Worksheet-07-Bio (2021) STEP

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BIOLOGY Practice Book

Worksheet-7 Q.8 A hemophiliac may:

A) Suffer from immune deficiency
(Variation and Genetic/ inheritance)
B) Suffer from respiratory infection
Q.1 Diagrams showing the order and
C) Bleed to death
distance between genes; constructed
D) Suffer from hypertension
using crossover information is called:
Q.9 Hemophilia is of:
A) Recombination C) Segregation
A) Two types C) Four types
B) Genetic maps D) Phenotype
B) Three types D) One types
Q.2 Trait which can only in human male:
Q.10 The percentage of Hemophiliac patients
A) Color blindness
suffering from type – C is:
B) Haemophilia
A) Negligible C) 20%
C) Hypophosphatemic rickets
B) 80% D) 30%
D) Tfm
Q.11 Pick up the one that affects more men as
Q.3 A type of genetic analysis in which a
compared to women:
trait is traced through several
A) Hemophilia – A
generations of a family to determine
B) Both Hemophilia A and B
how the trait is inherited is called:
C) Hemophilia – B
A) Pedigree analysis C) Gene linkage
D) Hemophilia – C
B) Genetic maps D) Crossing over
Q.12 Type of Hemophilia which affects the
Q.4 Humans have X – linked recessive traits
both men and women equally is:
A) Hemophilia – A
A) Hemophilia
B) Both Hemophilia – A and
B) Vitamin D – resistant rickets
Hemophilia – B
C) Hypophosphatemic rickets
C) Hemophilia – B
D) SRY gene
D) Hemophilia – C
Q.5 Humans have:
Q.13 Chances for a man to be affected by
A) 46 chromosomes
Hemophilia – A and B are:
B) 46 pairs of chromosomes
A) Greater than a woman
C) 23 chromosomes
B) Equal to a woman
D) 22pairs of chromosomes
C) Less than a woman
Q.6 Hemophiliac’s blood fails to clot
D) Variable as compared to woman
properly after an injury, because of the
Q.14 Pick up the disorder that occurs by one
following reasons, EXCEPT:
recessive allele in man but by two
A) A reduction of blood clotting factors
recessive alleles in woman:
B) A malfunction of blood clotting factors
A) Hemophilia – A
C) A complete absence of blood clotting
B) Hemophilia – C
C) Hemophilia – B
D) A reduction in hemopoitic stem cells
D) Hemophilia – A and B
Q.7 Hemophilia is a serious:
Q.15 It zigzags from maternal grandfather
A) Hereditary disease
through a carrier daughter to a
B) Cardiovascular disease
C) Physiological disease
A) Hemophilia – A
D) Immunodeficiency
B) Hemophilia – C
C) Hemophilia – B
D) Hemophilia – A and B

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Q.16 A hemophiliac man receive ‘Xh’ Q.22 Following are the symptoms of
indirectly from his: testicular feminization syndrome,
A) Father’s father EXCEPT:
B) Mother’s father A) Female genitalia
C) Grandfather’s father B) No breast
D) Grandmother’s father C) Blind vagina
Q.17 The single recessive allele for hemophilia D) Degenerated testes
is expressed successfully in the: Q.23 All daughters of an affected father, but
A) Hemizygous daughter none of his sons are affected in case of:
B) Homozygous son A) X – linked dominant traits
C) Hemizygous son B) Y – linked dominant traits
D) Heterozygous son C) X – linked recessive traits
Q.18 A son of a carrier daughter will be D) Y – linked recessive traits
affected by hemophilia if he inherits X Q.24 Gene linkage means:
chromosome of: A) Linkage of a gene with male
A) Maternal grandmother or paternal B) Linkage of a gene with female
grandmother C) Linkage of a gene with particular
B) Maternal grandfather or maternal gender
grandmother D) Linkage of a gene with a particular
C) Paternal grandmother or paternal gene
grandfather Q.25 The term “linkage” was coined by:
D) Paternal grandfather, maternal A) G. Mendel C) T.H. Morgen
grandfather B) W. Sutton D) T. Boveri
Q.19 The pedigree of Queen Victoria’s family Q.26 A male human is heterozygous for
shows hemophilic sons in generation autosomal genes A and B and is also
no.: hemizygous for haemophilic gene h.
A) II C) IV what proportion of his spers will be
B) III D) II, III and IV all abh?
Q.20 Pick up the sign denoting carrier A) 1/8 C) 1/16
daughter: B) 1/32 D) 1/4
Q.27 A diseased man marries a normal
A) C) woman. They get three daughters and
five sons. All the daughters were
diseased and sons were normal. The
B) D) gene of this disease is:
A) Sex linked dominant
Q.21 The cause of testicular feminization B) Sex linked recessive
syndrome is: C) Sex limited character
A) A recessive gene on X – chromosome D) Autosomal doiminant
B) A recessive gene on Y – chromosome Q.28 Haemophilic man marries a normal
C) A dominant gene on X – chromosome woman. Their offsprings will be:
D) A dominant gene on Y – chromosome A) All haemophilic
B) All boys haemophilic
C) All girls haemophilic
D) All normal

