs another but nm libra and i trying to qu
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m leo and it&no
60000-100000 constructiohas kids straight christianit m scorpio buttrying to qu
30000-40000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother m capricorn ano
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism butm capricorn bno
50000-60000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight m trying to qu
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs anchristianit f aries but i trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 clerical / a has kids, straight dislikes dogs and disli f leo but it no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu bisexual f no
100-2000 other straight christianitym pisces no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs anchristianitym libra no
60000-100000 sales / marhas kids, straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs anatheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and m capricorn bno
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm cancer andno
50000-60000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aatheism butm scorpio andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m pisces trying to qu
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs m virgo and i trying to qu
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit m no
60000-100000 other straight has cats f capricorn no
100-2000 student straight m aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m scorpio andno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight likes dogs and likes caf gemini no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight dislikes cathinduism an f pisces but no
100-2000 straight has dogs f aquarius anno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight other f taurus no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m aries but i no
60000-100000 straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats f libra but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f taurus and no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs m scorpio no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m libra but i no
100-2000 law / legal has a kid, straight likes dogs aother f no
100-2000 has kids straight other f sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m aries no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm leo but it no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra but i when drink
100-2000 rather not has kids straight f libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and has catf capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight m cancer but sometimes
40000-50000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it yes
100-2000 law / legal services straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has cats christianit m taurus and no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes cats atheism and f cancer but yes
100-2000 straight likes dogs and dislikesf libra no
100-2000 student straight catholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight buddhism am scorpio butno
100-2000 education / academiagay agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay m leo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m aries and i no
100-2000 straight m scorpio no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / health gay m no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 executive has a kid, straight catholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm capricorn ano
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m gemini trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianityf aries no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism m leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs achristianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf pisces no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 straight m pisces no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aatheism and m capricorn asometimes
40000-50000 education / academiabisexual likes cats buddhism bu f scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo sometimes
100-2000 gay m capricorn ano
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight other f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f no
100-2000 other has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anatheism and f virgo but i yes
30000-40000 law / legal has kids straight other m libra and i no
50000-60000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 law / legal services straight catholicismf pisces but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 other wants kids straight has dogs anagnosticismf aquarius buno
100-2000 straight has dogs and has catsm when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini andsometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight buddhism am cancer but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m leo but it no
100-2000 straight hinduism f no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs catholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf leo and it msometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis f cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism m leo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianityf no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
50000-60000 entertainment / medistraight m scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis m virgo no
2000-30000 military doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m virgo sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 straight christianitym cancer trying to qu
100-2000 straight m aquarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs catholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism af capricorn bno
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam no
60000-100000 sales / marhas kids straight likes dogs aother m aries no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight catholicismf libra but i no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 student gay has dogs m cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f pisces but no
100-2000 straight has dogs christianityf aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay agnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf no
100-2000 straight other f leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 transportation straight catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight christianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight atheism m libra but i when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism f virgo and i no
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butf virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes cats other and f aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has cats christianityf leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism m virgo and i no
100-2000 straight f taurus no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aquarius no
100-2000 constructiohas kids straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay buddhism bu m pisces no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes m aries but i yes
100-2000 student straight has dogs another and lf scorpio andyes
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 other gay m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf no
100-2000 student wants kids bisexual m taurus and no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs hinduism an m sagittarius no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
2000-30000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and has catf no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m cancer andno
40000-50000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini butno
2000-30000 unemployed straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andyes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has cats f no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs m no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs m pisces but trying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight atheism and m leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anagnosticis f aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis m scorpio butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and dislikesm libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs agnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism anm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm aquarius no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism and f virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism butm capricorn bno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight atheism and f no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs achristianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight buddhism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m sometimes
100-2000 other straight agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 student straight catholicis m no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m cancer andno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight m pisces and no
100-2000 student gay buddhism am libra no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf aquarius anno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight m taurus and when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes caf libra and i no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs ahinduism bu f sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight m virgo no
100-2000 other straight christianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight catholicismm aries and i no
50000-60000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicis m scorpio butno
100-2000 straight f sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticis f gemini butno
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs anagnosticismm aquarius anno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes cats other but nm gemini andyes
100-2000 has a kid straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus and no
100-2000 has kids, straight m libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism am leo and it&no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs atheism butm libra but i no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs other and lm gemini butsometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianitym virgo but i no
100-2000 student gay m taurus no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism anm no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs ancatholicismm gemini andsometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm gemini andsometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight atheism m no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m gemini no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother but nf taurus but no
100-2000 student straight m no
2000-30000 education / academiabisexual dislikes dogjudaism butf pisces and when drink
2000-30000 science / tech / engin straight atheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aatheism m virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m scorpio no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m scorpio butno
30000-40000 military straight likes cats other m scorpio no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis m cancer andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianitym gemini no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf libra but i no
50000-60000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm scorpio no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight other but nf sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has cats christianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anchristianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticis f libra no
100-2000 education / academiastraight other f capricorn no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf leo and it&no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight has cats f leo no
100-2000 law / legal has a kid straight other f scorpio andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs m sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother and f libra and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aother m scorpio andno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis f sagittarius no
100-2000 student has a kid straight has dogs m aquarius no
100-2000 straight m yes
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm capricorn bno
30000-40000 executive has a kid straight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs atheism f aries when drink
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo and i yes
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
2000-30000 other gay has dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiagay m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs f taurus no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m taurus no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight other f gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay agnosticismm capricorn bno
40000-50000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsf taurus and no
60000-100000 political / wants kids straight has dogs anchristianit m aries and i no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight has dogs m capricorn ayes
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs catholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticis f leo and it&sometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes cats buddhism bu m leo but it no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aries but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m taurus but no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f cancer no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit f sagittarius no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m pisces and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs buddhism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs m gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight has dogs ancatholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight hinduism bu f gemini butno
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism m aries no
100-2000 other straight has dogs another but nf leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m taurus but no
2000-30000 retired has a kid, straight buddhism m libra and i no
100-2000 other straight m pisces but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f cancer andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m libra but i no
100-2000 student straight atheism butm no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and m aquarius anyes
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight hinduism bu m gemini andno
40000-50000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother but nf taurus and no
100-2000 other straight atheism anm taurus but no
100-2000 other straight m virgo but i yes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs abuddhism bu m cancer andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmhas kids, straight likes dogs islam but nm gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m virgo no
60000-100000 other straight m aries no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs aother and vf pisces but no
2000-30000 other has kids, straight dislikes catother and vf pisces but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m libra no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f scorpio andno
100-2000 student gay has dogs atheism and m taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f gemini butno
100-2000 straight has dogs m leo no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m scorpio butno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianitym aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries but i no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs and likes catm no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m libra but i no
100-2000 straight f aquarius anyes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m aries but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticis f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio butno
60000-100000 law / legal services straight dislikes cats m aquarius buno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianit m leo but it no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aquarius no
100-2000 other straight has dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight dislikes catchristianitym no
100-2000 other has a kid straight m capricorn when drink
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m taurus and no
100-2000 entertainmhas a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 bisexual agnosticis f libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m pisces no
100-2000 rather not has kids gay likes dogs other and f scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f gemini no
100-2000 political / governmentgay likes dogs aother and lm aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs buddhism bu m libra but i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m gemini andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs and has catsf gemini andno
60000-100000 gay buddhism bu m taurus and no
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight christianit f leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs aatheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 gay has dogs anagnosticis m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 student gay m taurus no
100-2000 executive / managembisexual likes dogs and dislikesm taurus and no
100-2000 other straight other and vm cancer when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight buddhism bu f pisces but no
100-2000 bisexual agnosticismf taurus but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m pisces but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has dogs f virgo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
2000-30000 construction / crafts straight catholicismm leo trying to qu
100-2000 straight catholicismm cancer but when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight catholicis m libra no
100-2000 student straight christianit f aquarius anno
2000-30000 transportation straight likes dogs christianit m capricorn asometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f pisces and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f scorpio andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 other wants kids straight catholicismm aries but i yes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m when drink
100-2000 straight f virgo no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m scorpio andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism f capricorn ano
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
50000-60000 transportation straight likes dogs aother m cancer yes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes cats m leo but it no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini butno
100-2000 student straight buddhism am yes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes caf virgo but i yes
100-2000 executive / managembisexual other f capricorn no
100-2000 executive has a kid straight atheism butf scorpio no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius ansometimes
50000-60000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra no
100-2000 straight f virgo yes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight hinduism f cancer no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs catholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight buddhism bu m no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 other has kids, straight likes dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs ancatholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay christianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianityf virgo yes
100-2000 straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym libra but i sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f no
100-2000 student straight has dogs other and vm libra and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f capricorn no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anm gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids bisexual agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries but i no
2000-30000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m taurus but no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu gay other and lf capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m capricorn no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit f libra but i no
100-2000 straight has dogs and has catsm no
2000-30000 military straight likes dogs buddhism m pisces no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight agnosticismf no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs aatheism and m aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs and dislikesm taurus no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight catholicismf leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay has dogs christianitym virgo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianityf capricorn ano
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm capricorn ayes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius when drink
100-2000 straight christianitym no
100-2000 other straight has dogs another but nf sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f leo and it&when drink
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lm libra and i no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes caf taurus and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m no
50000-60000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 straight m libra no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism am gemini andsometimes
60000-100000 political / has a kid straight christianitym no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis f scorpio butno
100-2000 straight m leo but it yes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m pisces and no
100-2000 other has kids straight catholicis f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m no
50000-60000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs aother f gemini andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer andno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
100-2000 education has kids straight other f gemini no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight other m taurus and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus but no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianityf scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight other but nm taurus no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs atheism m gemini no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual m cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianit f aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 gay dislikes dogs and disli f cancer no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay has dogs buddhism bu m cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism m virgo but i yes
60000-100000 education has a kid straight likes dogs christianitym aquarius buno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs other but nm aries but i no
100-2000 student straight f capricorn no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m no
100-2000 straight hinduism bu f taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other f capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and has catm aquarius no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am leo but it no
100-2000 student gay has dogs anagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 straight agnosticismm cancer andno
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces and no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 law / legal services straight agnosticis f cancer no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit f libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m virgo but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight other f sagittarius no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight catholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay has dogs m leo no
100-2000 transportation straight likes cats buddhism m aries when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and has catm taurus and trying to qu
60000-100000 law / legal has a kid straight likes dogs christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs f scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs achristianit m gemini andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight atheism butm sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs buddhism af aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anm aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has cats agnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf libra but i no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces but no
60000-100000 rather not say straight m taurus no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has cats atheism butm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo but i when drink
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m gemini butyes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianitym pisces but no
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs agnosticismf pisces but no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius buno
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m sagittarius no
100-2000 political / has a kid straight likes dogs christianityf aquarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism f gemini no
100-2000 straight atheism f virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butf aquarius buno
100-2000 military straight agnosticismm capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight hinduism f no
100-2000 unemployed straight has dogs and likes catf aries and itno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f scorpio no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m aries sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother and vf aquarius anno
100-2000 has a kid straight m leo no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m leo no
100-2000 straight f taurus and no
60000-100000 executive / managemgay buddhism bu m aries but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs other but nf aries and i no
100-2000 other straight m libra no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf pisces and yes
100-2000 student straight catholicismm taurus no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs buddhism f pisces but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m capricorn no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs acatholicis m aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m leo and it&trying to qu
40000-50000 medicine / health straight likes cats catholicis m virgo no
100-2000 executive has a kid gay has cats agnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight has dogs agnosticis m scorpio butno
40000-50000 artistic / musical / wristraight m pisces but sometimes
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight agnosticis m scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / health gay has dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay m no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other straight christianityf no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis m leo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay other m leo no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticismm when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m yes
100-2000 other gay likes dogs abuddhism am virgo and i no
2000-30000 unemployed straight m scorpio andyes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay catholicismm virgo but i when drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs f scorpio butno
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid, straight m libra sometimes
100-2000 other straight buddhism bu m aries and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf scorpio andno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs and likes catf taurus and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 straight has dogs f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs ancatholicis m libra but i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio butno
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs agnosticis m scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 gay has dogs another m scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and vm cancer but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay m cancer sometimes
100-2000 straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 education has kids, straight m no
100-2000 political / governmentgay agnosticis m gemini trying to qu
100-2000 hospitality / travel bisexual likes dogs m leo and it&no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 unemployed straight likes dogs abuddhism m taurus and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism and m capricorn ano
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m libra and i no
100-2000 other straight catholicismf taurus but sometimes
100-2000 other straight catholicismm aries and i when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs and likes catm sagittarius no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs m no
100-2000 other straight f virgo no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i when drink
100-2000 has kids straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs buddhism m libra no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs catholicismm cancer but when drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay dislikes dogatheism and m taurus and when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and has catm leo and it&no
60000-100000 clerical / a has a kid straight has dogs another f aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight m cancer andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis f capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight islam and m cancer but no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs atheism and m cancer but yes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight dislikes do christianit f virgo and i when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight dislikes catbuddhism am aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs agnosticismm pisces but no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi bisexual has dogs judaism and f virgo but i yes
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m gemini butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus no
100-2000 straight m when drink
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs catholicismm leo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight other m capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f sometimes
100-2000 education has kids, straight likes dogs aother and f gemini butno
50000-60000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm pisces and sometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf libra and i no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs m cancer but trying to qu
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m libra and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs f libra and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo but i when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit f aquarius buno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs other f sagittarius no
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs and likes caf virgo and i no
100-2000 straight f pisces but no
40000-50000 political / governmentgay f sagittarius sometimes
50000-60000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu m capricorn btrying to qu
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m aquarius no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother f capricorn ano
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight other m cancer andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismf pisces no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight catholicismm taurus no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother and lm sagittarius yes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism and m capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 transportathas kids straight catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight has dogs ancatholicismf virgo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight likes dogs buddhism am sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and m aquarius anno
60000-100000 computer / hardware gay catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight has cats atheism m sagittarius no
50000-60000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m aries and ityes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / wants kids gay likes dogs and dislikesm no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m cancer no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
50000-60000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs buddhism bu f cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianit f aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs agnosticismf libra and i sometimes
100-2000 education has a kid straight other m virgo no
100-2000 straight m yes
100-2000 straight other m no
60000-100000 executive has a kid straight likes dogs achristianitym pisces no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 straight other m no
100-2000 other straight other m aries trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anno
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aries but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f libra and i when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aother and lf taurus but sometimes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware bisexual m leo and it&no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight f leo no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs achristianit m leo but it no
100-2000 gay likes dogs acatholicismm aries and i when drink
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes cats agnosticismf capricorn ano
100-2000 student gay has dogs ancatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu bisexual has cats atheism and f scorpio andyes
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight f capricorn no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism anm aries and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f gemini no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m leo but it no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs catholicismm cancer andno
2000-30000 other straight has dogs anagnosticismm pisces but trying to qu
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight other but nm libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm aries and i no
2000-30000 doesn&rsqu straight m gemini andno
100-2000 executive has kids straight christianitym no
100-2000 straight m sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 other has kids, straight christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 other straight has dogs other m capricorn sometimes
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs atheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m aries when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and f leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs abuddhism bu m when drink
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis f virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight f aries and i no
100-2000 hospitality might wantstraight has dogs and dislikes m pisces and when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm taurus and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight other and lf aries and i no
100-2000 student straight m capricorn no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm leo and it&yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit f taurus and sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces but no
100-2000 student straight m cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs other f libra and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs agnosticis f aries sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f gemini no
100-2000 other straight christianit f gemini when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m cancer but no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes caf no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes cats catholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anbuddhism bu m cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and f cancer but no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight likes dogs christianityf gemini when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs achristianitym leo and it&no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism bu m aquarius anno
60000-100000 hospitality / travel straight agnosticismf sometimes
100-2000 other straight f gemini andno
60000-100000 medicine / has a kid straight f cancer no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu m leo and it&sometimes
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight christianitym leo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio no
100-2000 other straight m aries no
100-2000 student straight has dogs f libra no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini andyes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs ancatholicis m scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus and no
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs agnosticismf capricorn ano
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs another m scorpio andno
50000-60000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticis m taurus no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and m libra but i no
100-2000 other straight catholicismf gemini no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 other has a kid straight other f sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 constructiohas kids gay f scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs other m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f leo and it&no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs atheism butm aquarius busometimes
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes cats islam and m capricorn no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m gemini no
100-2000 other straight m taurus trying to qu
100-2000 other straight likes cats m aries no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis m gemini andno
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 straight f gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs achristianityf gemini andno
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 has a kid, bisexual has dogs and likes catf no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs judaism butf scorpio andno
30000-40000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticis m aquarius buno
100-2000 straight buddhism bu m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 straight atheism butm cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aother m capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butf cancer but no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anchristianit m aries but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism butm no
100-2000 medicine / health straight other f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf pisces no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
40000-50000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym aquarius buno
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogatheism and f gemini butsometimes
60000-100000 law / legal services straight likes dogs catholicismf no
100-2000 straight agnosticismf no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m cancer but when drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has cats f gemini no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight christianityf pisces but no
100-2000 gay likes dogs m libra when drink
50000-60000 clerical / a has a kid, straight likes dogs aatheism f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 other gay likes dogs other but nm pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m taurus but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius buno
100-2000 straight agnosticis m scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs buddhism f aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs agnosticis f sagittarius yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual f gemini no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf cancer sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight f sometimes
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother and vm aquarius anno
100-2000 student might wantstraight likes dogs christianit f scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay other and vm capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs ancatholicismf cancer but when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs and has catsf aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs buddhism bu f scorpio no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f no
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs aother and vm cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs agnosticis m cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and dislikes m capricorn when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight dislikes dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianitym gemini no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother and lm libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism anm sagittarius no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aatheism butm gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight hinduism m aquarius anno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight m capricorn bno
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and lm cancer but no
50000-60000 artistic / musical / wristraight m no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother and lf aries but i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m scorpio sometimes
100-2000 other bisexual m aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay dislikes dogcatholicismm pisces and sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m scorpio no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism m when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight dislikes dogchristianit f gemini butno
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs christianit f leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m cancer sometimes
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 executive has kids straight has dogs another f leo but it no
100-2000 other wants kids gay likes dogs other m virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and has catf scorpio andyes
100-2000 student straight has cats other but nm libra trying to qu
60000-100000 rather not say straight likes dogs and likes caf aries no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs anagnosticis m cancer andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs agnosticis m gemini no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m virgo and i no
2000-30000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight dislikes cats f no
30000-40000 hospitality / travel bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anchristianit f aquarius buno
100-2000 straight buddhism f gemini no
100-2000 other straight f virgo no
100-2000 student straight christianityf no
50000-60000 clerical / administrati straight f virgo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes caf taurus and no
100-2000 bisexual f sometimes
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism m pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m libra and i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f virgo but i no
100-2000 other has kids, gay likes dogs achristianit m libra no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f aries and i no
2000-30000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f leo and it&no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lf leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs agnosticis m no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm leo but it no
100-2000 other straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs anagnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight m sometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f sagittarius no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm sagittarius yes
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm libra but i when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism anm aquarius buno
2000-30000 political / governmentgay likes dogs achristianit m gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
30000-40000 artistic / musical / wristraight m no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries but i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m capricorn no
2000-30000 other bisexual likes dogs other and m aquarius busometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight buddhism m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit f taurus and no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight has dogs anbuddhism af pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs achristianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs f virgo no
30000-40000 artistic / musical / wrigay other and m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight buddhism bu m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs abuddhism am aquarius anno
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn asometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m no
100-2000 other has kids straight m taurus but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm no
100-2000 straight buddhism m scorpio no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicis f virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicis f pisces no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and dislikesm aries no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m cancer no
100-2000 other has kids, straight christianit f scorpio andyes
100-2000 straight has dogs f aries no
40000-50000 sales / marhas a kid straight dislikes catother and lf capricorn bno
50000-60000 science / tech / engin gay has dogs anchristianit m leo but it sometimes
100-2000 other bisexual has dogs and likes catf libra and i trying to qu
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes cats m cancer no
100-2000 straight has cats christianit f libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anno
40000-50000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay has dogs and likes catm virgo and i yes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m cancer but sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 student gay agnosticismm cancer but yes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 student has a kid bisexual christianityf cancer when drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs anchristianit f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m taurus no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs agnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 straight catholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm taurus but no
50000-60000 other straight catholicismm no
100-2000 rather not say straight buddhism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm aries but i no
30000-40000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight f yes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit f capricorn ano
40000-50000 artistic / musical / wristraight m cancer sometimes
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight f capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m cancer no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianityf virgo and i no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam scorpio butno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and f taurus but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticis f scorpio no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm cancer but yes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismf aries but i no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs and likes catm virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm taurus and no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianit f gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs other but nm aries but i no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and lm virgo and i no
100-2000 has a kid straight christianitym pisces no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aatheism anm cancer but no
30000-40000 education / academiagay likes dogs acatholicis m libra but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf taurus but no
2000-30000 political / governmentgay m virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs buddhism af gemini andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but no
2000-30000 student straight christianit m scorpio butno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight dislikes dogagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs abuddhism am libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes cats m leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm sometimes
100-2000 other bisexual has dogs anatheism and f sagittarius no
2000-30000 other straight has dogs christianitym aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight catholicis m no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m pisces no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m scorpio andno
2000-30000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo and i no
30000-40000 transportathas a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight has dogs anchristianit f pisces but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs catholicismf aquarius when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 straight m when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m capricorn btrying to qu
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight christianitym sagittarius no
2000-30000 other has a kid straight likes dogs aatheism butm aries but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f virgo no
100-2000 straight christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 other gay likes dogs achristianityf virgo and ityes
100-2000 science / t has a kid, straight likes dogs aatheism butm libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs f aries and i no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm leo but it no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m libra and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f when drink
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu gay m taurus and no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo and i no
50000-60000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs other but nm gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual f taurus and no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f cancer andno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs and likes cam libra and i no
100-2000 other straight christianitym gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight f libra no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism butm virgo but i when drink
100-2000 other straight agnosticismf cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius anno
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and likes catf cancer no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight buddhism am capricorn no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym taurus no
100-2000 gay other and vf virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini andyes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight has cats other f virgo and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight m leo yes
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm scorpio butno
2000-30000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs ancatholicis f pisces and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianityf pisces no
100-2000 other straight f libra but i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm leo but it sometimes
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi gay christianit m cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs other but nm scorpio butno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight dislikes cats f pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aother but nf leo and it&no
100-2000 political / governmentgay likes dogs and likes caf libra and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight other but nm scorpio butno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight other but nm virgo and i when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m libra no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs achristianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
2000-30000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m pisces but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs catholicismm libra no
100-2000 straight christianit m no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs christianitym pisces no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi bisexual likes dogs and has catf scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf aquarius anno
60000-100000 entertainment / medibisexual likes dogs aagnosticis f aquarius anno
100-2000 other has kids straight christianit f leo and it mno
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anagnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism bu m aries but i when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight other but nm libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal services gay catholicismm gemini no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs abuddhism af aries and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight catholicismm gemini sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f pisces yes
100-2000 student straight has dogs catholicismm when drink
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes cats m taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal services straight f scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m cancer but no
100-2000 student straight has cats christianityf capricorn no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 executive has kids straight likes dogs other f pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism af virgo but i no
100-2000 straight atheism f no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health bisexual likes dogs aother f taurus and when drink
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight has dogs agnosticismf capricorn no
100-2000 military straight has dogs and likes catm aquarius no
100-2000 straight agnosticis f virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs atheism butm leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight other but nm no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has cats other but nm leo and it&no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f aries but i no
2000-30000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit f pisces and yes
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f virgo and i no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m scorpio no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f virgo no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nf pisces and trying to qu
2000-30000 student gay atheism anm aquarius buno
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight hinduism af virgo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m scorpio no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m taurus but no
2000-30000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism m sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit m gemini sometimes
100-2000 straight m virgo no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 retired has kids, straight has dogs another f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight has dogs m scorpio no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight hinduism am scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 gay m virgo but i when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm virgo and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs agnosticis m aries no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs m leo no
60000-100000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs m sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs catholicis m pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianitym aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 straight has dogs catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 student gay catholicismm pisces and when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f no
100-2000 other gay agnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight catholicismm gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi bisexual christianityf taurus no
100-2000 law / legal services gay has dogs ancatholicismf gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs christianit f capricorn bno
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m libra and i no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m leo but it no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butf cancer but no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m leo and it mwhen drink
50000-60000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
100-2000 straight m virgo no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism anm sagittarius no
30000-40000 other gay likes dogs abuddhism m virgo but i yes
100-2000 gay likes dogs buddhism m virgo but i yes
100-2000 law / legal has kids, straight likes dogs ajudaism m cancer andno
30000-40000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 straight hinduism m scorpio no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m cancer andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs aagnosticis m pisces sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m scorpio sometimes
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismf pisces but no
100-2000 student straight christianit m sagittarius when drink
50000-60000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs christianit f pisces and no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs catholicismm gemini no
100-2000 other straight m gemini no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anagnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit m cancer andno
100-2000 student bisexual agnosticismf libra but i sometimes
40000-50000 other bisexual likes dogs other but nf leo and it&no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs other m aries trying to qu
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m virgo sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus no
100-2000 straight m sagittarius no
40000-50000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother f sagittarius no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m gemini buttrying to qu
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am leo and it&no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
2000-30000 unemployed straight likes dogs agnosticis m gemini butno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andno
100-2000 student straight likes cats f scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism f libra no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismf taurus and no
30000-40000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn when drink
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m aquarius yes
100-2000 straight f libra no
2000-30000 student straight dislikes dogagnosticismm pisces but no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 medicine / health gay buddhism af taurus and no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight atheism anm when drink
100-2000 other gay buddhism bu m gemini no
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio buttrying to qu
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aislam and f virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay has dogs anagnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay buddhism m scorpio when drink
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m taurus and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf capricorn no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m taurus no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it when drink
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism f cancer andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis f cancer but no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes cats atheism butf scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f gemini butno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticis f virgo and i no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit f libra and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismf cancer but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianityf aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu f leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogs and disli f aquarius buno
2000-30000 medicine / wants kids straight likes dogs aatheism and m leo but it no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m libra no
60000-100000 other has a kid straight other and m cancer andno
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay catholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f aries and i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and vf taurus and no
30000-40000 hospitality / travel straight m taurus but trying to qu
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight has dogs christianit f cancer but sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual has dogs another f yes
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs other and vm capricorn no
100-2000 science / t might wantstraight likes dogs catholicis m aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf aries no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes cats christianityf no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid, straight judaism butm taurus but when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm leo but it no
60000-100000 computer /has kids straight likes dogs christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and has catf libra and i when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicismf leo no
100-2000 straight likes dogs other m gemini no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight catholicismf scorpio yes
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs another but nm leo but it yes
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight likes dogs aother but nm scorpio andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m aries but i no
100-2000 other wants kids straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs ajudaism anf gemini andwhen drink
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay atheism and m capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs agnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs other but nf leo and it&no
100-2000 political / governmentgay has dogs catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogagnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismf cancer but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf leo but it no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m leo and it&no
100-2000 other wants kids straight m leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 straight atheism f sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight other and m virgo and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismm libra sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs atheism m cancer but yes
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aother m scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / health gay buddhism am virgo and i no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs aother and lf capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight f sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianityf gemini butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs anagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 student wants kids bisexual has dogs christianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs aatheism f virgo and i sometimes
40000-50000 education / academiastraight has cats christianit f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs m taurus but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism m gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight f aquarius sometimes
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight m aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs f pisces and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 medicine / health gay m capricorn no
100-2000 straight christianit m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aatheism butm no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and lf pisces and no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs abuddhism am virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i when drink
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm libra no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m no
100-2000 other straight f no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs christianit m virgo and itno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m leo but it no
100-2000 science / t has a kid straight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes caf cancer andno
30000-40000 other straight dislikes dogchristianit f taurus and when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother and f pisces but no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m virgo no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes cats atheism anf virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight hinduism an m capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f libra but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f capricorn no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 straight has dogs m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but yes
100-2000 other straight atheism butm cancer but no
40000-50000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio butno
100-2000 student bisexual has dogs ancatholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and f sagittarius no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis f cancer andyes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay has dogs catholicis m scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs catholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f taurus and no
100-2000 straight m libra but i trying to qu
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 education / academiabisexual has cats agnosticis f leo no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid straight likes dogs catholicismf leo but it no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight atheism m pisces when drink
100-2000 has a kid, straight f capricorn atrying to qu
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym capricorn yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism butm no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs anatheism and m aries and i when drink
100-2000 straight has dogs m sagittarius no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother f leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianitym no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f aquarius anno
2000-30000 student straight other m no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight likes dogs christianit f capricorn ano
30000-40000 political / governmentstraight likes cats other and vm virgo but i trying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianit m leo and it&sometimes
60000-100000 medicine / health straight other and vm aries and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs other but nm libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay has dogs f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio yes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m capricorn no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs ahinduism bu m scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs and has catsf aries and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f aquarius no
50000-60000 constructiohas kids, straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andsometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 other straight f cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianitym no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam aries and i yes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius buno
2000-30000 student straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight dislikes do christianityf no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism f sagittarius no
50000-60000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianitym scorpio andyes
100-2000 education has kids, straight christianit f sagittarius no
2000-30000 gay likes dogs achristianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m cancer but no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight catholicismf taurus and sometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs aatheism m taurus and no
2000-30000 student gay m taurus but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lf aries no
100-2000 student gay has dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 straight christianityf sometimes
100-2000 education / academiagay atheism and m aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anatheism anf aries sometimes
100-2000 construction / crafts straight catholicismm cancer but no
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight f leo when drink
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m capricorn ano
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs christianit m scorpio no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has cats catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and has catm taurus but no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm aries but i sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs other m scorpio no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs agnosticis m aries but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and f leo and it&no
40000-50000 education / academiastraight has cats other and lf capricorn bno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aatheism m scorpio andno
100-2000 straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 gay likes dogs abuddhism am no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and dislikesm no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 other gay catholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m leo yes
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs f when drink
100-2000 student straight has dogs and likes catf cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f gemini no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight dislikes dogs and likesf cancer no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf capricorn ano
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother and lf scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay m aries no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit f pisces but no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs other f no
100-2000 straight has dogs catholicis f leo yes
100-2000 entertainment / medibisexual christianityf taurus and when drink
100-2000 straight f pisces no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym capricorn bno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs and likes catm no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism anm virgo but i when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs catholicis m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf cancer no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m leo when drink
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs buddhism bu m leo but it no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs and likes caf sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f cancer no
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu straight dislikes do other m virgo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m pisces and when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 education / academiagay m scorpio andno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs and likes catm cancer andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticis f capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / health gay has dogs anbuddhism af gemini andsometimes
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs and likes catm cancer sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs other m when drink
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism and m aries and i no
100-2000 straight m no
2000-30000 student wants kids gay likes dogs other m pisces no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay m virgo no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs f aquarius busometimes
100-2000 education wants kids straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism and m virgo no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and has catf taurus and sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m gemini andno
40000-50000 hospitality has kids, straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / health bisexual likes dogs agnosticismf capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 gay has dogs anagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight m gemini trying to qu
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m libra and i no
50000-60000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f pisces but no
100-2000 transportation bisexual likes dogs buddhism am leo and it&no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m scorpio no
50000-60000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismf aries but i when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother but nf libra but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f libra and i no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs buddhism af no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism f libra no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismm aries and i sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs f gemini no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aatheism anm capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs and likes caf libra and itno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismf leo but it no
2000-30000 other has a kid straight m gemini andsometimes
100-2000 straight other and vm aquarius buno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio no
100-2000 retired straight m no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismf capricorn bno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 student straight m aquarius sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 rather not has kids bisexual christianit f cancer sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight dislikes dogchristianit f aries but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit m capricorn no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight buddhism f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aother and lf leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight f scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs agnosticismm no
50000-60000 transportathas kids straight catholicismm gemini sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and dislikesf virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight hinduism f cancer no
30000-40000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f leo but it no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianityf no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight buddhism f no
40000-50000 education has kids straight likes dogs christianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 law / legal services straight hinduism af leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight has dogs christianit f leo no
100-2000 straight f taurus and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs f pisces no
2000-30000 medicine / has a kid straight f gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual f libra sometimes
2000-30000 other straight other f libra and i no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight other f aries and i no
100-2000 student straight f gemini andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight f no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 straight m no
60000-100000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight other but nf aquarius anno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus but yes
100-2000 rather not has a kid gay likes dogs abuddhism an f scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
30000-40000 education has a kid, straight has dogs f cancer no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini butno
2000-30000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianitym no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 straight christianit m sometimes
100-2000 straight has dogs and dislikes f aries but i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m libra sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay atheism m pisces when drink
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra but i no
30000-40000 other bisexual buddhism am libra but i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m no
100-2000 gay f pisces trying to qu
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid, straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs f capricorn bno
2000-30000 medicine / health straight likes dogs buddhism bu f gemini butno
100-2000 student straight hinduism bu m pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i no
100-2000 straight christianitym aquarius no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism am libra and i no
100-2000 constructiohas kids straight has dogs catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs abuddhism bu m leo and it&no
100-2000 gay has dogs m no
100-2000 student straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs abuddhism bu m cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes m aquarius no
100-2000 straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicis f gemini andno
40000-50000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs catholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 student straight other m virgo and i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 computer /has kids straight other but nm gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 unemployed straight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs atheism butm taurus and no
100-2000 other straight m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs anbuddhism am aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay m virgo when drink
60000-100000 student straight catholicismm pisces no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
