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Booklet Activities:

Page 7

1) 1 beard
2 marriage
3 mirror
4 sweet
5 scissors
6 customer

2) A→ 3,6,7
B → 2,4,9
C→ 1,5,8

Chapter 1/2:
Page 14/15

1) 1 dream
2 calm
3 born
4 sweet
5 cry
6 destroy

2) 1C

3) 1C

4) 1 She stopped smiling and look very frightened

2 She turned pale and her hand started shaking
3 Because their baby was dead
4 They made him want to see his child
5 He looked like and old man with white hair
6 Because the brown baby was making a lot of noise and he wanted to go home

Chapter 3/4
Page 22/23

1) 1 customer
2 suit
3 ill
4 war
5 obey
6 toys

2) 1 scissors
2 habit
3 broke
4 unusual
5 behave

3) 1T

4) 1 “The customer is always right”

2 A clown outfit for a fancy dress party
3 Because he was the oldest man in the bible
4 They cut his hair short and dyed it black
5 He was happy, his son was becoming a real child
6 For and answer for condition

Chapter 5/6
Page 32/33

1) 1C

2) 1 Moon
2 Office
3 Mirror
4 Dark
5 Appreciate
6 Woke

3) 1 Spent time with his grandfather

2 Wear long trouser
3 Went to work for his father
4 In love for the first time (with Hildegarde Morcrief)
5 Appreciate women

4) 1 Because he wasn´t interested in any toys

2 He was worried that Benjamin hurt himself
3 He send him to take the test for Yale
4 Have you come to register your son?
5 He understand that there was no way of persuading the registral
6 Because he thinks that it would be rude to contradict a lady

Chapter 7/8
Page 40/41

1) 1 Reason
2 Hammer
3 Depressed
4 Flag
5 Law
6 Publish
7 Discovered
8 Plain

2) 1 Marry
2 Jealous
3 Wonderful
4 Kissed
5 Obvious

3) 1B

4) 1 He was thinking about love

2 Because of the relation between Benjamin and Hildergerde
3 He said that Benjamin was so old that he look like her father
4 Because he doesn't want to look younger. He was comfortable with his age
5 He thought that it was a good decision
6 He doesn't wanted to end his army career

Chapter 9/10
Page 48/49

1) 1 Laughter
2 Scared
3 Tears
4 Conversations
5 Field
6 Chance
7 Alone
8 Ordinary

2) 1 Hildergare walked with Benjamin in the street and felt ridicolous

2 Benjamin and Roscoe looked the same age and people often confused them
3 The coaches didn´t really wanted Benjamin on the team
4 Roscoe and his wife agreed that Benjamin could live with they
5 Roscoe was very angry with Benjamin because his father was not growing older

3) a3

4) 1 Because he looked way to older that her

2 Because she thought that people may laugh
3 All the ladies wanted to dance with Benjamin
4 He was 50 and looked like it was 20 years
5 She moved to Italy
6 Because he didn't wanted a 15 old boy to call him by his first name

Chapter 11/12
Page 56/57

1) 1 Knock
2 Present
3 Grass
4 Headline
5 Lipstick

2) 1.
a upstairs
b downstairs
c chain
d smell
e luggage

1 chain
2 upstairs
3 smell
4 luggage
5 downstairs

3) 1C

4) 1 He was happy and wanted to join army

2 He catch a train/ He wanted to command an infantry
3 He gave him the letter
4 He love him,but he thought that a 60 year old man shouldn't look like a ten year old
5 Because he wasn't going to grow up
6 He became afraid of other children because they were older

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