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Q.29 A woman with two genes for Q.35 A carrier woman will have a
haemophilia and one gene for colour hemophiliac son when married to a:
blindness on one of the ‘X’ A) Normal man
chromosomes marries normal man. B) Affected man
How will the progeny be? C) Either normal or hemophiliac man
A) 50% haemophilic colour blind sons D) Carrier man
and 50% normal sons Q.36 Which of the following is X-linked
B) 50% haemophilic daughters (carrier) recessive trait in humans?
and 50% colour blind daughters (carrier) A) Hypophosphatemic ricket
C) All sons and daughters haemphilic and B) Haemophilia
colour-blind C) Maleness
D) Haemphilic and colour blind daughters D) Testicular feminization syndrome
Q.30 Haemophilia is more common in males Q.37 Hemophilia affects males more than
because it is a: females because of:
A) Recessive character carried by Y- A) Dominant autosome
chromosome B) X-linked dominant inheritance
B) Dominant character carried by Y- C) X-linked recessive inheritance
chromosome D) Y-linked inheritance
C) Dominant trait carried by X- Q.38 Chances for a man to be affected by
chromosome Hemophilia – A and B are:
D) Recessive trait carried by X- A) Greater than a woman
chromosome B) Less than a woman
Q.31 Humans X – linked dominant trait is: C) Equal to a woman
A) Hemophilia D) Always variable
B) Color blindness Q.39 Genes for color blindness, hemophilia
C) Hypophosphatemia and gout form a linkage group on:
D) Pattern baldness A) Sex chromosome
Q.32 Which one of the following traits, does B) Autosome
not exhibit sex linkage? C) X – chromosome
A) Protonopia D) Y – chromosome
B) Tritanopia Q.40 Which one of the traits zigzags from
C) Deuteranopia maternal grand father through a carrier
D) Hemophilia A daughter to a grandson?
Q.33 Such traits whose genes are located on A) Autosomal traits
both x and y chromosomes are called: B) Y-linked traits
A) X and Y linked traits C) X-linked recessives traits
B) Pseudoautosomal traits D) X & Y-linked dominants traits
C) Mixed traits Q.41 It is not practically possible in humans:
D) Pseudoautosomal and X and Y linked A) Experimental mating
traits B) Determining the pattern of inheritance
Q.34 Which type of haemophilia is an C) Pedigree analysis
autosomal recessive trait? D) Mating
A) A
B) C
C) B
D) Both B and C
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Q.42 X – linked dominant traits are common Q.50 ________ provided experimental
in: evidence in support of chromosomal
A) Males theory of inheritance:
B) Females A) Calvin bridges C) T. H. Morgan
C) Insects B) W.S. Sutton D) Carl Correns
D) Males and females Q.51 _______ traits inherit as zigzag from
Q.43 Number of pairs of autosomes in maternal grandfather through a carrier
humans is: daughter to a grandson:
A) 23 A) X-linked
B) 24 B) Y-linked
C) 21 C) Autosomal
D) 22 D) Sex influenced
Q.44 Gene linkage means: Q.52 Which one of the following minimized
A) Linkage of a gene with male the chances of variation?
B) Linkage of a gene with female A) Crossing over
C) Linkage of a gene with particular B) Recombination
gender C) Meiosis
D) Linkage of a gene with a particular D) Gene linkage
gene Q.53 A female can be hemophiliac, if her
Q.45 The total number of linkage groups in parents have following genotype:
human being is: A) XHXH x XhY
A) Two B) XHXh x XHY
B) Twenty-Three C) XHXH x XHY
C) Forty six D) XHXh x XhY
D) Not fixed Q.54 XO condition in drosophila produces:
Q.46 Genes showing linkage are always A) Sertile female
located on: B) Sertile male
A) Same chromosome of different C) Fertile male
genomes D) Fertile female
B) Different chromosomes of same Q.55 Hemophilic man marries a normal
genome woman, their offsprings will be:
C) Same chromosome of same genome A) All hemophilic
D) Different chromosomes of different B) All boys hemophilic
genomes C) All daughters hemophilic
Q.47 What are the number of linkage groups D) All normal
in Drosophila? Q.56 Which one of the following will be
A) 4 C) 16 hemophilic?
B) 8 D) 32 A) XHYh
Q.48 Linked genes can be separated by: B) XHYH
A) Crossing over C) Mitosis C) XhY
B) Mitosis D) Apoptosis D) XHY
Q.49 Sex chromosomes in human male are:
A) Analogous and heteromorphic
B) Homologous and heteromorphic
C) Non-homologous and heteromorphic
D) Homologous homomorphic