60000-100000 law / legal services straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius anno
2000-30000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother but nm libra and i sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism f leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 education / academiastraight atheism m aries and i no
40000-50000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs christianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight f virgo trying to qu
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight hinduism bu m scorpio butno
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs agnosticismf pisces but no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m taurus no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini butsometimes
100-2000 has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f no
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f libra but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs hinduism bu f libra and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu f capricorn bno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight buddhism f capricorn no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicis f taurus and no
100-2000 hospitality has a kid straight likes dogs aother but nf aries but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight other m aquarius no
100-2000 student straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs m libra no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anf scorpio butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight other and lm libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight hinduism bu f gemini andno
40000-50000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m aries no
100-2000 straight has dogs christianit f no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs christianityf taurus no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m gemini no
2000-30000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism f leo and it&no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs hinduism m libra but i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m gemini butno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight agnosticismm no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother but nm capricorn ano
100-2000 straight m cancer andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs and dislikes f aries no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and has catf taurus and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs buddhism f taurus and no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has cats f no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has cats agnosticis f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f gemini andno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f taurus and no
60000-100000 science / t has kids, straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn byes
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware bisexual likes dogs agnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 straight christianityf aries no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f libra no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 education has kids, straight has cats catholicismf capricorn ano
50000-60000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m taurus but no
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs and has catf virgo and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m leo no
100-2000 other has a kid straight other f virgo but i when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs m cancer no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m sometimes
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aatheism and f sagittarius yes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs another but nf taurus and no
100-2000 other straight buddhism bu f no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism anm taurus and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu f taurus and no
40000-50000 military straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries but i trying to qu
100-2000 education has a kid straight f scorpio no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs m virgo and i no
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aquarius no
2000-30000 clerical / a has a kid straight likes dogs aother and vf no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m pisces and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butno
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu bisexual has cats buddhism f cancer sometimes
100-2000 law / legal services straight f no
100-2000 student straight christianit m leo no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight christianit f scorpio no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 other straight other f taurus and no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm no
60000-100000 straight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aatheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 straight f aries and i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs catholicis m aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 gay likes cats f sagittarius yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf pisces no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and has catm no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm capricorn bsometimes
60000-100000 military wants kids straight has dogs anchristianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other straight other and lm libra but i no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f capricorn no
30000-40000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm libra and i when drink
2000-30000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio andno
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes cats m aries but i sometimes
100-2000 straight f no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
50000-60000 other straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianityf leo and it&no
50000-60000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu m leo and it&trying to qu
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym pisces no
100-2000 executive / managemgay agnosticis m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm sagittarius no
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m leo and it&no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other m leo and it&sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes cats other f virgo but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other and lm virgo no
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes caf taurus and no
30000-40000 clerical / administrati bisexual has dogs other but nf pisces and no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight has cats catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 straight other m gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight buddhism f sagittarius no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m libra but i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and f cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids, straight dislikes do catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight other and f aquarius anno
2000-30000 other straight atheism m pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight likes dogs f libra and i no
100-2000 executive / managemgay has dogs anagnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight atheism and f taurus but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism anm no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf no
100-2000 straight m no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m gemini butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism anm scorpio andsometimes
50000-60000 political / governmentstraight christianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf libra but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism f leo no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism m trying to qu
60000-100000 straight agnosticismm leo and it&when drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs m taurus but when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight atheism and f no
100-2000 rather not say gay likes dogs acatholicis m virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu gay atheism and m leo and it&no
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianit f gemini no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m taurus no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and lf cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 straight likes cats f virgo but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm taurus and no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and lm pisces but no
2000-30000 student straight dislikes dogchristianit m aquarius busometimes
100-2000 other straight has dogs catholicis f gemini andsometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf scorpio no
100-2000 other gay catholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes cats christianit f libra but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m pisces and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight likes dogs aother f gemini no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 straight catholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 straight other and vm no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism butm pisces and no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m gemini butno
100-2000 retired straight m no
100-2000 has a kid, straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f cancer andno
100-2000 straight f no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit f gemini butno
2000-30000 student has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticismf leo and it&trying to qu
2000-30000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aislam and vf capricorn ano
40000-50000 education / academiastraight catholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m scorpio no
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight likes dogs agnosticis f capricorn bno
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs catholicismm taurus but no
40000-50000 military straight has dogs catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f virgo and i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticis m leo but it when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs m leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight f no
60000-100000 rather not say straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm aquarius busometimes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other m leo no
2000-30000 student straight christianit m libra but i yes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight buddhism m leo no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m aries but i trying to qu
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f leo and it&when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs and likes catf gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other but nm leo but it no
100-2000 other has a kid straight m aries but i no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 other straight has dogs catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticis m libra and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight agnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes cats agnosticis m virgo no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism m virgo but i no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs acatholicis m libra but i sometimes
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f virgo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs agnosticis m aquarius sometimes
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius butrying to qu
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight likes dogs aother but nm gemini andtrying to qu
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andyes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs atheism anm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight christianit f scorpio butno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight buddhism bu f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs other but nm scorpio butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and vm capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m pisces and when drink
100-2000 retired has kids, straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs f cancer andno
100-2000 student straight has cats christianityf no
2000-30000 student straight buddhism bu m capricorn no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianitym gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs and has catsm aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anagnosticis m cancer andno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight atheism butm leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer andyes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f pisces and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight agnosticis f pisces and no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight other m aquarius anno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
40000-50000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs achristianitym capricorn bno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight atheism m leo but it no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight m no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism am libra and i sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other but nf sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs other and vf capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianit f no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight christianit m aquarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight agnosticis f cancer but no
100-2000 other straight christianit f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs atheism f scorpio butsometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism m aquarius buno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other m sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has dogs and likes catf aquarius anno
100-2000 retired straight f taurus and no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogagnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f no
100-2000 straight f when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f leo no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis f scorpio no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism m pisces no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay atheism anm when drink
100-2000 student straight likes cats agnosticis m gemini andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 other has kids, straight buddhism bu f aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs atheism m gemini no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf scorpio butno
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 other straight has dogs anchristianit m capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and m aries no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f aries and i sometimes
100-2000 executive has a kid straight has dogs ancatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism and f sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / administrati bisexual f taurus no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight catholicismm libra sometimes
100-2000 straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs other but nm scorpio butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay m cancer yes
40000-50000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f libra but i no
100-2000 straight has dogs anchristianityf no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other and lm libra and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and has catf no
50000-60000 computer / hardware straight has cats m gemini yes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogcatholicismm taurus no
100-2000 rather not say straight other and vm sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight other m gemini trying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit m virgo and i yes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 other straight hinduism f aries but i no
100-2000 student straight agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf cancer no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i when drink
2000-30000 retired doesn&rsqu straight likes cats christianitym capricorn no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another f leo trying to qu
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 student straight atheism anm no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianityf taurus no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs other m libra no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m taurus when drink
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus but when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm taurus trying to qu
100-2000 straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother m scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu f capricorn ano
100-2000 student gay has dogs and likes catm aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight catholicis m taurus and when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has cats other and lf aries and i no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f virgo no
100-2000 rather not has a kid straight likes dogs f cancer andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs achristianitym taurus no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother m scorpio when drink
60000-100000 transportatmight wantstraight likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius no
30000-40000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianityf no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother f aquarius anno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes cats atheism and m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianityf aries no
2000-30000 constructiomight wantstraight has dogs anagnosticismm leo but it sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio butno
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight m leo but it no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogs and disli f aquarius yes
100-2000 student straight m leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs agnosticis f pisces no
2000-30000 straight f gemini no
100-2000 education / academiastraight agnosticismf leo and it&when drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aother f aries and i no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit f aries and i no
100-2000 gay likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health straight other f aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs anbuddhism bu m capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight other m capricorn no
100-2000 straight catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay dislikes dogs and likesm pisces and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f pisces no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f pisces no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs agnosticis f capricorn when drink
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid, straight f gemini no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs other m capricorn no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianitym gemini andsometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism butm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight has cats m scorpio no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f taurus but no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / wants kids straight likes dogs christianit f libra but i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m leo and it&no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs atheism and m gemini no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight atheism f leo no
100-2000 military straight has dogs christianitym taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs other f cancer no
60000-100000 medicine / has kids straight likes cats christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aries but i trying to qu
100-2000 other straight catholicismf aries no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother f cancer no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m scorpio no
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf aries sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs other and lm aquarius anyes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight f no
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs m libra and i trying to qu
100-2000 gay has dogs f gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / mmight wantstraight likes dogs agnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 other straight other and vf aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight has dogs other m scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism af cancer no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and has catm taurus and yes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight other f capricorn no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m leo no
30000-40000 law / legal services straight has dogs anchristianit m aries and i yes
100-2000 other gay likes dogs buddhism bu m aquarius buno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus no
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis f sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight m libra no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism f cancer but no
2000-30000 education doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f taurus but no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism m aquarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianitym virgo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother but nm taurus and no
100-2000 straight dislikes dogs and disli m no
100-2000 executive has kids straight has dogs anchristianit f libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicis m taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs catholicismm aquarius no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs another m pisces and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym capricorn no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and m scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f leo no
30000-40000 student straight agnosticis m sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer but no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs aatheism butm cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight m aquarius buno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam aries no
100-2000 gay other m libra no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf capricorn ano
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m gemini no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has cats christianit f taurus but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m gemini andno
100-2000 straight other but nm scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother and lm aries but i no
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs hinduism bu m taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay has cats f yes
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight f libra no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs aother and lf aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 law / legal services straight christianit f no
100-2000 other straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight likes dogs catholicis f cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism butf capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and m no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight hinduism an m scorpio butno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs another m virgo and i no
100-2000 executive has kids straight christianit m taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit f taurus no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf scorpio no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs christianit m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m no
60000-100000 other straight has dogs catholicismm scorpio no
60000-100000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight buddhism am libra when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight christianit m sagittarius no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 student straight buddhism m gemini no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay other m libra but i yes
100-2000 gay m leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismm libra no
50000-60000 transportathas kids straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces and trying to qu
60000-100000 medicine / has a kid straight other but nf cancer andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf scorpio no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf libra no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight hinduism am virgo and i no
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m libra and i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces and yes
100-2000 computer /has kids, straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight f pisces but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f aquarius anno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs buddhism an f scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay has dogs another and f sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployed straight has dogs catholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight other and lm leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism and f virgo but i no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight m taurus no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism f gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs hinduism bu m leo but it no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 student straight f scorpio no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs atheism m cancer no
100-2000 has a kid straight atheism f taurus sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight has cats agnosticis f no
100-2000 straight m pisces no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight m leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i sometimes
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother m pisces but no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay has cats f virgo trying to qu
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i trying to qu
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 straight m gemini butwhen drink
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm libra no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs atheism and f libra and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf sometimes
100-2000 law / legal has a kid, straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other and lf aries but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 education / academiastraight catholicismf no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs agnosticis m gemini andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs m capricorn bno
100-2000 straight agnosticismf cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf leo no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight dislikes catother m libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs buddhism m gemini andno
100-2000 straight m taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism and f taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicis f virgo and i no
2000-30000 clerical / a wants kids straight likes dogs christianit f leo sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andsometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aatheism and m pisces and when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 retired straight atheism butf taurus and sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m gemini andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f leo but it no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight f leo no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
60000-100000 executive has a kid straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus and when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm aquarius no
100-2000 other straight likes cats f no
100-2000 student straight has cats catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm no
100-2000 other straight catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs f taurus no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism am scorpio no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight dislikes catatheism and m aries but i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f taurus but sometimes
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 other straight christianit f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym aries no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf pisces and no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym virgo sometimes
100-2000 wants kids straight m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f pisces and no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight m aquarius anno
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs catholicismm leo no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs m cancer sometimes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and dislikesm libra but i no
100-2000 student straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainmhas kids straight likes dogs achristianit f taurus but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight dislikes do catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m leo no
100-2000 other straight has dogs m gemini no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs ancatholicismf capricorn no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and has catf pisces no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f taurus and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight other m virgo but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs m leo no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats agnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 other straight m sagittarius no
50000-60000 medicine / has a kid, straight likes dogs aother but nm virgo and i no
100-2000 gay likes dogs other and vf pisces and sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight other but nf leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf taurus no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs catholicismm pisces and no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianit m virgo and i yes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo and i yes
100-2000 other straight dislikes cats m libra and i yes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight other and lf no
60000-100000 law / legal services gay likes dogs achristianit m libra no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs agnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 other has a kid straight likes dogs aother but nm gemini butno
100-2000 straight other and lf leo but it no
60000-100000 other straight other and lm leo but it no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticis f scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay agnosticis m aquarius buno
60000-100000 law / legal has kids, straight has dogs another but nf aries and i no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticis m virgo and i no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs ajudaism butm no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 straight has dogs and dislikes f scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other but nf capricorn asometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aatheism anm sagittarius yes
40000-50000 straight m scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 straight has dogs f taurus no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 executive / managemgay m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf capricorn bno
100-2000 other gay likes dogs christianit m aquarius buno
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer but no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius yes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm no
2000-30000 other straight buddhism bu m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m sometimes
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight f capricorn bno
40000-50000 hospitality / travel gay christianit m leo but it no
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism butm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f taurus but no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and dislikesm leo and it&no
60000-100000 student has a kid straight has dogs catholicis m sagittarius sometimes
50000-60000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other m libra and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs other m aries no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m aries but i when drink
100-2000 straight hinduism bu f leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism m virgo no
100-2000 other straight m capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism an m no
100-2000 other gay has dogs catholicismf libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf virgo and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs buddhism f no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticis f no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs aatheism and m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m no
100-2000 gay has dogs buddhism m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight other and f aquarius anno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs catholicismm taurus no
60000-100000 straight likes dogs and has catf virgo no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs anagnosticismf capricorn ayes
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aagnosticis m libra no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism butm virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m libra but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm taurus but when drink
30000-40000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius when drink
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs other m cancer andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m no
100-2000 straight has dogs anbuddhism bu m libra but i yes
100-2000 computer / hardware gay m libra but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism f sagittarius no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs achristianityf sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs anchristianit m pisces and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism and m aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f taurus no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother and m gemini buttrying to qu
100-2000 straight likes dogs aother and lm libra and i sometimes
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs christianitym aries no
100-2000 education / academiagay has dogs agnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f aquarius buno
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs achristianitym cancer no
100-2000 straight f aquarius anno
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight catholicismf capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight has dogs m no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes cam scorpio butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu m cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f taurus and no
100-2000 student straight other m scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianitym scorpio no
40000-50000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs acatholicis m capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm libra no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and dislikesm cancer andno
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight christianit m scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis f scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs catholicismf taurus no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs m virgo no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio andyes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf gemini no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight m pisces no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid, straight likes dogs christianitym gemini no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight likes dogs m capricorn bno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and lm virgo but i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight christianitym cancer when drink
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m taurus and no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs agnosticis m libra no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs f virgo and i no
40000-50000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis m leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianitym scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m capricorn no
100-2000 executive has a kid, straight other m libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs and likes cam aries no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m libra and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight other m pisces and no
100-2000 student straight catholicismm aquarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m sometimes
50000-60000 construction / crafts straight has dogs catholicismm cancer andsometimes
40000-50000 student straight christianit m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m capricorn yes
30000-40000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs catholicismm leo but it no
60000-100000 executive has a kid straight other but nf sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m pisces and no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianityf gemini andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs other f sagittarius no
50000-60000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has cats other but nm leo and it&yes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f aquarius buno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism an m pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm sometimes
2000-30000 straight christianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid, straight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit f leo but it no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs and has catf pisces yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has cats f taurus no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes cats agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs other m aquarius sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aquarius anno
60000-100000 straight christianit m no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs m taurus no
100-2000 law / legal services straight f leo but it no
100-2000 other straight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other and lm libra and i no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm capricorn bno
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 student straight has dogs another and m virgo and i no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and has catsf cancer yes
100-2000 education / academiastraight f pisces but trying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual likes cats m pisces and sometimes
2000-30000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
40000-50000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs another f no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual f scorpio andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and has catf aries no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini butno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs hinduism bu f cancer andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f virgo but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m aquarius no
100-2000 straight m pisces but no
50000-60000 other straight has dogs and has catsm gemini andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianitym capricorn no
100-2000 student gay has dogs anchristianit f pisces and when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf pisces no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio butno
100-2000 has a kid straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 straight buddhism bu f taurus and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother but nf leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces and sometimes
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student straight other m libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries no
100-2000 computer /might wantstraight likes cats buddhism bu m aries and i no
2000-30000 computer / hardware bisexual atheism and m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism and f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid, straight buddhism bu f virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf scorpio no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius anyes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra yes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f cancer but no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight has cats agnosticismf cancer but no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight other but nf gemini trying to qu
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio no
100-2000 straight f capricorn no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight buddhism m taurus no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs buddhism f scorpio no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f aries no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m capricorn no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight f scorpio andno
100-2000 unemployed gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight atheism anf no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf no
100-2000 other straight christianit f no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism f no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo and i no
100-2000 other gay has dogs another but nm no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i yes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym taurus and no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight other m scorpio no
100-2000 other straight other and lm leo but it trying to qu
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid, straight f pisces and no
60000-100000 other straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight catholicis m aquarius busometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 straight likes dogs hinduism f no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight m cancer but sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight catholicismf no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
40000-50000 has kids straight m scorpio no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aries and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and has catm libra and i trying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs other f pisces and sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym cancer andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay agnosticis m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f aries and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf scorpio butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f virgo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and has catm no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight other but nm gemini andno
30000-40000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces and no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs other f taurus no
100-2000 other straight christianit m aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs buddhism bu f gemini butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f pisces sometimes
30000-40000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs m gemini andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight hinduism m sagittarius no
100-2000 other gay m virgo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs agnosticis m aquarius anyes
100-2000 student straight agnosticis f scorpio no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit f aries but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianityf pisces no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m virgo yes
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs abuddhism af pisces no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 education has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism butm aquarius buno
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight buddhism m scorpio no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight buddhism am yes
40000-50000 student straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 student straight other but nm libra but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m cancer no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs m capricorn trying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs other but nm pisces and no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf sagittarius no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight likes dogs and dislikesf leo no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight f pisces no
100-2000 straight f aries no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and has catsf capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismm no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight other but nm libra no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m yes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight other f leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight m taurus yes
2000-30000 retired doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f leo but it no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight catholicis m taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf libra but i when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m libra no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m yes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis f cancer no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight hinduism m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 student straight has dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f gemini andno
60000-100000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m aries and i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight catholicismf aquarius anyes
100-2000 straight m sometimes
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 straight agnosticis f no
60000-100000 clerical / administrati straight other f gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs anagnosticismf pisces and yes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer andsometimes
100-2000 law / legal has kids straight likes dogs christianit f gemini andno
100-2000 executive has a kid straight dislikes catchristianit m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m cancer no
100-2000 student straight atheism and f aries no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f no
100-2000 rather not has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs catholicismf aquarius sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m no
30000-40000 transportathas a kid straight has dogs m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m no
100-2000 straight m gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and lf virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids, straight has dogs christianityf virgo no
100-2000 straight m no
2000-30000 student straight m when drink
50000-60000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lf aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight has dogs atheism m gemini sometimes
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes cats atheism m pisces and when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism m capricorn trying to qu
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aries but i no
100-2000 gay buddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m cancer no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f gemini no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism f virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m gemini butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m aquarius buno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis f no
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f libra but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogatheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianityf sagittarius no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin gay has dogs m scorpio andno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight m capricorn bno
100-2000 straight has cats m capricorn no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm leo trying to qu
40000-50000 transportathas a kid straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs buddhism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs ahinduism af scorpio butno
100-2000 straight has dogs m cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianitym aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m aquarius anno
60000-100000 student has a kid, straight buddhism m cancer no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay has dogs and dislikes m virgo and i no
2000-30000 political / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm libra yes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismf gemini no
100-2000 other straight has dogs another and vm aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight other f sagittarius no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m aquarius buno
30000-40000 law / legal services straight has dogs catholicismf aries sometimes
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight has dogs f scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis m aries no
100-2000 straight f no
40000-50000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs buddhism bu m sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 student straight has dogs anagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm aries sometimes
100-2000 other gay agnosticis m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 student straight atheism m sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism butf virgo but i no
30000-40000 artistic / mhas a kid straight agnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 other straight has dogs anatheism and m virgo but i trying to qu
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm capricorn no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf virgo and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f no
100-2000 executive has kids straight christianit m leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs hinduism m scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio andyes
2000-30000 student might wantstraight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight atheism and f aries and itno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m no
60000-100000 hospitality has kids, straight likes dogs abuddhism am sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism anm capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianit m taurus no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight catholicismm libra no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm gemini butsometimes
100-2000 education / academiagay catholicismm capricorn bno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm libra but i when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus but when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism an m cancer but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m aquarius when drink
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticis m taurus but no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs other m virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f aries and i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other m taurus no
100-2000 other straight m no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and has catsm no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin bisexual likes dogs other and lf pisces and trying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism anm aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs hinduism bu m scorpio andno
100-2000 law / legal services bisexual has dogs another and lf taurus and sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismf capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats hinduism bu f when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m gemini andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs other m no
100-2000 law / legal has kids straight m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m taurus but no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf libra and i no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight agnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight m no
100-2000 other has a kid bisexual has dogs anagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f aquarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m gemini butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m aries but i no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other and lf virgo and i no
50000-60000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm leo but it no
100-2000 gay m no
60000-100000 law / legal has kids straight has cats catholicismm leo yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs another f aquarius no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianit f libra and i no
100-2000 student straight other m libra sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs abuddhism am leo but it no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism m pisces no
100-2000 has kids straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius yes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicis f virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aatheism butm gemini no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius no
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs aatheism and m libra but i no
2000-30000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight hinduism m scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m sometimes
100-2000 straight christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother and lf taurus but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 rather not has a kid, straight likes dogs other but nf cancer but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and trying to qu
100-2000 law / legal services straight m capricorn bno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f taurus no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianit f gemini butno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f capricorn no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicis f gemini no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf capricorn bno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight m capricorn no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs judaism m scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight f leo but it no
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight other f gemini butno
40000-50000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs aagnosticis m virgo and i no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f no
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism an f cancer andtrying to qu
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism bu m aries but i no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother but nm scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware gay hinduism bu m pisces and no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicis m aquarius anno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m aries but i no
100-2000 executive / managemgay m aquarius when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m gemini butno
100-2000 straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight m gemini butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f pisces no
30000-40000 other gay christianit f aries and i no
100-2000 other straight has dogs other and vf scorpio andno
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight f virgo no
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids, straight has dogs and has catsm virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight catholicismf no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m pisces but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight other f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes caf gemini andno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid straight likes dogs catholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism anm sagittarius no
2000-30000 student wants kids straight m taurus no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother but nm virgo and i no
100-2000 straight m scorpio andno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogatheism anm pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism am sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit m no
100-2000 student straight buddhism bu m capricorn bno
100-2000 retired doesn&rsqu straight other and lm yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother and lm virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs christianitym leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 other straight m virgo but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother and lf leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs m libra no
100-2000 other straight has dogs other and lm capricorn ayes
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight has dogs ancatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 transportation gay m scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo when drink
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m scorpio buttrying to qu
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries but i when drink
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay has dogs and likes catf gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f sagittarius no
2000-30000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight m aries but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f taurus and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay m no
2000-30000 other gay likes dogs f taurus but sometimes
100-2000 straight christianit f sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs agnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m scorpio andno
100-2000 bisexual f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f aries and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 student straight atheism butm pisces sometimes
60000-100000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f taurus but no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs aother and lm libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m taurus no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aquarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus and sometimes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 bisexual m sagittarius sometimes
2000-30000 doesn&rsqu straight m gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs anagnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats agnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight christianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianityf leo and it&no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm virgo but i trying to qu
30000-40000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm capricorn bno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight agnosticis m sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs f cancer no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f gemini andno
100-2000 straight other and vm no
100-2000 gay other and m libra and i no
100-2000 student straight m gemini yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs other m scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight catholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m pisces but no
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs acatholicis m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f libra yes
60000-100000 other gay likes dogs atheism and m aquarius buno
100-2000 straight m libra and i yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianityf cancer but no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m taurus no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight f scorpio no
30000-40000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism anm virgo and i trying to qu
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogs and disli f aquarius no
100-2000 student straight christianityf taurus and no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm libra but i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf cancer no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm capricorn bno
30000-40000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 straight f virgo no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism f pisces no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianit m leo but it yes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism f gemini butno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism bu m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu m pisces but no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius sometimes
50000-60000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra and i when drink
2000-30000 unemployehas a kid straight other and m pisces but no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight m taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 has a kid straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andyes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f gemini andno
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m aries no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m libra and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anatheism butf taurus but no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs christianityf capricorn no
50000-60000 clerical / administrati gay likes dogs aatheism m libra and i no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm aries sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism m aries but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 straight has dogs atheism and f scorpio butno
40000-50000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 rather not say straight buddhism am taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f capricorn ayes
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs f no
50000-60000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight f leo but it no
40000-50000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio butno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight other but nm libra no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m taurus no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight dislikes do atheism m libra but i no
50000-60000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight hinduism af pisces but no
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf cancer no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism f virgo and i no
100-2000 straight f gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism f scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight agnosticis f aries and i sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism m virgo but i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism and m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m scorpio when drink
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay has dogs agnosticis m cancer sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other and lf scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism m aries sometimes
100-2000 student bisexual has dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs achristianitym cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm scorpio no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticis m pisces and no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs agnosticis f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism am aries and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra and i no
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm pisces no
100-2000 student straight has dogs catholicismm leo and it&when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m no
100-2000 science / t has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo and i no
2000-30000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aatheism and m libra and i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay m no
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid, straight likes dogs achristianitym gemini no
100-2000 medicine / health straight other f pisces no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight other but nf capricorn bno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf aries but i no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight catholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother but nm pisces and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf no
60000-100000 executive wants kids straight hinduism f cancer no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam no
30000-40000 education / academiagay likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight m cancer no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other and lf sometimes
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m aries and i yes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student gay other and m capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism af taurus and no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism m cancer andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight has dogs christianityf scorpio no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogs and disli f aries and i no
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes m libra sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m pisces but no
40000-50000 other has a kid straight likes dogs christianityf scorpio andno
2000-30000 unemployed gay likes dogs aother but nf sagittarius no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs f leo no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m gemini andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism f sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer no
100-2000 straight f aries and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs abuddhism bu m gemini andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight f taurus but no
100-2000 student straight m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 straight hinduism m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight other but nm capricorn ano
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs m aquarius buno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual has dogs anatheism butf leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight islam m taurus but no
100-2000 student straight other and m capricorn ano
100-2000 student has a kid bisexual dislikes cats f sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianityf cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay agnosticis m libra no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism and m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight m libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs achristianit m cancer andno
100-2000 straight agnosticis f cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay other but nm scorpio andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm leo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianityf leo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism m scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight atheism m libra no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm no
100-2000 law / legal has a kid straight has dogs ancatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm aries no
100-2000 retired straight christianityf no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticis m aries but i no
100-2000 straight other but nm yes
100-2000 gay f cancer andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes cam taurus no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight atheism butm capricorn bno
100-2000 constructiohas kids, straight buddhism bu m taurus and no
50000-60000 education / academiastraight m aquarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius buno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes cats other and lm pisces no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism anm no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f capricorn no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other and f scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism butm no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi bisexual christianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs buddhism m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes cats atheism anm leo yes
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs catholicis f capricorn ano
100-2000 student has a kid, straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 hospitality has kids, straight has dogs m scorpio andno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs and dislikesf pisces no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticis f aquarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight f no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m pisces and no
100-2000 other straight has dogs anagnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel bisexual likes dogs f libra and i yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf libra no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay christianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm leo no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m pisces and when drink
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit f pisces but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs christianit f pisces and when drink
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs and dislikes f capricorn ano
100-2000 other has kids, straight likes dogs other and vf aries no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight buddhism m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus but no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism m libra no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs atheism and m gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f no
50000-60000 education doesn&rsqu gay atheism butm gemini butno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs christianit f pisces but no
100-2000 student straight m no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs another but nf taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight buddhism bu m cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight other and vf aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other f no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianit f pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianityf no
100-2000 other straight has cats m scorpio andyes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs buddhism af scorpio andno
30000-40000 political / has a kid straight likes dogs aother and m cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs hinduism f aries no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lf aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has cats agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anbuddhism af scorpio andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes cats buddhism bu f sagittarius no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 law / legal has kids, straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticis m taurus when drink
100-2000 straight christianityf capricorn no
100-2000 gay m capricorn no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f leo but it no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f libra no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismf no
60000-100000 entertainmhas kids straight other m virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m cancer but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs catholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight other m virgo yes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism am virgo and i no
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs f pisces and no
100-2000 transportation straight buddhism bu m capricorn bno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid, straight f cancer andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight buddhism f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m aries sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism and m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f pisces no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs judaism butm capricorn ano
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianitym aquarius anno
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs buddhism bu m gemini butno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism m cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf libra and i when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and has catf aries but i trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs christianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight has cats other but nf virgo and i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight other m virgo but i yes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism f scorpio andno
100-2000 straight christianitym no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianit f gemini andno
50000-60000 transportathas kids straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs other but nf aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight other f gemini andno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay catholicismm leo but it no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticis f capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other m capricorn no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs other and m pisces but no
100-2000 unemployed straight christianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 student gay buddhism an f scorpio andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs catholicismm libra no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m libra but i when drink
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf libra no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight agnosticis m scorpio no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aatheism m virgo no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism m capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticis m virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight other m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has cats f scorpio andno
2000-30000 medicine / health straight catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 other has kids straight christianit f cancer but no
100-2000 education / academiastraight other m aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs f scorpio butno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs anagnosticismm scorpio no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight atheism m cancer when drink
100-2000 student straight hinduism bu m pisces and sometimes
60000-100000 sales / marhas kids straight christianitym gemini no
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs other but nm gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 executive / managemgay m libra no
100-2000 education / academiastraight catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism f aries and i no
40000-50000 transportatdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m leo no
2000-30000 political / has a kid, straight christianitym cancer but yes
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m leo no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 other straight m virgo but i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother m gemini andno
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis f libra trying to qu
100-2000 student straight f no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianitym scorpio no
2000-30000 other bisexual likes dogs aatheism and m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m virgo but i no
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and has catf libra no
100-2000 other straight atheism and m leo but it no
100-2000 student gay agnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs f taurus no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and dislikesm capricorn ano
2000-30000 student might wantgay dislikes do agnosticis m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius sometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m leo but it no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight other and lm cancer but no
100-2000 gay m capricorn no
2000-30000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs achristianit m gemini andno
2000-30000 student straight catholicismm libra and i sometimes
2000-30000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aatheism and m scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight has dogs f aries no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs and has catsf scorpio andwhen drink
60000-100000 hospitality / travel straight agnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianit f leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight christianitym no
40000-50000 other straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
2000-30000 clerical / administrati bisexual has dogs another but nf aries and i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm aries no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight dislikes cats f pisces and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m cancer but sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 student straight has dogs ancatholicis f virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight hinduism f aries no
100-2000 other straight f libra no
100-2000 has a kid gay has cats christianit m aries no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight catholicismf leo and it&no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight m cancer no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin bisexual likes cats atheism and f taurus and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam cancer trying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs aother m virgo but i yes
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i yes
100-2000 straight has dogs f no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight has dogs ancatholicismm aquarius yes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m libra when drink
50000-60000 other straight m pisces but no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aries and i when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf aries no
60000-100000 political / has kids, straight has dogs christianitym no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism m taurus no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 rather not say straight other f aries no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r gay buddhism bu m libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f scorpio andno
50000-60000 sales / marketing / bi straight other m aries but i no
100-2000 straight f libra when drink
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight other but nm scorpio butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m aquarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aatheism and m scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m aries no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf virgo and i sometimes
50000-60000 banking / financial / r straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs aother but nm capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / fihas kids, gay likes dogs other f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m leo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicis m no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight christianit f aquarius buno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogbuddhism bu f leo and it myes
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
60000-100000 law / legal services gay has dogs and has catsm libra no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs christianit f aquarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
60000-100000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf gemini butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m scorpio andno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs anbuddhism f taurus sometimes
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight christianitym libra no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticismf scorpio butno
100-2000 straight m trying to qu
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym virgo sometimes
100-2000 straight catholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight f virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight catholicis f gemini andno
40000-50000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f virgo but i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 other has kids straight m scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight other m aries no
2000-30000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight other m pisces but no
50000-60000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m sagittarius yes
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs agnosticis m leo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight has dogs anchristianit f sagittarius yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism am libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs hinduism f no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs aatheism anm aquarius anno
30000-40000 constructiohas a kid straight other m aries no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf aquarius anno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism f libra no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aatheism m taurus no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism f aquarius buno
100-2000 straight f scorpio andno
100-2000 straight has dogs anchristianit f virgo and i when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m cancer no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 straight christianityf capricorn no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight dislikes do agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m libra and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight dislikes cathinduism bu m capricorn bno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs other f libra and i yes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism butf sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anagnosticismf leo when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs another and lf aries and i no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f taurus but no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f scorpio sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf leo and it&no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs other and vm scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight likes dogs buddhism f cancer no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs anagnosticis f no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries and i no
60000-100000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight m taurus no
100-2000 unemployed straight has dogs and likes catm pisces and no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight christianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f no
40000-50000 other straight has dogs m pisces but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m libra but i no
60000-100000 banking / fihas a kid straight catholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 science / t might wantstraight likes dogs and likes cam no
40000-50000 medicine / has kids straight other f aquarius anno
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m no
100-2000 medicine / health gay has dogs christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight dislikes dogchristianityf gemini andno
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m taurus and no
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight catholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay dislikes dogbuddhism m pisces no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm aquarius buno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm taurus and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f pisces no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs other but nm scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticismf no
100-2000 student gay agnosticismm libra and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf aquarius no
60000-100000 transportation straight likes dogs catholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicis m scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit m cancer no
100-2000 education has kids straight m aries no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aatheism m yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
100-2000 other straight has dogs anchristianit m virgo and i trying to qu
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight dislikes cats f sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight other m cancer sometimes
2000-30000 hospitality has kids straight likes dogs aother f sagittarius no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
2000-30000 rather not say gay has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism m cancer but no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay christianitym capricorn no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f libra no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs ancatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight other f capricorn no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aries but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight buddhism bu m pisces no
60000-100000 computer / hardware bisexual has dogs ancatholicismf pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism m scorpio no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf capricorn bno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticis f capricorn sometimes
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another f scorpio andsometimes
60000-100000 other straight catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs atheism and f capricorn no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs acatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nf scorpio andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 straight has dogs f scorpio andno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs catholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother and lm taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f taurus no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf pisces but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f taurus no
60000-100000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs buddhism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight christianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m aquarius buno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism m libra no
30000-40000 other straight likes dogs buddhism am aries and i when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m aries and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 other gay has dogs anchristianityf aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m sagittarius no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs other f libra and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aatheism m taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f no
2000-30000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm pisces and no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 student straight catholicismm pisces and when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay buddhism bu m taurus and no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs m libra but i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis f aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianitym gemini no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm pisces but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f pisces no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health gay m cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismf leo but it no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight christianit m no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 has kids straight has dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m scorpio no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f libra but i no
100-2000 straight m taurus and no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight christianitym taurus but no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight catholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aother m capricorn no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay buddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit m libra and i yes
100-2000 science / t has a kid, straight christianityf libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis f virgo no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anagnosticismf no
100-2000 student straight atheism butm capricorn ano
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes caf libra but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay has dogs f capricorn no
2000-30000 student has kids straight christianit f libra but i sometimes
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight catholicismf cancer no
30000-40000 other straight m sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anchristianitym taurus but no
50000-60000 education has a kid straight christianityf virgo and i when drink
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aother m virgo sometimes
100-2000 straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs other but nf taurus and when drink
30000-40000 military straight has dogs christianitym aquarius no
60000-100000 executive has a kid straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism am pisces and no
2000-30000 military doesn&rsqu straight christianitym libra no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and has catsm virgo but i no
100-2000 science / t has kids, straight f no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f no
100-2000 student straight catholicis f leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight m aries no
100-2000 straight agnosticis f virgo sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f cancer no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m leo no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs other but nf pisces and no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight christianit m gemini butno
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs aother and vm scorpio andyes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsf libra and i no
100-2000 other straight m taurus and no
100-2000 straight m no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and m cancer andno
100-2000 retired has kids, straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit f no
40000-50000 retired has a kid straight likes dogs aother and vf taurus and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight buddhism m leo but it no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 computer /has kids, straight likes dogs abuddhism m aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m no
100-2000 student has a kid, straight buddhism bu m aries and i yes
100-2000 student gay christianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m cancer no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs agnosticis f gemini andno
100-2000 other gay atheism m cancer no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs f pisces and no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay atheism and m aquarius buno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit f aries and i no
100-2000 straight f scorpio andno
100-2000 other bisexual f taurus but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight buddhism af libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianityf pisces no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight dislikes catchristianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 straight f gemini no
100-2000 straight christianityf leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 student straight has dogs catholicismf no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism bu m libra but i trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / health straight atheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight other and vm scorpio andyes
100-2000 hospitality has kids straight other and vf cancer but trying to qu
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 student straight m sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes cats m capricorn no
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 other gay agnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu bisexual agnosticis m aquarius sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but no
100-2000 other straight m taurus no
60000-100000 artistic / mhas kids, straight has dogs christianit m cancer andyes
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm aries and i no
60000-100000 transportation straight likes dogs and dislikesm no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs acatholicis f gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianitym aries but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs atheism m yes
100-2000 straight has dogs anchristianit f cancer but yes
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay likes dogs and likes cam pisces no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis f libra and i no
100-2000 straight christianitym no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m aquarius buno
100-2000 student straight catholicismm pisces but sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism an m libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs hinduism bu m pisces but no
100-2000 straight atheism and m scorpio butsometimes
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 gay m pisces and when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother f libra and i sometimes
60000-100000 hospitality doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs another and vm cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism anf aquarius buno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m pisces and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m taurus but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m taurus and no
50000-60000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 rather not might wantstraight likes dogs aagnosticis m aries but i no
100-2000 straight m no
60000-100000 other straight catholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and likes catf libra no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs buddhism m taurus no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 law / legal has kids straight has dogs m cancer but no
100-2000 gay likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay f no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight has dogs catholicis f gemini no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam trying to qu
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm leo no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m taurus but no
100-2000 other straight agnosticis f cancer no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m capricorn no
100-2000 student gay buddhism bu f scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 executive has kids straight m libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay has dogs ancatholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs and has catsf aries yes
2000-30000 other gay has dogs buddhism bu m leo and it mno
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother but nf scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianityf gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f cancer no
100-2000 other straight christianityf cancer andno
30000-40000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs aother and lm gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight agnosticis m taurus no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight likes dogs aother m libra no
40000-50000 transportation bisexual likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight agnosticis m libra but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra and i no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight has dogs anbuddhism am pisces and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm gemini butno
100-2000 straight m aries sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight m gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes caf aries but i no
100-2000 straight m pisces but no
100-2000 straight other f no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm aries but i no
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m capricorn no
100-2000 political / governmentgay likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo and i no
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight agnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m pisces but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs aother and lf aquarius anno
60000-100000 constructiohas a kid, straight catholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs atheism m aries but i no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight m no
50000-60000 construction / crafts straight dislikes dogother and vm scorpio andno
100-2000 other has a kid straight likes dogs other and f sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m virgo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 student gay atheism m capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs abuddhism am sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism m scorpio no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight atheism m when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m capricorn no
100-2000 other has a kid straight f no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticis m libra but i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs other f pisces and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs buddhism bu f cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism buf leo but it no
100-2000 law / legal services straight atheism andm no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f cancer no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs f libra no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay has dogs and likes catf pisces and no
60000-100000 rather not say straight other and vm when drink
100-2000 gay has dogs f scorpio andno
40000-50000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 other straight m no
40000-50000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 straight f capricorn no
100-2000 straight f no
60000-100000 student straight likes dogs aatheism andm sagittarius no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs and likes caf aries but i sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and f sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay m no
2000-30000 student straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and has catm aquarius buyes
2000-30000 rather not doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anatheism butm taurus and no
100-2000 student straight christianityf libra no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs m yes
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay has dogs anatheism anm cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m cancer sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs buddhism m aries no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs buddhism bu m virgo but i when drink
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu gay has dogs anbuddhism am aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs atheism and m libra no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f pisces but no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight christianit f gemini andno
100-2000 straight m pisces and no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs achristianit f capricorn bno
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and m cancer but yes
100-2000 gay likes dogs m cancer no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid, straight has cats f libra but i no
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m virgo but i when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism butm sagittarius no
60000-100000 other straight catholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m aries and i yes
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight hinduism bu m scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m gemini when drink
100-2000 education has kids straight christianityf scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio andno
30000-40000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs aother m scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m scorpio no
30000-40000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and vm cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs f pisces and sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m cancer no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism bu m sagittarius no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight has dogs atheism butf virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m virgo no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf capricorn ano
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anchristianitym gemini butno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m capricorn asometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianityf aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini trying to qu
60000-100000 other straight has dogs anchristianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight other but nf gemini andno
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight buddhism bu m cancer but sometimes
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs buddhism am libra and i when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismf aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism butm leo and it&no
100-2000 gay m leo and it&no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight atheism butm capricorn ano
100-2000 straight m cancer andno
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 other gay has cats other and lf capricorn awhen drink
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay has cats other m aries no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andsometimes
100-2000 student gay likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo no
100-2000 hospitality has kids straight has dogs catholicismm virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m taurus but no
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs other but nf pisces and no
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight has dogs f sagittarius no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus and when drink
100-2000 transportation straight m capricorn bno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 student bisexual has dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 has a kid gay f gemini yes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual atheism f pisces and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f sagittarius no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs and likes caf taurus but no
100-2000 student straight atheism f gemini yes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf taurus but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism and f pisces and when drink
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismm pisces no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight has dogs catholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 student gay atheism anm aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay hinduism bu m virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight other f cancer andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs ahinduism f gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m aries but i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam aries no
100-2000 student straight christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 straight agnosticis f cancer no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andyes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism m cancer sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism anm sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm cancer andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu f aries but i no
50000-60000 artistic / musical / wristraight m taurus and no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay agnosticis m sagittarius no
60000-100000 other straight has dogs atheism m aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes cats other m scorpio when drink
30000-40000 hospitality / travel straight buddhism bu m no
100-2000 law / legal services straight agnosticis f gemini when drink
60000-100000 education / academiastraight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm taurus but no
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs anhinduism bu f libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other but nm gemini andyes
60000-100000 gay dislikes catother but nm aries but i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother but nm no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism m gemini andtrying to qu
100-2000 retired straight likes dogs abuddhism am virgo and i no
100-2000 other gay dislikes dogs and has m scorpio andno
100-2000 unemployed straight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini andsometimes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf libra and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf capricorn bno
60000-100000 education has a kid straight has dogs christianityf libra no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anatheism f aries no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm leo but it sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu m libra and i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis m no
100-2000 bisexual catholicismf gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 straight catholicis m libra but i sometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f pisces but no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs m no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight f gemini sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m taurus no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight buddhism am sagittarius no
2000-30000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f virgo and i no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer andsometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticismm cancer andyes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs christianit m cancer no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm scorpio andno
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight m no
100-2000 straight has dogs agnosticis f gemini no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f libra but i no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsf libra and i sometimes
60000-100000 medicine / has a kid, straight likes dogs agnosticis m taurus and trying to qu
100-2000 student straight f aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f gemini sometimes
100-2000 executive has kids straight likes dogs christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 education has a kid, straight catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs ancatholicis f libra and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and has catf cancer no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogislam and m taurus but no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs judaism and f gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / health gay m virgo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f cancer andno
40000-50000 other straight f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs hinduism bu m virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 student straight has dogs and likes catm sagittarius no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m libra and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight atheism m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
50000-60000 other has a kid straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius sometimes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m leo and it mno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism and f leo but it no
2000-30000 banking / financial / r straight f capricorn no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismm when drink
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay m taurus and no
50000-60000 science / tech / engin straight m leo no
100-2000 student bisexual has dogs anatheism f pisces but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismf aries sometimes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer trying to qu
60000-100000 computer /has a kid straight atheism and m aquarius buno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs achristianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 gay likes dogs aother but nm taurus and no
100-2000 straight m gemini sometimes
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m virgo but i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs anchristianit f libra and i no
100-2000 student straight atheism butm virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m leo but it no
40000-50000 other has a kid straight likes dogs aatheism anm no
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs aagnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m aries and i no
100-2000 other straight f gemini andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs agnosticis m pisces but when drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianitym no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight has dogs other but nm gemini andno
100-2000 other straight christianit f libra but i no
100-2000 other gay christianit m aries and i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m leo and it&when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
50000-60000 straight catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m scorpio butno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianitym gemini andno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aatheism butm leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m leo and it&no
100-2000 rather not say gay likes dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 other has a kid straight m capricorn bno
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis m gemini andno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m no
100-2000 entertainmhas kids straight other but nf gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianitym aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
60000-100000 other straight has dogs catholicismm scorpio andtrying to qu
30000-40000 clerical / administrati gay m aquarius antrying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay has cats m pisces and no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight f cancer but no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicis f gemini butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight judaism f cancer no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f capricorn ano
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs hinduism bu m capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight atheism butm no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lf taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis m aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogbuddhism bu f aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 executive has kids, straight has dogs catholicismf pisces and no
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus and no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f cancer andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 rather not say straight dislikes doghinduism bu m scorpio butsometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit m sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f cancer but no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f gemini andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and has catf scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm taurus but no
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm pisces but sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m gemini butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother but nm capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight has dogs anatheism and f leo and it&no
50000-60000 executive / managemstraight f libra and i no
50000-60000 executive has a kid gay likes dogs abuddhism f leo but it trying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay atheism m cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other m aries but i yes
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism anf aries and i no
100-2000 other bisexual christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m virgo no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism af cancer andno
30000-40000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm pisces and sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m pisces but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f sagittarius when drink
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 straight f aries but i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf libra but i no
50000-60000 transportation straight other m virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism f scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andsometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight m taurus no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs christianitym gemini no
100-2000 student straight f cancer no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has cats christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m libra no
100-2000 straight m virgo no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf gemini andyes
100-2000 gay likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs achristianitym aquarius anno
100-2000 bisexual f sagittarius yes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m pisces no
100-2000 has a kid, straight f aquarius buyes
40000-50000 other straight has dogs other and lm aquarius buyes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs f aquarius no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other but nf cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 executive has a kid straight likes dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticis m libra but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianityf aquarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m taurus and no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism an m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other f virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight christianityf sagittarius no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs abuddhism af pisces and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit f taurus and no
60000-100000 computer /has kids straight has dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight m leo and it&when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m scorpio no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother and lm sagittarius no
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs and dislikes f pisces and no
60000-100000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs aatheism butf pisces and no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym no
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism am cancer but sometimes
100-2000 gay m aries no
50000-60000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm libra but i no
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anagnosticis f scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m libra but i no
100-2000 student gay has dogs agnosticis m capricorn ayes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu gay m cancer andno
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes cats m leo yes
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f aries and i no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f sagittarius no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf aries no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 has a kid straight christianityf sagittarius when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f scorpio no
2000-30000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother and vf aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism and m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m no
60000-100000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs aother and lm leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual christianit f virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 unemployed straight likes dogs aatheism and m scorpio butno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 student straight m scorpio no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight m scorpio butyes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs other and lm taurus and yes
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m aries but i no
100-2000 has kids straight agnosticis f cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs catholicismf pisces no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight hinduism an m gemini andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay buddhism m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
60000-100000 education / academiastraight has dogs christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs achristianityf aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs anatheism m sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f taurus no
100-2000 straight hinduism m no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism an m when drink
100-2000 executive / managemstraight hinduism an m aries but i trying to qu
100-2000 executive has a kid straight dislikes do hinduism f taurus no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism m cancer andsometimes
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight catholicismf capricorn no
100-2000 unemployed straight m leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight f aries and i when drink
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs and dislikesf leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight hinduism bu f pisces but no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism and m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis m pisces but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m cancer no
100-2000 law / legal services gay m virgo no
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs anchristianit f pisces and sometimes
100-2000 straight f no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aatheism f aquarius anno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aislam and m scorpio butyes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
50000-60000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism and f pisces and no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight catholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight other and m virgo but i no
40000-50000 banking / fihas a kid straight dislikes dogchristianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lf aries but i no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio butno
40000-50000 medicine / health straight catholicismm no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs agnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs aatheism and f pisces and no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel bisexual likes dogs aother and lm leo and it&yes
100-2000 computer / hardware bisexual has cats agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis f gemini no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight atheism anm leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight dislikes dogs and disli f no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m taurus but no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay has dogs anatheism f gemini andno
60000-100000 student gay likes dogs aother and vm virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm pisces but sometimes
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo and i trying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual buddhism an f taurus and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticis f leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m capricorn no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf taurus and no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm libra and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes cats christianit f cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has cats f taurus no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf pisces no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other straight christianit m leo no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and has catm cancer no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm aries no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism butm gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 straight m no
40000-50000 rather not say straight m pisces no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight m virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and m libra trying to qu
100-2000 student straight f scorpio buttrying to qu
100-2000 gay has dogs anchristianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs agnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs catholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other f taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f libra no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs catholicismm libra no
50000-60000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 straight has dogs agnosticismm virgo and i no
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 student straight has dogs m libra no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight other and lf capricorn asometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aries but i sometimes
2000-30000 student straight atheism anm no
100-2000 science / t might wantstraight has dogs and dislikes f taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism an f gemini andno
100-2000 gay has dogs other and m cancer andno
100-2000 executive / managemgay has dogs agnosticis m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 straight catholicismm scorpio no
60000-100000 other straight catholicismm cancer no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and m libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and has catf sagittarius no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs and has catf scorpio butno
100-2000 other gay catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs achristianitym pisces no
2000-30000 other gay likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight has dogs other but nm aquarius antrying to qu
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism and m aries but i no
100-2000 other gay m sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m pisces no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m pisces sometimes
100-2000 straight catholicismm taurus no
100-2000 gay buddhism bu m leo but it no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight christianitym no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismm cancer no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs aatheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini andno
40000-50000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats agnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m capricorn ano
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 executive has kids straight likes dogs abuddhism af virgo and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs agnosticis f scorpio no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer but no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight buddhism bu m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has cats other f no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs m no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health gay f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f no
40000-50000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f gemini andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf aquarius buno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f cancer no
100-2000 straight islam m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs buddhism m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 student gay atheism m taurus but no
100-2000 straight christianit f pisces and no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs other and lf virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym libra but i no
100-2000 straight f virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight f no
60000-100000 education has a kid straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 straight f when drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs aother f no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid straight other f gemini sometimes
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs ahinduism bu f taurus but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs atheism butm aries and i when drink
100-2000 other straight m aries no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism and m taurus and no
60000-100000 student straight catholicismm capricorn ano
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m capricorn bno
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs aother f sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes cats atheism butm gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andsometimes
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay m pisces but when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam libra and i when drink
40000-50000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs other but nm scorpio andyes
100-2000 other straight has cats other and lf aries and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus but no
100-2000 straight has dogs anagnosticismf taurus and sometimes
100-2000 retired doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f sagittarius no
40000-50000 other straight likes dogs aother and m cancer no
100-2000 education / academiagay has dogs m cancer andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m libra but i trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / health straight has cats agnosticis f gemini no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m aries no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism butm virgo and i no
100-2000 straight has dogs and likes catf no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism butf pisces but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f capricorn no
100-2000 student straight christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs abuddhism am leo and it&no
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogcatholicismm libra no
100-2000 student straight has dogs catholicismm leo when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f no
40000-50000 clerical / a has kids, straight likes dogs acatholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs abuddhism m leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticis f taurus but yes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butwhen drink
60000-100000 political / has a kid, straight catholicis m leo but it no
60000-100000 executive has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m taurus but no
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs and dislikesm leo but it no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs judaism and m leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay hinduism bu m leo no
100-2000 straight m when drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicismm aries yes
100-2000 straight catholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf gemini andno
2000-30000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs ahinduism bu m libra but i no
50000-60000 has a kid straight f capricorn no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianitym aquarius ansometimes
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces and no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism f pisces and no
100-2000 education / academiagay f taurus and no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf pisces and no
100-2000 rather not say straight christianit f cancer but no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs catholicismm scorpio andwhen drink
2000-30000 student straight atheism m gemini butno
100-2000 law / legal services straight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticis f virgo and i no
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism m gemini no
100-2000 straight f gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 has kids straight f scorpio yes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism butm no
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs anbuddhism af sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight catholicis f no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs m cancer sometimes
100-2000 rather not say straight m libra but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism m scorpio no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight f taurus but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight judaism and m cancer but no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs other but nm aries and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticismm gemini no
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 straight m aquarius sometimes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism m gemini butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has cats f scorpio sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another f capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight other m cancer but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticis f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight f gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m leo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight buddhism af aries and i sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs f virgo but i no
100-2000 straight f gemini no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight m gemini butno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight catholicis f pisces and no
100-2000 has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo when drink
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf capricorn ano
2000-30000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicis m aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 straight has dogs ancatholicismm leo and it mno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm gemini andno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f pisces sometimes
40000-50000 other bisexual likes dogs aatheism butm virgo and i yes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs hinduism an f capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism f cancer but no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs m gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus sometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs aother and m pisces and no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight m scorpio yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f libra and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 student gay has dogs buddhism f gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight m no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes cats atheism butm sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis m taurus and sometimes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs christianitym sagittarius no
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism butm gemini butno
100-2000 straight christianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 has a kid straight catholicismf leo no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianitym taurus no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight has dogs m aquarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m aquarius buno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs another f gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicis f scorpio butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 science / t has a kid straight atheism m pisces but no
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m leo but it sometimes
100-2000 straight has dogs m no
100-2000 straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym no
100-2000 constructiohas kids straight likes dogs other and m aquarius anyes
100-2000 student bisexual has dogs agnosticis m aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym leo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianitym aquarius no
100-2000 rather not has a kid, straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 other straight catholicismm sagittarius no
60000-100000 science / t has a kid, straight likes dogs agnosticis m no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm pisces and no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight hinduism m virgo and i no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm leo but it sometimes
100-2000 student straight m no
30000-40000 retired has a kid, straight has cats christianit f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra but i no
30000-40000 other has kids straight likes dogs catholicismm libra no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismm gemini andno
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m capricorn awhen drink
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m pisces but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticis f pisces and no
100-2000 computer / hardware bisexual likes cats atheism anm no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism anm aries and i no
100-2000 gay m libra and i no
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andsometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm libra and i when drink
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
50000-60000 constructiohas a kid straight has dogs christianit m aquarius antrying to qu
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m trying to qu
40000-50000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual dislikes catatheism and f capricorn sometimes
100-2000 other straight buddhism bu m aries but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight atheism butm aries and i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight christianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
2000-30000 student wants kids gay has dogs anchristianit m pisces and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight agnosticis m pisces but no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m aquarius when drink
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs m when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m pisces no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f gemini andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and vf leo yes
100-2000 straight f leo but it no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay christianitym aries and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm taurus no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism f capricorn byes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs m leo but it no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismf no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs hinduism f sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm scorpio trying to qu
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f pisces but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianit f pisces and no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer but sometimes
50000-60000 retired has kids straight other and vm virgo and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aother and lm scorpio butno
2000-30000 student has kids straight likes dogs achristianit f leo trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and has catm taurus no
2000-30000 student straight likes cats f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and m aquarius buno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus no
100-2000 straight m leo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m virgo but i no
40000-50000 constructiohas a kid, straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo and ityes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit m no
100-2000 gay likes dogs ahinduism m pisces but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism m aries yes
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wribisexual agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 bisexual has dogs and likes catf no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight catholicismm gemini no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs acatholicis m capricorn ano
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs christianitym virgo no
100-2000 straight agnosticismm libra but i no
40000-50000 sales / marketing / bi straight m capricorn byes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs atheism and m gemini andyes
100-2000 other straight other m aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight likes dogs catholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius anno
30000-40000 transportathas kids, straight agnosticismm cancer but no
60000-100000 unemployed straight has dogs another m cancer but no
100-2000 other straight christianit f virgo but i no
40000-50000 education / academiastraight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianitym no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs ahinduism an m gemini andno
100-2000 straight m no
30000-40000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianit m no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight m taurus no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianit m virgo trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius yes
100-2000 other gay m capricorn asometimes
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another but nm pisces but when drink
100-2000 construction / crafts straight christianitym sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs christianit m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight f cancer but no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs agnosticis m leo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight dislikes catchristianit f cancer andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight other f scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm sagittarius sometimes
30000-40000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs other m pisces but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aother and lm scorpio butno
100-2000 executive / managembisexual likes dogs f libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs anatheism butm capricorn ano
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism and m taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f leo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay hinduism bu m scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight catholicis f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight likes dogs aother m virgo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight hinduism m aquarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f scorpio butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ajudaism butf aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs another but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f trying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f no
100-2000 executive has kids straight catholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight christianitym no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight other m leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs other m taurus but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f no
50000-60000 other has kids, straight hinduism f taurus no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight other f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another but nm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism m virgo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m no
100-2000 other might wantgay m virgo and i no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight catholicismm cancer no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs m taurus no
100-2000 law / legal services straight atheism and f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticis f leo and it&no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medibisexual catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight f virgo and i no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and likes catf aries and i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other straight christianityf no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf virgo and i no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m virgo no
100-2000 straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs anhinduism bu m taurus and sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs and likes caf libra but i no
60000-100000 medicine / has kids straight has cats judaism anf pisces but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs christianit f libra but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight catholicismf virgo no
100-2000 straight christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight atheism m pisces but no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight m pisces but no
100-2000 bisexual has dogs anchristianityf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and dislikesf no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m aries and i no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight likes dogs abuddhism af cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 straight has dogs m taurus yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs and likes catm cancer but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus and no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism anf virgo but i no
100-2000 executive / managemgay m cancer but no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and lm cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs another and lf capricorn ano
60000-100000 constructiohas a kid, straight likes cats christianit f virgo and i no
2000-30000 student bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay other f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianit m aquarius buno
2000-30000 computer / hardware straight has dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight has dogs ancatholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m aquarius no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm pisces but no
40000-50000 military straight has dogs anchristianit f virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs f capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs and likes catf no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight christianityf leo no
100-2000 student straight has dogs ancatholicis f leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anagnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs and has catsm no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother f sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aother f yes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
30000-40000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini butyes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aatheism and m no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and lm gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism butm libra but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm leo and it&no
2000-30000 hospitality has kids straight christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m cancer but trying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight atheism anm leo and it&when drink
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm virgo but i no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs abuddhism m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismm libra no
40000-50000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and dislikesm gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay buddhism bu m virgo no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer andwhen drink
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight m no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight buddhism m libra sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer andno
40000-50000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 straight m aries when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianitym aquarius buno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism butm no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight m virgo no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and likes cam cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism m gemini andno
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and m cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism anm aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs christianitym gemini no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm leo but it yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs another m taurus and sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has cats m libra no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight buddhism am virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis m aquarius no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs m libra when drink
100-2000 other straight christianitym no
100-2000 other straight christianit m pisces but no
100-2000 other straight has dogs ancatholicismm cancer no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight has dogs other but nm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m no
60000-100000 rather not has kids straight catholicismf pisces trying to qu
30000-40000 military straight likes dogs christianitym pisces but no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 other straight m taurus but no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight christianitym aries but i trying to qu
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m gemini andno
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs other m cancer no
50000-60000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs f taurus and no
50000-60000 artistic / mhas a kid, straight has dogs and has catsf sagittarius no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs buddhism am virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f aries and i no
100-2000 student gay christianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f taurus but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf gemini no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight buddhism am scorpio andno
100-2000 science / t has a kid, straight has dogs ancatholicismm cancer andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym no
30000-40000 executive has kids straight likes dogs and dislikesm libra and i sometimes
50000-60000 clerical / a has a kid straight has dogs and has catsf virgo but i no
50000-60000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio andno
60000-100000 entertainment / medibisexual likes cats other and lm pisces but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nf gemini andno
100-2000 student straight catholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 other straight other and lm aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m libra when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aatheism butm aries and i sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f gemini butno
2000-30000 other has a kid straight likes dogs acatholicismm yes
100-2000 straight catholicismm no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism bu f taurus no
100-2000 law / legal has a kid straight other but nf cancer no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m no
40000-50000 hospitality has kids straight has dogs m virgo and i trying to qu
100-2000 political / governmentstraight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes cats f virgo sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs other m aries and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has dogs buddhism af sagittarius no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m taurus yes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs and has catsf taurus and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight dislikes dogagnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother f aries and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 gay christianit m taurus and no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism anm aquarius buno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis m pisces but no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m gemini no
60000-100000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 gay has dogs buddhism m leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 other bisexual has dogs another but nf cancer andno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs ancatholicismm taurus but no
2000-30000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs acatholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aatheism and m cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianitym taurus no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm aquarius anno
30000-40000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm taurus no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m libra no
100-2000 other straight likes cats agnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m pisces no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianitym gemini butno
2000-30000 student bisexual likes dogs achristianit f capricorn btrying to qu
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and dislikesm gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight buddhism am capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight other but nf aquarius anno
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianityf pisces but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m yes
100-2000 sales / marwants kids straight has dogs anatheism and m aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight other but nf capricorn ano
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m taurus but no
50000-60000 other straight likes dogs other f cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight other and lm libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f aquarius anno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes cam aries and i yes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay has cats f leo no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight f aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight has dogs anagnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianityf no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f virgo and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has cats m aries no
100-2000 student bisexual has cats other f cancer but no
50000-60000 hospitality has kids straight likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m virgo but i when drink
100-2000 retired has a kid straight other f aries no
100-2000 straight has dogs atheism m aquarius butrying to qu
100-2000 law / legal services straight dislikes catother f virgo no
100-2000 bisexual atheism f libra no
100-2000 student straight m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes cats christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 other gay has dogs other m capricorn when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and lf aries and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight has dogs m no
40000-50000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs and has catm virgo trying to qu
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m capricorn no
100-2000 medicine / has kids, straight dislikes dogchristianit f gemini no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight other f leo but it no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight catholicis m libra but i sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f pisces but no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs ancatholicismm cancer andno
60000-100000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butsometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces but no
100-2000 straight catholicismm leo no
30000-40000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism and m aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m libra no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 student gay has dogs anchristianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other m sagittarius no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 other straight christianitym taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism butm gemini andno
50000-60000 political / has kids, straight has dogs christianitym no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs christianit m taurus but no
100-2000 executive has a kid, straight other but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and dislikesm cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f leo but it no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m virgo but i no
100-2000 political / governmentgay likes dogs catholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 other gay m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual f leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm cancer no
100-2000 straight m pisces and no
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f leo and it&no
2000-30000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and has catf gemini andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicis m capricorn ano
50000-60000 science / t has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m leo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m leo no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother m capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 student straight atheism and m leo but it no
40000-50000 military straight m libra no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs ahinduism an f scorpio no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm virgo but i no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aother and lm capricorn bno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m cancer when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and dislikesm taurus but no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight agnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 military straight catholicismm pisces when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 other straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay has dogs agnosticis m leo no
50000-60000 political / governmentgay likes dogs other but nf taurus and trying to qu
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs catholicismf no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer andno
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight m pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs anagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs anhinduism an m libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight catholicismm capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m capricorn bno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay atheism butm virgo but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f libra but i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces but no
100-2000 artistic / mwants kids straight other f libra and i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs m leo but it yes
100-2000 other straight f cancer no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f leo but it no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 education has kids, straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticis f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m cancer andyes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs abuddhism bu m cancer andno
100-2000 straight f no
30000-40000 other straight has cats other and f gemini andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f pisces but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aatheism anf scorpio andno
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs aother and vf leo but it no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 law / legal services straight christianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight atheism m cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianitym gemini no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m aquarius no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer but sometimes
60000-100000 other straight christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 student straight christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu f taurus and no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight other m scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism butm taurus and no