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ANSWER KEY (Worksheet-7) Q.3 Answer is “Pedigree analysis”

Explanation: A type of genetic analysis
1 B 22 B 43 D
in which a trait is traced through several
2 D 23 A 44 D
generations of a family to determine how
3 A 24 D 45 B the trait is inherited. The information is
4 A 25 C 46 C displayed in a pedigree chart using
5 A 26 A 47 A standard symbols.
6 D 27 A 48 A Q.4 Answer is “Hemophilia”
7 A 28 D 49 B Explanation: The gene for hemophilia is
8 C 29 B 50 C located on X-chromosome and it is a
9 B 30 D 51 A recessive trait. However, vitamin D
10 A 31 C 52 D resistant rickets also called as
hypophophatemic rickets is controlled by
11 B 32 B 53 D
a dominant allele located on X –
12 D 33 D 54 B chromosome. SRY gene is located on short
13 A 34 B 55 D arm of Y – chromosome
14 D 35 B 56 C Q.5 Answer is “46 chromosomes”
15 D 36 B Explanation: 44 autosomes and 2 sex
16 B 37 C chromosomes.
17 C 38 A Q.6 Answer is “A reduction in hemopoitic
18 B 39 C stem cells”
19 D 40 C Explanation: Hemopoisis is associated
with formation of new blood cells. It is not
20 D 41 A
associated with blood clotting. However
21 A 42 B deficiency of blood clotting factors,
EXPLANATION malfunction of blood clotting factors and a
Q.1 Answer is “Genetic maps” complete absence of blood clotting factors
Explanation: Diagrams showing the may cause hemophilia of different types.
order of and distance between genes; Q.7 Answer is “Hereditary disease”
constructed using crossover information is Explanation: Hemophilia A, B and C are
called genetic maps. exclusively inherited and most prevalent
Q.2 Answer is “Tfm” types of hemophilia, however, hemophilia
Explanation: Testicular feminization A and B are sex-linked recessive traits,
syndrome is a rare X – linked recessive whereas hemophilia C is autosomal.
trait. Although the persons affected by this Parahemophilia is a type of
trait have a male set of XY chromosome, hemophilia which may be inherited or
yet tfm gene on their X chromosome acquired. Acquired hemophilia (caused by
develops them physically into females. autoantibodies against factor VIII) is non-
They have breast, female genitalia, a blind inherited. So majority of the types of
vagina but no uterus. Degenerated testis hemophilia are inherited
are also present in abdomen. Such Q.8 Answer is “Bleed to death”
individuals are happily married as females Explanation: As there is some deficiency
but are sterile. It is an androgen or complete absence of clotting factors, in
insensitivity syndrome. Male sex hormone case of an injury bleeding will not stop.
testosterone has no effect on them. Q.9 Answer is “Three types”
Explanation: There are three major
inherited types of hemophilia i.e. A, B and
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C which have been mentioned in textbook other X chromosome will be contributed