40000-50000 sales / marhas a kid straight catholicis m libra but i no
100-2000 other straight christianit f aquarius buno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs agnosticismf capricorn ano
100-2000 executive has kids straight agnosticismf pisces but when drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs buddhism f gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticis f capricorn no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight buddhism bu f virgo but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual has dogs anatheism anf taurus but when drink
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight has cats christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight has dogs m libra no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight catholicismm aries and i when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f leo no
100-2000 science / t has a kid, straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs agnosticis f aries and i no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and has catf leo but it no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual f leo and it&no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismf pisces and sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs christianityf libra no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f gemini andno
100-2000 gay m cancer but no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aries but i no
60000-100000 science / t has kids straight has dogs agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs and likes caf virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianityf no
100-2000 straight has dogs anchristianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianitym sagittarius when drink
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu bisexual dislikes dogother but nm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo but i yes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm virgo but i no
30000-40000 education has kids straight has cats other and vf virgo and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs acatholicismm aries and i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am leo but it no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother but nm libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogchristianit f capricorn bno
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticis m pisces no
100-2000 executive / managemgay christianit m capricorn ano
60000-100000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 other straight f no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianityf no
100-2000 executive has kids straight other and vm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother and vm virgo and i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianitym taurus no
50000-60000 military straight christianitym gemini no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs christianityf aries no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes caf cancer no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym gemini no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight other f leo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f leo but it no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism butf capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and dislikesf no
100-2000 student straight f scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf no
60000-100000 transportation straight m sometimes
40000-50000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf taurus and no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight f gemini andno
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and vm virgo but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has cats christianityf pisces no
30000-40000 science / t has kids straight christianitym aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianitym gemini butno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother f leo and it&when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio andno
100-2000 unemployed straight has cats christianit f scorpio butno
2000-30000 clerical / a has a kid, straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m leo but it no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m aquarius buno
100-2000 straight m taurus no
100-2000 transportation straight likes cats m leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism bu m aquarius no
50000-60000 other has a kid straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andsometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs m cancer no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 gay likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo but i no
40000-50000 computer /has kids straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight atheism m cancer no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay has dogs ancatholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf aquarius anno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 has a kid straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay agnosticis m gemini butno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym leo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit m pisces no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has cats judaism and m pisces but no
100-2000 straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m leo no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs agnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn bno
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer andno
30000-40000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism m libra and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f no
30000-40000 education / academiastraight has dogs m cancer sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anatheism and m pisces and yes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m gemini no
100-2000 other straight has dogs anchristianit f leo no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has cats agnosticismf libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 straight m pisces but no
100-2000 straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 student straight has dogs f no
100-2000 straight has dogs and dislikes f aquarius no
100-2000 computer /has kids straight buddhism am pisces and no
100-2000 student straight m libra and i when drink
100-2000 medicine / health bisexual likes dogs achristianit f gemini butno
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f cancer andno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer no
2000-30000 student straight christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other m pisces no
60000-100000 law / legal has kids, straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs atheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 straight has dogs anchristianityf aries yes
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m scorpio butno
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianit m cancer but no
100-2000 gay likes dogs m taurus and yes
100-2000 other gay likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m leo no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs acatholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 other gay has dogs catholicismm scorpio andyes
100-2000 other gay likes dogs and dislikesm pisces and no
50000-60000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes cats buddhism bu m aries and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf aquarius anno
2000-30000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes cats other f sagittarius no
100-2000 might wantstraight likes cats f scorpio andno
100-2000 straight likes cats hinduism bu f cancer no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs acatholicis f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aquarius sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogislam and lm yes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight christianityf aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism butm scorpio andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f taurus no
100-2000 straight christianityf scorpio butno
30000-40000 student has a kid straight christianit f aquarius buno
100-2000 student gay likes dogs ahinduism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 education has kids straight m no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf libra no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anagnosticismf leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs hinduism bu m aries no
100-2000 straight atheism f aries no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu gay has dogs and likes catf cancer andno
100-2000 student straight m gemini no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs agnosticismf cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs anbuddhism bu m leo but it no
50000-60000 artistic / mhas kids straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another but nf aquarius anno
100-2000 straight christianit f cancer no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m libra no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs other but nm pisces and no
2000-30000 other straight other and vm libra and itno
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay m taurus no
100-2000 executive / managembisexual has dogs f scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 other straight buddhism m pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m no
2000-30000 student straight m no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight other f capricorn no
2000-30000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm scorpio andno
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay m cancer yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs ahinduism f libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio butno
30000-40000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f virgo but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight atheism butm aquarius anno
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 student gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m cancer no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianit f taurus but no
40000-50000 science / t has a kid, straight likes dogs catholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay catholicismm aquarius no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis m pisces no
100-2000 other straight christianit m pisces and no
50000-60000 other has a kid straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm taurus no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs abuddhism m taurus no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes dogs christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 has a kid straight christianitym no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other m libra and i no
100-2000 gay likes dogs m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m libra but i trying to qu
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 political / governmentgay hinduism bu m scorpio butno
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aatheism and m aquarius buno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight christianitym yes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has cats atheism and f capricorn ano
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m pisces but no
50000-60000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother and lm aries and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianitym leo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anatheism anf taurus but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m aquarius anno
2000-30000 other gay likes dogs aother m libra but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm leo no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
60000-100000 military doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ajudaism butm aquarius anno
100-2000 straight christianityf no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism bu m aquarius buno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism an f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay m taurus but no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs other f aries and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight m aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other and m aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m gemini no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs f taurus and no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus and no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs and dislikesf scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianityf gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes caf taurus no
50000-60000 computer /doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs atheism and m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs m scorpio when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i sometimes
30000-40000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicis f leo but it no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticis m taurus and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym leo but it no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs atheism and m scorpio butno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight agnosticismm pisces no
60000-100000 other gay likes dogs aother and m capricorn ano
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aries but i no
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu straight other f aquarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf pisces but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight dislikes catatheism anm libra but i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m cancer no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit m taurus and when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f aries and i no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam libra sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f gemini butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs buddhism bu m capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym aquarius buno
30000-40000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has cats f cancer but when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianit m gemini sometimes
100-2000 executive has kids straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight m cancer andno
60000-100000 other has a kid straight likes dogs ajudaism and m virgo and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf aquarius buno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m aquarius when drink
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f gemini butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianityf capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis f aries but i no
100-2000 other straight m aquarius anno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm libra but i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf cancer but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m leo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs achristianit m cancer andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs m aries no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogs and likesm taurus but no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aother m pisces and no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight christianitym gemini no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs f libra and i no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs catholicismf leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf taurus but no
100-2000 student gay likes cats agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm libra but i no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticismm taurus but when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs atheism butm cancer no
100-2000 other gay other m capricorn ano
100-2000 executive / managemstraight christianityf leo but it no
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs m pisces and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus and no
100-2000 other straight m leo no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 other straight has dogs and has catsm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother but nf virgo no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs achristianityf aries and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticis m cancer but no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra and i no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lm aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm capricorn bno
40000-50000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm sometimes
2000-30000 rather not say straight has dogs another and lf pisces and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra but i when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f pisces no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m cancer andno
100-2000 student straight hinduism am sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism af taurus but no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m pisces but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 other gay m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f scorpio no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight m gemini butno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes caf cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m capricorn ano
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 other has a kid straight likes dogs achristianityf sagittarius sometimes
30000-40000 other gay has dogs and likes catf pisces and no
100-2000 education / academiagay atheism butm aries and i no
100-2000 student gay has dogs agnosticis m aries but i no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m taurus but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight christianityf scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m libra no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 has kids straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i yes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight has dogs agnosticis f libra no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay other but nm taurus and no
100-2000 student bisexual has dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 law / legal has kids straight f capricorn ano
40000-50000 science / tech / engin straight other but nm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay m gemini no
100-2000 student gay agnosticis m gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight buddhism f leo no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight catholicismf gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs agnosticis f virgo no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs m libra yes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs ancatholicismf libra no
100-2000 medicine / health gay hinduism bu m virgo and i no
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay likes dogs christianit m aries and i when drink
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 other straight atheism f pisces no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm capricorn asometimes
100-2000 computer /has kids, straight likes dogs aother and vf leo and it&no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m gemini no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsm taurus when drink
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight likes dogs aother m taurus but no
100-2000 executive has a kid, straight has cats christianit m libra and i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis m cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym no
100-2000 straight m aquarius anno
2000-30000 artistic / mhas a kid straight has dogs anchristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianityf no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and dislikesm cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 student gay christianit m virgo when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs f aquarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs other f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf capricorn no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
2000-30000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism anm scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini butwhen drink
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs atheism f gemini no
50000-60000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs m aries but i no
40000-50000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf leo but it no
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight hinduism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and has catsf no
100-2000 other straight f scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit f gemini no
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs aother m cancer andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs anbuddhism f scorpio andno
100-2000 straight catholicismm sometimes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis m gemini no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight atheism and m taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and f virgo but i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m scorpio butyes
100-2000 political / governmentstraight catholicismm aries but i no
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and lm taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis m scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 unemployed gay has dogs m libra yes
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis m sagittarius no
2000-30000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs aother m leo when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism and f aries and i when drink
50000-60000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other m libra and i no
100-2000 education / academiagay other m pisces no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight hinduism bu m pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight dislikes dogchristianityf pisces and no
100-2000 other straight has cats catholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs acatholicis m aries and i no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs hinduism bu m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicis f aquarius anno
30000-40000 clerical / administrati straight catholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm leo sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay has dogs m virgo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 straight m capricorn no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight hinduism bu m scorpio no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym pisces but yes
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight has dogs m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit m gemini andsometimes
100-2000 law / legal has a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf aquarius buno
50000-60000 medicine / health straight christianitym taurus no
30000-40000 education / academiagay catholicis m cancer andno
100-2000 other straight other but nm aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicis m cancer but no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i when drink
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f virgo no
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 student bisexual has dogs christianityf scorpio sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f libra and i no
100-2000 clerical / administrati bisexual likes dogs acatholicis f gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has cats other m gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm capricorn ano
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m pisces no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianit f virgo but i no
30000-40000 education / academiastraight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianityf virgo and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer but no
100-2000 other straight other m aquarius sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight f no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 straight f cancer no
100-2000 education has kids, straight f taurus but no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes cats m sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployed straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus but no
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismm virgo and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs hinduism an m cancer no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m pisces no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 military doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini no
2000-30000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 straight m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight m leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticis m virgo when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight other m aquarius buno
60000-100000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m cancer no
30000-40000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m virgo but i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight other and m virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight other but nm cancer but no
100-2000 political / governmentgay m leo no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m libra no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m libra but i sometimes
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit m pisces no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and has catsm cancer but no
30000-40000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f gemini andtrying to qu
100-2000 student gay has dogs christianit f libra and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f scorpio no
100-2000 bisexual m sometimes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm virgo but i no
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m scorpio butno
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight other and vf aries no
100-2000 other straight catholicismf gemini no
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs acatholicis f capricorn ano
30000-40000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianityf cancer andno
100-2000 straight catholicismf libra when drink
100-2000 other straight f libra but i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother m pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aatheism butm gemini andno
50000-60000 education has a kid straight other and m libra no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam aries and i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aries and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight buddhism f scorpio no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs agnosticismm aquarius anno
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 student straight m pisces yes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f sagittarius no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianityf capricorn no
100-2000 straight m cancer no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm virgo and i no
2000-30000 education / academiagay likes dogs abuddhism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight other f aquarius anno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aatheism anf aries and i no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm libra and i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis f libra and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 other straight has dogs christianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 other has a kid straight christianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 has a kid bisexual christianityf gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay buddhism m scorpio no
100-2000 education / academiastraight hinduism bu m capricorn no
100-2000 student straight dislikes dogbuddhism am libra and i sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid, straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs catholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 other has a kid straight other but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight hinduism f aquarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight catholicismm aquarius anno
60000-100000 banking / fihas kids straight christianit m scorpio no
100-2000 straight m pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and dislikesm no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m aquarius buno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism am cancer andno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight m aries but i yes
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs achristianit f gemini andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis m capricorn bno
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm scorpio butno
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight other but nm scorpio andno
100-2000 has a kid straight has cats m libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aother m taurus no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m capricorn ano
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and lm cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs anagnosticismm aries but i trying to qu
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs catholicis m gemini andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit m cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs agnosticismf aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 straight buddhism bu m no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs another m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aries but i no
30000-40000 artistic / mhas a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight m taurus but no
100-2000 executive has a kid, straight f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs agnosticismm leo but it sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianit m aquarius no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other and vf gemini butsometimes
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m aquarius anno
60000-100000 other straight m libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f aries no
100-2000 student has a kid straight likes dogs and dislikesm cancer but no
100-2000 straight has dogs and dislikes m when drink
100-2000 rather not has kids, straight catholicismm scorpio andyes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay hinduism m capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf leo and it&no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu bisexual has cats atheism and f gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio butno
100-2000 student gay likes cats m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism am aries but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs anatheism and m no
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianit f pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay christianit f leo but it when drink
100-2000 straight m no
30000-40000 other straight has dogs m no
100-2000 other straight m taurus no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism m taurus but no
100-2000 science / t has a kid straight catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 student straight catholicismm taurus no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 transportation straight m gemini no
100-2000 student straight buddhism bu m aries and i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm aquarius trying to qu
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogchristianit m no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogcatholicismm leo and it mno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf libra but i no
2000-30000 other straight catholicismm leo no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismm libra and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m leo but it no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other but nm cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs atheism butm pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other m leo no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m cancer but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogatheism butf sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticis m virgo and i no
100-2000 straight has dogs f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight dislikes catchristianit m aquarius anno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other f leo but it sometimes
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
2000-30000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis m aries and itno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anbuddhism af gemini butno
100-2000 straight hinduism m virgo no
40000-50000 education / academiagay likes dogs acatholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianitym aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m capricorn ayes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs abuddhism am leo but it yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs judaism butf no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs and likes cam pisces no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 has kids straight agnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicis m taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianitym libra no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs other but nf no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight has dogs atheism and f leo but it when drink
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs aother and m libra and i no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight m when drink
100-2000 other gay catholicismm no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu gay agnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 education / academiagay other m scorpio andno
100-2000 other wants kids straight catholicismf scorpio when drink
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight hinduism f virgo no
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs anchristianitym gemini no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism butm capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf cancer no
50000-60000 other straight likes dogs m scorpio andno
60000-100000 straight likes dogs and has catf aries and itno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs and likes catm taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay buddhism m taurus no
100-2000 medicine / health straight buddhism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight f cancer but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism f leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f gemini butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 gay likes dogs m pisces no
40000-50000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius anno
60000-100000 other has a kid, straight has dogs anatheism anm scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianitym aries no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other and m virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight other m leo and it&sometimes
50000-60000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay catholicismm aries but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m capricorn ayes
100-2000 straight other and m aries and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aries no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs judaism butm virgo and i yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m libra and i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m libra but i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m libra and i no
100-2000 student gay has cats buddhism f taurus but when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aries sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism m aquarius buwhen drink
2000-30000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticis f libra yes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aries but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus but no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 straight has dogs m no
100-2000 student has a kid straight likes dogs aother and f pisces but no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs acatholicismm virgo no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit f taurus but no
100-2000 medicine / health gay m leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsm gemini andno
30000-40000 education / academiastraight has dogs christianit m aries and i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs christianitym scorpio andno
100-2000 political / governmentgay other m scorpio andno
100-2000 education has a kid straight m gemini no
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight f leo and it&when drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio butno
50000-60000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and dislikesf aries but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu f pisces but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm pisces and yes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs atheism butm aquarius buno
60000-100000 executive has kids, straight buddhism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 straight likes dogs f capricorn bno
100-2000 other has a kid straight other but nm aquarius buno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m libra no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight catholicismm gemini no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f virgo but i no
100-2000 rather not say straight christianityf no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianityf leo no
100-2000 other gay agnosticis m pisces no
100-2000 other straight has dogs and likes catf taurus and when drink
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism f virgo no
40000-50000 military straight has dogs anbuddhism am cancer andsometimes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs another and lm gemini andwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism and f cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticis f gemini no
100-2000 student straight agnosticismm aries but i sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m leo but it no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism f no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight atheism and m no
100-2000 hospitality has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces but no
100-2000 other straight atheism m leo no
40000-50000 clerical / administrati straight catholicis m capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 medicine / health gay catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs agnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anchristianit f capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid, straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 straight catholicis f aquarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f aries and i no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs aagnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m scorpio no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight m taurus no
100-2000 other gay buddhism am scorpio andno
40000-50000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis f no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight f gemini no
100-2000 straight christianit f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis f virgo and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs anatheism and f pisces and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight buddhism bu m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight f libra no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius anno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm pisces no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu f scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f pisces and no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
100-2000 gay f capricorn no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs atheism butm libra but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 gay m sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes cats catholicismm no
100-2000 political / governmentgay likes dogs aatheism m gemini butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf taurus but no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m taurus and trying to qu
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs other but nm libra but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other and lm capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m leo but it no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs and dislikes m leo but it sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism bu f libra but i no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogcatholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 student straight atheism m aries when drink
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm virgo but i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm cancer andno
40000-50000 artistic / musical / wristraight other and f libra and i sometimes
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs abuddhism am virgo but i no
40000-50000 hospitality / travel straight catholicismm aries and i sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm aquarius ansometimes
60000-100000 science / t has a kid straight christianitym libra but i no
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf virgo when drink
100-2000 straight m gemini no
100-2000 straight m when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticis m libra no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus but when drink
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs and has catm sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 has a kid straight catholicis f virgo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism and m virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticis f no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf leo no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f capricorn ano
2000-30000 other gay has dogs anagnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes caf taurus but no
100-2000 straight christianitym leo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m cancer but no
100-2000 other has a kid straight has dogs f scorpio no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs hinduism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm leo no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight m libra no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf virgo no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight other f taurus no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 other gay catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight other m taurus no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism bu m taurus but no
100-2000 other straight f cancer when drink
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f pisces no
100-2000 education has a kid straight has dogs f aquarius no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight m sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight atheism butf taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit f no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius no
60000-100000 entertainmhas kids straight m no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight catholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism butm cancer but no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m scorpio no
100-2000 might wantgay has dogs anagnosticis m cancer no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f sagittarius yes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay m gemini andno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs buddhism am cancer andno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf virgo but i no
100-2000 transportation straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aquarius buno
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m libra and i when drink
100-2000 other has kids straight christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 law / legal services straight m taurus no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m libra and i no
2000-30000 student gay catholicismm virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f libra no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay f capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 computer /has a kid, straight atheism butm capricorn no
40000-50000 education / academiagay likes dogs aother and f libra and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces but no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
50000-60000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismf leo no
100-2000 straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight has cats other f libra but i sometimes
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight islam and vm gemini andno
100-2000 other straight atheism butf cancer andno
100-2000 student straight f gemini andno
100-2000 other has kids gay christianityf gemini andtrying to qu
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight buddhism f capricorn ano
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs ancatholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight christianit f no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and has catm sometimes
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight christianit f cancer but no
100-2000 straight m aquarius anyes
100-2000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs abuddhism af aquarius anno
2000-30000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs atheism anm no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m virgo and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism am aquarius anno
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs m aries but i no
100-2000 hospitality has kids straight catholicismm virgo and i no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs atheism and m taurus and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m pisces no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf cancer but no
2000-30000 student straight atheism f taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has cats f aries and i no
100-2000 gay likes dogs and has catf sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight f capricorn no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and has catf leo but it no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother f libra and itno
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aother and lm gemini andno
100-2000 student straight has dogs anatheism butf libra and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f leo no
100-2000 straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight christianit m pisces but no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 straight m when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicis m aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f cancer but no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m aries but i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight atheism m taurus no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight catholicis m virgo no
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes cats agnosticismm leo no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismm aries and i sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis m aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight other m sagittarius no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm pisces no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and has catf pisces and no
100-2000 student gay m gemini butno
2000-30000 other might wantgay catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother but nm capricorn bno
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f virgo and itwhen drink
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismm capricorn byes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianityf leo and it&no
2000-30000 unemployed straight dislikes dogs and disli m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m aries but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf taurus and no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes caf capricorn ano
100-2000 straight has dogs another f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs anatheism and f taurus and no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf no
100-2000 other straight m no
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs aother and lm sagittarius yes
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has cats agnosticismf taurus and yes
100-2000 other straight atheism and f leo but it no
100-2000 has a kid, straight dislikes dogchristianit m virgo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism am scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs and likes catm taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf leo but it no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other straight f pisces and no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf leo but it sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs buddhism f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm pisces but no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs m gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight atheism butf no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and dislikesm libra but i yes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another f virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother but nm no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f leo no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight f libra but i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 education / academiagay has cats christianitym leo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has cats f no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces but no
100-2000 science / t might wantstraight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit f pisces but no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight dislikes dogchristianit m aquarius anyes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual atheism butm libra but i no
100-2000 straight m no
50000-60000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and dislikesm leo sometimes
100-2000 other bisexual has dogs anchristianit m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m aquarius buwhen drink
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 straight has dogs ancatholicismf taurus no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis f capricorn no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs achristianitym gemini andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs f pisces and no
2000-30000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay has cats agnosticismm libra and ittrying to qu
100-2000 law / legal services straight hinduism am pisces but no
60000-100000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aother but nf taurus and no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf scorpio no
50000-60000 medicine / health gay likes dogs m virgo when drink
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am libra and i when drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight other f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm trying to qu
100-2000 student straight f aquarius buno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm libra no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wrigay has cats hinduism m leo and it&no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m aries but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and has catm aries no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs christianityf gemini no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism anf aries but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticismf no
100-2000 other straight f no
100-2000 student bisexual has dogs anatheism and f capricorn bno
100-2000 straight m scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 straight catholicismf no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes cats agnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f no
100-2000 gay likes dogs m gemini no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianityf pisces and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf cancer no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs f aries and i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m leo but it no
100-2000 straight f cancer andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f pisces no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f no
100-2000 student gay catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism am no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployed straight likes dogs agnosticismm pisces and no
100-2000 military straight likes dogs and likes cam libra but i no
100-2000 education has kids straight has dogs buddhism f capricorn no
100-2000 student has a kid straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius no
100-2000 has a kid straight f taurus no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anagnosticismf scorpio butsometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m sometimes
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianitym capricorn no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs f taurus but when drink
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f aries and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs achristianit m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs hinduism am no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 constructiohas a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticismm no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs m capricorn no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight f taurus no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs agnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism an m gemini andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual dislikes do other and lf gemini andyes
100-2000 military straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs agnosticismm virgo but i no
60000-100000 straight likes dogs atheism and m sometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini sometimes
100-2000 straight f aries and i no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aries no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m cancer but no
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs and has catf cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 straight has dogs and likes catm scorpio yes
30000-40000 sales / marhas a kid straight likes dogs aatheism and m cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam aries no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs anatheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 education has a kid, straight likes dogs and dislikesf no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs m no
100-2000 entertainment / medibisexual likes dogs catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 student straight christianitym capricorn bno
50000-60000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm cancer no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs catholicis m aquarius buyes
60000-100000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius buno
100-2000 student straight has dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianitym no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs hinduism an f virgo no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismf no
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m leo when drink
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs buddhism bu m libra and i no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight has dogs and has catsm no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs m gemini butsometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight christianit f taurus no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight has dogs anagnosticismf taurus and when drink
100-2000 other straight christianit m capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianitym libra when drink
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicis f scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight other f sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployed straight dislikes dogother m no
100-2000 straight hinduism f pisces and no
100-2000 other has kids bisexual f libra no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f pisces no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids, straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight hinduism af sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs agnosticis m scorpio no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism am no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism and m scorpio butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism am aries and i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs abuddhism m capricorn no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism anm aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis f capricorn no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs m cancer no
100-2000 has a kid straight catholicismf pisces sometimes
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs agnosticismf pisces but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu f aquarius busometimes
100-2000 medicine / has a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicis f virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual catholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs and likes catf virgo and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs anchristianityf virgo and i no
100-2000 bisexual buddhism bu f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight hinduism bu f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 student straight catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 student straight other m libra but i no
100-2000 rather not has a kid straight has dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs buddhism am aquarius buno
60000-100000 hospitality / travel straight atheism m virgo but i no
40000-50000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs f aquarius buno
100-2000 bisexual f no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m no
100-2000 straight catholicismf leo no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismf sagittarius when drink
100-2000 straight dislikes dogs and disli f no
40000-50000 education / academiastraight atheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 has kids, straight likes dogs achristianityf leo and it&yes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism anm no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aother and m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicis f aquarius busometimes
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes cats catholicis f taurus no
60000-100000 medicine / health gay has dogs ancatholicismf leo and it&when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs f pisces and no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf taurus but no
100-2000 other gay christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and f aries and i sometimes
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay m virgo but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs agnosticis m leo and it&no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism and f leo but it sometimes
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m taurus but no
100-2000 straight christianityf no
100-2000 education has a kid straight f capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f gemini andsometimes
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm aries and i when drink
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f virgo no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and likes catf gemini butno
100-2000 executive has kids, gay likes dogs acatholicismf virgo but i when drink
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 other has a kid straight catholicismf taurus and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight m libra no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam gemini yes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticis f cancer but sometimes
100-2000 straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has cats christianit f no
100-2000 other straight other and m libra but i trying to qu
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aother but nm cancer andtrying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs f scorpio no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs and likes caf when drink
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and dislikes f when drink
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs buddhism bu m cancer andno
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym leo and it&no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs catholicismf leo but it no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid, bisexual has dogs another and f virgo and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
2000-30000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight has dogs anchristianit m libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs f virgo and itwhen drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs and likes catf pisces no
100-2000 other straight catholicismf gemini butno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anbuddhism f virgo no
100-2000 straight f no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aother and lf capricorn ano
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs agnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aatheism m cancer but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogchristianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 student straight christianit f pisces and no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m gemini andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f leo and it&trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianityf leo no
100-2000 straight atheism m virgo but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m leo but it no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f cancer no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f pisces but sometimes
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs christianityf no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf leo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay m capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 student straight f gemini andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism bu f libra but i no
100-2000 transportathas kids straight catholicismm pisces and trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m no
30000-40000 student gay likes dogs hinduism bu m gemini butno
60000-100000 medicine / health straight buddhism bu m virgo and i when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism af capricorn ano
2000-30000 education / academiastraight dislikes dogagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 military straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i no
50000-60000 education has kids straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs agnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs christianitym cancer no
40000-50000 other has kids straight m scorpio yes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius no
30000-40000 banking / financial / r gay has dogs m aquarius no
100-2000 straight m no
30000-40000 hospitality / travel straight christianit m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight f capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 straight hinduism m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs m aries and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs anagnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 student straight f cancer andyes
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs buddhism bu m gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m cancer but no
100-2000 student straight hinduism bu m aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs anagnosticismm capricorn atrying to qu
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has cats m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs anchristianitym libra sometimes
2000-30000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianityf cancer andno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and f capricorn ano
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs m pisces and sometimes
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay m aries when drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs f aries no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismm cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianit m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs atheism and f taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf leo but it no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aagnosticis m aquarius ansometimes
50000-60000 other straight m no
100-2000 student straight has dogs christianityf capricorn bno
100-2000 executive / managemgay agnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs m leo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs m libra trying to qu
100-2000 straight catholicismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianityf scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm virgo and i no
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight m aquarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm capricorn ano
30000-40000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus and when drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aatheism butm gemini butno
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight likes dogs and has catf no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight atheism f cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo and i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m leo when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs agnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism m aquarius no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm leo and it&yes
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticismm aries and i no
40000-50000 computer /has a kid straight m capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu f leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother and lm virgo and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs agnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight f libra and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aother f virgo but i no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight agnosticis f gemini no
100-2000 medicine / health straight buddhism f aries no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf capricorn ano
100-2000 executive / managemstraight christianitym no
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and dislikesf pisces and no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butsometimes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio no
60000-100000 science / t has a kid straight likes dogs aatheism butm aries but i no
100-2000 has a kid straight catholicismf cancer no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m taurus and yes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m libra no
100-2000 other gay m gemini butsometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs m aries no
100-2000 other straight m cancer no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight christianit m gemini no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 executive / managemstraight atheism butm aries but i no
100-2000 other straight likes cats atheism m libra and i sometimes
100-2000 straight m no
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m capricorn btrying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but yes
60000-100000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
50000-60000 medicine / health gay likes dogs aatheism and m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism anm aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight m capricorn bno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m libra no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m aries but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes cats buddhism am sagittarius yes
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf aries but i no
60000-100000 banking / fihas kids straight has dogs agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs f libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs agnosticismm capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn atrying to qu
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiagay catholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism and m taurus and no
50000-60000 constructiohas kids straight christianitym libra no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay has dogs another and m pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism and m libra no
100-2000 straight other m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 student straight christianit m libra and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight other but nf pisces but no
40000-50000 education doesn&rsqu gay buddhism m virgo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anm aquarius butrying to qu
100-2000 law / legal services straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 science / t has kids straight likes dogs ajudaism butm no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 student has a kid straight other but nm libra and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f cancer andno
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight atheism butf cancer but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs achristianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight other but nf scorpio butno
60000-100000 medicine / health straight has dogs anchristianit f capricorn ano
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other but nf aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs christianit f leo but it no
100-2000 other gay has cats f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m libra but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs achristianit m taurus and when drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight agnosticis f virgo but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f capricorn bno
2000-30000 military straight likes dogs aother and f capricorn ano
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu m pisces but no
30000-40000 student straight has dogs other but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aatheism m virgo but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m libra but i no
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs and dislikesf taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm virgo and i sometimes
30000-40000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism m cancer but sometimes
100-2000 student gay likes dogs achristianitym virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay other f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism anm no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay has dogs and likes catm sagittarius no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs buddhism bu m taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 straight christianityf taurus no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs catholicismm aries and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam libra yes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 gay likes dogs agnosticis m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m pisces no
2000-30000 other gay likes dogs aatheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm libra but i when drink
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m scorpio no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes caf libra but i when drink
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f libra but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogother but nf capricorn ano
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit m leo and it&no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f libra and i no
2000-30000 military straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 transportathas kids straight likes dogs aother and vm libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight islam f taurus no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs f scorpio no
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticis m gemini andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m cancer andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m no
2000-30000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m libra and i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf leo but it sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother and lf libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism butm pisces but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight buddhism f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight buddhism an m pisces and trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other and f aries and itno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f leo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f virgo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m gemini no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis m libra but i yes
100-2000 gay buddhism f libra no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other and m sagittarius trying to qu
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs aother m cancer no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aagnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs buddhism bu m pisces and no
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs buddhism am leo and it&sometimes
2000-30000 medicine / health bisexual catholicismm aries no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes cats agnosticismm no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism m scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam libra and i no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight islam but nm leo but it yes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aother and m libra no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight f virgo no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f aquarius no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs other m capricorn no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother but nm aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f libra no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs agnosticis f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other f virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs and likes catf gemini andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight m no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm scorpio trying to qu
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs christianitym capricorn bno
100-2000 gay catholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf capricorn btrying to qu
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight other f leo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs catholicismm scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m cancer no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay f cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism af cancer andno
40000-50000 other has a kid straight likes dogs acatholicismf taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicis m pisces no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight atheism m cancer yes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs ancatholicismf virgo no
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticis m no
100-2000 other straight catholicismm cancer no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm taurus and no
40000-50000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes cats other and m capricorn ano
100-2000 straight christianityf sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anchristianityf libra when drink
100-2000 student straight f pisces no
100-2000 education has a kid gay other f virgo and i no
100-2000 student gay likes cats agnosticismm libra and i trying to qu
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius busometimes
100-2000 bisexual has cats f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm taurus but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismf gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism butm gemini andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay m taurus but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f pisces and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m leo but it no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism butm no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m taurus and no
100-2000 straight has dogs catholicis m capricorn atrying to qu
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs atheism and m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m pisces no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianitym capricorn when drink
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m pisces no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs atheism butm scorpio butwhen drink
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes cats catholicismm gemini andno
50000-60000 other has kids straight catholicis m aquarius buno
2000-30000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight christianit m cancer andsometimes
100-2000 bisexual f leo when drink
100-2000 medicine / wants kids straight christianit m gemini no
100-2000 medicine / health straight agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianitym no
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 gay likes dogs f libra and i no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight hinduism bu m aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs hinduism am sagittarius no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn ano
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight atheism f no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs and has catf leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs hinduism bu f scorpio butno
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs abuddhism am taurus and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f aries no
100-2000 other straight other but nm no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs f taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
30000-40000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm leo and it&when drink
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs and dislikesf no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother f aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs f no
60000-100000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs aagnosticis m libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay has dogs other f virgo and itwhen drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay other but nf capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 gay likes dogs f scorpio when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f aries and i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 straight f gemini andyes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs aatheism f scorpio no
100-2000 straight atheism f sagittarius no
60000-100000 other has a kid, straight has dogs anchristianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight atheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf gemini yes
60000-100000 medicine / health straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs agnosticis f sagittarius no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m aquarius anno
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aagnosticis m aquarius buno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 straight f gemini andyes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianityf capricorn no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight m cancer but no
100-2000 student straight christianit m pisces but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism m gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism and m no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs catholicis m pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism anf pisces and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight other f virgo no
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius buno
100-2000 gay other m scorpio andyes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m taurus no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight f no
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight other but nm libra and i when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight dislikes doghinduism bu f pisces and no
100-2000 straight f gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianit m sagittarius no
50000-60000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit m libra but i trying to qu
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
2000-30000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm leo and it&yes
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and has catm aquarius anyes
100-2000 student gay has dogs and dislikes f leo but it no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 student gay has dogs another and lf aries and i when drink
100-2000 political / governmentstraight f pisces but no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu f scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight agnosticismm scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lf cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 other has a kid gay christianityf no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m pisces no
30000-40000 student straight other m virgo when drink
100-2000 straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight has dogs anchristianit m sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m aries sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf libra sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces but no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and dislikesm pisces and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf aquarius buno
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism anm no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anagnosticismf capricorn bsometimes
60000-100000 education / academiastraight catholicismm leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual f taurus no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m aries but i yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs acatholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f libra but i no
100-2000 student straight christianit m scorpio butno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 student bisexual catholicis f aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health gay has dogs agnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 artistic / mhas kids straight likes dogs buddhism f aries and i no
50000-60000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother m aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight m libra no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism butm capricorn bno
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m pisces but no
50000-60000 has kids straight likes dogs christianit m taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m libra but i trying to qu
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 student straight m aries and i no
40000-50000 other straight likes dogs christianit m gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm sagittarius no
2000-30000 student gay m when drink
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 retired has kids straight likes dogs christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m cancer no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs buddhism f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism am sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismf cancer but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism m sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 student straight has dogs and likes catm no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs atheism m no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs catholicismm pisces and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianityf libra but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs agnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius buno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticis f libra and i yes
100-2000 student straight m sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs atheism butm gemini yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism and f gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 entertainment / medigay likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces no
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight likes dogs and likes caf virgo sometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 other gay agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and has catf aquarius buno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn asometimes
100-2000 student straight has cats f sometimes
100-2000 student straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight m no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f libra but i no
2000-30000 transportathas a kid straight likes dogs aother and m leo but it trying to qu
100-2000 student straight catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs buddhism bu m libra and i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin bisexual dislikes doghinduism bu m gemini andwhen drink
2000-30000 other straight catholicismm no
100-2000 straight catholicismm virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight atheism and m aries but i yes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 other straight has dogs catholicismm leo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs other and lf no
100-2000 student straight likes cats other but nf leo and it&no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism m pisces but no
100-2000 transportation straight buddhism bu m scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m trying to qu
100-2000 straight m leo no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f capricorn ano
50000-60000 science / t has a kid bisexual likes dogs aother but nm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f aries but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay dislikes cats m yes
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm pisces no
2000-30000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicis m pisces and no
100-2000 gay has cats m gemini no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f leo no
100-2000 straight has cats f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aries and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 student straight christianityf pisces no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu bisexual f leo but it no
2000-30000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs agnosticis f aries but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 student straight catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i no
50000-60000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogatheism butf cancer andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but no
100-2000 education / academiastraight buddhism bu m capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs acatholicismf no
100-2000 sales / marwants kids straight f libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi bisexual likes dogs achristianit f leo and it&no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm gemini andsometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m taurus and no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs atheism and m no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight has dogs anchristianit f capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf virgo but i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis f scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight m aries and i no
60000-100000 sales / marhas a kid, straight has cats catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 student straight atheism butm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight christianit m scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m pisces and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and has catm when drink
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis m no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lm gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f scorpio no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism and m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianit f virgo no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs catholicismf pisces no
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs f taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticis m virgo but i no
2000-30000 student straight has cats m capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 rather not has kids straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu gay other and vm aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs aagnosticis m libra and i no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight likes cats m gemini butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f leo and it&no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f sagittarius no
100-2000 bisexual buddhism bu f aquarius butrying to qu
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs m no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismf leo no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight buddhism am no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and has catm trying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m capricorn bno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and has catm capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f gemini butno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs atheism butm taurus and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 military straight has dogs anatheism m taurus but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianityf no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight likes dogs christianityf cancer no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit f no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m aquarius anno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs atheism and m no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight hinduism an f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm no
100-2000 has a kid straight m aries no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs christianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight has dogs and likes catf no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight christianitym pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m when drink
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight has dogs another f libra and i sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware gay likes cats agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight has dogs buddhism am taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m libra no
100-2000 straight m scorpio no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm scorpio no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight catholicismf aquarius buno
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit f cancer but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and vf leo but it no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight atheism butm no
100-2000 other straight atheism m capricorn trying to qu
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism am aries and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight christianit m leo but it no
100-2000 science / t has a kid straight likes dogs and likes cam aries but i no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 straight has cats other and f capricorn when drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and has catf aries and i yes
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ajudaism butm gemini butno
100-2000 other has kids, straight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs other but nm aries and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m aries no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay has dogs atheism m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f leo but it no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs and has catf taurus and trying to qu
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight agnosticis m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm cancer andno
2000-30000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf aries when drink
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight catholicismf capricorn bno
100-2000 education / academiastraight f libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight dislikes do islam but nm pisces but sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism am scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs buddhism am aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismm aries and i yes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m aries and i no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight m gemini butno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm capricorn bno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs buddhism af virgo but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianitym leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs other m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight other but nm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f virgo yes
100-2000 student straight has dogs anagnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 has kids straight buddhism f scorpio butno
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs f leo when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m aquarius anno
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes caf libra no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer andwhen drink
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm virgo and i when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f leo and it&no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay likes cats f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu m pisces but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianityf gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism f pisces no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and m virgo when drink
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight f taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight dislikes dogchristianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes caf scorpio andno
100-2000 executive has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticismf pisces and no
30000-40000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs anchristianit m no
100-2000 straight agnosticismf taurus and no
2000-30000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother f virgo and i when drink
100-2000 other straight has dogs christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs acatholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes cats f capricorn ano
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs hinduism bu m pisces but no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay likes dogs buddhism bu m capricorn btrying to qu
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs catholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 gay f aries and i no
100-2000 straight has dogs m taurus when drink
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs hinduism bu f leo but it no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs m cancer but when drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs and has catf leo and it&no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf scorpio andno
2000-30000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight buddhism af scorpio butno
100-2000 gay likes dogs buddhism m pisces when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianityf sagittarius no
40000-50000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 bisexual f no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf gemini andwhen drink
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight f pisces but no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf leo yes
50000-60000 executive has a kid straight christianit f no
100-2000 has kids straight catholicismf capricorn no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids, straight other and m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats agnosticismm leo but it no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m cancer trying to qu
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianityf pisces and no
100-2000 straight atheism f leo but it no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs buddhism f no
2000-30000 student straight agnosticis m aquarius yes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight other and lf aquarius buyes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs f gemini no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicis f aquarius no
100-2000 political / governmentgay has dogs agnosticis f capricorn no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs other f scorpio butno
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight christianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight christianit m pisces but sometimes
50000-60000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism anm pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anatheism anm aries but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf taurus and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs aatheism butm leo and it&no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer but no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi gay other and m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism anf sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs another f pisces but when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs acatholicismm libra no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianit m scorpio no
2000-30000 transportation straight likes dogs aother but nm gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ajudaism butm pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other and f scorpio andno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs m pisces no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianityf leo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism and m no
100-2000 gay likes dogs and likes cam leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m capricorn ano
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight m taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo but i when drink
50000-60000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs ancatholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs m pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight agnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs m cancer trying to qu
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay atheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs christianit m gemini when drink
2000-30000 education / academiabisexual f cancer sometimes
100-2000 gay m gemini andno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm leo and it&no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight hinduism m gemini no
100-2000 straight m leo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aries and i no
100-2000 other has a kid straight christianit f pisces but no
100-2000 executive has kids straight catholicismf no
100-2000 rather not say straight catholicismm leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m aries and i sometimes
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 gay m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight dislikes catchristianityf libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight hinduism bu f virgo but i no
100-2000 education has a kid straight has dogs christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 straight has cats f leo sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight other but nf pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism af libra and i no
100-2000 other has a kid straight has dogs f no
100-2000 transportathas a kid straight catholicismf capricorn when drink
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight hinduism f leo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has dogs christianityf gemini no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight other m no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism am gemini andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs anchristianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight hinduism m cancer no
100-2000 has kids straight likes dogs aother m leo but it no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm leo and it&when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aatheism and m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs ancatholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 other gay has dogs buddhism am sagittarius sometimes
60000-100000 computer /has kids straight catholicismm scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight m scorpio butyes
100-2000 education / academiastraight has cats catholicismf cancer andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticis m capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other f virgo but i no
30000-40000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f gemini andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight hinduism f taurus and no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm capricorn bno
2000-30000 entertainment / medistraight catholicismm no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi gay f scorpio andno
60000-100000 other straight m no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsm aquarius anno
100-2000 student straight atheism m gemini andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 other straight has dogs and dislikes f cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight other f aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f cancer no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes cats catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianityf libra no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit f aquarius buwhen drink
60000-100000 other has kids straight has dogs catholicismf leo and it&trying to qu
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight catholicis m aquarius buno
100-2000 other gay has dogs f capricorn ano
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m pisces no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm scorpio andtrying to qu
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu gay catholicismm pisces sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsm leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 student straight christianitym aries and i sometimes
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay m pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r bisexual christianityf capricorn no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 education / academiagay m cancer no
100-2000 student straight m leo and it&when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight m no
100-2000 other straight has dogs other m libra and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs christianit f aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismm no
100-2000 education has kids straight catholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay atheism m gemini butno
30000-40000 banking / fihas a kid, straight f aries no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 other gay m libra and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn bno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs christianit m scorpio no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis f cancer but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs anchristianit m aquarius buno
50000-60000 education has kids, straight has dogs and dislikes f aquarius anno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 student straight hinduism am libra but i no
100-2000 straight f scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticis m gemini no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs achristianit f libra and i no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs atheism butf libra and i no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight hinduism am taurus but when drink
100-2000 straight christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight has dogs anchristianit m cancer andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism anm pisces but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 other gay m scorpio butno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight m libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs hinduism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo but it yes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anm aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs agnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight other but nm aquarius anno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight has cats m gemini butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight buddhism am aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anchristianit f gemini butno
100-2000 entertainment / medibisexual likes dogs achristianit f leo but it when drink
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm leo and it&no
100-2000 student gay has dogs m libra no
2000-30000 other has kids straight catholicismm virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism f virgo and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f taurus and no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism butf aquarius anno
40000-50000 education has kids straight likes dogs catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs other f leo and it&no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f aquarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs other m leo no
60000-100000 education / academiagay likes dogs other f capricorn sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianityf virgo no
30000-40000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs aagnosticis f aries and i no
100-2000 other straight m aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit f when drink
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and has catf gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f virgo and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight atheism m no
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight christianit m aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / health gay has dogs another but nm capricorn ano
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs acatholicis f taurus but no
100-2000 straight m pisces but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism butf cancer andno
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and has catm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay christianit m virgo no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight buddhism am aquarius anno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight f gemini when drink
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay has cats atheism butm virgo and i sometimes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother and lm scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight catholicismm sagittarius no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu m virgo but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 straight christianityf no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianityf gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio butno
30000-40000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marwants kids straight likes dogs f taurus and no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs m aquarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
2000-30000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs achristianit f cancer andno
60000-100000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and has catf cancer andno
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs buddhism bu m sagittarius no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m scorpio butno
30000-40000 student straight buddhism af sometimes
100-2000 straight has dogs m gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes cats m leo but it no
100-2000 other straight christianitym capricorn asometimes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight christianit f no
60000-100000 other gay likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m taurus and when drink
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m gemini butno
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight other f gemini butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight catholicismm pisces sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism m no
50000-60000 entertainment / medigay buddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianityf leo no
100-2000 student straight likes cats christianityf capricorn no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother f aries and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight f leo no
100-2000 student gay likes cats m gemini no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight christianityf virgo no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight dislikes cathinduism an m capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs achristianitym virgo no
100-2000 medicine / health straight other and f aries and i no
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m no
60000-100000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 other has a kid, straight dislikes dogchristianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and dislikesf scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aagnosticismf sagittarius no
30000-40000 gay m virgo no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight christianit m pisces and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogs and likesm scorpio butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay has dogs another m pisces no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m pisces but no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and m leo and it&no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
60000-100000 rather not say straight christianitym scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and dislikesf aquarius anno
2000-30000 rather not say straight hinduism bu m aquarius anyes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m libra no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f aquarius buno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs ajudaism and m leo trying to qu
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight other and vf pisces and no
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs aatheism anm scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aagnosticismf gemini andno
100-2000 gay f taurus no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f pisces no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianit f aquarius anno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism am virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay m taurus no
100-2000 straight likes dogs catholicismf capricorn ayes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs atheism and m taurus but no
100-2000 education has kids straight christianit f gemini butno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs christianityf pisces no
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight other m leo no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aatheism butm no
100-2000 other has kids straight f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay has dogs m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m cancer but no
60000-100000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f taurus and no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight f aquarius anno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf pisces but when drink
2000-30000 student has kids straight m libra and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and m sagittarius no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m pisces and no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butf pisces and no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid gay catholicis m gemini andwhen drink
2000-30000 medicine / might wantstraight likes dogs aother f virgo no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs atheism m scorpio no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am capricorn bno
100-2000 straight m leo when drink
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi gay christianitym gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs agnosticismf capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm capricorn bno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight hinduism f sagittarius no
60000-100000 transportathas a kid straight has dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes cats m aries but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aother and lm sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight m aries sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight other and m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 student straight buddhism bu m leo no
40000-50000 other straight has dogs buddhism m aquarius no
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianit f cancer no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianitym pisces when drink
100-2000 gay likes dogs m leo no
100-2000 other straight f leo but it no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m gemini butno
40000-50000 military doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other and lm sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam leo trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam leo and it&yes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight m libra and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism m aries and i no
100-2000 has kids straight m sagittarius trying to qu
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight catholicismm leo but it no
2000-30000 sales / marhas a kid straight has dogs anchristianityf gemini andyes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other m gemini no
100-2000 student gay other m scorpio andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight christianit m taurus no
100-2000 computer /has kids straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius busometimes
60000-100000 political / doesn&rsqu gay christianityf capricorn ano
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs buddhism bu f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight dislikes do catholicis f scorpio andno
100-2000 wants kids straight likes dogs aother f libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 straight has dogs m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs other and f virgo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs f aquarius buno
100-2000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs agnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 straight likes dogs catholicismf aquarius when drink
100-2000 student straight f libra yes
100-2000 other straight likes cats buddhism bu f leo and it&no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i when drink
100-2000 education / academiabisexual likes dogs and likes cam when drink
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 gay likes dogs m leo sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has dogs agnosticismm libra and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs ahinduism am aquarius anno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs aother m aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and dislikesf no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight christianityf libra and i no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i when drink
100-2000 student straight has cats agnosticis m when drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio when drink
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay atheism anm leo and it&no
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn ano
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aatheism m scorpio butno
100-2000 retired straight christianit f aries but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m libra and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism am leo but it no
100-2000 student straight has dogs and has catsm capricorn no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 science / t has kids straight christianityf aries no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m cancer but no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m libra but i no
100-2000 military straight likes dogs buddhism am aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m virgo but i no
60000-100000 education / academiastraight has dogs catholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has cats other m gemini no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m taurus but no
100-2000 other straight catholicismm virgo but i no
2000-30000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm cancer no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight m pisces but no
100-2000 straight m trying to qu
100-2000 other straight other m aquarius no
100-2000 student might wantstraight likes dogs agnosticismf virgo and itno
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces and no
100-2000 student straight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism am pisces and no
50000-60000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticismf leo and it&when drink
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anagnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay christianit m taurus but yes
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesm when drink
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats atheism and m no
100-2000 student straight other f no
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs and has catf sagittarius no
100-2000 other has kids straight christianityf scorpio no
100-2000 other has kids straight other m aries sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus and no
30000-40000 other straight catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f capricorn bno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight catholicismm cancer no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianitym no
100-2000 straight has dogs catholicismm capricorn no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf cancer but when drink
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianitym leo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs other and f sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs and has catsf aquarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs f virgo but i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs hinduism f libra no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight hinduism af capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m virgo and i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes cats m aquarius busometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianityf scorpio andno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius buno
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm aries but i no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight hinduism bu m capricorn when drink
100-2000 other gay likes dogs aagnosticis f scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight dislikes dogother and f leo and it&no
100-2000 straight likes dogs f taurus no
50000-60000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf scorpio butno
40000-50000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aislam and f capricorn ano
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
40000-50000 computer / hardware gay has dogs other and f libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other f scorpio butno
100-2000 computer /has a kid straight atheism and m yes
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lm pisces but yes
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs aother but nf virgo and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight other f libra no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianityf gemini butno
100-2000 executive has kids straight likes dogs aother but nf libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m pisces but no
100-2000 student has a kid, straight has cats other f capricorn no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs catholicismf taurus but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes caf no
60000-100000 transportation straight other m virgo when drink
100-2000 straight f no
40000-50000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs agnosticis f gemini andno
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight has dogs catholicismf aries but i no
100-2000 gay agnosticismm virgo and i when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has cats buddhism an f aquarius anno
100-2000 other gay agnosticismm taurus and no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight dislikes dogbuddhism bu m libra but i no
100-2000 student gay likes dogs aatheism and m pisces no
100-2000 other gay m leo but it when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini butsometimes
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm aries and i sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
30000-40000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicis m libra but i no
100-2000 student straight has dogs christianit f cancer but no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m taurus but when drink
100-2000 bisexual f leo no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs other and lm leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m libra and i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu m pisces and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianitym cancer no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs other and lm taurus but no
60000-100000 education has kids, straight likes dogs christianit f aries and i sometimes
100-2000 student straight buddhism am gemini andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&yes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 other straight hinduism m virgo no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight likes cats m libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother f aries and i no
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m leo but it when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m leo no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf no
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and when drink
60000-100000 clerical / a has kids straight has dogs another f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f scorpio andyes
100-2000 medicine / health straight f gemini no
100-2000 other straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs and likes cam taurus and no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianitym taurus and sometimes
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs anagnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism f scorpio no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu f libra but i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs and has catm cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight other f pisces no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo and i when drink
100-2000 constructiohas a kid straight likes dogs christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f virgo and i no
100-2000 student gay catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismf libra no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicis f aquarius anno
100-2000 has kids, straight f no
60000-100000 construction / crafts straight has dogs ancatholicismm virgo sometimes
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight m no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis f leo no
100-2000 gay m sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight has cats christianityf gemini no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m aries and i no
100-2000 straight m libra and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m sagittarius no
50000-60000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and f scorpio butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit m aries and i yes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf libra no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight hinduism bu f leo but it no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym gemini no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight m libra but i sometimes
100-2000 bisexual has dogs f libra sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs aother and lm scorpio andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym no
100-2000 straight f yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid, straight likes dogs achristianit f capricorn byes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio butyes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f aquarius anno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs acatholicis f aquarius anno
100-2000 other has a kid, straight other and lf aquarius anyes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m cancer but no
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight m taurus no
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
2000-30000 bisexual has dogs m gemini butsometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs achristianit m cancer but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay other m taurus but no
100-2000 bisexual likes dogs f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f libra and i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs other f leo and it&no
40000-50000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 student straight has dogs anagnosticis f capricorn bno
100-2000 other bisexual likes dogs aother and lf cancer andsometimes
100-2000 hospitality has a kid, straight f gemini no
100-2000 student straight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius no
60000-100000 law / legal services straight catholicismm aquarius no
60000-100000 law / legal has kids straight likes dogs catholicismf taurus but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs atheism f virgo and i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis m taurus and when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs acatholicismf leo but it no
2000-30000 education wants kids gay likes dogs f aries and i no
100-2000 political / has kids straight likes dogs achristianityf virgo but i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs buddhism bu f leo and it&no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nf leo and it&no
100-2000 other has kids straight christianityf scorpio no
60000-100000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight christianit f no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid straight likes dogs catholicismf leo and it&no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and has catf aquarius no
40000-50000 construction / crafts gay likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf leo no
100-2000 straight f scorpio no
100-2000 student straight catholicismf no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit f cancer andno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs buddhism f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam leo sometimes
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m taurus but no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight f no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight has cats other and m aquarius anno
100-2000 straight christianit f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f leo no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu f capricorn ano
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m cancer andno
100-2000 political / has kids, straight has dogs other f aries but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 transportathas a kid straight christianitym no
100-2000 student straight atheism m virgo but i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight atheism f aries no
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes cats christianit f sagittarius no
100-2000 gay m leo no
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay likes dogs agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs aatheism f capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other m gemini no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm when drink
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight has dogs and has catsm aries no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight dislikes dogagnosticismf capricorn bno
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit m aries but i when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianityf no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm yes
100-2000 education / academiastraight dislikes dogs and likesf gemini andno
100-2000 student straight m aries but i no
100-2000 straight m aries but i when drink
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs m scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 education has a kid, gay other and lf aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid gay other but nf aries and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs catholicismf no
100-2000 gay f capricorn sometimes
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other straight other but nm aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has cats f no
30000-40000 computer /has kids straight other m pisces no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m sometimes
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight m virgo no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs f pisces and no
2000-30000 retired has kids, gay has dogs anchristianit f virgo but i yes
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m libra and i when drink
100-2000 straight f aquarius no
100-2000 other straight f no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs buddhism bu m taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m leo and it&no
100-2000 straight likes dogs acatholicismf no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism and m no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs other and f taurus but sometimes
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 straight atheism f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight atheism m aquarius buno
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs catholicis f capricorn bno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight other m libra no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight m capricorn no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticis m taurus no
100-2000 education / academiastraight agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f pisces but when drink
100-2000 other gay likes dogs buddhism af pisces and sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f scorpio no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf pisces but no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
2000-30000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anbuddhism bu f libra no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs buddhism af virgo and i no
2000-30000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini no
100-2000 military straight has dogs anislam but nf gemini butno
40000-50000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf leo trying to qu
100-2000 clerical / a has kids, straight has dogs f capricorn ano
100-2000 bisexual christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m no
2000-30000 unemployed straight likes dogs other and m aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs and likes caf aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f leo but it no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs aother f libra and i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
40000-50000 medicine / has a kid, straight has dogs catholicismf virgo and i when drink
50000-60000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit f sagittarius when drink
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs achristianit f virgo no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianityf no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini andno
100-2000 straight has dogs f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs other but nf pisces and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay has cats f capricorn asometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight atheism m sagittarius no
100-2000 political / governmentgay has dogs another and lm aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother and lm aries and i when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay likes dogs aother and vm libra and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother and lm cancer andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight m no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight has dogs christianit f cancer but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay other and m taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / health gay m virgo but i no
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 executive has a kid straight dislikes dogother and f cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs aother and lf aries but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs agnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs christianityf pisces no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight christianitym aquarius buno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f pisces no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight other but nf cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aother but nm aquarius anno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf capricorn bno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism butm gemini andno
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf taurus no
100-2000 has kids straight christianityf virgo no
100-2000 hospitality has a kid straight likes dogs other f cancer andno
2000-30000 transportation straight agnosticismm scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight m taurus but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m gemini andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini andno
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs other and lm cancer andyes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 has a kid straight catholicis f aries sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes cats catholicismm sagittarius when drink
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf sagittarius no
2000-30000 other straight likes cats other and vm leo but it no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs other m cancer no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other f taurus and sometimes
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other and m capricorn bsometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother and lf aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 straight f virgo no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m capricorn ano
100-2000 straight f aquarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes cats atheism and m taurus and no
60000-100000 sales / marhas a kid straight likes dogs christianitym taurus but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianityf gemini andno
100-2000 gay has cats f taurus no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf aries and i no
50000-60000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianitym aries but i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs other f gemini andno
100-2000 straight agnosticis f aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio when drink
100-2000 student straight christianitym no
100-2000 other straight atheism butm leo but it yes
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismf cancer no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs and likes cam pisces and yes
60000-100000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i yes
100-2000 student straight has dogs other f pisces and no
100-2000 straight has dogs f capricorn no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism f no
100-2000 other straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight agnosticismm scorpio butwhen drink
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs aatheism and m scorpio butno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs achristianit m aries but i trying to qu
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid, straight likes dogs christianit f cancer but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism m taurus but when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianitym no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticis m leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs atheism butf virgo and i no
100-2000 retired has kids straight other and f virgo no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf libra but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight other f scorpio andno
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nm scorpio andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs judaism anf cancer but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual agnosticismf leo and it&no
100-2000 student straight atheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aother and lf aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f gemini butno
50000-60000 medicine / has a kid, straight christianit f gemini andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs f libra but i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 law / legal has kids straight has dogs and has catsf leo but it no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid bisexual f libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs atheism anm leo but it no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f virgo no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight dislikes catchristianityf no
100-2000 has a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicis m leo no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anagnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs acatholicis f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmhas a kid straight christianit f cancer andyes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf capricorn bno
100-2000 political / governmentstraight has dogs ancatholicismf taurus and when drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism f yes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf capricorn bno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf taurus and sometimes
100-2000 constructiodoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs other and lm aquarius busometimes
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer andno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs anchristianityf pisces no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces but no
100-2000 clerical / administrati gay m no
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf aries and ityes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other and vm scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs other f aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 political / has a kid straight agnosticis f libra and itno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer but no
50000-60000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs aagnosticis m aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs acatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight agnosticismm aquarius buno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother but nm cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight judaism anf no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs abuddhism bu m aries and i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m pisces but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs anatheism and m cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butf libra but i no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aatheism butm virgo but i no
60000-100000 political / has kids, straight likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn awhen drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs atheism anm libra and i when drink
100-2000 other has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticis m aquarius anno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m taurus yes
50000-60000 entertainment / medibisexual f aquarius busometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes cats other but nm libra but i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs atheism m aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 student has a kid gay has dogs other and lm pisces but no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs other m sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs m pisces no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianit m capricorn no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes cam aries and i sometimes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf aries but i sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf virgo no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm pisces and sometimes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has cats m taurus yes
40000-50000 straight catholicismm libra no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 science / t has a kid, straight christianit m gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs christianit m gemini butno
40000-50000 banking / financial / r straight other m scorpio butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs and likes cam taurus but sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight catholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs and likes caf taurus and when drink
100-2000 has a kid straight catholicismf pisces sometimes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs another m aquarius anno
30000-40000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and vm gemini andtrying to qu
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism butm no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m cancer but no
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs buddhism af aquarius anno
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismf cancer no
40000-50000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs ancatholicismm gemini butsometimes
100-2000 political / governmentgay agnosticis m virgo no
100-2000 has kids, straight likes dogs atheism butm pisces and when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs agnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 straight m no
30000-40000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight other m aquarius anno
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu gay has dogs other and m gemini andno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs aagnosticis m taurus no
100-2000 medicine / health gay likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs other but nm virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianitym taurus but no
2000-30000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu gay atheism m scorpio andno
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
40000-50000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m capricorn no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianitym libra no
100-2000 executive has kids straight has dogs another and m gemini andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs achristianit m leo and it&trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m aquarius buno
100-2000 transportation straight has dogs and likes catf cancer andno
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs acatholicis m aquarius anno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay m gemini no
100-2000 banking / financial / r gay has dogs another m libra but i trying to qu
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m taurus and no
30000-40000 rather not say straight christianitym pisces sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym pisces and sometimes
50000-60000 science / t has a kid straight m leo yes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm libra but i when drink
60000-100000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other but nf taurus and no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicis f aquarius buno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianitym capricorn no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs achristianitym scorpio andno
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm capricorn byes
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicis m cancer andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs f pisces no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs catholicismm cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight likes dogs catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
2000-30000 education / academiagay likes dogs aatheism and m virgo and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianit m sagittarius no
100-2000 gay m cancer andsometimes
60000-100000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother m aquarius anno
100-2000 other straight m scorpio andtrying to qu
100-2000 transportation straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius no
40000-50000 political / governmentstraight atheism m no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother but nf aries no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight f scorpio butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother and vm aries and i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs m libra and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m scorpio butno
100-2000 other straight f aries and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit f taurus but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m no
100-2000 executive / managemgay likes dogs other m aries but i no
100-2000 other straight f leo no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs buddhism f cancer andno
2000-30000 student straight catholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 education has a kid straight likes dogs f taurus but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i no
100-2000 education has a kid, straight has dogs anatheism and f virgo and i no
100-2000 other gay likes dogs and likes caf aquarius busometimes
100-2000 rather not has a kid straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 other straight f cancer andno
40000-50000 executive has kids straight christianitym gemini butwhen drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight m no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m libra but i no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam aries and i yes
2000-30000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm aquarius buwhen drink
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs anchristianitym no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other f libra no
100-2000 other straight m no
2000-30000 other has a kid straight dislikes dogchristianit f pisces and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight catholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 student gay atheism m cancer yes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticis m aries and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianit m gemini butno
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight f no
100-2000 bisexual christianityf scorpio sometimes
100-2000 political / governmentstraight likes dogs aatheism f sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m aries but i sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm libra no
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight christianit f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs m scorpio no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight catholicis f cancer but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs abuddhism am scorpio andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay other and lm pisces and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i no
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam virgo and i no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 medicine / health straight m leo and it&no
60000-100000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit m cancer andno
100-2000 education might wantstraight has cats f taurus and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes cats atheism butm no
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f gemini no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianityf no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf yes
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight f sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 student straight christianityf pisces and no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m taurus but sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health bisexual has dogs anatheism butf virgo but i yes
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm no
50000-60000 medicine / health straight catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs other but nf libra and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu gay catholicismf no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight f capricorn ano
30000-40000 law / legal doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismm virgo but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother and lm aquarius ansometimes
100-2000 rather not say straight has dogs f gemini butno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs acatholicismf gemini andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m libra and i no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs catholicismm when drink
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs f gemini andno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay atheism anm no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs f gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 gay has dogs f libra no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer yes
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 straight likes dogs acatholicismm when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual has dogs another but nf aries and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m taurus and no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight has dogs catholicismm gemini andtrying to qu
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m scorpio no
100-2000 straight f scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs agnosticis f taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal services straight m gemini no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianitym scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf aquarius no
100-2000 student straight has dogs another but nf scorpio butno
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianityf when drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other m libra and i no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius yes
100-2000 gay m sagittarius when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismm no
60000-100000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf leo and it&yes
100-2000 student gay likes dogs acatholicis m gemini andno
100-2000 student gay agnosticis m cancer but no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicis f libra and i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and m libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticis f cancer no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs f cancer but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm libra and i yes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight buddhism bu f taurus and no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother and lm leo but it when drink
100-2000 other straight has dogs catholicismm virgo and i sometimes
2000-30000 other straight other and lm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 education / academiastraight m scorpio no
100-2000 student straight m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f no
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs other but nf aquarius busometimes
100-2000 straight likes dogs f leo no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf gemini no
100-2000 gay has dogs buddhism af scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and likes caf leo no
100-2000 straight f scorpio when drink
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f pisces no
100-2000 political / governmentstraight m no
2000-30000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs atheism butm aquarius anno
60000-100000 science / t has a kid straight has cats buddhism bu f libra and itno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism and m virgo but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm cancer andno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianitym no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs achristianit m libra and i no
100-2000 straight catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight atheism m aquarius no
60000-100000 other has kids straight christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 student gay dislikes dogs and likesm cancer but sometimes
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
40000-50000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm gemini butno
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs aother f cancer no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight hinduism f leo no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other but nf aquarius anwhen drink
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm capricorn bno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m aries no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight catholicismf scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs m libra sometimes
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aother and lm taurus but no
100-2000 bisexual f aries no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m leo no
100-2000 has a kid straight f leo sometimes
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs atheism f pisces and no
100-2000 hospitality has a kid straight has dogs f no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm capricorn ano
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianitym leo and it&no
40000-50000 other straight has dogs m cancer yes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf capricorn bno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f sometimes
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm cancer but no
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m gemini sometimes
100-2000 science / t has a kid straight has dogs anagnosticismm cancer andno
30000-40000 clerical / a has kids straight likes dogs catholicismf taurus and yes
100-2000 straight christianit f cancer andno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wribisexual likes dogs buddhism bu f taurus and no
40000-50000 law / legal has kids straight likes dogs other but nf sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight f capricorn ano
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f leo and it&no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight catholicismf virgo and i no
50000-60000 education has kids straight likes dogs achristianit f capricorn bno
2000-30000 student straight atheism and m taurus and when drink
100-2000 military straight has dogs anchristianit f taurus and no
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother m pisces when drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight m sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight has dogs m libra and i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m capricorn ano
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m scorpio no
50000-60000 medicine / has a kid, straight other f scorpio butno
100-2000 education / academiastraight other and f taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m leo no
100-2000 transportatdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo and it&trying to qu
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight other m sagittarius no
100-2000 student has a kid straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&when drink
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am taurus and no
100-2000 clerical / administrati bisexual has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism and m libra but i no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight likes dogs atheism m no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight christianitym cancer no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f virgo no
100-2000 has a kid straight has dogs another f scorpio butno
100-2000 clerical / a has a kid bisexual has dogs and has catsf gemini when drink
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs anagnosticismf virgo but i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m aries but i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu gay f scorpio andno
100-2000 other has a kid straight has dogs ancatholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight catholicis f libra but i no
60000-100000 executive has kids straight has dogs ancatholicis f taurus and no
100-2000 straight f no
40000-50000 education / academiastraight agnosticismf scorpio butno