of Biology. However there are two other by mother (XH). Thus daughter will be
types of hemophilia as well i.e. carrier (XHXh). Now she will produce two
parahemophilia and acquired types of gametes i.e. 50% XH and 50% Xh.
hemophilia. But according to textbook Her son getting Xh from mother will be
three is correct answer. hemophiliac. Thus the gene of disorder of
Q.10 Answer is “Negligible” maternal grandfather after passing through
Explanation: The frequency of female gender in next generation appears
Hemophilia-C in human population is less again in male gender in third generation.
than 1 percent. Q.16 Answer is “Mother’s father”
Q.11 Answer is “Hemophilia A and B” Explanation: Xh is inherited by a male
Explanation: Hemophilia A and B being directly from his affected or carrier
sex linked (X-linked) recessive traits mother. However, the mother have
occurs 17% more in men as compared to inherited it from her father or mother. Thus
women. the male will inherit it indirectly from
Q.12 Answer is “Hemophilia - C” mother’s father or mother’s mother.
Explanation: As it is autosomal. Q.17 Answer is “Hemizygous son”
Q.13 Answer is “Greater than a woman” Explanation: In sex linked (X-linked) traits
Explanation: The gene of sex linked (X- male cannot be homozygous because the
linked) traits is located on X-chromosome. genes for such traits are located on X-
In such traits female (having homologous chromosomes and male have single X-
pair of X-chromosome) is diallelic and can chromosome. Thus male will be
have three types of genotypes i.e. XHXH or hemizygous dominant XH (Normal) or
XHXh or XhXh. Out of these three types of hemizygous recessive Xh (hemophiliac).
genotypes only XhXh will cause Q.18 Answer is “Maternal grandfather or
hemophilia i.e. 1/3 or 33%. maternal grandmother”
On the other hand male having Explanation: Xh is inherited by a male
single X chromosome is monoallelic and directly from his affected or carrier
as a result only two types of genotypes are mother. However, the mother have
possible XHY or XhY : XhY will be inherited it from her father or mother. Thus
hemophilic which represents ½ or 50% the male will inherit it indirectly from
subtracting 33 from 50 we get 17. Thus mother’s father or mother’s mother.
sex-linked (X-linked) recessive traits Q.19 Answer is “II, III and IV all”
appear 17% more in male as compared to Explanation: Except generation-I, all the
female. rest of the generations shown in figure
Q.14 Answer is “Hemophilia A and B” 22.28 of Textbook of biology have
Explanation: All X-linked traits including hemophiliac sons.
Hemophilia A and B are monoallelic in
male (XhY) because their genes are located
on X chromosome and male have single X-
chromosome however female will be
diallelic (having two X chromosomes).
Q.15 Answer is “Hemophilia A and B”
Explanation: All X-linked recessive traits
exhibit zigzag inheritance. An affected
male will transfer his single X
chromosome (Xh) to his daughter and
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factors for certain characters do not show