100-2000 medicine / health bisexual has dogs f cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 political / has kids straight has cats agnosticis f aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f libra no
100-2000 straight likes dogs achristianityf no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight f sagittarius no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism butm cancer but yes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs acatholicismm capricorn ano
100-2000 straight m gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 straight f libra and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu m gemini butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight has dogs ancatholicis f capricorn bno
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 student straight buddhism bu m sagittarius no
100-2000 bisexual f sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f taurus and no
2000-30000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs acatholicismm virgo but i trying to qu
100-2000 education has kids straight catholicis f leo no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu bisexual f aries when drink
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianitym virgo no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus but no
100-2000 student straight buddhism bu f taurus but no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicis f aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight has dogs christianit f capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight catholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 has kids straight catholicismf scorpio no
100-2000 other has a kid straight buddhism af aries and i no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces but no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f pisces and no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf sometimes
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism af leo but it no
100-2000 entertainmhas a kid, straight likes dogs aatheism m aries but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism bu m aries but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has dogs f sometimes
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs catholicismf cancer andno
40000-50000 student straight christianitym scorpio andyes
100-2000 medicine / has a kid straight m virgo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticis f libra and i no
2000-30000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs agnosticismf libra and i no
40000-50000 other doesn&rsqu gay agnosticis f libra and i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight f pisces but no
40000-50000 medicine / health straight has dogs ancatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight atheism butm aquarius busometimes
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight catholicismm cancer no
100-2000 student straight has dogs christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight hinduism m gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight m aries but i no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs anbuddhism bu f scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismf sagittarius sometimes
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs m virgo sometimes
60000-100000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and vf pisces and when drink
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes caf pisces no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother f gemini andno
60000-100000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs other but nm capricorn ano
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn ano
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and has catm pisces and no
100-2000 straight f cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware gay m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight has dogs m capricorn ano
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m pisces but when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f sagittarius no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catf virgo but i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs other and lf aquarius buno
100-2000 education / academiastraight catholicismf cancer no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo but i no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
30000-40000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit m gemini andsometimes
50000-60000 computer / hardware straight has dogs agnosticis m gemini andno
50000-60000 sales / marketing / bi straight m no
60000-100000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs christianityf aries and ityes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has cats catholicismf cancer yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs catholicismm scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay hinduism bu m libra and i no
100-2000 other has kids straight has dogs catholicismf capricorn bno
50000-60000 medicine / wants kids straight m aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin gay atheism m leo but it no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f leo but it no
50000-60000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs other f capricorn ayes
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu m leo no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay atheism m capricorn sometimes
100-2000 political / governmentbisexual likes dogs other f cancer andno
100-2000 computer /wants kids straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 computer /has kids, straight christianit f aries but i no
2000-30000 student straight christianitym scorpio sometimes
100-2000 other straight m leo no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r gay likes dogs and likes cam aquarius no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m taurus and yes
100-2000 hospitality / travel bisexual f libra when drink
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu straight other and vm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t has kids, straight has dogs ancatholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m taurus no
50000-60000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu f pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 has a kid straight m gemini no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs f capricorn ano
100-2000 military straight likes dogs aother and vm scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f virgo and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel gay m capricorn ano
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs f leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aatheism and m libra but i no
2000-30000 other straight has cats christianityf gemini sometimes
100-2000 rather not say straight f no
100-2000 straight has dogs m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit m cancer but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs agnosticismm taurus no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm sagittarius yes
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m pisces and no
60000-100000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m aries no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight other f gemini no
100-2000 political / governmentgay has dogs ancatholicismm sagittarius no
2000-30000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight christianitym sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianitym capricorn bno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs f no
100-2000 student straight christianityf leo but it no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight f aries sometimes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs f no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
50000-60000 hospitality has a kid, straight has dogs anchristianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight f pisces no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight f virgo no
100-2000 clerical / a has kids straight agnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs m leo trying to qu
100-2000 student bisexual likes dogs abuddhism bu m leo and it&yes
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes cats agnosticismm leo but it no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f taurus but no
100-2000 has kids straight f no
100-2000 entertainment / medigay has cats m taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight f leo no
100-2000 science / t has kids straight f no
100-2000 medicine / might wantstraight likes dogs other f aries and i sometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianitym virgo but i trying to qu
100-2000 student straight m cancer andno
60000-100000 straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight f taurus yes
100-2000 student has a kid straight catholicismf aries no
100-2000 student wants kids straight has dogs ancatholicis f capricorn ano
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m libra but i no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio butno
30000-40000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes cats other and vm cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs m pisces and no
2000-30000 education doesn&rsqu straight f no
100-2000 other straight agnosticismf pisces but no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs and has catsm aries no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs ancatholicismm virgo sometimes
100-2000 student straight m aries but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m taurus but no
40000-50000 military doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism anm aries and i no
60000-100000 banking / financial / r straight likes cats agnosticis m capricorn no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight atheism and m virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs and likes caf pisces but sometimes
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs m leo no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
30000-40000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism and m libra and i no
50000-60000 other straight likes cats christianit m sagittarius no
50000-60000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini butwhen drink
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight dislikes catcatholicismm aries when drink
100-2000 bisexual has dogs f virgo no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam libra but i no
2000-30000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs acatholicis f scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / has kids straight buddhism f pisces no
100-2000 unemployehas a kid, straight f aries but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism am no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs other f scorpio no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay other but nf libra and i sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismf libra and i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs hinduism m virgo no
100-2000 medicine / health gay m no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs f virgo and i no
100-2000 has a kid straight other m gemini no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs christianityf taurus and no
2000-30000 student straight atheism anm scorpio andsometimes
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs aatheism butm scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother but nm aries and i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianityf no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs atheism and f libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f scorpio butno
60000-100000 computer /wants kids straight likes dogs ahinduism bu m leo no
40000-50000 computer / hardware straight m libra and i when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianityf leo but it no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight f cancer but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs acatholicismf aries no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has cats f virgo and i no
100-2000 rather not say straight likes dogs achristianit f leo and it&no
100-2000 bisexual m taurus sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra and i no
30000-40000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer but no
50000-60000 executive / managemstraight atheism and m libra and i yes
100-2000 artistic / mhas a kid straight f cancer no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has dogs anatheism and m gemini butno
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs anagnosticis f aries and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf cancer andno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f taurus and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicis f cancer but no
100-2000 other straight buddhism af no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm aries sometimes
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs atheism and m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight christianit f scorpio butno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs other and f leo and it&sometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f cancer but no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianityf aquarius anno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight agnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but trying to qu
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and m taurus no
100-2000 other straight other f libra no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismf cancer no
2000-30000 other straight christianit f leo but it when drink
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anchristianit f gemini andno
60000-100000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight other and lm libra and i sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs achristianit f pisces but no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism af leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis f gemini no
60000-100000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight f gemini andno
60000-100000 constructiohas kids straight catholicismm virgo and i no
60000-100000 executive / managemstraight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight christianityf pisces and no
100-2000 other has kids straight f aries and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs christianit f libra but i yes
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 straight atheism f sagittarius yes
100-2000 other straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 other straight m when drink
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs acatholicismm leo and it&when drink
50000-60000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs f libra no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight has dogs another f capricorn ano
100-2000 student straight has dogs anatheism and m aquarius anyes
100-2000 other straight likes dogs catholicismf sagittarius when drink
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismf scorpio andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi bisexual has dogs anagnosticismf aquarius anno
40000-50000 education / academiastraight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
2000-30000 entertainmhas a kid straight likes dogs atheism and m virgo and i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight m cancer but no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nf libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and yes
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight likes dogs and dislikesf cancer andno
100-2000 law / legal services straight likes dogs hinduism bu m taurus and no
100-2000 rather not say gay has dogs and has catsm aries when drink
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f scorpio andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianityf pisces no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianit f scorpio andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs christianitym no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m scorpio butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism f cancer andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs christianit f gemini butno
2000-30000 entertainment / medistraight has dogs ancatholicismm aries and i sometimes
60000-100000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis m libra and i no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismm leo but it no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight m aries when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aquarius butrying to qu
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay m capricorn bno
100-2000 student straight likes dogs achristianit m pisces and no
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs christianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other m leo but it when drink
100-2000 straight m no
30000-40000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicismf libra but i no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicis m sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs and likes caf cancer but no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit f virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / fihas kids straight has dogs another but nf pisces and no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam cancer andno
100-2000 student has a kid straight christianitym virgo no
100-2000 student straight has dogs agnosticis f pisces and no
100-2000 student straight f sagittarius no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f no
100-2000 student straight has dogs anatheism butm taurus but no
100-2000 computer /has kids straight christianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight m cancer no
100-2000 student straight atheism f taurus no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight agnosticis f cancer andno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismf scorpio butyes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu bisexual m scorpio andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu gay has dogs another f leo but it no
100-2000 other has a kid straight likes dogs aagnosticis f libra no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight christianit m pisces no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism and f aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight catholicismf cancer no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay likes dogs and dislikesm libra but i when drink
100-2000 straight agnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f aries no
40000-50000 political / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f aries and i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight has cats atheism and f virgo and i no
100-2000 law / legal services straight has dogs catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight m virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / health gay f gemini butno
100-2000 other straight m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight other f capricorn no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight m aquarius no
100-2000 straight has dogs f no
60000-100000 executive doesn&rsqu straight christianit m no
100-2000 student straight atheism anm libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight buddhism af cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs other m aquarius buno
100-2000 unemployedoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs catholicismm virgo no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight m aquarius sometimes
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianityf sometimes
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism f aquarius no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism f leo and it&no
2000-30000 student bisexual catholicis m no
50000-60000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm cancer no
100-2000 straight m taurus no
60000-100000 other straight m libra no
100-2000 straight likes dogs and likes cam no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianit m aries and i no
100-2000 straight m capricorn bno
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f virgo but i trying to qu
2000-30000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs atheism m no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 entertainment / medigay has dogs other m aquarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu bisexual has dogs and likes catf libra and i no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism f libra and i no
50000-60000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsm pisces and no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs hinduism bu f taurus and no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticis m scorpio no
30000-40000 science / tech / engin bisexual likes dogs aagnosticismf sometimes
100-2000 banking / financial / r bisexual has dogs anatheism f yes
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight f no
100-2000 other straight has dogs catholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 straight likes dogs aagnosticis f taurus no
100-2000 medicine / might wantstraight likes dogs atheism butf scorpio andsometimes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf libra no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f taurus and no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu bisexual likes dogs m aquarius busometimes
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other but nf virgo and i no
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs catholicismf aries and i no
100-2000 retired straight f gemini no
2000-30000 student straight has dogs anagnosticismf aquarius buno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismf pisces and no
100-2000 executive has a kid straight christianityf scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs other and f sagittarius no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight f scorpio andno
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs and dislikesf aries and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianit f taurus and no
60000-100000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs catholicis m pisces and no
100-2000 other straight has dogs christianit f capricorn no
100-2000 straight christianit f no
50000-60000 executive has kids straight likes dogs achristianitym cancer no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has cats catholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism bu f leo and it&no
100-2000 rather not has kids, straight has cats other f capricorn bwhen drink
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs buddhism f pisces and no
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 straight f leo yes
100-2000 straight catholicismf no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismf sagittarius no
100-2000 straight f gemini andno
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs achristianit m aries and i no
100-2000 other has a kid, straight likes dogs aother and vm cancer but no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight christianitym taurus no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m cancer andwhen drink
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs aatheism and m leo when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight m no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs achristianit m gemini butno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm libra and i sometimes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit f aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 education has kids straight likes dogs abuddhism af virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs christianityf libra and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs catholicis f scorpio butno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs other and lf taurus and no
30000-40000 student straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries and i no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs acatholicis f gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianit f aquarius buno
60000-100000 other doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aother and vm gemini andyes
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm virgo but i when drink
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs christianit m no
100-2000 student gay has dogs agnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay m aries no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs catholicis m leo but it no
100-2000 banking / fihas a kid straight catholicismm leo no
100-2000 student straight has dogs m leo no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m cancer no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight likes dogs m libra no
100-2000 student gay m taurus but no
60000-100000 medicine / health straight christianitym no
100-2000 science / t has a kid, straight has dogs anchristianit m no
100-2000 entertainmdoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs atheism anm libra but i no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight christianityf aries no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes caf leo but it no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aother and lm leo and it&no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm cancer but no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight m taurus and no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight catholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m gemini andno
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticismm libra and i no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight atheism and m capricorn bno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aother but nm capricorn ano
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym aquarius anno
100-2000 other has kids, straight likes dogs christianit f virgo and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and likes catm leo and it&no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aatheism butm sagittarius no
60000-100000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam libra no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism bu m leo and it&no
100-2000 medicine / health straight m cancer no
100-2000 straight catholicismf libra no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m aries but i no
60000-100000 computer / hardware straight has dogs anatheism butm scorpio butno
100-2000 student straight other m cancer but no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs buddhism m aquarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm scorpio butno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight has dogs other but nm cancer but no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m capricorn bno
100-2000 military straight m aquarius buno
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m scorpio butno
60000-100000 computer / hardware gay atheism m libra and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m pisces no
100-2000 education / academiagay catholicismm taurus no
60000-100000 transportation straight likes dogs catholicis m cancer but trying to qu
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m cancer andsometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianitym scorpio no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catm yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has dogs ancatholicismf taurus no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight catholicismm aquarius no
100-2000 medicine / health straight catholicismf libra no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m aquarius buno
100-2000 straight christianityf taurus and no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianityf aquarius no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight likes dogs abuddhism bu f taurus but no
100-2000 clerical / administrati straight has dogs christianityf leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight has cats christianityf no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs aagnosticismm leo and it&no
100-2000 hospitality / travel straight dislikes dogchristianit f capricorn no
2000-30000 other has kids, straight other and m taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismf aquarius buno
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs acatholicismf virgo and i no
100-2000 medicine / has a kid, straight f virgo and i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay has dogs anagnosticismm scorpio no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight has dogs ancatholicis m capricorn bno
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight catholicismm libra no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aatheism butf leo but it when drink
60000-100000 law / legal has a kid straight has cats agnosticis f gemini yes
100-2000 other straight m aries and i no
100-2000 straight likes dogs m libra sometimes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs other but nm libra and i when drink
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf aries and i no
100-2000 law / legal services gay likes dogs m scorpio when drink
2000-30000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm leo but it trying to qu
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs catholicismm virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs christianit f libra but i no
100-2000 gay m no
100-2000 education / academiagay likes dogs abuddhism am libra and i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight christianityf sagittarius no
100-2000 straight m sagittarius no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs buddhism af taurus and no
2000-30000 student straight islam m no
100-2000 straight agnosticis f virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 artistic / mdoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm taurus trying to qu
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianit m cancer andno
100-2000 student straight has dogs agnosticismm aquarius anno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm taurus and no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs agnosticismm libra but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam pisces and no
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student straight agnosticis m no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismm sagittarius no
100-2000 sales / marhas kids straight has dogs ancatholicismf cancer but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 straight has dogs m cancer no
60000-100000 sales / marhas a kid straight has cats catholicis m scorpio andno
100-2000 other straight christianityf scorpio no
100-2000 straight catholicismf no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs f scorpio butno
40000-50000 construction / crafts straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aquarius antrying to qu
100-2000 other straight m aquarius anyes
100-2000 rather not say straight catholicismm taurus and no
100-2000 law / legal doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf scorpio butno
50000-60000 education has a kid straight likes dogs achristianit m virgo but i no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight f taurus but no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs aagnosticismf scorpio no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs achristianitym aries no
100-2000 other straight has dogs another f virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight has cats f capricorn no
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight has cats judaism butf leo but it sometimes
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu gay has dogs ancatholicismf libra and i no
100-2000 rather not doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs abuddhism bu m aries and i trying to qu
60000-100000 other straight has cats other and lm taurus and no
2000-30000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another but nm sagittarius no
2000-30000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight agnosticismm taurus and no
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m virgo but i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu gay has cats other m capricorn no
30000-40000 education / academiastraight likes dogs and likes cam leo no
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs christianit m cancer but trying to qu
100-2000 medicine / health straight christianitym virgo but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight atheism and m no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother and lm libra but i no
2000-30000 rather not say straight christianit m capricorn ano
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini butno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam aries and i trying to qu
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam gemini andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm virgo but i when drink
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight christianityf pisces no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs buddhism m sagittarius no
100-2000 student gay agnosticismm capricorn no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs aother and lm no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs agnosticismm pisces but sometimes
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs atheism m aquarius buno
2000-30000 student straight m virgo and i no
60000-100000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs agnosticis m scorpio no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticis m taurus no
100-2000 straight dislikes catatheism m pisces no
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight other but nm pisces but sometimes
100-2000 straight has dogs and likes catf cancer but no
40000-50000 education doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other m leo no
100-2000 computer / hardware gay catholicismm libra but i no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight f taurus no
100-2000 straight m cancer no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight atheism m gemini butno
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm gemini no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius sometimes
60000-100000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismm cancer andno
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight hinduism m taurus no
100-2000 straight agnosticis f no
100-2000 entertainment / medistraight christianit m taurus and no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wrigay has dogs m no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and dislikesf leo and it&no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight catholicismm gemini andno
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismf cancer andno
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aother and m virgo but i no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs christianitym no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight likes dogs aother m taurus when drink
30000-40000 other straight christianit m virgo no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu gay likes dogs hinduism an m pisces but no
40000-50000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m capricorn ano
100-2000 computer /doesn&rsqu straight m no
60000-100000 construction / crafts straight has dogs another and lm no
100-2000 computer /has a kid, straight agnosticismm cancer but no
100-2000 straight likes dogs aatheism and m pisces but no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight hinduism bu m leo and it&no
100-2000 executive / managemstraight buddhism bu m cancer but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight agnosticismm sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes cam sagittarius no
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs and likes cam capricorn no
40000-50000 sales / marketing / bi straight likes dogs aother and lm cancer andno
100-2000 other straight likes dogs agnosticismm cancer but when drink
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight m no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight m scorpio andwhen drink
100-2000 education / academiastraight catholicis f leo but it no
60000-100000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs m aries but i no
100-2000 education / academiastraight f no
100-2000 has kids straight has dogs f virgo but i no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aagnosticismm aries but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m virgo no
2000-30000 student doesn&rsqu straight islam but nf leo but it yes
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs and has catsf aries but i no
2000-30000 student gay likes dogs acatholicismm gemini butno
2000-30000 education doesn&rsqu straight has dogs another and lm cancer but sometimes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf leo and it&yes
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f pisces and no
2000-30000 other straight likes dogs and likes cam scorpio no
100-2000 student straight buddhism bu m virgo and i no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis f virgo but i no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight has dogs ancatholicismm pisces when drink
100-2000 medicine / health straight has dogs catholicismf leo no
2000-30000 other straight has cats christianityf gemini yes
100-2000 gay m virgo but i sometimes
100-2000 straight christianit m no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismf no
100-2000 straight other f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu gay likes dogs aatheism butm sagittarius no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs acatholicismm aquarius buno
100-2000 straight christianityf no
100-2000 construction / crafts straight has dogs m cancer but no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticis m gemini no
100-2000 doesn&rsqu straight f sagittarius no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight other m capricorn asometimes
100-2000 other straight m taurus no
100-2000 straight catholicismm no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi gay m scorpio no
100-2000 hospitality doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aother but nm sagittarius no
60000-100000 political / governmentstraight catholicismm aquarius anno
100-2000 executive / managemstraight agnosticis m aquarius buno
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight likes cats atheism m virgo but i no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight has dogs f sagittarius no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf sagittarius when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs aatheism butm cancer andno
100-2000 banking / fidoesn&rsqu straight catholicismf libra and i when drink
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs agnosticismm capricorn bno
60000-100000 hospitality / travel straight m leo but it no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
100-2000 banking / financial / r straight m cancer but no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs acatholicismf pisces and no
100-2000 other has kids straight likes dogs achristianit m taurus but no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqu straight christianitym virgo trying to qu
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf virgo and i no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid, straight likes dogs acatholicismf aquarius buno
30000-40000 hospitality / travel straight likes dogs achristianityf virgo no
100-2000 education / academiastraight likes dogs agnosticis f leo and it&no
100-2000 other straight likes dogs achristianitym gemini andsometimes
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs achristianit f leo and it&no
40000-50000 straight likes dogs f virgo and itno
100-2000 straight f aries and i no
100-2000 sales / marhas a kid straight catholicismf gemini no
100-2000 sales / mardoesn&rsqu straight has dogs anatheism anf gemini andyes
100-2000 student doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs other but nf virgo and i no
30000-40000 doesn&rsqu straight has dogs catholicismm trying to qu
100-2000 straight f no
100-2000 medicine / doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and has catf libra but i no
100-2000 sales / marketing / bi straight f capricorn ano
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs catholicis m scorpio andno
100-2000 political / doesn&rsqu straight christianit f cancer no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight m no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs and likes cam aries and i no
60000-100000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs m taurus no
100-2000 student straight has dogs f no
100-2000 straight catholicismf taurus no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight f scorpio no
2000-30000 other doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs and likes caf no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs and likes cam aries and i no
100-2000 student straight likes dogs christianit f no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight m no
100-2000 computer / hardware straight likes dogs catholicismm libra but i when drink
100-2000 clerical / a doesn&rsqu straight christianitym aquarius no
100-2000 science / t doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs achristianit m leo but it no
2000-30000 student gay has dogs catholicismm scorpio andno
100-2000 student straight christianit f gemini no
2000-30000 student straight likes dogs agnosticismf capricorn ano
100-2000 science / tech / engin bisexual likes dogs aatheism f taurus but no
100-2000 artistic / musical / wristraight buddhism m pisces no
100-2000 other has kids straight m aries yes
100-2000 straight m no
100-2000 student straight christianitym no
100-2000 medicine / health straight likes dogs catholicismf aquarius no
100-2000 executive has kids straight has dogs ancatholicismf pisces and yes
100-2000 doesn&rsqustraight likes dogs achristianit f aries and i yes
100-2000 executive doesn&rsqu straight likes dogs aagnosticismf libra but i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight christianit m aquarius anwhen drink
60000-100000 political / governmentgay likes dogs aother m aries and i no
100-2000 science / tech / engin straight likes dogs agnosticismm no
100-2000 other doesn&rsqustraight atheism f virgo but i no
60000-100000 constructiodoesn&rsqu straight christianit m sagittarius no
speaks status
english single
english single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english available
english seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english, hindi (okay), spanishsingle
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, italian, french, spani single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, vietnamese single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish available
english (fluently) single
english single
english available
english, spanish single
english, french (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), portugueseavailable
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay), italiasingle
english (fluently), latin (poor single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish (poorly), po single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), french (po single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese, japanese single
english, chinese, tagalog single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), italian (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (okay) single
english (okay), tagalog (fluentsingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o available
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, spanish single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, japanese (fluently) available
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, french (okay) single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, chinese, c++ (fluently)single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english single
english (okay), thai single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), swedish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, spanish, german, fresingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tamil (okaysingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english, spanish (fluently), f single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog (posingle
english, lisp, chinese (poorly)seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
english, japanese single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, other single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), sanskrit (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, bengali (fluently), s single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese, japanese single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), latin (okay single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english single
english, portuguese, spanish,single
english (fluently), swahili (ok single
english (fluently) single
english, french (poorly) single
english, french (fluently), po single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (okay), japanese (fluesingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, korean (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (poorly), spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, bengali (fluently), hi single
english single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), thai (okay single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), farsi (okay)single
english (fluently), swedish (osingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (okasingle
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (oka single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (okay), tagalog (okay)single
english (fluently), urdu (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, chinese single
english, english (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english single
english, spanish, french (poorsingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, korean (okay), hawaiisingle
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) married
english single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english, spanish single
english, chinese (okay), frencsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently), german (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), german (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english single
english single
english, hindi single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl married
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english, hindi single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english, french (okay), hindi single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english, thai (okay), spanish single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentlsingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, japanese single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o available
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), c++ single
english single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese (fluently), t single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (p seeing someone
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english single
english single
english single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, spanish single
english (okay), italian (poorl single
english, spanish, italian (poorsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish, portuguese,single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (okay), spanish, portusingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english, spanish single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese (okay) single
english, hindi (poorly), frenc single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, chinese (poorly), korsingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (poorly), chinese (okaseeing someone
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), french (po available
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (okay), tamil (fluentlysingle
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english, spanish (okay), othersingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o available
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), italian (okasingle
english, japanese, other single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english, chinese (okay), span single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), french (flu single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), arabic (poosingle
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), other (oka single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english (fluently), hindi (oka single
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english (fluently), french (flu single
english single
english (okay), chinese (poorlsingle
english single
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english (fluently), chinese single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english, tagalog (fluently), s single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), portuguesesingle
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english single
english single
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english (okay), chinese (okaysingle
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese single
english single
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english (fluently), korean (oksingle
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), vietnames single
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english (fluently), french (poosingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish (fluently) single
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english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), gujarati (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), khmer (okasingle
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english, italian (okay) single
english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english single
english (fluently) available
english single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently) married
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, hindi single
english (okay), chinese (fluenavailable
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, spanish (poorly) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
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english (fluently), tamil (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english, spanish, french single
english, chinese, japanese (psingle
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english single
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english single
english single
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english, french (poorly), kor single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), german (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (pomarried
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english, hindi single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, tagalog, chinese single
english single
english (okay), korean (fluentsingle
english (fluently), chinese (f available
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), ilongo (fluesingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english single
english, japanese (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), khmer (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), c++ (poorl single
english, french (fluently), sp single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), lisp (poorl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (okaseeing someone
english, spanish (poorly), fre single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
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english, chinese single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, vietnamese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english, chinese single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
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english, chinese single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), russian (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, sign language single
english, chinese single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese, japanese, k single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english single
english (fluently) single
english, french (poorly), chinsingle
english single
english, spanish single
english single
english, chinese single
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english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english single
english, korean (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, spanish single
english, korean married
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (okay) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english single
english, french (poorly), vie single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english, spanish seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( available
english, vietnamese single
english (poorly), dutch (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (poorly), chinese (poosingle
english single
english single
english, chinese, french single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), khmer (flu seeing someone
english single
english, chinese (okay) seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese (okay), span single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english, hindi single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl available
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), other (poorsingle
english, korean single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english single
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english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, vietnamese (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish (okay), hindisingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, french, afrikaans single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), french (flu single
english, spanish, french, russsingle
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english (fluently) single
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english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english, spanish single
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english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), other (oka single
english (fluently), french (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, italian (poorly) single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, vietnamese (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), korean (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), german, c+single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
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english single
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english (fluently), english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
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english (fluently), catalan (fl single
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english single
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english single
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english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently) available
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, portuguese (okay) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english, chinese single
english single
english, korean (poorly) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english, chinese (poorly), japsingle
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english (fluently), other single
english (fluently), spanish (okseeing someone
english single
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish single
english single
english available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o married
english (fluently) single
english, french single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english (fluently), french (po single
english, german (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tamil (fluensingle
english (fluently), malay (okasingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english available
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese (fluently), s single
english, japanese single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (poorly), chinese (okasingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), korean (okseeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, french (okay), spanissingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), italian (poosingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english available
english seeing someone
english (fluently), german (posingle
english, chinese (fluently), f single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently) single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
english, french (okay), spanissingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish (okay), hindisingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english, chinese (fluently), s single
english single
english single
english (fluently), japanese (osingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), thai (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english, tamil (poorly) single
english (poorly), spanish (poor single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), korean (poo single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english, malay (okay), thai (psingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (okay), portuguese (flsingle
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (poorly), spanish (poosingle
english, hindi single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), gujarati (fl single
english, other (okay), french single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english available
english, french single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english single
english, rotuman, frisian, urdsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish, other single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fluavailable
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (okseeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english, korean, japanese (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese, vietnamesesingle
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english (fluently), thai (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, korean (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (poorly), japanese (fl single
english (fluently), bengali (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english single
english (okay), spanish (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english, portuguese (fluentlysingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english, tamil (poorly) single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english (fluently), sign langu single
english single
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english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (okay), italian (poorlysingle
english single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), german (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog (poavailable
english single
english (fluently), french (po single
english (okay) single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, hindi (okay), french single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently), khmer (okasingle
english (fluently), khmer (flu single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english, chinese, c++ single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (poorly), chinese (poosingle
english (fluently) single
english seeing someone
english, spanish (fluently), rusingle
english (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (okay), chinese (poorlsingle
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (okay), frencsingle
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english (fluently), vietnames single
english single
english (okay), french (okay) single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (p married
english single
english (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english, spanish single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english, sign language (poorlysingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), korean (fl single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), other (okaysingle
english, chinese, vietnamesesingle
english single
english single
english, chinese, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, french single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, vietnamese (poorly) single
english (fluently), latin (flue single
english single
english single
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english (okay), spanish (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english available
english (fluently), bengali (okavailable
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (okay), japanese (fluesingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), korean (poseeing someone
english single
english (poorly), spanish (fluesingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, chinese (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), other (oka single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english (poorly), spanish (fluesingle
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, chinese (fluently) single
english single
english, chinese, german, ja single
english (fluently), urdu (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
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english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english, tagalog single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, japanese single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, spanish seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english, chinese (poorly) single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, english, spanish single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english, urdu, hindi, japanesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
english single
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english, german, vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
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english, chinese single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english, chinese, vietnameseseeing someone
english, spanish (okay) single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english single
english single
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english single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english seeing someone
english single
english, arabic (poorly) single
english, english single
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english, thai single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english single
english single
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english, vietnamese single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (poorly), korean (fluesingle
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently), vietnameseseeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fluavailable
english, spanish single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, tagalog (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, c++ (fluently) single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english, spanish (poorly) available
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, japanese single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, english single
english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english, spanish (poorly), othsingle
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), korean (flusingle
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english single
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english, tamil, c++ single
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english, swahili (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (f single
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english single
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english single
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english, chinese, latin single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english, tamil (fluently), spansingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o available
english single
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english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), korean (posingle
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english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (poorly), chinese (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english available
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english, french, german, chinsingle
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english (poorly), spanish (flu single
english, spanish (okay) seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, french single
english (fluently), other (oka single
english single
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english, chinese (okay), japanseeing someone
english, chinese single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english, spanish single
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english single
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english (fluently), portuguesesingle
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently), french (poosingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (fluently) single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, swahili single
english single
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english single
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english (poorly), other (poorlsingle
english, english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentlsingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (okay), tagalog (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english available
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), other (poorseeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english, chinese single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, indonesian single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), hebrew (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), japanese ( single
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english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
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english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
english, english available
english single
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english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), urdu (fluentsingle
english (poorly), spanish (okasingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english (okay), japanese (fluesingle
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english (okay), indonesian (flsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, english (fluently), sp single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, tagalog single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish, sign langua single
english available
english (fluently) single
english, spanish single
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english, spanish, russian single
english single
english, hindi single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english, sign language (fluentsingle
english single
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english, spanish single
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english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (po single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, korean, spanish single
english (okay), yiddish (poorlsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl available
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, english (fluently), ch single
english (fluently), spanish (fl married
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english, vietnamese (fluentlysingle
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tamil (okaysingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english, chinese (poorly) single
english, chinese, japanese (osingle
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english (okay), spanish (fluenseeing someone
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o available
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), tamil (flue single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), german (flusingle
english (okay), vietnamese (psingle
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english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english, french, chinese single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (fluently), it seeing someone
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english, spanish single
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english (okay), thai (fluently) seeing someone
english available
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english, hindi, tibetan single
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english, chinese single
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english available
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english, spanish single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, spanish available
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl available
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, esperanto (fluently),single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english, spanish (okay), tamilsingle
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english, spanish (okay) single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish, portuguese single
english (fluently) available
english, french (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english, spanish (okay), japansingle
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english (fluently) single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently) seeing someone
english available
english, spanish single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (p single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( available
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english seeing someone
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, hindi, c++, lisp single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english, korean, spanish single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), russian (posingle
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english (fluently), other (oka single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, tagalog (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl married
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), portuguesesingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), korean (flusingle
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english, vietnamese single
english single
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english, japanese single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), sign langu single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english, icelandic single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
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english, spanish (poorly), tagsingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), japanese ( seeing someone
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), italian (ok single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english seeing someone
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english, korean single
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english (fluently), thai (fluentsingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), other (okayavailable
english (fluently), japanese (favailable
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, chinese (poorly), ha single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), italian (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), korean (posingle
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english, korean (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, english (fluently), hinsingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english single
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english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (poorly) single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english, c++, vietnamese single
english (poorly), spanish (fluesingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english available
english, chinese available
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
english, c++, chinese, thai available
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english seeing someone
english (poorly), french (poorsingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently), french (okaseeing someone
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
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english, vietnamese single
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english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english single
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english, khmer (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english, vietnamese single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (fluently), li single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english, chinese single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, hindi single
english single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english married
english, japanese single
english single
english, tagalog single
english single
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english (fluently), french (ok single
english seeing someone
english, spanish single
english, hindi, tamil single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o available
english single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (po seeing someone
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english single
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english (fluently), bulgarian (single
english (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f seeing someone
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), chinese ( single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese, french single
english (fluently), french (ok single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
english (fluently), german (posingle
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, lisp single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english single
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english single
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english, spanish (fluently), f single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), khmer (okasingle
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english, chinese (poorly), korsingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english, french (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (p available
english (fluently), c++ (poorlysingle
english (fluently) single
english, bengali (fluently), hi single
english seeing someone
english single
english married
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), japanese (osingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), khmer (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english available
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), french (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english, chinese single
english single
english, spanish single
english, spanish (fluently), s single
english, spanish (fluently), s single
english single
english, spanish single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english (fluently), chinese (poseeing someone
english single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (okay), frencsingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english single
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (poorly) single
english, tagalog (okay) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, indonesian (poorly), single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english, hindi, urdu single
english, chinese single
english, chinese (poorly), spaavailable
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (fluently), german (o single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, french (poorly), thai single
english (fluently) single
english, hindi, bengali, spani single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, french single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), gujarati (fl single
english, tagalog single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, japanese, spanish, c single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (fluently) seeing someone
english, french single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, korean single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english, spanish single
english single
english, chinese seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english (fluently), french (po single
english, hindi single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english, spanish (fluently), it single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (f married
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english (fluently), spanish (o available
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), italian (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english seeing someone
english single
english, hebrew, spanish (poosingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently) available
english (fluently), sign langu single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), khmer (flu single
english, chinese seeing someone
english (fluently), sign langu single
english (fluently), bengali (fl single
english (fluently) single
english, vietnamese single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), icelandic ( single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), thai (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish ( single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish, german, italsingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, tagalog (fluently) single
english, italian (poorly) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), khmer (flu single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, spanish single
english single
english (okay), english (okay)single
english single
english (fluently), malay (okasingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently) single
english, japanese single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english single
english single
english, indonesian single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay), frencsingle
english, spanish, catalan, ge single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
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english, spanish (fluently), chsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, c++, french (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, french (poorly), tagasingle
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english, tagalog, spanish single
english, spanish (fluently), j single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english, spanish (fluently) available
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english, vietnamese, thai, ch single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english, spanish single
english, chinese (okay), hindisingle
english single
english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), vietnameseseeing someone
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) available
english (fluently) single
english, chinese, spanish single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, chinese single
english, chinese (okay) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english, japanese (okay) seeing someone
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english single
english, hindi single
english (fluently), german (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (okay), port single
english (fluently), french (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, japanese (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english, korean single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog, j single
english single
english, french, korean, othesingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, vietnamese, spanishsingle
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (f seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, german (okay), arabisingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english single
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) available
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), tamil (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (f seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, vietnamese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english single
english, french, japanese single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tamil (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, german (fluently), ja seeing someone
english, korean (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (okay), thai (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), dutch (fluesingle
english, spanish, japanese, k seeing someone
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), thai (fluentsingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english, german (poorly), fre single
english single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english, japanese, chinese, c+seeing someone
english (fluently), latin (poor single
english (poorly), chinese (ok single
english, japanese single
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently), spanish (o married
english single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (poorly), vietnamese single
english, hindi (fluently) single
english, hindi single
english, chinese single
english single
english, korean single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl married
english, hindi (okay) single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, french (poorly), spansingle
english (okay), chinese (okaysingle
english single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english, hindi single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
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english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, bengali, hindi single
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english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english, tagalog single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish single
sometimes single
english, latin single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (okay), chinese (okay)single
english, korean (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english, english, chinese single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english, hindi single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, khmer (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), english (fl available
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, german (poorly), chi single
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english (fluently) single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english (fluently), german (o single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english, hindi (okay) single
english, english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), sign langu available
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, portuguese single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english, hindi single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), french (pooseeing someone
english single
english single
english (okay), spanish (okaysingle
english (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
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english, chinese, spanish (okasingle
english, chinese, spanish (poosingle
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), german (posingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, japanese single
english (fluently), c++ (fluen single
english (fluently), korean (o available
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish, portuguese single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), vietnamese (fsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english (fluently), sign languasingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), english (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), arabic (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
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english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, japanese (okay) single
english, japanese (poorly), c single
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o married
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (poorly), chinese (okasingle
english, french (okay), chinessingle
english, chinese (poorly), lispsingle
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), english (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (o married
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (okay), frencsingle
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english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, tamil (okay), hindi (psingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (poorlysingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently), lisp (okay) single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), italian (okasingle
english (fluently), english, itasingle
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english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (okavailable
english (fluently), sign langu single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, latin single
english single
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english, spanish (okay), chin single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently) available
english (okay), tagalog (fluensingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english, chinese single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), other (fluentlymarried
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
english, english, hindi single
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english single
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english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), hebrew (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl available
english, chinese single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english available
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese (okay) single
english available
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english available
english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english available
english single
english single
english, french, swedish, vi single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), vietnameseseeing someone
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english, hindi single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), french (pooseeing someone
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english, chinese (poorly) single
english, german (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), other (okaysingle
english (fluently), swahili (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english (okay), latin, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english, spanish (poorly), c++single
english (fluently), thai (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), french (ok single
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english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), thai (fluentsingle
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english, italian (okay), spanissingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english, spanish (okay) available
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), latin (okay available
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
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english (okay), spanish (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english seeing someone
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english, spanish single
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english, spanish (okay) single
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english (fluently), italian (po single
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english, other single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (okay), german (fluentsingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, yiddish single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, swahili (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), khmer (okaseeing someone
english (fluently), vietnameseseeing someone
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english, chinese, spanish, si single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
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english (fluently) single
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english, spanish (okay) single
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english, spanish (fluently), a available
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), german (posingle
english, sign language (fluentsingle
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english married
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently) single
english seeing someone
english, korean (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently) available
english single
english, bengali (fluently), c+single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (o available
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english single
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english, chinese single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl available
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english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
english, ancient greek (okay)single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english, french, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, german (okay), frencsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, korean single
english single
english, other (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english, korean single
english single
english, english, tagalog single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, french single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (okay), portuguese (flsingle
english (fluently), chinese, spsingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), korean (okseeing someone
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english, chinese single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) married
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english, spanish single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english, chinese (fluently), ensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, lisp, yiddish, swahili single
english single
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english, korean (fluently), fr single
english single
english (fluently), latin (fluensingle
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (flusingle
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english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english single
english (fluently), french (okaseeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), german (posingle
english, chinese (poorly), fre single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english, tamil, spanish (poorlsingle
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english (fluently), japanese ( available
english single
english single
english (fluently), english (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), thai (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (okay), chinese (okaysingle
english, italian (fluently), sp single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, latin (okay), spanish available
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), german (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), french (po single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) married
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tamil (okaysingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, spanish single
english single
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english, chinese (okay) single
english, vietnamese (fluently)single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
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english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english, italian (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, english (fluently) available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english single
english (okay), portuguese (flsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
english, sign language single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), vietnames single
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english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
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english single
english single
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english single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
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english, english (fluently) single
english (fluently), thai, hindi single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), bengali (fl single
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english, sign language (okay)single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
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english, spanish single
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english (fluently), spanish (f single
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english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), bengali (o single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, japanese single
english single
english (fluently), swahili (posingle
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, hindi, lisp, c++ single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, japanese (okay), russsingle
english available
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), khmer (okasingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (p available
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese, spanish, si single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), latin (fluensingle
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
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english, spanish (fluently), f single
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english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish, portuguese s(ingle
english single
english, chinese, chinese available
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
english single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (p available
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish ( single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (okay), english (fluen single
english, english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english seeing someone
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, korean single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english single
english seeing someone
english (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, vietnamese single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english, spanish, portuguese single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, c++, lisp, spanish single
english, chinese single
english, korean (poorly), spansingle
english, spanish (okay), indo single
english, c++, lisp, spanish single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english, vietnamese, chinesesingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, japanese (poorly) single
english single
english single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (okay), spanish (fluenseeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english single
english, hindi, other single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), tagalog (f single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (poorly), afrikaans (fl seeing someone
english married
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (o single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english, chinese single
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently), french (po single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), italian (flu single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently) single
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english, chinese single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, portuguese single
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), german (poseeing someone
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english, english (fluently), ch single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english, other single
english single
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english single
english single
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english, spanish (poorly) single
english, japanese (okay) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
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english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish, german single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently) available
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (okay), french (okay),single
english, chinese single
english single
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english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english single
english single
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english, afrikaans (fluently), single
english single
english (fluently), thai (poorl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (poorlysingle
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), english (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, spanish (fluently), i single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, hindi single
english, french (okay) single
english (fluently), swahili (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english seeing someone
english, english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), slovenian single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english, spanish, french married
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english, chinese single
english, tagalog single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese (poorly), sig single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, korean single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english, tagalog (fluently) single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (poorly), chinese (poosingle
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), thai (fluentsingle
english single
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english (okay), tagalog (okay)single
english (fluently), italian (po single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, japanese (poorly), s single
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese, turkish single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), afrikaans single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, french (poorly) single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, japanese single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (okay), afrikaans (fluesingle
english single
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
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english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), vietnames single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, korean single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), french (po single
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english single
english single
english single
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english single
english single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english, english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, bengali (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese single
english, spanish, vietnamesesingle
english (fluently) single
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english single
english single
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english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
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english (fluently), french (flu single
english single
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english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog (posingle
english, arabic (poorly) single
english, spanish (poorly), fre single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
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english single
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english (okay) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english, c++ (fluently), urdu (single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english, sign language (okay),single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, spanish, italian (poorsingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (poorly), thai (okay) single
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english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), japanese ( single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (okay), othersingle
english (okay), chinese (okaysingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), portugues single
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english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english, c++ (okay) seeing someone
english (okay), english (okay)single
english, spanish seeing someone
english (fluently), tagalog single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, chinese single
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english (fluently), spanish (f available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english, french, spanish, por single
english (fluently), thai (okay) single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), german (poo single
english (poorly) single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english single
english (fluently), french (okaysingle
english seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p married
english (fluently) single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english, other (fluently) single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), vietnames single
english, swahili (poorly) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english (fluently), chinese (p seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english single
english single
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english, tagalog (poorly), spasingle
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, spanish single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
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english single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), thai (okay single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
english, dutch (poorly), frencsingle
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english, hindi single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, hindi single
english single
english, hindi single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently) single
english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), swahili (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), russian (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
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english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english, japanese (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), sanskrit (o married
english, hindi single
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english single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), other (flu single
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english, spanish, tagalog single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english, spanish (okay), frencsingle
english (fluently), spanish (p seeing someone
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), c++ (fluentavailable
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english single
english single
english single
english single
english, chinese single
english, spanish single
english, chinese single
english seeing someone
english, spanish (fluently) single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (poorl single
english (fluently), spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (poseeing someone
english, hindi single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, japanese (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english single
english, chinese single
english (okay) seeing someone
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (f seeing someone
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (okay), russian (fluentsingle
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, chinese (okay), span single
english, other (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently), english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english, french (okay), spanissingle
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english, portuguese (okay), ssingle
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl married
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (f single
english (fluently), hindi (flu single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), italian (fl single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentlsingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, german (poorly), fre single
english, chinese (poorly), c++single
english, chinese (poorly), fre single
english, spanish, italian (pooravailable
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), c++ (poorl single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, japanese, korean single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), thai (fluen seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), turkish (posingle
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (po seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (p available
english (okay), japanese (fluesingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, spanish single
english, chinese single
english, japanese, french (posingle
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), arabic (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently) single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (okay), korean (fluentsingle
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (poseeing someone
english seeing someone
english (okay), japanese (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), latin (okay)single
english, chinese (okay), frencsingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), french (fluesingle
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english, chinese single
english, tagalog single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), c++ (okay),single
english (okay), tagalog (okay)single
english, spanish single
english single
english, korean single
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english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, vietnamese (okay) seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, spanish (okay), port single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish (fluently), it single
english single
english single
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english single
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english (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), portugues single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), latin (poorlsingle
english, english (fluently) single
english (fluently), german (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), korean (poo single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), korean, sp single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), sanskrit (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), sign languasingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, german (poorly), spasingle
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (poorly) single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay), chin single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (poorly), chinese (poosingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, thai (okay), spanish seeing someone
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish (okay), russi single
english single
english, hindi, urdu, sanskrit single
english single
english single
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english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, japanese (okay), chi single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), german (oka seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, thai, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english, chinese (poorly) single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), icelandic ( single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently) single
english, vietnamese, spanishsingle
english single
english (fluently), italian (ok single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, vietnamese, french single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english available
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english (fluently), german (okavailable
english, spanish single
english, chinese single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), other (fluentlysingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), german (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english available
english (fluently), dutch (poosingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english, hindi single
english, japanese available
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, hindi single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), french (ok available
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese, spanish single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english available
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, hindi single
english single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english (fluently) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl married
english single
english (fluently), thai (poorl single
english, bengali, hindi, spani single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (poorly), hindi (fluentsingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english seeing someone
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), german (o single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), japanese (flsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), korean (fl single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), japanese ( married
english (fluently), turkish (p single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), french (pooavailable
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), spanish (okaysingle
english, spanish single
english, french (fluently) single
english (fluently), thai (fluen single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english seeing someone
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish (okay), frencsingle
english, spanish (poorly) single
english single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english, chinese (poorly) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
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english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, vietnamese single
english, spanish, french (poorsingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), bengali (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, spanish (okay), persisingle
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, korean (okay), japansingle
english (okay), korean (fluentsingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english, tagalog single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, tagalog single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (poorly), spanish (fluesingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, c++ (poorly), chinesesingle
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english single
english, korean (fluently), sp single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (posingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
english (okay), esperanto (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), german (poseeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, other (fluently) single
english single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), bengali (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), italian (okasingle
english, spanish (poorly) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english single
english, french (poorly), spansingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, portuguese, french, single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english, spanish (fluently), f single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish, farsi (poorl single
english single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (poorly), spanish (poosingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentlsingle
english single
english, vietnamese seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, english (fluently) single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english, portuguese, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english, portuguese (poorly),single
english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english single
english, chinese (okay) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, japanese (poorly), s single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (okay), tagalog (fluentsingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english (fluently) available
english (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), latin (okay)single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english, thai, other single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english available
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english single
english, vietnamese, french single
english, vietnamese seeing someone
english single
english, chinese (fluently) married
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english, chinese (fluently) available
english, chinese single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (okay), spanish (okay)single
english, tagalog, sign langua single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese, japanese, s single
english (fluently), italian (ok single
english, chinese single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese single
english, spanish single
english single
english, hindi (okay), spanishsingle
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english, french single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, spanish (okay) available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), sign languasingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english single
english (poorly), spanish (okasingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), italian (okasingle
english (fluently) available
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (po single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), dutch (poosingle
english single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentmarried
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), urdu (fluenseeing someone
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, korean single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), bengali (posingle
english single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
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english, spanish (fluently), f single
english (fluently), yiddish (posingle
english, spanish (okay), frencsingle
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english single
english single
english single
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english, chinese, korean, urdsingle
english (fluently), tagalog single
english single
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english single
english single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (okay), korean (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese, japanese, single
english single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, spanish single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish ( single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), c++ (poorl single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), german (okmarried
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english, spanish (okay) single
english, tagalog single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, tagalog (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), german (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
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english, korean, japanese single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish ( single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, korean single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english, tagalog (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english, spanish (okay), othersingle
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), german (o unknown
english, chinese single
english (fluently) single
english, vietnamese (fluently)single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish, french (poorsingle
english, french (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), vietnames single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, french (poorly) single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), english (okay)single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese, german single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english (fluently), thai (fluen single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, chinese (fluently), fr single
english single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), tagalog (p single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), german (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
english (okay), english (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (poorly), thasingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), korean (o single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english (fluently), russian (posingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english, korean single
english, chinese (okay) single
english, tagalog (poorly) single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english (okay), korean (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese single
english single
english, arabic (poorly), chin single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (poorly), spasingle
english (okay), japanese (flueavailable
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish (okay), viet single
english single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english, other single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english, japanese (poorly) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), korean single
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english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), arabic (flu single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), latin (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english, spanish (fluently), f single
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english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
english, korean (okay), japanseeing someone
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently) single
english, english (fluently), ge single
english, spanish single
english single
english, japanese, spanish (p single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), french (flueseeing someone
english, spanish (okay), italiasingle
english single
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english, chinese (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, spanish (okay) single
english, hindi, bengali single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), latin (fluensingle
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
english single
english single
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english, spanish single
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english, c++ (okay), vietnamesingle
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english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english, sign language single
english, spanish, sign langua single
english married
english, chinese, italian, mal single
english, italian, spanish, hindsingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), english single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (okay), frencsingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), dutch (poosingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), other (flue single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, tagalog (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english (okay), thai (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, english (okay), japansingle
english, french (poorly), chinesingle
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english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english, spanish (okay), japa single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), bengali (fl single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (okseeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese (poorly) seeing someone
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), spanish (f married
english (fluently), other (flue single
english single
english, chinese single
english single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english, yiddish (poorly) single
english seeing someone
english (okay), japanese (okasingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (okay), english (okay)single
english, spanish single
english single
english, spanish (fluently) single
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english, spanish, swedish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english, spanish single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english seeing someone
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english, arabic, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, french (poorly), chinsingle
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english, portuguese (fluentlymarried
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, japanese single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (poorly), chinese (flu single
english (fluently), tagalog (o single
english single
english, hindi, tamil single
english, chinese (fluently), s single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
sometimes single
english, spanish (okay), italiasingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (okay), japanese (fluesingle
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, portuguese (fluently)single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o available
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (poorly) single
english single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), other (oka single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, other single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), other (fluentlysingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (fluently), f single
english, sign language (fluentsingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, japanese (okay) single
english, chinese single
english single
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english (fluently), french (ok single
english, chinese single
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english, korean single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), dutch (fluesingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), tamil (oka single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english, japanese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english, japanese single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese (okay) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), bengali (flusingle
english (fluently), english single
english (fluently), thai (fluen single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay) seeing someone
english single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (poorly), spanish (fluesingle
english (fluently), arabic (poosingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english single
english single
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english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english (okay), portuguese (flsingle
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english, chinese single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, tagalog (poorly) single
english single
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english (fluently), vietnames single
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english, spanish, chinese (po single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), tamil (flue single
english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english available
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, vietnamese single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluenseeing someone
english, gujarati (fluently), h single
english (fluently), tagalog (f seeing someone
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english single
english (fluently), thai (fluen single
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english seeing someone
english, english single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (poorly), chinese (flu single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, vietnamese (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), catalan (o single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), japanese (psingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (okay), tagalog (okay)single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, spanish single
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english, c++ single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english, chinese single
english, chinese (fluently), s single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, tagalog (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english, korean single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), korean (fl single
english (fluently), korean single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, korean single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), french (po single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (fluesingle
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
english, french (okay), spanissingle
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english, chinese (fluently), s seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), korean (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, vietnamese single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english, spanish (fluently), f single
english (fluently), hindi (fluent
english single
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english, swahili (poorly) single
english, tagalog seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), german (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english, japanese (fluently) single
english (fluently), urdu (fluentavailable
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, french (okay), spanissingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (okay), itali single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english single
english (fluently), cebuano (osingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (poorly) single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, sign language (okay)single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, vietnamese (okay) single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english, spanish (poorly), fre single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english single
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english (fluently), tamil (okaysingle
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english (fluently), hindi (flu single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently) single
english (poorly), japanese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (poorly), spanish (flueseeing someone
english seeing someone
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english, portuguese, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (poorly), chinese (okasingle
english available
english (fluently), german (flue single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english single
english single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), lisp (fluent seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english, chinese (fluently), s single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (okay), chinese (okaysingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), korean (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english available
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, german, spanish, fresingle
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english, spanish, english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (okseeing someone
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english, spanish (fluently), rusingle
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), latin (okay single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently) single
english seeing someone
english single
english single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english single
english single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english, thai single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), italian (ok single
english single
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english, korean single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, spanish (poorly), othsingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english seeing someone
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), tamil (flue single
english, korean (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
english (fluently), khmer (pooseeing someone
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, french (okay), spanissingle
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, korean (fluently), g single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english single
english single
english single
english single
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english, vietnamese single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
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english (okay), japanese (fluesingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), portugueseavailable
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), japanese ( available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, japanese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, french (poorly), c++ available
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, french, vietnamese single
english (okay), tagalog (poorlsingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), portuguese (osingle
english seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (okay), chinese (poorlsingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), gujarati (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, spanish single
english, vietnamese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english, korean single
english single
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), khmer (flu single
english, hindi (poorly), spani single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), c++ (poorlysingle
english, spanish single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english, chinese single
english (okay), japanese (fluesingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), vietnames available
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english, chinese seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently) single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, vietnamese single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english single
english single
english, indonesian single
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english, vietnamese single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english, japanese (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english, spanish available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), sign langu single
english (fluently), tagalog (o available
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english single
english, vietnamese single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), other (okaysingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), german (fl seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), latin (flue single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), farsi (poor single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english, french (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english, chinese (okay), japa single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english, spanish single
english single
english, japanese (okay) single
english seeing someone
english, japanese (okay), c++ seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english married
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, chinese single
english, japanese, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, chinese (okay) seeing someone
english, chinese (okay), c++ (single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), ancient gr single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english, french (okay), chinessingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english (fluently), chinese (p seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english single
english (poorly), albanian (flusingle
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, french, korean, japa single
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (fluseeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english, german, vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), swedish (flsingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), c++ (poorl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), tagalog (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, korean single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english, afrikaans (fluently), single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), korean (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), korean (fl single
english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, japanese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, german (fluently), c single
english, chinese single
english single
english, portuguese (fluently)single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), french (flu single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (poosingle
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english, vietnamese single
english, hindi single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english, chinese, japanese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english, hindi, c++ single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, chinese single
english, chinese, korean single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, tagalog single
english (poorly), japanese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), mongolian single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), tamil (fluensingle
english, thai single
english single
english (okay), korean (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), french (flu seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), urdu (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, hindi single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), korean (okavailable
english single
english single
english single
english, chinese single
english, korean single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), korean (okseeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, hindi single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), urdu (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english single
english single
english, french, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), french (ok seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, korean single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english, japanese (okay), gujasingle
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (oksingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently), german (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, korean single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english (poorly) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), urdu (fluensingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english single
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (okay), korean (fluentsingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english, chinese (poorly) single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english single
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), afrikaans single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english, arabic (fluently), turksingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english, french (okay), spanissingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english (okay), thai (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, french, spanish, ital single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english, spanish (fluently) single
english, thai single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english, chinese (fluently), s single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, tagalog (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (f available
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (okay), spanish (fluentsingle
english single
english, english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (f available
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, english (fluently) available
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, hindi single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), italian (po single
english (fluently), chinese (f seeing someone
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), malay (okasingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), german (flusingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english, spanish single
english single
english, spanish (okay), farsi single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english, spanish (okay) available
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (okay), thai (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english single
english, english (okay), thai ( single
english single
english (fluently), italian (ok seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
english, spanish single
english, vietnamese single
english (fluently), spanish (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), tagalog (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english, chinese (fluently), j single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, korean, japanese (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, spanish (fluently), g single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english, german, spanish, italsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english, spanish, italian single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), french (okasingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese single
english seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english, japanese (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, other (poorly) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (okay), thai (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english single
english (okay), portuguese (flseeing someone
english (fluently), sign languasingle
english (okay), chinese single
english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), german (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), italian (po single
english available
english single
english, spanish (fluently), g single
english single
english single
english, spanish, french single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english single
english single
english, vietnamese (fluentlysingle
english single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english, tagalog single
english single
english (poorly), spanish (okasingle
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently) available
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), spanish (poavailable
english (fluently), chinese ( single
english, vietnamese (poorly) single
english (fluently), sign langu single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl available
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english, hindi (fluently), arabsingle
english (fluently), german (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (f seeing someone
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (poorly), japanese (posingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), thai (fluen single
english single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, chinese (poorly) available
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english available
english, french (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (okay), other (fluentl single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), korean (okseeing someone
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (fluently), g single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (okay),single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english single
english, french (poorly), itali single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english, hindi single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, spanish single
english single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (okay), vietnamese (fsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english, chinese, c++ (poorly),single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, other single
english, chinese single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english, spanish (okay), chinesingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), italian (poosingle
english, tagalog (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english single
english, tagalog, french (poorsingle
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), japanese ( available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, lisp single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), portugueseavailable
english (poorly), spanish (fluesingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), bengali (posingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), hindi (flue single
english (fluently), thai (okay) single
english (fluently), bengali (fl single
english, spanish single
english, spanish single
english (okay), italian (fluentlsingle
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, english (fluently), ch single
english, portuguese (fluentlysingle
english single
english single
english single
english, spanish single
english single
english, spanish, italian single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english, german, french single
english single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently), portugueseseeing someone
english, bengali single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), c++ (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), arabic (poorsingle
english single
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english (fluently), other (flue single
english, chinese, italian single
english (okay), chinese (fluensingle
english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english (fluently) single
english, other single
english, french (okay) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o available
english (fluently), thai (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english single
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english single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), sign langu single
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english single
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english (fluently), tagalog (oksingle
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently), vietnameseavailable
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english, hindi (fluently) single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english, spanish single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english single
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english, chinese single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese ( available
english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), hindi (okaysingle
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english married
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english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), french (ok single
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english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (o single
english single
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english (okay), chinese (fluentsingle
english (fluently) single
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english, portuguese, spanish single
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
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english single
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english, spanish available
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese (okay), spaniavailable
english (fluently), italian (p single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentsingle
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, arabic (poorly), japa single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl seeing someone
english, spanish single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish available
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
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english (fluently), german (posingle
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, chinese, thai single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), other (poorsingle
english, spanish single
english (fluently), french (ok single
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english, spanish single
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english, spanish single
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english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), english (flusingle
english single
english single
english available
english (fluently), latin (poorlavailable
english single
english (fluently), vietnames single
english, japanese (okay), bul single
english (fluently), spanish (o seeing someone
english (fluently), french (ok single
english, spanish single
english, spanish single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english single
english single
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english seeing someone
english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (p available
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english single
english single
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english, spanish (okay) single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, chinese single
english single
english single
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english single
english (fluently) single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english, spanish single
english, chinese single
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english (fluently), spanish (o available
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, spanish (fluently), p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, malay (poorly) single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english single
english (fluently), lisp (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), sign langu seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (p available
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), indonesiansingle
english, french (poorly) single
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english, chinese single
english (okay), spanish (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english, chinese available
english, spanish (fluently), p single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), sign languasingle
english (fluently), hindi (fluenseeing someone
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english available
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english seeing someone
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), tamil (okaysingle
english single
english single
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english single
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english single
english single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), italian (po single
english, spanish single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentlseeing someone
english single
english single
english single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english single
english (okay), japanese (fluesingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english, japanese (fluently), single
english, japanese (poorly), c single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english (fluently), swahili (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
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english, tagalog single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english, japanese (okay), spasingle
english, spanish single
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english (fluently), korean (flusingle
english, khmer (fluently), chi single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), korean (oksingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese (poorly) single
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english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english single
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english single
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english, hindi single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english, thai single
english, bengali (okay), spanisingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), french, sp single
english (okay), chinese (fluenseeing someone
english, swahili (fluently) single
english (fluently), portugueseavailable
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, vietnamese single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, chinese (fluently), j single
english single
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english single
english single
english, chinese single
english, korean single
english seeing someone
english, chinese (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently), french (flu single
english, chinese, spanish single
english, spanish single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
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english, chinese single
english single
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english single
english single
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english, english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
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english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english single
english, spanish (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o seeing someone
english (okay), spanish (poorlsingle
english, c++, tamil single
english (fluently), other (flue single
english (fluently), french (po single
english single
english, chinese (fluently), j single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english single
english single
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english single
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english, chinese (okay), spanisingle
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english single
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english (fluently), indonesiansingle
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english single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english, portuguese single
english (fluently), chinese (fl seeing someone
english (fluently), portuguesesingle
english, spanish, italian single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, spanish (okay), italiasingle
english, chinese single
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english, tagalog single
english single
english single
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english single
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english single
english, spanish single
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english, spanish (okay) single
english, hindi, urdu single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english available
english (fluently), sign languasingle
english, vietnamese seeing someone
english, spanish single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english, spanish (fluently) single
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english single
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english single
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english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english, vietnamese (okay) single
english seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english, spanish single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (okay) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
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english single
english single
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english single
english single
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english, chinese (fluently), i available
english, spanish single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
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english single
english, spanish, spanish, sp single
english single
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english single
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english single
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english single
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english, spanish (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
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english single
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english single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o available
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
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english single
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english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
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english single
english single
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english single
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english, english single
english (fluently), portugueseseeing someone
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), german (fl single
english (fluently), french (ok single
english (fluently), french (po single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english, spanish (poorly), po single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently) single
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english single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently) single
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english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
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english (fluently) single
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english (fluently) single
english (fluently), italian (poosingle
english (fluently), urdu (poorlsingle
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english, chinese single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), hindi (fluensingle
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (f single
english (fluently), spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english single
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english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
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english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (poseeing someone
english (okay) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), tagalog (p single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english, chinese (poorly) single
english, spanish (fluently), p single
english (fluently), tagalog (fl seeing someone
english, spanish (poorly) single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), korean (posingle
english (fluently), vietnamesesingle
english (fluently) single
english single
english, spanish (fluently) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), japanese ( single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english (fluently) single
english, italian single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently) single
english (okay), tagalog (fluentsingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english single
english (fluently), tamil (fluensingle
english (fluently), khmer (okasingle
english (fluently) single
english, spanish (poorly) married
english (fluently) single
english single
english single
english single
english (fluently) single
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), tagalog (o seeing someone
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (p single
english (fluently) seeing someone
english (fluently), japanese (fsingle
english single
english (fluently), c++ (fluentavailable
english (fluently), chinese (p single
english, chinese single
english single
english (fluently), chinese (f single
english (fluently) single
english, chinese (okay) single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (flusingle
english (fluently), chinese (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english, spanish single
english single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english (fluently) seeing someone
english single
english (fluently), spanish single
english (fluently), french (poosingle
english, chinese single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), spanish (o single
english single
english (fluently), spanish (posingle
english (fluently), spanish (fl single
english, spanish single
english (fluently), hindi (poorsingle
english (fluently), chinese (fl single
english (fluently) single
age Suma de age Frecuencia relativa
17-27 119673 0.32002577898531
28-38 173554 0.46411265737482
39-49 60333 0.16134061420305
50-60 16485 0.04408366938719
61-71 3903 0.01043728004963
Total Result 373948