independent assortment. However, it was
Morgan (1910) who clearly proved and
defined linkage on the basis of his
breeeding experiments in fruit fly
(Drosophila melanogaster).
Q.26 Answer is “1/8”
Explanation: The male humanis
heterozygous for autosomal gene A and B
and also hemizygous for haemophilic gene
h, then his genotype will be AaBbXhY
because haempphilia is a sex linked trait
Q.20 Answer is “D” that is present on X-chromosome. So, the
Explanation: A circle with dot in centre total number of gametes will be abXh, abY,
indicates carrier daughter. ABXh, ABY, AbXh, AbY, aBXh, aBY. So
Q.21 Answer is “A recessive gene on X- the proportion of abXh sperm will be 1/8.
chromosome” Q.27 Answer is “Sex linked dominant”
Explanation: tfm gene located on X- Explanation: In the inheritance pattern of
chromosome controls it. sex chromosomes X-chromosome of
Q.22 Answer is “No breasts” father always passes to daughter and X-
Explanation: A person suffering from chromosome of mother passes to son. As
testicular feminization syndrome have the father is diseased and allthe girls
breasts like a female. inherit it, it is obvious the disease is sex-
Q.23 Answer is “X-linked dominant trait” linked. The mother is not a carrier (as
Explanation: As sons receive Y- evident form the fact that no son is
chromosome from father and X- diseased). Thus, the gene is dominat and
chromosome from mother. Whereas expresses even in heterozygous condition.
daughters receive X chromosome from Q.28 Answer is “All normal”
both parents Explanation: Haemophilia is caused by
Q.24 Answer is “Linkage of a gene with a recessive gene located in the X-
particular gene” chromosome. When a haemophilic man
Explanation: All genes located on the (XhY) marries a normal women (XX),
same chromosomes are linked to each produces carrier girls (XXh) and normal
other. This phenomenon of staying boys (XY), i.e. all their offsprings will be
together is called linkage. Gene linkage is normal.
a physical relationship between genes.
Q.25 Answer is “T.H Morgan”
Explanation: Linkage is the phenomenon
of certain genes staying together during
inheritance through generations without
any change or separation due to their being
present on the same chromosome. Linkage
was first suggested by Sutton and Voveri
(1902-1903) when they propounded the
famous “chromosomal theory of
inheritance.” Bateson and Punnett (1906)
while working on sweet pea found that the
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Q.31 Answer is “Hypophosphatemia”

Disorders Nature
Hemophilia A & B are X linked
recessive traits, whereas,
C is autosomal recessive
Color blindness Protanopia and
deuteranopia are X
linked recessive traits
whereas, tritanopia is
autosomal recessive trait.
Q.29 Answer is “50% haemphilic daughters Hypophosphatemia X linked dominant trait
(carrier) and 50% colour blind Pattern baldness Sex influenced trait.
daughters (carrier)”
Explanation: Both diseases are produced
by a recessive gene which lies on the X-
chromosomes. A woman having both gene
for haemophilia on one X-chromosome
and gene for colour blindness on another
X-chromosome will have genotype XhXc.

Thus, progeny includes 50% haemphilic

daughters (carrier) and 50% colour blind Q.32 Answer is “Tritanopia”
daughters (carrier). Explanation:

Q.33 Answer is “Pseudoautosomal and X and

Y linked traits”
Explanation: Such traits whose genes are
located on both x and y chromosomes are
called Pseudoautosomal and X and Y
Q.30 Answer is “Recessive trait carried by X- linked traits.
chromosome” Q.34 Answer is “C”
Explanation: Haemophilia is more Explanation:
common in males because it is a recessive A Haemophilia A and B are non -
trait carried by X-chromosome. B allelic recessive sex – linked trait
Haemphilia A is the most common X- C Autosomal recessive trait
linked genetic disease that prevents normal
blood clotting when blood vessels are Q.35 Answer is “Affected man”
ruptured. Explanation: It is a serious hereditary
disease because a haemophiliac may bleed
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to death even from minor cuts. Q.38 Answer is “Greater than a woman”
Haemophilia is of three types: A, B and C. Explanation:
Haemophilia A and B are non - allelic
recessive sex - linked, but haemophilia C
is an autosomal recessive trait. 80%
haemophiliacs, suffer from haemophilia A
due to abnormality of factor VIII, about
20% suffer from haemophilia B due to
disturbance in factor IX, but less than 1%
suffer from haemophilia C due to
reduction in factor XI. Being X - linked
recessives, haemophilia A and B affect
men more than women, but haemophilia C Q.39 Answer is “X-chromosome”
affects both the sexes equally because it is Explanation:
autosomal. Chances for a man to be
affected by haemophilia A and B are
greater than a woman. A woman can suffer
from haemophilia A or B only when she is
homozygous for the recessive allele, but a
man with just one recessive allele will
display the trait. Haemophilia A and B
zigzag from maternal grandfather through
a carrier daughter to a grandson. It never Q.40 Answer is “X-linked recessives traits”
passes direct from father to son. Gene for Explanation: It is a common hereditary
normal is H. Gene for haemophilia A is h. disease. Like any sex - linked recessive
In generation I of this pedigree (Fig. 22.27) trait, it also zigzags from maternal
a man (I - 2) suffering from haemophilia A grandfather through a carrier daughter to a
marries a normal woman (I - 1). He passes grandson. It never passes direct from
haemophilia gene to his daughter (II - 2) father to son. This type of colour blindness
through his X chromosome. He cannot is more common in men than women,
pass this gene to his son (II - 3) because the because chances for a male to be affected
son receives only Y chromosome from by it are much more than a female.
him. His daughter (II - 2) also receives Q.41 Answer is “Experimental matings”
another X but with normal dominant allele Explanation: Experimental matings are
from her mother (I - 1). not practically possible in humans. Mode
Q.36 Answer is “Haemophilia” of inheritance of human traits can be traced
Explanation: Haemophilia is a rare X- through pedigrees.
linked recessive trait. Q.42 Answer is “Females”
Q.37 Answer is “X-linked recessive Explanation: Pattern of X - linked
inheritance” dominant inheritance is different from X -
Explanation: Being X - linked recessives, linked recessive. It is more common in
haemophilia A and B affect men more than females than males.
women, but haemophilia C affects both the Q.43 Answer is “22”
sexes equally because it is autosomal. Explanation: Humans have 46
Chances for a man to be affected by chromosomes in the form of 23 pairs. 22
haemophilia A and B are greater than a pairs are of autosomes and one pair is of
woman. sex-chromosomes.
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Q.44 Answer is “Linkage of a gene with a Q.50 Answer is “T. H. Morgan”