Edad Frecuencia relativa Frecuencia porcentual 0.5

17-27 0.320025778985313 32.00%
28-38 0.464112657374822 46.41%
39-49 0.161340614203044 16.13% 0.4
50-60 0.044083669387188 4.41% 0.35
61-71 0.010437280049633 1.04%






17-27 28-38 39-49 50-60

La frecuencia porcentual en el rengo de edades entre 39 - 49 es de 16%
5.5% 94.5%

La frecuencia porcentual mayor a 49 años es del 5,5%

Income Cuenta de Income

100-2000 9906
2000-30000 655
30000-40000 209
40000-50000 224
50000-60000 206
60000-100000 1011
Total Result 12211

Income Cuenta de Income Marca de clase

100-2000 9906 1050
2000-30000 655 16000
30000-40000 209 35000
40000-50000 224 45000
50000-60000 206 55000
60000-100000 1011 80000
Total Result 12211


el ingreso promedio es de 297764,08

Ingreso cuenta Marca de clase

100-2000 9906 1050
2000-30000 655 16000
30000-40000 209 170000
40000-50000 224 45000
50000-60000 206 55000
60000-100000 1011 80000

Desvest 177964.097806704
Máx. de age Mín. de age2
69 17

17-27 28-38 39-49 50-60 61-71


(M-Media) (M-media)^2 f*(m-media)^2

-187197.260666612 35042814401.0835 347134119457133
-172247.260666612 29669118807.1518 19433272818684.4
-18247.2606666121 332962521.835288 69589167063.5752
-143247.260666612 20519777688.4883 4596430202221.38
-133247.260666612 17754832475.1561 3657495489882.15
-108247.260666612 11717469441.8255 11846361605685.5
Cuenta de smokes smokes
age no sometimes trying to quit when drinking yes
17-27 3812 449 111 372 252
28-38 4620 287 113 281 132
39-49 1241 66 27 47 33
50-60 273 14 7 5 8
61-71 59 1 1
Total Result 10005 817 259 705 425




al menos 28 0.507165670297273

no fuma 0.81934
Total Result
P(49 años o menos) 94.5%

5.5% 72%
P(49 mayores)

94.5% 42%

P(consumir productos) 43.6%

P(consumir) 43.6%
P(49 o menos) 94.5%

P(49 o menos y consumir) 41.3%

P(49/C) 94.5%



smokes Cuenta de smokes
no 10005
sometimes 817
trying to quit 259
when drinking 705
yes 425
Total Result 12211

Éxito 0.03480468430104

Éxito 0.03480468430104
Fracaso 0.96519531569896
N 100

Probabilidad de
que 4 de ellas no
fumen 0.19188113898136

Probabilidad de
que al menos 4
personas fumen 0.26910226817083
Ingreso cuenta Marca de clase (M-Media) (M-media)^2 f*(m-media)^2
100-2000 9906 1050 1050 1102500 10921365000
2000-30000 655 16000 16000 256000000 167680000000
30000-40000 209 170000 170000 289000000006040100000000
40000-50000 224 45000 45000 2025000000 453600000000
50000-60000 206 55000 55000 3025000000 623150000000
60000-100000 1011 80000 80000 64000000006470400000000

Desvest 33575.765451 1.892397E-07
Media 188247.26067 entre 2.463776E-06

P(17700 y 35400) 2.463776E-06



15% por debajo= 175309.83106

15% por encima= 201184.69027

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