particular gene” Explanation: T. H. Morgan provided
Explanation: Gene linkage is a physical experimental evidence in support of
relationship between genes. A chromosomal theory of inheritance.
chromosome carries its linked genes en Q.51 Answer is “X-linked”
bloc in the form of a linkage group. Inheritance of Sex-Linked Traits
Q.45 Answer is “Twenty-three” Sex-linked inheritance follows a very specific
Explanation: The number of linkage pattern.
groups corresponds to the number of •A son inherits his X chromosome only
homologous pairs of chromosomes. Man from his mother.
has 23 linkage groups. Genes for colour • A daughter gets as X chromosome
blindness, haemophilia, gout etc. form one from each parent.
linkage group on human X - chromosome. • An X-linked trait passes in a crisscross
Q.46 Answer is “Same chromosome of same fashion from maternal grandfather
genome” (P1) though his daughter (F1) to the
Explanation: All the genes located on the grandson (F2). It never passes direct
same chromosome are linked to each from father to son because a son
other. This phenomenon of staying inherits only Y chromosome from
together of all the genes of a chromosome. father.
Q.47 Answer is “4” Q.52 Answer is “Gene linkage”
Explanation: The number of linkage Inheritance of Linked Gene
groups in Drosophila are 4. As it is mentioned earlier, that linked genes
Q.48 Answer is “Crossing over” tend to be inherited together (en bloc
Explanation: Linked genes can be inheritance) in theoffspring, so usually they
separated by crossing over. Closer the two do not show recombination and do not assort
independently in the offspring so the idea
gene loci, more strongly are their genes
Mendelianratio of independent assortment is
linked. The farther apart two genes lie,
greater are chances of their separation
through crossing over. Q.53 Answer is “XHXh x XhY”
Genetics of haemophiliac:
Q.49 Answer is “Homologous and
heteromorphic” • Because the hemophilia allele is
recessive and carried on the X
Explanation: Sex chromosomes in human
chromosome, hemophilia is
male are homologous and heteromorphic.
predominantly a male disorder.
• In fact, hemophilia is extremely rare
infemales because there are so few
hemophiliac males that survive to
marry and reproduce.
• Largely the phenotypically normal
female carrier maintains the faulty
allele in human population.

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Q.54 Answer is “Sertile male”

Q.55 Answer is “All normal”

Hemophilic man marries a normal woman,
their offsprings will be all normal.
Q.56 Answer is “XhY”
• Because the hemophilia allele is
recessive and carried on the X
chromosome, hemophilia is
predominantly a male disorder.
• In fact, hemophilia is extremely rare
infemales because there are so few
hemophiliac males that survive to
marry and reproduce.
Largely the phenotypically normal female
carrier maintains the faulty allele in
human population.

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